What does a cucumber do for the eyes? Simple recipes for masks with cucumber for flawless skin around the eyes. Camphor and sea buckthorn

Today on the Podglazami.ru website we’ll talk about very popular home remedies for the skin around the eyes, prepared using fresh cucumbers or juice from them, and finally find out why cucumbers are placed on the eyes.

Cucumbers on the eyes: why?

There is no doubt that every woman has at least once used cucumber masks on the face or skin around the eyes. We have all heard about their benefits, but how does it manifest itself? It turns out that this vegetable can tone the skin, moisturize it and whiten it. It has a unique composition, consisting of as much as 95% water. In addition, it also “found” pectin and starch, and they are the best for whitening the skin (in particular, they are useful for eliminating dark circles and cyanosis under the eyes). Among the vitamins, cucumbers contain incredibly valuable B vitamins for the skin, as well as anti-aging thiamine (vitamin H), vitamins E and C - antioxidants that prevent aging. If you are still thinking about putting cucumbers on your eyes or not, then these reasons should finally convince you. In addition, there is nothing in these vegetables that could cause allergies, so they are ideal for preparing home remedies for the care of the delicate skin around the eyes.

Cucumber eye masks: recipes

The website presents a selection of the most effective and affordable recipes for cucumber-based masks for the skin of the lower and upper eyelids:

  • Cucumber is as simple as shelling pears. If you don’t want to bother with various recipes, but still need to refresh and whiten your skin, just cut cucumber slices and place it on your eyes. How long should you keep cucumbers on your eyes? - until their surface heats up from the heat of your body. In addition, the circles can be turned over or replaced with new ones when you feel that the juice has already been absorbed into the skin of the eyelids. Cucumber applications in this form can be made when you apply any mask to the skin of the face and leave the area around the eyes clean from this product. In this case, get the benefit of 2 in 1.
  • As a modification of the previous recipe, you can use coarsely grated cucumber. Again, nothing complicated: grate, lightly squeeze out the juice, apply the paste on your eyelids for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse and apply your favorite cream for this area to your eyelids.
  • You can eliminate darkening under the eyes using cucumber infusion. To prepare it, chop a couple of homemade cucumbers (you can use a blender), pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for five to six hours. After this, strain off the liquid and wipe the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab dipped in this infusion. In this case, the main thing is regularity. Use this product morning and evening and you will forget about dark circles.
  • Good mask from cottage cheese and cucumbers from bruises under the eyes. To prepare it you will need 100g of fat cottage cheese and two small cucumbers. Grate the vegetables on a fine grater and mix with the cucumber pulp using a fork. It’s even better if you beat the ingredients of the mask with a blender. Apply this mixture to gauze folded in half and “cover” your eyes with it for 25-30 minutes. After this, wash your face and wipe your eyelids with fresh cucumber.
How to put cucumbers on your eyes for bruises
  • Cucumber under the eyes also works well. Most often, this mixture is used to eliminate dark circles and dark circles. To prepare the mask, take equal quantities of finely grated potatoes (fresh) and cucumber, mix, and apply this mixture to the skin of the eyelids for half an hour. With regular use, even very dark and extensive circles around the eyes can be eliminated.
  • "Cucumber yogurt". This mask is suitable for women aged 35+ who want to make the first wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and crow's feet invisible, and it is also great for dry skin. To prepare, take equal amounts of finely chopped fresh cucumber and natural (not sweet) yogurt. You should make a mask every evening, keeping it on for at least half an hour, after which it would be a good idea to apply a nourishing cream for this area that is suitable for your age.
  • Milk-cucumber eye mask. You will need chilled milk and one fresh cucumber. Grind the vegetable, apply this mixture to the lower and upper eyelids, and place two cotton pads soaked in cold milk on top of the pulp. Keep the mask on for at least half an hour and rinse with running water. This product will help tighten and cleanse the skin and tighten pores.
  • Rejuvenating cucumber ice. To make cucumber juice, take half a kilogram of vegetables, squeeze the juice out of them and mix 1 to 1 with boiled water. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and wipe the skin of your eyelids with them daily. This way it will be “preserved” and will not age. Remember that excessive cold can negatively affect the delicate skin around the eyes, so allow no more than 1-2 minutes for the procedure.

