Games for shy preschool children. Games to reduce the level of shyness and facilitate the introduction of shy children into the children's group. Corrective games for children with demonstrativeness

“Involving shy and unsociable children in creative games”

(from work experience)

teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 18" g.o. Samara

Shy, self-conscious children, timid, withdrawn, silent - these are the characteristics received by children who do not dare, and sometimes find it difficult, to enter into communication with the people around them - acquaintances, peers, teachers. Because of his shyness, he does not respond to adults’ requests, avoids playing together with peers, and finds himself on the sidelines of those interesting activities in which his comrades easily get involved.

One of the reasons for the development of shyness under certain conditions may be excessive guardianship of a child by adults. Depriving a child of independence, as a rule, leads to infringement of his will and leads to the development of passivity. Incapable of action, a lack of initiative, a child becomes more and more convinced of his weakness and ineptitude. With the growth of self-awareness, he begins to feel embarrassed that he does not know how to do what others can easily do.

Teachers and parents can help the child cope with unwanted manifestations that constrain his behavior. This work requires caution, tact, and of course time. It is very important to show trust and respect to the child, to instill in him confidence in his own abilities.

Such a child needs to be involved more often in carrying out various tasks. Often he refuses instructions not because he does not want to carry out, but because he is embarrassed, for example, to go, ask, find out, carry, ask, etc. In this case, the shy child must be introduced to one of the friendly peers or adults. Thus, the children carry out assignments together, but at the same time, the shy child certainly experiences joy from completing the assignment. Shy child paired with a partner in playroom, household, labor activity as if he borrows methods of communication from his partner, is less timid and embarrassed than in a large communication group.

An effective way to introduce a shy child to group activities is to include them in joint activities with younger children. Young children appreciate the attention that older children show to them.

A shy child, an older child, acts as a patron, and this has a beneficial effect on his awareness of his “I”. Finding himself in the position of an elder, teaching and helping, a shy child, not only with a desire to take care of the younger one, but also receives satisfaction from communicating with the baby, displays many communication skills (he can start a conversation, a game, offer to do something, which in communication he cannot express himself with his peers.

Thus, the main principle that should be followed when working with shy children is a change in position in relation to others, including it in the system of positive relationships in the group.

A universal means of teaching communication is a creative game. Famous child psychologists I.Medvedeva and T.Shishova at psychocorrectional classes with shy preschool and junior children school age puppet theater was successfully used. By hiding his face behind a screen, speaking on behalf of the doll, the child no longer feels constrained. At first, the children did not want to show the skits even behind a screen; they agreed only with the support of their parents. But after just a few lessons they were happy to perform on their own. And many stopped hiding behind the screen and began to rise above it, looking at the audience without fear. Puppet shows can also be organized at home; they help develop initiative and reveal the creative inclinations of children.

Play means a lot in the life of every child. Psychologists believe that children who are prone to fear and lack self-confidence are encouraged to play active competitive games: they increase self-confidence and strengthen character. Moreover, parents should celebrate the child’s success: “Well done, how clever you have become!” Sometimes shy children avoid playing for fear of doing something wrong. In these cases, parents need to patiently and constantly encourage them; they can turn to the help of another, more proactive child.

Creative games and activities with peers help to successfully overcome shyness.

When organizing activities with shy and unsociable childrenimportant to remember :

1. It is necessary to develop a certain style of relationship with the child for parents and teachers: do not talk in front of the child or the child himself that he is shy, self-conscious; pay attention to your own behavior; constantly reinforce the child’s sense of self-confidence and strength; Gradually, carefully involve the child in performing various tasks related to communication.

2. Encourage eye contact. When talking to your child, repeat: “Look at me,” “Look into my eyes,” or “I want to see your eyes.” As a result of consciously reinforcing this skill and regularly building appropriate behavior patterns, the child will soon begin to look into the eyes of his interlocutor.

3. Teach your child to start and end a conversation. Together with your child, compose a list of phrases that are easy to use to start a conversation with different groups of people, for example, what he could say to a person he knows; to an adult whom he has not met before; a friend whom he had not seen for some time; a new child with whom he would like to play on the playground. Then, changing roles, rehearse the conversation until the child begins to use these phrases freely and independently.

