Why does late ovulation occur? Causes and signs. What is late release of the egg and on what days does it occur? 17th day of cycle ovulation test

As already said, menstrual cycle It’s different for every woman, which means that ovulation occurs differently for every woman. Late ovulation is considered to be one that occurs less than 14 days before the start of menstruation. With an ideal cycle of 28 days, the ovulatory period occurs on the 14th day, which means there are 14 days left until your period.

Since the norm for the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, the day of the onset of the ovulatory period can also vary from the seventh day from the beginning of the last menstruation (that is, almost immediately after menstruation) to the 21st day of the cycle.

Ovulation itself lasts about 48 hours. At this time, an egg should be released, the viability of which is 24 hours. At the same time, ovulation can occur within six days (that is, normal ovulation can begin from the 20th to the 14th day before the start of menstruation).

So is late ovulation, which occurs less than two weeks before the start of your period, normal? It is worth noting that it is very rare to see such ovulation, which can be called late– because the norm fluctuates very much. Late ovulation means that the egg takes longer to mature than usual. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that after 30-35 years, ovulation may not occur in every cycle, but every other cycle (it may occur more often, or less often).

There is no consensus among doctors on this matter. The phenomenon of late ovulation as a normal cycle condition is quite rare. This phenomenon can be determined in four ways.

  • The first method is calendar. By noting the onset of menstruation, a woman gets a picture of her menstrual cycle. The ovulatory period occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. But this method is incomplete; it will not be possible to obtain information about late ovulation.
  • Measurement method must be used basal temperature(temperature in the rectum). During the release of the egg, the basal temperature is approximately half a degree higher than usual.
  • The third method is an ovulation test. It works in the same way as a pregnancy test, only two stripes indicate the presence of ovulation.
  • The last method is a doctor's examination using ultrasound.

Late ovulation is not a sign that a woman is infertile. There is no point in worrying about such a feature if this phenomenon is not accompanied by any adverse symptoms or diseases.

Why does it appear?

Why can ovulation be “delayed”? Let's take a closer look at some possible reasons.

On what days of the cycle and for cycles of what length can ovulation be considered late? Let's look at several days of the cycle and figure out when this is the norm and when it is not.


Normal ovulation occurs on the 17th day after the start of the last menstruation. for cycles longer than 31 days. These menstrual periods will also be characterized by an earlier onset. As for cycles of 30, 29 days, since an error of +/- 2 days can be added to the estimated day of ovulation, then for them on the 17th day ovulation will also be normal.


Typical ovulation for menstrual periods of 32, 33 and 34 days occurs on the 18th day after the start of the last menstruation.


For a 33-day cycle, ovulation on the 19th day from the beginning of menstruation is considered the upper limit of normal. For longer cycles - the norm, for shorter ones - a slight deviation.


Ovulation on the 20th day is the upper limit of normal for a cycle of 34 days. Moreover, 34 days is already the upper limit of the norm for the menstrual cycle itself.


On day 21, ovulation occurs if the menstrual cycle lasts 35 days. Only in this case. If the period of menstruation is longer than 35 days, then you should consult a doctor, if only because the cycle itself goes beyond the normal limits.


Such ovulation is considered “late” for any cycle(or the duration of the menstrual period itself goes beyond the normal limits). Even in the absence of pathological symptoms, it is worth contacting a specialist either to explain the reasons or to correct the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system.

What pathologies can we talk about and when should we worry?

If the ovulatory period begins later than normal, first you need to determine for yourself what the norm is for an individual organism. Then, if this trend of “lag” is observed for no more than 2 months, observe the situation around you and your own well-being and psychological state– if the stress experienced/currently experienced is absent, as are acute respiratory viral infections, exacerbations of chronic diseases, then the issue is not with them.

If symptoms characteristic of venereological or gynecological diseases are detected, they can cause delayed ovulation. With careful attempts to get pregnant, which do not lead to the desired result, you can also suspect late ovulation - its shift may be the reason.

What to do if the female body postpones the ovulatory period later than normal?

  1. First, you need to analyze the state of your body in recent months.
  2. Then be examined by a dermatovenerologist to identify possible diseases/infections that may interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Then examine your hormonal levels by contacting an endocrinologist and get tested for hormones.
  4. Regular examinations by a gynecologist will help identify possible disorders of the reproductive system.

