How I shit myself on the beach. The story of how I crap myself... Elevator inner world young man crap himself

Hello dear readers, continues its broadcast. And in this article we will examine the topic of elevators. In big cities, most citizens live in high-rise apartment buildings. And, oddly enough, they have elevators that save our time and health. Therefore, we urge you to treat these machines with care and not mess with them unless absolutely necessary.

There are situations when the elevator does not work, and it also happens that it breaks down while there are people inside. We hope this situation never happens to you. But our goal is to prepare you for everything life situations. Do you find it funny? Imagine being stuck in an elevator when you really want to poop. Believe me, at this moment you will not be laughing, especially if it is full of people.

Caught a shit right in the elevator

You try to walk as quickly as possible, you have no strength to endure anymore. And here it is - the treasured door from your entrance. You press the button and walk in circles, waiting for the elevator. And then the doors swung open, and you flew into the box like a bullet. The elevator started moving, but after traveling a couple of floors it suddenly jerked and stopped. You have endured the overload for too long, and your body weight has exceeded the maximum lifting capacity of the elevator. How do you like this situation?

As a rule, the lifter arrives within 15 minutes, but your poop is already half a lump on this side. And you don’t even have these 15 minutes. In 5 years you will already crap yourself. You are alone in the elevator. Everything is clear here. We won't shit in our pants.

How to properly shit in an elevator - rules and features

The first thing that comes to mind is to take off your pants and safely shit in the corner of the elevator. But don't rush to do it. Everything needs to be done wisely, even shitting in the elevator needs to be done wisely.

The first thing we need to do is get paper if we don’t have it with us. Look around, there may be advertisements hanging on the walls of the elevator. If there is an opportunity to use it, then it should be used. It will help wipe your ass and cover up your poop, thereby reducing the stench. Please note that the ventilation in elevators is not that good and fresh air will be worth its weight in gold.

Now we choose a place to poop. Don't poop in the corner the following reasons: between the wall and the floor of the elevator, as a rule, there are significant gaps, where your poop can subsequently end up and getting it out of there will be problematic. The stench in the elevator will remain for a very long time. Think about yourself and the people who will be using the elevator. That's why we'll shit right in the middle of the elevator.

While you are waiting for your release, start looking for cracks from where the air is blowing fresh air. This will help you survive in the affected area.

Collective shit in the elevator

Of course, when you're alone in the elevator, everything is much simpler. The only thing that can happen after you poop is that you might be seen by your neighbors waiting for the elevator downstairs.

But what to do if you are not alone in the elevator? Well, there aren't many options at all. You can shit your pants, or you can do it as described above. The people traveling in the elevator with you will be deeply shocked, but most likely they will be understanding.

But still, if you have definitely decided that you no longer have the strength to hold on, notify your neighbors in the elevator in advance and ask them to be understanding.

There are different situations in life. From the outside they may seem funny, but at the same time not really. You must be prepared for any situation and be able to shit anywhere, and we will help you with this.

Good luck and relief!

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One day my friend and I decided to go to the lake. There were quite a lot of people there. True, when we arrived the weather became quite cloudy, as if nature itself was hinting to me that I needed to run or something bad would happen. But I didn't pay any attention to it. But in vain.

The area near the lake resembled something like a car camping site. Cars of vacationing people were parked everywhere. While my companion went for a swim, my stomach began to churn. I opened the trunk and decided to sit, I thought I’d sit the little one and let him go. But that was not the case, the shit came so close to my anus that I didn’t even have time to react or do anything. Basically, I dumped a bunch right into my pants. I feel like my panties are full of shit and there are a lot of people around. I'm thinking what to do. You need to react quickly and somehow get rid of the contents before it begins to be absorbed into the clothes. I technically took off my shorts and panties right in the trunk. Then he quickly pulled his shorts back on. I shouldn’t be a coward with my pussy in front of a crowd of vacationers. To my great surprise, the shit turned out to be quite dense, and I easily shook it out of my underwear under a bush next to the car; my underwear didn’t even look particularly dirty. But the smell still remained, and at that it was normal.

