How does cooking method affect calorie content? Controversial topic: should you count calories? Dairy and fermented milk products

We've all heard that fried food is harmful, but steamed food is healthy. Let's look at this in more detail with the FPA experts who translated the latest review from

A saucepan instead of a frying pan

At heat treatment products, a reaction occurs between proteins (as well as fats and nucleic acids) and sugars - glycation. This reaction involves sugars with a free aldehyde group: glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, ribose and some products of their metabolism, as well as lysine, arginine and sulfur-containing amino acids. From certain points of view, this process can be called harmful to the body - Protein glycation is a key mechanism of tissue damage in diabetes mellitus.

Glycation can occur not only in a frying pan, but also in the body itself, but the speed of the processes is low and the concentration of products is low. We obtain the bulk of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) from food.. And these AGEs, as studies show, are harmful to our health.

AGEs are highly reactive compounds, in large quantities they cause oxidative stress and inflammation and thus increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus 2nd type, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and infertility.

According to most researchers, the content of AGEs depends on the composition of the products and the method of their preparation. In fatty rich in proteins In food, the level of AGEs is usually higher than in carbohydrate foods. Cooking at high temperatures and without water: frying in oil or grilling, smoking, etc. leads to the formation of more AGEs than boiling, stewing or steaming. An acidic environment - vinegar or lemon juice - also helps reduce AGE levels.

Reducing AGEs reduces inflammation levels

Several short-term clinical studies have shown that restricting dietary intake of AGEs reduces inflammation and increases insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes, overweight women and healthy adults. Moreover, in people with obesity and metabolic syndrome, AGEs in food and plasma correlate with insulin resistance, levels of oxidative stress, and inflammation.

Specialists from the Icahn School of Medicine (New York) first confirmed these patterns during long-term observations.

The study lasted a full year and included 138 adults 50+ years of age (only 100 participants lasted the entire year) who had at least two of the five features of metabolic syndrome: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides and elevated fasting blood glucose levels.

The study patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. All of them continued to consume their usual foods, but participants in the experimental group were asked to cook in a way that reduced the content of AGEs by changing the cooking time and temperature: avoid frying and grilling, replacing these methods with stewing, boiling or steaming. Sample menu one day is given in the table.

Note how dramatically AGE levels can be reduced by changing the way the same foods are prepared.

Research results

1. Long lasting Limiting AGEs significantly reduced insulin resistance, determined by the HOMA-IR insulin resistance index: the ratio of glucose and insulin levels in the blood on an empty stomach (see graph). Limited consumption of AGEs reduces inflammation and oxidative stress and thus reduces insulin resistance. Since not all participants in the experiment lost weight, weight loss does not affect insulin resistance. Obviously, it's all about the method of cooking.

2. A diet low in AGEs significantly reduced the concentration of some markers of inflammation and oxidative stress(see chart). The diet did not affect other signs of metabolic syndrome, such assuch as blood pressure, triglycerides and glucose levels. Since the experiment lasted a year, it is unlikely that a longer diet would lead to fundamentally different results.

Cooking matters a lot

Reducing CNG consumption by changing the method of culinary processing of familiar products - effective method reducing insulin resistance in metabolic syndrome.

For example, a boiled egg contains 16 times less AGEs than a fried egg.

As the authors of the review note, nutritionists are now paying more attention to the health effects of different foods than to the way they are prepared. However, cooking is of utmost importance. You cannot talk about the dangers or benefits of any product without considering how it is prepared. For example, discussions about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet are meaningless without taking into account culinary recipes and food consumption rules.

The end product of glycation (AGE) – acrylamide – is carcinogenic, harmful to the nervous and reproductive systems

Glycation products provoke not only insulin resistance. During glycation with the participation of the amino acid asparagine, which is abundant in potatoes and cereals, acrylamide is formed - this substance is carcinogenic, genotoxic and harmful to the nervous and reproductive systems.

Eat boiled potatoes instead of fried ones, and not just because of the calorie content - boiled potatoes do not contain carcinogenic acrylamide.

The formation of acrylamide is promoted by high-temperature processing (baking and frying), however, as a result of prolonged cooking at temperatures above 200 ° C, acrylamide is destroyed. Its level can also be reduced by increasing acidity by pre-marinating the product in vinegar or cooking it with other food, such as meat.