Observe how your body works and own body for a woman it is an important prevention of many deviations and diseases. Monitoring the functioning of the reproductive system is an opportunity to determine the onset of the ovulation period and its features. This means calculating successful fertilization. The late onset of the ovulatory period without adverse pathological symptoms is a correctable phenomenon that is not in itself a problem.

Is late ovulation normal or an obstacle to the desired pregnancy?

Almost all married couples are familiar with the concept of “”, they have been planning a child for a long time (perhaps unsuccessfully) and are thinking about how to speed up this process. Some, in desperation, decided to raise money for the procedure. After all, no matter how hard you try, month after month the test is negative. But maybe there is still a chance to become parents on your own without violating the mystery of nature? Perhaps the reason for the failure is an incorrectly calculated time for the release of the egg? Late ovulation may well regularly interfere with conception. But what does this term mean? Let's try to figure it out.

  • What it is?
  • Is it possible to get pregnant?
  • Signs and nature of menstruation
  • Causes
  • Menstrual cycle shift
  • What to do?
  • Cancellation of contraceptives
  • Diagnosis and treatment

Late ovulation - what is it?

It is believed that average length The cycle is 28 days and 14 days.

The concept of late ovulation is quite vague and often misused. Ovulation can very rarely be late or early. IN healthy body it occurs 14 days before the start of the next cycle. If the menstrual cycle is 30–32 days and ovulation occurs on days 18–20, then this is not late ovulation, but normal for the specified cycle length. In simple words it takes more time to mature under the conditions of your hormonal background, because ovulation is a hormone-dependent process.

True late ovulation is release of the egg during the 14 days before menstruation. For example, the duration of the cycle is 34 days, the normal period for the release of an egg is day 20 +/- 3 days. Ovulation will be late if it occurs after the 23rd day of the cycle. Conclusions - late ovulation occurs, but is extremely rare.

Yes, you can get pregnant, provided there are no other pathological changes in the woman’s reproductive system. Late ovulation is not a cause of infertility. In order to make correct calculations, you just need to know your cycle duration. The process of conception and the course of pregnancy are not affected by prolonged maturation of the egg.

When to take an ovulation test?

With a 28-day cycle, it is recommended to take an ovulation test closer to day 14. In the instructions for ovulation tests, there are recommendations that the study should be carried out several times with a break of 1-2 days. However, the female body is a very cunning and delicate “device”, the functions of which depend on many factors. happens and occurs after the 16th–17th day.

To find out on what day ovulation occurs for a different cycle length, you need to take into account that the duration of the first half of the cycle can vary, and the second half usually lasts 14 days. From here you can make calculations that determine the onset of ovulation during a cycle of any length. Add 2-3 days to the resulting date. Examples are collected in the table.

Table 1. Late ovulation and pregnancy: when will the test show

Cycle duration (in days) Ovulation is normal When to take a pregnancy test during normal ovulation (cycle day) Late ovulation Late ovulation: when the test shows 2 stripes
21 Around 8–10 pm On day 23–24 After 10 days Not earlier than 25–26 days
26 12–13 day On day 27–28 After 14 days Not earlier than 28 days
28 Day 14 On day 29–30 After 16 days Not earlier than 30 days
30 Day 16 On days 31–32 After 18 days Not earlier than 32 days
32 Day 18 On day 33–34 After 19–20 days Not earlier than 33 days

These calculations are very approximate - it is impossible to calculate everything with an hourly accuracy. But they will help determine how interconnected late ovulation and pregnancy, that is, when it’s time to go to the pharmacy for the test.

When to take an ovulation test? Perhaps in the middle of the cycle or a little later you will feel a small (but weaker than before your period) or see a small discharge with blood - more precisely, some kind of drop or trace on toilet paper - this day will be the most suitable for the test.

How late can ovulation be?

Everything here is so changeable that not a single doctor can answer this question unequivocally. An informative method of determination is individual monitoring of egg growth and maturation using folliculometry for three cycles.

Judging the timeliness of egg release based on cycle 1 is unreliable. Folliculometry during late ovulation is monitoring the dynamics of egg maturation using an ultrasound machine.

Late ovulation: signs and character of menstruation

Signs of late ovulation This:

  • a characteristic shift in the release of the egg towards the end of the cycle on the basal temperature chart. (this looks like a decrease in BT with a sharp rise);
  • receiving a positive ovulation test result later than the calculated period (see how to do the calculations above);
  • changes in well-being are an extremely relative sign.

