How do you behave in a difficult situation? Depression scale Sometimes often almost always rarely

For some reason, adverbs of time are confused with adverbs of frequency, although adverbs of time answer the question When?(When?), and adverbs of frequency answer the question How often?(How often?).

Each of you knows at least a few adverbs of frequency: always, never, often, sometimes... However, do not be mistaken that adverbs of frequency are limited to seven to ten words that you have learned along with time. There are many more of them, and this is what we will talk about in the article.

Adverbs of frequency got their names from the word frequent ["friːkwənt] - frequent, respectively, this group of adverbs is called Adverbs of Frequency. Adverbs of frequency (or frequency) are divided into two large groups: adverbs of frequency(definite frequency) and adverbs of indefinite frequency(indefinite frequency). Adverbs of both groups answer the same question: How often?

Adverbs of indefinite frequency and their place in a sentence.

So, there is a misconception that there are few adverbs of frequency. Everyone remembers this tablet, which we used to get acquainted with adverbs of frequency. The most common adverbs of indefinite frequency are often presented and studied as a scale on which the difference between them is visualized. The frequency of action execution is presented as a percentage:

All these adverbs belong to the category unspecified frequency, since they give a general answer to the question "How often?" . When using these adverbs, the subjective opinion of each person plays a big role: for some, “often” means three times a day, and for someone else, three times a month.

Some adverbs can be strengthened with the word very:

There are also those that can be defined by the words fairly and quite:

Among adverbs of indefinite frequency, some have negative meaning: never, hardly ever, almost never. If such adverbs are used in a sentence, then the negative particle not no need to use. In English it is called " one negative rule": a sentence can only have one word with a negative meaning:

I never give my phone number to strangers. - I never give my phone number to strangers.

They hardly ever have dinner together. - They almost never have dinner together.

We almost never see each other. - We almost never see each other.

Adverbs that denote indefinite frequency can be either one word or a phrase:

again and again - again and again
at times - from time to time
every so often - occasionally
every now and again - from time to time, every now and then
from time to time - occasionally
now and then - every now and then
constantly - constantly
repeatedly - often
continually - continuously, all the time
continuously - constantly, continuously

It is very important to maintain word order in a sentence, as adverbs of frequency have their place. The position of the adverb depends on the type of statement (affirmation, negation, question) and on the verb. The most typical place for an adverb of frequency in a sentence: in the middle (before or after the verb). However, sometimes you can find an adverb at the beginning and end of a sentence. We will analyze all these cases.

IN statements Adverbs of frequency most often occupy a place in the middle of a sentence, after the auxiliary verb before the semantic one. If there is only one verb in a sentence to be, then the adverb of frequency should come after it:

She is always happy to help us. - She is always happy to help us.

He is never late for work. - He is never late for work.

If the offer contains auxiliary (am, is, are, have, has, will) or modal verb(can, may, must, should), then the adverb of frequency is found after this verb:

You must never enter this room. - You must never enter this room.

You can always call me. - You can always call me.

I will always love you. - I will always love you.

If the predicate is expressed single semantic verb, then the adverb of frequency should be placed before the verb:

I hardly ever read magazines. - I very rarely read magazines.

He often visited us. - He visited us often.

IN issues Adverbs of frequency also take place in the middle of a sentence, after the subject:

Do you sometimes think about your future? - Do you sometimes think about your future?

Did he usually have tea for breakfast? - Did he always drink tea for breakfast?

Concerning denials, then the particle not is usually placed before adverbs of frequency: always, generally, often, normally, regularly, usually:

I don't usually go to the gym. - I don't always go to the gym.

They are not always very friendly. - They are not always friendly.

In negations with the adverbs sometimes and frequently, the particle not is placed after them:

My colleagues are sometimes not prepared to answer your questions. - My colleagues are sometimes not ready to answer your questions.

I am frequently not hungry in the evening. - I am often not hungry in the evenings.

Some adverbs of frequency are not used in negations at all: occasionally, almost always, nearly always.

Can adverbs of frequency stand at the end or at the beginning offers? Yes they can. Let's take a look at these cases.

