Castor oil moisturizes. Castor oil for the face: beneficial properties, methods of use, reviews. Oil facial cleansing

Castor oil for the face is used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, nourishing and moisturizing agent. In addition, it moderately lightens the skin, and therefore is often used against age spots. Castor oil is ideal for caring for dry or damaged skin of the face and body.

The most useful castor oil is prepared by cold pressing; it retains all the substances beneficial to the body: antioxidants, vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamin E. You can buy this oil at the pharmacy, it is very inexpensive and is sold in small bottles (30-50 ml ) made of dark glass.

How not to cause harm?

Before using castor oil for the first time, you should test for an allergic reaction by applying the oil to the inner surface of the elbow for a few minutes. Ricinoleic acid, which is contained in castor oil, is an excellent skin softening component, which, unfortunately, can quite often cause an allergic reaction. And even if the test shows the absence of allergies, it is better to use castor oil not in its pure form, but in combination with base oils - olive, sea buckthorn, peach, apricot and others. Even a few drops of castor oil will be enough to achieve the desired effect.

Acne can be successfully treated with castor oil. Penetrating deeply into tissues, ricinoleic acid prevents the proliferation of bacteria and viruses.

Treatments using castor oil should be carried out in the evening. First, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin and open the pores using a compress with a hot towel, and then apply a few drops of castor oil to the skin with light massage movements. There is no need to wash off the oil. This procedure should be carried out daily before bed for two weeks.

It will help to enhance the effect of such care acne mask with castor oil, for the preparation of which you need to mix 1 tsp. castor oil, 1 tsp. alcohol solution of calendula, 1 egg white and 1 powdered tablet of acetylsalicylic acid. The mask is applied to clean facial skin in 3-4 thin layers at intervals of 5 minutes and after another 5 minutes, washed off with warm water. After it there is no need to use cream or any other product.

Castor oil helps achieve great success in... It actively stimulates the production of elastin and collagen in the skin, increases its tone, nourishes and retains moisture in the skin.

It is enough just to add 3-5 drops of castor oil to the daily portion of your usual face cream.

In addition, special masks with castor oil for wrinkles:

  • Oil face mask for early wrinkles

Castor oil should be mixed in equal quantities with sea buckthorn and olive oils, heated in a water bath to 30 degrees Celsius and applied to clean facial skin using a cotton pad. Then you need to massage the skin with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes, then keep the mask on your face for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

  • Mask for dry, aging facial skin with fine wrinkles

Boil 2 tbsp in milk. l. oatmeal, add 2 tsp. slightly warmed natural honey and 2 tsp. castor oil, mix thoroughly and apply a thick layer to the face for 20 minutes. This mask should be performed twice a week; it will help smooth out fine wrinkles and remove dry skin. This mask is not suitable for people who are allergic to honey.

  • Nourishing mask for dry and normal skin with wrinkles

The easiest option is to mix 1 tbsp. l. warm castor oil with raw egg yolk and apply for 15 minutes on clean facial skin, and then rinse with warm water.

  • Eye mask

Castor oil gently moisturizes the skin around the eyes, and therefore is often used as the main component. You can simply apply pure castor oil clockwise to the skin around your eyes.

Castor oil is useful for skin that has scars, including stretch marks. Moreover, it is able to eliminate not only external, but also internal scars, thanks to its ability to penetrate deeply into the tissue.

Of course, eliminating formed scars requires a lot of patience and time, but the main thing is that there is a result at all. Castor oil is recommended to be regularly rubbed into the scar or used for compresses. To perform compresses, you need to apply a cloth soaked in castor oil to the scar area for 1-2 hours every day for a long time.

