Congratulations on the wedding are cool. Congratulations on the wedding to a colleague girl Beautiful congratulations to the newlyweds from colleagues

Working in the same team still brings people together, making their relationship not only working, but also friendly. At work, holidays, anniversaries and, of course, weddings of employees are celebrated together. Be sure to try so that the congratulation does not look and sound very dry and formal, like at a meeting with the director. Of course, warm, sincere words uttered with Best wishes and from the bottom of their hearts, they will show the employee that for colleagues she is first of all a good friend, and then a work colleague, next to whom they spend most of their time. If there is no time to write a beautiful toast, then you can use ready-made congratulations, simply by saying a prepared toast or wishes, you should add a little of your soul and warmth to it, and then the bride will really be pleased that even in the work team they are sincerely happy for her. Congratulations to a colleague to a girl on a wedding can be found on this page of our website.

Happy wedding day, colleague, congratulations to you,
We wish everyone success and happiness as a team,
Live like in a fairy tale, appreciate each other,
After all, you are one whole, husband and wife.
Divide everything in half now
Joy and sorrow that you will meet
Let there be no obstacles on the way
Let the constellations of love burn above you.

We wish our colleague with all our hearts
Happy wedding, cheerfulness and strength,
So that there is always prosperity in the house,
So that God generously rewarded the kids.
You always take care of each other
Love each other deeply,
May there be much happiness in that place
What is called very simply - a house.

Congratulations on your wedding day, colleague,
We wish you a honeymoon all your life
Let the house be a full bowl
Let the sonorous laughter of the children be heard in it.
To be in love, don't be shy
And try to cherish love
Let the guiding star illuminate your path,
Advice to you and love, peace and kindness.

We are glad, colleague, we congratulate you,
Happy family birthday
We wish you happiness and joy in full,
So that you are always drunk with love.
We wish you to live for a long time, up to a hundred years,
So that you do not know barriers and troubles,
Let luck never bypass you
May only joy come to your home.

Happy wedding day, colleague, congratulations,
Accept a gift from the team,
Let there be no barriers
On your life path.
Live in prosperity, love and harmony,
May all days be beautiful
Carry love through the years
May the house always be a full bowl.

Congratulations on your wedding, colleague,
We wish you great prosperity, happiness and love,
May your family be strong
May luck always accompany you.
Let springs bloom among winters and summers,
May the sun give you a lot of light
Let love inspire you
May you have a lot of joy, good luck.

Dear colleague, happy wedding to you,
You are getting married, we are happy for you,
Let love bloom brighter and brighter
May there be many happy days.
Let the wedding dance without end
Let fireworks rumble, ribbons flutter,
Let there be your union, we will not divide,
Today only you all the compliments.

Dear colleague, you are all sparkling with happiness,
Oh, how the white and magnificent dress suits you!
Today, on a special day, you accept congratulations,
We believe that family happiness awaits you.
I want to wish you that there is a lot of prosperity,
So that you fly under the sky from love,
May everything go smoothly with your husband in your relationship,
May all your expectations come true.

With you, we have been colleagues at work for a long time,
But I've never seen you like this
You glow, with happiness all in flight,
Well, you're just a local star today!
I congratulate you on the wedding day,
And, of course, I hasten to tell you the words:
So that your family piece of paradise is eternal,
So that you can fly from love and tenderness.

You were an ordinary colleague for many years,
Well, now she has become a married lady,
And we wish you happiness in your personal life,
So that you become the best wife and, of course, mother.
Always be a caring, excellent hostess,
House so that your cup is full to the brim,
So that luck, understanding and prosperity be sure,
So that your spouse loves you more than life!

You have become a happy wife now,
I'm very happy for you - I won't hide it,
And I want you colleague, I wish a lot
So that you do not dare to leave our team!
Well, if you decide to leave anyway,
So, just to give birth to the first-born,
And anyway, you come back to us later,
And join our interesting work!