4. Practice behavior in certain situations. Prepare the child for the upcoming event - talk about the upcoming meeting of guests and preparations for the holiday.

Thus, the participation of children in creative games helps to reveal the individuality of each child with competent pedagogical support of these games.


1. Bezrukikh, M.M. Fidget child: Notebook for activities with children. Methodological recommendations[Text]. - M.: 2001. - 64 p.

2. Volchkova, V.N., Stepanova N.V. System for educating the individuality of a preschooler. A manual for teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions [Text]. – Voronezh, 2007.

3. Goneev, A.D. Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy / Ed. A.V. Slastenina [Text]. – M.: Academy, 2002.

4. Koltsova, M. M. Slow children [Text]. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003.

5. Sirotyuk, A.L. Exercises for the psychomotor development of preschool children: A practical guide [Text]. - M.: ARKTI, 2008.

This game is good to play with children suffering from stiffness and passivity. An adult says: “We are all lions, big Friendly family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say: “roar, lion, roar!” let the loudest roar be heard.”

The sorcerer casts a spell on one of the game participants so that he loses the ability to speak. The child will answer all questions with gestures. Through the questions he asks, he tries to tell the story of how he was bewitched. The other children must retell what the “bewitched” one shows.

The child tries without words, with the help of pantomime, to tell a well-known poem or fairy tale. The other children are trying to understand what he is saying.

The child is asked to come up with a fairy tale about a person whose name is the same as his. This exercise not only promotes better self-awareness, but also develops the ability to talk about yourself without embarrassment.

"Salochki" - an active game aimed at developing activity, collectivism and showing courage in a child. Children scatter around a certain area. The driver must “salt” (touch) the person running away and takes his hand. This is how a chain is formed. Now the two of them are catching up with the other child, etc. Gradually the chain becomes longer and longer. Now their task is to encircle the runner. This requires coordination of joint actions in the chain.

"Catch the Ball" - the game develops self-confidence and trust in other people. The players take turns throwing a small ball to each other, while naming some dignity of the child to whom they throw the ball. It is very important that during the game every child gets to hear kind, pleasant words about himself.

« Finish the sentence» - The exercise is aimed at increasing self-confidence and one’s own strengths. Invite your child to complete the following sentences:
I want….
I can…
I can…
I will achieve...
Discuss the answers.
Dear parents, this is not a complete list of games and exercises to correct shyness and withdrawal. Joint play activities of adults and children, joint singing, and sports games help well. The main thing is that the child must sometimes receive, win, win, receive approval, etc. This improves the child’s emotional mood and instills confidence in their abilities. Fantasize and come up with new games.


The formation of communication skills is an important condition for the normal psychological development of a child. And also one of the main tasks of preparing him for future life. For children preschool age you need to understand what to say and in what form to express your thoughts, be aware of how others will perceive what is said, the ability to listen and hear your interlocutor.

Communication skills are developed in everyday activities, didactic, active, role-playing games.

We offer you games to develop communication skills. These games are aimed at developing constructive communication skills, the ability to receive joy from communication, the ability to listen and hear another person, the emotional sphere.

Goals and objectives:

A sense of unity, cohesion, the ability to act in a team, the removal of bodily barriers;

The ability to establish friendly relationships, notice the positive qualities of others and express this in words, give compliments;

Solving skills conflict situations and overcoming conflicts in communicating with each other;

Development of non-verbal and substantive methods of interaction;

Creating a favorable atmosphere of direct, free communication and emotional intimacy.

glue stick

Goal: to develop the ability to act together and exercise self- and mutual control over activities; learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, that together they can overcome any obstacles.

Children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position they overcome various obstacles.

1. Get up and get off the chair.

2. Crawl under the table.

3. Go around the “wide lake”.

4. Make your way through the “dense forest”.

5. Hide from wild animals.

An indispensable condition for the guys: throughout the entire game they should not become detached from each other.

