Menu of the simplest diets for weight loss. Diets for weight loss at home Print weight loss diet

Every representative of the fairer sex knows what a diet is. It is difficult to comply with it, denying yourself what you madly want. The most annoying thing is when you achieve the desired result, but after relaxing a little, you gain back the extra pounds in double quantity. In order not to encounter such a problem, you need to choose a diet that is suitable for you, and also schedule your diet correctly proper nutrition. Just in this article you will get acquainted with many easy diets that will help you lose weight and improve your health.

Short-term and strict diets, or slow but balanced?

It all depends on your preferences. If you want to lose 3-4 kg in the maximum period, then you should select a strict diet with strict restrictions. The duration of weight loss lasts a week or ten, but they are effective, so you can lose up to six kg. With a sharp restriction of nutrition, trauma to the body occurs in the form of stress and depression. As a result, in the first days of following a diet to replenish energy costs, your body will digest subcutaneous fat cells, due to which weight loss occurs. However, if the regime is followed for a long time, the body, in order to save energy, can retain the subcutaneous fat layer. It is also worth noting the disadvantages of long-term diets: slow weight loss, weight gain, provided that if you change your lifestyle. However, you should not forget about the advantages - if you follow a long-term diet (3.4 months), you can lose 20 kg.


Intended for two weeks. List of required products:

  • cottage cheese
  • fish and meat
  • fruits and vegetables
  • seafood

This is what a visual diet for one day looks like:

  • Breakfast - coffee without sugar
  • Lunch - stewed cabbage, two boiled eggs, tomato juice, one medium glass
  • Dinner - a small piece of lean meat.

English diet

This diet is designed for three weeks, the main products on the menu are fresh vegetables and fruits.

For the first 2 days you can only consume milk (up to two liters and two pieces of bread). For the remaining twenty days you must adhere to this menu:

  • In the morning - 2 apples.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack - fruit of your choice.
  • Dinner - vegetable slices.

It should be noted that this diet is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Diet for the lazy

The lazy diet has become popular recently. Everyone knows the fact that drinking water after meals is harmful to health: the liquid dilutes gastric juice, stops digestion, and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. However, if you drink fluid correctly, the excess weight will go away quickly.

How to stick to this weight loss method:

  1. A glass of water should be drunk before meals, that is, 20 minutes. You should also drink water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. After consuming food, it is forbidden to drink liquid for up to two hours.
  3. For fast weight loss try to eliminate high-calorie foods and not eat 3 hours before bedtime.

The trick to the lazy person's diet is that water fills the stomach, while reducing the portion of food. Also refrain from sweets and salty foods - as it is very difficult to withstand two hours without water.

Kefir weight loss

Many celebrities follow this diet. In one week you can lose up to five kg.

What is the essence of the recipe:

  1. The importance of the diet is low fat kefir, no more than 2%. You can drink from one to two liters per day.
  2. You should drink half a liter of fermented milk product at a time, you need to drink a glass every two, two and a half hours.
  3. Don't forget to drink water while doing this.

In addition to this version of the diet, there are other options with the addition of various fruits or dried fruits. Contraindications: problems in the gastrointestinal tract, allergies to kefir, rheumatism, lactation, etc.


You can regulate the buckwheat diet yourself. A special feature of the diet is buckwheat porridge, which should be cooked in water without salt. Buckwheat is useful product, which cleanses the body of toxins, saturates well, and also suppresses hunger.

The essence of the diet and types:

  1. The three-day system is a fasting diet. Throughout the diet, you should eat only porridge without salt.
  2. Seven-day diet - You can dilute buckwheat with green apples and add kefir.
  3. Buckwheat diet for 14 days - This is a diet system that removes fluid and cleanses the body of fats. The porridge is diluted with fermented milk products and apples. Contraindications: buckwheat intolerance, pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases.

Light diet

The diet will be easier to bear if you find an approach to it. The most important thing is to carefully study the rules and menu.

Light Diet Tricks:

  1. Vitamins - they are useful not only for maintaining beauty and health, but also for eliminating hunger.
  2. Activity is one of simple way get rid of the feeling of hunger. As soon as you feel hungry, immediately start doing squats.
  3. Water. If you're hungry, drink water. This advice Many people have heard it, but many ignore it. But in vain, because it is liquid that saturates the stomach and speeds up metabolism.

Malysheva's diet

This diet lasts two months. You can lose up to twenty-five kg. The diet menu includes fermented milk products without fat, lean meat and fish. Do not combine carbohydrates with proteins. The daily proportion of kcal is 1300 kcal, over time you should reduce this dose to 1000 kcal.


A welcome with many advantages. In this method, you will quickly switch to proper nutrition, while your weight will only decrease, you will change your views on food and taste preferences. The menu contains: raw vegetables, they help cleanse the intestines, improve skin tone, and also remove unnecessary fluid from the body.

The essence of Kim Protasov's recipe:

  1. At the beginning of the first two weeks, eat raw vegetables (1400 g), 3 green apples, one egg and five hundred grams of fermented milk products close to 5% fat every day.
  2. From weeks 3 to 6, instead of three hundred grams of dairy products, consume the same amount of meat or seafood. Steamed dishes should be prepared.
  3. Drink two liters of water every day. This will enhance the effect of vegetable fiber, which will help cleanse the body and reduce weight.
  4. The shuffle method of losing weight lasts five weeks, but nutritionists advise completing the approach so that it is equal to the diet itself. Also, new products are added to the food list every week: broths, various grains, dried fruits.

