How to treat drug allergies. How to treat drug allergies Hair cutting calendar for April

April is already a fairly warm and joyful spring month, the days have noticeably lengthened, and we go out for walks more often. I want to look perfect. To make your hairstyle was perfect, go to the hairdresser only on certain permitted days according to Lunar calendar. Then you won't be disappointed.

The moon will rise from April 1 to April 14, 2014, and April 30. All the rest of the time - from 15 to 29 April it will be in a decreasing phase. If possible, schedule haircuts and hair coloring specifically on the days of the waxing moon. During the waning moon, choose only the “right” days for haircuts, but it is better to postpone hair coloring.

The best days for haircuts and any other manipulations with hair are considered 8 (1st half of the day), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (first half of the day) April. These days the Moon will be in favorable signs of Leo and Virgo and will grow.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar section for April 2014:

Lunar beauty calendar for April 2014

Lunar calendar of health and operations for April 2014

Lunar calendar of haircuts 2014

This month begins from the waxing moon so you can change your image right from the first day. Today is a neutral day for haircuts, styling, and coloring. Plan a trip to the hairdresser today and you will be satisfied.

If you have weak and dull hair, now is the time begin their treatment and careful care. Don’t expect your hair to become beautiful and well-groomed by itself by summer. Try following the simple tips and tricks below. Most often, it is improper care that makes hair lifeless. If these suggestions don't help, then your problem may be state of health the whole body and you better consult a specialist.

1) First, review your set of care products behind the hair. Buy only soft combs and brushes that do not damage the scalp. Their teeth should not have sharp edges. Clean your hair from your combs every day, and wash them well with soap and water about once a week.

2) Try to avoid hair dryers and other hot styling products for a while. If you have long hair, you can purchase large curlers, which will allow you to style your hair without a hair dryer.

3) Prepare hair care cosmetics that match your hair type. There are commercially available products for dull and lifeless hair: shampoos and conditioners.

4) On the days recommended by the Lunar calendar, it is mandatory cut the ends of your hair or get a haircut. If you have long hair and would like to grow it out, trim the ends anyway to avoid split ends.

5) Be sure to make nourishing and cleansing masks (preferably once a week) based on natural ingredients, as well as masks specifically for treating dull and lifeless hair.

6) Comb your hair daily morning and evening while massaging the scalp.

If you follow these tips, your appearance will be will change before our eyes, and your hair will gain elasticity, beauty, and shine.

Today in the morning it is useful to rinse your hair nutritious herbs. Medicinal herbs nourish the hair with useful ingredients, help the scales close, and the hair becomes smoother, silkier, and acquires shine.

You can do today hair extensions using cold method- hairpins (clips). This is a popular service in many beauty salons. This extension method is quite simple. The hair on the clips is attached to its own strands, making the hairstyle more voluminous. The hairpins are well camouflaged and are not visible. Having a suitable set of hairpins in your arsenal, you can attach and remove them yourself at any time.

Gemini days are considered neutral for haircuts and some other manipulations. Remember that you can do better today airy and light hairstyles than strict and classic. Weaving braids today is not recommended; they may turn out sloppy.

Today, hairstyles made with the help of curlers. There are many different hair curlers that you can use at home, including thermal rollers, Velcro curlers, boomerang curlers.

Even the most complex styling and voluminous hairstyles. Use special sprays and foams for volume.

An unfavorable day for any manipulation with hair; it is not even recommended to wash your hair. And here remove unwanted hair allowed. You can go to a special beauty salon for hair removal. Or remove hair at home.

Lunar calendar 2014 hair cutting

Second phase of the moon from 12:32

Extremely unfavorable day for hair care, as well as haircuts, styling, especially curls. Do not expose your hair to chemicals or high temperatures today - there is a risk of hair damage.

It is better not to do your hair in the first half of the day, but after lunch and in the evening you can do nourishing hair masks that will bring maximum benefit. Masks for volume are especially good today. They will bring maximum effect.