The blind man and the guide

Goal: develop the ability to trust, help and support fellow communicators.

Children are divided into pairs: “blind” and “guide”. One closes his eyes, and the other leads him around the group, gives him the opportunity to touch various objects, helps him avoid various collisions with other pairs, and gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given while standing behind you, at some distance. Then the participants change roles. Each child thus goes through a certain “school of trust.”

At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children to answer who felt reliable and confident, who had the desire to completely trust their friend. Why?

Magic algae

Goal: removing bodily barriers, developing the ability to achieve goals using acceptable methods of communication.

Each participant (in turn) tries to penetrate the circle formed by the children. Algae understand human speech and feel touch and can relax and let them into the circle, or they may not let them in if they are asked poorly.

Polite words

Goal: developing respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

The game is played with a ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, saying polite words. Say only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, we are glad to meet you); gratitude (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apology (sorry, pardon, sorry, sorry); farewells (goodbye, see you later, good night).

A gift for everyone

Goal: develop the ability to make friends, make right choice, cooperate with peers, sense of team.

The children are given the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give to all of us now?” or “If you had Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, what wish would you make?” Each child makes one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower.

Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, you will.

Order to...

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

Magic bouquet of flowers

Goal: Learn to show attention to others, establish friendly relationships, notice the positive qualities of others and express this in words, give compliments.

Equipment: Green fabric or cardboard, cut out petals for each child.

Teacher (points to a piece of cloth lying on the floor). This is a green meadow. What is your mood when you look at this clearing?

Children. Sad, sad, boring.

Educator. What do you think is missing from it?

Children. Colors.

Educator. Not a fun life in such a clearing. This is how it is between people: life without respect and attention turns out gloomy, gray and sad. Would you like to please each other now? Let's play "Compliments".

Children take turns taking one petal at a time, complimenting anyone their age and laying it out in the clearing. Good words should be told to every child.

Educator. Look guys, what beautiful flowers grew from your words in this clearing. What's your mood now?

Children. Cheerful, happy.

The teacher thus leads to the idea that we need to be more attentive to each other and say good words.

Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace

Goal: develop the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another person.

The game is played in pairs with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length.

The teacher gives tasks:

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, introduce your hands, try to get to know your neighbor better, lower your hands;

Stretch your hands forward again, find your neighbor's hands, your hands are quarreling, lower your hands;

Your hands are looking for each other again, they want to make peace, your hands are making peace, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Situation games

Goal: to develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, emotionally and meaningfully express your thoughts using facial expressions and pantomime.

Children are asked to role-play a number of situations:

1. Two boys quarreled - reconcile them.

2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him.

3. You found a weak, tortured kitten on the street - take pity on it.

4. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.

5. You came to new group– Meet the children and tell us about yourself.

6. You have lost your car - go up to the children and ask if they have seen it.

7. You come to the library - ask the librarian for a book you are interested in.

8. The guys are playing interesting game- ask the guys to accept you. What will you do if they don't want to accept you?

9. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.

10. The child is crying - calm him down.

11. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.

12. Guests have come to you - introduce them to your parents, show them your room and your toys.

13. You came from a walk hungry - what will you tell your mother or grandmother.

14. The children are having breakfast. Vitya took a piece of bread and rolled it into a ball. Looking around so that no one would notice, he threw it and hit Fedya in the eye. Fedya grabbed his eye and screamed. – What can you say about Vitya’s behavior? How should you handle bread? Can we say that Vitya was joking?

Rug of reconciliation

Goal: To develop communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts.

Coming from a walk, the teacher tells the children that two boys had a fight on the street today. Invites opponents to sit opposite each other on the “Rug of Reconciliation” in order to find out the cause of the discord and find a way to peacefully resolve the problem. This game is also used when discussing “How to share a toy.”

Draw a proverb

Goal: to develop the ability to use non-verbal means of communication.

Children are invited to depict a proverb using gestures and facial expressions:

“The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it”

“Tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.”

“If you don’t have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care.”

“As it comes around, so it will respond”

Conversation through glass

Goal: to develop the skill of facial expressions and gestures.