By the way, advanced glycation end products are not the only harmful consequence of cooking. When grilled or deep-fried, carcinogenic heterocyclic amines are formed. And nitrites are added to sausages and frankfurters, which under the influence high temperature transform into carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Another group of carcinogens are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are formed during the combustion of organic substances, and therefore are always present in burnt food. They can also get into food that is cooked over an open fire, along with smoke. Therefore, smoked foods are rich in PAHs.

Most the easy way Determining the calorie content of a product is to familiarize yourself with the information indicated on the product packaging.

This is interesting! Nutritionist Aliya Kram from Yale University suggests combating overweight with the help of self-hypnosis.

A team of scientists led by Professor Cram conducted an experiment with the participation of 46 volunteers. All subjects were given the same milkshake, which contained 380 calories. Some were told that this drink was high in calories, while others were convinced that it was a dietary drink.

30 minutes before taking the cocktail and after the volunteers drank it, the scientists measured the level of the hormone ghrelin, which is produced by the stomach when a person is hungry, in the blood of the subjects.
It turned out that if a person thought he was drinking a high-larity drink, ghrelin levels fell significantly more than if he was confident in the dietary properties of the cocktail.

Thus, scientists have proven that even the thought that you are consuming unhealthy food can reduce your appetite and prevent overeating.
Based on materials from

Meat is a protein powerhouse, but you may be shortchanging yourself when preparing it. Don't let cooking keep you from your fitness goals!

Imagine standing at the stove, frying delicious slices of bacon with an almost goofy smile on your face when, horror of horrors, they start to shrink! Your smile turns into a grimace as quickly as a strip of bacon melts in a frying pan, becoming meager and pathetic. You pick up a wrinkled piece that is not even half its original size, and begin to sob quietly, dropping stingy tears onto the frying pan...

Okay, the script may seem a little melodramatic, but we've all been through it - albeit without tears, most likely. During the cooking process, pieces of meat and foods high in protein decrease in size, but their transformations are not limited to this. Other changes in heat treatment can also affect your fitness quest.

It's time to talk about what happens to food during cooking. Use the acquired knowledge to save time, calories and even your nerves!

Cooking and portion sizes

It's not easy to decide how much meat to stock up on for the week. You don't want your pre-prepared source to run out in two days, but you don't want leftovers that can feed a family of 10 either. Understanding how cooking affects food proteins can help you avoid both.

You don't want your pre-made protein source to run out after two days, but you don't want leftovers that could feed a family of 10 either. Understanding how cooking affects food proteins can help you avoid both.

When you cook meat, water and fats are lost through cell breakdown and denaturation of structural proteins. Depending on the cut of meat and the type of animal, the finished portion yield is often much less than what you started with. If you prep your meals ahead of time, knowing this will help you buy enough protein for the week ahead.

The table shows what the net yield is as a percentage of fresh weight for different protein sources.

Table 1. Yield of meat and poultry during cooking

Product Cooking method Average Product Yield
Beef tenderloin (thin edge) Baking in the oven 84%
Canned stewed meat Extinguishing 64%
Beef steak Grilled 81%
Fatty minced beef Frying in a pan 62%
Medium fat minced beef Frying in a pan 67%
Lean minced beef Frying in a pan 73%
Beef tenderloin (thick edge) Baking in the oven 82%
Grilled 80%
Chicken (breasts, thighs and skin) Baking in the oven 62%
Minced venison Grilled 83%
Minced elk meat Grilled 84%
Roast lamb Baking in the oven 74%
Pork bacon Baking in the oven 32%
In the microwave 29%
Frying in a pan 87%
Pork, back Baking in the oven 87%
Turkey (dark meat) Baking in the oven 74%
Turkey (white meat) Baking in the oven 68%

It's important to remember that these are averages based on standard cooking methods, which may or may not be the same as how you prefer to prepare your protein sources. However, these indicators are suitable as a guide.

Try to buy lean meats, such as beef tenderloin or butt. Meats with a higher fat content, such as fatty ground beef (80/20 or 70/30), boneless steak or pork shoulder, cook more.