Happy wedding day, I, colleague, congratulate you,
You are such a happy and very beautiful bride,
So let this happiness never leave you,
May you always be interesting and comfortable together!
Now the ring is on my finger and my eyes are glowing
With such warmth, kindness, tenderness and love,
So let your life be like this forever
And today - this is just a fabulous preface!

I wish my colleague a happy, young,
So that the young wife never saws,
And so that he is always happy with you,
So that she loved him, cherished and praised him.
And for your husband I want to wish today
So that he never gets bored and does not look to the left,
So that he could desire and adore you all his life,
To make your family happy new tree!

Our dear colleague has a wedding,
We congratulate her with joy
May all wishes come true
Let there be no doubt.
Congratulations on the birth of your family
We wish understanding, consent and fidelity,
Let your eyes shine with happiness
May good luck always accompany you.

We are glad, dear colleague,
Congratulate you on the birth of a family,
Let everything be in order
May the star of love shine on you.
Let everything be one for two
May life give you happiness and warmth,
May luck smile upon you beautifully
God forbid that you are always lucky in everything.

We are very happy for you, colleague,
Today is your wedding
With all my heart we wish you with joy,
Happiness, peace, love, warmth.
Let in your friendly family,
There will be the brightest light
We wish you prosperity and prosperity,
Love and advice to you.

Congratulations, you have a lot of wishes,
Guests, smiles, jokes and flowers,
Your road has become one
You have one dream, one love.
Dear colleague, congratulations on your wedding,
We wish you a honeymoon for life
\ Always cherish your love
May a lucky star light your path.

We are invited to the wedding by the whole team,
They came to their colleague with congratulations,
Congratulations to the young and wish you happiness,
Let them not know the path of sadness and bad weather to you.
Cherish every moment with each other
Your whole life, your handiwork,
Let your union be inseparable,
Salute today let it be young.

Our colleague is a beautiful bride,
Yes, and the groom is a match for her,
The whole team, a little with excitement,
Wishing you all the best.
Let your life be a little, but everything,
Let the ship of love go with the flow
May your common dreams come true
Let the children of birth please.

Congratulations dear
Have a wonderful day!
Life will be different now
Because you two!
Live a century in harmony
And then live again
May happiness accompany you
And - advice to you, yes love!

The wedding day is an exciting and long-awaited moment for the young.

Relatives and friends rush to celebrate this important event. Employees also do not want to be left behind, so they bring their weddings. You can choose a beautiful and interesting text for it in this article.

New roles

Work is an important part of our life. Many people put all their efforts into building a career, forgetting about their personal lives and interests. It's great that you decided to do otherwise, and today we say congratulations on your wedding day to a colleague, girlfriend, and now also to your wife. May you soon become a mother, and family life never brings disappointment!

Rows of married

There are many beauties in our team, but, alas, all of them are not free. Today you joined their ranks, becoming a wife. We wish that the husband loves more and more every year, well-being, understanding, joy settled in the house, and the family will certainly be replenished with children!

beautiful word

Newlyweds! What a wonderful word! It exudes youth, love, tenderness! Our friendly working team is in a hurry to congratulate the bride and groom on this wonderful day!

We wish to appreciate each other, take care, support, help with deeds and wise advice, love like in the first months after we met. Do not stop discovering new things in each other, and your career will certainly work out!

Former bachelor

On this wonderful day, please accept our congratulations, colleague, on your wedding day! Previously, you came to work as a simple bachelor, but now you have become a fiancé, or rather, a husband! Let such advancement in personal life certainly entail career growth, and then demographic growth. We wish you a cozy family hearth, true friends, warmth and mutual understanding! Let income, love and happiness only increase!


Changes in your life came slowly but surely. First, the three-day stubble disappeared, then all the shirts began to look perfect, soon, instead of sandwiches bought on the street, there appeared vessels with fragrant and appetizing food. This holiday was the last and decisive touch. In our congratulations on the wedding day to a male colleague, we would like to express the hope that family life will become interesting, informative and happy for him! Remember that it is necessary not only to take, but also to give. Be a support and protection for your wife and children! Love each other!

solemn atmosphere

Congratulations on your wedding, colleague! Today there is such a beautiful and solemn atmosphere around that it is difficult to find words. Now you are not alone, but with a beautiful wife! Let your head spin only with happiness, your hands do not get tired of counting gifts and money, your hearts are more and more filled with love, and your eyes radiate tenderness!

little dreams

Today, a new life stage begins for our beautiful colleague! Probably, like many girls, she dreamed about him when she was a little girl.

