Correct soap bubbles. How to make soap bubbles. Recipe for non-trivial people: base – corn syrup

Multi-colored and air balloons, smoothly flying in the air - this is bubble. This exciting game known since ancient times. During excavations of ancient Pompey, images were found on frescoes of people with balloons that they were blowing.

Nowadays, soap bubbles are no less captivating for people of all ages. No holiday can do without them. Today they are sold in stores. However, not everyone knows that they can be prepared at home and are not difficult.

The main thing is the solution, but the tubes and things used to blow bubbles play an important role. There are many options.

For those who want to learn how to make soap bubbles at home, here are some tips:

  • Make a solution from boiled or distilled water;
  • The soap or detergent used must be free of perfume and additives, then the soap balls will be strong.
  • To make soap bubbles of high quality, add glycerin diluted in warm water to the composition, or replace it with sugar.
  • But it is important not to overfill the glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult for you to blow out the bubbles.
  • When the solution is loose, the bubbles blow more easily (even small children can do it), however, there is one drawback - they burst quickly.
  • It is better to leave the solution for 20–24 hours.
  • Before blowing, pay attention to the solution. Liquid High Quality has a smooth film with no small bubbles. We need to wait for them to disappear. The liquid should not contain a lot of foam.
  • When it is windy or dusty outside, they will be of poor quality.
  • Moisture in the air promotes better quality.

Basic ways to make a solution at home:

Soap bubbles from dishwashing liquid

  • 100 ml dishwashing liquid;
  • 1 level teaspoon of sugar.

Mix well and the fun is ready to use.

Glycerin bubbles

  • 50 ml dishwashing liquid;
  • 150 ml distilled or boiled water;
  • 25 ml glycerin.

Mix the ingredients and place in the refrigerator for a day.

Bubbles with smell

There is an option to make the liquid yourself at home, which is not dangerous for babies using baby shampoo.

Recipe No. 1

  • 50 ml baby shampoo;
  • 200 ml distilled or boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara.

Recipe No. 1

  • 50 ml baby shampoo;
  • 100 ml distilled or boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

Recipe with bubble bath

Another unusual recipe is with an aromatic smell.

It is taken in the following proportions: 1 to 3, water – 1 part and bath foam – 3 parts.

Bubbles like from a store

There is even the option to cook with the addition of syrup.

  • water – 3 parts;
  • dishwashing liquid – 1 part;
  • corn syrup - 3/4 parts.

Soap bubbles

Laundry soap is an economical option for making bubbles.

  • water (tsp) - 10 parts;
  • household grated soap (tsp) – 1 part;
  • glycerin – 2 tsp. (glycerin can be replaced with sugar diluted in water or take gelatin).

Even easier, just with water and soap. Pour hot boiled water into the soap and stir thoroughly.

We don’t want to rub soap, so we replace it with liquid soap.

  • liquid soap – 100 ml;
  • water, preferably distilled 20 ml;
  • glycerin - 10 drops, but only when the soap foam has settled, that is, wait 2 hours.

Recipe for strong soap bubbles

Strong bubbles are made as follows:

  • 200 ml warm water;
  • 50 grams of grated laundry soap;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sugar syrup (sugar and water 1:1, cook over low heat until thick)
  • 100 ml glycerin.

The resulting solution is so strong that it is easy to make all sorts of shapes from it.

How to make big soap bubbles

An option that can be used to make large bubbles.

Contains the following components:

  • water – 300 ml;
  • glycerin – 50 ml;
  • liquid used to wash dishes – 100 ml.
  • sugar – 4 teaspoons.

We make the solution in a basin. And blow big soap bubbles using a hoop that gymnasts use. But you won’t be able to blow; rather, wave the hoop or dip it in liquid, pulling out the ball.

Recipe from the soap bubble show

This solution takes the longest in terms of preparation time, but the plus is that a composition made at home is of the same quality as used by professionals. The bubbles are long lasting and gigantic.

  • water – hot boiled 600 ml;
  • glycerin – 300 ml;
  • detergent (powder) - 50 g;
  • ammonia alcohol - 20 drops.

Bubbles with color scheme made at home by adding food coloring.

Bubble blowing devices

It’s easier to buy in a store, they have a variety there.

