I don’t know what to think: why the man doesn’t respond to SMS. If a man answers an SMS but doesn’t write himself Why doesn’t the husband answer?

Let's figure out in what situations h what to do if a guy ignoresphone calls. Of course, the first reason why a guy ignores calls is a quarrel. It happens that a guy is very offended by a girl and does not want to talk to her. Of course, such behavior clearly does not bring joy to the lady, since she manages to come up with many different reasons for herself, decide that the young man no longer loves her, and therefore does not answer.

What to do if a guy doesn't answer the phone

In fact, everything is not at all as it might seem to a frightened girl in love. If the guy didn’t tell her that he wants to break up, but simply doesn’t pick up the phone, it means he needs time to calm down or he behaves in such a way that the girl learns a lesson from this and doesn’t repeat her mistakes. Therefore, if you see that a guy is not answering his calls, there is no need to throw tantrums, cry non-stop and beat yourself up. Better think about what you did wrong and why your loved one was angry with you. If you are really guilty, you should not call or write to him, asking why he is angry. You already know everything. Remember this and don’t repeat the mistake, and when you make up, don’t bring up the topic of the quarrel at all unless he himself wants to talk about it. Also, if you see that a guy doesn’t want to answer calls, you shouldn’t call him twenty times a day. Let him calm down and take a break. Let it go away at least a little. It may take a week, or even two. But, if he doesn’t want to break off the relationship, then he won’t tell you that everything is over between you. Therefore, if he is simply silent, you have no reason to worry. But, nevertheless, it is clear that it is very difficult for you. Therefore, you can call him once a day. Do not doubt that someday you will receive an answer to these calls. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to drive yourself crazy with obsession.

Why else might a young man not answer the phone? This also happens when a guy wants to abstract himself. Everyone knows that there are introverts and there are extroverts. Extroverts always splash out emotions on others and experience everything together with loved ones. It's different for introverts. They withdraw into themselves, sit at home, don’t communicate with anyone, read books, listen to music and try to survive their problems. If your boyfriend is exactly this type, then there is nothing strange in the fact that he does not answer phone calls. This behavior needs to be understood and accepted. Of course, it is not very pleasant when a loved one disappears without warning. Therefore, on occasion, you can talk to him and ask him to simply warn you the next time he wants to do this. For example, say something like: “I don’t want to talk to anyone for a few days, sorry, when everything gets better, I’ll call.” But, even if he doesn’t want to or forgets to tell you this, you shouldn’t be offended and angry with your boyfriend. You love him, which means you must accept him for who he is. After all, the guy is not insulting or humiliating you. The fact that he does not pay attention to you in some periods of his life is the cost of his character and temperament. Learn to ignore it. And you should never reproach a guy for such behavior and pester him with endless phone calls. In this way you will not help him and you will not prove anything, but you will simply piss him off. He will subconsciously begin to treat you as an enemy who ruins his life and takes him out of his mental balance, which is already very difficult for him to find in a given situation. Therefore, try to restrain your impulses and emotions. Remember that his silence has nothing to do with his attitude towards you. The guy loves you very much. It’s just that at this moment he needs to be alone with himself, so he ignores it. Remember that introverts need to rethink the problem alone, find a solution, understand how to survive it if there is no solution, survive, and only after that go back to people. Therefore, try to treat the fact that a young man disappears somewhere and ignores you with understanding. You shouldn’t invent nonsense, imagine that he is with his mistress and the like, that’s why he ignores him. Deep down, you yourself know that he sits at home, reads his favorite book and just takes a break from the whole world to find peace of mind.

If a man remains silent after a quarrel, it means he has abandoned

Of course, guys may not answer the phone for many different reasons. There are ladies who worry if a guy doesn’t answer the phone and doesn’t call back after five minutes. In this case, you should not invent problems for yourself. Most likely, he is busy at work and cannot answer, or he is traveling in a crowded minibus and cannot reach the phone. In such cases, girls really exaggerate everything and see what is not really there, and start doing stupid things. This is how female jealousy and a sense of ownership manifests itself, and this is not at all a good quality. You need to learn to deal with such emotions, because guys don’t like to be constantly suspected of something.