Now this wish has come true. Let it not be the last, and everything conceived will certainly be embodied. Every day you can choose one small dream. Performing them one by one, you and your husband will fill your life with vivid emotions and priceless memories! Open new horizons and enjoy them!

precious ring

It is always a pleasure and honor to say congratulations to a colleague on their wedding day! Now ring finger adorns the most precious ring. We wish that, looking at him, you always remember this day, excitement and awe, Nice dress, hall, nice words from guests, and most importantly, from a loved one with whom she connected her life! Do not stop confessing your feelings to each other, take care of the fire of the family hearth!

blank canvas

Someone compares life with a striped zebra, and we propose to present it as a canvas. You and only you must decide what colors to transform it, what emotions to express. Let inspiration and fantasy never run out, and let the little helpers decorate the created canvas even more. We wish you a palette of love, joy, prosperity, health, prosperity, fun and happiness!

A little about happiness

Our happy wedding day in prose is dedicated to happiness. People always want to find him, often going on long journeys, trying to find his material embodiment.

Only the wise are able to understand that finding a soul mate with whom you want to start a family is one of the true manifestations of this concept. We are very glad that the bride and groom share our position. We want to wish them to find happiness in small things: smiles, hugs, kisses, smells and tastes. May they surround you every day and give you their warmth!

Joy every day

Today, on behalf of the whole team, I want to say congratulations to a colleague on their wedding day! Now everything is in your hands, because only the course of their marriage depends on the spouses. family life. I wish you to enjoy every day, resolve all quarrels with a kiss, and may there always be prosperity and joy around you! Build a strong and warm house where everyone will feel comfortable!

A wedding is wonderful. It opens a new page in life for the newlyweds, and also helps everyone present to remember what this day was like for them. A glass of champagne, a smile and sincerity - this is the little that will help make the congratulation unforgettable!

You went to work as a bachelor.
Finally you, my colleague, got married.
May love and happiness burst into your house,
They want to live in it forever.
Let everything in life work out for you,
There will be peace, comfort and understanding.
Be always happy as you are now.
This is, in general, a wish.

You shaved every other time and somehow,
Eat dry sandwiches.
You were a hardened bachelor
And today, I finally gave up.
Today my colleague became the husband.
Congratulations on your wedding day.
I wish you love, I'm not earthly
And happiness without end so that without edge.

That's all, my colleague,
You became a husband - congratulations.
Get rid of your bachelor habits.
I wish you to be loved and love from the bottom of your heart.
Everything will be fine in your young family,
Let there be comfort in the house, provide prosperity to the family.
Be together always, both in body and soul.
Let the joint every day be joyful and sweet.

Congratulations, colleague, now you have become a husband.
I want to wish that I fly with happiness.
So that the director can raise your salary
A young wife so that you can support.
And let her surround you with care,
So that you fly home from work on wings.
The house has a delicious dinner on the table to wait,
So that you do not grieve, and do not know grief.

Down with dry meat with nasty scrambled eggs,
Wrinkled shirts do not wear you anymore.
And the appearance will be all right.
Shaved, trimmed, you will become fatter.
Married, colleague, congratulations.
I wish you family happiness.
I wish you a hand from the bottom of my heart.
Come back to our team as soon as possible.

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.
Your adviser and your companion
May wisdom and loyalty always be.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful
May you never run out.
Children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.
Let the year go by in minutes,
Life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
The house is not bypassed by you.
And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love!

We want to congratulate you colleague!
Today you are completely, completely different.
What has changed we now know
You are not alone - with a beautiful wife.
Yesterday I went completely unshaven
And you ate scrambled eggs in the morning.
Today joyful, contented, well-fed
And my head is spinning with happiness ....
And our team congratulates you.
Harmony, love wishes all the best!