The best cucumber-based home remedies are: homemade vegetables. Cucumbers for the skin around the eyes can also be dangerous if they are grown with the use of nitrates and other chemicals, since these substances can provoke a serious allergic reaction.

Natalya Degtyareva - especially for the site Under the Eyes ru

Due to the composition of this vegetable, cucumber masks have the following properties for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Vitamin A helps moisturize the skin and eliminate flaking (excessive dryness).
  2. Tocopherol helps in cell regeneration.
  3. Folic acid fights acne.
  4. Riboflavin helps improve metabolism in the epidermis.

Moreover, cucumber masks have the following effects on human skin:

  1. Promotes cell renewal.
  2. Return lost elasticity and firmness to the skin.
  3. Stimulates normal cellular metabolism.
  4. Refresh and restore tired skin.
  5. Eliminate swelling, age spots and bruises.
  6. Gives the skin a healthy glow.
  7. Relieves irritation and redness.
  8. Tones and soothes the skin.
  9. They have a whitening effect (for freckles).
  10. Eliminates excessive oiliness on the face and makes pores less noticeable.
  11. Get rid of circles under the eyes and bags.

How it works

Cucumber has long been considered an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation. After applying to the face, a mask made from it refreshes and tightens the skin, making it soft, moisturized and velvety.

Its effect is due to the fact that the pH content in cucumbers is equal to the acid-base balance of human skin, so this product is excellent for the epidermis.

It promotes its gentle restoration without causing harm (unlike many decorative cosmetic creams and masks).

Moreover, such an incredible effect of cucumber masks is also due to the fact that they are rich in beneficial enzymes, organic acids and mineral salts.

Another clear advantage of such masks is that cucumber contains absolutely no caustic or irritating substances, so it can be safely applied to the area around the eyes and eyelids, which are highly sensitive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following advantages of using cucumber masks are highlighted:

  1. High effectiveness of masks.
  2. Naturalness.
  3. Easy to prepare.
  4. Possibility of different combinations of cucumber with other additives (yolks, sour cream, whites, etc.).
  5. The minimum cost of such a mask compared to expensive salon procedures and anti-wrinkle creams.
  6. The possibility of using masks both warm and cold (you can freeze the cucumber and use it as a tonic in ice cubes).
  7. Good skin sensitivity to this product.
  8. Versatility of use (masks can be applied even at a young age to prevent the appearance of wrinkles).

In addition, not everyone can apply cucumber masks (the product has several important contraindications).

Indications and contraindications

Cucumber masks for wrinkles have the following indications for use:

  1. Dry skin.
  2. Excessively oily skin.
  3. Freckles or severe pigmentation.
  4. Withered skin with the first signs of aging.
  5. Acne and pimples.
  6. Irritation and redness of the skin (occurs after unsuccessfully selected creams or previously performed cosmetic procedures).
  7. Peeling of the skin.
  8. Feeling of tightness and dehydration of the skin.
  9. Enlarged pores.
  10. Black dots.
  11. Deep expression and age wrinkles.
  12. Prevention of wrinkles.

Contraindications to the use of cucumber masks are:

  1. Open wounds on the skin.
  2. Ulcers and scars on the skin at the intended site of application of the mask.
  3. Purulent rash.
  4. Individual intolerance to some additives in the mask.
  5. Oncological pathologies.
  6. Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.).
  7. Bacterial or infectious skin diseases.