But there is another reason why a guy doesn’t answer the phone. He just doesn’t want to communicate with the girl, but he is ashamed or uncomfortable to tell her about it. So he doesn’t pick up the phone, hoping that she will stop calling. But, if everything happens this way, the girl herself should feel why the man behaves this way. You shouldn’t deceive yourself, justify it and come up with some reasons. If a guy is no longer interested in you or you are not interested in him at all, you should not call him, look for meetings and do everything to establish contact. Do not humiliate yourself. It’s better to start communicating with someone who will enjoy your calls.

Oh, if only our great-great-grandmothers knew how hard it is to wait for an answer from a young man when you write to him on social networks. How nervous you get if he answers, but he never writes first. They should care about us! In their time it was all simple: I wrote a letter and waited at the window for a month or two until the letter was transported to the neighboring province, until it was handed over, and then either the horse got sick, or the driver got drunk, so the answer did not come.

Modern means of communication allow you to receive a response almost instantly. This is provided that your subject of interest can type quickly and is currently at the computer. The rhythm of our lives has accelerated so much that we often meet people online, fall in love online, or propose via SMS.

Have you noticed that many girls love fairy tales about princesses, about a handsome prince who will definitely come, marry, and they will live happily ever after. Having grown up, young people, even independent and active, everyone also dreams about feelings.

And yesterday’s girls expect actions, courtship, interest and the like from young people. But today the initiative often comes from the woman herself.

Even in those strict times, when girls did not have the right to be the first to show interest in the young man they liked, they managed to do it. Fans, spots on faces, facial expressions, and gestures were used.

Modern It's much easier for women to express interest in someone. It is enough to simply like the material or photo you like, write a few lines, and congratulate them on the holiday. But whether your message will go unnoticed or turn into interesting communication depends on the young man. A man in love is ready to conquer Everest for you! Many other actions and words also speak of signs of attention to you, read which ones exactly.

There are situations when a man always responds to your messages, but he never writes first. Let's try to figure it out.

We put everything on the shelves and draw conclusions

Why doesn't a man write first, but always answers? Let's try to understand the reasons given by the inhabitants of various forums:

Modesty, inexperience

Real fact, especially for young guys, who do not have much experience communicating with the opposite sex. Plus constant advice from older comrades: “the less we love a woman...”.

Fear of appearing to be an uninteresting interlocutor and being ridiculed

Yes, there is a serious reason that encourages men to wait for letters from girls, but not to write them themselves. This may also fear that some words or topics will not be liked by the virtual interlocutor, and she will simply stop communicating. To become a laughing stock for a girl - painful blow to self-esteem any man.


Serious men Those whose work does not involve constant presence at the computer do not have the opportunity or time to send greeting letters to girls. It often affects fatigue, especially if a person is engaged in heavy physical work.

Dislike of letters and the Internet

Not all men like to write letters. For many It’s much easier to communicate over the phone or in person. Haven’t you ever met young people who can’t type quickly? Perhaps this is nonsense for you, but it happens.


The reason, of course, is serious, but if you have the strength to answer, then why do they disappear if you need to write first? Or is it the reluctance to upset the girl with a story about a deadly temperature of 37.1 ° C and about an enemy bullet that killed him when approaching the computer?

Loss of all contacts and emails

It is unlikely that any of today's young people keep a paper version of notebooks with addresses and telephone numbers. Therefore, a covered device can really paralyze communication with a girl for a short period of time. The reason is valid, but if a young person’s technology is constantly “buggy”, then most likely the virus started not in his gadget, but in relation to you.

Waiting attitude

Usually this is the sin or too serious young people(let's see what happens) or typical ladies' men, accustomed to female attention and like real psychologists, carefully stirring up interest in their person.