Adverbs with a positive meaning (always, usually, often) are sometimes placed at the end of the sentence:

My neighbors go out in the evening usually. - My neighbors usually go for a walk in the evening.

Does he call you often? - Does he call you often?

He doesn't call me very often. - He doesn't call me very often.

Those adverbs that carry a negative meaning (rarely, rarely) can be at the end of a sentence only if they are defined by the words very And only:

I visit my parents only rarely. - I rarely visit my parents.

My sister is on a diet, she eats meat very rarely. - My sister is on a diet, she rarely eats meat.

If you want to emphasize a certain fact or create a contrasting effect, you can start a sentence with an adverb frequently, normally, generally, occasionally, sometimes, usually:

Sometimes I want to be alone. - Sometimes I want to be alone.

Normally it is hot in summer. - It's usually hot in summer.

Adverbs of frequency always and never often appear at the beginning:

Always tell the truth. - Always tell the truth.

Never tell lies. - Never lie.

And finally, adverbs of indefinite frequency are used in short answers, before the auxiliary verb, when they want to agree or disagree with what was said earlier:

Mary is depressed again. - Oh, she always is. - Mary is upset again. - She's always like this.

Tom speaks only about himself. - Yes, he always does. - Tom speaks only about himself. - Yes, he always does that.

They never listened to us! - No, they never did!/ Yes, they always did. - They didn’t listen to us at all! - Yes, they didn’t listen at all! / No, they listened constantly.

Adverbs of a certain frequency and their place in a sentence.

The adverbs of this group specifically indicate how often the action occurs. These adverbs can be expressed either as one word or as a whole phrase. Let's consider the categories of adverbs of a certain frequency.

Adverbs indicating number of times in a certain period of time, with words once, twice, three times, ten times. Please note that once is once, twice is twice or two times. If the number of times is more than two, only the word times should be used:

Once a week - once a week
twice a month - twice a month
three times a day - three times a day
five times a year - five times a year

Adverbs formed from words denoting periods of time that end in -ly:

Hourly - hourly
daily - daily
weekly - weekly
monthly - monthly
yearly - annually
annually - annually

Adverbs with the word every (every):

Every day - every day
every Monday - every Monday
every week - every week
every month - every month
every year - every year

Frequency indicators with the preposition ON:

On Fridays - on Fridays
on Wednesdays - on Wednesdays
on weekdays - on weekdays

Adverbs of frequency usually appear at the end of a sentence:

I have my hair cut once a month. - I get my hair cut once a month.

The meeting takes place every year/ annually. - The meeting takes place every year.

Sometimes, when it is important to avoid ambiguity or you want to emphasize how often you do something, an adverb can be placed at the beginning of a sentence. Compare:

Once a week I meet with friends who work in the city center. - Once a week I meet with friends who work in the city center.

I meet with friends who work in the city center once a week. - I meet with friends who work in the city center once a week.

It is also interesting that adverbs of frequency can be idioms. For example, the expression once in a blue moon means "very rarely, almost never." Pay attention to such expressions and memorize them to decorate your speech.

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How do you behave in a difficult situation?

This test, developed by A. Libina, will help you determine how typical the proposed behavior options are for you in a difficult situation. You can use one of the following options to answer: “never”, “extremely rarely”, “rarely”, “sometimes”, “often”, “almost always” and “always”.

Questionnaire text

Finding yourself in a difficult (problematic, unpleasant, conflict) situation:

1. I always adhere to the same line of behavior in everything. I have my own principles, and I am not going to change them!

2. I find myself completely at the mercy of negative experiences.

3. I am patient and wait for the situation to resolve itself.

4. I try not to think about troubles. Nothing depends on me anyway.

5. I lose the sense of reality of what is happening, the unfolding events seem to me like a bad dream.

6. I am completely lost, confused in my feelings, exaggerating the problem or, conversely, belittling its significance. It is difficult for me to objectively assess whether this situation is catastrophic or not.