Children stand opposite each other and perform the game exercise “Through the Glass”. They need to imagine that there is thick glass between them, it does not allow sound to pass through. One group of children will need to be shown (for example, “You forgot to put on your hat,” “I’m cold,” “I’m thirsty...”) and the other group will have to guess what they saw.

Game "Velcro"

All children move around the room. Two children, holding hands, try to catch their peers. At the same time they chorus (sentence): “I am a sticky stick, I want to catch you - we’ll stick together!” The “Velcro” take each caught child by the hand, joining him to their “Velcro” company. They then catch the other children together.

Game "Snake"

Children stand in different places in the room. The presenter begins to walk and say: “I am a snake, a snake, a snake, I crawl, crawl, crawl. Do you want to be my tail?" If the child agrees, he must crawl between the leader’s legs and stand behind him. The game continues until everyone has gathered into the “snake”.

Game "Cooks"

Everyone stands in a circle - this is a saucepan. Now we will prepare compote. Each participant comes up with what kind of fruit he will have (apple, cherry, pear). The presenter shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself stands in a circle, the next participant who stands up takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a tasty and beautiful compote. You can also cook soup or make a vinaigrette this way.

"Nose to nose"

Children are free to move around the room and move in any direction. At an adult’s command, for example, “Nose to nose,” they stand in pairs and touch each other’s noses. The commands can be varied: “Palm to palm”, “Knee to knee”, “Ear to ear”, etc.

Game "Touch..."

All players disperse according to the team. The presenter says: “Touch the one who has long hair” or “Touch the one who is the smallest,” etc. All participants must quickly orient themselves, discover who has the named sign and touch gently.

On the bridge

Goal: development of communication skills, motor dexterity.

Number of players: 2 teams.

Description of the game: an adult invites children to cross the bridge over the abyss. To do this, a bridge is drawn on the floor or on the ground - a strip 30-40 cm wide. According to the condition, two people must walk along the “bridge” at the same time from both sides towards each other, otherwise it will turn over. It is also important not to cross the line, otherwise the player is considered to have fallen into the abyss and is eliminated from the game. The second player is eliminated along with him (because when he was left alone, the bridge turned over). While two children are walking along the “bridge”, the rest are actively “cheering” for them.

Lyashko Natalya Sergeevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 367 of Chelyabinsk"
Locality: Chelyabinsk
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Card index of correctional games
Publication date: 30.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Card index of correctional games

Lyashko Natalya Sergeevna

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 367, Chelyabinsk

(MBDOU “DS No. 367, Chelyabinsk”)


Correctional games with aggressive children

"Two Rams"







splash out






children's energy in the right direction.

The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text:

“Early on, two sheep met on the bridge.”



torso, rest their palms and foreheads against each other.

The task is to confront each other without budging, as

longer as possible. You can make the sounds “Bee-ee”.






make sure that the “rams” don’t hurt their foreheads.


Goal: Removing negative moods and restoring strength.






for real,

you need to do the following. Now you will begin to walk along

room without talking to anyone. As soon as you

want to









keep walking around the room.






the word had an effect, it is necessary to speak it not into emptiness, but

looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you.”






time they can't help but laugh.

"Chopping Wood"

Goal: Help children switch to active activities


accumulated aggressive energy and “spent” it during

Say the following: “Which of you has ever chopped wood or seen

how do adults do it? Show how to hold an axe. IN

What position should the arms and legs be in? Stand like this

so that there is some free space around. We'll chop

firewood. Place a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax over

head and forcefully lower it. You can even scream: “Ha!”

To play this game, you can split into pairs and, getting into

a certain rhythm, hitting one block at a time.

"Paper Balls"

Goal: To give children the opportunity to regain vigor and activity

were engaged

anxiety and tension, enter a new rhythm of life.

Before starting the game, each child must crumple up a large

it worked out

“Please divide into two teams, and let each of them

line up so that the distance between teams

was approximately 4 meters. At the leader's command you begin

throw balls to the opponent's side.

