Is it possible to develop mental abilities? Development of intelligence and thinking in a child: exercises, games. How to do it

Exercises to develop intellectual abilities

Development of thinking, logic, memory, attention, observation, perception, verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Burime, limericks, riddles as a means of intellectual development. Given logic problems, questions on the development of logic. Warm-up exercise in the group training procedure. Group procedure psychological training. Participants play a game: as if they are “thought-aholics” and want to be cured of it. Group psychological training procedure. Participants are shown a table with 25 letters for a short time, then from memory they must form words from these letters. Group psychological training procedure. Participants find analogies in unrelated things. The exercise is aimed at developing wit and intelligence in general. The exercise will help to reveal intellectual abilities, actualize hidden potential and develop wit. Developing the ability and habit to compare different kinds of objects and phenomena with each other. The exercise will allow you to somewhat develop your intellect by increasing the objective power of thought. The exercise is intended for individual use. It will help you learn how to make a verbal portrait and quickly memorize appearance other people, their characteristics . Develops visual memory. It’s not at all easy to think without swearing. But it is necessary if you want to increase your intelligence. Group psychological training procedure. Aimed at revealing intellectual abilities. Group psychological training procedure. Participants remember different poses. Group psychological training procedure. Participants come up with hieroglyphs and write down their thoughts with them. Group psychological training procedure. Participants are looking for an extra four-digit number. Group psychological training procedure. Aimed at developing observation and visual memory. The exercise will help increase your intellectual level by developing combinatorial abilities. It never hurts to look at the world through the eyes of a fool: on the one hand, it will increase your respect for your own intellect, for your achievements in the intellectual field, and on the other hand, it can help expand your worldview, finding new, useful truths in a wide variety of areas of knowledge! Group psychological training procedure. Participants train in abstraction-concretization. An exercise to develop observation skills and the ability to quickly assess the personal qualities of other people. The exercise is designed to develop conceptual thinking and intelligence in general. Group psychological training procedure. Participants try to remember the algorithm for performing actions with numbers. Group psychological training procedure. Participants offer multiple interpretations of the same story. A small exercise will help to very effectively develop flexibility of thinking. The exercise will help develop intellectual abilities through the development of analytical abilities. The exercise develops observation and intellectual abilities. Group psychological training procedure. Can be used both in intelligence training and as an intellectual warm-up for other trainings. Participants select rhymes. The exercise will help develop observation, the ability to understand people, and understand their problems. Group psychological training procedure. Each participant receives secret instructions on how to behave; others have to guess. The exercise is aimed at developing observation skills. A well-known exercise aimed at developing intellectual flexibility. Group psychological training procedure. Participants solve anagrams: not only the letters are mixed up, but also the words. Group psychological training procedure. The exercise is aimed at revealing intellectual abilities and developing the ability to understand people. A procedure for group psychological training aimed at developing intellectual abilities. Develops the ability to think logically and judiciously. Group psychological training procedure. Participants come up with superpowers for themselves. The exercise is aimed at developing fluency in thinking. Group intellectual training procedure. Participants draw various funny conclusions from the given axiom that “everything is relative.” A procedure for group or individual intellectual training. Participants put order in the words of proverbs. Group psychological training procedure. Participants compete with each other to see who can come up with the longest hiatus (a series of vowels in a meaningful sentence). Group psychological training procedure. Participants imagine themselves as chess pieces. A group psychological training procedure aimed at developing intellectual abilities. Well suited for loosening up the group, getting the participants to know each other (to start the training). It is necessary to leave only those words that denote similar objects in some way, and exclude one word “superfluous”, which does not have this characteristic. Group psychological training procedure. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams and collectively count in their heads. Intellectual liberation. Exercises aimed at developing memory through expanding memory capacity, mastering special memorization and recall techniques. Several exercises for memory development in teenagers. Development of voluntary attention, as well as individual characteristics of attention. Development of imagination, fantasy. Development of analytical and combinatorial abilities. It would be a good idea for anyone to develop their imagination. A good imagination allows our memory to work more efficiently and effectively, and is also a reliable support for our thinking, allowing us to operate with complex images. One way to develop imagination is through poetry. Changing habitual temporary connections. Changing habitual spatial connections. Changing the usual community connections. Several games to develop visual memory. The main thing in the development of visual-figurative thinking is to teach how to create new images and liberate imagination. This exercise, or rather a series of exercises, is designed to develop speed reading skills. Several games to develop tactile memory. Several word games. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. This technique will help in developing original ideas and unexpected solutions to problems. Designed for uncertain situations in which all possible ways to solve the problem are not clear. Exercises aimed at developing quality perception. Development of verbal intelligence. Mastering a mnemonic technique. Development of attention and memory in the process of group training. The exercise is designed to develop memory and verbal intelligence. Development of intelligence in group training. Development of verbal fluency. Formation of the ability to use words and accurately express thoughts. Verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of associative thinking. Development of intuitive perception of the probability of events, tactical abilities. Development of verbal intelligence: restoration of word order in proverbs. Development of concentration. Development of concentration. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of logical thinking. Group psychological training procedure. Participants come up with a verbal description of the monster. Development of concentration and imagination. Development of verbal intelligence and imagination. Development of verbal fluency. It is necessary to generalize and limit concepts. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of verbal fluency. Development of critical thinking, attention, sense of language. Development of conceptual thinking. Development of attention, sense of language. Development of attention. Development of imagination. The task is aimed at breadth of thinking and comprehensive analysis. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal fluency. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Development of verbal intelligence. Intellectual liberation. Development of logical thinking. Forming an attitude towards a comprehensive analysis of the situation. The task disciplines and deepens thinking. Development of verbal fluency.