  • At home, you can take cocktail tubes, straws, and frames. It is better if the tip of the tube has petals or fringe.
  • You can even blow it through your fingers.
  • Our people are capable of invention and blow large bubbles even from plastic bottles, cutting off the bottom.
  • Well, if you want to have a party at home, you can make them yourself. You need wire and beads, string beads onto the wire from one end to make a stick, and wrap the other in the form of a triangle, square or circle. It will turn out beautiful and unusual.
  • Another way to make tools for making giant bubbles is to take two sticks and a wool thread. Tie one end of the thread to one stick and the other to the other. Dip the thread into the solution, it should be thoroughly soaked, then by moving the sticks apart and moving, make bubbles of any size.

As you can see, bubbles are easy to make yourself, quickly and economically. And please yourself and your children with a rain of colorful bubbles. Celebrate your child's birthday with exciting soap bubbles. To make the show a success, do not forget to check the prepared solution for quality. High-quality bottle with a diameter of 30 mm. “lives” for 30 seconds. Another way is to dip your finger in the solution and touch the bubble with it; if it doesn’t burst, then it’s done correctly.

Not really

Soap bubbles are one of the most accessible and favorite summer entertainment for children of almost any age. Preparing analogues of store-bought soap bubbles is a wide field for joint experiments for children and parents and an opportunity to save money, because most of the components from recipes for making soap bubbles at home are found in every home!

Soap bubbles recipe without glycerin

The highest quality recipe for soap bubbles is using glycerin. But there are alternative recipes without this component, which must be specially purchased at the pharmacy. Soap bubbles are easy to make from products that are readily available in any household.

Unfortunately, “win-win” soap bubble recipes are difficult to prepare. However, all presented recipes for soap bubbles from foaming liquids will bring the desired result- anyway, bubbles will be blown out.

Quality solution (and bubbles) depends largely on what you use at home ingredients, thoroughness compliance with their ratio. Experimenting in this area is a guaranteed fun time for children and adults!

Recipe for soap bubbles without glycerin from dishwashing liquid

Actually, any Fairy, Sorti and other dishwashing solutions are ready-made liquids for soap bubbles. Unlike the usual high-quality liquid from the store, it is more liquid, flows down the stick, the bubbles are fragile and not rainbow-colored, but nevertheless, it is simple and effective method for making soap bubbles at home. You can improve the quality of your homemade solution for making soap bubbles from dishwashing detergent using the following recipe:

For 10 ml of dishwashing detergent, take 40 ml of water, in which dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of sugar. The easiest recipe for making soap bubbles without glycerin!

Sugar is needed to make the bubbles stronger.

Recipe for soap bubbles without glycerin from shampoo

A very universal recipe: to obtain a solution for soap bubbles for the youngest children, you need to use children's shampoo that does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and for more capricious older children who already understand the use of bubbles, you can use adult shampoo with sulfates and parabens. Not as safe, but foams well.

Soap bubbles: dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of granulated sugar in 50 ml of water, add 20-30 ml of shampoo.

If replace granulated sugar with syrup, you can get a slightly different recipe, easier to execute and less capricious when blowing bubbles.

Soap bubbles: mix 10 ml of sugar syrup with 70 ml of water, add 25 ml of shampoo or dishwashing liquid.

I wonder if it is possible to replace the syrup with jam? Another opportunity for a fun experiment with children! The main thing is that the results can be seen immediately!

How to make store-bought soap bubbles

Almost all recipes for high-quality soap bubbles “like in a store” are obtained using glycerin(which is sold at any pharmacy). Sometimes the process of making such bubbles at home takes several days.

Recipe for a solution for soap bubbles at home from washing powder

The recipe for soap bubbles from washing powder is notable for the fact that the bubbles are large and rainbow-colored. But unfortunately, It will take several days to prepare the solution.

Recipe for soap bubbles from washing powder: 5 g of washing powder, 60 ml of water, 20 ml of glycerin, 1-2 drops of ammonia.

To washing powder dissolved well, better to use hot water, maybe even boiling water. The resulting solution should sit for about minimum 2 days.

After straining the solution, you need to put it in the refrigerator overnight, and the next morning you can blow excellent soap bubbles of your own making!

How to make big soap bubbles

The secret to making giant soap bubbles at home is very simple: you need to add gelatin !

Recipe for large soap bubbles: for a bag of gelatin, take 50 g of granulated sugar, 150 ml of glycerin, 200 ml of dishwashing detergent or shampoo, 800 ml of water.