By following this method you can lose from 5 to 15 kg. However, everything depends on the initial data. It is worth noting that this diet is contraindicated to be used more than once every six months. Contraindications: Gastrointestinal disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

Hollywood Diet

This system acquired this name due to its popularity among Hollywood stars. The main products on the menu are seafood. It is important to exclude bread from the diet and regulate the amount of carbohydrates, fats, sugar and salt consumed. Foods consumed: fish, eggs, white meat, vegetables, fruits with a low amount of carbohydrates. A few rules for using the diet:

  1. Breakfast - coffee or a cup of unsweetened tea.
  2. Any food should be steamed.
  3. Divide meals into five or six approaches.
  4. Drink more fluids.

Vegetarian diet

Many people know about this diet. It involves eating green food: fruits, vegetables, cereals, soups without the addition of meat. Duration from a week to two weeks. During this time you will lose ten kilos. The main benefit of vegetarian weight loss is that the volume in the legs decreases.


The basic principle of nutrition is daily counting of carbohydrates. Daily norm is 45 units per day, it is worth excluding from the menu: sweets, flour products, it is also forbidden to eat protein products. In the first week you will lose 5-6 kg, and in a month - 10 kilograms, in three months - 20 kilograms.

Maggi Diet

Eliminates ten to twenty kilograms in just four weeks. The Maggi method includes these effective methods for losing weight: egg and cottage cheese. This diet does not classify itself as a mono-diet. The diet is rich - vegetables, fruits, meat. Products are selected to activate the burning of accumulated fat from the body.


This modern diet is in great demand. A mono-diet is a nutritional principle in which you eat the same product for several days in a row: cereals, fruits, vegetables, proteins, etc. While some believe that it is harmful to health, others, on the contrary, claim that the technique is effective.

This weight loss system, like the mono-diet, is an innovation. Its main principle is dividing the time of eating into certain intervals, which you regulate yourself. If you fast one day, then the next day you eat in scanty quantities. Also, it has long been proven in medicine that fasting is good for health.

Fasting diet after childbirth

After giving birth, a young mother must monitor her diet so as not to harm her newborn. In this regard, the entire diet becomes as dietary as possible.

A few rules for losing weight in the abdominal area after childbirth:

  • Eliminate all sweets from the menu.
  • Eat small amounts, but often.
  • Don't eat before bed.
  • Consume lean meat products and vitamins.
  • It is forbidden to eat anything salty, spicy or spicy.

Fasting nutrition is based on the consumption of carbohydrates. Eat raw fruits or vegetables. It is forbidden to eat grapes and bananas. Dilute dishes with a small amount of low-fat sour cream, olive oil. Use the following menu in your diet:

  1. Breakfast: add one liter of low-fat kefir to two hundred grams of bran.
  2. During one meal, eat a kilogram of boiled potatoes.
  3. Divide 150 grams of boiled rice into three servings. Eat it for breakfast with cinnamon, for lunch with a softened apple, and for dinner with boiled carrots or sweet peppers.

Cabbage diet

One of the most effective methods. 3 10 days minus 10 kg. You can eat varieties of cabbage every day. You need to steam it or eat it raw. Cabbage can be consumed with meat, fish, vegetables, cereals or fruits.

Causes of excess weight

  1. Poor nutrition
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
  3. Genetics
  4. Hormonal factors
  5. Pathology of the endocrine glands
  6. Tumor development

Complications of obesity

  1. Diabetes mellitus type 2
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases
  3. Cardiovascular disease
  4. Stroke
  5. Infertility, disorders menstrual cycle among women
  6. Respiratory diseases
  7. Vascular diseases of the lower extremities

Excess weight is not only harmful to health, it violates psychological condition person: frequent depression, increased anxiety, reduces sexual performance, and also reduces self-esteem.

Positive effects after losing weight

  1. You will be full of energy.
  2. Memory improves and brain activity increases several times.
  3. Libido increases.
  4. The risk of developing cancer is reduced.
  5. The psychological state improves.
  6. Costs for medicines will decrease.
  7. Restoring the respiratory function of the lungs.
  8. Improved vision
  9. Sleep sensitivity improves, you will say goodbye to insomnia forever
  10. Increases your chances of conceiving a child

Losing weight only with positive side affects the human body: it improves hormonal balance, increases immunity, efficiency, plus erection problems disappear, pressure on the joints and heart decreases. However, the above diets are not enough to keep your weight in a satisfied state for a long time. In addition to following various diets, we must not forget about healthy way life. Play sports: do intensive exercises for the buttocks, muscles, cardio exercises, and the respiratory system. Always be active and healthy!

Diets are popular due to their ability to quickly relieve extra pounds. But as it turns out in reality, such weight loss and strict nutrition can subsequently lead to a rapid gain of lost weight. That is why girls are increasingly refusing such experiments, preferring proper nutrition. But despite this fact, there are the most effective diets for weight loss, helping to quickly and permanently get rid of excess weight.