Congratulations on your wedding day
All of our friendly staff.
We wish the couple to radiate
Definitely positive.

Happiness to you, kindness, good luck
And love for many years
Live beautifully and richly
Never knowing trouble.

Sweet life like honey
From the bottom of our hearts, with all our hearts,
Let only joy in marriage await
Your every moment will be paradise!

Let tenderness live in the hearts
To make life more beautiful
May love always lead
You to the greatest happiness!

To all the friendly team, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We wish you a hot and sweet honeymoon, a happy and beautiful future life together. Let there be no quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, let every day give you only joy. And let it become easier to work in the new status, and easier to achieve success.

You consciously decided to get married,
You exchanged rings today,
We advise patience to learn,
So that the relationship remains the same.

So that you always protect each other,
Conquering only together the vanity,
To kiss each other every day
And in separation it would be unbearable for you.

Accept this congratulations from colleagues,
We are all sincerely happy for you.
May love give you wonderful moments
So that you walk through life holding hands!

You decided to legally combine
And forever bind two destinies into one,
Our entire team wishes you happiness,
So that the husband takes care and respects his wife.

For the wife to become the support of her husband,
I could understand from a half-word,
So that only joy fills your house,
And the feelings began to grow stronger every day!

Our team of love wishes you
And the tenderness of soaked days,
So that in life there was a place for miracles -
You have a son, and soon a daughter.

So that through life, holding hands,
You went forward, not parting for a moment,
And only happiness surrounded you
And enjoy every day together!

A good marriage is the key to a happy life
Love for longevity is a sure sign,
And love bound you flawlessly,
So, your union will last forever!

Colleagues congratulate you on your wedding,
Wish you great patience
Be wise and do not cut off the shoulder,
Love is sometimes hot!

Let the family grow uncontrollably
And the house is fragrant and blooming,
Both daughters and sons are growing up,
And they reward you beautiful with happiness!

Congratulations on your wedding!
Be happy always
Let success decorate life
Will never leave.

Warm eyes radiate
Comfort reigns at home
All dreams will come true
Will be called to prosperity.

And the career goes up
Only wealth promises
To live and have fun
And be together forever!

Our team is excellent
Congratulations on your wedding day,
And we wish today -
May your marriage grow stronger over the years.

Let the hearts sing with happiness
And freeze in excitement
It is worth holding hands with you -
The planet slows down.

understanding, abundance,
The ocean of kindness is boundless,
To live sweetly in love
In affection and gentle embrace!

Happy wedding day, dear ones,
Congratulations to the team
Be the best couple in the world
Radiate positivity!

Understanding and patience
And respect for each other
And always great love
Let trouble not touch!

Friendly team
Congratulations colleague.
Happiness and love
At the wedding we wish.

Pare young
We wish you well
So that love in life
Led you by the hand.

Loving two hearts
To fight in unison
Storks to your
They flew into the house.

long family life
We wish you happy
All your life you stay
Beloved and loved.

Congratulations on the wedding day to a colleague, its form and content depend on the relationship the employees have. Friendly and warm implies light humor, familiar goodwill, and the use of jocular variants.

Purely official dictate formality, correctness and warmth, appropriate in relation to a friend, but not a close person. However, you can limit yourself to a simple postcard with standard lines of wishes, which congratulates a person on a fait accompli, without expressing any personal emotions.

The nature of congratulations is determined not only by the relationship of employees. It matters if it is individual and dictated by simple and understandable good intentions.

There are times when this is known in advance, and not only congratulations are pronounced, but a gift from the team is also presented.

Sometimes it happens that colleagues are not informed in advance about the upcoming event, for some reason, and then you have to congratulate them impromptu.

A phrase laid down according to etiquette, or a standard cold formulation in prose, is appropriate here. A gift at work is usually given absolutely symbolic, for which certain amounts are collected, and this is a sign of attention from the whole team.

The exception is when both the bride and groom work together, and everyone knew about the wedding in advance and for a long time. It is not necessary to say congratulations to the one who was among those invited to the wedding (he could express his wishes at the gala banquet).