Who among us has not dreamed of having a high level of erudition and showing off our intelligence? And in various life situations, most of us, oh, how it would help to have additional knowledge that would allow us to get away with it, help a colleague, a friend, do the right thing, make the right choice, etc. In all areas of our lives, it is important to be a person not just smart, but also wise. Therefore, it is very important to know how to develop your intelligence and learn the best exercises and advice from experienced psychologists.

Is it possible to develop your intelligence?

Some people mistakenly believe that intelligence is an innate component of a person. And it is impossible to develop it. This is not entirely true. Yes, there are people who simply have a certain mental development barrier and simply cannot jump above it. But these include those who have a congenital brain defect, mental retardation, dementia and other diseases associated with intelligence. In the case of innate intelligence, it can be developed using various mathematical puzzles, puzzles and other techniques.

Sometimes, it is not necessary to do anything at all, since genius itself finds ways to manifest itself. Let us at least remember the great physicists - Einstein, Curie, Ioffe and others. It cannot be said that in those years the physical and mathematical sciences were widespread. But it’s worth noting right away that these are isolated cases that you shouldn’t rely on too much. That is, based on the above, one can understand that innateness is not always the main way to achieve high intelligence.

Myths about intelligence

There is an opinion that if you have innate intelligence, there is no point in doing anything else for its growth and development. As we already know, there have been and are cases of genius, but they are very rare. Therefore, you cannot rely only on natural gift, it is important to work on your mental abilities and train them. But even in cases with geniuses, one cannot completely discard the factor of upbringing, development in a certain environment, conditions that developed in a unique tandem with the human genome and became the reason for his genius in the future. But that's not all.

We hasten to dispel the myths that it is impossible to increase the level of intelligence in mature man, if they did not work on his abilities in childhood and adolescence. We categorically object, because in this life everything is possible! Each of us, including our dear readers, can grow to the level of, if not a genius, then an intelligent and erudite person, no matter in what environment he was previously brought up.

Remember Bernard Shaw's "My Fair Lady". Young Miss Eliza Doolittle was an ordinary flower seller in a poor neighborhood, and accordingly, she behaved like her surroundings. She spoke rudely, swore, and was unkempt. In short, a banal lumpen.

The brilliant language specialist Henry Higgins, when he met her, was simply dumbfounded. And he argued with his friend that he could turn a slob and rude woman into a high-society lady with all the appropriate manners in a few weeks. And guess what, he succeeded. He simply created all the conditions for the girl’s inner potential to find a way out and manifest itself in all its glory.

We can all achieve success in any field. To do this, you need to work, communicate with those who stimulate mental development, show your own willpower, and scrupulousness.

The next misconception is that being a genius does not mean being smart in everything. That is, unlike those who must educate and develop their abilities, there is a type of people who are already confident in their mental perfection. They believe that if they have achieved success, for example, in mathematics, physics, then there is no need to improve other branches of science and there is no need to even gain wisdom when communicating with people.

This is the danger that few “smart people” know about. Here's a simple example: a person who has an excellent understanding of mathematical theories. Able to mentally calculate division or multiplication of multi-digit numbers. But he may become confused when meeting a new person, with difficulty assessing his actions.