The recipe may need to be tweaked by eye. adding water if the liquid is too thick or adding sugar and glycerin if bubbles break too easily.

Soap bubbles are quite easy to make yourself at home. Properly prepared homemade soap bubbles usually better quality and more productive than those produced in production. Factory soap bubbles, in addition to being of poor quality, can be toxic and damage the skin and eyes of a child. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality components, and sometimes even use substances that are hazardous to health to make soap solutions. The packaging of many factory-made bubbles does not even indicate the composition of the solution, there is no labeling or expiration date.

We offer you recipes soap bubbles at home with glycerin. They are easy to perform and won’t do any harm. skin child, do not cause any inflammatory or allergic reactions.

Making soap bubbles

A very important condition in preparing a good solution is quality water. With hard water, a good solution will not come out. There will be no bubbles at all, or they will be very small. The most suitable option is to use commercial non-carbonated drinking water or home filtered water. Simple melt water will do. Half the success depends on using the right water.

Classic solution of soap bubbles

This solution was used during our childhood. It complied with GOST.


– water – 100 grams;
- laundry or glycerin soap (not scented) - 10 grams;
- pure glycerin - about 30 grams.

Cooking method

Rub the soap or cut into small pieces. Place in water and stir until the soap is completely dissolved. Soap should be without aromatic additives. Laundry or pure glycerin soap is best. The resulting mixture must be filtered.

Add glycerin. First, you can add 20 grams for testing and try to blow bubbles. If it doesn’t work, then add another 20-35 grams of glycerin.

Glycerin should only be in pure form . Cream won't work. Without glycerin, the bubbles will burst faster and turn out “dry”. If there is no glycerin, then it can be replaced with a mixture of gelatin and sugar, which should be in the same proportion. About 25-30 grams of this mixture are added to the soap solution.

2 recipe for making soap bubbles at home with glycerin

The solution is prepared by adding detergent for dishes. Thanks to this solution, you can blow very large bubbles.


– purified water – 100 grams;
— dishwashing liquid – 30 grams;
- glycerin - 30 grams.

Cooking method

This solution requires a high-quality detergent premium. Such as “Fairy”, “Biolan” or some other of this level. With low-quality components, the bubbles will not inflate well and will be small.

Add detergent to purified water and mix thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add gradually add glycerin. At first, add no more than half the norm. Then they try to blow bubbles. If they do not inflate well and burst very quickly, then add more glycerin. The proportional components of the solution may vary depending on the composition of the water.

3 recipe for making soap bubbles

This recipe requires more time. If a child urgently wants to play with inflatable bubbles, then it is advisable to find another recipe.


- hot purified water - 100 grams;
— glycerin — 50 grams;
ammonia– 3 drops;
— washing powder -15 grams;

Cooking method

Boil water. Mix all components until they are completely dissolved. Leave to cool. The solution should sit for 72 hours in a cool place. Then you need to strain. Place in a cool place for 12 hours.

Soap Ball Blowing Tools

The quality and size of the bubbles also depends on tool, with which they are inflated. There are several options for blowing devices.

A factory-made blowing stick is familiar and convenient. A regular one can be an excellent replacement. looped wire.

You can also use cocktail straw. With its help you will get wonderful bubbles. To do this, the straw must be cut from the end in four planes.

If you don’t have anything suitable at hand, you can make soap bubbles using your fingers. To do this, you just need to put your thumb and index finger into a ring.

If you want to get very large bubbles, you can cook loop device. It consists of two sticks. They are connected by two ropes that form a loop. To create a giant soap bubble, you need to soak the ropes in the solution. Then the sticks are moved in different directions and made movements in the horizontal or vertical plane. The resulting soap bubbles are incredibly large.

The nature of thin-walled balls still remains interesting topic for scientists. Using the example of their unique properties, various physical laws can be confirmed.

Soap film is considered one of the thinnest objects in the world. Its thickness is 5000 times less than a hair and tissue paper.

Under the influence of factors environment: gravity, air pressure, the “life” of a water bubble is short - a few seconds. Because of this, people even compare a frivolous person or an uncertain life situation with a soap bubble.

But if you place a spherical film in a vacuum, it can stay there for more than a month. An American scientist managed to set a record: he kept a water balloon in a glass jar for about a year! But to do this, it was necessary to create all the physical conditions in the container to maintain the integrity and balance of the thin film.