A good day to go to the hairdresser: hair coloring is allowed, especially in bright colors, do highlighting, coloring, lightening hair. Haircuts made today are flawless, especially if you have thin hair that lacks volume. Get your hair done every month in the days of Leo, then your hair will always be well-groomed and beautiful.

Today is also very useful to have a haircut- This is one of the most favorable days of the month. But with curling it’s better to wait until tomorrow, when the Moon turns into a neat one. Virgo sign. Today, the curl may turn out to be too shallow. Holiday hairstyles look great.

A favorable day for haircuts and styling, especially classic ones. Hair cut on this day will grow back quickly, so today it is recommended to cut the ends of the hair for those who want to grow long hair. If you grow your hair but don't trim the ends monthly, your hair will quickly they start to itch. To prevent them from deteriorating, you should cut the ends, and also treat the ends with special oils against split ends.

An ideal day for hair dyeing, highlighting, coloring, blonding. The color will last a long time saturated shade, and also will not disappoint. Also today it is recommended to curl or straighten your hair using chemical or bio products. Hair lamination, which can be done at home using regular food gelatin.

Still a good day for haircuts and styling, especially before lunch. You can do your hair at home. It’s great to weave braids that will be neat and keep their shape for a long time. After lunch, lush and airy hairstyles will be successful.

The moon is still waxing, so you can still get your hair cut today. However, today's best results will be light and air hairstyles. Can do head massage to strengthen hair follicles, then treat your head and hair with a nourishing mask for hair growth.

Lunar calendar of haircuts, favorable days

Full moon at 11:46

Lunar eclipse at 11:43

Today is not a good day for going to the hairdresser, especially considering what is expected Moon eclipse. It is better to devote this day to rest and relaxation, not to make important decisions, not to change your hairstyle, and in general it is better not to cut your hair or wear makeup.

Today it is useful to rinse your hair herbal infusions to get rid of scalp dermatitis or dandruff. For example, darker hair can be rinsed with infusion onion peel.

Recipe: For 1 liter of boiling water, take 50 grams of onion peels. Pour boiling water over the husks and leave to brew under the lid. After cooling, strain and use for rinsing after washing your hair. This rinse will get rid of dandruff and will also give you a beautiful shine, but only on the condition that you rinse your hair at least once every three days for a month.

good day for getting rid of dandruff. You should not buy expensive remedies at the pharmacy, but first it is better to try a folk remedy: vinegar.

Recipe: Dissolve vinegar in water at a ratio of 1 to 3. Rinse dry hair with this solution without rinsing with clean water. Then wrap them in film and wrap them in a towel. It is better to do the procedure at night. In the morning, wash your hair as usual. Repeat the procedure several times before washing your hair and you will notice the result.

Today is a favorable day for hair treatment. After a long winter, in the absence of the necessary vitamins, you may notice that your hair has become dull and lifeless, and often falls out. If you have the opportunity, you can contact a hair treatment specialist who will help determine the cause of hair loss and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Today you can cut bangs, if you do not want it to grow back quickly. Also, men can safely go to the hairdresser, since hair cut today will grow back slowly.

Today you can apply for hair depilation around the feet or do this procedure at home using a razor, special cream or wax. If you have a special device - a depilator, even better, because the hair removed with its help will grow very slowly. Remove hair exactly on the waning moon, then the effect will be much better.

Cut your hair and color it today extremely unfavorable. It is better to postpone your trip to the hairdresser to another day.

Lunar calendar haircuts hair coloring

Fourth phase of the moon from 11:53

Unfavorable day for haircuts, styling, coloring, curling. Better put off going to the hairdresser. Extremely unfavorable today dye hair: the paint will quickly wash off or may give a completely unexpected shade.

Today is not a good day for hair care, or for going to the hairdresser. However, if you decide to get a haircut, make sure that your hairdresser experienced and reliable. Even if you've had your hair done by him or her many times, you may not be happy today.

