When is motorist day celebrated? When is Motor Transport Workers Day History of Motorist Day

Motorist Day, or, as it is more often called, Driver Day, is celebrated annually in our country on the last Sunday of October. In 2018, the holiday fell on the 28th. In fact, this holiday can be considered the day of every person who has a driver's license. Although, of course, this is not enough to become a professional driver.

Driver's Day was established as a professional holiday in the Soviet Union, when in 1980 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a corresponding Decree. This holiday was widely celebrated at all motor transport enterprises. In our years, this tradition continues to be preserved, especially since professional drivers have also been joined by numerous owners of personal cars, which are becoming more and more numerous every day.

Automotive and Urban Transport Worker's Day is the official name of the celebration, which is popularly known as Motorist (or Driver) Day. As the name implies, the main characters of this day are professional drivers - people who drive trucks, buses, trams, trolleybuses, and taxis.

In addition, it is customary to congratulate everyone who is involved in vehicle maintenance and production: tire fitters, car mechanics, mechanics, automotive engineers and designers, managers and employees of transport enterprises.

The purpose of this celebration is to show the importance of motor transport in the country’s economy, to pay tribute to all workers in this industry, because they make our daily life more convenient and simpler.

Currently, the holiday no longer carries its original meaning, since now not only professional drivers, but also amateurs (in a word, everyone who has a car) consider it theirs.

Traditions of celebrating Motorist Day

On this day it is customary to congratulate professional motorists. Moreover, the heroes of the occasion receive congratulations not only from their loved ones, but from their superiors, politicians and local officials. Transport, freight and passenger companies pay special attention to the holiday.

In particular, concerts are organized there, and management presents prizes, certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees. But since the holiday has long become popular, the celebrations on its occasion acquired the same character.

Thus, at the end of October, many Russian cities usually host parades of retro cars, car rallies and various competitions (for example, for the best car tuning and equipment). Where possible, races and speed races are organized.

In addition, on Driver’s Day, numerous exhibitions are organized where everyone is introduced to cars, their structure and operating principles, as well as the history of the automobile industry.

In 2010, on China Highway 110 of national importance a traffic jam was recorded, which is called the largest in history road transport. Some drivers reported that they drove the 100-kilometer stretch for 5 days, and the traffic jam lasted from August 14 to 25.

In 1997, the Japanese introduced a special sign for elderly drivers over 75 years of age. They must stick a sticker in the form of an autumn withering leaf on the windshield of their car. However, some drivers refused to do this to avoid associating themselves with the dead leaf, so in 2011 the shape of the Koreisha sign was changed to a four-leaf leaf.

Fines for serious rule violations in Finland traffic calculated as a percentage of the offender’s last declared income. All men scold female drivers, but according to police reports, they are much less likely than men to cause road accidents. Women are more careful and comply with driving rules to a greater extent than men.

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In many countries, the car has become an integral part of social life, and the relatively young profession of “driver” is one of the most common. In Russia, road transport workers have their own holiday, emphasizing respect for this profession - last Sunday in October. Motorist Day was officially established in 1976, and later confirmed by additional government decrees.

With the collapse of the USSR, the holiday was preserved unchanged only in Belarus; in other CIS countries it was modified or completely abolished. Today in the Russian Federation this is not only a professional holiday - it also unites amateurs, ordinary people, true fans of the automotive world, passionate about the history of the development of the automotive industry.

The self-propelled carriages that appeared at the end of the 19th century were considered amusing curiosities. Yes and now to modern man they will appear so. In Germany, they managed to preserve an outstanding example of 1885, designed by K. Benz. Another name without which it is impossible to consider the history of the car is the German designer G. Daimler. It was he who proposed 4 wheels instead of a 3-wheel model.

The first self-propelled cars did not even have a steering wheel, and its functions were performed by a lever. The patents received by the inventors in time forever secured their status as the founders of this land transport, and the company they founded, Daimler-Benz (although now it has a different name) produces the famous Mercedes.

Russian craftsmen did not have time to receive the laurels of their creators. The first domestic ancestor of the car was designed in the spring of 1896 by E. Yakovlev and P. Frese. The unit with a 2 horsepower motor was presented at the Novgorod industrial exhibition, and although it has not been preserved, there is a copy in the museum.

France mastered the first more mass production in the world. The origin of the word “chauffeur”, which took root in the Soviet Union, is interesting. It comes from the French language, in which it itself became a symbol of scientific discoveries at the end of the 19th century. The literal translation "stoker" refers to the steam engine, when coal and firewood were used. It was necessary to have a fair amount of dexterity in the process of planting and management.

France also has another achievement - the first automobile race took place from Paris to Rouen in 1894. Already at the dawn of the automobile industry, each manufacturer tried to prove that its copy was the best. 102 samples took part in the first races. Peugeot set a record of that time - 20 km/h.

Mass domestic production has its own history and dates back to 1932, when the first car was released from the assembly line at the Gorky Automobile Plant (not without the participation of another legend of the automotive industry - the Ford company). At first our cars were copies of American ones, but then they acquired own face, taking into account local realities.