When choosing an effective and quick diet or a specific emergency weight loss program, preference should be given to the most attractive diet. Eating a hated product will lead to its reduction in quantity and failure. Determining which diet is best will only help personal experience: the body is an individual substance that responds differently to a particular product. The following are effective and popular diets for weight loss with descriptions.

If we talk about simple but effective diets, we can give an example. True, this has its drawbacks. Firstly, the lack of variety in dishes and a meager list of products (often one product is used) leads to a lack of supply of normal amounts of vitamins and microelements. Secondly, after an incorrect exit, there is a high probability of quickly regaining the lost weight. A quick and effective mono-diet should be used only with the permission of a doctor, especially if you have diseases of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal organs.

Buckwheat diet

A strict buckwheat diet allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms in a week, depending on your existing excess weight. The preparation of buckwheat is special - buckwheat is not boiled, but steamed. The result is a not-so-tasty dish that not everyone can eat, but one that promotes weight loss.

The best diet for quick weight loss at home should follow the following rules:

  • Rinse a glass of cereal and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave to steam until the grains are completely swollen - usually this is done in the evening. It is forbidden to add salt or spices to buckwheat. Only a tablespoon of high-quality soy sauce is allowed per glass of cereal.
  • The resulting amount of buckwheat is eaten throughout the day, divided into 4-5 meals - every 3-4 hours, more about this in the article about.
  • The latest meal to lose weight is no later than 5 hours before bedtime.
  • Half an hour before the meal, drink a glass of water. 40 minutes after - another glass of clean water.
  • The minimum daily fluid intake is 2 liters.
  • You are allowed to drink water, tea without sugar and milk (preferably weak), you can replace it with green tea.

This one is fast and effective diet to lose weight, helps cleanse the body, and this is the reason for eliminating a large number of kilograms. Such nutrition for quick and effective weight loss is allowed to be repeated no more than once every six months, since such consumption of buckwheat often leads to the development of a malfunction in the functioning of some body systems (with the right approach this will not happen). Excessive abuse of the buckwheat diet provokes gastrointestinal diseases.

Kefir-cucumber diet

A good diet that helps you lose weight is based on the consumption of kefir and cucumbers. It is quite easy to use, since the feeling of hunger is not everywhere. Every day you are allowed to consume no more than 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir (up to 1.5%) and 1.5 kg of cucumbers. The duration of the diet is no more than 5-6 days. During this time, you can lose 4 kilograms, and those with significant excess weight can lose up to 7 kilograms.

The advantages of the presented diet for weight loss are:

  • availability of products;
  • their attractiveness to the majority;
  • regular bowel cleansing;
  • absence of edema.

Moreover, if after the end of the specified period you do not immediately rush to smoked meats, baked goods, fat content and sweets, the weight can be maintained.

Kefir diet

A popular, effective and fast diet is kefir. It allows you not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse your body of waste and toxins. It is quite difficult to withstand, since you are allowed to drink no more than 1.5 liters of kefir daily, which can be high in fat content. No more foods are included in the diet. The proven kefir diet allows you to lose 5 kilograms in a week.

Nutritionists warn that along with harmful substances, beneficial substances begin to be eliminated after 4-5 days. Therefore, the maximum allowed time is no more than 3 days. You can repeat “unloading” no more than once a month - this is the time that allows you to keep your body “clean” and also prevent excess weight gain.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

More complex weight loss options

There are more interesting options effective weight loss dietary restrictions.

Model diet

The diet of top models is increasingly being practiced, which is quite strict, but allows you to achieve quick results– guaranteed up to 5 kilograms in 3 days. At this time, consume only one boiled egg and 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese. The peculiarity of the diet is the need to divide these foods into several meals, which must be completed before 17:00.

The presented option does not include dinner. If you feel very hungry, you are allowed to drink a glass of warm boiled water with lemon juice. During the day, drink at least 1.5 liters of water. Follow the diet no more than once every six months - it provokes serious stress for the body and can cause malfunctions in some systems.

Losing weight with freshly squeezed juices

The menu is somewhat varied, but the food itself is tough. There are no solid products here - only freshly squeezed citrus fruit juices. Oranges, lemons, and grapefruit are allowed. The juice is prepared before consumption - no more than 200-250 ml of juice is squeezed out of fresh fruits per serving. The total number of “food” meals is 3. During the day, you are allowed to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.

The duration of the diet should not exceed 3 days - during this time you can lose up to 4 kilograms. Such experiments are prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Losing weight with soups

You can get a varied diet thanks to a soup diet, which allows you to lose at least 4-5 kilograms in a week - quickly and effectively. Recipes for first courses can be found in any cookbook or you can come up with them yourself.

The main thing is not to add to the soup:

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • oil;
  • meat products;
  • spices (salt is allowed in small quantities).

Showing your imagination and using a large number of Allowed vegetables, you can prepare quite interesting and tasty soups that will appeal to the whole family. On a diet, you are allowed to eat no more than 4 standard servings of soup (200-250 g). Drink at least 2 liters of liquid daily, including tea and coffee without sugar.

Fast diets

There are less strict diets that allow you to lose weight within a week or a month - these are kefir diet for 7 days and Kremlin diet, which can be followed permanently.

Kremlin diet

Lovers of fatty and fried foods can rejoice - a quick and effective Kremlin diet is for you. Of course, you should not indulge in excessive consumption, but fried eggs with sausage or ham for breakfast are allowed.