Castor oil for age spots

Freckles are also used no less successfully. Masks made from castor oil and cucumber, radish or lemon have a good whitening effect. To prepare such masks, you need to mix 1 tsp. butter with 1 tbsp. l. juice or gruel of an additional ingredient. You can add 1 tbsp to the mask. l. honey or kefir. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Castor oil has proven itself to be excellent for dry skin care. To eliminate flaking and nourish dry skin, it is recommended to use a softening mask for sensitive skin with castor oil. To do this, you need to peel a medium-sized potato tuber boiled in its jacket and mash it, add 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 raw egg yolk and 2 tsp. castor oil. Apply the warm mixture to clean skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Other uses of castor oil

It is probably used even more often for eyelashes and eyebrows than for skin.

It is also known to be used. But before taking the product internally, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Reviews from many cosmetologists and dermatologists indicate that castor oil for the face is an indispensable product. The benefits of its use are due to the fact that it consists of 80% ricinic acid and is rich in vitamin E, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids. It is made from the Castor bean plant by cold pressing. It is also known as ricin, or ordinary castor oil.

Properties of castor oil

The properties of castor oil are very diverse. It is used as an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agent. In medicine, it is used in the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, eye diseases, cholecystitis, and gynecological diseases. Castor oil has also found wide application in cosmetology. Numerous studies have proven its high benefits in the fight against skin infections and other facial skin problems. Such as acne, dry skin, premature aging and wrinkles, purulent rashes, age spots, allergic rashes and skin inflammation.

Rules of application

Castor oil should be used as follows:

  • It is better to do no more than two to three procedures per month.
  • To avoid allergies, dilute castor oil with any other natural oil.
  • Do not leave the masks on all night.
  • Warm the oil before use.

Castor oil for face

Castor oil is a natural emollient that penetrates the skin and helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, helping to soften and moisturize the skin. This is a wonderful natural remedy for treating wrinkles. It restores and rejuvenates the skin, giving it a natural youthful glow. After using castor oil, the skin becomes smooth, soft and elastic.

Castor oil for wrinkles

To combat wrinkles, it is recommended to mix castor oil with any other lighter oil in a 1 to 1 ratio, heat it in a water bath and apply with light patting movements before bed. In the morning, blot the remaining mixture with a cotton pad. Wheat germ or grape seed oil is suitable as the second component.

Castor oil for acne

Castor oil for pimples, purulent rashes and acne should be used as follows: wipe the affected areas of the skin with it in the morning and before bed.

To combat persistent fungal infections that affect the skin or nails, it is recommended to soak the affected skin in an Epsom salt solution for 10-15 minutes to soften and disinfect the skin before applying castor oil. This may help speed up the healing process.

Use for spots and scars

To eliminate scars and acne spots, rub the oil in a circular massage motion into the affected areas, this will help reduce the appearance of marks and smooth the skin.

Use against blackheads

Castor oil is also effective against blackheads. Mix equal parts of castor and olive oil, apply to the area of ​​blackheads and place a hot towel soaked in chamomile solution on top. Afterwards, wipe your skin with lemon juice.

Castor oil for age spots and freckles

Ricin oil is effective against age spots and freckles. Dip a small cotton swab into the oil and wipe it over areas of the skin where there are age spots before going to bed. Use only a small amount of oil and be especially careful when applying it around the eyes.

Castor oil for lips

Many people successfully use castor oil to soften chapped and rough skin on the lips. It is better to apply it to the lips at night or one and a half to two hours before makeup. Afterwards, remove the residue from your lips with a cotton pad and apply lipstick.

Skin masks

Oil can be used on the face not only directly, but also as part of various masks. Before you start mixing the ingredients for such a mask, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using castor oil in face masks:

  • Before using the mask, the face must be thoroughly cleansed.
  • It is better to warm up the oil included in the mask, this will facilitate its penetration into the skin.
  • To avoid allergies, the mask should be kept on the face for no longer than 15–20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with warm water, and then wipe your face with a soothing chamomile decoction.

Here is an example of such a mask:

Combine heated castor oil, honey and lemon juice in equal parts. Cover your face and lips with the resulting mixture and leave for 10–15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature. This mask should be done once a week for two months. After it, the skin will become much fresher, elastic and radiant.

What to look for when purchasing

Normally, castor oil is a colorless or pale yellow liquid with a characteristic taste and smell. It should not have sediment or any impurities. It must be produced exclusively by cold pressing. Only the use of such oil will be beneficial.