They do not take the initiative, and in their response messages they subtly hook girls into interest.

Simple human politeness

It forces you to constantly respond to the girl, but not to write first yourself, and such a quality as politeness. If the letters are interesting and the young man is well-mannered, then why not? Whether behind polite communication lies an interest in a girl simply as a good conversationalist or whether there is more than just politeness here, time will tell. But Is it worth staying in the dark for months?, if things are still there?


Raise the white flag. Your task is to show your opponent that nothing threatens his male pride. If he suspects that they are being tried or, even worse, to humiliate him or put him in his place, he will immediately begin to defend himself. At this moment, he does not see you, especially as his beloved. Now you are a competitor for him, a rival trying to take a place in the sun.

There is no need to take a masculine position. A woman can only win with kindness, care, and gentleness. Become such that your partner would be pleased to go to a meeting. Let this be a sign of strength for him, not weakness. Men love to pamper and are ready to do anything for us. There lives a hero in every representative of the stronger sex - it is important to remember this as an axiom that does not require proof.
For him, insults from you are tantamount to admitting his own failure. Do not do that. Remember children's fairy tales: all feats are performed for the sake of beautiful princesses, but the princess must believe in her hero. Don’t turn into a strict mother, a little “friend,” be. Always speak only for yourself. He's your boyfriend (and maybe already your husband), but he doesn't have to share any of your beliefs.

Be direct about what you want. Men are visual, women are auditory. This is another axiom that needs to be remembered. Deliver information in the most compact form possible.
Let's remember our school days. Exact sciences are always easier for boys, and girls are natural humanists. Nothing has changed over the years. The brain of your other half is simply not able to digest that flow of information, embellished with colorful epithets and comparative phrases. Speak clearly and to the point, break it down point by point.

If you want to be listened to and pitied, don’t say: “My boss is so bad, he scolded me and now I’m so sad.” Take my word for it, a man will not understand what you want from him. Most likely, he will immediately begin to look for a solution to the problem, and you, pouting your lips offendedly, will come to the conclusion that they are not listening to you.
Meanwhile, the point is not that he is so bad and you are good or vice versa, you just did not understand each other. Say the same thing, only in male language. It should sound something like this: “I need to talk. I was so exhausted at work today, my boss scolded me for no reason. Listen to me please." That's all. The task has been set. Now he knows what needs to be done to make you happy and satisfied. In the end, you get taken care of, he feels like a hero

Tears are a slippery topic. Not crying is bad, crying for any reason is even worse. If you grab your handkerchief for any reason, no matter how insignificant, this already raises doubts about your sincerity. As soon as a man understands that all suffering is nothing more than a farce, hidden manipulation will immediately stop responding to your tears under any circumstances. Therefore, you should not resort to prohibited methods of influence. Inefficient and tedious. Moreover, a tearful woman does not look very attractive. Remain perfect for him as long as possible.

Learn to listen. It often happens that in a fit of overwhelming emotions we interrupt a man and begin to assent or express our point of view on this or that issue, and then we wonder why he suddenly fell silent. This method of communication is only acceptable for communicating with friends. Men are not like that: if they have already begun to speak (and for the most part they are terrible silent people), then they want to finish the thought, to be heard.
Don't give him advice that isn't asked for. Let him speak out and find a suitable solution himself. If you want to help, ask leading questions. Guide, but don't dictate. He will still do as he sees fit.

Be an individual. Let you have a common hobby, but everyone should have their own personal space, independent of their partner. Any person cannot be made a prisoner of a relationship, because a prisoner always dreams of escaping from prison. You must have personal interests and views.
However, if you disagree on any issue, never, under any circumstances, express it publicly. Convey your thoughts in the correct form when you are alone. A man will never forgive humiliation in public (and this is exactly how he perceives it).