Or, on the contrary, an excellent philologist, a philosopher capable of giving wise advice on various cases. May get confused when counting change in a store. All these are extremes that interfere with the quality of life. Agree, it is much better to be harmonious, develop abilities in all areas and do not forget to gain new knowledge in terms of general development.

What does unbalanced intelligence look like? The process can be easily considered using the example of pumping muscles. If a bodybuilder pays attention to some and does not pay attention to others, then his figure will turn into something ridiculous. Therefore, to achieve a beautiful body contour, you need to work out all muscle groups, regularly, without stopping. And our intelligence also needs to be developed constantly, without taking breaks. An inquisitive mind cannot “live” without another dose of interesting, fascinating information.

Revealing the secrets of developing intelligence

We often come across books and online articles about how to quickly become a genius and, having completed a “unique” course, we understand that nothing comes of this idea. That is, someone’s advertised work simply turned out to be empty. Why are we surprised? All those who are looking for easy ways will get nothing. In order to achieve something, you need to make an effort, will, try, and concentrate your attention on it. After all, we don’t believe in the power of one pill that can cure all ailments at once.

If you want to develop the activity of your brain, work on it constantly. Load him with mental tasks, and they should be complex and versatile. It's like a health issue. If you want to have it, play sports, load your body with active activities. And what usually prevents us from getting rid of bad habits and playing sports?

Yes, it is directly related to our thinking process. We are lazy to think, read, study, watch. It is easier for us to feel in the body of a single-celled ciliate, which simply grinds everything that gets into it. But she doesn't get any benefit from it. So we too - if we do not continually replenish our knowledge, we will stop at the level of a primitive person, a first-grader with an insignificant amount of knowledge.

When we make an effort, use our will to regularly search for interesting information, read, watch, study, then we strengthen our character and cultivate a sense of discipline.

What types of intelligence are there?

On the issue of mental abilities, it should be noted that everyone has their own intelligence, since there are a number of its varieties. By the way, they can be identified from childhood by the manner of communication, the interests of the child, his hobbies, thoughts, and reasoning.

  1. Analytical. The ability to analyze, compare, compare information, divide it into logical blocks, and identify relationships.
  2. Logical. A person is capable of reasoning, thinking and analysis without violating formal logic. This type has the ability to make logical, correct conclusions in the appropriate sequence.
  3. Critical. Receiving information, a person criticizes it, evaluates it, and easily weeds out everything superfluous, unnecessary, and incorrect. This is how a natural, pure opinion develops.
  4. Deductive. A person extracts individual, necessary information from the general volume, flow, and can formulate it perfectly. This type is able to generalize, find patterns in the interconnection of different information and group it into one single thing.
  5. Prognostic. The talent to plan, prevent, formulate future events in thoughts and at the same time keep in mind various options for solving a particular problem.
  6. Abstract thinking. A person can delve into the most complex abstract processes, most often this concerns mathematical and philosophical problems. These are brilliant individuals who are able to hold the most complex mathematical formulas and processes in their heads. They can quickly count addition, multiplication, and division of billions in seconds.
  7. Creative thinking. A person knows how to compare things of different importance from different sciences and quickly bring them to a common denominator. People are able to create, formulate various kinds of metaphors, decipher complex ideas and reduce them to a simplified level for easier understanding.
  8. Ability to concentrate. This point most likely applies to those who have great will and discipline, although without intelligence this would hardly be possible.

The human mind also has certain properties:

  1. Logic of architecture: everyone has a different degree of orderliness in their thinking. Someone thinks soberly, all thoughts are in “order,” while others have a chaotic, incoherent, chaotic mind.
  2. The breadth, depth of the human mind: the level of “smartness” of a person depends on this moment. If he is able to grasp a question, task, or object of thought more broadly and deeply, then he is smarter.
  3. Execution speed mental operations. Here, perhaps, everything is clear. The faster a person thinks, the higher his thinking speed.
  4. Autonomy of thinking. Some people can think perfectly, regardless of the influence of external interference and factors. They are always calm, especially at the moment when they need to make the right decision, create an idea and bring it to life.
  5. Excellent RAM: we're talking about about our memory. The better it is, the more information we can keep in our heads and use it at the right time. People with a good memory can recite poems by heart, retell books, multiply billions in their heads, divide them, formulate formulas.

So, we have studied the main components of the human mind that can be developed and increased. There are a lot of techniques for this, among which are the most common ones in accordance with their effectiveness.

The best methods for developing intelligence at any age

We all understand that intelligence is a very important quality for the quality life of every person. Without it, it is impossible to graduate from school or university, get a profitable job and climb the career ladder. If you have intellectual problems, come to your senses. Increase your level using the methods we offer.