For example, let's assume that you need 110 grams of boiled beef tenderloin, which shrinks to 84% during cooking, for 10 meals per week. Total 1.1 kg. Based on this table, you divide 1.10 kg by 84% (1100 / 0.84) and find that you need to buy 1.36 kg of raw beef tenderloin to provide yourself with a week's worth of protein.

Using this chart as a quick reference will help you buy almost the ideal amount of protein every time you go to the store. And always buy with a small margin so that you definitely have enough products!

It's important to understand how the cooking process affects the total amount of fat and calories in your diet, especially if you're counting calories. Depending on your favorite cooking method, you may end up consuming more or fewer calories than you planned for each meal.

Unfortunately, meat nutritional values ​​lack versatility. Should the nutritional value of raw or cooked meat be stated?

For most meats, the nutritional profile and amount of protein per serving is reported in grams raw product. But, as you know, 200 grams of raw beef bears little resemblance to itself after being grilled. This worries people who don’t understand whether they need to count calories and BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in raw or finished form. You can choose any option, the main thing is to be consistent.

It's important to understand how cooking affects the total amount of fat and calories in your diet, especially if you're counting calories

However, you shouldn't worry too much about this. A Journal of Meat Science study examined the effects of different cooking methods on a variety of meats. Regardless of the cooking method, each piece of meat loses a lot of calories and fat, but not protein.

Table 2. Average changes in calories and fat after cooking.


Ready to use

Cooking methods include grilling, pan-frying, oven-roasting, and a combination of boiling and braising.


Are all these numbers making your head spin? Just remember that meat loses some of its fat as it cooks, and fatty cuts tend to be reduced or fried to a greater extent. But you won’t lose too much protein when cooking meat.

Cooking meat and added fat

If you cook meat without adding fats like olive oil or butter, you can buy slightly fattier, cheaper cuts of meat. Fatty cuts cook more than lean cuts, so you can save some money at the store and stay within your fat limit.

On the other hand, cooking lean meats with added fat can actually increase the proportion of fat in the diet. A Journal of Meat Science study found that a lean patty (90/10) loses 0.5 grams of fat when grilled, but absorbs 3.5 grams when fried in vegetable oil.

When you're trying to gain or lose weight, knowing how many calories you're consuming is key. Since fats, olive and butter, contain a lot of calories, you should control their use. Consider a low-calorie cooking spray if you're concerned about extra calories sneaking into your dishes.

In conclusion, as long as you are consistent with your calorie counting and nutritional intake, there is no need to change your methodology. You can weigh your food raw or cooked, just choose one option and stick to it all the time!

Calories are of great importance for many people: for athletes, if necessary, to gain weight; For people with problematic weight, calorie counting is important to control it. What are calories and what significance do they have? Let’s figure it out.

What is the calorie content of foods

The caloric value of food depends on its chemical composition, that is, on the balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. What matters is the amount of fiber, which prevents the body from absorbing fats and carbohydrates. The more fiber in a product, the fewer calories it contains.

The highest calorie foods are those containing a large number of fat: These are vegetable and animal oils, mayonnaise and sauces based on it, milk chocolate (it is many times higher in calories than bitter, black).

So, in order to determine which products are non-caloric or vice versa, a chemical analysis of all components is carried out, and by summing them up, the energy value of the product is determined, that is, the calorie content. In this case, you need to know: 1 gram of protein - 4 kcal, fat - 9 kcal, carbohydrates - 4 kcal, calorie content is measured in 100 g of product. For example, in 100 g of tomatoes there are 1.0 proteins, 0.2 fats, and 3.7 carbohydrates. We calculate the calorie content - (1×4) + (0.2×9) + (3.7×4) = 20.6 kcal.

How does cooking method affect calories?

When cooking products usually lose their original caloric value. If you cook meat, some of its fat goes into the broth, in addition, the meat loses weight - the energy value decreases by 10-20% of the weight of the raw product. The same thing happens with vegetables, only instead of fats, some of the sugars are lost, which reduces the calorie content of the vegetable by an average of 5%.

If you cook soup with meat, in order to reduce its calorie content, you need to drain the first broth, this way the excess fat will go away. Pasta also loses its calorie content; when cooked, the raw product increases in size, so a serving of boiled pasta is smaller than a serving of raw pasta both in volume and in energy value; the same with cereals.