The command will be like this:

"Ready! Attention! Let's start!"

Players on each team strive to score as quickly as possible.

turned out to be


When you hear the command “Stop!”, you will need to stop rushing


it turns out

run across


dividing line."

Paper balls can be used more than once.

Corrective games with touchy children

Goal: To teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give




others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend, not

thinking about it.

“Zhuzha” sits on a chair with a towel in her hands. Other

run around her, make faces, tease her, touch her

her. “Zhuzha” tolerates it, but when she gets tired of it all, she jumps up

and begins to chase the offenders, trying to catch the one who

offended her more than anyone else, he will be “Zhuzha”.

An adult should ensure that teasing is not too


Game “Training Emotions”

Goal: Learn to understand the emotions of others, express your own emotions and




expression not only of the emotions themselves, but also of their shades, which can be

inherent in individuals, fairy-tale characters, and animals.


Please smile like: a cat in the sun; the sun itself; sly Fox;

happy child; happy mom.

Show how angry you were: a child whose toy was taken away; Pinocchio,

when Malvina punished him; two sheep on the bridge.

Show how scared you were: the hare who saw the wolf; the kitten that

the dog barks.

Game "Mood Lotto"



to express

own emotions.

Schematic images of emotions are laid out face down on the table.

The child takes one card without showing it to anyone. Then the child should

recognize an emotion and portray it using facial expressions, pantomime, voice

intonation. The rest guess the emotion depicted.

Corrective games for shy children














results in activities. Communication will be effective here




partners of preschoolers.

Game: "Tangle"

Goal: development of communication skills.

Necessary equipment: a ball of thread.

Description of the game: children sit in a semicircle. The teacher stands in the center and

having wound the thread around his finger, he throws the ball to the child, asking about

something (what is your name, what do you love, what are you afraid of). The child catches

ball, winds the thread around his finger, answers the question and asks a question,

passing on



finds it difficult

In response, he returns the ball to the leader.

Comment: This game helps children see the common connections between them, and

The teacher can determine which of the children has communication difficulties. When all



a thread,





easy enough. And it's always more fun when you have friends.

Game: "Cooks"




Description of the game: all children stand in a circle - this is a “pan” or “bowl”. Then

We agree that we will “cook” - soup, compote, salad, etc. Every

comes up with what it will be: potatoes, meat, carrots or something


shouts out



The person named jumps into the circle, the next one takes his hand, etc. When all

the children will find themselves in the same circle again, the game ends, you can start

preparing a new “dish”.

Comment: it’s good if the presenter performs some actions with

"products": cut, crumble, salt, water, etc. Can be imitated

boiling, stirring.


Goal: relieve tension



"Imagine that now you and I will inflate balloons. Inhale

air, bring an imaginary ball to your lips and, inflating your cheeks, slowly,

Inflate it through parted lips. Follow with your eyes how your

the ball gets bigger and bigger, as the patterns on the




be careful not to burst the ball. Now show them to each other."

The exercise can be repeated 3 times.


Option 1

Goal: Relax your back muscles.

"Now you and I will be weightlifters. Imagine that on

There is a heavy barbell on the floor. Inhale, lift the barbell off the floor


lift up


barbell on the floor, rest. Let's try again".

Option 2



feel successful.

lift up

We took a breath, raised the barbell, and fixed this position so that the judges



Relax. Hooray! You are all champions. You can bow to the audience. Everything to you

take a bow



perform several times.

Corrective games for children with demonstrativeness

"Good Animal"

Goal: To promote the unity of the children's team, to teach






"Stand up,

please form a circle and hold hands. We are one big one

good animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! And now

Let's breathe together! When you inhale, take a step forward, when you exhale, take a step.

back. Now, when you inhale, take two steps forward, and when you exhale, take two steps.

a step back. Inhale - two steps forward. Exhale - two steps back.

This is how the animal not only breathes, but also beats clearly and evenly.

big kind heart. Knock - step forward, knock - step back and

etc. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves.”

Here are a few games that will help you see your peers better:

been through


2 to 6 children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) will participate.