If the pregnancy test is allotted time showed a negative result and you are sure that conception did not occur, then your period will come later. This is not a pathology. The nature, duration and sensations of menstruation do not change. They will be the same as if your period came on time. Urgently apply for medical care It is only necessary when you feel that this month is unusually bright, the blood is flowing too profusely or, on the contrary, menstruation is scanty. In a word, if something is not going as usual.

Late ovulation and delayed menstruation are a fairly common phenomenon; sometimes this is observed in completely healthy women (if this phenomenon is not permanent).

Late ovulation: reasons

Why does the body go on such “strikes” and “confuse the cards” for those planning a pregnancy? So, why does late ovulation happen?

There is no need to worry if the cause of late ovulation is:

  • stress;
  • vacation in hot countries or overheating in the sun;
  • any acute respiratory viral infection or exacerbation of a chronic illness;
  • treatment of gynecological diseases.

In all these cases, the body may react abnormally.

The question of whether there can be late ovulation disappears by itself. This is a protective reaction of the finely structured reproductive system to stress. The listed phenomena can cause under-ripening, over-ripening or premature in this cycle. Consider the shift in the release of the oocyte as the body’s protection from poor-quality conception. Adverse factors affect the quality of the genetic material of the embryo.

Menstrual cycle shift

Does the menstrual cycle shift—let's say, too much? desire getting pregnant or, conversely, fear? It turns out yes! There is also this most unexpected for many psychological problem, sometimes lying at the subconscious level.

What to do?

To reassure yourself, you can undergo an ultrasound. The doctor will tell you how the follicles grew in this cycle and why there was such a delay. If you are worried about waiting for your period to arrive, get tested for hCG. This is the most informative diagnosis of pregnancy and its pathologies. The analysis will help to accurately determine whether there is a pregnancy.

It’s another matter when such a situation has become habitual, especially if the delay period is constantly increasing or ovulation does not occur at all. This already requires medical intervention, regardless of whether your cycle is normal or if it goes wrong. Lengthening of the cycle, late ovulation may be a sign of the onset of menopause (the woman’s age must be taken into account).

So, you have monitored your body for 2-3 cycles and discovered that late ovulation has become the norm for you. If this continues for more than 3 months after stopping OK (and recovery after hormonal contraception, as you know, takes about 3 cycles), then it’s time to go get examined.

The duration of the recovery period after discontinuation of oral contraceptives is influenced by the duration of their use. How longer woman takes “contraception”, the longer the body returns to normal functioning. Your goal is to find out whether ovulation is late or not, and then begin treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor will prescribe a blood test for hormones and ultrasound monitoring. It will be necessary to check the level of FSH (stimulates the growth of follicles), LH (responsible for the maturation of the egg), estradiol (affects the quality of cervical mucus, where sperm can “live” for a while). It is necessary to find out the level of “male” hormones (they suppress ovulation and slow down the growth of follicles). Then it will become clear why the egg release is delayed. With late ovulation, the endometrium will grow longer, so on ultrasound by the middle of the cycle it may still be thin; by the time the egg is released, it will “ripen”.

Late ovulation – Duphaston and Utrozhestan

The doctor will prescribe a correction medicines, if a problem is identified at the hormonal level. Typically, the drugs of choice are Duphaston and Utrozhestan, which must be taken according to an individual regimen, selected based on the concentration of hormones in the blood plasma. The drugs will maintain the required level of progesterone, ensuring. Often late ovulation occurs with multifollicular ovaries, then its stimulation is necessary.

How to calculate the due date if the pregnancy test “worked” after the “due” date?

Late ovulation, a delay after which began later than the scheduled date shifts the due date. You already know when to take a pregnancy test if you ovulate late. This is where you should “dance”, calculating the expected date of birth. Knowing exactly the day of ovulation and conception, you can add 280 days to this day - this is the expected date of birth. Again, this is approximate. After all, not immediately, but after a few days. Practice shows that calculations show the exact date of birth only in 4% of cases. Each pregnancy is also individual and develops with its own characteristics. Therefore, it can be difficult to determine exactly.

Who is more likely to be born if ovulation is “late”?