8. I notice that my speculations distort the real state of affairs.

9. I make the first decision that comes to mind and calm down on that.

10. I try not to do anything to prevent it from getting worse.

11. I want to close my eyes to everything and not think about anything.

12. I resort to saving bad habits (smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating cakes and candies, “hanging out” on the phone, etc., etc.), although deep down I understand that this will not save me.

13. I start doing other things, “important” and “urgent”.

14. I’m looking for someone to complain to, to tell about the trouble that happened to me.

15. I take out my irritation and anger on everyone who comes to hand.

Test results

Calculate your total score, awarding yourself for each answer:

"never" - 0 points;

"rarely" - 2 points;

"rarely" - 4 points;

"Sometimes" - 5 points;

"often" - 7 points;

"almost always" - 9 points;

"Always" - 10 points.

If you typed less than 30 points, You can be congratulated: you perceive any defeat as a lesson and extract the maximum benefit from it for your victorious march through life.

If you typed from 31 to 50 points- this means that you, like all normal people, sometimes allow yourself to worry instead of working on solving the problem. The main thing is that the “experienced” period does not drag on.

If you have from 51 to 90 points,- this is an alarming symptom warning that “defensive” behavior is beginning to seriously complicate your life.

If you typed from 91 to 150 points, that “defensive” behavior has become your way of life, which in no way contributes to success.

What do the pictures tell you?

Psychologists believe that spontaneous drawings reveal our emotions, desires, and our mood. What can the flowers, people, patterns or geometric shapes that you drew while talking on the phone or sitting at a boring meeting tell you?

Words. A word circled in a frame is a sign of self-affirmation and conviction that one is right, which can also mean a desire to convince everyone else of this.

A word underlined by a straight and even line indicates a firm intention to do something.

A word underlined wavy indicates your sentimentality and some indecisiveness.

Words written in a “web”, barely noticeable, indicate your doubts or that you have some assumptions or guesses.

Intersecting circles. You lack constant, smooth communication, and it is likely that you can find it. Perhaps you feel loneliness and are trying your best to get rid of it. If you have a loved one, then perhaps you are worried about frequent conflicts with him and you would like to somehow establish a calmer relationship with him. Most likely, you will succeed, and your connection will become strong and stable. Having endured all the quarrels and insults, you will finally reach an agreement and enjoy communicating with each other.

Garlands, flowers and sun. What you drew means that you dream of tenderness and love. You've been avoiding this for a long time, and now you're sad. However, you don’t want to show it and expect the initiative to come from him. In your soul you dream of love and mutual understanding, but for some reason you don’t want to admit it. Or maybe you simply cannot express your feelings in words, which is why flowers, the sun and garlands appeared on your leaf. Try to overcome your shyness and talk openly about your feelings.

If you're constantly drawing flowers, then it's time to visit friends.

Little people. They are not as harmless and cheerful as they might seem from the very beginning. These images mean that you feel completely helpless and want to avoid responsibility. People usually draw little people at the moment when they should have said a decisive “no”. Most likely, later they will regret their weakness, but now they cannot overcome themselves.

Intertwined hearts. You are an amazing person! You are overwhelmed with emotions, you want to embrace the whole world, but you don’t want to tell your interlocutor on the phone about your mood, for some reason you forbid yourself to be frank - your drawing speaks about this. And the larger the hearts you draw, the stricter your words. But it’s okay - in the near future you will learn to act less aloof and cold, and at the same time openly express your feelings and emotions.

Circles, spirals, wavy lines. This drawing warns that you may be experiencing a slight crisis in your relationship. At the moment, other people's problems are the least of your worries, they don't interest you at all, they interfere and seem burdensome. The most important thing is you and your life. And yet, try to understand what is worrying your surroundings now, because over time, their problems may become yours too.

Chess fields they say that you find yourself in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. You want clarity and simplicity, a reliable path that will get you out of trouble. If such images appear frequently, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes that you urgently need to get rid of.

Grids talk about a tendency to swallow resentment. If you're drawing this image, you're probably in an awkward position. Every decisive, bold line is an attack that you hesitate to take. If at the end you draw a thick line around your drawing, then the problem is over, at least externally. And this is fraught with danger: disappointment accumulates in the soul.