Another important point to remember: a man should never be internally sure that you belong to him one hundred percent. Maintain the excitement of the hunt and life in the relationship. If everything is done correctly, then on a subconscious level he will not only love, but also respect, and therefore, take into account your opinion, even if he does not tell you about it openly.

It's no secret that many women tend to think out and speculate on various situations. The joke “I came up with it myself, I was offended by myself” perfectly reflects female nature. This is especially true when it comes to the man you love. He doesn’t give gifts, doesn’t give compliments, doesn’t introduce him to his parents, and so on. But most of all, a woman is worried about the answer to the question: why doesn’t a man answer SMS and calls? For the fairer sex, this aspect is most often of great importance.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why doesn't a man answer texts and calls?
  • How should a woman behave if a man does not respond to SMS?
  • What you shouldn’t do if a man doesn’t respond to messages

12 common reasons why a man doesn’t respond to a woman’s text messages

Modern relationships directly depend on gadgets. Everything can be ruined by simply not responding to an SMS on time. The woman begins to worry and suspect her other half of cheating. However, there can be many reasons for not writing an SMS.

Problems with your phone. Quite a broad point. Each of us may find ourselves in a situation where communication problems arise. Let's include here a technical malfunction of the gadget (the battery ran out, crashed, fell into the water, and so on), and the lack of a mobile phone with you (forgot at home/in the car, lost, stolen, borrowed), and being out of network access (went out of town , on a business trip) and so on. As you can see, the explanation of the reason may be very banal, but no one is immune from such troubles. Including your chosen one.

He is busy. If your loved one works a lot and his profession requires maximum concentration, then he may not see or hear the SMS (call), or may not be physically able to answer. In addition, if you call and send a message at a time when important meetings, business meetings and other events are taking place, then it is logical that the man will not answer for a long time. In some institutions, management requires employees to leave mobile phones in specially designated areas.

Even if a man has a day off, you shouldn’t immediately suspect him of all his sins. He may be at a meeting with friends, helping his family, or busy with other important things, and therefore does not respond to SMS for a long time. Be patient and wait.

He forgot. If a man does not immediately respond to an SMS, this may indicate that at the time he received your message he was busy and could not answer, and later simply forgot about it. The situation is offensive, but not uncommon. This is just a human factor, and there is no need to create a global problem.

He's not in the spirit. It often happens that a man is not in the mood for communication. The reasons can be very diverse. When troubles happen at work or with your family, your head hurts, and you just get up on the wrong foot; you don’t want to text or answer the call. Men do not like to share their problems with women, preferring to solve them on their own. Accordingly, it is better to wait out bad moments than to spoil the mood of your lady of the heart. And she, in turn, needs to be patient a little and give her loved one time.

He wants to teach you a lesson. Women often do not immediately respond to SMS or calls. Sometimes getting through to your loved one is a real problem. In such cases, men get angry, worried and want to show the woman how difficult it can be to wait for an answer from a loved one.

You are being too intrusive. If a woman does not know exactly what stage of her relationship with a man she is at, then her excessive activity will only frighten and alienate her chosen one. It may also turn out that you misunderstood everything and perceived friendly communication as something more. In this case, by not answering an SMS or call, the man shows that he is not interested in a romantic relationship.

He is married. No matter how sad it may be, a woman sometimes has no idea that her beloved has a family. A married man does not respond to SMS and calls for various reasons: he is at home with his wife, spends time with the children, went to visit his mother-in-law, and so on. He, of course, will explain the pauses in his answers to you very logically and convincingly, but sooner or later the truth will still be revealed.

Ignore. There are also very dishonest men for whom a woman is just a toy. If you have met just such a representative of the stronger sex, then be prepared for the fact that he may not respond to SMS and calls for a long time, but appear only when it is convenient for him and, having received what he wants, disappear again.

The swing principle. What it is? If you push once, then they will swing further on their own, without any effort on your part. Some men use this unique method to get closer to, and subsequently manipulate, a woman. The principle is simple: do not respond to SMS and calls, but do not disappear completely. Roughly speaking, this is a game, but in it the man has a great advantage. The woman begins to seek more communication and meetings with her lover, and he, in turn, gains power over his victim.