Sometimes pregnant women try to guess. Is it possible to get pregnant with a “planned” gender? The answer is ambiguous. The cause-and-effect relationship here is as follows. If the baby is conceived strictly on the day of ovulation, there is a higher chance that it will be a boy. If you have had sexual intercourse before, it’s a girl. Reason: sperm with an X chromosome (“girl”) are more tenacious and can wait longer for an egg, even in almost hostile conditions. Gentle “games” die faster. So, if your ovulation schedules jump around, you still have a slightly higher chance of getting pregnant with a girl.

Overall, if you ovulate late this cycle, don't worry. The main thing is that it is there, which means that you can get pregnant in any case. You just need to be patient - and everything will work out!

Timely release of the egg is an important stage of the menstrual cycle. If ovulation is late, in some cases this can complicate the process of conceiving a baby, and if it is regularly “late”, it can serve as a sign of health problems.

When people talk about the menstrual cycle, they usually mean its “ideal” value – 28 days. In this case, ovulation occurs exactly in the middle - on the 14th day, and menstruation comes on the 29th day of the cycle. If the body is affected by any factors - stress, travel, illness - then the release of the egg may be delayed. Late ovulation with a 28-day cycle will be observed on days 16-17 or even later.

With a 30-day cycle, normal indicators naturally shift, and the release of the egg occurs around day 16, which is considered timely. It can be called late if it occurs on the 21st day of the cycle or just before your period.

If the cycle lasts 34 days, ovulation should normally occur on the 20th day. It will be later if it happens on the 23rd day or even later.

Special mention should be made about recovery after hormonal contraceptives. Ovulation after stopping OCs may be delayed or not happen at all. Typically, recovery takes approximately three cycles. To understand why this happens, you need to know how oral contraceptives work. They suppress the activity of the ovaries, and after they are discontinued, it takes time for the work to improve. If, after stopping the OC, ovulation has not improved within three months, you should consult a doctor for advice; additional treatment may be required.

Why is there such a delay? What are the reasons for late ovulation? We have already found out that sometimes an egg can mature on the 21st day of the cycle. This situation can also arise in a completely healthy woman due to the individual characteristics of her body.

However, most often late ovulation occurs due to the presence of chronic diseases or various influences, often of a psychological nature.

Normally, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle.

Normal duration of the first and second phases

To better understand the nature of the cycle, you need to understand a little how it works. The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases. They may have different names - follicular and luteal, estrogen and progesterone, and even the banal first and second. Each phase is characterized by its own processes and symptoms. The first phase does not have a strict time frame; its duration can be different in each cycle, since it is influenced by everything - stress, diet, illness, a glass of wine with dinner, travel, lack of sleep or overwork. The same first phase is a sign of a calm, harmonious life.

But the second phase has specific instructions - normally it always lasts 13-14 days. The corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone, lives exactly this long after ovulation. It maintains the elevated body temperature necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. After its implantation, the body receives a signal about pregnancy, and the placenta takes care of the temperature for the next few months. If pregnancy does not take place, the corpus luteum dies, the temperature drops and menstruation begins.

Possible reasons

From this we can deduce two forms of late ovulation. In the first case, the first phase is extended and the development of follicles in the ovary slows down. In this case, there is late ovulation and a delay in menstruation, which is not associated with pregnancy - the timing of the cycle has simply shifted. In the second case, ovulation occurs before menstruation; the second, progesterone phase of the cycle is too short. The reasons for such phenomena will be different:

  • excess estrogen in the first phase. To help with conception, drugs with progesterone are prescribed in the second phase;
  • increased concentrations of luteinizing hormone and androgens. LH “bursts” the egg and is also responsible for the production of a certain amount of male hormones in the ovaries. However, at elevated concentrations it inhibits or even completely stops ovulation;
  • lack of estrogen in the first phase. This can be determined by the slow development of follicles, which leads to “lateness”.

Such violations can be one-time in nature and caused by various external reasons:

  • stress, prolonged or excessive psychological and physical stress;
  • change in climate or time zone;
  • abortion;
  • taking hormonal medications and emergency contraceptives;
  • infectious diseases.

The cause may also be a changing hormonal balance after the birth of a child, during lactation or before the onset of menopause. In addition, one should consider the possibility that late egg release may simply be an individual trait.

Is it easy to get pregnant?