Honeycomb they say that you love a calm and measured life, rarely enter into conflicts and disputes. They may mean that you dream of starting a family, but are afraid to admit it even to yourself. This is a wonderful drawing. It means that in the future the relationship with your lover will develop very harmoniously.

"Wallpaper patterns." Sharp and smooth lines combine into one whole and form a pattern that continues indefinitely. This drawing means that you are very tired of your interlocutor and your life in general. You believe that you have been unfairly offended.

If you constantly think about how this could happen, nothing good will come of it. Or maybe it's not the interlocutor? Try to solve the problem on a different plane: change your place of work, environment, lifestyle, or even place of residence. You can start with a trifle, for example, do something that you have long dreamed of, but did not dare to implement. Now is the best time for this.

Geometric figures. These can be squares, triangles or circles. You are a very interesting and secretive person. Have a clear idea of ​​what you want from life and from people. In the near future, due to your inability to be flexible and flexible in communication, you will have a conflict. You never hide your thoughts and your opinions.

The more angular your figures are, the more determined and aggressive you are, although you can never tell by your appearance. You rarely compromise when dealing with people. Your aggression and determination only hinder you - they fetter your imagination and do not allow you to completely relax. Restrain yourself and beware of offending a loved one with your ardor. You need to look at things more simply.

Crosses occur quite often. Women give them the appearance of jewelry, while men have more strict outlines. In both cases, the crosses express a feeling of guilt that most likely arose during a telephone conversation. Something is weighing you down: either you reproach yourself, or your interlocutor reproached you. We must try to find the truth.

Regular pentagon- a symbol of well-being and health. Your life is quite organized, and strive to consolidate it all. After all, it is important for you to feel that you are standing firmly on your feet.

Regular hexagon means beauty and harmony. If you draw it, it means you want to achieve true balance in life.

Draw a house

Psychologists around the world often use this test to determine a person's temperament and character. The test is constantly being refined and expanded with new analyzing elements.

A person is asked to draw what appears in his imagination when he hears the word “house”. During testing, not a single question is asked, since the elements of the picture themselves help to identify the most expressive features of the psychological portrait of the person being tested.

So, let's pick up a pencil and draw a house.

Test results

What did you draw?

Standard city high-rise building. Such a drawing reveals the traits of a dry, withdrawn person who prefers to focus on his own problems without discussing them with other people. In his judgments he is often categorical.

A squat little house. The picture, which shows a house with a very low roof, suggests that lately a person has been experiencing a feeling of fatigue, tiredness from everyday worries. Episodes from his past years probably often come to his mind, but more often than not, he doesn’t find anything in his memories that would distract him from his dissatisfaction with the present day.

A nice rural house. This picture speaks of dissatisfaction with living conditions. If the person who painted such a house is lonely, then most likely he is overcome by an urgent need to start a family.

If a strong fence is drawn near the house, then this detail hints at the person’s isolation.

If there is a flowerbed or trees drawn near the house, it means that such a person is very trusting. The lower the fence, the more the author of the drawing has a desire to communicate with people.

Medieval castle, As a rule, it is portrayed by a person who has something childish, frivolous, and frivolous in his character. At the same time, he undoubtedly has a vivid and very developed imagination. He is characterized by sentimentality. He often complains about lack of time, especially when performing official duties.

Windows, pipes, doors. The more windows a person has drawn, the more open, friendly, and hospitable he is.

Small windows speak of secrecy, barred windows speak of all kinds of complexes and greed.

If shutters are drawn, then one might think that it is difficult for such a person to find a common language with people and make friends.

Doors located in the middle of the facade are a sure sign that a person is friendly and hospitable.

The porch shows that he is generous and confident. An open door proves sociability, but on the contrary, a closed door indicates isolation.

The entrance to the house, located on the side, indicates a lack of sociability. Such a person often suffers from having difficulty making contact.

A door that resembles a gate in size indicates unpredictability in actions, frivolity adjacent to generosity.

The higher the chimney painted on the house, the more purposeful the person.