For a long time, a private car was considered a luxury - in the Soviet Union it was such for a long time, until the end of the 70s, because the bulk of the products produced were trucks. The car left a significant mark during the Second World War - for example, the GAZ-MM, nicknamed the “lorry”. It accounted for up to half of the fleet of all cars, and it was the “lorry” that most often walked along the blockade “Road of Life”. Therefore, on Motorist Day, front-line drivers who transported strategic cargo and the wounded are not forgotten. Flowers are laid at the monuments to motorist soldiers.

Today, anyone who wants to take part in the holiday will be surprised by the number of events organized for this occasion, especially in large cities. They are satisfied not only by local authorities and activists - large dealers of some popular brands are actively involved. Car rallies to significant places, flash mobs, quests, competitions in driving skills - participants or spectators will not be bored. This holiday is far from formal: it can provide good, positive mood even those who have no professional relationship with him.

Motorist Day 2018 is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. The official name of the professional holiday is “Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker.” On what date will industry representatives be honored this year? The holiday falls on October 28th. The date was set by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012.

How the holiday appeared

It was first established by decree of the PVS of the USSR dated January 15, 1976, and it was then called “Day of Road Transport Workers.” After 20 years, it began to be celebrated as “Day of Motor Transport and Road Workers.” Then, in 2000, road workers got their own holiday, and since 2012, all urban passenger transport workers have been added to motorists.

The holiday is celebrated:

  • drivers;
  • engineering and technical workers;
  • workers of motor transport enterprises;
  • employees of educational institutions.

Transport in Russia

The country uses everything modern views transport. Motor transport accounts for 8.6% of total freight turnover, 56% of cargo transportation volume and 44% of commercial transportation. The share of bus transportation in passenger traffic is 61%, and in the overall structure of passenger traffic, motor transport accounts for 28%.

Urban public transport is the main element of the transport system. It includes: tram, light rail, bus, trolleybus, taxi, metro, monorails, providing about 80% of the population's trips.

Holiday Events

As a rule, on the eve of Motorist Day, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation holds a meeting of the Organizing Committee, where regulations and festive events are discussed.

The ceremonial part of the holiday includes:

  • congratulations and awards to industry representatives;
  • honoring industry veterans;
  • awarding prizes to participants in professional skills competitions;
  • big holiday concert.

Thanks to motorists, plants and factories operate, shopping centers goods are replenished, people move freely within and between cities. Therefore, Motorist Day can safely be called a national day.

Automobile transport

This is the youngest type of transport, because the first cars appeared only at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays, road transport successfully competes with rail and water transport, transporting almost all types of cargo. Motor transport is universal, reliable and convenient. Its main advantage is door-to-door transportation. Road transport is the first competitor to railway transport. It is effective for transporting goods over short and long distances. Public transport uses trolleybuses and buses. Luxury buses have become indispensable in the tourism industry.

However, not everything is so rosy. Cars and buses need good roads, transport junctions. Construction of new routes and reconstruction of old ones is a long and costly process. In the meantime, vehicles are forced to sit in traffic jams for half a day, causing environmental damage.

Personal or public

Public transport began to develop from the beginning of the 20th century. But already from the middle of the century, personal cars began to compete with it. In some European countries, in the wake of automobile addiction, the tram was completely eliminated. It is clear that a personal car means speed, convenience, and the ability to travel “door to door.” But it should be borne in mind that cities literally suffer from overcrowded streets, and the lack of parking spaces irritates not only the motorists themselves, but also pedestrians who are forced to maneuver between cars parked at random and partially blocking the sidewalks. Paid entry into the central part of the city and improving the quality of public transport should help solve the problem.

Motorist Day 2018 is celebrated on October 28 (the last Sunday in October). The official name of the professional holiday is “Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker.” On what date will industry representatives be honored this year? The holiday falls on October 28th. The date was set by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012.

Driver's Day was established as a professional holiday in the Soviet Union, when in 1980 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a corresponding Decree. This holiday was widely celebrated at all motor transport enterprises. In our years, this tradition continues to be preserved, especially since professional drivers have also been joined by numerous owners of personal cars, which are becoming more and more numerous every day.

Every year in Russia the number of cars increases and the composition of the vehicle fleet changes qualitatively. The increase in the number of personal cars clearly shows an improvement in the well-being of the population, and a significant increase in freight traffic on the country’s roads indicates economic growth.

  • Purpose of the Motorist Day holiday
    • Transport in Russia
  • Interesting facts about drivers
    • Personal or public
  • Video: Motorist Day October 28

Automobile and Urban Transport Worker's Day - this is the official name of the celebration, which is popularly known as Motorist (or Driver) Day. As the name implies, the main characters of this day are professional drivers - people who drive trucks, buses, trams, trolleybuses, and taxis.

In addition, it is customary to congratulate everyone who is involved in vehicle maintenance and production: tire fitters, car mechanics, mechanics, automotive engineers and designers, managers and employees of transport enterprises.

The purpose of this celebration is to show the importance of motor transport in the country's economy, to pay tribute to all workers in this industry, because they make our daily life more convenient and easier.