At this time, a car full of young people pulled into the parking lot. While I was thinking about where I should pack my underpants so that they wouldn’t stink too much, a guy from the company that had arrived came up to me. He comes up and greets me, as if we knew each other, but I just can’t remember him. As it turned out, this guy studied with me at school in a parallel class. The whole time he was talking to me, I was thinking that I stank of shit, all the time trying to move away from him a little, since he came almost close to me. Ultimately, he smelled my stench, it became clear from his facial expressions, but well done, he pretended as if nothing had happened. For this I am very grateful to him. My friend was already there and he offered to join their company. But I couldn’t approach people in this position and suggested that we first go for a swim and then settle down.

Unnoticed, I put my crap underpants into my shorts pocket and galloped to the lake, saying that I was waiting for him there. Swimming away from people, he quickly began to rinse his panties and shorts, then put on his panties. I swam long enough to be sure to wash everything off and be sure that when I got out I wouldn’t stink.

Returning to the car, my friend suggested moving it closer to the new company, since I had chosen a not very good place, pointing to the pile that I had tumbled out of my panties. She told the new company that I had chosen a place right next to the toilet, to which my old friend replied - I, too, smelled it when I approached and could not understand where the stink was coming from.

In general, everything turned out quite well, and no one even suspected that I had crap myself. This is a funny story that happened to me. True, at that moment it didn’t seem funny to me at all. To be honest, I'm a little proud of how I quickly resolved the situation and got away with it.

© site All rights reserved. Any copying of materials from the site is prohibited. You can provide financial assistance to Kakasic using the form above. The default amount is 15 rubles, it can be changed up or down as you wish. Through the form you can transfer money from a bank card, phone or Yandex.
Thank you for your support, Kakasic appreciates your help.

Damn, when I read it I thought I was going to die of laughter!!! read to the end, you won’t regret it!!! -))) p.s. this is not about me...