Before you begin a course of rejuvenation using cucumber masks, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations for their preparation:

  1. Naturally, it is better to use only fresh cucumbers for masks, since stale vegetables will contain much less vitamin.
  2. It is better to use cold cucumbers to prepare the mask.
  3. Before chopping, the cucumber should be thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel.
  4. The peel of cucumbers is not removed, since it also contains many useful substances.
  5. You need to cut the cucumber into thin slices. Some recipes will require grinding it in a blender or grating it.
  6. To obtain cucumber juice, you will need to use a juicer or simply squeeze the vegetable after grating it.
  7. If you use pure cucumber juice as a mask, then you should not wash it off - it is already perfectly absorbed and does not leave any marks on the face.

Video: Popular recipe

To achieve maximum anti-aging effect, when applying cucumber masks, you should remember the following:

  1. Masks should always be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  2. Masks must always be fresh. This way they retain a large amount of useful substances. It is better not to leave any leftover product for later, but to prepare the mask again.
  3. It is better to apply the mask while lying down. This way, the cucumber pieces will not fall off on your neck, fall to the floor and roll into the chest area.
  4. The duration of “wearing” cucumber masks should be no more than twenty minutes.
  5. It is recommended to wash off this cosmetic product with warm water. After this, you should let your face “rest” and not apply makeup to it.
  6. It is best to apply masks before bed.

Effective recipes for cucumber masks for facial wrinkles

The most effective face masks for wrinkles made from cucumber are:

  1. Recipe1 :
  • chop one cucumber and mix it with white cosmetic clay in a ratio of 1:2;
  • add a little warm water so that the mixture has the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • Evenly distribute the finished mixture over the face and neck. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

This mask will nourish the skin and brighten it.

  1. Recipe for dull skin (will help smooth out wrinkles andcget rid of flabbiness):
  • mix cucumber juice and rose water in equal proportions;
  • add a little heavy cream;
  • Apply the prepared mixture to your face and leave for fifteen minutes, after which remove the remaining mask with a paper towel.
  1. Recipe against fatigue and wrinkles in the eye area:
  • squeeze the juice from the cucumber and freeze it in cubes;
  • wipe the eye area with these ice cubes daily;
  • After a few days, the swelling and fatigue in your eyes will subside.
  1. Anti-wrinkle mask with a strong toning effect:
  • chop a bunch of parsley and pour boiling water over it;
  • strain and leave for an hour;
  • Mix the prepared liquid with grated cucumber and lubricate the facial skin with the product;
  • repeat the procedure daily for a week.
  1. Mask to give skin elasticity and hydration:
  • grate one cucumber and mix it with yogurt;
  • add a couple of spoons of oatmeal;
  • when you get a homogeneous thick mixture, apply it to the skin of the face;
  • You can wash off the mask with cucumber juice.
  1. Whitening and nourishing mask:
  • mix sour cream and cucumber (chopped in a blender);
  • add a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • Apply a thin layer to the face twice a day for a week.
  1. Remedy for wrinkled and acne-prone skin:
  • chop one cucumber;
  • add three tablespoons of grated fresh carrots to it;
  • pour in another spoonful of kefir;
  • add 1 spoon of oatmeal;
  • Apply to face and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse thoroughly;
  • After the procedure, the skin must be moisturized with a rich cream.
  1. The milk mask will nourish the skin:
  • mix a tablespoon of milk and cottage cheese;
  • add chopped cucumber and olive oil (2 tsp);
  • put in the refrigerator for ten minutes to cool the product;
  • Apply the finished mask to your face and leave for twenty minutes;
  • rinse with cucumber juice.
  1. Mask for smoothing deep wrinkles:
  • chop two cucumbers;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  • apply the product to your face and leave for fifteen minutes;
  • rinse with cold water, then apply a rich cream.

This mask perfectly nourishes the skin and moisturizes it. It also gives shine and a healthy look:

Regarding the area around the eyes

A cucumber face mask for wrinkles around the eyes can be used, however, in addition to cucumber, such a product should contain only natural ingredients (honey, sour cream, essential oils).

Do not add caustic substances (lemon juice) that may irritate the delicate skin near the eyes.