A pipe with smoke indicates generosity and the ability to empathize. Such a trumpet also indicates that a person’s emotions are somewhat dull and are not brightly colored, since he had to experience a number of disappointments in life.

A house without a chimney indicates a person’s insensitivity or severe mental depression.

When a chimney is drawn with special care, brick by brick, with small details, this indicates optimism in life.

A path near a house or a sidewalk says that a person knows what he wants from life.

A drawing that will help you learn a lot about yourself

You only have five minutes to complete this test. Take a clean, white piece of paper and draw a square on it. In this square you must draw a whole picture consisting of the following elements: tree, sun, pond, house, fence, snake. (You can do this test together, for example, with a friend. It’s even more fun!) Have you drawn it? Now let's see the test results.

Test results

Tree(symbolizes your independence).

Large branched tree indicates an extraordinary personality, capable of completely subjugating those around him. Sometimes the actions of such a person are selfish, so he can suppress and even push away those around him.

If round tree, something that doesn’t really exist, then such a person should always rely only on his own strength.

A tree with clear bare branches pointing upward, speaks of clear thoughts and clear goals. Such a person knows what he wants to achieve in life and belongs to the type of independent person.

Tree with drooping branches indicates a pessimistic nature, prone to depression. Such a person must be open and ready to accept help from others in solving important problems.

Blooming fruit tree Usually it is drawn by a person who is interesting to many. His main character traits are self-confidence and calmness. Strong, flowering branches speak of great optimism, and many consider such a person to be the life of the party!

Sun(reveals your relationship with your father).

Big round sun means that a strong relationship based on understanding and love has been established with the father.

Bright little sun says that there is a significant distance between you and your father, which for some reason he himself created.

Only half the sun usually drawn by a man who does not have a father. Perhaps he left the family when his parents divorced or, unfortunately, died, and the relationship with him was never established. In such a situation, the main thing is not to give in to sadness!

Pond(talking about your relationship with your mother).

The pond is drawn in front of the tree, This means that a person is completely dependent on his mother and her opinion. But no need to worry! This is absolutely normal! It is common for many people to turn to the help and advice of their beloved mother in difficult times.

Is the pond far behind the tree in the distance and looks very small? Then your mother plays a secondary role in your life, you are not particularly close to her. There is no trust or frankness between you. Maybe we just need to sit down one day and have a heart-to-heart talk?

House(talks about your attitude towards luxury and material goods).

Big beautiful house says that a person prefers material goods to all others. Money is important to him. And if the house has painted curtains, armchairs, etc., then he simply cannot live outside of comfort and luxury.

House with an unusual design. The drawing of the house is made with the smallest details - such as a garage, porch, blinds, etc., which means there is a great desire for a beautiful, modern and comfortable environment.

Fairytale castle indicates a romantic nature, living in unrealistic fantasies and not seeing anything around.

Just a house with a roof and walls drawn by a person who doesn’t like anything superfluous. He prioritizes convenience over luxury; appreciates comfort and peace.

Fence(talks about self-esteem).

Correctly shaped fence a very independent person draws. He is ready to break with those who disagree with him.

Half a fence indicates that a person has some kind of secret, is hiding something from strangers.

The fence is surrounded by a tree - such a drawing speaks of a rather emotional, unpredictable nature.

Fence between tree and house indicates that a person prefers loneliness and locks his feelings, and keeps those around him at some distance from himself.

Snake(your sensuality).

A snake drawn under or next to a tree, speaks of a very sensual nature. This man is just a storm of emotions and an ocean of excitement! He can be happy only when serious passions boil around him. Better love ones! In all likelihood, he can easily part with a bored person.

A large painted snake depicts a person who attaches great importance to love relationships. Perhaps there are some obstacles that prevent this sensual nature from revealing itself. There are no barriers to sexual fantasies for him, but he is always ready to learn something new.

A snake drawn behind a fence or behind a house means that a person is fed up with random acquaintances and incomprehensible meetings.

Leader or follower?

We are all influenced by other people, and we ourselves, to one degree or another, influence them.