Yesterday I shit myself right in the city center!!!. And this is not funny, a healthy man imposed full pants. And it happened like this, I was walking down the street, not touching anyone, and then I wanted to fart. And on the street, on a frosty day, God himself ordered to give soot. And I especially love this business, give it a gas, I’m still an expert in this matter. When I let gas in at home, my neighbors' burners go out due to air pressure.
So, I decided to fart. He farted when he fucked, and then he realized that he had farted on the pile.
I flock and shit right in my pants, and I can’t do anything about it. It’s creeping in on its own, without even asking my permission for this process.
I’ve always wondered why, when you’re graying at home, you’re calmly graying in portions. I squeezed a hundred grams out of myself, and just cut it off, then turned the page in the newspaper, ran through the headlines and again squeezed out a little bit of it. When you poop in your pants, there can be no question of any portioned fecal squeezing out. The ass stupidly opens and crawls out. Moreover, her ass opens so wide that I get the impression that she, without my consent, is participating in the competition “drop a roll with a diameter of 30 centimeters and win a mobile phone.” The question is, why the fuck is my ass getting a mobile phone!?
I didn’t give a shit about my estimates, I’m serious. I’m standing, already sweating, in the very center of the city, walking home like walking to Moscow on my knees. I’m standing there, trying to find a way out in my head, something needs to be done. I had to hobble around on foot for about three hours, and this with panties full of shit, I cut off that thought right away. To hell, I figured it was cold outside, let me think I’ll sit down on a bench, the shit will freeze, and then I’ll go to the subway, and so I’ll run home. I sat on the bench and sat, the pack’s ass was warm. And then the thought, if the shit in your underpants freezes, the same will happen to your eggs. I even felt bad from this thought. Got up. People kind of give me a wide berth, apparently they understand what I’m up to. And I’m standing there and I can’t figure it out. Then a brilliant thought came to me. I’ll go into the entrance now, get into the elevator, take off my panties, wipe my ass with them, and quickly go home.
So, I go into the entrance and call the elevator. I’m standing there, and the shit is already starting to cool down! Let’s face it, it’s not a wonderful feeling. At the entrance I realized one more thing: I really stink like unwashed cattle, and the stink is strong. The elevator has arrived, I get in, press the button for the fourteenth floor, and unbutton my pants with my other hand, so that there will be enough time until the elevator arrives. The doors began to close and then a cute female creature flies into the elevator. Holy shit!
“Oh, you’re on the 14th floor, and I’m on the 13th,” she sang
- Well, I’ll go for a ride with you, then I’ll go down to the floor. Of course we’ll eat, I already pressed the button, I thought as I buttoned up my pants.
The elevator started moving, and I was done, my head was noisy, my back was sweating, and the shit had already completely cooled down.
And I think that the elevator began to stink very strongly, because this creature looked at me strangely. And I was frozen, like why didn’t I shit in the elevator and that’s it.
And f*ck you fucked up!!, where that floor on the 10th elevator made a big curtsey to us, said goodbye to us, and the lights went out. I almost shit myself again... The elevator is stuck.
- Oh, is the elevator really stuck?! – the girl asked.
- As I understand it, yes, - I’m pretending to be an intellectual. And I’m thinking about what to do with my shit and my dirty ass. But something needs to be done.
And then this little thing presses some button and starts talking to someone, giving the address of the house and asking for help. I imagined that right now the fitters would come, start to take us out of here, ask Pachima, it stinks so much of shit, I wanted to shit even more. It's dark in the elevator. And then I realized that while it was dark in the elevator, I had to quickly take off my pants, then take off my panties and quietly put them in a corner. And when the light is turned on, she, unaccustomed to the light, will see nothing.
I unbutton my pants, rustling things so that even I’m scared.
“What are you doing?” she asked, swallowing hard.
“Yes, I’m making myself more comfortable, it’s a long wait,” and I lower my pants
“What is that smell?” she asked, frightened. I really almost blurted out that it was me who took a shit on the street and that’s why I stink of shit, you’re fucked!, but I say something else:
“Yes, the bastards are shitting in elevators, I can’t breathe,” and I’ve already completely taken off my pants, I’m standing in the elevator in my shitty underpants. I thought that right now the lights would be turned on, the girl would really give up on what she saw. BUT there is nothing left to do, I continue to work...
The girl began to swallow her saliva very loudly, apparently she had shit herself out of fright!!
And I rustle things.
I’m thinking to myself how I can manage to do this and quietly take off my panties. And then the wives imagined what a stench it would be.
“Man, you won’t hurt me, I beg you, don’t touch me,” the girl whined loudly.
“Are you out of your mind, I’m the father of two children, I’m going to see a friend on an important issue, how could you think such a thing about me?” I confidently answer, and I myself began to unstick my panties from my ass. Fuck!!! how shit stinks when you shit your pants. It doesn’t stink like a toilet, it stinks so much that the flies lose consciousness even as they approach, and then end up in intensive care for another week. The girl also sensed something was wrong and began whining quietly in the corner...
“Stop it, I won’t touch you,” I say. And I’ve already peeled my underpants off my ass, and I’m thinking about how to take them off my feet without getting smeared in shit?
The girl actually went to my mazgam, she stupidly sits whining and wailing for something!, she’s probably reading some kind of prayer. And I’ve already dropped my panties...
“Man..yyyyy,” Anna roars, “I beg you, don’t kill me,” and then such stupid whining...
- Why the hell do I need you!!, I say. - I’m up to my neck in problems, you surrendered to me.
I pulled my panties down just below the knees, and I really realized that I was completely fucked up, my legs were covered in shit, my ass was covered in shit, and there was a stench that made my eyes water.
In my opinion, the girl completely fucked up with the smell!!
- You, you...... she mumbles
- Why are you talking, stay calm, I tell you who gave a shit, it’s obvious I entered, that’s why it stinks.
I think the girl sank to the floor of the elevator. I think the smell almost makes me faint.
But on the other hand, I understand that we cannot delay, either now or never.
In short, I bent down and took off my panties from one leg. Something splashed onto the floor, and in my estimation it was shit from underwear. The girl in the corner is already just mooing like a cow...
I escaped and took off my panties from the second leg. I felt better, half the job was done. I’m standing with my underwear in my hand and wondering in which corner this roaring little thing is sitting, so as not to throw my underwear on her head, and so as not to fall on my own pants. I listened, yeah, he’s sitting opposite, which means you need to aim at the opposite corner.
And then complete fucked up crept up unnoticed!!. The lights turned on and the elevator moved!!
When my eyes adjusted, I realized that something was wrong with the girl. Her eyes are like fifteen-inch monitors, her mouth is open, her arms hang like whips, her mouth does like a fish, in short, I keep thinking, the fucked up tower was blown away by the fright!! And then I understood. Picture in the elevator. I’m standing naked from the waist down, covered in filth, panties with filth in my hands, and looking at the girl. Anna kept her mouth shut for another five seconds and fell stupidly onto the floor. Everything, I think, died, I still had a lot of crap in the elevator.
I decided not to waste time and wiped my ass and legs with my underwear. I put on my pants and stood there like an honest citizen, waiting for my floor. There’s a girl on the floor, probably dead, in her hands are panties with a piece of shit in them, why I was holding them, I don’t know.
When the elevator arrived, the girl had not yet come to life, she was still lying on the floor. I thought it would be inappropriate to leave her in the elevator in this state, so I pulled her out onto the floor. Palazhiil carefully put his underpants under his head and ran from this house.