Perfect day for removal of unwanted hair from the armpit and bikini area. But it’s better to postpone going to the hairdresser. Today is one of the most unfavorable days of the month for various hair manipulations. Skip the haircut. If you cut your hair today, it will not grow back well and will be weak and thin.

Avoid going to the hairdresser today if you don’t want to be dissatisfied. Haircut can be unsuccessful, and with chemical exposure you risk severe damage to your hair.

It's better in the first half of the day do nothing with your hair, but in the evening you can make masks that will have a positive effect on the health of your hair. A mask against hair loss, as well as against dandruff, may be successful.

Today it is not advisable to cut your hair or dye your hair: the result may be unexpected, the dye will quickly wash off, and you may not like the new hairstyle. You especially shouldn’t experiment with your hair.

Don't expose your hair today high temperatures, there is a risk of damage.

A dangerous and ambiguous day. A trip to the hairdresser can very disappointing. It is better not to plan any manipulations with your hair.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

New moon at 10:15. Solar eclipse

At the very beginning of the lunar month, it is not recommended to take any serious steps. Especially not change your hairstyle, dye your hair a new color. Today is planning day. Dedicate it to preparing for your future trip to the hairdresser. Find a new hairstyle for yourself, use programs to select haircuts. Find information about new hair care products, write down new recipes for homemade masks. Next month you will have all this will definitely come in handy.

This day is suitable for going to the hairdresser. Haircuts work neat and very feminine, the paint will last a long time and delight you with its rich color. And although this is not the most ideal day for doing hair, it can be used for more complex hair manipulations if desired.

Lunar calendar for hair for April 2014

Haircuts: 8-13
Male haircuts: 18, 19
Hair cutting: 1-3, 8-13
Bangs cut: 18, 19
Laying: 4-5, 8-14
Coloring: 8-13
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 8-13
Depilation: 6, 20, 21, 24-26
Curl: 11-13
Hair straightening: 11-13
Lamination of hair: 1-3, 11-13
Braiding: 11-13
Hair extension: 3, 8-10
Glazing, nourishing masks: 1-3, 14, 30
Masks for volume: 8-10
Getting rid of dandruff: 16, 17, 26-28
Hair treatment: 1-3, 18, 19
Cleansing masks: 18, 19, 26-28
Herbal rinses: 1-3, 16, 17, 30
Unfavorable days for any procedures: 7, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29

auspicious days

In general, this is a favorable period for hair manipulation. However, it is better to avoid radical experiments - an energetic haircut these days will help to establish long-term connections. That is why you should prefer feminine and easy-to-style haircuts.

If you don’t plan to go to the salon, then at least cut the ends of your hair. As for coloring, these days it is better to choose natural shades (light brown, chocolate, golden honey).

Be sure to get a haircut on this day. Or at least cut your bangs - it will add enthusiasm to your image, and at the energy level it will help you absorb new information. For those who dream of long hair, the lunar calendar recommends a salon haircut with hot scissors. They will cut off split ends and your hair will grow faster.

A period for bold experiments with hair. Get a trendy short haircut (bob, bob, pixie) or dye your hair a bright shade. Among salon procedures, allow yourself carving (long-term perm) or hair straightening (keratin or silk).

Cutting your hair on this day will attract love and prosperity. Bet on original asymmetrical or graduated haircuts - individuality in appearance will be your advantage.

These days are great for cutting and coloring your hair. A haircut will not only make you attractive, but will also bring good luck and success with the opposite sex into your life. Coloring will also be successful these days, especially unusual techniques (for example, transverse multi-color coloring).

Today, a feminine hairstyle or any kind of hair decoration will have a beneficial effect on your life. This will add confidence and charm to you. Curl your hair or decorate your hair with rhinestones - any option will be good!

See also:

Lunar haircut calendar for April 2014

Unfavorable days

Today it is better to refuse cutting your hair. But all kinds of care procedures are welcome: hair ionization, nourishing and strengthening masks - all this will benefit your hair.

A haircut on this day can lead to unplanned and unpleasant expenses. Better pamper your hair with a mask based on coconut or other essential oil.