Currently, the holiday no longer carries its original meaning, since now not only professional drivers, but also amateurs (in a word, everyone who has a car) consider it theirs.

Professional holiday of motorists in 2018: interesting facts, date, history of the holiday

  1. The solemn event was officially confirmed on October 1, 1980;
  2. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics legislated the event by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR;
  3. Residents of the Soviet Union celebrated their professional date on the last Sunday in October;
  4. After the collapse of the USSR, the former republics maintained the tradition of celebration;
  5. Ukraine combined a holiday for drivers and road workers. The date remains the same;
  6. Russia has not adopted the experience of Ukraine: drivers, road workers are separate professions;
  7. Motorist Day in 2018 falls on October 28.

Transport in Russia

The country uses all modern modes of transport. Motor transport accounts for 8.6% of total freight turnover, 56% of cargo transportation volume and 44% of commercial transportation. The share of bus transportation in passenger traffic is 61%, and in the overall structure of passenger traffic, motor transport accounts for 28%.

Urban public transport is the main element of the transport system. It includes: tram, light rail, bus, trolleybus, taxi, metro, monorails, providing about 80% of the population's trips.

Traditions of celebrating Motorist Day

On this day it is customary to congratulate professional motorists. Moreover, the heroes of the occasion receive congratulations not only from their loved ones, but from their superiors, politicians and local officials. Transport, freight and passenger companies pay special attention to the holiday.

In particular, concerts are organized there, and management presents prizes, certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees. But since the holiday has long become popular, the celebrations on its occasion acquired the same character.

Thus, at the end of October, many Russian cities usually host parades of retro cars, car rallies and various competitions (for example, for the best car tuning and equipment). Where possible, races and speed races are organized.

In addition, on Driver’s Day, numerous exhibitions are organized where everyone is introduced to cars, their structure and operating principles, as well as the history of the automobile industry.

In 2010, a traffic jam was recorded on China National Highway 110, which is called the largest in the history of road transport. Some drivers reported that they drove the 100-kilometer stretch for 5 days, and the traffic jam lasted from August 14 to 25.

In 1997, the Japanese introduced a special sign for elderly drivers over 75 years of age. They must stick a sticker in the form of an autumn withering leaf on the windshield of their car. However, some drivers refused to do this to avoid associating themselves with the dead leaf, so in 2011 the shape of the Koreisha sign was changed to a four-leaf leaf.

In Finland, fines for serious traffic violations are calculated as a percentage of the offender's last declared income. All men scold female drivers, but according to police reports, they are much less likely than men to cause road accidents. Women are more careful and comply with driving rules to a greater extent than men.

Personal or public

Public transport began to develop from the beginning of the 20th century. But already from the middle of the century, personal cars began to compete with it. In some European countries, in the wake of automobile addiction, the tram was completely eliminated. It is clear that a personal car means speed, convenience, and the ability to travel “door to door.” But it should be borne in mind that cities literally suffer from overcrowded streets, and the lack of parking spaces irritates not only the motorists themselves, but also pedestrians who are forced to maneuver between cars parked at random and partially blocking the sidewalks. Paid entry into the central part of the city and improving the quality of public transport should help solve the problem.

It is becoming almost national. For example, today almost every second citizen of Russia knows when Driver’s Day is. If you don’t know yet, it’s time to add this date to your personal calendar and congratulate all the motorists you know on time. Considering the number of cars on our roads, this is more than relevant.

What date is Driver's Day in Russia

In our country, this holiday is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of October. Accordingly, in 2013 it is October 27, and in 2014 it is October 26. This holiday was introduced by the USSR government in 1976. It is celebrated by all people working in the field of motor transport, and many who enjoy driving. Why did this date appear on the calendar so recently? It's simple: motor transport appeared in Russia only about 120 years ago. Today, the work of many specialists is related to machines. In our country, roads remain the only means of communication with many remote settlements. Transport routes of this type are used universally - for transporting people and goods. different types cargo.

History and its celebration today

Established this holiday. In those days, in many regions the population was notified in advance when it was planned to take place. Organized concerts and other festive events for industry workers. Often, some congratulations and awards to professional transport workers were also timed to coincide with this day. Nowadays, few enterprises celebrate this event at the corporate level. But it's never too late to revive this tradition. Today, drivers are assigned even to any office, not to mention organizations specializing in organizing freight or passenger transportation. If you know what date Driver’s Day is, you can organize congratulations for employees from colleagues in advance or coordinate the celebration with management.

Home Driver's Day

Today, almost every family has one personal car, and sometimes several. And this is a great reason to celebrate one more holiday. At the same time, you can choose any format: organize a party for friends or a festive family dinner where there will be no strangers. Now you know when Driver's Day is. But a new question arises: “Is it necessary to give something to those who often drive?” Professional and some special holidays do not require luxurious, expensive gifts. But you can easily afford to surprise a car enthusiast by presenting him with some kind of themed souvenir or car accessory. If funds allow, and you are going to congratulate a loved one, you can present a steering wheel or gear knob. It is advisable to choose such gifts together. If it is impossible to consult, give preference only to those items that will definitely please the recipient.