The only thing I can’t understand is why the f*ck was she so scared!!?
After all, when the elevator smells like shit, it means that someone has shit, but if it smelled like crap, yes! Here you can get scared, they will f*ck you, although I don’t see anything terrible here either...
And besides, I smeared your fur coat a little with shit, wiped your leg with it.....

Yesterday I shit myself right in the city center.

And this is not funny, a healthy man shits his pants. And it happened like this, I was walking down the street, not touching anyone, and then I wanted to fart. And on the street, on a frosty day, God himself ordered to give soot. And I especially love this business, give it a gas, I’m still an expert in this matter. When I let gas in at home, my neighbors' burners go out due to air pressure.

So, I decided to fart. He farted when he fucked, and then he realized that he had farted on the pile.

I flock and shit right in my pants, and I can’t do anything about it. Gamnosamo climbs without even asking my permission for this process.

I’ve always wondered why, when you’re graying at home, you’re calmly graying in portions. I squeezed out a hundred grams, and cut off my butt just like that, turned the page in the newspaper, ran through the headlines and again squeezed out a little bit of it. When you shit your pants, there can be no question of any portioned fecal squeezing out. The ass stupidly opens and crawls out. Moreover, her ass opens so wide that I get the impression that she, without my consent, is participating in the competition “drop a roll with a diameter of 30 centimeters and win a mobile phone.” The question is, does my ass need a mobile phone?

I didn’t give a shit about my estimates, I’m serious. I’m standing, already sweating, in the very center of the city, walking home like walking to Moscow on my knees. I’m standing there, trying to find a way out in my head, something needs to be done. I had to hobble around on foot for three hours, and this was with my underpants full of shit, I cut off that thought right away. Forget it, I figured it was freezing outside, let me think, I’ll sit on a bench, the shit will freeze, and then I’ll go to the subway, and so I’ll run home. I sat down on the bench and sat there, it was warm in my ass. And here’s the thought: if the poop in your underpants freezes, your eggs will suffer the same thing. I even felt bad from this thought. Got up. People kind of give me a wide berth, apparently they understand what I’m up to. And I’m standing there and I can’t figure it out. Then a brilliant thought came to me. I’ll go into the entrance now, get into the elevator, take off my panties, wipe my ass with them, and quickly go home.

So, I go into the entrance and call the elevator. I’m standing there, and the shit is starting to cool down; frankly speaking, it’s not a wonderful feeling. At the entrance I realized one more thing: I really stink like unwashed cattle, and the stink is strong. The elevator has arrived, I get in, press the button for the fourteenth floor, and with my other hand I unbutton my pants, so that there will be enough time until the elevator arrives. The doors began to close and then a cute female creature flies into the elevator. Styts ****yts.

Oh, you’re on the 14th floor, and I’m on the 13th,” she sang
- Well, I’ll go for a ride with you, then I’ll go down to the floor. Of course we’ll eat, I already pressed the button, I thought as I buttoned up my pants.
The elevator started moving, and I was done, there was noise in my head, my back was sweating, and the shit had already completely cooled down.

And I think that the elevator started to stink very strongly, because this creature looked at me strangely. And I was frozen, like I didn’t shit in the elevator and that’s it.

And --- ****ets, where that floor on the 10th elevator made a big curtsy to us, said goodbye to us, and the lights went out. I almost shit myself again. The elevator is stuck.

Oh, is the elevator really stuck? - asked the girl.
- As I understand it, yes, - I’m pretending to be an intellectual. And I’m wondering what to do with my shit and my dirty ass. But something needs to be done.

And then this little thing presses some button and starts talking to someone, giving the address of the house and asking for help. I imagined that right now the fitters would come, start taking us out of here, asking for pachimut, it stinks so much of shit, I wanted to shit even more. It's dark in the elevator. And then I realized that while it was dark in the elevator, I had to quickly take off my pants, then take off my panties and quietly put them in a corner. And when the lights were turned on, out of habit she would see nothing in the light.