Why are they spherical?

The air bubble has a spherical shape, since according to the laws of physics, it takes on the minimum area for a given volume. This was proven back in 1884.

In 2000, scientists confirmed this theory with the double bubble theorem. It consists in the fact that two bubbles, which are combined with each other, take on the minimum area for a given volume.

During the blowing process, the shape of the ball is distorted by air currents. But after some time, the soap bubble will take on a perfect spherical shape.

The water balloon lasts for a long time due to the surface tension of water. Due to this, the surface of the bubbles is an elastic film. Surface tension forces do not depend on the size of the bubble if it is of the correct shape. But if for some reason the surface of the ball is deformed, then it loses its elasticity and quickly bursts.

The geometry of bubbles still excites scientists. During the study, it turned out that the thickness of the soap film at the bottom is thicker than at the top. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of gravity the layer of water moves down. This gives reason to assert that the shape of the bubbles is not quite perfectly spherical.

Why are they rainbow colored?

The water ball is colorless for the first seconds of its “life”, as it has a perfectly spherical shape. But then the water layer flows down under the influence of gravity, and the bubble becomes irregular in shape with different wall thicknesses.

According to the laws of physics, interference occurs between light waves reflected from the inner and outer surfaces of the film. Therefore, the thin sphere takes on a rainbow color.

As the top of the film thins, the light waves will begin to overlap, causing the bubble to appear black. The water balloon bursts at the point of greatest thinning.

Soap bubbles in the cold

As scientists studied this topic, they established the physical conditions under which bubbles retain their shape for a long time. This happens in severe frost.

When the air temperature drops to 0ºC, the surface tension forces increase, that is, the bubbles burst easily. However, if the level of the thermometer column creeps down to -7ºС and below, surface tension becomes minimal. Despite the fact that the volume of air inside the ball will decrease, this will have a slight effect on the size of the film.

If you blow a soap ball in winter, the water layer in it will freeze already at a temperature of -7ºC. The thin film turns into a crust of ice. If it falls on the floor, it won't shatter into a million crystals like glass Christmas tree decoration. Dents will only appear on it, and individual fragments will curl up into a tube.

Thus, a soap film frozen in the cold will not be fragile, but plastic due to its small thickness and the absence of tension forces.

Unbreakable soap bubbles can be obtained at temperatures of -20 ºС, -25 ºС.

When blowing a soap solution under such conditions, the liquid scatters in different directions in the form of small crystals. They grow quickly and at the same time combine into a single object. Millions of crystals forming a ball add up to one picture of amazing beauty, which can only be compared with frosty patterns on glass.

Wide application of soap bubbles

Releasing water balloons is not only a favorite pastime for children. In fact, the properties of soap bubbles are widely used in industry.

The balloon, which is used in aeronautics and meteorology for weather forecasting, is a prototype of the soap bubble. As you know, the air inside a soap ball is always warmer than outside, causing the bubbles to rise. Based on the same principle balloon, only the air inside is heated artificially.

Using soap balls as an example, astronomers study the process of turbulence in the gaseous envelopes of planets. This happens because the ratio of the thickness of the film to the diameter of the bubble is proportional to the ratio of the thickness of the gas atmosphere to the diameter of the planets.

Bubbles have also found their use in the oil refining industry. Micelles, analogues of soap bubbles, are used to process oil into various materials. Water and special reagents are added to purified oil. As a result of the reaction, bubbles filled with water are formed in the oil. Chemical reactions also occur inside the micelles, which contribute to the processing of oil into organic substances: esters, acids, monomers.

Even the process of bursting bubbles benefits science. By studying this phenomenon, scientists began to understand the process of cavitation - the formation of bubbles in a liquid. If this happens in water, the pressure changes dramatically. Due to the impact force of the pressure drop, even massive iron elements can be destroyed: a ship propeller or a pipeline.

Soap bubble generator and its varieties

Previously, children blew soap balls using simple devices: a plastic stick with a hole inside, which was dipped into a container of soapy water.

Nowadays, thanks to new inventions, there are various bubble shows. This spectacle captivates even adults.

Now special devices have been invented to produce bubbles that “live” much longer than their predecessors. These devices are called generators. The essence of their work is simple: a soap composition is poured into the hopper, which is automatically blown out with air. Stencils are inserted into the holes at the generator output various forms, thanks to which airy figures of various fancy shapes and colors are obtained.