Please note: The fast and effective Kremlin diet allows you to eat processed foods, meat, fish, eggs, oils and other foods high in fat but low in carbohydrates. At the same time, rich foods, sweets, and limited vegetables and fruits are prohibited.

The essence of the diet involves counting conventional units per 100 g of product. A conventional unit is the carbohydrate content of a product, which can be seen on the packaging. For weight loss, 40 USD is allowed. daily, to maintain weight – no more than 60 USD. There are tables indicating the carbohydrate content of fruits, vegetables and other foods. Based on them, you can create your own menu.

Kefir diet for 7 days

For more significant results, you can use kefir diet for a week. The rules for losing weight are simple - drink more fluids, 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir (no more than 2%) daily are required.

In addition to the required products:

  • first day - 5 boiled jacket potatoes without salt;
  • second – 100 g of boiled chicken;
  • third - 100 g of lean boiled meat;
  • fourth - 100 g of lean boiled fish;
  • fifth - any vegetables and fruits up to 1 kg (potatoes, grapes, bananas are prohibited);
  • sixth - only kefir;
  • the seventh is a fasting day without kefir, only mineral water.

You should not be afraid of the last two days - within a week your stomach will shrink and the fasting day will pass calmly. You can lose 7 kilograms in a week.

Any affordable, fast and effective diet can become a savior before an important event, when you want to show off your impeccable shape in front of others. But after the event, girls are prone to uncontrollable eating, which makes the diet ineffective in principle. If there is a need to lose more than 5 kilograms of excess weight from the norm, it is better to give preference to long-term proper nutrition. With its help, you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight in a month, which will not go unnoticed by others.

Excess weight is a pressing problem for many women and men. The best diets for weight loss, the most popular and effective, help solve it. There are many nutritional systems for weight loss, so each person will be able to choose an option for themselves, taking into account their personal characteristics. Get acquainted with the most famous weight loss methods, which are time-tested and have the most positive reviews.

What diets are there?

Currently, there are many nutritional systems for weight loss and their list is constantly updated. All of them are aimed at weight loss, but they differ in diet, duration, and expected results. The most effective diets for weight loss can be divided into several categories:

  1. Mono-diets. The diet consists of one or two products, always low-calorie. Mono-diets are difficult to tolerate, but they give a good boost.
  2. Protein. Based on the exclusion of carbohydrates. Effective and relatively safe methods, although the diet is not completely balanced. Some people can tolerate protein weight loss difficult.
  3. Low calorie. They suggest a strict caloric intake, but a varied diet.
  4. Low carb. The amount of carbohydrates consumed is kept to a minimum.
  5. Low fat. Limit fat intake.
  6. Cleansing. Eating foods that help remove waste and toxins from the body.
  7. By blood type. Take into account the physiological needs of a person. They are balanced and safe, but they are not suitable for everyone, because, in addition to the blood type, each of us has a lot of other characteristics.
  8. Soup. Based on the consumption of hot and cold first courses.
  9. Express diets. They expect to lose weight in a few days. Weight returns quickly after express methods. They are effective, but can cause harm to the body.
  10. Drinkable. Drinking water, juices, tea, and other drinks.
  11. Interval. Eating different foods at regular intervals. There are no restrictions on calories or number of meals. An interval nutrition system will not be effective without physical activity.

Rating of diets by effectiveness

There are many nutritional systems in each category, but not all of them are equally effective. So that you understand what effect to expect from one or another of them, check out the top, compiled taking into account numerous reviews of those losing weight:

Diet group


Expected weight loss result (kg)


7 per Attack period, 1 per week during Alternation


For 14 days

Low calorie


7-10 in 21 days

Two-week salt-free

Traffic light

2 every 7 days

Swedish "6 petals"

5-6 in 6 days


from 6 in 2 weeks

Low carb


0.7-1 per 7 days

100 g per day

1 in 7 days

up to 10 in 14 days

Low fat

4 in 10 days

Fruit and vegetable

4 per week


18-25 in 3 months

5 per week

By blood type

3-5 in 2 months




700-800 g per day

2-3 per week

3 in 7 days


Up to 5 per week

On soup with asparagus and spinach


On broccoli soup with arugula



20 and more





5 per week


1 per day



1 per day

0.5 per day

For weight loss

Any nutritional system for reducing body weight involves changing your diet and lifestyle for a given period of time. The task of every person trying to lose weight is to choose one that will bring him the expected result and will not harm the body. You need to approach this very responsibly, study the rules, the list of contraindications. The best diet should not cause even the slightest discomfort.


This category includes best methods, whose diet is as balanced as possible. The menu should be composed of products that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the excretion of useful substances from the body. As a rule, the diet includes recipes with vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. List of healthy and safe diets for the body:

  • vegetable;
  • oatmeal;
  • on porridge;
  • chemical;
  • paleo;
  • gluten-free;
  • Osama Hamdiy;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Dr. Kovalkov;
  • vitamin and protein;
  • Montignac;
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation.