Start playing chess

Many people believe this type Sports are (generally accepted) a boring pastime, but this is a big mistake. You try it first, and then it will talk. The fact is that initially, until a person has the skills, the process is indeed monotonous and boring. But once the skills develop, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from the chessboard by the ears.

The game develops all the qualities of the human mind:

  • logic;
  • ability to predict;
  • abstract;
  • give an assessment;
  • analyze every move;
  • think deductively, figuratively.

During rounds, players fully analyze and evaluate the actions of their opponent, think pointwise and generally. In short, all aspects of our thinking are involved in the process.

If you don't know how to compete in chess, it doesn't matter. Unlike previous years, when only boring textbooks and books were available as aids, now you can use chess simulators, video courses, online games at various sites. This will not only be educational, but also exciting and interesting.

Over time, you will have to get involved in the game and create combinations and build moves. The moment will come when, having learned to play with a robot, you can easily cope with a friend who considered himself a chess ace. And of course, your logic, autonomy of thinking, ability to abstract and other points will help in other areas of life.

Poker – a mathematical card game

We look down on those who indulge in online poker. But don't rush to conclusions. The card game of poker is a chain of logical reasoning, the construction of moves, the ability to predict the opponent’s move and other nuances that stimulate the development of human intelligence.

Moreover, rounds force a person to “pull himself together” and not show his nervousness and self-doubt. It is necessary to judge soberly, with restraint and learn to wait, not act on impulse, and not show your emotions.

Puzzles, rebuses, crosswords

We often spend our leisure time in various kinds of decryptions, puzzles, guessing words in crosswords, and enjoy reading puzzles and other entertaining tasks. All this is work for our mind.

Firstly, we improve our memory by guessing words in crossword puzzles. Secondly, deciphering puzzles develops our logic, the ability to think abstractly and autonomously, and learn to predict. There are a huge number of portals on the Internet, where there are millions of rebuses, puzzles and other educational tasks to choose from.

Breaking the mold

The life of almost all of us consists of the same actions. We get up at the same time, wash ourselves, drink coffee and set off along the same road to work and school. This way our brain stops working, we don’t need to think about how to find the way to the office, which tram to take. Everything has been brought to the point of automatic execution of actions. And as we know, if you don’t use something for a long time, then this thing deteriorates, and a moment of stagnation arises.

It's the same with our mental abilities. They must constantly “work”, otherwise we risk degrading prematurely. And if we break these patterns, our brain immediately joins the active process. New strong connections appear between neurons, on which our intelligence depends.

How to fix this - add something new to your usual routine and actions during the day. For example, do not go to work on a proven path. Change the route, go around through other courtyards. Or, instead of starting your workday with your usual cup of coffee, buy juice. For lunch, instead of sausages, eat steamed vegetables. In the morning, instead of lounging in bed longer, go for a run. You will not have time to capture the moment when your mental abilities begin to manifest themselves again.

Sign up for dancing, become more active

You shouldn’t immediately be indignant and believe that nothing depends on dancing. You are not right. Brain function directly depends on the degree of blood circulation. If it is low, then oxygen starvation occurs, not only cells die, but also neurons, their ligaments atrophy.

If you don’t want to just run, jump, or jog boringly, sign up for a dance course. Latin American styles are especially suitable: tango, baccarat, cha-cha-cha and others. Some experts, on the contrary, recommend doing sports types dancing. In any case, everything is useful.

Movements will allow the body to receive a colossal amount of energy, and mental abilities will grow and grow due to the excellent supply of oxygen to the brain tissue. But that's not all. Active dance movements, whether we like it or not, make us constantly think. This means that the brain is in an active state and intelligence develops.


Creative activities will definitely “shake up” your brain and your intellect will be replenished with new knowledge. While drawing, the most distant areas are activated, they are involved in the process of thinking, and if you continue studying and don’t stop, the degree of intelligence will increase. Of course, no one says that you need to create like Bryullov or Savrasov. But, as you know, almost everyone loves to draw, but most are embarrassed by their “doodles”. And this is in vain! Draw for your own health and don’t be afraid of criticism.


This is one of best methods developing your own intelligence - learning new things, not stopping there. You graduated from school or university, but this does not mean that you can relax. Absorb information every day. Open sites with interesting publications, news, take an interest in the lives of famous people, new types of hobbies, and books. Read before bed. Even if you are tired and want to quickly fall asleep with a well-deserved sleep, a couple of pages of a book before bed will increase your intelligence and relax your nervous system.