Generators are suspended and floor-mounted, which are controlled by a remote control. It is advisable to purchase such devices for large children's parties.

Main types of generators:

  1. Bubble Master. This unit has 4 types of fans that rotate and lift the balls high into the sky. This device produces long-lasting bubbles that can be used both outdoors and at home.
  2. Bubble Master BM-2000. This powerful unit is characterized by high productivity: up to 15,000 bubbles per minute. It instantly fills the room with airy figures, which creates a festive atmosphere. The tank holds 4 liters and is automatically refilled.
  3. Bubble Master BM-500 (DMX). This device combines all the advantages of the previous two generators. In addition, it has a wireless control panel. In 20 minutes, the device consumes only 1 liter of solution, while the tank volume is only 1.5 liters. Thus, this generator has high performance and small dimensions.

You can easily make soap bubbles at home by learning how to properly prepare the solution. Releasing water balloons is always a holiday for children and adults!

How to make soap bubbles at home

The main task when obtaining bubbles is to ensure their durability. This can be done using the right bubble solution at home.

There are several basic recipes for producing foaming liquid, as well as methods for blowing soap balls.

How to make a solution or liquid correctly

Usually soap bubbles are made at home with glycerin. This solution allows you to obtain water beads that are characterized by elasticity and a long life span.

Recipe for a solution for soap bubbles at home

  • 800 ml purified water;
  • 200 ml dishwashing liquid;
  • 100 ml glycerin;
  • 50 grams of gelatin and sugar.

Gelatin should be filled with water so that it swells sufficiently. After this, drain off the excess liquid. Dissolve sugar and gelatin in a water bath. These ingredients will give strength to water bubbles.

Then add purified water and the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture. Stir everything until smooth, without foaming! If foam forms, the likelihood of bubbles will be minimized.

The homemade solution is absolutely harmless to the child; it will not cause allergies to delicate skin.

Want something interesting?

Soap bubble liquid recipe

  • 600 ml boiled water;
  • 300 ml glycerin;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 50 ml of any detergent powder.

Mix all ingredients and leave to brew for 2-3 days. After this, filter the mixture and put it in a cold place for 12 hours.

It takes a little longer to prepare this solution than in the previous case, but the bubbles will be strong and large.

A good water balloon should last at least 30 seconds. The quality of the prepared liquid can be checked this way: dip your finger in soapy liquid, and then touch it to the soap bubble. If this does not cause the ball to burst, the solution is prepared correctly.

A classic tool for blowing a bubble is a straw - a cocktail straw. This instrument was used 300 years ago, as evidenced by the painting “Soap Bubbles” by the French painter Jean-Baptiste Chardin.

How to blow water balloons

  1. Pour the solution into a flat plate with a diameter of up to 20 cm.
  2. Take a straw and blow out the air so that a bubble forms, lying on the plate. You will get a kind of hemisphere.
  3. Insert the tube into the soap sphere and blow another bubble, but of a smaller size.

Giant soap bubbles

To fill the generator, other solutions for soap bubbles are used. After all, these elements must be characterized by increased strength and large dimensions.

Solution for giant soap bubbles:

  • 800 ml distilled water;
  • 200 ml dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 grams of gel lubricant;
  • 100 ml glycerin.

Mix all ingredients without water until smooth. Next, heat the water and add it to the mixture. Mix everything, avoiding the formation of foam.

To make large soap bubbles without using a generator, you need the following materials:

  • 2 sticks;
  • wool cord;
  • bead;
  • soapy liquid.

Technology for producing large bubbles:

  1. Tie one end of the thread to the first stick.
  2. Place a bead on the free end of the cord. IN in this case it acts as a load.
  3. After 80 cm, tie the thread to another stick.
  4. Tie the remaining piece of thread to the first stick again. The result should be a triangle with two sticks and one bead at the vertices.
  5. Dip the structure into the solution and hold it there for at least 1 minute.
  6. Pull the cord out with your arms outstretched, straightening the rods. This must be done smoothly. The space between the threads should create a soap masterpiece.

There is another simple method for getting big bubbles. To do this, you need to take two knitting needles and tie a woolen thread between them. Then dip the structure in a soapy solution so that the thread is well saturated, and then take it all out. By moving and moving the knitting needles, you can get a real soap creation.