Do you have the ability to influence others? This test, developed by Polish psychologists, will help answer this question. Answer very succinctly - “yes” or “no”.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you think the profession of an actor or politician would suit you?

2. Do people who tend to dress and behave extravagantly annoy you?

3. Are you able to talk to another person about your intimate problems?

4. Do you immediately react to the slightest manifestation of an incorrect interpretation of your words and actions?

5. Do you feel discomfort when others achieve success in the area where you yourself would like to achieve it?

6. Do you do something very difficult to show that you are capable of it?

7. Do you want to dedicate yourself completely to achieving something great?

8. Are you happy with the same circle of friends?

9. Do you prefer to lead a measured, scheduled life?

10. Do you like to change the furniture in your apartment?

11. Do you like to do something differently every time?

12. Do you put someone “in their place” who you think is too self-confident?

13. Do you like to demonstrate that your boss or authority figure turns out to be wrong?

Test results

Let's count the points:

1st question – yes (5 points), no (0 points);

2nd question – yes (0 points), no (5 points);

3rd question – yes (5), no (0);

4th question – yes (5), no (0);

5th question – yes (5), no (0);

6th question – yes (5), no (0);

7th question – yes (5), no (0);

8th question – yes (0), no (5);

9th question – yes (0), no (5);

10th question – yes (5), no (0);

11th question – yes (5), no (0);

12th question – yes (5), no (0);

13th question – yes (5), no (0).

From 65 to 35 points. You have good inclinations to effectively influence others, change their opinions, give them advice, and manage them. You feel quite confident in your relationships with people. You believe that a person should not withdraw into himself, avoid people, stay aloof and think only about his own affairs. You feel the need to do something for those around you, to lead them, to point out their mistakes, to teach them, to awaken their interest in the outside world. And with those who do not share your principles, in your opinion, there is no need to stand on ceremony. They need to be convinced, and you know how to do it. However, you need to ensure that your attitude towards people does not take extreme manifestations. Otherwise you will turn into a fanatic or a tyrant.

From 34 to 0 points. Unfortunately, you are unconvincing even when you are absolutely right. You are confident that your (and other people's) life should be built on the principles of discipline, common sense and good habits, and its course should be predictable. You do not like to do anything “through force.” Sometimes you doubt yourself and because of this you cannot achieve your goals, as a result you find yourself unfairly deprived.

Are you prudent?

Some people are very prudent and will try it on a hundred times before doing something. Others don't care! They risk everything, even if they are not sure of the success of the enterprise.

Which part of humanity do you belong to? Answer the test questions “yes” or “no” and you will find out.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you get angry easily?

2. Are you afraid of angering a person who is physically stronger than you?

3. Do you start making scandals to get people to pay attention to you?

4. Despite the obvious risk to your life, do you prefer to drive at high speed?

5. Do you take medications when you are sick?

6. Will you do anything to get what you want?

7. Do you like big dogs?

8. Do you like to sit for hours in the sun?

9. Do you have any doubt that you will someday become a celebrity?

10. Are you able to stop if you feel like you are starting to lose?

11. Are you used to eating a lot, even if you are not hungry?

12. Do you like to know in advance what they will give you?

Test results

By 1 point for each answer “yes” to questions 2 and 10 and 1 point– for answering “no” to questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12.

More than 8 points. You are wisdom itself, prudent, your needs are moderate. Don't expect disappointment. You can be a little more dynamic. Moreover, it will make your communication with people easier and make life a little easier.

From 4 to 8 points. You have an excellent sense of proportion. You soberly assess your capabilities and do not try to achieve the impossible, although you are a little extravagant.

Less than 4 points. You are completely reckless and insatiable. You often feel unhappy because of this apparent dissatisfaction. Enjoy the little things, and it will help you become calmer and more reasonable.


The scale includes 20 statements characterizing the manifestation of low mood --- subdepression.