  • Research conducted in India in 2011 proved that castor bean leaf extract has better antibacterial effects against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria than gentamicin, which means using castor oil for acne is a better choice.
  • Castor oil has been found to have a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of certain malignant tumors. According to oncologists, it is effective against cancer.
  • A study conducted in 1999 proved that castor oil significantly stimulates the immune system and increases the production of lymphocytes.

Apply castor oil to your face regularly, and you will be able to see for yourself its amazing effectiveness against wrinkles, age spots, and chapped lips. Looking at your rejuvenated face in the mirror, you will definitely start giving her positive feedback. Recommend using it to your friends and acquaintances against age spots and wrinkles, and they will probably thank you for such valuable advice. After all, it is not for nothing that castor oil has been considered a magical remedy for solving a whole range of skin problems on the face and lips for many centuries and receives praise.

Castor oil is an effective antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and nourishing agent. With its help, it is possible to lighten the skin. Due to these properties, this product is widely used in cosmetology.

Benefits of castor oil for the face

Due to the fact that the chemical composition of castor oil is rich in fatty acids, its benefits for facial skin are enormous.

With this product it is possible to have a complex effect on the skin:

Castor oil turns out to be incredibly useful for the skin, and accordingly it can become one of the main cosmetics used at home. But nevertheless, before you start using it, you should carefully study all the features of its use and existing contraindications.

Features of application

In order to avoid unwanted consequences, castor oil is strongly recommended to be mixed with other oils.

The ratio of components can be either 1:2 or 1:3. Such mixtures are ideal as eyelid care products.

Castor oil can enhance the effect that creams and moisturizing milk have on the skin.

To do this, you just need to add a couple of drops of castor oil to the composition before using them.

When trying to get rid of wrinkles, you need to mix this product with wheat germ, shea butter, as well as sea buckthorn and olive oil in equal proportions.

Before use, this mixture must be warmed up by placing the container in a water bath. After this, it can be applied to the skin with soft patting movements.

As a result, the skin will be saturated with all useful substances.

To get rid of age spots and freckles, an undiluted product is used. It is applied with precise strokes directly to these areas. Such manipulations are performed daily, in the morning and evening. Following the same scheme, you will also be able to get rid of various growths and calluses.

Miracle oil is also used to eliminate scars. Due to the fact that it is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epithelium, it can be used to heal abnormal cells and remove toxins.

In order to get rid of scars, compresses based on this product must be kept on the affected areas for about two hours. The procedure should be performed daily for several months.

Prevention and treatment of acne

Castor oil is often used in the complex treatment of acne. This is due to the fact that it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

For prevention purposes, the following actions are taken:

  1. Before going to bed, the skin is cleansed.
  2. A towel soaked in hot water is applied to the face as a compress. This will open up the pores.
  3. After ten minutes, the towel is removed and castor oil mixed with liquid extract is applied to the skin.
  4. At the end of the procedure, you don’t need to think about how to wash off the applied product. It will be completely absorbed.
  5. Perform the procedure daily for a couple of weeks.

If you have acne on your face, you must undergo the following course of treatment:

  1. In one container, mix equal proportions of calendula infusion and castor oil.
  2. Add a pre-crushed aspirin tablet to the composition.
  3. Pour in one white.
  4. How to apply the prepared mask: layer by layer, with an interval of five minutes. Apply four coats in total.
  5. After the mask dries, it must be washed off.
  6. Additionally, treat the skin with tonic.

Rejuvenation and anti-wrinkle treatment

Over time, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture in cells and produce elastin and collagen.