The methods from this list are usually chosen by those people who need real result. They are well known, time-tested and many have lost weight. List of the most popular nutrition systems for weight loss:

  1. Kremlevskaya. Each product is assigned a certain number of points. You are allowed to “eat” a maximum of 40 points per day. In 7 days, the “Kremlevka” removes up to 5 kg. Preference is given to delicious fish and meat dishes. The technique is effective, but has a number of contraindications and will not appeal to people who value variety in their diet.
  2. Japanese. Salt-free food with a large list of prohibited foods. Good for health, but the blandness of the food makes it difficult to follow.
  3. Separate meals. It is based on the fact that foods can be eaten in any quantity, but carbohydrates cannot be mixed with proteins. Some foods are strictly prohibited. It is easier to adhere to the weight loss method using special product compatibility tables. The method is effective, but it is difficult to get used to eating according to it.


The list of power systems is replenished almost every day, some of them are forgotten, and new ones reach the peak of popularity. Several types of such weight loss techniques:

  1. Fractional meals. This technique is followed by many Hollywood beauties, including Charlize Theron. The bottom line is to eat food every 2.5-3 hours, and the last three meals are only raw vegetables and proteins. The serving size is no larger than the palm of your hand. A very safe method for losing weight, with virtually no disadvantages.
  2. Dr. Horvath's nutritional system. This scheme is very non-standard; it allows you to eat legumes and combine meat with potatoes. At the same time, you can lose 3-4 kg in 7 days. You need to eat protein foods with minimal fat content, green vegetables, and unsweetened fruits.
  3. Grapefruit. An excellent option for those who want not only to lose weight, but also immediately tighten their body. Grapefruits, eaten throughout the week, are good for the body. Salt, sugar, fast food, ready-made semi-finished products, and other harmful foods should be excluded. The grapefruit system is very effective, but it has many contraindications.


It is worth noting that now an increasing number of diets are being developed in such a way as to have a gentle effect on the body. If earlier express options were more popular, now preference is given to those nutrition systems that are aimed at long-term but sustainable results. Here are some examples:

  1. 5 tablespoons. A balanced system that limits the maximum daily amount of food. 5 tablespoons is the ideal amount of food to satisfy hunger and replenish energy reserves. The minimum time interval between meals is 3 hours. There are few prohibited products. There are almost no contraindications.
  2. Shuffling. Designed for one and a half months. The diet is designed in such a way that a person will not feel hungry, although there are a lot of forbidden foods. The nutritional system helps improve digestion and is balanced in terms of BJU ratio.
  3. For the belly and thighs. A system based on the consumption of foods that burn subcutaneous fat. You need to count calories (1200-1300 kcal per day maximum) and create a daily menu so that the amount of fat consumed does not exceed 20%. For sustainable results, it is recommended to follow this diet plan for at least a month.


Film, television and pop stars also use various effective diets (sometimes even very unusual and interesting ones) to maintain their health. perfect shape. If you want to follow the example of your idols, try these weight loss techniques:

  1. Nicole Kidman's three-day diet. To quickly get in shape, the celebrity recommends giving up solid foods and drinking broths, fat-burning smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas and water. It is allowed to repeat the course no more than once every two to three months. It helps to get rid of 2-3 kg, cleanse the body, and improve skin condition.
  2. The best diet from Sophia Loren. This woman manages to have perfect figure for many years. She always adheres to proper nutrition, counting calories. Once a month, Sophie goes on a three-day diet. She eats three small meals a day. The diet these days includes juices, eggs, vegetable salads, turkey, shrimp, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.
  3. Julia Roberts method. This actress prefers to lose weight on fish and vegetable salads. Fried foods are excluded. Julia excludes eggs, sugar, pasta, meat, rice and potatoes during her weight loss period.

The best diets for women

Due to certain characteristics of the body, hormonal imbalances, it is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to control their weight. Nutritionists identify a number of nutritional techniques that will be very effective for women:

  • Japanese;
  • Hollywood fortnight;
  • Dukan protein system;
  • separate meals for 90 days;
  • no carbohydrates;
  • kefir;
  • buckwheat;
  • fruity.

Option for a two-week menu of the Japanese method by day:

  1. Days 1 and 8. Breakfast - coffee and a slice of cheese. Lunch - glass tomato juice, 150 g steamed cauliflower, 2 boiled eggs. Dinner – 200 g of lean fish.
  2. 2 and 9. In the morning, a slice of black bread and coffee. In the afternoon, 200 g of lean fish, 100 g of boiled cabbage. In the evening, 100 g of beef with a glass of kefir.
  3. 3 and 10. Breakfast - coffee with crackers, lunch - any amount of stewed zucchini, dinner - 200 g of beef, 100 g of raw cabbage with vegetable oil, 2 boiled eggs.
  4. 4 and 11. Morning - coffee. Day – 50 g of unsalted cheese, boiled egg, 3 raw carrots. Evening – 200 g of fruit salad.
  5. 5 and 12. Breakfast – 1 raw carrot, grated, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner – 200 g of fruit.
  6. 6 and 13. A cup of coffee in the morning. In the afternoon, 200 g of boiled chicken, carrot and cabbage salad. In the evening, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 1 raw carrot.
  7. 7 and 14. Breakfast - green tea and a slice of black bread. Lunch – 200 g of lean fish, boiled cabbage. Dinner – 100 g of beef, a glass of kefir.