There is a great way to “kill” two birds with one stone - to develop intellectual abilities and at the same time make good money. It's called copyright, rewriting. Remote work, allowing you to build a schedule at your own discretion, no management. What could be better for those who do not have the opportunity to devote more time to new knowledge?

Work on the largest exchanges and select topics that will help you learn new things. Working with texts requires a number of things to ensure that your mind never relaxes. Reading, analyzing the proposed topic, searching for information, working, re-reading, choosing the best option, removing unnecessary things and fixing.

Copywriting and rewriting must be done in such a way that there is no identical text on the Internet, that is, uniqueness is important. But you shouldn’t be afraid of it, it will happen if you write the work with interest and desire. At the same time, this is a great way to improve your literacy, because all text programs indicate grammatical, punctuation and other types of errors.

Play sports, move

It can't be said that physical exercise directly affect our intellectual abilities. But with active movements, pull-ups, push-ups, the production of neutrotropes occurs in our brain - proteins responsible for the growth and development of neurons of key cells in the human brain. Classes should be carried out as an additional method of improving your intelligence.

Have a rest

Everyone needs rest, our brain is no exception. Take a break from unnecessary information, because moderation is needed in absorbing it. We're not talking about being lazy - that's completely different. Just don't think about anything sometimes. Listen to music, look at the sunset, waves, fire and clear your thoughts of all negativity.


Engage in eastern practices; yoga especially helps to cleanse your spirit and body of all unnecessary things and gain new knowledge. The complex contains exercises for cleansing blood vessels. This is a special breathing technique, thanks to which all corners of our body will be freed from toxins and waste. During, our body gains mass positive emotions, complete relaxation and knowledge.

The classes consist of 7 chakras, each of which is intended for a specific part of the body. In addition to the fact that the philosophy of yoga is an amazing complex that allows you to become the center of the Universe, be wiser and more restrained, your health also improves.

So, we have studied a number of ways to increase the level of our intelligence. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. We need only one thing - the desire to be wise, intellectually developed and healthy. And as we understand, these three components are not able to manifest themselves in a person without each other. Everything works together. So learn, improve and be healthy!

Our work, opportunities, relationships... our whole life depends on how our mind works. At any age, you can develop your mind, which will be useful to you in any case.


There are many interesting and useful books in the world, by reading which you enrich your mind with new knowledge, thus developing your mind. At the same time, you need to be vigilant so as not to waste your time on empty books that will not give you anything.

Vocabulary expansion

Expand your vocabulary by learning new words from your profession, foreign words, or words you hear but don't know what they mean. This can help not only strengthen your memory, but also advance your career, as in modern world Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the ability to express one’s thoughts are important.


Logical tasks strengthen the connections of neurons in such a way that the brain begins to work better and serve you longer. There are many types of puzzles that develop memory, thinking, attentiveness, imagination and more. Start enjoying and benefiting from these games and challenges.


Mathematics teaches us to think critically and gives us access to analytical thinking, which helps develop the mind.


Drawing is a great opportunity for self-expression. Try your hand at creativity, as this can not only give you a new hobby, but also provide an opportunity to develop your thinking.


While cooking, you use your senses, sensations of different smells and tastes. Cooking is especially useful if you don't use recipes, in which case all your senses are involved.


Listening to music develops sensitivity and also stimulates emotional intellect. If you listen to an opera in a language you don’t know, you may be pleasantly surprised that you will not only know what is happening on stage, but also feel the emotions of the performance.


Poetry can stimulate your creativity as you try to create something beautiful from words. It is also a great way to train your memory by having to remember suitable words and also memorize verses.


Meditation is a great way to expand your consciousness, calm your mind and filter out unnecessary thoughts. But most importantly, meditation gives you the opportunity to control your mind, despite the fact that the mind usually controls us.

Foreign languages

Learning a new language can be challenging, challenging and fun. Not only will you strain your mind to remember new words and phrases, but you'll end up thinking in another language.

Think for yourself

In the modern world it is very easy to get an answer to almost any question. All you have to do is go online and use search engines. It is also easy to do simple and complex calculations using the calculator. And it is easy to receive prepared information from the media. But the less we use our minds ourselves to find answers, the weaker it becomes. So, try to rely not only on other people’s information, but also think for yourself. This will help you not only in developing your mind, but also in life.