Also, when using a cucumber mask in the area around the eyes, you need to remember that the product should not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise it will cause a burning sensation.

Opinion of doctors and cosmetologists

Dermatologists and cosmetologists are more than positive about the use of cucumber masks for wrinkles, explaining that cucumber itself is harmless and can very rarely cause skin damage in the form of allergies.

Cucumbers on the eyes, and most often it is applied under the eyes mainly to relieve bruises and swelling, and refresh the skin of the eyelids. Does this procedure really help against all these problems?

Everyone probably knows that a fresh cucumber consists of approximately 90% water, and accordingly, upon contact with the skin, it will have a moisturizing effect. And its constituent vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and starch help whiten the skin. So it turns out that moisturizing plus lightening creates a good refreshing effect.

As for swelling, popularly called bags under the eyes, the situation here is improved not specifically by the vegetable itself, but by the cold from it. Those. For this purpose, it is recommended to use cucumber from the refrigerator; it is cooling that promotes the resorption of swelling on the eyelids. And the same effect will have, for example, raw chilled potatoes or cold tea bags.

But there are still positive results from cucumber eye masks, so let’s move on to the recipes.

Folk cucumber eye masks

Classic version- This is applying cold flat cucumber circles (or half circles) to the lower eyelids. You can lie down, close your eyes and also apply cucumber to your upper eyelids, this will generally refresh the entire eye area.
In particular, if there is skin irritation in the eyelid area, the procedure will help relieve it and soothe the skin.

Before applying cucumber under eyes The circles can be soaked in cold milk or sour cream. This will help enhance the moisturizing and refreshing effect.
Instead of milk, you can use raw chicken yolk, also from the refrigerator. The yolk also moisturizes the skin very well.
If you want to enhance the nourishing effect of the skin around the eyes, lubricate the cucumber with mayonnaise before applying (it is best to prepare homemade mayonnaise).

Recipe for a soothing and softening folk cucumber eye mask:
Take 1 tbsp. l. fresh cottage cheese, preferably homemade and richer. Grind it together with 1 tsp. olive oil (or avocado oil, rosehip oil) and with 3 tbsp. l. milk. Milk, like cottage cheese, should be cold. First apply the resulting mass generously onto cucumber slices, and apply these slices to the skin around the eyes (on the lower and upper eyelids, in the corners of the eyes) and press with your fingers. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then simply wash your eyes with cool water.
This mask has an anti-irritant effect; after its use, the skin of the eyelids becomes fresher and softer.
If you add another 1 tsp to the composition. honey, then you can use an anti-wrinkle remedy in the eye area, but only if there is no irritation in this area, otherwise honey may provoke a negative reaction.

Cucumber eye mask with natural oils:
You will need to purchase one of the vegetable oils (castor, almond, peach, apricot or macadamia oil are suitable). And also essential oil (roses, ylang ylang, neroli or geranium).
To 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, add 2 drops (no more) of essential oil.
Before use, the cucumber must be kept in the freezer for at least 30 minutes. Next, the frozen vegetable is cut into flat slices, these slices are thoroughly moistened in the oil mixture and for the first couple of minutes they are moved around the eyes in a circular motion. Then slightly heated slices are applied to the skin of the eyelids and held for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to simultaneously create an anti-edematous effect from extreme cold, but at the same time not to overcool the skin.
Oils, in turn, help improve the condition of dry and aging eyelid skin and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

Whitening folk mask made from potatoes and cucumbers for puffiness under the eyes:
Grate fresh cucumber and raw peeled potatoes on the finest grater. One procedure will require about 1.5-2 tbsp. l. grated mass of both vegetables (in equal proportions).
First, the mass is placed in a plastic bag (or wrapped in a piece of cling film) and placed in the freezer for 10 minutes, then taken out, applied to the lower and upper eyelids, around them, and secured with cling foam on top. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

More against puffiness, irritation and simply to improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes Soak cucumber slices well in green or black tea, in chamomile infusion (1 tablespoon of dried flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid until completely cooled) and apply for 10 minutes. Then you can repeat the procedure by soaking the cucumber in the liquid again.
All components must be cold.

A very nourishing cucumber mask for the skin around the eyes:
First you need to prepare a composition in which the cucumber circles or slices will be moistened. You will need milk cream, store-bought cream is quite suitable for coffee from 10 to 20%. You will also need honey and butter.
In a small saucepan (or Turk) add 3-4 tbsp. l. Add 1 tsp cream honey and the same amount of butter. The mixture is heated over low heat until the honey and butter melt. Next, remove everything from the heat, stir, cool slightly and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour (or in the freezer for 15 minutes).
Now the cucumber is moistened in the cold mixture and applied to the upper and lower eyelids for 10 minutes, then the wetting procedure is repeated. At the end you should simply wash your face with cool water.
The product nourishes and gives freshness to the skin, increases firmness and elasticity,

Cucumber is one of the favorite foods for adults and children. It is no secret that this vegetable has proven itself well in cosmetology, because it helps to refresh and rejuvenate the skin without much expense. Useful tips and various recipes for cucumber masks will delight both mature ladies and young girls.

Why do they put it?

People of any age are advised to regularly place cucumbers on their eyes. What is this for? Cucumber masks help nourish, moisturize and whiten the skin. Vitamin B, which is abundant in the vegetable, is very valuable for nourishing the skin. Thanks to the pectin and starch found in cucumbers, the skin becomes white and dark and blue circles under the eyes are eliminated. Cucumber juice tones, soothes, refreshes, and moisturizes the epidermis.

It is especially recommended to apply chilled cucumbers to the eyelids to reduce inflammation and prevent blueness and swelling around the eyes. Cold allows blood vessels to constrict, thereby providing an anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect. Flavonoids and antioxidants, which are abundant in cucumbers, help relieve irritation of the epidermis.

Caffeic acid contained in cucumbers, like ascorbic acid, helps remove fluid from the body. Ordinary cucumber slices applied to closed eyes draw out excess moisture from the skin cells. Swelling immediately decreases.

After washing off the cucumber masks, it is advisable to smear the delicate skin around the eyes with a special eyelid cream.

Benefits and harms

Cucumber treatments tone the skin of the eyelids, relieve bruises and swelling, and help in the fight against wrinkles and pigmentation. This vegetable contains 90% water. Cucumbers also add elasticity and freshness to aging skin. The vegetable contains components that reduce pores and stimulate the sebaceous glands. Cucumber masks have excellent nutritional properties and help get rid of pimples and acne. Beta-carotene and magnesium promote skin healing.

Cucumbers contain vitamins and organic acids in abundance. Vitamin B regulates metabolism in skin cells. Vitamins E, C, H help slow down the process of skin aging. Phylloquinone, folic acid and biotin control the color of the skin under the eyes, remove puffiness and dark circles. Starch and ascorbic acid are characterized by bleaching properties. Retinol and tocopherol nourish, moisturize and restore the skin.

All procedures with cucumbers are considered harmless. The undoubted advantage of cucumber products is that they do not cause allergies, so people with sensitive skin can safely use masks made from this vegetable.

Cucumber masks can cause harm to people suffering from dermatitis, as well as those who have open wounds. If chemicals and nitrates were used during the cultivation of cucumbers, then masks made from such vegetables can cause allergic reactions.

Mask recipes

The simplest way to use cucumber masks is to apply cut circles to your eyes. The skin around the eyes becomes fresh and white. Keep the cucumbers on your eyelids until the juice is completely absorbed. Once the cucumber circles have reached body temperature, they can be turned over and then replaced with others. Sometimes, just before applying to the eyelids, cucumber pieces are dipped in sour cream or cool milk.

An effective cucumber mask is made from coarsely grated vegetables, squeezed and turned into a paste, which must be washed off after fifteen minutes of use, and the skin around the eyes should be smeared with a suitable cream.