I unbutton my pants, rustling things so that even I’m scared.
“What are you doing?” she asked, swallowing hard.
“Yes, I’m making myself more comfortable, it’s a long wait,” and I lower my pants.
“What is that smell?” she asked, frightened. I actually almost blurted out that it was me who took a shit on the street and that’s why I stink of bullshit, but I say something else:
“Yes, the bastards are shitting in elevators, I can’t breathe,” and I’ve already completely taken off my pants, I’m standing in the elevator in my shitty underpants. I thought that right now the lights would be turned on, the girl would really give up on what she saw. BUT there is nothing left to do, I continue to work.
The girl began to swallow her saliva very loudly, apparently she had shit herself out of fright.
And I rustle things.

I’m thinking to myself how I can manage to do this and quietly take off my panties. And then the wives imagined what a stench it would be.

Man, you won’t hurt me, I beg you, don’t touch me,” the girl whined loudly.
- Are you out of your mind, I’m the father of two children, I’m going to see a friend about an important issue, how could you think such a thing about me? - Answering confidently, and he himself began to unstick his panties from his ass. Fuck, it stinks like shit when you shit your pants. It doesn’t stink like a toilet, it stinks so much that the flies lose consciousness even as they approach, and then spend another week in intensive care. The girl also felt something was wrong and began to whine quietly in the corner.

Stop it, I won’t touch you,” I say. And I’ve already peeled my underpants off my ass, and I’m thinking about how to take them off my feet so as not to get dirty in the shit?

The girl actually went to my mazgam, she stupidly sits whining and wailing, probably reading some kind of prayer. And I’ve already taken off my underpants.
“Man..yyyyy,” Anna roars, “I beg you, don’t kill me,” and then such stupid whining.
- Why the hell do I need you, I say, - I’m up to my neck in problems, you surrendered to me.

I lowered my panties just below the knees, and I really understand that I’m completely fucked, my legs are in shit, my ass is in shit and the stench is so bad my eyes are watering.
The girl was completely freaked out by the smell.

You, you......she mumbles
- Why are you talking, stay calm, I tell you who gave a shit, it’s obvious I entered, that’s why it stinks.

I think the girl sank to the floor of the elevator. I think the smell almost makes me faint.

But on the other hand, I understand that we cannot delay, either now or never.

In short, I bent down and took off my panties from one leg. Something fell on the floor, in my estimation it was shit from underwear. The girl in the corner is already just mooing like a cow.

I escaped and took off my panties from the second leg. I felt better, half the job was done. I’m standing with my underpants in my hand and wondering in which corner this roaring woman is sitting, so as not to throw the underwear on her head, and so as not to fall on her own pants. I listened, yeah, it’s sitting opposite, which means you need to aim at the opposite corner.
And then a complete pissant crept up unnoticed. The lights turned on and the elevator moved.

When my eyes adjusted, I realized that something was wrong with the girl. Her eyes are like fifteen-inch monitors, her mouth is open, her arms hang like whips, her mouth does like a fish, in short, I keep thinking, the **** has blown the tower away from fear. And then I understood. Picture in the elevator. I’m standing naked from the waist down, covered in shit, panties with shit in my hands, and looking at the girl. Anna kept her mouth shut for another five seconds and fell stupidly onto the floor. Everything, I think, was dead, I still had a lot of crap in the elevator.
I decided not to waste time and wiped my ass and legs with my underwear. I put on my pants like an honest citizen, waiting for my floor. There is a girl on the floor, probably dead, in her hands there are panties with a piece of shit in them, why I was holding them, I don’t know.

When the elevator arrived, the girl had not yet come to life, she was still lying on the floor. I thought that it would be inappropriate to leave her in the elevator in this state, so I dragged her out onto the floor. Palazhi carefully put his underpants under his head and ran out of this house.

The only thing I can’t understand is why the f*ck was she so scared?
After all, when it stinks in the elevator, it means that someone has shit, but if it smelled like crap, then you might be scared, there will be f*cks, although I don’t see anything terrible here either.

And besides, I smeared your fur coat a little with shit, wiped your leg with it...

Accordion. but maybe someone hasn’t read it.