You can get large balls by blowing through a plastic funnel for pouring liquids.

Drawing with soap bubbles

Soap balls can not only be thrown into the air - you can draw with them.

For drawing you will need:

  • food paint in bright colors;
  • baby shampoo or dish soap;
  • plastic cups;
  • water;
  • paint container;
  • sticks for mixing paints;
  • plastic straws;
  • album sheets;
  • napkins.

Soap ball painting technology:

  1. Cover the table with old newspapers and wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  2. Mix paint, shampoo and water in a plastic cup. Leave the solution overnight. Instead of food coloring you can use acrylic paints or gouache. The main thing is that they are bright and rich.
  3. The next day, take out the solution and pour it into the paint tray.
  4. Blow through the straw into the paint tray until a bubble forms.
  5. Take a piece of paper and place it on the resulting ball. The soap ball will burst, leaving a bright mark on the paper.
  6. Take a tray with another paint and do the same process on paper.
  7. After the sheet dries, it will become clear that soap bubbles have formed pictures. With your imagination, you can draw them to make figures or animals.

From the resulting drawings you can make a holiday card or applique.

Making soap bubbles at home is a fun activity. For children this is festive mood, and for adults - a reason to return to carefree childhood!

When summer comes, children begin to look for interesting activities for themselves. Soap bubbles are what will interest playful children. It is bubbles that will be discussed in our material.

  • You can blow bubbles from an ordinary foaming agent, but the most ideal one is one that includes the addition of household soap.
  • Tune it, dissolve it in hot water, you can heat it up very high
  • Proportions: 10 parts water to 1 part soap

A solution prepared with the addition of glycerin is considered the most durable. Granulated sugar and gelatin also bring strength. The proportions are as follows:

  • glycerin should be added 1/3 of the volume of soap solution
  • sugar – ¼
  • gelatin – ¼

We suggest you prepare such a composition. To do this, combine a liter of water with:

  • Detergent – ​​200 ml
  • Glycerin – 100 ml
  • Granulated sugar – 50 g
  • Gelatin – 5 g

Cooking process:

  • Take gelatin. Soak it in water. Set aside to allow it to swell
  • Strain the resulting mixture
  • Remove excess water
  • Take granulated sugar and swollen gelatin. Melt these ingredients (they should not boil)
  • Add water and remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture.
  • Mix the solution well (there should be no foam)

How to make soap bubbles at home, recipe

Of course, the main elements for making bubbles are: a solution with sticks through which you will release those same transparent balls. Before you decide to make bubbles, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some recommendations:

  • It is better to make soap bubbles from boiled water. But the best solution is to use distilled water.
  • The final result, first of all, depends on exactly how many impurities there will be in the product that you use to make the solution. The fewer such impurities there are in the product itself, the better the result will be.
  • If you want to prepare a dense solution, it is better to use sugar or glycerin dissolved in heated water. But you should remember that it is better not to overdo it in manufacturing, because a large number of sugar or glycerin may prevent bubbles from blowing.
  • If your solution is not very dense, then the bubbles will not be stable. However, there is a good point - the bubbles will be blown out easier.
  • If you want to achieve the best results, soak your own solution for up to 20 hours before use.
  • Before you start blowing bubbles, wait until a solid film is formed without any extraneous bubbles around the edges. It’s better to remove the foam altogether: set the solution to steep, then cool it. These manipulations will allow you to get rid of all the foam.
  • Blowing bubbles in windy conditions and heavy dust is quite difficult. It is better to blow them out when there is a lot of moisture in the air.

To cook good remedy for soap bubbles, you need the following elements:

  • 200 ml water
  • 50 g shampoo
  • Mix everything thoroughly. Such a small amount of ingredients will not prevent you from creating excellent bubbles. It's the other way around. This composition will strengthen the bubbles themselves; after you blow them out, they will not burst for a very long time.
  • Use a regular drinking straw.
  • Dip it in the solution.
  • If you want to test the product itself, dip your finger in it and try to break the bubble. If you manage to do this, then your solution has not yet been prepared.
  • Add a little more soap to this mixture.

To blow transparent balls, you can use the following elements:

  • With a cocktail straw (split it at the tip in advance)
  • The body of a regular pen
  • Makaronina
  • Funnel
  • Plastic bottle (cut off the bottom of the bottle)
  • With your palm

You can also use a frame made of wire or a special gun.