Any manipulation with hair these days is contraindicated - this will lead to quarrels with loved ones.

During this period of the month, it is better not to cut or dye your hair. But devoting this time to restorative hair care is a great idea! Use homemade masks and decoctions. By the end of the period, you will already be able to evaluate the results of such care.

In general, the day is neutral for visiting the hairdresser. If you are planning a haircut today, then it is better to choose its length and shape in advance.

All your internal energy these days will be concentrated below the waist, so cutting and coloring can greatly weaken your hair.

An excellent day for hair coloring, manicure of any complexity, massage and cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenation. But it’s better not to get a haircut today, you can just trim your hair.

April 2
Moon in Taurus. 2nd and 3rd lunar day

An excellent day for cutting and coloring hair. You can create a very feminine and memorable image. It’s good to make nourishing and moisturizing masks, as well as facial and body treatments, take baths, and do body wraps.

April 3
Moon in Gemini. 3rd and 4th lunar day

Not a good day for both coloring and cutting. You can try new diets, have a fasting day, or play sports. You should not do manicures, facial cleansing or hair removal - your skin is very sensitive today.

April, 4
Moon in Gemini. 4th and 5th lunar day

You can do haircuts and hair coloring. It’s just better not to experiment, stick to old proven models. A great day for sports and combating problem areas.

5th of April
Moon in Gemini. 5th and 6th lunar day

It's a good day for a haircut, but it's better not to color it. You can try new silhouettes, applying fashion trends, cut your hair shorter, make an asymmetrical haircut. Do your hair removal and pedicure with peace of mind.

April 6
Moon in Cancer. 6th and 7th lunar days

It is good to color using only natural dyes. And also carry out high-quality hair care after coloring - moisturize and nourish, minimize the harmful effects of chemicals, the scalp is very sensitive today.

April 7
Moon in Cancer. 7th lunar day

A haircut on this day is undesirable. You can dye your hair in classic and natural colors. You can do hair removal, avoiding sensitive areas of the skin, face, bikini area.

April 8
Moon in Leo. 8th lunar day

Not a bad day for a manicure, classic haircut and coloring. Today you shouldn’t experiment with your hair, its length and color. You can do a manicure, choose decorative cosmetics.

April 9
Moon in Leo. 9th lunar day

A good day to try new looks, make creative decisions in haircuts and coloring. You can do highlighting and coloring, straighten your hair or do chemistry.

April 10th
Moon in Leo. 10th lunar day

Great day for cutting and coloring. You can create a very attractive and vibrant image. You can do a complex manicure, use the services of a makeup artist, do permanent decorative cosmetics - tattooing, etc.

11 April
Moon in Virgo. 11th lunar day

A neutral day for both haircuts and coloring, but it’s better to refrain from going to the salon today. You should not undergo cosmetic surgery or use the services of hardware cosmetology.

12th of April
Moon in Virgo. 12th lunar day

A very good day for cutting and coloring. Today you can realize the dream image that you have always wanted to do. A wonderful day for cosmetic surgeries and hardware medicine.

April 13
Moon in Libra. 13th lunar day

You can color your hair; it’s not a good day for a haircut. It’s good to get a manicure, use the services of a makeup artist, choose and test new decorative cosmetics.

14th of April
Moon in Libra. 14th lunar day

A difficult day for both cutting and coloring. Today it is better not to do either one or the other. Also refrain from getting a manicure or pedicure - the results may be disappointing. General hair care is recommended, you can make baths for hands and feet.

April 15
Moon in Scorpio. 15th lunar day. FULL MOON

Not a bad day for a haircut, but it’s better to give preference to the classics. It is better not to color your hair today, there is a risk of damaging your hair. It’s good to have a fasting day, do exercises on problem areas, and fight cellulite.

April 16
Moon in Scorpio. 16th lunar day

A great day to cut and color your hair. You can create a very bright and attractive, sexy and feminine image. Experimentation is encouraged. It is good to do nourishing and moisturizing masks, rejuvenation procedures, manicures and pedicures.