The development of human intelligence influenced his formation as Homo sapiens, which separated the human race from the animal world. This is how civilization began to take shape. An individual living in modern society, has the ability to independently develop intellectual potential and maintain brain tone throughout life.

Intelligence: what is it?

Intelligence is the thinking ability of an individual, which is characterized by relative stability. Translated from Latin - comprehension, awareness. Reason allows not only to imagine, think, feel, perceive. The brain has a number of properties:

  • brain teaser;
  • prognostic;
  • analytical;
  • critical;
  • deductive;
  • ability to concentrate.

The capabilities of the brain are opposed to instincts and patterns of behavior. This means that intellectual potential is dynamic, it progresses at the request of a person.

Regardless of the initial amount of knowledge and thinking skills, any individual is able to increase and expand cognitive abilities to the desired level. Performing non-standard tasks that “strain” the brain convolutions and break stereotypical judgments helps to achieve a high level of intellectual capabilities.

A high level of brain development makes it possible to adapt and understand how to act in a new situation. A person with intelligence clearly identifies a problem and solves it optimally.

Types of intelligence

The division of mental abilities into certain types contradicts the famous test that determines IQ level. While the theory of differentiated intelligence states that each individual, to some extent, develops all intellectual variations.

By the way! Doctor of Psychological Sciences, D. Flynn, based on the results of large-scale world studies of IQ values, found that the coefficient has increased over the course of 50 years.

American psychologist Gardner identifies the following types of intelligence:

  • Spatial. A person easily navigates in space, creating routes and passages in an unknown area or situation. Often architects, drivers, designers, and chess players have this type of knowledge.
  • Musical. A predisposition to a clear differentiation of sounds, melodies, tones, rhythm, which is characteristic of musicians and singers.
  • Bodily-kinesthetic. The ability to control the body, clearly balancing. Dancers, gymnasts, acrobats are endowed with this variety.
  • Linguistic. The ability to intuitively understand the correct spelling, pronunciation, meaning and compatibility of lexical units. Tendency to learn foreign languages.
  • Logical-mathematical. A predisposition to find relationships between numbers, dates, facts, which is characteristic of scientists.
  • Naturalistic. The ability to find differences between natural phenomena, to distinguish between the gifts of flora.
  • Interpersonal. A person socializes in society, interacts well with people, capturing their mood.
  • Intrapersonal. The ability to recognize and feel internal experiences and emotions, and understand how to manage them.

According to this classification, each individual has an innate predisposition to certain actions. This tendency indicates the types of intelligence to which a person belongs. That is why one personality cannot always contain several abilities.

How to develop intellectual abilities in adults

The subconscious, as the most important element of intellectual activity, enters into the processes of mental activity only if there is a motive. The famous Russian business coach, Maxim Potashev, states that any motive or reward affects brain activity, activating it.

Psychologists say that the level of intelligence is directly dependent on the hereditary factor and life experience person. Adults' cognitive abilities improve by finding new solutions in an unfamiliar situation.

Interesting! One of the criteria of high intelligence is the ability to intuitively find a way out of a difficult situation.

To understand how to develop intelligence, you first need to stop watching stupid TV shows, series that do not bring useful information. Constantly force your brain to work: solve puzzles, crosswords, create projects.

Oxygen is essential: brain cells are saturated with it, which promotes mental development. Physical activity is also beneficial.

It follows from this that in order to develop reason, there is no need to simply memorize book rules and facts. It is necessary to solve problems creatively, finding the best option. Intellectual “baggage” increases as you grow older.

The famous Swiss philosopher Jean Piaget believed that the central link of mental development is intellect. Children easily form the desired pattern of behavior for a specific situation, adapting to it. During such interaction, the child becomes aware of the laws and rules of life.

Based on similar conclusions, Piaget identified four stages:

  1. Sensorimotor (0-2 years). The newborn discovers the surrounding space with the help of movements and sensory organs, establishes the dependence of personal manipulations and their consequences.
  2. Pre-operative (2-7 years). An initial idea of ​​objects and their purposes appears. However, many types of experience are not yet available to the child.
  3. Specific operations (7-11 years). Children are able to logically manipulate objects and combine them into groups. There is no ability to generalize.
  4. Formal Operations (12 years and onwards). A teenager is able to think abstractly and imagine unreal objects. All operations of the mind are available.

There is a version that intelligence differs between men and women. According to psychologists, the female mind develops intensively until a certain time, the male mind gradually develops throughout life.

If a woman is wondering how to increase intelligence, then she should answer it before the age of 35. The scientific community believes that the development of the mind and intelligence of older women does not progress. However, some theories refute this version.