Incomprehensible SMS. Even a woman cannot always understand herself, her desires and thoughts. What can we say about men? It has long been proven that representatives of the stronger sex think concretely and do not understand hints and veiled statements. Therefore, your chosen one may simply not understand your message. And since it could be humiliating for him to clarify or ask again, the man prefers to remain silent.

After watching this video, you will learn how to write SMS to a man so that he will definitely respond:

Resentment. It is common for any person to experience such feelings, and men are no exception. Analyze the last meeting, conversation, messages, your actions. Often men do not respond to SMS after a quarrel. You may have deeply offended the young man without even noticing it. But the man is offended and does not respond to your SMS. If such a situation occurs, just apologize, and maybe the problem will disappear without a trace.

Pause in relationships or separation. Men are not as emotional as women. To make a decision, they need to clearly sort everything out and weigh the pros and cons. This is why they sometimes take a break in relationships. It is important to note that it will be better for a man to inform the girl about his decision than to receive alarming SMS from her in huge quantities. Well, a woman should show a little patience and respect her partner’s desire to be alone for a while. However, it also happens that a man, by not answering SMS and calls, makes it clear that the relationship is over. This is perhaps the most unfortunate and humiliating way to announce a breakup. If this is the reason, don’t be overly upset, because such a man has no place next to you.

How to behave if a man does not answer SMS and calls?

You wrote to him, but there is no response? What to do when you are waiting for the treasured message, but it still doesn’t come? There is no need to panic, get upset or angry, because the reason can be very simple. To stay calm, follow these tips:

  • View your latest SMS and calls. Perhaps there are too many of them, and they were initiated by you? If your man receives a lot of messages from you, he may be afraid of your pressure. Don't be intrusive.
  • Do not send long and overly emotional SMS. Incomprehensible texts with no beginning or end can confuse your man. Even if you are very worried or upset, try to describe the problem concisely and clearly. In any case, it would be better for a man to clarify the problem rather than simply ignore the message. If he chose to simply remain silent, you should think about whether your relationship is as serious as you think.
  • Don't be so quick to blame. When your loved one does contact you, you should not swear or throw tantrums. It would be more correct to find out the reason for his silence. Explain to your man that you were worried and were waiting for an answer from him. Surely, after clarification, you will understand whether he is lying or not. And, most likely, the loved one will be “justified.”
  • Call. After a certain period of time after a message to which you have not received a response, try making a call. The SMS signal may simply not be heard, and if the mobile phone is out of sight, then it may not be seen. It is also possible that the phone is in vibration mode.
  • Think about whether he might be offended. If you know for sure that you upset your boyfriend or put him in an awkward situation in front of his friends, write an SMS with an apology. At the same time, you should not overwhelm him with messages regretting that you offended him. One such message will be enough. However, often women do not even realize that they could have hurt the feelings of a young man. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully analyze the last meeting, conversation or correspondence.
  • If you urgently need to contact a man, it is better to call. It's much faster and more efficient than waiting for a response to SMS. Messages are good for wishing good morning and other pleasant things. To send them, you can also use social networks, which are very popular at the moment. When a man sees and is ready to answer you, he will definitely do it.
  • It is also possible that the young man decided to end your relationship in this way. There's nothing to be done here. But there is no need to despair. If a man does this, then you should be glad that he left your life, making way for a bright and happy relationship.
  • If there is no response from a man you have known for a short time, silence may mean that you are not of interest to him. Don't be intrusive. If a man wants to contact you, he will definitely do it when he is free.

How to increase self-esteem?

Let's use men as an example. How can a man improve his self-esteem? For example, if a man grows in his career and business, then his self-esteem also grows. He becomes more courageous, more self-confident. Why? Because he understands that the more successful he is, the more valuable he is, in principle, to many people. And his condition changes because of this.

