Cream for tightening facial skin: décolleté and neck areas. And other methods to regain your attractiveness. Rating of the best remedies for neck wrinkles and home alternatives

As you know, the skin on the neck and décolleté can reveal a woman’s age, even if she actively takes care of her face and tries to slow down its aging. That is why good cream for the neck and décolleté area should be in the assortment of skincare cosmetics for every representative of the fair sex.

Skin Features

First of all, it is worth remembering that the skin in this area is different from the epidermis on the face and other areas. In the décolleté and neck area, the skin is thinner and less oily. Such a dry and parchment surface ages faster. This means that for this area you need to choose those care products that nourish and moisturize it.

By the way, you need to start doing this in advance, and not when the skin already becomes flabby and wrinkles appear on it. The sooner you provide your body with proper care, the longer it will remain young, elastic and beautiful.

Rules of care

In general, skin care should be comprehensive. Masks or massage alone will not be enough - you need to combine all these points and repeat the procedures regularly.

Like the rest of the body, this part of it needs constant cleansing.

But remember that the tonics and lotions that you wipe your face with are not suitable for you. It is better to get by with a natural tonic made from brewed mint, sage or chamomile. These products work no worse than store-bought ones, but are safer to use. And preparing it is not at all difficult - just brew one tablespoon of dried herb with boiling water and use it.

Another important part of cleansing is the shower. A contrast shower should be taken for several minutes and finished with cold water. It is best to take it in the morning. This way you will not only get a tightening effect, but also cheer up before a new working day.

Another daily procedure that is not recommended to be forgotten is massage and gymnastics. Even the simplest exercises for the neck allow it to stay toned. In this case, you will spend no more than a few minutes. The same can be said about self-massage. This procedure should be done easily and carefully. You can use creams or oils.

You also need to remember a few simple rules.

Firstly, everyone already knows that active influence ultraviolet rays ages the skin. Therefore, you should not get carried away with sunbathing. Secondly, it is recommended to sleep on not very high pillows. They can provoke the appearance of unsightly folds on the neck with age.

You can also add masks, scrubs or wraps to these procedures, which are held several times a week or month. Effective masks You can not only buy it at a cosmetic store, but also prepare it at home.

For more information on caring for the skin of your neck and décolleté, watch the following video.

Features of cosmetics

When choosing cosmetics for this area, it is worth remembering all the features of age. Up to the age of thirty, the décolleté and neck area does not require particularly active care. It is enough just to regularly tone the skin and moisturize it with a nourishing or baby cream.

But after 30, the care process becomes more complex. At this age you already need to choose more nourishing creams. Also, during the cold season, try to choose a product that will protect you from frost. Well, in the summer you will need a cream with a high level of protection against ultraviolet rays.

Women after forty need creams that contain a large number of vitamins You can also sometimes pamper yourself with natural vitamin masks.

Skin care after fifty should be treated as carefully as possible. All skincare products must be alcohol-free. And you need to apply the cream with light massaging movements. It is also worth taking a closer look at products that whiten the skin - this will help you get rid of age spots that appear on the skin.

How to apply correctly

Before applying skin care products to your skin, you must clean it. This should not be done with hard brushes - they can damage thin skin. Therefore, use water and natural soap. Then you need to gently pat your neck with a towel, without rubbing it with strong movements.

And only after that, apply moisturizer with massage movements.

If it is too greasy, or you just feel uncomfortable, you can blot the excess product with a thin napkin. It is worth nourishing the skin with creams regularly, both day and evening.

Rating of the best brands

High-quality cosmetics for skin care in this sensitive area are available in the range of expensive brands like Sisley, as well as cheaper and more affordable ones, like Mary Kay or PiP. Let's look at a few popular products to make it easier for you to navigate the entire range.


"One Hundred Beauty Recipes"

If you are looking for the most affordable option, then you should definitely pay attention to the cream from this domestic brand. Many people are prejudiced against this brand. But in fact, their products are very good. The composition, of course, is not the best, but the effect is really noticeable on the skin.

Estee Lauder

Quite the opposite of the previous option is expensive, natural and effective products from Estee Lauder. Their Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting cream not only tightens the skin, but also moisturizes it. A pleasant advantage is that after using it, the skin remains uniform and light, because it whitens dark spots and other imperfections that appear on the skin over time.

Guam "Microcellulaire"

For lovers natural cosmetics It is also worth paying attention to this product. A high-quality cream makes the skin softer and noticeably more pleasant to the touch. Perfect for aging skin.

Mask recipes

Homemade masks, of course, cannot replace regular use of a moisturizing product. But by pampering your skin with them from time to time, you will achieve a noticeable improvement in its condition.