Blue circles under the eyes are perfectly eliminated with cucumber infusion. Grind two cucumbers in a blender, pour one glass of boiling water and leave for 5-6 hours. In the morning and evening, the eyelids should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in the infused, strained solution.

If the procedure is carried out systematically, the blue around the eyes will disappear forever.

Darkening under the eyes will also resolve if you mix chopped cucumber with fatty cottage cheese, using the resulting mass as a mask. To do this, you need to beat 2 vegetables with cottage cheese (100 g) in a blender. Pack the resulting product in double gauze and cover your eyes with it. Keep the mixture on your eyelids for half an hour, then wash and wipe your skin with fresh cucumber.

A mixture that can be prepared quite well with dark circles under the eyes is made using equal proportions of heavily chopped cucumbers (1.5-2 tablespoons) and grated fresh potatoes. The mask is called “express recovery”. Potatoes contain enzymes that help lighten the skin, and cucumber perfectly constricts blood vessels. Sometimes, immediately before use, the pulp is left for some time in the freezer. With regular use of the product for 25-30 minutes, the swelling disappears completely over time.

If your eyelids are irritated, before using cucumber circles as a mask, you can soak them in cooled black or green tea or chamomile infusion: put a spoonful of dried flowers in a glass, pour boiling water over it, and keep it covered until completely cool. The mask is done for 10-15 minutes, repeated if necessary.

To get rid of pigmentation and redness of the eyelids, add a teaspoon of honey to one tablespoon of chopped cucumber. If you add one tablespoon of aloe juice and milk powder (15 g) to this mixture, you will get an excellent whitening potion.

Cucumber yogurt makes crow's feet invisible in the corners of the eyes, so it is very suitable for everyone whose age has exceeded forty. Mix unsweetened yogurt with the same amount of finely chopped cucumber and cover your eyelids. You need to keep the mixture for half an hour, then rinse it off and apply nourishing cream around the eyes. The procedure is also perfect for young girls with dry skin.

Deep wrinkles can be perfectly removed with crushed cucumber mixed with blue clay. You can use white clay. The mixture is applied to the eyelids until completely dry. Chopped cucumber with parsley juice is also a good anti-wrinkle remedy.

The mask can be made more vitaminized by adding two drops of vitamin E to it.

Another great recipe for rejuvenation: pour half a glass of cream into a container, add butter and honey (a teaspoon each), heat on the stove until they melt, then mix thoroughly and cool. Dip a piece of cucumber into the cold mixture, place it on the skin around the eyes, and hold for 10-15 minutes.

For the milk-cucumber procedure you will need cool milk. First you need to chop a fresh cucumber and place the chopped mass on your eyelids. Place two cotton swabs soaked in cool milk on top. The procedure lasts at least half an hour, then the mask must be washed off under running water.

A milk mask can be made according to the following recipe: mix two tablespoons of grated cucumber with milk, low-fat cottage cheese, olive oil and parsley juice (all ingredients are taken one tablespoon at a time). As a result, the pores are cleaned and narrowed.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, mix grated cucumber with aloe vera gel, apply for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This procedure can be done no more than twice a week.

Cucumber ice cubes for rejuvenation should be consumed correctly so as not to damage the delicate skin around the eyes. A mixture of an equal amount of cucumber liquid with boiled chilled water is placed in special molds and placed in the freezer. Ice cubes should be used to wipe the eyelids daily, but the procedure should not exceed 2 minutes.

Cucumber circles can be used as an application while applying any other face masks. Since the skin around the eyes is very delicate and easily damaged, thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, which well follow the contours of the face when applied to the eyelids, can save it. In this case, the skin in the eye area remains clean. The benefit will be double.

It is advisable to use a large vegetable so that one circle of cucumber can completely cover the eye.

Numerous reviews of people using cucumber masks indicate that women often get unexpected results. The skin around the eyes brightens, becomes fresher, and smoothes out.