Late ovulation and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive at all, unless the delay was caused by gynecological problems. In the case when after ovulation, even if it happened later than usual, approximately 12-14 days pass before the start of menstruation, pregnancy can occur without problems.

If there is a short second phase, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with late ovulation becomes more ambiguous. In this case, you may need the help of a doctor who will prescribe a course of suitable medications to normalize the cycle. In addition, pregnancy with late ovulation may require a maintenance course of hormonal medications that will compensate for the lack of progesterone.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, comments:

- If ovulation is late, but pregnancy has occurred, you should consult a doctor for monitoring regarding pregnancy.

If ovulation is late and pregnancy does not occur for more than 6-12 months, you should consult a doctor to identify other factors that interfere with pregnancy (inferiority of the first or second phase of the cycle, tubal factor, etc.). The examination will be scheduled based on the preliminary diagnosis. At a minimum - ultrasound, examination and assessment of the hormonal profile. If necessary, concomitant pathologies (for example, thyroid diseases, etc.) will be excluded.

When to take the test

If pregnancy occurs as a result of late ovulation, there are several important points to remember.

When to take a pregnancy test? First of all, it depends on the length of the cycle. If, with a 21-day cycle, ovulation normally occurs on days 8-10, then the test can be done around day 23 or 24 of the cycle. If ovulation is late at this time, the result will be negative; in this case, the test can be done no earlier than day 25-26. If the cycle lasts 35 days, pregnancy after late ovulation can be “caught” no earlier than 39-40 days.

If the test does not show a second line the first time, do not worry: the procedure can be repeated after a few days. Perhaps the concentration of hCG was still insufficient, since tests from different companies have different sensitivity to this hormone.

If pregnancy has occurred, the woman must inform the gynecologist about the specifics of her menstrual cycle so that the doctor can correctly calculate the due date. Since conception occurred later than generally accepted norms, the size of the fetus will be smaller.

It is very important to immediately inform the doctor that the pregnancy occurred due to late ovulation, otherwise he may suspect a frozen pregnancy or slow fetal development. This is due to the fact that the obstetric gestational age and the actual one visible on ultrasound will differ, because it is usually calculated from the date of the last menstruation, with ovulation “by default” in the middle of the cycle. With late ovulation, the gestational age will actually be shorter, so the “lagged” indicators actually correspond to the norm

The hCG level will also be different from what it should be at the current obstetric period. There is no need to worry too much about this, but it is better to monitor the dynamics of this indicator for some time

Thus, late ovulation does not interfere with pregnancy, but when the test shows it, you should carefully monitor the health and development of the baby.

How to recognize it

Ovulation, as a rule, is manifested by a set of certain symptoms, which are stronger or weaker in many women:

  • increased libido;
  • change in the nature of cervical mucus;
  • change in the position of the cervix.

In addition, some women may feel a slight nagging pain on the side of one of the ovaries, called ovulatory pain, or observe slight bleeding on the day the egg is released. All these symptoms are purely individual character and are not mandatory. There is no need to explain what the displacement of these signs means - if they are always felt, then their “lateness” will be a symptom of delayed ovulation.

Basal temperature chart

The simplest method that any woman can use is. And although most modern doctors consider the method outdated and do not trust it, it still has many fans. The measurement is taken rectally, using a mercury thermometer, immediately after waking up. The result must be recorded daily to create a graph.

Clear signs of late egg release can be seen when keeping a basal temperature chart. The graph will clearly show that the ovulatory surge does not occur at the scheduled time - in the middle of the cycle - but somewhat later. For BTT readings to be reliable, it should be monitored for at least 3 months.

The day before the release of the egg, a decrease in basal temperature is observed, and the next day it rises to 37 and above. To find out exactly what day the egg will be released, measurements need to be taken for a long time (at least three months). Using the compiled graphs, you can clearly see the decrease and increase in indicators. The latter will indicate the onset of late ovulation.

Readings are taken immediately after waking up, in a state of complete rest, without getting out of bed. Temperature can be taken rectally, vaginally or orally. The first option is the most accurate, the last is the least.


Another way to identify delayed ovulation is to conduct an ultrasound cycle with an interval of 2-3 days (). This will allow you to monitor the development of the follicles and notice the release of the egg.