As for vegetables with a high starch content (beets, potatoes, carrots), heat treatment increases their calorie content. Starch changes its structure when heated, so vegetables should not be cooked a little.

When frying Low-calorie foods can increase their energy value through the use of oil. One tablespoon of vegetable oil contains 130 kcal, so the fried product will have its calorie content + 20% due to the oil. There are foods that absorb too much oil when frying - for example, mushrooms, eggplants. After frying, such products will have + 50% of the calorie content of oil in addition to their calorie content. This kind of trouble can be avoided if you use non-stick frying pans: you will save both on oil and on your health.

Grilling food can be called dietary. For example, meat languishing on the grill loses most fat, its proteins and carbohydrates are partially decomposed, therefore the product is less caloric.

The most healthy and dietary way of cooking is steaming. Despite the loss of only 3-5% of calories, the products retain almost all the trace elements, vitamins and minerals of their composition.

Did you know? Thanks to archaeological finds, the world learned that the first steamers were invented by the Chinese. They successfully used them more than 2.5 thousand years ago. The design consisted of two vessels with double walls, between which water boiled. The first steamers in Europe were practically no different from the Chinese ones, and appeared only in the 17th century. Familiar modern examples of steamers appeared at the beginning of the 20th century.

Extinguishing without oil has virtually no effect on the energy value of products. If you stew with oil, the calorie content will increase.

Review of the lowest calorie foods

Vegetables and fruits are considered low-calorie foods, although not all of them have low nutritional value. Greens, fermented milk products and many seafood are considered dietary products. Let's look at everything in more detail.


The most dietary and useful in terms of weight control are cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, beets, pumpkin.
The same list includes the following representatives of cabbage: fresh and pickled white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.


Nutritionists recommend consuming greens as often as possible; in addition to the fact that they are low in calories, they are also a valuable source of vitamins and microelements. The lowest calorie product, or rather the product with negative calorie content, is celery greens. This means that the body spends more energy processing celery than it receives. Greens with low nutritional value: green onions, lettuce, arugula, cilantro, spinach.

Fruits and berries

Fruits, unlike vegetables, contain more dietary fiber, that is, fiber, and carbohydrates. The following fruits are low in calories: quince, cherry plum, pomegranate, lemon, kiwi, pear, plum, grapefruit, cherry, orange, persimmon, sweet cherry. Low-calorie foods include the following berries: watermelon, melon, lingonberry, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, black currant.

What about other products?

Vegetables and fruits are certainly healthy, but you won’t be full with them alone. For good nutrition and saturating the body with all the substances it needs, other products should be present in the diet: meat, fish, grains and dairy products. Let's figure out which of them are low-calorie foods and may be suitable for a diet.

Dairy and fermented milk products

The calorie content of dairy products directly depends on their fat content; they are low-calorie; 1% kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt with a fat content of 1.5%.

Important! If you had to go on a diet, you should know that fermented milk products with zero fat readings are useless products. They do not contain any substances beneficial to the body.

Cereals and flour products

Cereals, especially when cooked, do not have a high calorie content, which is why eating porridge is so useful when dieting. Whole grain porridges that are least processed in production are more useful, for example, much more benefit will bring green, not brown buckwheat. Products made from flour are the first enemy of the diet, but the lower the grade of flour, the coarser its grinding, the lower the calorie content of products made from it. For example, rye bread or wholemeal bread with bran.


Legumes are very beneficial for the body, as they contain a lot of dietary fiber, which lowers cholesterol levels. The lowest-calorie ones are green legumes, for example, fresh green peas - 55 kcal per 100 g, green beans - 23 kcal. As they dry and ripen, the calorie content of legumes approaches that of grains, so it is advisable not to eat both porridge and legumes for dinner. According to nutritionists, the digestion time for legumes is five to six hours.


Nuts, of course, are foods with high energy value, the least calorie of them being pistachios (557 kcal). But nuts are a necessary product for the body, even with a diet; 15-20 g per day as a snack will satisfy your appetite and will not add anything extra. Thanks to unsaturated fatty acids When consumed, calories in nuts are burned rather than stored due to thermogenesis, which is provoked by these same acids.