In order to force these processes to activate, it is recommended to use regular castor oil. There are several options for using it:

  1. Mix olive, castor and sea buckthorn oils in equal proportions, and then be sure to heat the oil mixture in a water bath. Soak a cotton pad in warm liquid and wipe your face with it. Massage the skin for several minutes, and after half an hour, rinse your face with water.
  2. Place a couple of spoons of oatmeal in a container and pour well-heated milk over it. Add a little honey and literally a spoonful of castor oil to this mixture. The mixture must then be stirred and applied warm to the skin. After twenty minutes, the mask can be washed off.
  3. Mix the egg yolk with ten drops of castor oil and apply the resulting mixture to the code. After a quarter of an hour, the remaining product must be washed off.

You can use this product in the fight against wrinkles regardless of skin type. The maximum result can be achieved if the mass is applied to the face in a warm, preheated state.

Getting rid of scars and age spots

The use of castor oil in the fight against scars is due to its ability to soften the skin.

With its help, compacted tissues soften, microcirculation improves, and as a result, scars resolve.

Castor oil can be used for facial skin care. This is a valuable cosmetic product that is recommended to be added to homemade masks.

Castor oil also contains other oils that have healing and effective properties. If you use this product regularly, you can achieve amazing results.

Where is castor oil used?

Castor oil, due to its rich composition and unique properties, is used in various fields:
  1. In cosmetology, this product is used to prepare masks for hair, eyelashes and skin care. Castor oil is invaluable in caring for delicate facial skin.
  2. The product is widely used in perfumery, added to soaps and various hair care products.
  3. Castor oil is used in pharmaceuticals as an additional component of various medications.
  4. Castor oil is used industrially to make a wide variety of products - dyes, paints, synthetic fibers, nylon, brake fluid and plastics.
  5. This product is also indispensable in the food industry, as it is part of a variety of flavorings and additives.
  6. Castor oil is widely used in medicine during the treatment of various diseases - for example, painful sensations in the leg muscles, yeast infections, sleep disorders, bladder and skin infections, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, hair loss, etc.

Beneficial qualities of castor oil for the face

Due to the beneficial properties of castor oil, this product is widely used for facial skin care. It contains unique substances and fatty oils that provide proper care for the epidermis.

In cosmetology, castor oil is an independent product, but can also be included in various cosmetic ointments, masks and creams:

  1. Castor oil contains palmitic acid, which accelerates all processes occurring in the facial skin. This substance allows the beneficial substances supplied to the body to be absorbed much faster, while increasing membrane permeability.
  2. Castor oil contains oleic acid, which helps accelerate metabolism directly inside the epidermal cells; they also retain moisture much longer. This quality allows castor oil to restore the protective layer of the skin after various types of damage.
  3. Linoleic acid perfectly moisturizes the skin and helps speed up the metabolic process in the epidermis.
  4. Due to the content of stearic acid, the consistency of castor oil is fatty and viscous. This property provides excellent hydration to dry skin while preventing the onset of flaking. It is the oily consistency of castor oil that provides reliable protection for the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind, etc.
  5. Retinol and tocopherol (vitamins A and E) help activate the synthesis of elastin fibers, as well as collagen. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and perfectly smooth. This quality of castor oil helps prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles and significantly prolongs the youth of the skin.
  6. Castor oil also contains recinoleic acid, which makes the skin softer, the face becomes velvety, soft and perfectly smooth. Castor oil also has an antiseptic effect on the skin, so it is often used to treat pimples and acne.

Indications for using castor oil

  1. Castor oil is recommended for the care of dry skin. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin and helps accelerate the metabolic process in the epidermis.
  2. This is an invaluable remedy for sagging and aging skin, especially if there are visible unevenness. Castor oil improves the synthesis of collagen formation, as a result the skin regains lost elasticity and becomes perfectly smooth.
  3. If there is a problem of peeling facial skin, it is recommended to use castor oil to solve it. After using it, the skin becomes soft and tender.
  4. Castor oil helps in the fight against age spots. The product contains unique substances that help lighten the skin.
  5. Castor oil is also recommended for the care of sensitive skin, as it provides excellent protection against the negative effects of environmental factors.
  6. Regular use of cosmetic masks containing castor oil helps soften and moisturize the skin, and also provides reliable protection from frost and strong winds.
  7. Castor oil also helps with problem skin, acne, acne. Proper use of a variety of cosmetic masks containing castor oil and natural honey helps to effectively cleanse the facial skin and eliminate the problem of acne.
  8. When the first or premature expression wrinkles appear, it is recommended to use face masks with castor oil. This folk remedy helps to quickly smooth out wrinkles, resulting in a fresh and ideal appearance of the skin, and prevents premature aging.