Ovulation tests

You can also use homemade ones, which need to be repeated several times until the test shows positive result. On the eve of ovulation, luteinizing hormone will be released and can be detected in the blood and urine. To wait for the day when the test shows the coveted second line, you need to use it daily during the period of expected ovulation. That is, starting from about day 12 of the cycle (if it is regular).

If the cycle is irregular, then you need the most short cycle for the last six months (for example, 25 days) and subtract 16 days. It turns out that with such a cycle, you need to start using the test from the 9th day of the MC.

For a more reliable result, the test should be done at the same time. Moreover, unlike a pregnancy test, an ovulation test is not done in the early morning, but in the period from 10 to 20 hours. , This method is quite effective, but the tests are not cheap, and you will need quite a lot of them.

Important! All methods are uninformative when used once. To obtain reliable information, observations must be repeated over a period of 3-6 months - the longer, the more accurate the picture.

Ovulation before menstruation

Some women ask if ovulation can happen before their period. Yes, in some cases it can. But most often this indicates that the woman has serious hormonal imbalances.

After all, if the egg was released 5-7 days before menstruation, then the second phase of the cycle - luteal - is too short. In such a short period of time (less than 10 days), the endometrium will not be able to reach maturity, it will be too thin, and the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus. Conception becomes problematic.

Normally, if the follicle bursts late, the entire cycle is lengthened. And your period will come later - at least 10 days after the release of the egg. Late ovulation and delayed menstruation are interrelated concepts. However, a delay does not indicate pregnancy.

After discontinuation of COCs

Considering that many modern women use oral contraceptives as protection against unwanted conception; they are concerned about whether pregnancy is possible after stopping them. If after stopping taking OK, tests more than a year did not show the coveted second page, this is a reason to undergo a thorough gynecological examination.

The fact is that it should arrive on time after a few months. This time is necessary for the body to fully restore its reproductive function.

After all, oral contraceptives contain sex hormones that inhibit the following natural processes in the body:

  • do not allow the egg to mature;
  • reduce the number of contractions of the fallopian tubes through which the fertilized egg must move;
  • contribute to an increase in the amount of cervical mucus, which interferes with the full passage of sperm.

Sometimes, immediately after stopping ovulation, ovulation does not occur immediately or it happens late. It happens that the body may need more than a year to fully restore reproductive function.

This is due to the following factors:

  • age after 30 years;
  • instability of the immune system;
  • presence of concomitant chronic diseases;
  • long-term use.

Gynecologists believe that each year of taking OCs is equal to three months of the recovery period.

Is it necessary to treat

A one-time delay in ovulation associated with external causes does not require intervention or serious treatment. It is enough to normalize your lifestyle and the cycle will also return to normal. A number of gynecological diseases can become more serious causes of delayed ovulation. In this case, medical assistance is required. Such pathologies include:

  • diseases in which the level of estrogen in the blood increases (endometriosis, some types of breast cancer, endometrial hyperplasia);
  • diseases characterized by increased levels of male hormones (polycystic ovary syndrome, pathologies of the adrenal cortex);
  • low-grade inflammation of the uterus or fallopian tubes, ovarian cyst, genital tract infections (chlamydia, trichomonas, ureaplasma).

Often late ovulation can serve as the only sign of these processes.

In addition to all of the above, late ovulation can be a symptom of various endocrine pathologies of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries. In addition, it is often found in obesity or underweight, since adipose tissue is actively involved in the functioning of the hormonal system.

Late ovulation is not a death sentence or an obstacle to conceiving the desired baby, but you should make sure that this is an accidental phenomenon or an individual characteristic of the body, and not a manifestation of a serious illness.

What secrets are hidden behind the concept of ovulation?

The cycle begins on the first day of menstruation - many people know this, but not all. Not every woman understands that ovulation of an egg is not a momentary release of troops. Everything happens much more slowly and gradually, which is why it is called the ovulation period.

During this period of time, the egg leaves the ovaries and moves through the fallopian tubes. A nimble sperm is able to get even there - its weight is very small and its speed is high.

Misconception is dangerous! The rhythms of the female body are unpredictable. Even for one woman, cycles can change in duration, and ovulation can shift either a few days earlier than this date or to later days. Ovulation on days 18, 20 and even 21 is also possible.