The level of depression is calculated using the formula:

UD = ex. + obr.,

Where ex. --- the sum of crossed out numbers for “direct” statements: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19;

Arr. --- the sum of the numbers “reverse” to the crossed out answers to the statements: 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, i.e. if the number 1 is crossed out, we add 4 points to the sum; if 2 is crossed out, give 3 points; if answer 3 is crossed out, give 2 points; If answer 4 is crossed out, give 1 point.

As a result, we get a UD that ranges from 20 to 80 points.

If the LOD is no more than 50 points, then the condition is diagnosed without depression.

If from 51 to 59, then the conclusion is drawn about mild depression of a situational or neurotic nature.

When the score is from 60 to 69 points, it is diagnosed subdepressive state, or masked depression.

If the LOD is more than 70 points, it is diagnosed true depression.

occasionally all the time

1.I feel depressed

close to tears

4.I have a bad night's sleep

7. I notice that I am losing weight.

8. Constipation bothers me

10. I get tired for no reason

sit still

it's better if i die

it always rolls

INSTRUCTIONS. Read each of the sentences below and cross out the appropriate number on the right depending on how you've been feeling lately.

JUDGMENT never sometimes often almost always

occasionally all the time

1.I feel depressed

2. I feel my best in the morning.

3. I have periods of crying or

close to tears

4.I have a bad night's sleep

5. My appetite is no worse than usual.

6. I am pleased to look at attractive people

strong representatives of the other sex,

talk to them, be

7. I notice that I am losing weight.

8. Constipation bothers me

9. Heart beats faster than usual

10. I get tired for no reason

11. I think as clearly as ever.

12. It’s easy for me to do what I can do.

13. I feel anxious and can’t

sit still

14. I have hopes for the future

15. I'm more irritable than usual

16. It’s easy for me to make decisions

17. I feel useful and needed

18. I live a fairly full life.

19. I feel that other people will feel

it's better if i die

20. What still makes me happy is that I’m happy -

This test, developed by A. Libina, will help you determine how typical the proposed behavior options are for you in a difficult situation.

You can use one of the following answer options: "never", "extremely rarely", "rarely", "sometimes", "often", "almost always" and "always".

Questionnaire text.

Finding yourself in a difficult (problematic, unpleasant, conflict) situation:

1. I always adhere to the same line of behavior in everything. I have my principles, and I am not going to change them.
2. I find myself completely at the mercy of negative experiences.
3. I am patient and wait for the situation to resolve itself.
4. I try not to think about troubles. Nothing depends on me anyway.
5. I lose the sense of reality of what is happening, the unfolding events seem to me like a bad dream.
6. I am absolutely lost, confused in my feelings, exaggerating the problem or, conversely, belittling its significance. It is difficult for me to objectively assess whether this situation is catastrophic or not.
7. I try at all costs to maintain a feeling of familiar comfort, even at the cost of giving up what I want, my intended goal.
8. I notice that my speculations distort the real state of affairs.
9. I make the first decision that comes to mind and calm down on that.
10. I try not to do anything to prevent it from getting worse.
11. I want to close my eyes to everything and not think about anything.
12. I resort to saving bad habits (smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating cakes and candies, “hanging out” on the phone, etc.), although deep down I understand that this will not save me.
13. I start doing other things, “important” and “urgent”.
14. I’m looking for someone to complain to, to tell about the trouble that happened to me.
15. I take out my irritation and anger on everyone who comes to hand.

Calculate your total score, awarding yourself for each answer:
"never" - 0 points,
“extremely rare” - 2 points,
"rarely" - 4 points,
"sometimes" - 5 points,
"often" - 7 points,
"almost always" - 9 points,
"always" - 10 points.

If you score less than 30 points, you can be congratulated: you perceive any defeat as a lesson and extract the maximum benefit from it for your victorious march through life.
If you scored from 31 to 50 points, it means that you, like all normal people, sometimes allow yourself to worry instead of working on solving the problem. The main thing is that the “experienced” period does not drag on.
If your score is from 51 to 90, this is an alarming symptom, warning that “defensive” behavior is beginning to seriously complicate your life.
If you score between 91 and 150, then “defensive” behavior has become your way of life, which in no way contributes to success.

("Psychological tests for all occasions")