April 17
Moon in Scorpio. 17th lunar day

Today you can have a classic haircut, but it’s better not to color it. A great day for dieting and fasting. You can play sports, treat problem areas, do a pedicure, or perform hair removal.

April 18th
Moon in Sagittarius. 18th lunar day

A favorable day for cutting and coloring. But it is important to strictly follow all the instructions and not deviate from them when creating a certain image. It’s good to fight cellulite on this day.

April 19
Moon in Sagittarius. 19th lunar day

A good day for a creative and bright haircut, but you can refrain from coloring today. Calmly do manicures and pedicures, play sports, and have a fasting day.

20 April
Moon in Capricorn. 20th lunar day

It’s good to do a classic haircut and coloring of any complexity. You can do complex cosmetic procedures and hardware cosmetology. Do complex manicures, pedicures, hair removal.

April 21
Moon in Capricorn. 21st lunar day

You can do a haircut and coloring, but today you should be very attentive to the quality of the dyes used. It is better to avoid operations and complex cosmetic treatments, and not to do complex hair removal of sensitive areas.

April 22
Moon in Aquarius. 22nd and 23rd lunar day

It’s a difficult day for both cutting and coloring, it’s better not to do them. You can spend a fasting day, play sports, do simple cosmetic procedures, anti-cellulite wraps and anti-cellulite massage.

April 23
Moon in Aquarius. 23rd and 24th lunar day

Not a bad day for a classic haircut, but you should refrain from coloring your hair. You can do various massages - from general to sports, play sports, do hair removal on insensitive areas of the skin, pedicure.

April 24
Moon in Pisces. 24th and 25th lunar day

A great day for coloring, but a haircut is undesirable. If you want, you can simply trim your hair. Today you will be able to create a very feminine and delicate look by styling. It is good to make nourishing and moisturizing masks, all types of massage are recommended.

25th of April
Moon in Pisces. 25th and 26th lunar day

An excellent day for cutting and coloring, in a classic, feminine style. Anti-aging treatments done today can have long-lasting effects. It is good to do all types of massage.

26 April
Moon in Aries. 26th and 27th lunar day

A great day for coloring, thanks to which you can create a very dynamic look using bright colors. But today is not the best time for a haircut. It is good to do various cosmetic procedures for the body - body wraps, massages.

April 27
Moon in Aries. 27th and 28th lunar day

Neither coloring nor massage is advisable; it is better to take a break and give the body and skin a rest. However, masks from home cosmetology and baths will not hurt. Manicure, pedicure and hair removal should also be rescheduled to another day.

April 28
Moon in Taurus. 29th lunar day

A great day for cutting and coloring your hair in a classic style; it’s better not to come up with anything new and do what you did before. You can sign up for a general massage and epilation of insensitive areas of the skin.

April 29
Moon in Taurus. 0th lunar day. NEW MOON

It’s good to get a haircut on this day - after it your hair will grow more actively. But it’s better not to color it today - the scalp is too sensitive. It is good to do hair care that promotes growth - hair masks, apply growth oil, scalp massage.

April 30
Moon in Taurus. 1st lunar day

A good day for coloring and beauty treatments. But you shouldn’t get a haircut; the result may not turn out the way you wanted. It’s good to do manicures of any complexity, cosmetic massages.

April is a great time to change your image, try a new haircut, styling and hair color. Spring has come into its own, and you can no longer hide under hats, so you really want to demonstrate your attractiveness to the whole world.

He will tell you when you can safely experiment, and when it is better to stay in your image or refrain from visiting the salon altogether.

Please note that in April, almost the entire second half of the month is not suitable for haircuts - unfavorable lunar days alternate with the Moon in those signs that are not intended for hairdressing procedures. So it makes sense to take care of your hair before the 17th.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately look at the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the morning is completely unsuitable for a haircut, as it leads to unpredictable and unpleasant consequences, but in the afternoon, a trip to the salon gives excellent results and brings some additional benefits.