For fast weight loss

Nutrition systems for weight loss in as soon as possible are extremely popular, because situations often arise when you need lightning-fast results. It is worth considering that such eating and fasting patterns have a number of side effects: they cause extreme stress to the body and can cause health problems. In addition, the result is unstable, and the weight quickly returns after them. If these don't scare you dangerous consequences, study some examples.


  1. Breakfast. A cup of unsweetened coffee, 2 rye crackers.
  2. Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 4 tomatoes, 2 crackers.
  3. Dinner. 50 g hard cheese, 1 slice of rye bread, 1 tomato, a cup of green tea.

Not hard

By following the following method for three days, you will be able to get rid of 1.5-3 kilograms. Daily ration:

  1. Breakfast. Green tea.
  2. Lunch. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Dinner. 150 g of lean steamed meat, tomato, 1 boiled egg, a piece of unsalted cheese.
  4. Afternoon snack. Unsweetened tea.
  5. Dinner. 150 g boiled chicken, cucumber, herbal tea.

Lightweight and effective

The following nutrition system will ensure you lose up to 5 kg of weight in just three days. Daily ration:

  1. Immediately after waking up. A glass of warm water.
  2. Breakfast. 200 ml of warm low-fat milk with honey.
  3. Dinner. Grapefruit. After 20-30 minutes, 200 g of boiled meat and 150 g of vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack and dinner. A glass of chicken broth.


The best example here would be the paleo diet. Its principle is to bring the diet as close as possible to the one that primitive people had. You are allowed to follow it for 7 days; it will not cause harm to the body. Description of one-day menu option:

  1. Breakfast. Two boiled eggs, 150 g of fresh fruit salad.
  2. Lunch. 10 almonds, 1 apple.
  3. Dinner. 200 g boiled chicken breast, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.
  4. Dinner. 200 g shrimp, 150 g vegetable salad.

The best diet in the world

Every person who has tried to lose weight at least once in their life will agree that it is easier to prevent this problem than to solve it. The best way to do this is to stick to the right thing balanced nutrition, develop correct eating habits, become harmful products and control portion sizes. What is the benefit of this approach:

  1. The level of cholesterol and harmful fats is reduced.
  2. All internal organs and systems, bone and muscle tissue are strengthened.
  3. Energy balance is restored.
  4. Toxins are removed.
  5. All metabolic processes are normalized.
  6. The body receives all the necessary micro- and macroelements.
  7. The psycho-emotional state improves.
  8. Weight always remains within normal limits.


Diet, calculated for a week the most popular, because as a rule, we usually remember that we need to lose weight and get ourselves in order for some significant day only a week before day X.

I want to write a menu for a wonderful diet designed for 1 week, during which time you can get rid of 5 to 10 kilograms of excess weight. The number of pounds you lose in a week depends on your initial weight, as well as the number of extra pounds you have. After all, scientists have proven that the more excess weight you have, the easier it is to lose it.

There are many diets calculated for one week, but not all of them are effective and depending on your diet, you may lose different amounts of excess fat. I will describe several of the most effective and efficient diets designed for a week, so that you can decide for yourself and choose the diet that you like.

1 diet for one week:

This is the simplest diet designed for a week. However, it is quite difficult to stay on this diet without breaking down. Because the menu of this diet is not varied and as a result of this, you will always want to eat something tasty. This weekly diet is designed for people who have very strong willpower.

Diet menu:

Breakfast: 1 cup of tea without sugar, 1 slice of black bread (30g), 1 slice of cheese


Dinner: 200gr. lean boiled meat or fish, vegetable salad (seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil)

Afternoon snack: 1 fruit of your choice (except banana, it is very high in calories)

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt or vegetable salad in any quantity, 1 piece of black bread (30g), 1 glass of tea without sugar.

You can drink water without restriction throughout the day. The optimal water consumption is 2 liters.

Drink water in any quantity, but only water. Compotes, juices, teas, etc. It's not water, it's liquid. We drink ordinary clean water.

We take only black rye bread; rye-wheat bread is not suitable for this diet. We eat any fruit except bananas, as they contain a large amount of calories. It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Since food eaten before bedtime is sure to be stored with extra pounds.

After this weekly diet you will get rid of 3 - 5 kilograms of excess weight, pay attention to what exactly the fat will go away from the body, and not water, as happens if you go on some diets. Therefore, the weight will not return after this diet, unless, of course, after the diet you start sweeping away all the foods in your path.

2 diet for 1 week

This diet will allow you to lose 5 kilograms in a week. However, staying on this diet and not breaking down is also quite difficult. Because The menu of this diet is monotonous throughout the day! This weekly diet is designed for people who have very strong willpower.

1 day: Green apples in any quantity.

After 2 apples, you already feel full, but by the end of the day, apples make you feel sick, you want to quickly go to bed and start the second day of the weekly diet. You can drink water in any quantity.

Day 2: Boiled fish.

You should cook fish without salt; it is best to take sea fish that is not fatty. You can eat fish in any quantity. I endured this day easier than the first, because I really love seafood. But by evening I was tired of the fish too, and I was really looking forward to the next day. You can also drink in any quantity, only clean water.

Day 3:

It is better to take fermented milk products with 1% fat content. For variety, in addition to kefir, I also took yogurt, but not sweet, natural and sour. By evening my stomach was growling terribly. But the arrow on the scale, which showed a decrease in weight, helped me cope with the desire to eat something more.