Development of memory and intelligence

An integral part of increasing intelligence is the development of memory and speech. Because these mental processes interact with thinking and mental abilities.

Memory is a mental function and one of the types of brain activity. The task of memory is to store and reproduce impressions stored in the mind.

Neuroscientist, Nobel Prize laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini, at the age of 100, participated in scientific conferences and medical congresses. She argues that the human brain is neuroplastic: if some neurons die, others begin to perform their functions. However, they require constant stimulation.

Keep your brain active by keeping it engaged:

  • go in for sports;
  • keep things in the same place;
  • be observant;
  • learn poetry;
  • tell stories;
  • relate abstract ideas to concrete images.

Read more books written in complex language: you will have to make an effort to understand the text. These simple tips will help keep your mind sharp.

Methods for developing intelligence

The methods are complex and complex. In order to remember all the moments that happened in life in old age, it is necessary to train the brain in youth. This requires a high degree of self-control, perseverance, and willpower.

In addition, lifestyle and nutritional quality influence intelligence. Frequent stress and conflicts destroy brain neurons.

Reason in every possible way prevents a person’s actions towards his development. After all, the main purpose of the brain is to accumulate energy. Laziness and idleness contribute to intellectual degradation.

Interesting fact! It has been established that the male brain “turns off” after sexual contact. This explains the desire to sleep immediately after intercourse.

Lawrence Katz created a technique that increases the level of intelligence development - neurobics. The essence of the teaching method is to perform familiar actions in a new way:

  • vacuum the apartment blindfolded;
  • take a different route to get to work;
  • read a book turned upside down;
  • watch a movie without sound.

When receiving new impressions, the brain sends a signal to neurons, which are organized into groups to process new impulses.

When looking for literature that increases intellectual potential, choose the following samples:

  • David Gamon, Aerobics for the Mind;
  • Olga Kinyakina, “Brain 100%”;
  • Ron Hubbard, Self-Analysis;
  • Alex Lickerman "The Invincible Mind";
  • Harry Adler, "Techniques for the Development of Intelligence";
  • Edward de Bono, Teach Yourself to Think.

Films that encourage thinking can also be used as a means for brainstorming. creative thinking, erasing stereotypes.

The inclinations of intellectuality are given to us at birth, the habit of using mental abilities is instilled by parents and teachers, and the desire to develop intelligence depends on each individual.

Modern science says that a person’s thinking abilities are 50% dependent on the genetic factor, that is, half of the potential of intelligence is laid down by parents - this is a type of character, a set of neurons, neurotransmitters. At the age of 5, a child has already formed a set of neurons and connections between them, most of of which will remain with him for the rest of his life. And then a lot depends on how his parents develop him, and when he grows up - on himself.

The goal of many people who want to realize their potential as fully as possible. And the surest way to achieve this goal is to never stop working to improve your intelligence. Anyone who actively works to develop their thinking abilities will be able to radically change themselves intellectually within a year.

So how can you get your brain to work at its full potential? Indeed, in our world, where competition reigns, it is not the strongest who wins, but the most intelligent, enterprising and resourceful.

Improving your mental abilities is not a problem - if only you have the desire and patience. Of course, we are unlikely to become second - these are exceptional personalities-nuggets. But, having engaged in self-development, we will be convinced that our brain has such capabilities that we did not even suspect.

Of course, many people would like to become a genius easily and quickly, without spending much effort. Now there are many books on the development of thinking abilities, for example Stanislav Muller’s “Become a Genius! Secrets of Super Thinking" from the series "Yourself a Psychologist", but most people are too lazy to even read them.

For them, the solution would be a magic pill like the one that, by chance, went to the main character of the American film “Dark Areas” (2011) starring Bradley Cooper. Thanks to this pill, the brain of a failed New York writer begins to work with incredible power, and the depressed hero turns into a brilliant stock player with great prospects. But without a pill he is nothing. In addition, it turned out that the wonderful pills that improve brain function have serious side effects.

Although the hero finds a way out of the difficult situation in which he finds himself, it is better for us to use common sense and engage in exercises to develop the intellect. For the brain to work, it needs to be loaded, but the exercises should be interesting and not monotonous. Otherwise, we will subconsciously avoid them by doing. And exercise will only give results when it becomes a habit.

What is IQ

In 1912, German psychologist Wilhelm Stern introduced the concept of “intelligence quotient” - IQ. It is determined using various tests with tasks of increasing complexity. The average value is 100. A value of 70 qualifies as mental retardation.