Contraindications of castor oil for facial skin

Like any other folk remedy, castor oil has certain contraindications that you need to be aware of before using it:
  • very oily facial skin, otherwise you can aggravate its condition;
  • there is a risk of a complex allergic reaction, which is why when using the product in its pure form you need to be extremely careful;
  • open wounds on the surface of the treated skin area;
  • This product is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

As a rule, castor oil in cosmetology is not used in its pure form, but in combination with other oils, which helps reduce its fat content.

Useful tips for using castor oil at home

In order for this product to bring maximum benefit, you need to know some of the subtleties and nuances of its use at home:
  • You need to purchase the product only in pharmacies and be sure to check the expiration date;
  • It is recommended to store castor oil in a dark, dry, warm place;
  • You should not apply the product to various new growths in order to soften them;
  • This product should not be used too actively in its pure form, as it is better to dilute it with other oils or simply add a few drops to a ready-made cosmetic product;
  • Do not apply the product to the skin of the face and leave it on all night, because this product is very “heavy”;
  • Before using castor oil in its pure form, a sensitivity test must be carried out;
  • It is not recommended to apply the product to wet skin;
  • Due to the fact that castor oil has a very oily consistency, it is difficult to “remove” it from the skin; for this it is better to use a cotton swab previously soaked in warm water (can be replaced with warmed milk).

Features of using castor oil for the face at home

In cosmetology, this product is used for a variety of purposes. This product has an effective effect on the skin of the face, accelerates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, and helps prevent the onset of hair loss. However, it is necessary to remember that castor oil must be used in compliance with all precautions and simple rules.

For cleansing facial skin

  1. If you need to cleanse your facial skin, this product can be used in its pure form. However, the oil should not be applied to wet skin; it is better to carry out this cosmetic procedure in the evening, then rinse off the remaining product with warm water.
  2. A mixture of castor oil and sea salt helps cleanse your facial skin. This composition can only be used if the skin is not sensitive.
After the procedure is completely completed, a small amount of nourishing or moisturizing cream must be applied to the skin.


  1. This is an excellent natural remedy that helps prolong the youthfulness of facial skin, as it contains unique acids that help accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.
  2. Castor oil helps remove premature and minor fatigue wrinkles, but do not expect that deep expression wrinkles will completely disappear.
  3. To carry out this cosmetic procedure, a few drops of castor oil are added to any age-related cosmetics. Regular use of this product helps eliminate the problem of moisture loss, resulting in softer and smoother skin.
To remove pigment spots
  1. Provided that castor oil is regularly used in areas with pronounced pigmentation, they lighten in a relatively short period of time. The unique composition of this product helps to lighten any manifestations of pigmentation, including freckles.
  2. For this purpose, it is recommended to use undiluted castor oil in its pure form, but the product must be applied pointwise, while healthy areas of the skin remain untouched, which avoids unwanted blockage of pores.
  3. To remove age spots, it is useful to use castor oil for one month, at least 5 times a day. Thanks to this approach, a positive result will be noticeable very soon.
To remove scars
  1. Castor oil helps remove not only scars, but also warts and other types of growths.
  2. This effect is achieved due to the fact that castor oil helps soften the layers of the dermis, accelerating blood circulation directly in the place where the scar has formed.
  3. The product should be applied to problem areas only in a warm form, so it is preheated in a water bath.
  4. Then a cotton swab is soaked in castor oil and applied directly to the problem area. After 10–15 minutes, the tampon is removed, the remaining product is washed off with chamomile tincture.
  5. To speed up the process of scar resorption, you need to use castor oil twice a day for several months. The positive effect will be noticeable if the scar has formed recently, with an older seal; this procedure is carried out within a year.