Before the start of the game there is a warm-up. An adult stands in front of



demonstrates light physical exercises, and children reproduce it

movements. After this, the children are divided into pairs and each pair takes turns

"performs" in front of others. In each pair, one does something

action (for example, clapping or raising hands, or doing

tilt to the side), and the other tries to reproduce it as accurately as possible

movement, like in a mirror. Each couple decides who will show, and

who reproduce the movements. If the mirror is distorted or delayed, it




"fix" a damaged mirror.

When all the mirrors are working normally, the adult offers the children




comb your hair,



repeat all human actions. You just have to try really hard to do it

exactly, because there are no inaccurate mirrors!

An adult tells children about Echo, who lives in the mountains or in a large

empty room; you cannot see it, but you can hear it: it repeats


break up

groups, one of which depicts travelers in the mountains, and the other - Echo.

The first group of children in single file (in a chain) “travels around the room” and around

the queue makes different sounds (not words, but sound combinations), for example: “Au-u-u-

y", or: "Tr-r-r-r", etc. There should be long pauses between sounds,


to the presenter.

the order of pronounced sounds, i.e. show which child and when

you should make your own sound. Children of the second group hide in different places



are trying





does not reproduce sounds simultaneously, this is not scary. It is important that it not

distorted sounds and reproduced them exactly.

"Magic glasses"





which can be discerned only the good that is in a person, even what

a person sometimes hides from everyone. “Now I’m going to try on these glasses... Oh, what

you are all beautiful, funny, smart!" Approaching each child, an adult

names one of his virtues (someone draws well, someone has a new

doll, someone makes their bed well). "Now let each of you

try it on

will look

will try

more good in everyone. Maybe even something I hadn’t noticed before.”

Children take turns putting on magic glasses and naming their virtues.


finds it difficult






scary, although if possible it is desirable to expand the range of good qualities.

"Bragging Competition"

An adult invites the children to hold a braggart competition. "The one who wins is

who can brag better? We will not brag about ourselves, but about our neighbor.


look closely at the person sitting to your right. Think about what it is like, what's in it




like it.


will win

He will boast to his neighbor who finds more merit in him."




neighbor and boast about his merits. It is not at all important

objectivity of the assessment - whether these advantages are real or invented. Not

the “scale” of these advantages is also important - they can be loud







The winner is chosen by the children themselves, but if necessary, an adult can

to tell your opinion. To make victory more meaningful and desirable,



in any way



"Best Braggart" medal or badge). Such a prize causes even the most

a selfish child has an interest in a peer and a desire to find in him how

as many advantages as possible.

"The Thread That Ties"

Children sit in a circle, passing a ball of thread to each other so that everyone


accompanied by









will come back

to the presenter, children, at the request of an adult, pull the thread and close their eyes,

imagining that they are one whole, that each of them is important and

significant in this whole.

This game is good to play with children suffering from stiffness and passivity. The adult says: “We are all lions, a big friendly family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say: “roar, lion, roar!” let the loudest roar be heard.”

You can try to untie this painful isolation by giving children the opportunity to express themselves, to play the role of another, speaking in someone else's voice. Masks and costumes release unexpected aspects of behavior that are usually inhibited. Give masks to children or let them make their own. Each child will take a new name and behave in the game in accordance with his new role. You can also transform yourself by painting your face. Puppets can be used to express feelings.

There are exercises aimed at creating an atmosphere of cooperation, friendship and mutual assistance.

The sorcerer casts a spell on one of the game participants so that he loses the ability to speak. The child will answer all questions with gestures. Through the questions he asks, he tries to tell the story of how he was bewitched. The other children must retell what the “bewitched” one shows.

The child tries without words, with the help of pantomime, to tell a well-known poem or fairy tale. The other children are trying to understand what he is saying.

The child is asked to come up with a fairy tale about a person whose name is the same as his. This exercise not only promotes better self-awareness, but also develops the ability to talk about yourself without embarrassment.

The child is asked to draw himself twice. The first picture shows him as he is now. On the second, what he would like to be.