Fish and seafood

Most seafood and types of fish are low-calorie; they can be safely used in a diet by adding them to the list of permitted foods. Types of fish that are low in calories: carp, pike perch, river perch, pike, burbot, crucian carp, pollock, hake, flounder. Low-calorie seafood: shrimp, crabs, squid, mussels, kelp.

Did you know? There are a huge number of crabs - both aquatic and land; The body structure of all is the same, except for size and color. Crabs living on the muddy bottom are brown, those living among algae are green, inhabitants of coral reefs are variegated, and land crabs are mostly sand-colored.


Low-calorie meat products are by-products: pork liver, pork and beef kidneys, pork and beef heart, lamb kidneys. Meat that is permissible while following a diet is lean veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, lean beef.

Rules for a balanced diet

According to scientists, the human body consists of 60-80% water, depending on age. Therefore, daily consumption of water from one and a half to two liters is not an invention of those who are forever losing weight, but a necessity for our body to function properly.

A balanced diet also includes the consumption of proteins and minerals, without them bone tissue will be fragile. Sufficient energy for normal life is provided by carbohydrates and fats, and they cannot be excluded either. Vitamins and microelements are necessary to regulate metabolism in the body. Without these components balanced nutrition will not be.

Proper nutrition with control of your weight is the consumption of the number of calories that the body can burn per day. Whatever low-calorie foods you consume, weight will increase if you consume them without moderation. The average person needs to consume from 1200 to 2000 calories per day.

You need to calculate the amount individually, focusing on your lifestyle: sedentary or active work, playing sports. In this case, nutrition should be complete, taking into account all the above elements.

Important! A balanced ratio of substances beneficial to the body: proteins, fats and carbohydrates – 1: 1: 4.

A balanced diet includes three main meals, plus a snack. A snack means an apple, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.

Low-calorie recipes

Low-calorie foods are not necessarily bland and tasteless, and dishes made from them can pleasantly surprise you. An easy and easy to prepare dinner dish - stewed potatoes with spinach.

For preparation you will need:

Vegetables: potatoes – 1 pc., spinach – 300 g, onions – ¼ pc.
Spices: salt and pepper to taste, olive oil– 1 tsp.
Potatoes are cut into arbitrary pieces, spinach is not large, onion is fine. Potatoes are stewed longer, spinach is enough for 3-5 minutes. The dish takes about 30 minutes to prepare, calorie content per 100 g is 57.17 kcal.

Fish baked in the oven with vegetables as a filling.

For this dish you need:

Mackerel – 1 fish,
Vegetables: broccoli and cauliflower - pinch off about five inflorescences from the stalk, champignons - 3 pcs., onions - 1 pc., two slices of lemon.
Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l., spices to taste.
The dish does not take long to prepare, and the calorie content per 100 g is 128 kcal. You can eat fish for dinner, especially if you go to bed late.

Hearty salad with vegetables and eggs.

Ingredients for three servings:

Vegetables: broccoli – 400 g, garlic – 2 cloves, tomatoes – 1 large.
Greens: dill and basil.
Olive oil – 60 ml, balsamic vinegar – 30 ml, lemon juice – 20 ml.
Eggs - 3 pcs, salt and pepper - to taste.
Pre-boil the eggs and broccoli, disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Cut the vegetables into medium slices, eggs in the same way, tear the greens with your hands, pass the garlic through a press. From oil, vinegar, lemon juice and spices to make a dressing. The calorie content of the dish is 75 kcal.

Information for those with a sweet tooth: if you really want something sweet, you can find low-calorie desserts in stores today - marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, muesli bars with dried fruits, dark chocolate with a percentage of cocoa beans of at least 76%. Marshmallows and marmalade, for example, can be made at home.

You can prepare homemade diet desserts and drinks from low-calorie foods, for example, with honey instead of sugar, it has fewer calories. Minimum calories - in cottage cheese casseroles with vegetables and fruits, in fruit salads with natural yogurt. Natural yogurt can also be used to season vegetable salads - this is an excellent alternative to mayonnaise.

Many, upon hearing the phrase “low-calorie foods,” frown with displeasure, others panic. Using the example of this article, you can finally be convinced that low-calorie foods do not mean tasteless. From these products, and the list, as you have seen, is quite impressive, you can prepare a daily and even holiday menu.