For clarity, let’s look at April 8, 2014. Before 12:53 (Moscow time) it is not recommended to get a haircut, as you may fall under the influence of people with bad intentions, but after 12:53 a haircut will turn out to be very successful, especially if you think through your future image in advance.

First ten days of April

April 1, Tuesday, 2nd lunar day (until 7:34, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

Today is not a very favorable day to visit the salon. But it is quite suitable for thinking about how much money you are willing to spend on hairdressing services, and indicating what else you would like to do in addition to a haircut (coloring, lamination, or maybe perm). In addition, it is recommended to choose a time that suits you and make an appointment with a specialist.

April 2, Wednesday, 3rd lunar day (until 8:03, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

This day is quite favorable for a visit to the hairdresser. However, even if the soul demands experiments, it is better to refrain from them and give preference to a classic haircut and soft colors when dyeing. In addition, nourishing the scalp will give excellent results.

April 3, Thursday, 4th lunar day (until 8:37, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today is a great day for any hairdressing procedures. However, before you decide to make drastic changes in your appearance, remember your previous similar experience. If it was successful, then feel free to change your image. If the last time you were not satisfied with the result, then it is better not to experiment and do the haircut that you are already accustomed to.

In addition, light shades of hair dyes, airy hairstyles and carving or perm with silk proteins are recommended.

April 4, Friday, 5th lunar day (until 9:16, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Another quite suitable day to visit the salon. However, if you are in the mood for creative experiments and a change of image, go to the master with whom you have already dealt and were satisfied with everything. Otherwise, you are unlikely to get exactly the result you expected.

Among hairdressing procedures today, asymmetrical haircuts, ombre coloring, ionization and rinsing with mineral water are recommended.

April 5, Saturday, 6th lunar day (until 10:02, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Today is a very suitable day for a haircut - it will make you look younger and your hair will grow quickly. However, it is again recommended to go only to a trusted specialist, in whose chair you can completely relax.

In addition, you should avoid dark tones in coloring. If you dream of black, eggplant or dark blond hair color, then choose a different time to visit the salon, since today these shades will not add attractiveness to you and will also negatively affect your psychological state.

April 6, Sunday, 7th lunar day (until 10:54, later focus on
8th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

This day is absolutely not suitable for hairdressing procedures. Firstly, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the result obtained, and secondly, a haircut can provoke problems in communicating with others.

However, if you are going to “trade” your long hair for a very short haircut, then feel free to go to the hairdresser, since this particular day is very favorable for this procedure. You will receive a charge of determination and will be able to easily resist any negative manifestations of the character of those people with whom you closely interact.

April 7, Monday, 8th lunar day (until 11:52, later focus on the 9th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Cancer.

Today is another bad day to visit the salon. A haircut can provoke unnecessary transformations in both your appearance and your existence. In addition, you should not wash your hair with very hot water - there is a high probability of vascular spasms.

April 8, Tuesday, 9th lunar day (until 12:53, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

Haircut calendar for April 2014

And again, it is better to refrain from visiting a hair salon. By cutting your hair today, you will disrupt your energy protection and fall under the influence of people with bad intentions. In addition, your health may also suffer - there is a high probability that problems with the cardiovascular system will begin.

April 9, Wednesday, 10th lunar day (until 13:58, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

Today is a good day for haircuts and coloring, including creative ones. However, before you go to the hairdresser, think about what exactly you want to see on your head. Experiments will be successful if you think them through carefully and correlate the desired image with your body type and type of appearance.

Today it is best to dye your hair in light, wheat and red shades; root curling is also recommended. In addition, nutrition and hydration using cereal decoctions will give good results.

April 10, Thursday, 11th lunar day (until 15:04, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Leo.

This day is perfect for almost any hairdressing procedure; you will be able to decide on something that you previously, for some reason, did not allow yourself to do. A creative haircut (but not with hot scissors) and complex multi-color dyeing are recommended. Choose rich, fiery shades - this will help you attract love, inspiration and material wealth into your life. Today you should refrain from perm and from using curling irons, flat irons and large powerful hair dryers.