The boss should express his wishes from the whole team, unless the repaired person has long-standing friendly relations with him.

Congratulations can be of several types and depend on the totality of circumstances, but conditionally they can be divided into several categories:

  • poetic and touching, composed independently or found on a special site;
  • congratulations with a finished postcard on which poems have already been written;
  • prose versions of your own composition or selected from the proposed options on the Internet;
  • thought out in advance, which are given out as impromptu (they can be both in verse and in prose);
  • funny and playful in free form, intended for a person who has a sense of humor and will be able to appreciate them.

A wedding greeting depends on who congratulates on this significant day, and on many other conditions, so you need to think carefully about the content, design and expected emotions.

Even the fact that there is a common gift from the team, or everyone considered it necessary to congratulate the newlyweds separately, can tell a lot about the community of people working together and about their attitude towards the happy bride or groom.

In prose

The simplest version of congratulations is a wish in prose. It can be patronizing-joking, touching-feeling, pompous and in a calm tone.

The most important thing is to carefully think over the text (you can even write it down on paper and rehearse it several times). The best option is calmly neutral, with standard wishes for good, love, happy offspring and career success.

  1. Dear newlyweds! Everyone gives you gifts for the wedding, they say beautiful words and wish you all the very best. I want to wish you that your happy and friendly family becomes the most important and necessary gift for you. Take care of your love, and this will be the best gift for you and your children.
  2. A playful congratulation made in an original form is appropriate in a youth team where relations are friendly and benevolent. When presenting, if the newlywed is congratulated, there must be a bouquet of flowers, and if the groom is a bottle of good wine or champagne or a box of chocolates for his young wife.
  3. Simple, without verbal frills and ornateness, semi-formal, but friendly congratulations, which can be presented in the form of a postcard along with a gift, or read aloud. If funds were collected, you can buy a special postcard-wallet, in which you can present a present from everyone instead of a traditional envelope.

In verse

Congratulations in verse is the most common option, especially in cases where you want to say something more to a happy couple than a set of standard and trivial phrases.

The poetic efforts of the members of the collective may be a little clumsy and lame in size, but they are the ones that make the strongest impression and are remembered for a long time.

They can be presented in writing and read aloud at the same time (certainly with expression and emotions befitting the occasion):

Congratulations on your wedding day

All of our friendly staff.

We wish the couple to radiate

Definitely positive.

Happiness to you, kindness, good luck,

And love for many years.

Live beautifully and richly

Never knowing trouble.

Poems can be cool, playful, funny, but they must certainly be benevolent.

In your own words

Congratulations in your own words, like an article on the Internet, should contain keywords. In this case, these are combinations of the words wedding, newlyweds, love, happiness and congratulations.

By adding epithets in relation to the newlyweds and the event, you can achieve an excellent result. For example: “Our dear colleague! On this solemn day for the whole team, we want to hand you our congratulations from the bottom of our hearts and express our admiration for your excellent choice.

We sincerely wish you long and cloudless years of life together, endless love, family happiness and financial well-being.”

What gift to give a colleague for marriage

Traditionally one of best gifts a certain amount collected by the team and transferred to the establishment of a family hearth is considered. The second option is when the person with whom the hero of the occasion is in the closest relationship delicately inquires what the newlyweds need most.

It is not worth buying gifts without this, which are usually given on the occasion of the wedding, because guests could have already given all this to them during a recent celebration.

Gift ideas for newlyweds should always be for both and preferably be useful:

  • commemorative figurine;
  • beautiful vase;
  • bed sheets;
  • a set of dishes or service;
  • cookbook or encyclopedia of married life.

And you can do this, a simple and at the same time touching video greeting:

A wedding congratulation to a work colleague is a subtle and delicate thing, and all the necessary nuances are taken into account in its preparation, from the level of relationships to the character traits of the person to whom it will be given. The best option is to congratulate the whole team and eat a cake on this occasion or get together for this purpose after work. What do you think about this? Do you agree with what is stated in this publication, or do you have any objections? In any case, write to us.