Many girls also resort to this when pursuing a career or business. But it is important to understand, yes, self-esteem from a career or business can also grow higher, but this is not a woman’s self-esteem, this is a person’s self-esteem. And often a woman can be confident in work, in business, but often nonsense happens in life. And often there is such a dissonance that she is successful in her career and business, but not in relationships. It's different for women. A woman's self-esteem greatly depends on the quality of her relationships with men.

This is how the world works. This does not mean that you should bow down to someone or try. No. This means that you must first establish a relationship with yourself. These are the most important relationships you need to establish. And when you establish them, your relationships with men will also improve. Until you have established a relationship with yourself, you want to manipulate, you want to pretend to be someone you are not, and you attract the same men who pretend to be someone they are not. And you and each other have hard sex in the brain. If you are satisfied with this, then continue in the same spirit, if you are not satisfied with this, ask yourself more often the question: what is my plan, what do I really want and what am I doing or not doing for this. Am I moving exactly towards my goals and desires or am I marking time.

How should you not behave if a man does not respond to SMS and calls?

If a man does not respond to SMS, how should a girl react to this? Your concern about this is understandable. Consider these tips to help you save your relationship:

  • Don't text it to your friends. Finding out the reason for your boyfriend’s silence is undoubtedly worthwhile, but asking his friends about it is not recommended. They will simply laugh at you and discuss it in the company. In addition, a bad impression will be formed about you.
  • Don't duplicate your posts on different social networks. You have already written him a message on his mobile phone or in instant messenger. Your man has already received one message. When there is a desire and opportunity, he will answer you. If his reaction does not follow, then later there will certainly be an explanation for the current situation.
  • Do not call from an unknown number. Such methods will only aggravate the situation and anger your loved one, alienating him from you.
  • Don't go where he might be. Even if you know exactly where and how your man prefers to spend his time, by appearing there as if by chance, you risk being ridiculed by his friends and losing respect in his eyes. In this case, a quick separation is inevitable.
  • Don't bombard him with messages. Sending a lot of SMS with approximately the same content and not waiting for a response is a sure way to lose a man. He will eventually write to you, but, most likely, to inform you of the breakup.
  • Don't make hints on social networks. Waiting for the treasured SMS from your loved one, you begin to publish pictures and statuses on your page that should encourage him to respond as soon as possible. Such behavior will only show the man that the girl in front of him is not serious.
  • Don't worry about it. You don’t know for sure why a man doesn’t respond to SMS and calls, so don’t waste your nerves and let the situation go.
  • No need to sit and wait. Get busy, work, go on a visit, devote time to yourself for your loved one. You won’t even notice how time flies, and your loved one will finally answer.

7 rules for correspondence with a man:

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Women in relationships are very suspicious and restless. They see problems and warning signs in every little thing. For example, many people panic about the question of why a man does not answer messages and calls. Is it worth worrying so much about this? What are the possible reasons for this?

Phone problems

The first thing that should come to mind when thinking about why a man doesn’t respond to messages is problems with his phone. The mobile phone could simply run out of charge or remain out of sight (audibility) of the owner. After all, gadgets tend to break down, fall, drown, and so on. And of course, you shouldn’t write off attackers who are greedy for other people’s smartphones.

Thus, before stressing yourself out, think about the objective reasons for silence and wait a few hours. This is a common everyday situation that can happen to anyone (including you).


If you are trying to contact a gentleman during working hours, it is foolish to be surprised and perplexed why the man does not answer messages and calls. A man is a breadwinner, so it’s stupid to blame him for preferring work to communicating with you. In addition, some professions require complete concentration (doctor, accountant, etc.) or even refusal to use the phone while performing job duties (for example, rescuer). Thus, you must respect your date's busy schedule.

If your lover is having a day off, he might just be meeting up with a friend. Agree, it is not very decent to chat on the phone or write SMS during live communication. After all, he just might be in the bathroom. Before you panic, just think about how many times in your life there are times when you feel completely uncomfortable texting or talking on the phone.