How parents can help a shy child

Our 11 year old son is very shy. Every time we introduce him to new people, he barely acknowledges their existence and feels very awkward. If any child tries to start a simple conversation with him, he becomes almost mute. How can we help him feel more confident around people, especially his peers?

Briefly about the main thing: one of the main reasons for shyness children is that they are called shy. Never allow anyone to call your child shy - not a teacher, not friends, not relatives, not brothers and sisters, not strangers.

Timid and shy children do not feel the fullness of life. They limit their experiences without exposing themselves to inevitable social risks and, as a result, do not feel confident in different situations. The inability to get involved and make new friends will haunt them throughout their lives. Finally, there will be the pain of social rejection. Fortunately, we can help children feel more confident in a group by teaching them communication skills.

Five tips to help children overcome shyness:

Use the following five tips to help your child become confident in social settings.

1. Encourage eye contact. When talking to your child, repeat: “Look at me,” “Look into my eyes,” or “I want to see your eyes.” As a result of consciously reinforcing this skill and regularly building appropriate behavior patterns, your child will soon begin to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. If the child is uncomfortable doing this, advise him to look at the bridge of the nose of the person talking to him. After some training, he will no longer need this technique, and he will look more confidently into the eyes of his interlocutor.

2. Teach your child to start and end a conversation. Together with your child, make a list of phrases that are easy to use to start a conversation with different groups of people, for example, what he could say to someone he knows; to an adult whom he has not met before; a friend whom he had not seen for some time; a new student in the class; a child with whom he would like to play on the playground. Then, changing roles, rehearse the conversation until the child can use these phrases freely and independently. Tip: Practicing conversation skills over the phone with a friendly person is not as scary for shy kids as face-to-face conversation.

3. Practice behavior in certain social situations. Prepare your child for the upcoming event - talk about the upcoming meeting of guests and preparations for the holiday. Then help him practice how to greet guests, table manners, what to say, and even how to say goodbye gracefully.

4. Training communication skills with younger children. Philip Zimbardo, a renowned expert on shyness and co-author of The Shy Child, recommends pairing shy older children with younger ones—a sibling, a cousin, a neighbor's child, or your friends' child—for short playdates. Working as a babysitter is a great opportunity for shy teenagers not only to earn money, but also to practice social skills: starting a conversation, making eye contact - something that a child is embarrassed to do with his peers.

5. Create conditions for playing in pairs. Fred Frankel, a psychologist and developer of the world-renowned Social Skills Training Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, believes that pair play dates are the best remedy development of social confidence. In this case, your child invites one of his friends to spend a couple of hours with him to get to know each other better and practice his friendship skills. Offer children a light snack and try to keep disruption to a minimum; the presence of brothers and sisters should be excluded, television should not be included in the list of games.

On a note: F. Zimbardo believes that two out of five people consider themselves shy. Maybe you yourself created a problem for your child?

Plan for gradual change in child behavior

Start by thinking about your own temperament. Do you consider yourself shy? Did you think so when you were growing up? Have you been called shy? Were your siblings, relatives or parents shy? Have any of them been called shy? Are there any specific situations in which you feel awkward? What helps you feel more confident in group activities?

Now is the time to take action to change your child's behavior.

1. Review your parenting expectations. Are the abilities appropriate? strengths and the child’s mood to your expectations? Or maybe failure to meet your expectations is what contributes to the development of self-doubt in a child? Below are a few parenting behaviors that should be seriously considered. Maybe you should change something in your behavior?

Have you ever forced your child to perform anything in public?
-Aren't you too worried if your child hasn't completed some task?
- Do you tend to do anything for your child?
- Do you usually speak on behalf of your child and resolve conflicts for him?
- Do you discourage your child from trying something new?
- Do you force your child to do things that may be important to you, but not to him?
- Do you compare the child’s actions and personality with the actions of his brothers or sisters?

2. Think about your behavior. How do you usually react to your child's shyness? How do you respond if someone tells you that your child is shy, especially in front of him? Is there anything in your behavior that could be changed that could help your child feel more confident? Make a change plan and stick to it.