Second ten days of April

April 11, Friday, 12th lunar day (until 16:11, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

Today is a good day to visit the hair salon. With the help of a haircut, you can attract new financial flows into your life, as well as love or understanding with people close to you. However, it is better to refrain from active experiments. Choose the look in which you feel most comfortable.

April 12, Saturday, 13th lunar day (until 17:20, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

Haircut calendar for April 2014

This day is also favorable for a visit to the master. By getting a haircut, you will renew your energy, be able to get rid of some worries and begin to have a different attitude towards some problems that are bothering you now. In addition, you will give your hair health, beauty and shine, and attract good luck, including financial success.

April 13, Sunday, 14th lunar day (until 18:31, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Today is also a good day to visit the salon. Clearly symmetrical haircuts and monochrome coloring are especially recommended. This will help you bring order to your life and attract positive changes. The more harmonious the image created on a given lunar day is, the fewer controversial issues you will have over the next month.

April 14, Monday, 15th lunar day (until 19:44, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

This day is absolutely not suitable for a haircut - by cutting your hair, you can lose your health, get yourself into trouble and problems with the law. Refrain from coloring too - it will consolidate in your life what you are now trying to get rid of, and for some time will make you an insecure person.

April 15, Tuesday, 16th lunar day (until 20:58, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Full Moon, Total lunar eclipse, Moon in Scorpio.

Another completely inappropriate day for cutting and coloring. These procedures will negatively affect your physical and psychological well-being. In addition, they will provoke some losses and conflicts that you can still avoid now.

April 16, Wednesday, 17th lunar day (until 22:12, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Haircut calendar for April 2014

This is a perfect day to visit a master, especially if you dream of a love affair. A haircut done today will make you more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, will make you feel more relaxed and sexier. True, it is better to refrain from visiting the salon for those who have chronic mental disorders.

April 17, Thursday, 18th lunar day (until 23:24, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

A completely unsuitable day for any hairdressing procedures. Firstly, there is a high probability of injury - cuts and burns, and secondly, a haircut can provoke dependence on some habits, people or circumstances.

April 19, Saturday, the 19th lunar day continues (until 0:31, later focus on the 20th lunar day), the Moon is in Sagittarius.

And again, an unfavorable moment for cutting and coloring. The trends of the previous day continue, and, in addition, you risk being attacked by a stray or domestic animal.

April 20, Sunday, 20th lunar day (until 1:30, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

The period inappropriate for visiting the salon continues. Refrain from cutting your hair - it will turn out to be problematic and will require lengthy daily styling. But this day is very favorable for tinting the roots at home, as well as for nourishing masks based on herbal ingredients and for massaging the head with semi-precious and ornamental stones.

Third ten days of April

April 21, Monday, 21st lunar day (until 2:19, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Another unfavorable day for haircuts. Continue to nourish your scalp and massage. In addition, warm wraps with blue clay and olive oil will give good results. To strengthen your hair, you can wash it with bread.

April 22, Tuesday, 22nd lunar day (until 2:59, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), 4th quarter, Moon in Aquarius.

Haircut calendar for April 2014

Today is a completely inappropriate day for any hairdressing procedures. Leave your hair alone and allow it to rest even from hairpins and light styling products. However, it is recommended to spray them several times (morning, afternoon and evening) with mineral or

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Source: Section: Lunar calendar Category: Lunar haircut calendar

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We present detailed information for April 2014.

When to cut your hair in April

--- 01.04.2014 ---

Doubtful day for a haircut. Hair and conflicts grow quickly. A haircut is contraindicated for hot-tempered people, as it can lead to quarrels and litigation through competition and relationships with the opposite sex (for which the Moon in Aries is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for cutting and does not affect the condition of the hair. But it can affect the state of the immune system (depending on the phase of the moon, it can be strengthened or weakened, respectively). Taurus people should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 02.04.2014 ---

Neutral day for a haircut. Hair and expenses add up quickly. A haircut is contraindicated for people who have loans, as well as for those who have their own business - it can attract waste through money, intelligence and perseverance (for which the Moon in Taurus is responsible).