How to make soap bubbles without glycerin?

You've probably seen happy children blowing soap bubbles. Yes, you yourself will never pass by, you will definitely want to burst a small balloon and show the kids how you previously blew up big bubbles.

Currently, such pleasure is quite expensive, and it ends very quickly. But you can prepare the product yourself without using glycerin. We offer you several good options soap product, for the preparation of which you will have to spend a minimum amount of ingredients.

Simple recipe:

For cooking this recipe, You need these components:

  • Any washing liquid – 1.5 cups
  • Water – 0.5 l
  • Sugar – 2 tsp

Cooking process:

  • Take these ingredients
  • Mix them well
  • Place the resulting composition in a cool place for 24 hours.

If you want to get colored bubbles, then add a small amount of dye to the resulting solution.

Bubbles for babies:

And you will prepare this recipe if you take:

  • 500 ml boiled water
  • 100 ml each of baby shampoo and sugar

Cooking process:

  • Mix the resulting composition thoroughly and place in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Then add granulated sugar to the product. Thanks to it, your bubbles will be very strong.

Flavor Bubbles:

To prepare a remedy for fragrant bubbles, stock up on:

  • Product that will cause foam (detergent, shampoo, gel) – 300 ml
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Essential oil

Cooking process:

  • Mix water with bubble bath
  • Add oil to the resulting mixture

Your bubbles will turn out colorful and very fragrant.

Inexpensive recipe:

To make bubble cleaner, mix:

  • Boiled water – 8 tbsp
  • Laundry soap
  • Sugar or gelatin – 3 tsp
  • Essential Masto

Cooking process:

  • Boil the water first
  • Grate the soap. Add gelatin or sugar to it
  • Then boil the resulting product over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Stir the mixture while doing this
  • Add some essential oil(a few drops). This will remove the smell of soap

Making soap bubbles using glycerin

Typically, clear bubbles are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Dish detergent. There is no exact type of detergent that is ideal for balloons. Try the one you use yourself.
  • Soap. The most ideal soap is laundry soap.
  • Water. Treat this ingredient with special attention. Tap water is not suitable for the solution, as it contains various salts. It is better to boil it before use, give the water some time to settle.
  • Glycerin. This component is responsible for making the bubbles strong, colorful and of different sizes. You can purchase glycerin at any pharmacy in your city.

So, let's explore some great recipes with added glycerin that you can prepare with your kids.

First recipe:

If you want to make a bubble solution according to this recipe, take:

  • Washing liquid – 100 ml
  • Water – 300 ml
  • Glycerin – 50 ml

Cooking process:

  • Mix these ingredients

Do not use tap water. Since it contains a lot of salts, it has a bad effect on the film.

Second recipe:

To prepare this recipe, you will have to spend several days and stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Boiled hot water – 150 ml
  • Glycerin – 75 ml
  • Ammonia – 5 drops
  • Washing powder – 12.5 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients well
  • Leave the composition for a couple of days so that it infuses
  • When 2 days have passed, filter the product and place it in a cool place for 10 hours

Making a solution for soap bubbles

The solution you prepare at home will turn out good if you can immediately inflate a bubble with a diameter of about 10 cm. If the bubble turns out smaller, then add a little more soap to the solution.

  • If you want the balls to turn out fragrant, for example, with the smell of strawberries or chocolate, then add bath foam to the solution. Mix it with soap in the following proportion - three parts of aromatic foam to one part of ordinary water.
  • If you want colorful bubbles different shades, then add to the solution food coloring. You can divide the product into several parts and add a different paint to each part.

Now try to prepare such a solution. To prepare it, you will need to stock up on simple and affordable ingredients, namely:

  • Glycerin with hot water – 300 and 150 ml
  • Washing powder – 25 g
  • Ammonia – 10 drops

Cooking process:

  • Pour these ingredients into a jar.
  • Mix everything well.
  • Then leave the resulting composition aside for a couple of days. You can extend the period by a day.
  • After this, take out the product and strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Place the mixture back in a cool place for 12 hours.

Yes, you will spend a lot of time preparing the solution. But the result may pleasantly surprise you.

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst?

People first learned about soap bubbles in the 1st century AD. Archaeologists were even able to find frescoes in Pompeii depicting people indulging in this fun. Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed, bubbles have not lost their popularity.