An amazing effect is obtained from the procedure of applying chopped fresh cucumber with sour cream to the eyelids. According to some reviews, the skin around the eyes becomes so gorgeous that the result exceeds all expectations. The only drawback of using the mask is that the paste spreads heavily not only over the face, but also over the body.

To get rid of skin inflammation, it is recommended to mix beaten egg white with grated cucumber and leave the mixture on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to wash yourself thoroughly. When applying the product to the face, the person needs to be in a horizontal position. Then the crushed mass will not slide off your eyes.

People with irritation-prone, very sensitive skin need to carefully chop one cucumber, add a teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of sour cream, a tablespoon of oatmeal, into which you must first add brewer's yeast (20 g). After 10-15 minutes, wash your face and apply a suitable nourishing cream to your eyelids.

Eye masks will help ladies always have a fresh look, look young and attractive for a long time, but this is subject to proper nutrition, quitting smoking, daily sleep and protecting yourself from overwork.

In the next video, watch popular recipes for cucumber masks.

Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening

Cucumber face masks

A cucumber face mask brightens the skin, slightly whitens it, helps remove spots and freckles, perfectly moisturizes the skin, smoothes it and makes it more elastic, it also helps get rid of acne and remove unevenness.

Homemade face masks are the most popular and effective skin care product. Of course, they are not as effective as Sculptra injections. But still... Consisting only of natural ingredients, they perfectly cleanse, nourish, moisturize, and improve skin elasticity. In addition, homemade masks are always fresh and do not contain preservatives.

If used regularly, they become one of the most effective skin care products. The topic of this article is face masks made from cucumbers; they moisturize, soften and make the skin smooth. They also provide a tightening effect.

Cucumbers have the same pH as our skin, so using them in home care products has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and does not cause allergic reactions. Cucumber juice soothes, moisturizes, tones, refreshes and softens the skin; it also has a noticeable astringent and whitening effect. Cucumber masks and lotions are often used to lighten freckles and combat any changes in complexion. Cucumber masks are especially recommended for people with oily, acne-prone skin.

Bags under the eyes are, unfortunately, a fairly common problem. We often hear that it is enough to apply a compress of cucumber slices to the eyes so that bruises and swelling disappear, and the skin becomes fresh and radiant. And this is true if the appearance of bags is not associated with kidney problems, vascular diseases or allergies. Cool chamomile tea bags and a light massage also help in the fight against bags under the eyes. To get rid of bags under your eyes faster, avoid smoking, irregular sleep and large amounts of fatty or fast food.

How to make a cucumber mask

The classic cucumber mask does not require much effort to make. First, you need to wash the cucumber well (it’s better to take it chilled from the refrigerator). Cut it into slices and apply to your face, leave for 20 minutes. You can also squeeze cucumber juice and gently blot the skin under your eyes, or soak cotton swabs in the juice, place them on your eyes and hold for 15 minutes. Do not rinse with water. For those who have very dry skin, it is recommended to mix grated cucumber with full-fat cottage cheese.

But if you are too lazy to lie motionless for 15-20 minutes (it is absolutely impossible to move with cucumber slices on your face - they constantly fall), you can simply take a cucumber slice and lightly rub your face with it. You can also grate a cucumber on a coarse grater, put the resulting mixture in water, and then wash your face with this water.

Dark circles under the eyes make us look tired and exhausted. Cucumber slices will help cope with this problem. Take a cucumber from the refrigerator, cut a couple of slices and place them on your closed eyes. Cool cucumber will contract the blood vessels, which will reduce puffiness under the eyes. You can also use cucumber juice for compresses.

Cucumber and lemon mask


  • Half a cucumber (if the cucumber is small, use a whole one)
  • Juice of half a lemon


  1. Grate the cucumber, this makes it easy to separate the cucumber juice
  2. Place the cucumber juice in the refrigerator for one hour
  3. Add the juice of half a lemon to the cucumber juice and stir.
  4. Place two cotton pads into the mixture and, after squeezing lightly, place them on your eyes.
  5. Leave for 15 minutes

This compress gets rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, smoothes and moisturizes the skin around the eyes.