--- 03.04.2014 ---

Dangerous day for a haircut. Hair grows quickly and microbes and bacilli present in the body cause ENT diseases. Haircut is contraindicated for people with weak throats and oral diseases. And also for people in difficult life situations - it can cause fear of losing loved ones and melancholy through money, intelligence and perseverance (for which the Moon in Taurus is responsible).

It is considered a favorable time for a haircut. Hair grows well, becomes stronger, improves its structure and splits less. Geminis should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 04.04.2014 ---

Haircut on Friday is contraindicated for those born on Tuesday. It will help the rest to look prettier, have a general strengthening effect and ensure a good mood.

Good day for a haircut. through training and partnerships (for which the Moon in Gemini is responsible).

--- 05.04.2014 ---

Haircut on Saturday is contraindicated for those born on Monday. For the rest, it will help strengthen their hair and connection with Destiny (the latter is fraught with surprises).

Doubtful day for a haircut. Hair grows quickly and “snot coughs.” Haircuts are contraindicated for people prone to colds. It can also lead to “snot tears” and experiences through learning and partnerships (for which the Moon in Gemini is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for a haircut. Hair grows well, but its structure and condition do not change. Cancers should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 06.04.2014 ---

According to popular belief, by cutting your hair on Sunday you can “kill your luck.” Haircuts on this day are especially contraindicated for people born on Monday.

Doubtful day for a haircut. A haircut is contraindicated for those who have difficulties in their personal lives (it can lead to a quarrel with a loved one) and for those who have difficult relationships with their superiors. Hair grows quickly and conflicts arise through home, real estate and relationships with relatives (for which the Moon in Cancer is responsible).

--- 07.04.2014 ---

Haircut on Monday is contraindicated for those born on Sunday. For the rest, a haircut will help relieve a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life.

Good day for a haircut. Hair grows and strengthens quickly, health and longevity. Your life will look better in the eyes of others and will actually become more worthy through your home, real estate and relationships with relatives (for which the Moon in Cancer is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for a haircut. After such a haircut, you are guaranteed to have a “dandelion” on your head; your hair will turn out fluffy and will be difficult to style. There is also a positive aspect: after such a haircut, the hair follicles become stronger and the hair grows thicker. Leos should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 08.04.2014 ---

Haircut on Tuesday is contraindicated for those born on Friday. For the rest, it will bring the correct solution to problems, add physical strength or the will to solve some important problem, add activity and relieve the monotony of life.

Dangerous day for a haircut. Hair and diseases, if any, grow quickly and intensify. The general state of affairs worsens through home, real estate and relationships with relatives (for which the Moon in Cancer is responsible).

It is considered a neutral time for a haircut. After such a haircut, you are guaranteed to have a “dandelion” on your head; your hair will turn out fluffy and will be difficult to style. There is also a positive aspect: after such a haircut, the hair follicles become stronger and the hair grows thicker. Leos should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.

--- 09.04.2014 ---

A haircut on Wednesday is contraindicated for those born on Thursday. It will help the rest to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, movements and communication, become more active and cheerful.

Doubtful day for a haircut. Hair and minor sores grow quickly and intensify. But getting a haircut on this day will help you win favor with your superiors, or any other significant people through love and creativity (for which the Moon in Leo is responsible).

--- 10.04.2014 ---

A haircut on Thursday is contraindicated for those born on Wednesday. The rest “become a star”, become famous and attract Fortune and changes in relationships with others with a new hairstyle.

Good day for a haircut. Hair grows and strengthens quickly, as well as foresight and mental insight. A haircut at this time will add a sense of urgency to your life through love and creativity (for which the Moon in Leo is responsible).

It is considered a favorable time for a haircut. Your hair becomes thicker and you become more attractive. Virgos should refrain from cutting their hair in any case.