Anyone who has ever been on a diet or simply thought about their diet knows about calories. Experts from the Nutrition Research Institute assure: with a modern lifestyle in which there is little movement, we need very few calories per day - 1,500 for women and 1,800 for men. We don’t run through the forests in search of mammoths or edible roots, but often sit through our days, looking up from our chairs at most to pour some tea and then go to the toilet. That’s why we need food that is not as plentiful as it was believed in the Soviet years.

Then our parents walked to work, stood in lines after work, and on weekends they were constantly doing something - some went skiing, some played basketball, and some worked hard in the garden beds. And then the calculation of calories for men and women was completely different - 3000 and 2500, respectively. And despite this, there were significantly fewer obese people.

And having thought about it once, we automatically begin to count calories - some people install special programs on their phones or tablets, others print out tablets and scrupulously check them. Meanwhile, the tables most often indicate the value of the raw product. And cooking can dramatically change your calorie count.

Together with our permanent expert, member of the National Society of Dietetics, doctor Lyudmila Denisenko, we will analyze all this using the example of the simplest skinless chicken breast, beloved by all nutritionists and those losing weight. The initial calories in it are 120 per 100 grams.

Reduces calories. Part of the calories, as well as the beneficial substances from meat and vegetables, “passes” into the broth.

For example, a boiled breast will only have 100 calories.

We usually fry everything in oil. And we always conveniently forget about its calorie content. Meanwhile, 100 grams of sunflower (and any other) oil contains about 900 (!) calories. That is, one tablespoon of oil (15 grams) will contain 130 calories - almost 10th of your daily dose. Of course, vegetable oil is very healthy, but still very high in calories.

So, frying in oil adds a fair amount of calories - the liquid evaporates, the initial weight of the food decreases, and the calories become “more concentrated.”

In total, there will be about 200 calories in a fried chicken breast.

3. Extinguishing.

Not very different from cooking. Some intermediate stage between frying and boiling. Perhaps the only way to maintain the original calorie content of the product. Provided, of course, that you do not add oil or other fat to the dish. Usually, vegetables are often added to stewed meat, which also “steal calories.”

Stewed breast without vegetables - 120 kcal. With vegetables - 90 kcal.

Nutritionists have an ambivalent attitude towards this method of preparation. Over the past few years, American scientists have been constantly attacking grilled chicken, claiming that it can cause intestinal cancer. And in general, they say, ready-made grilled chicken is full of carcinogens. But we're talking about primarily about fast food chicken. There it is greased with oil so that it bakes beautifully, and it is cooked for a long time and persistently. And, as a rule, in its entirety. And the calorie content of a whole chicken is very different from its dietary breast.

We will talk about home grilling. This method of preparation is generally quite dietary. True, during the cooking process the calorie content increases slightly.

Grilled breast - 145 kcal.

5. Steamed.

Well, the most dietary, proper preparation is steaming. Either in a slow cooker, or in a double boiler, or on the stove in a special basket. It is believed that this method of cooking preserves everything beneficial features not only meat, but also vegetables - you will receive all proteins, microelements, vitamins and minerals in almost full quantities. And also reduce the calorie content.

Steamed breast - 113 kcal.

Be careful with sauces

You have already realized that adding oil to any dish is an extra caloric intake (that’s what nutritionists call the energy value of food). You shouldn’t give it up at all (after all, oil is full of useful substances), but don’t forget about the calories.

In general, any sauce that is served to you in a restaurant, or is recommended to be prepared for a dish, should alert you. Take the same aioli sauce - the most delicate airy work of culinary art, which is served with meat or fish. But this sauce is based on the same vegetable oil! That is, it contains at least 800 calories.

When the mass increases

Buckwheat, pasta, rice - if you look at the initial calorie content of these products, you can grab your head. What's dietary about them? The whole point is that during the cooking process, cereals and pasta become two to three times larger in volume, and accordingly, they will contain three times fewer calories. For example, raw buckwheat has 330 kcal, and boiled buckwheat has 110. The same goes for rice and other cereals.

The easiest way to calculate the calorie content of pasta is by weighing it before and after cooking. For them, a lot depends on the shape and quality of the raw materials.