Taking the 28-day menstrual cycle as a solid norm, the middle of it is considered to be the time of ovulation. This is how the myth about the 14th day developed. What about irregular periods? With cycles of 30, 32 days or more, ovulation can be expected on the 18th and 20th day from the start of the cycle.

The doctor should tell you how to determine this period and whether it can be felt. Some women can clearly name the day when ovulation took place. Late ovulation can be both a gynecological problem and the norm for an individual female body.

Understanding the significance of the timing of ovulation gives a woman the opportunity to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy, or vice versa, plan and fulfill the dream of your long-awaited child.

Unplanned pregnancy: why?

Natural control over the ability to give birth or protect yourself from it modern people must be present in life. But why do unplanned pregnancies still occur so much more often?

Let's name the reasons:

  • Two did not use controlled methods of contraception because the pleasure of intimacy overwhelmed the mind;
  • They did not yet know anything about this possibility and happy moment eclipsed even the slightest fear;
  • The couple is familiar with all methods of contraception, but does not consider them acceptable;
  • One or both know and use control methods, but they do not work in a particular period.

Bad luck - many will say. No, this is a lack of certain knowledge on the part of the woman. The desire to become pregnant or to protect yourself from this should force a woman to track ovulation. With long cycles, it occurs 18, 20, 21 days from the start of menstruation.

When a woman clearly understands which days from the beginning of the cycle pregnancy is most likely to occur, she will take all measures for protection.
The time of ovulation, no matter what days it falls on, is most dangerous period for unwanted pregnancy. If intimacy occurred on the 18th, 20th or 21st day of the cycle and coincided with the ovulation period, conception is 100% possible. And abstinence or protection from days 10 to 17 will be useless.

Do you know this secret?

We hope that the reader is educated, but for inexperienced young people we will reveal one more secret: sperm activity does not last for 3 days, as is commonly thought. If there is cervical fluid good quality, sperm viability is extended up to 5 days. So consider when and how you should beware and take action.

If this period of sperm vital activity coincides with the period of ovulation, no matter on the 20th day of the cycle or on the 18th, 21st, then fertilization of the mature egg will occur without your participation. Be carefull. This option is possible.

The statement that a woman cannot become pregnant during her menstrual period is equally incorrect. If its duration is not 3 days, but more, you will have to use protection.
This is why disbelief in contraceptives arises if they are used at the wrong time. Married couples, if they clearly understand the physiological changes in a woman’s body and together monitor cycles, ovulation dates, successfully plan the birth of children and themselves determine the time for their birth.

It's actually important

One day, suddenly, a young woman feels a slippery wet transparent discharge between her legs, but does not see anything red on the pad.

Secretions similar to “egg white” indicate approaching ovulation. Many ladies feel this phenomenon, but only a few attach importance to them and understand the manifestations of their body. And this is evidence of the readiness of a young female body for fertilization. Ovulation Herald - please love and favor. And this happens on the 13th, 14th, or even 18th, 20th, 21st day of the cycle.

Complete control over the body, understanding oneself, the situation, and participation in protecting one’s health is possible thanks to drawing up schedules. Daily control measurements are carried out at the same hours. It takes no more than 2 minutes to compile them, but the graphs allow you to recognize your body and the physiological processes taking place in it.

If an educated mother teaches her growing daughter to do all this and uses her example to show her the rules for charting basal temperature, the woman’s future health will be in her hands.

A clear understanding that ovulation occurred on the 18th, 20th, 21st day or any other day of the cycle will help plan the birth of a child at a time when the woman is mentally, financially and physically ready for such a responsible act.
This is a whole philosophy: sexual manifestations, the birth of children, a woman’s menopause, and graphs of menstruation and ovulation cycles are pages of knowledge of this science.

Whether ovulation took place, at what time it happened, how the woman’s condition and mood changes, what to do to conceive or to prevent it - all knowledge of her body will help a woman to be independent and free.

All this concerns mainly the marital relations of a couple or permanent partner V sexual relations. Only in this case, tracking the timing of ovulation is of particular importance.

Ovulation on the 18th, 20th, 21st or any other day after the start of the cycle can occur, this is not what you should be afraid of. Her absence should worry the young woman much more. If a woman has a sexual life with different partners, the charts will help, but she will have to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy and possible genital problems only with the help of a condom. Don't forget about hepatitis, AIDS, sexually transmitted and simply fungal infections.

Take care of yourself and consult with specialists.

Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg from the ovarian follicle, capable of conception. This phenomenon occurs in girls of childbearing age with a certain frequency - 21-35 days.

Reference. The regularity of ovulation is determined by the functions of neurohumoral systems, mainly gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland and follicular ovarian hormone.

The maturation of the egg is facilitated by the accumulation of follicular fluid and a decrease in the thickness of the ovarian tissue above the follicle. Complete cessation of egg maturation occurs during pregnancy and after menopause.

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28-32 days. Without a diagnostic examination, it is impossible to say exactly when ovulation occurs. In most cases, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle - from 12 to 16 days. This is considered normal. To more accurately determine the day of ovulation, you need to conduct calendar observations of the cycle and draw up a graph of basal temperature for several months in a row.

The duration of the intervals between ovulations depends on the hormonal background, physical and emotional state of the patient. At the same time, during different ovulatory periods, they can occur at different days. Doctors know of cases where a woman ovulated twice during one menstrual cycle.

During the maturation of the follicles, a woman becomes capable of pregnancy. In healthy girls, the ovulation cycle remains constant and changes only after 40 years, when the body begins to prepare for menopausal changes.

Why does the egg release from the follicle in the following days?

On the 12th

The maturation of the egg on day 12 of a 28-day cycle is considered normal. With a cycle of 30 or 32 days, this phenomenon is called early ovulation. Some women believe that early maturation of the egg makes it impossible to conceive. However, this is not quite true. If sexual activity is regular and there are no concomitant diseases, then conception is quite possible. Premature ovulation only means that the egg matured a little earlier.

On the 13th

The maturation of the follicle on the 13th day of the monthly cycle is quite normal. It indicates that there are no problems in the woman’s body, and she is ready for pregnancy.

On the 14th

Ovulation occurring in the middle of a 28-day cycle on the 14th day is a favorable phenomenon. This means that the menstrual cycle proceeds correctly without disturbances. For a cycle of 30 and 32 days, this is also normal.

On the 15th

The maturation of the egg on the 15th day from the date of the last menstruation is normal. For a 30-day cycle, this is exactly the middle. It is at this time that you should think about conceiving a child.

On the 16th

Maturation of the follicle on the 16th day of the menstrual period is the norm. If ovulation occurs on this day, this indicates the correct course of processes in the reproductive system and a high probability of becoming pregnant.

On the 18th

For a 30- and 32-day cycle, the release of a mature follicle on the 18th day is normal. If we're talking about about a 28-day period, then we can talk about late ovulation. It may be caused by the following reasons:

Attention! If a woman is healthy, she does not have bad habits, monitors her nutrition, she may well conceive with late ovulation.

Possible danger for women

Experts are sure that The optimal period of ovulation is in the middle of the monthly cycle. Normally, the interval between the maturation of the egg and the onset of the next menstruation should be at least 11-12 days. In this case, conception will not be problematic. If this interval is shorter, and follicle maturation occurs only once every 40 days, this creates additional problems in terms of fertilization.

In some cases, the cycle occurs outside the ovulatory period. There is no reason to worry about this. It is necessary to visit a doctor if the egg does not mature at all for several months in a row. This sign indicates that a woman’s ability to reproduce is impaired, and it is necessary to immediately find the cause and eliminate it.

You can determine the ovulatory period different ways. The most accessible and correct method– application of tests. This method is suitable for women with regular cycles. If menstruation begins in different time and is irregular, it will be difficult to predict the days of ovulation.

For irregular periods The best way determination of the ovulatory period - basal measurements, which must be carried out over several months in a row. By comparing research data, it is possible to determine when ovulatory days occur - prematurely, in the middle of the cycle, or later. The temperature is measured at the same time, in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Another reliable method is an ultrasound examination, which allows you to monitor the process of follicle development. The examination is carried out vaginally from the seventh day after the start of menstruation. The procedure is repeated every 2 days.

To avoid deviations in the ovulatory cycle and for successful conception, it is important:

All of the above measures will be an effective prevention against possible ovulatory failure in any direction.

To avoid unpleasant surprises with the ovulatory cycle, a woman preparing to become a mother needs to keep a menstrual calendar, regularly visit a gynecologist, and follow all his recommendations. If the egg matures in the middle of the menstrual period, this is a favorable sign and a high chance of conceiving a child.