Masks with castor oil for face

Today you can find simply a huge number of different recipes for preparing homemade cosmetic masks with castor oil, the most popular of which are:
  1. Rejuvenating. If you need to remove early age or expression wrinkles, mix castor oil (1 tsp) with cottage cheese (1 tsp), add honey (1 tsp), yellow egg and fruit puree (2 tsp). ). The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting composition is applied to the skin of the face. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the evening.
  2. Brightening. This composition helps to quickly remove age spots and freckles. First, honey (1 tbsp) is melted in a water bath and castor oil (1 tbsp) is added. Vaseline (1 tsp) and iodine (5 drops) are administered. All components mix well and the finished composition can be stored in the refrigerator, but no longer than 5 days.
  3. Moisturizing. You need to take the egg yolk and grind it well, then add castor oil (1 tsp). The resulting composition is applied in the evening to previously cleansed facial skin.
Castor oil is an excellent and completely natural folk remedy for caring for delicate facial skin. This product will help you quickly get rid of acne and other types of rashes, remove age spots and freckles, and restore softness, elasticity, freshness and beauty to the skin.

For more information on using castor oil, watch the following video:

The nutritional and unique regenerating properties of natural oils have been known for a very long time. One of the most common and universal products in modern cosmetology is castor oil for the face - easily recognizable, authentic and natural, with a very low percentage of falsification.

The unique properties of natural products are widely used in modern cosmetology, because their effectiveness is sometimes many times greater than that of expensive preparations intended for professional skin care. What is important and relevant is that they are cheap and accessible to absolutely everyone.

What is the best oil for home use?

Castor oil is viscous in consistency, not fluid, yellowish in color, with a subtle odor. It is obtained from the seeds of the castor bean. The plant itself is poisonous.

The oil is produced by cold pressing, and as a result of this process, poisonous, toxic components remain in the cake. The basis of the oil is ricinoleic acid (90% of the composition), as well as linoleic, oleic, stearic and palmitic acids.

Castor oil is extremely versatile: it is used not only in its pure form, but also in complex cosmetic formulations that are used in home and professional cosmetology.

Castor oil in skin care products

Use heated pure castor oil several times throughout the day, rubbing into problematic pigmented areas.

Interestingly, castor oil not only effectively strengthens hair and eyelashes, but also perfectly removes warts and softens calluses.

Castor nourishing mask for skin lacking turgor

Take two tablespoons of milk oatmeal without sugar and salt, two tablespoons of butter, one teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix everything well. On a washed and slightly moisturized face, apply the mixture along massage lines onto the face and décolleté, hold for 20 minutes and rinse.

Anti-pigmentation brightening mask

1 teaspoon of oil is combined with 1 tablespoon of fresh cucumber juice or lemon. To enhance effectiveness, you can add a little kefir or honey. The composition is applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Castor anti-inflammatory mask for combination skin,

1 teaspoon plus the same amount of calendula alcohol tincture. Add egg white and crushed aspirin tablet to the mixture. Apply a thin layer to a cleansed face for five minutes. Let it dry. Apply the next layer. Do this 4 times. After the procedure, rinse with warm water. There is no need to use any cream or other care product after the mask.

An effective mask for the skin around the eyes

Apply heated pure castor oil to the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids with light massage movements. The mask is left for about two hours, the residue is removed with a cotton pad.

The effect of castor oil is multifaceted and effective. Don’t ignore it, use it in home treatments and let your face and skin be beautiful.

Question answer

Question: Should any precautions be taken when using castor oil?

Answer: The oil has no contraindications for external use, but in case of individual sensitivity (allergies), it would not hurt to conduct a skin test.

Question: How often can castor oil be used and does it clog pores?

Answer: Castor oil is non-comedogenic, but regular facial exfoliation is a good idea.

Question: How long should you use castor oil to get rid of pigmentation?

Answer: For a positive result, you need to rub castor oil into pigmented areas of the skin for 5-8 weeks.