Day 4: Vegetable stew.

You can have any vegetables except potatoes. It is best to steam it, adding a minimal amount of salt. But you can also simmer it by adding a little olive oil. This day was a celebration of the belly for me.

Day 5: Boiled chicken without salt.

Eat as much as you want, just without salt and seasonings. Well, you can drink water in any quantity.

Day 6: Kefir day or fermented milk day.

It is better to take fermented milk products with 1% fat content. Those. repeat day 3.

Day 7: Fruits in any quantity.

We just exclude bananas, as they are high in calories.

Special instructions for this diet.

Drink water in any quantity, but only water. Compotes, juices, teas, etc. It's not water, it's liquid. We drink ordinary clean water. We eat any fruit except bananas, as they contain a large amount of calories. It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Since food eaten before bedtime is sure to be stored with extra pounds. Well, if you want to break off your diet, then we step on the scales and look at our results, and we immediately want to move further in the process of losing weight.

After this week-long diet, you will get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight, please note that it is fat that will leave the body, and not water, as happens if you go on some diets. Therefore, the weight will not return after this diet, unless, of course, after the diet you start sweeping away all the foods in your path. I lost 4.5 kilograms on this diet. But I think this is an excellent result.

3 diet for 1 week

This quick diet will allow you to lose 3 to 5 kilograms in just a week. The menu of this diet is quite varied, so during the diet you will not feel hungry or unwell. This diet is perfect for those who lack willpower.

1 day:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk, an apple.

Dinner: 1 egg, 1 tomato, 1 orange (or apple).

Dinner: 1 egg, cabbage salad, tea without sugar

Day 2:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk, 1 tomato, 1 egg.

Dinner: 100 boiled lean beef, cabbage salad, 1 glass of grape juice.

Dinner: 2 apples.

Day 3:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk, 1 cucumber, 1 egg.

Dinner: cutlet (steamed), sauerkraut, 1 glass of apple juice.


Day 4:



Dinner: 2 apples

Day 5:

Breakfast: 1 egg, cabbage salad, tea or coffee without sugar or milk.

Dinner: 100g boiled lean beef, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 glass of apple juice.

Dinner: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 6:

Breakfast: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: boiled lean fish 100g, cabbage salad, 1 glass of carrot juice.

Dinner: 2 apples

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 processed cheese, 1 apple, tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: Vegetable soup (cooked without frying), 100g. boiled chicken breast, tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Special instructions for this diet.

Drink water in any quantity, but only water. Compotes, juices, teas, etc. It's not water, it's liquid. We drink ordinary clean water. It is advisable to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Since food eaten before bedtime is sure to be stored with extra pounds.

After this week-long diet, you will lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight.

Finding a woman who is 100% happy with her own figure is very difficult. Most of the fair sex want to improve their body. Most affordable way to do this is to resort to a simple diet for weight loss, which will be easy to follow at home.

If you eat low-calorie foods for a week and adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition (for example: drink only 1 glass in the morning), then at the end of the diet you may well notice a minus several kilograms on the scales. Losing weight will not turn into torture if you do not put yourself in strict limits, but simply correctly adjust your diet. The advice of professional nutritionists collected in the article will help you do this.

Easy diet for the lazy for a week

How to lose weight easily and quickly without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to break off another diet? It is necessary to create a meal schedule for weight loss and stick to it exactly. The digestive organs are designed in such a way that if you eat irregularly, they can malfunction, and then the metabolic process slows down, slowing down the process of losing weight. To see the coveted minus of several kilograms on the scales, you will have to stick to correct mode nutrition.

To last the whole week, must be chosen light diet, not allowing you to break loose. Home conditions are suitable for following the principles of proper nutrition, on which you can lose about 3-4 kg within seven days.

A typical diet for the lazy, which does not require special restrictions and the purchase of exotic and expensive products for weight loss:

  • your entire daily diet should be divided into 5 parts;
  • you need to eat every three hours;
  • one serving should weigh no more than 200 g and fit in the palm of your hand;
  • Before each meal you need to drink a glass of water so that weight loss occurs quickly;
  • completely exclude high-calorie foods with a high percentage of fat (cakes, sweets, buns, cakes) from the light diet;
  • instead of sugar, eat natural honey;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • give up processed foods and cook only from fresh ingredients;
  • give up sausages and smoked meats, replacing them with chicken or beef fillet.

This way you can easily lose 7 kg in a week or even more.


  • How to maintain weight after losing weight - advice from a nutritionist
  • Diets that help you lose weight in a month
  • Easy diet for quick weight loss at home
  • Basic rules of the “2 glasses of water before meals” diet
  • Losing weight for the lazy at home

Compliance with such rules will lead to minus 3 kg after a week. There are other easy weekly diet rules for teenagers:

  • give up sweet soda, chips, salted nuts and crackers;
  • drink more clean water, love compotes made from fresh fruits and berries;
  • give up fast food and eat homemade food;
  • be sure to have breakfast in the morning - for example, a sandwich with wholemeal bread with butter, chicken fillet, cucumber and tomato;
  • eat sweets in the morning;
  • give preference to dark chocolate over milk chocolate;
  • include fresh vegetables in your diet.