Intelligence does not mean the amount of knowledge accumulated by a person, but his ability to remember and analyze new information, and also be able to use it to solve subsequent problems.

American Andrea Kuszewski is a consultant physician and specialist in the field of behavioral therapy. She works with children with autism who have impaired cognitive abilities. One of her first patients was a boy with mental retardation: his IQ indicated slight mental retardation. After three years of learning reading, mathematics, playing skills, and communication using the method she developed, his IQ was 100. The same successes in the development of intelligence were observed in other children with cognitive disorders with whom classes were conducted.

Consequently, if children with learning problems can develop rapidly, then the average person who does not have such problems, as they say, is in the cards.

Andrea Kuszewski made the following conclusions:

  • intelligence is trainable;
  • the more you train it, the better the result will be;
  • Everyone can develop intelligence, regardless of the level of their initial abilities.

Developing mental abilities

1. We are looking for innovations

All geniuses are usually erudite - people with great knowledge in many areas of life. For example, he was not only a talented artist, but also a writer, musician, scientist and inventor.

People who strive to develop their intelligence should be open to everything new: knowledge, activities, events. After all, each new activity contributes to the formation of new connections - synapses that connect one neuron with the others and through which they exchange impulses.

The production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter hormone that stimulates the formation of new neurons and helps increase motivation, also directly depends on innovations that trigger this process.

Anyone who wants to have a high IQ should not think that after graduating from a university, they can forget about studying forever, because this is a direct path to degradation. Therefore, we do not stop looking for new food for the mind: we study new sciences, new languages, sign up for courses - for example, painting, playing the guitar, Latin American dancing, engage in a new sport, go on a trip for new experiences.

The value for the development of thinking abilities is not so much the knowledge itself as the learning process itself.

2. Challenge ourselves

Much has been said about the benefits of educational games for the brain that train memory and concentration: poker, preference, chess, backgammon, computer games like Tetris, Sudoku.

True, psychologists involved in the development of intelligence advise, having achieved mastery in one game, to move on to the next. After all, the brain, having understood how to play, for example, begins to become lazy, and new synaptic connections are no longer formed so actively. In order for the brain to be loaded and continue to work hard, you need to constantly keep it in a state of some difficulty.

3. Learning to think creatively

3.1. , the ability to create original ideas And think outside the box.

For example, we take a certain problem and find from 10 to 20 ways to solve it, especially without limiting our imagination. So,

  • caught us on the street heavy rain, there is no umbrella, it’s far from home, and it will most likely rain for a long time;
  • we are rushing to an important meeting, and our heel suddenly breaks;
  • a wallet with money and credit cards disappeared, and we are in a foreign city;
  • we were invited to a party where we don’t know anyone except the hostess of the house, who was urgently called to work;

3.2. After watching a movie come up with our own name for it;

3.3. We open any book and write out 10 words from it, taken at random. Now let's try to find a connection between them and make a short story out of them from 10 sentences;

3.4. Imagine ourselves as an architect, to whom the customer set the task of designing a house. The house is not simple: the project must reflect 10 words invented by the customer: fish, nut, brick, cat, water, etc. We fantasize and draw a brick house, next to it is a walnut tree, on which a cat sits and looks at the fish swimming in pond, etc.;

3.5. Choose any item you like, located in the room, and select 5 adjectives that best correspond to it. For example, an orange is juicy, Spanish, orange, tasty, sweet. And 5 adjectives that suit him least: feline, sharp, scarf, grassy, ​​cloudy;

3.6. On a piece of paper draw 20 crosses and based on each of them we depict an object that our imagination tells us: for example, a mill, a saucepan, a dragonfly, a chessboard. Instead of crosses, you can draw circles or two perpendicular lines as a template for future pictures.

4. We don’t look for easy ways

Progress makes many tasks easier for us, but our brain, deprived of stress, relaxes. Take, for example, thanks to which we have successfully forgotten how to perform even the simplest arithmetic operations in our heads or on paper.

Or GPS, which helps you navigate the terrain. Those who have become accustomed to it eventually discover that they are no longer able to do without it, so much so have they lost their own sense of orientation.

They have been created to help us, which at the same time worsen our knowledge of languages, since they deprive the brain of the opportunity to practice them.

Technology makes life easier, but at the same time cognitive abilities suffer, because the brain needs training. Of course, you don’t need to give up the benefits of civilization and the products of modern technology, but sometimes it’s worth giving your brain some work to keep it in good shape.