Nowadays, a solution for blowing soap bubbles can be purchased in almost every store. But is it possible to find a product that produces strong and non-bursting bubbles? Probably not. If you want to prepare this solution yourself, you need to remember:

  • Sugar syrup – 120 ml (you will find its preparation below)
  • Soap shavings – 200 g
  • Glycerin – 400 g
  • Cool boiled water – 800 ml

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Mix them well and you can blow your bubbles

Process for making sugar syrup:

  • Take granulated sugar (50 g)
  • Add water (10 ml) to it
  • Mix the ingredients well

Sugar syrup is ready.

The solution that you prepare from these components will help you fulfill your childhood fantasies. You will even be able to put on an interesting show with soap bubbles and invite your neighbor's children to visit. You can make the most unusual figures from this solution, just connect these strong bubbles between each other.

Making big soap bubbles

If you want to blow huge bubbles, you don't have to run to the store to buy bubble solution. You may not even find one like this on sale. You can prepare it yourself at home. Just try to follow our recommendations:

  • Use only distilled water to prepare the solution. Heat it up, then pour it into the dishes prepared in advance.
  • As a container for the solution, take a container that has a wide lid. This way you can lower your own inflatable element without any problems.
  • If you want to use a glass container, then pour hot water into this container slowly so that the walls of the container warm up gradually. Otherwise glassware it will just burst.

Now let's move on to the solution itself, from which you will get large bubbles. To prepare it you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Water – 1 l
  • Dish detergent or shower gel – 200 ml
  • Glycerin – 25 ml
  • Personal lubricant (optional, but it should not be based on oil) – 25 ml
  • Chopsticks 30 cm – 2 pcs.
  • Cotton rope - approximately 50 cm (maximum 80 cm)
  • Nut

Cooking process:

  • Just mix all the ingredients
  • Wait a few hours for the solution to infuse

If you want to quickly start inflating soap balls, then:

  1. Mix shower gel (150 ml) with water.
  2. Add more glycerin and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Make sure that no foam appears while mixing.
  3. If this happens, be sure to remove it. If you want to experiment, then add other ingredients to the composition.

Now prepare your bubble blower:

  • Take the rope
  • Put a nut on it
  • Tie a string to the ends of the sticks
  • Then wet the ends of the sticks on which you tied the rope into the solution
  • Take out the sticks and straighten them
  • Wave them and you will see a big bubble inflate

How to make water for soap bubbles?

The recipes and tips don't end there. You can also prepare special water from which you will get “sticky bubbles.” To make this unique product, combine detergent with:

  • By water
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp

Cooking process:

  • We have not specified the amount of detergent and water. You will have to choose the right proportion yourself.
  • Add granulated sugar to them.
  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Leave the product for a while to let it infuse.

That's it, the solution is ready for use!

How to make soap bubbles for children?

We have already written a solution for inflating bubbles intended for children. But we want to offer you a recipe for which you need:

  • Shampoo without tears – 200 ml
  • Boiled water – 2 tbsp
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp
  • Glycerin – 2 tbsp

Cooking process:

  • Take these two ingredients
  • Mix them well
  • Leave the resulting composition in a cool place for a day to let it infuse.
  • After 24 hours have passed, add glycerin and granulated sugar to the composition.
  • Mix everything well

You can use this composition for children's games.

  • Take a plate, preferably flat. Lubricate it with soapy water. First, blow up a large bubble on this plate. Then disconnect the tube from the edge of the ball and move it inside. Blow a smaller bubble in this clear balloon. Repeat this several times. Believe me, your baby will definitely love this game.
  • For very young children, you can arrange a game in which you have to draw using colorful soap bubbles. Pour the solution into several glasses at the same time. Add a variety of colors to these solutions. Take a straw. Blow up a soap ball and place it on a piece of paper. You will end up with very unusual pictures.
  • Another one interesting game– blowing bubbles in the cold. It is not necessary that it be severely frosty outside. It is enough for the temperature to drop to -7°C. Blow one bubble with your child. When the balls land on the snow, they will freeze within a few seconds. Exciting and a lot of fun.

Making soap bubbles: photo, video

To please your child, you don’t need too much time and effort. Prepare these bubbles with your baby and you will see his joyful smile after the result.

These beautiful bubbles can be made at home. And now we provide video instructions. Don't stop delighting yourself and your children with such simple little things.

Video: How to make soap bubbles at home?