With yolk

Many homemade masks are made using eggs. One of them is a combination of raw yolk with a spoonful of water, the same amount of sour cream (it is advisable to take a richer version), and a small amount lemon juice. This product should be prepared in advance and kept in the refrigerator for two days.

After this, the mask can be applied to the neck and décolleté. This composition allows you to nourish the skin while whitening it.


Another popular product for homemade masks is cottage cheese. Mix two tablespoons of fresh homemade cottage cheese with natural vegetable oil, juice of half an orange and hold for fifteen minutes. Apply this composition to the skin.

You can expect a rejuvenation effect from using such a mask.

With parsley

A mask made from parsley and hot milk also works well in this area.

Pour two tablespoons of freshly ground herb into a glass of hot milk and let it steep for a few minutes. You need to moisten gauze in this liquid and make a light compress from it. It should be kept on the skin for about half an hour. After you remove the gauze, allow the product to fully absorb into the skin.


Another effective homemade composition can be prepared using paraffin melted in a water bath.

It does not need to be supplemented with anything - just apply a thin layer to your neck. The paraffin will begin to harden on the neck, and after twenty minutes it can be removed. In order for the tightening and rejuvenating effects to be truly noticeable, it is necessary to repeat the procedure regularly. In total, you will need fifteen procedures, done three times a week.


You can also try mixing yeast with hot milk, egg and lemon juice.

The thickness of the mask should resemble sour cream. It is easy to apply to the skin. The product is applied to the skin in a very thin layer and remains on for twenty minutes. During this time, the product will begin to peel off and can be cleaned with warm water.


The most affordable folk remedies for skin care in summer - these are all kinds of fruit and vegetable masks.

A mask based on grated carrots and sour cream is suitable for the neck and décolleté area. The products are mixed in equal quantities and applied to the neck for half an hour.

And now a video recipe for a rejuvenating mask for the neck and décolleté.

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Natural cream-filler “Sachel” based on plant extracts and oils is a therapeutic and cosmetic product with complex effects.

A useful, biologically active product will help cope with many problems that arise on the skin and tidy up the face, neck, and décolleté area. This product is suitable even for very sensitive, delicate skin prone to redness, acne, rosacea and other blemishes.

Indications for use

Men and women can use Sachel Biobolance cream filler daily for the face and neck for the following indications:

  • acne;
  • herpetic infection;
  • sagging skin, wrinkles;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin caused by bacterial infections;
  • spider veins;
  • redness, skin irritation;
  • insufficient moisture, dryness, peeling of the skin;
  • pigment spots, darkening of the skin;
  • hormonal imbalance in the deep subcutaneous layers.

Beneficial features

Cream filler "Sachel" has a nourishing, moisturizing, toning, deep cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect. The cosmetic product will help remove the top layer of dead keratinized cells of the epidermis, and also cleanse the skin of various bacteria.

Cream filler helps fight vascular rosacea, has whitening properties, promotes intensive rejuvenation and active regeneration of the skin at a deep cellular level.

Regular use of this product will even out skin, improve complexion, maintain skin firmness and elasticity, prevent early aging, withering of the epidermis, and the appearance of wrinkles.


The biologically active filler cream contains the following components:

  • natural oils: cedar, amaranth, cocoa;
  • plant extracts: goji berries, green tea, sea buckthorn, Irish moss, calendula, cornflower, brine shrimp, lespedeza, filamentous usnea, chamomile, amaranth, lemon balm;
  • lactulose;
  • sodium alginate;
  • dihydroquercetin;
  • glycolic acid;
  • allantoin;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • lipid complex;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D2.

Mode of application

Cream-filler “Sachel” should be applied with fingertips to the skin of the face and neck, well cleaned of makeup. Using smooth massaging circular movements, the healing agent must be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin.

The cosmetic product is very quickly absorbed into the skin, so it can be used as a light base under day makeup and apply in the morning. When treating herpetic rashes, inflammatory processes and other dermatological infectious diseases, Sashel cream can be applied at night.

To eliminate an allergic rash, it is recommended to use the product both during the day and at night.


It is not recommended to use Sachelle Biobalance cream if you have a strong intolerance to any of the substances included in this anti-aging product.

Where can I buy?

You can always order cream filler “Sachel” Biobalance at an affordable price in our online store “Russian Roots”. We are in short time We will send the order to the specified location by mail. If you live in Moscow or the near Moscow region, the goods will be delivered by courier.

Residents of Moscow can always visit our branded herbal pharmacies and buy Sashel cream filler, shampoos, masks and other hair products. Shop and leave reviews!

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

No matter how hard a woman tries to take care of her face, the skin in the décolleté and neck area still clearly shows age. The epidermis here is delicate, and over time its ability to quickly recover slows down. As a result, wrinkles, stretch marks, sagging, and other unsightly evidence of age can be observed on the neck and upper chest.