Apple-cucumber eye mask


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 red apple


  1. Peel cucumber and apple
  2. Grind the ingredients in a blender or grate on a fine grater
  3. Mix well and apply to the area under the eyes.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water

Cucumbers naturally reduce puffiness under the eyes, and apples are an excellent source of alpha hydroxyl acid, which works as a natural skin brightener. In addition, alpha hydroxyl acids also smooth out wrinkles under the eyes. You can increase the effectiveness of such a mask if you place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes before use. A cold mask helps reduce under-eye circles caused by exhaustion or stress.

Cucumber mask for acne

Few people know that regular cucumbers are a good remedy for combination skin and oily, acne-prone skin because they contain ingredients that tighten pores and relieve irritation.


  • 1 egg
  • Half a cucumber


  1. Separate the white from the yolk (we won't need the yolk)
  2. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater or grind in a blender
  3. Mix cucumber pulp with protein and apply to cleansed skin. This must be done immediately so that the protein does not have time to settle.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water


  • Half a cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons aloe juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1-2 tablespoons milk powder


  1. Peel the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender
  2. Mix aloe juice and honey with cucumber pulp, and then add enough milk powder to obtain a fairly thick consistency
  3. Apply to clean face and leave for 15 minutes until dry.
  4. Rinse gently with cool water

Note: This mask is not intended to be stored and must be used on the day of preparation.

Cucumber mask for freckles

The main components of this mask are aloe and cucumber, widely used in cosmetology. This mask will not only help to get rid of freckles to a certain extent, but will also make your skin softer, brighter and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


  • A few aloe leaves
  • 1/3 small cucumber
  • A raw egg
  • 2-3 grams of pearl powder


  1. Wash and peel the cucumber, grind together with aloe in a blender.
  2. Pierce the egg and separate about a quarter, mix with cucumber pulp
  3. Add pearl powder
  4. Gradually add flour in small portions until you obtain a mixture similar in consistency to paste.
  5. Apply the mask to a clean, dry face and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off with cool water
  7. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Cucumber mask for oily skin


  • 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice
  • 1 egg white
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • 0.5 tsp cosmetic clay


  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth
  2. Apply to face, avoiding eye area
  3. Leave for 10-20 minutes
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water

Note: This cucumber mask is suitable for both oily and combination skin. It should be used once a week, preferably in the evening, as the lemon juice it contains makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

Cucumber and honey mask

This mask cleanses the skin and relieves inflammation. The lactic acid found in milk is an excellent natural cleanser that restores the pH balance of the skin. Honey is rich in micronutrients, and cucumber juice hydrates and reduces inflammation.


  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  1. Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds (if they are large)
  2. Grate the cucumber or chop it in a blender and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Mix 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice with honey, add milk and mix again
  4. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to your face using a cotton pad.
  5. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water

Note: This mask can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

This mask is ideal for sensitive skin. Chill it in the refrigerator before using for maximum soothing benefits.


  • 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast
  • 1 tablespoon finely ground oatmeal
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream or white yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Mix yeast and oats in a small bowl and set aside
  2. Peel and chop the cucumber in a blender or grate it on a fine grater
  3. Drain the cucumber juice and add honey and sour cream to it, mix well
  4. Mix the resulting mixture with yeast and oatmeal
  5. Apply to clean skin of the face and neck, leave for 15 minutes
  6. Rinse thoroughly with water

Cucumber and oatmeal mask


  • 1 small cucumber
  • 1 cup finely ground oatmeal
  • 1 egg white


  1. Wash the cucumber and cut into small cubes
  2. Place cucumber and egg white in blender and blend for 30 seconds
  3. Add oatmeal to the resulting mixture and stir
  4. Continue adding oatmeal until your mask is thick enough that it won't drip after application.
  5. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 10-20 minutes
  6. Rinse with warm water