Following these simple rules will lead to sustainable weight loss. Even a light diet, provided it is followed accurately, will provide minus 3-4 kg on the scales.

If you adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet for a long time (and not just for a week), you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Basic principles

The weight loss menu for every day involves following the basic principles of a diet for the lazy. To be guaranteed to lose minus 3-5 kg ​​in a week with a light diet, you should completely give up some foods. The following should be prohibited:

  • fried and cooked foods with a lot of fat;
  • mayonnaise and other similar high-calorie sauces;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • confectionery, white bread and any baked goods;
  • sweet soda, pure sugar;
  • sweet fruits (grapes and bananas);
  • starchy vegetables (primarily potatoes);
  • pasta, white rice and all instant cereals.

To see the long-awaited minus on the scales after a light diet for a week, you will have to include the following weight loss products in your diet:

  • fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries;
  • unprocessed cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley, wheat, oatmeal);
  • lean meat (beef, rabbit) and poultry (except duck and goose);
  • eggs and butter;
  • olive and sunflower oil(unrefined);
  • seeds and nuts.

Simple and effective method losing weight at home - make your usual portion half as much. Remove all sugar from it and give up bread. This is the easiest diet that allows you to get rid of at least minus 2 kg in a week.

Menu for the week

A light diet for the lazy for a week is well tolerated by the body. Before you start losing weight, you need to make sample menu for every day, allowing you to lose minus 2-3 kg.

Menu for a week with a lazy diet:


  • breakfast – a portion of buckwheat porridge with tomato and hard cheese;
  • lunch - chicken soup, cabbage salad, boiled fillet;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with berries;
  • dinner - hard-boiled egg, vegetable salad and yogurt.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and apple;
  • pea puree, cucumber salad and a few slices of lean ham;
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruit;
  • grilled beef fillet and vegetables.


  • two sandwiches of fitness bread, ham and hard cheese;
  • vegetable stew and rice porridge with meat;
  • fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
  • grilled vegetables and fish.


  • cottage cheese casserole with berries and kefir;
  • meatball soup and coleslaw;
  • cheesecakes with raisins and honey;
  • stewed rabbit and rice.


  • a portion of pearl barley porridge and an omelette;
  • borscht in chicken broth and baked chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • curd snack with dried apricots;
  • steamed fish cutlets and vegetables.


  • fitness bread sandwiches with mozzarella and tomatoes;
  • stewed beans with chicken and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese casserole and orange;
  • minced chicken meatballs and rice.


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and yogurt;
  • vegetable stew and light seafood salad with vegetables;
  • a handful of berries and yogurt;
  • pancakes made from oatmeal and grated apple with kefir.

If you strictly adhere to this method of eating and follow a light diet, you can easily lose weight in lost kg and lose noticeable weight in a week. You need to show your will, and the result will not keep you waiting.

How much weight can you lose?

How much can you lose in a week on a light diet? Minus 5 kg per week - how realistic is such weight loss? Is it possible to lose minus 7 kg in a week?

Some women decide to limit themselves to food as much as possible, hoping to see minus 10 kg on the scale in a week. In fact, no light diet will give such results. The maximum you can count on is a loss of minus 2-3 kg in 7 days, with a fairly strict restriction in food. Doctors strictly prohibit losing weight more than this figure, since such weight loss can negatively affect some body functions. You need to lose weight comfortably, gradually losing weight, then it will not come back after finishing a light diet. A light diet for the lazy for a week is a good way to cleanse the intestines of toxins, remove a little belly fat, lose a few pounds and give the body an incentive to further lose weight.

Easy and effective diet - 15 kg in 2 weeks

Rapid weight loss in 2 weeks is possible if you create a very strict diet and stick to it strictly every day. Excess weight will begin to disappear at the end of the first week, and after two weeks of a light diet you will see approximately minus 10-15 kg. on the scales (the exact figure depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight).

Sample menu of a light diet for 7 days, to which can be repeated 2 times in a row :


  • breakfast– a portion of oatmeal with water and low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– a portion of vegetable stew and boiled chicken;
  • afternoon tea– a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– Greek low-fat yogurt and berries.


  • buckwheat porridge and hard-boiled egg;
  • steamed fish cakes and coleslaw;
  • curd snack with prunes;
  • grilled cod.


  • a portion of oatmeal with raisins;
  • stewed beans with tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • boiled egg and tomato salad.


  • omelette with tomatoes;
  • pea soup with croutons;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • grilled carp and vegetables.


  • a portion of oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • boiled rice and chicken fillet;
  • apple;
  • seafood salad.


  • cottage cheese pancakes with berries;
  • chicken broth with a piece of fillet and coleslaw;
  • grapefruit;
  • steamed fish cutlet with rice.


  • casserole with cheese;
  • vegetable stew with veal;
  • fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt;
  • grilled veal with vegetables.

If you use the light diet menu two times in a row, at the end of two weeks you can see minus 10 kg or more on the scale.

Weight Loss Results

Any easy diet requires some effort of will and patience. You can't expect the extra pounds to evaporate on their own. To lose weight quickly, you will have to greatly reduce your caloric intake. Eating the most simple products, and by eliminating all the harmful components of the light diet menu, you can cleanse your body of toxins, get rid of excess fluid and lose about 4 kg in one week.