Lack of interest

If a man does not respond to messages and calls for a long time, this may be a reason to seriously think about it (especially if you have known each other only recently). It is possible that he is not interested in you. Unfortunately, not all people are tactful and well-mannered enough to politely explain the situation and, without offending, refuse to communicate. Many people simply prefer to ignore persistent ladies.

This disappointing option should never be dismissed. However, you must have self-esteem. Stop calling your man and bombarding him with messages. By doing this, you not only irritate him, but also expose yourself in an unsightly light.

Frivolous attitude

A common reason why a man does not respond to messages is banal frivolity. The fact is that the stronger sex is a much simpler people than women. A man can read a message and forget about it for several hours, without even writing a short reply. Exactly until he is in the mood and wants to communicate with you. Unfortunately, some gentlemen sincerely do not understand the feelings of women who can “hypnotize” their phone for hours, suffering while waiting for an answer.


They say that women are often offended over trifles. Nevertheless, in matters of touchiness, representatives of the stronger sex can give a head start to the ladies. Often it is for this reason that men do not respond to messages and calls from their other halves. In this case, all that remains is to wait until your lover moves away from the conflict and calms down. And you will have time to analyze the situation and draw conclusions from it for the future.


If you don’t understand why a man doesn’t immediately respond to a message, try to carefully read what was written again. The fact is that in a fit of emotion, a woman can compose something so profound and confusing that a representative of the stronger sex (whose thinking is structured somewhat differently) simply will not understand what exactly you want. Of course, you can ask a clarifying question, but some choose to ignore what they cannot decipher.

If, after re-reading the text of the SMS, you find it too ornate, try duplicating the message, but somewhat shorter and in a simplified form.


If you're concerned that your ex isn't responding to messages, consider whether it's appropriate for you to continue communicating. Perhaps the gentleman decided not. And it may not be a matter of resentment or neglect. It is possible that he already has a new lover and he is afraid that correspondence with his ex could become a reason for jealousy and conflict.

How to respond to silence

What should a woman’s reaction be if a man does not immediately respond to messages and calls (or does not respond at all)? You definitely shouldn’t get all worked up, get offended, and accuse your gentleman of all mortal sins. Here are some recommendations you should listen to:

  • Analyze your message and call history. How often do you write or call your man? How often does the initiative come from you? It is possible that you are too persistent and even intrusive. Some men find this unpleasant, and some are simply put off by it.
  • Think carefully about what to write, reread the message several times before sending. An incoherent or overly emotional flow of words is not the best way to start a correspondence. Even if you are overly excited or angry, try to express your thoughts briefly and clearly. Although if a man ignores incomprehensible messages without trying to clarify their meaning or put you at ease, think about it. Perhaps he doesn't take you seriously.
  • Don't rush to conclusions. When your boyfriend does get in touch, you shouldn’t attack him with accusations. Calmly and politely try to find out the reason for his silence, motivating him with excitement. Perhaps there really is an objective explanation for this behavior, which absolves the “defendant” of all blame.
  • Call back. A short signal about a message may simply not be heard if the phone is in a pocket, bag or another room. Perhaps, instead of languishing while waiting for an answer, you should just call.
  • Try to smooth things over. If the reason for your gentleman's silence is a quarrel, think about whether this situation is your fault. It may be worth putting pride and principles aside, asking for forgiveness for words spoken in the heat of the moment.


Of course, every woman wants love and romance, and therefore, having met her prince, she tries to surround him with care and attention (which in the modern world is expressed, in particular, in calls and SMS). But do not forget that this desire must be mutual. If you constantly initiate communication, if a man often ignores your messages and calls for no apparent reason, this is a reason to think about it. Think about whether he is interested in you. Have the wisdom and pride not to impose yourself on a person who does not want to communicate with you or takes your attention for granted.