To prevent the appearance age-related changes, as well as minimizing existing ones, should be used special creams, intended exclusively for this area. In the article we will consider the features of such creams, get acquainted with the rating of the most effective means, let’s find out which cosmetic products are suitable for a woman over 45 years old.


Let's find out why the skin of the area and décolleté becomes less firm and elastic with age and wrinkles appear on it.

The main reason for the aging of the epidermis in this area is the lack of a fat layer underneath. It is this feature that is naturally characteristic of most women and leads to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and loss of skin.

Weak muscle load. Strong muscles are able to efficiently hold adjacent tissues, and muscles in the décolleté and neck area can only be developed through special exercises, which many neglect.

Insufficient intake of nutrients and water. Nutrition and sufficient moisture intake by the body are the key to healthy and youthful skin.

Ultraviolet radiation also plays a role, and its excessive amount leads to rapid aging of the epidermis.

In the video why this problem occurs:


Let's find out which creams for the neck and décolleté area will become best choice for women.

Re-Nutriv Intensive Lifting by Estee Lauder

The cosmetics of this brand are safe natural composition, efficiency and proven quality over the years. The presented cream is ideal for the delicate skin of the décolleté and neck, tightens, moisturizes and makes the epidermis more elastic,

If the skin in the application area is quite tender and sensitive, then you should use just such a cream.

The product also has a whitening effect, which is also important: after all, many women after 40-45 years begin to experience problems with hyperpigmentation. The product contains natural oils, Chinese barley extract and a special whitening complex.

Microcellulaire from Guam

A natural and very high quality cream that will quickly make the skin in the designated area softer, smoother and smoother. This is an excellent choice for skin that is starting to fade due to age.

If your skin begins to lose its elasticity with age, then you should use this series of creams.


The product is suitable if aging skin begins to lose its elasticity. Reviews indicate the extreme effectiveness of this product: after just a week of use positive result noticeable

One hundred beauty recipes

Budget product of domestic production. Although the price of the cream is low, it copes with its task quite well - the skin in the neck and décolleté area becomes better: more toned, elastic, youthful.

The product can quickly restore and tighten the skin

Decollete Cream from Natura Siberica

The product is sold at the pharmacy, and in addition cosmetic properties It also has medicinal properties. It has a safe composition and contains many natural ingredients. It affects the epidermis in such a way that after several uses it becomes soft, elastic and optimally hydrated.

With regular use of this product, the result will be visible in the shortest possible time.

The cream also has a regenerating effect, leading to the gradual restoration of the epidermis. However, this effect does not appear immediately, but after a course of procedures. In the product hyaluronic acid, known for its moisturizing properties, herbal extracts, healing amino acids, vitamins and. The product has a whitening effect and helps protect the skin from sun radiation in summer. Recommended after 25 years.

S-05 from Damin

Gatineau Defi Lift 3D

Effective cream made in France. Designed for regeneration aging skin, eliminating wrinkles, as well as nourishing the epidermis. Recommended for women over 30 years old.

Most often this cut is used by older girls.

The product is quite expensive, but extremely effective. Already the next day after the first use, you can notice a noticeable tightening of the skin, a reduction in wrinkles, a reduction in pore size, and a fresher and more youthful appearance of the skin. Well, after a course of use, the effect is equal to a cosmetic procedure.


Cream with Russian production. This product effectively tightens the skin and evens out its turgor. The composition of the product is light, melting, the product is absorbed quickly and without traces, does not leave a sticky feeling.

The product can be used for a long time without leaving any traces of use.

The product contains valuable peptides that can affect the skin from the inside. The product produces the most noticeable results with daily use, and it is best to use it to prevent age-related changes.

Which cream to use after 45 years

When choosing a cream for the neck and décolleté, it is important to consider your own age and focus on it. You should know that up to the age of 30, the skin does not need particularly deep care, since it still contains quite a lot of natural ingredients.

After crossing the thirty-year mark, you should treat your skin more carefully: you need to start using more nourishing cosmetic products. Experts recommend in this case. It is also necessary to protect the skin from cold in winter, and from ultraviolet radiation in summer.

After 40-45 years, it is necessary to use products with a high content of vitamins. In addition, you should definitely choose creams with collagen, since by this age there is very little natural collagen left in the epidermis. In addition to creams, you should also periodically use masks with vitamins.

After 45 years, it is important to use alcohol-free products, since alcohol is very drying to the skin. Any product should be rubbed in extremely carefully, without pressing or stretching the skin. It is worth taking a closer look at products with a whitening effect, since after 45 years, many women have the problem of hyperpigmentation.

Video shows how to choose the right cream: