Bad ice cream games online. Bad ice cream games Evil ice cream 5 play for two

Once upon a time in Antarctica, penguins were very friendly and lived peacefully. They played games, caught fish for dinner, and skated on the snow-white ice. They also enjoyed ice cream and played exciting game "Bad Ice Cream 5", which you can play together with a friend. However, times have changed, the penguins have become angry and envious, they have split into two groups, which are now at war with each other and are trying to take over Antarctica. Now they have become enemies. There is a real war between them for control of the territory. We invite you to plunge headlong into the game!

Game objectives

Your task is to play for one of the groups, shooting snowballs. Take good aim - you need to hit the penguin! A special sight will help you with this. You can choose other weapons, for example, powerful grenades or rockets. This game is much more fun to play alone with a friend. Select the appropriate mode and start playing for different teams. Great mood and a sea of ​​laughter is guaranteed to you! The splash of water in the background and the cry of Antarctic birds and animals will lift your spirits. All this will make the game even more atmospheric.

Age category

Bad ice cream suits all ages.

The game is controlled using the mouse. On the top left there is a window where the player selects the force of the blow, as well as its direction. Make sure you have done everything correctly and press “Fire”. If you didn't manage to hit the penguin the first time, don't worry! Try again, calculating the power of the blow. You will succeed! Keep track of the level of life of each penguin; above each of them there is a red power indicator. In the lower left corner you will find a “Menu” where you can select various options, such as downloading the game to your computer. Don't forget that you can change the scale of the game window. Enlarge it to full screen for more realism.

Don't let yourself and your friends get bored, play a fun and exciting game. Time will fly by, and at the same time you can practice your dexterity! Good luck in the game!


Good review with passing all levels of the game Bad ice cream five, prepared for you for free by her fans.

In the Bad Ice Cream games category, players will have to become the kind of gamer who will always lend a helping hand to their character and support him even in the most difficult situations. Here you will meet heroes who find themselves in snowy cities. Due to severe frost and snow storms, they have fallen into traps from which they cannot find the right way out on their own. Now you should activate your skills and try to save the unfortunate characters.

What kind of situations do the characters find themselves in when they go on a journey? On the road they encounter dangerous adventures that can lead to their death. In order for the heroes not to die, but to achieve their goal, they need the help of a good experienced player who will help them overcome all difficulties.

Play for free for two, full screen

In order to navigate locations without much difficulty while playing Bad Ice Cream games, you need to be an attentive player, which is why it is best to play in full screen, or have another player help you during the gameplay. The fact is that you will always be followed by opponents who are able to deal with the hero. If you don't pay attention to them, you may die. You must be a very fast player to be able to complete the task in deadlines. Don't forget to use yours logical thinking, without which you will not be able to think through your steps ahead and anticipate the impending danger. If you want to save all your characters and help them complete their task, you must be as careful as possible and avoid close encounters with non-friends.

Bad Ice Cream 9: For three, this is a simulator where you have to clear the playing field from bombs walking on them. Each character color indicates how powerful the explosion will be after you come into contact with it. You can only set one hero on fire. This is why you need to think carefully before taking this action. The point is, to win, you need to blow up as many heroes as possible. After you blow up one, the sparks flying off from it can set others on fire, creating a kind of chain of explosions. But at the same time, you need to make sure that innocent heroes do not die. If you come into contact with the pink bombs, you will immediately lose.

Evil Ice Cream Games

When going on a journey as Evil Ice Cream Man, you need to know about all the advantages that you have. In some games, you will be able to enjoy three-dimensional 3D images that will bring you as close to reality as possible. Games that lack such high-quality graphics will also not leave you indifferent. The reason for this is the fascinating plot and the goal that you pursue throughout the gameplay. It is worth mentioning the convenient controls, which allow the user to perform only precise actions. Before you set off, you can always see a hint, so you won’t have to waste your minutes searching for instructions. There are no bloody wars in this category, so even younger gamers will be able to play.

In the game Bad Ice Cream 1: For Boys, you will go to the world where your unusual character lives. This ice cream cone travels to different locations, collecting fruits and berries. Your task is to help him, to do such difficult work. But you should be careful, because the slightest mistake and you will be eaten by the monsters walking in these places. In order to avoid death, you need to create small barriers of ice that can delay the enemy for some time. In addition, you have the opportunity to remove existing obstacles. After all the berries have been collected, you can go to the next round and try to cope with new dangerous situations.

Description of flash game

Bad ice cream

Bad Ice Cream

Break ice blocks, collect fruits and avoid enemies! This is how you can describe in a nutshell the meaning of the game Bad Ice Cream. But if you go into details, it turns out that this arcade, in the manner of 8-bit systems, has a number characteristic features, which you can find in modern games on Android or iPhone.
So, our heroine, the ice cream maker, is preparing to complete 20 levels. At each level, she will come across sets of fruits that need to be collected + villains who guard these fruits. You need to avoid the villains by any means possible and collect all the fruits. After this, grapes will appear on the level, which also need to be collected.
The further you progress through the game, the more difficult the levels you complete will become. Use not only your reaction, but also your intuition, which will tell you where and at what moment it is better to eat the fruit so that the monsters don’t grab you.
The controls in the game "Bad Ice Cream" are quite simple, it is suitable for many arcade games of that time - a cross on the keyboard to move around the screen. Spacebar - to release an ice stream that will break ice blocks and freeze monsters for a while.
We wish you a pleasure playing this old school toy Bad Ice Cream and scoring the maximum number of points.
Yes, mind you, this

We have long been accustomed to terrible and bloodthirsty villains who periodically attack the earth and seek to enslave all of humanity. But for an ordinary ice cream to act as an evil monster - this has never happened before! In the bad ice cream games you will have to take the side of evil and help the angry waffle cup collect fruit and fight the Eskimos.

The most favorite delicacy in the world, which is consumed in incredible quantities by both adults and children, has suddenly declared war on everyone! The essence of the bad ice cream games is as follows: freezer, in which frozen foods are stored, they put in a regular fruit ice cream. But no one knew that this food has an extremely harmful and quarrelsome character, and is angry with the whole world because they forgot to put fresh fruit in it. Ice cream begins its journey through the refrigerator, showing miracles of cunning, dexterity, and ingenuity.

Numerous gamers liked this playful entertainment so much that Nitrome soon released several more parts of the Bad Ice Cream game application. Download this category of games and have fun in your free time!

Some games become hits and some don't. And there is no algorithm that you can follow to achieve success. Of course, you can make a certain list of criteria, but it is not at all a fact that after meeting them your game will become a hit. But some projects manage to become successful without any rules. It’s just that the creators put their soul into their creations. Bad Ice Cream is one such project. The developer company Nitrome put their soul into it and they turned out to be a really high-quality arcade game. Moreover, the popularity of the arcade is so high that we have no doubt that new online games Bad Ice Cream 4, 5 and 6 will be released very soon!

In this simple game, you just need to move around a square area, collecting fruits. Once you complete the task and collect all the fruits, you can move on to the next level. But the fruit collection will be interfered with by terrible creatures, unlike any other earthly animal. These creatures will have a variety of abilities, but you will have to deceive them and collect all the fruits. Already from the middle of the game, the creatures become so strong that it becomes very difficult to complete the level on the first try.

We will separately highlight the collective mode, thanks to which you have the opportunity to fight terrible creatures not alone, together with your true friends. Moreover, if in the first two parts only two players are supported, then in the third there are already four. True, for four-player battles you will need to have a special program on your mobile phone, but you can download it completely free of charge. The only downside is that so far only Apple phones are supported. Since this mode was already introduced in the third part, we can already say for sure that the games Bad Ice Cream 4, 5 and 6 will not only be for two, but will also receive the support of 4 players! And when they appear, the application will most likely become available in the Android store.

When will new parts be released?

According to the Nitrome website, the last part 3 appeared on December 20, 2013, which is a very short period for game series. And considering that the two previous parts were also released in December 2012 and 2010, we can conclude that the 4th part of the arcade can be expected either at the end of 2014 or at the end of 2015! So visit this page often and you definitely won’t miss an appearance. new version games!