Childhood fairyland spring holiday scenario. Holiday for girls: a journey to the land of fairies. Summer sports festival “Magic Land of Childhood”

Who among the girls did not dream in childhood of becoming a fairy - bright, light, beautiful. Parents can make a dream come true for their daughters by organizing a themed holiday for the baby and her friends - a Journey to Fairyland.

Just imagine - on a warm summer evening, girls enter a park or forest and find themselves in a dreamland, where gnomes and elves hide in the grass, tiny lights flicker in the leaves of trees, and in a secluded clearing a table is set with treats for little fairies. On the tree hang outfits with wings, crowns and magic wands prepared for them, and in multi-colored bags there are maps of a magical land, which indicate the path to incredible treasures and the tasks that must be completed to get them.

Birthdays, just a holiday for no reason - this format is suitable for many events and will be remembered for a long time.

Preparing for a themed party

To make a girls' party truly fabulous, you need to choose a venue, prepare all the accessories and create a charming atmosphere.

Selecting a location

You can hold a party or birthday in a local park or forest, or also in a country house if there is enough free space there.

Territory design

You can hang garlands of lights or small lanterns along the trees and place figurines of fairy-tale creatures in the grass.

It is worth stretching a light fabric under the trees to form a tent or canopy, and under it place a table with food for the fairies. All items and decor must be in the same style and match the theme of the party.

Dishes for the table

Do not overload with rich and fatty food; let the Fairies have fruits, berries, cakes without cream, and painted gingerbread on the table. Water, juice, fruit drink - from drinks. And the obligatory decoration of each dish.

Necessary accessories for the holiday Journey to Fairyland


Option 1. To make the invitations, take 2 twigs, apply a little glue on them and secure a piece of thick paper between them, then sprinkle with glitter. The paper should be secured in such a way that the invitation can be rolled up, turning it into a scroll.

Option 2. Design paper invitations in the form of flowers. They can be flat, like a postcard, or they can be voluminous, for example, in the form of a tulip using the origami technique, inside of which there will be a piece of paper with the text of the invitation.

Accessories for fairies

Magic wands. To make magic wands, take fairly thick and strong branches, wrap colored satin ribbons on them (the end of the ribbon can be left to flutter freely), securing it with glue. You can also use rhinestones, beads and sparkles.

Wreaths for fairies. To make wreaths, take branches or grass (the main thing is that the material is elastic, does not break and allows you to form crowns). Weave the grass into a wreath or bend the branches to form a circle and secure well with tape and glue so that the crown does not fall apart.

For decoration, use real or artificial leaves and flowers; you can also cut out butterflies from tracing paper, paint them and attach them to the crown.

Fairy bags. Make each fairy a bag where you can put a map of Fairyland, and then treasures. To do this, take any fabric (preferably coarse, for example, double-thread), sew a regular rectangular bag, fasten it to a ribbon or belt so that it can be worn at the waist, and decorate it with flowers, leaves, embroidery, etc.

Fairy dresses can also be sewn from the same fabric using the simplest “T-shirt” pattern. This outfit can be worn over regular clothes, it will not restrict movement, you can fall on the grass or climb a tree in it without fear of tearing or getting dirty.

Feywild Travel Map

The card can be drawn on the back of the invitation or made separately using the same principle. Draw the main landmarks on it, labeling them with fairy-tale names (for example, Flower Path or Glade of Dancing Elves), and indicate the places where the treasures are hidden.

If girls over 5-6 years old participate in the holiday, then you can come up with a quest with fun tasks. In this case, you need to select 2-3 adults who will portray the inhabitants of the land of fairies (druids, nymphs, spirits of objects, gnomes, etc.) and give tasks that must be completed in order - having completed one, you get the next.

Journey to Fairyland: holiday scenario

After the invited girls meet and get to know each other (if the future fairies do not know each other), the host (one of the parents) tells the essence of the game: traveling through the land of Fairies is impossible without a map, so you need to find it, and then, using the clues, find the Fairy treasures that will make the girls even more skillful, beautiful, smart and cheerful.

First task: find the magic card

You will need:

- air balloons;

- magic cards.

The number of magic quest path cards must correspond to the number of participants. There should be three times as many balls as cards (inflated balls are simultaneously thrown out of a large bag or piece of cloth by the leader).

The essence of the competition:

Among the inflated balloons there are balls with cards. To the sound of cheerful music, girls race to burst balloons. Each girl gets one card.

Second task: initiation into fairies

You will need:

- casket with a lock;

- a small box with sparkles - magic powder for turning into a fairy, which will be closed in a casket;

- container with water;

- a fishing rod with a magnet at the end;

- iron keys.

The essence of the competition:

In a magical lake (bowl, basin with water) at the bottom there are keys that you need to catch with a fishing rod and pick up the one that will open the casket with the magic powder hidden there.

After completing the task, the presenter sprinkles powder on each girl and gives Fairy clothes, wreaths and a bag. The girls are transformed.

Third task: magic glade

You will need:

— flowers, (according to the number of participants).

The essence of the competition:

Each girl finds a flower in a clearing, and with it receives a task: recite a poem, sing a song, etc. The child completes the task and moves on along the magical path leading to treasures.

Fourth task: find the magic wand

You will need:

- magic wands.

The essence of the competition:

Among the trees, bushes or any other setting that imitates a magical forest, magic wands are hidden, which the participants must find. The main thing is to meet the allotted time - while cheerful music is playing.

Fifth task: guess the magical hero

The essence of the competition:

The presenter asks riddles about magical creatures (elves, gnomes, etc.). The girls must guess them and only after that follow the map to the next task.

Sixth task: jumping bag

You will need:

- large bags.

The essence of the competition:

The evil gnome bewitched the further path. You can get to the next quest point only if you find magical jumping bags. The presenter gives a hint where they are hidden and, as the girls search, says “hot” or “cold”.

Seventh task: enchanted circles

You will need:

- circles with a radius of about 50 cm;

- a big bag.

The essence of the competition:

When all the bouncy bags have been obtained, all Fairies move to the next quest point - the swamp, which blocks the path to the treasure. You can pass it only if you climb into a bag and jump along a path of magic circles.

At the end of the path, in a pre-prepared place (for example, in a hut made of fallen branches), there is a decorated basket with Fairy treasures (this can be bright hairpins, mirrors, lipsticks, bracelets for each girl).

When the treasure is found, all the fairies go under the shade of the tent, where a sweet table awaits them. And so that the memory of the trip to Fairyland remains for a long time, while the girls replenish their strength, the presenter hands out awards - the fastest, the most dexterous, and so on.

Happy Holidays!

The article uses drawings of fairies by illustrator Marina Fedotova.

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Kachalova Natalya Viktorovna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 45 "Crane"
Locality: city ​​of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Subject: Scenario of the concert "Magic Country"
Publication date: 07.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Concert script


The curtain opens, children run onto the stage to the music.

Dance "Magic Country"

There are wizards in the world,

They bring us joy

Children are eagerly awaiting their visit.

And they know everyone by name.

Wizards live and believe

That childhood is a holiday without end,

Where in truth all the doors are open

Where everyone's hearts are open!

The presenters come out from different directions and look around (the light changes).

DASHA: Oh, how beautiful, how fabulous it is all around! Where are we going?

HOST: And you and I ended up in a magical land.

DASHA: What kind of magical country is this?

HOST: A magical land is a land of childhood, joy and

are happening

suggests that the happiest day has come when

a fairy tale has come to visit! And now the real thing will happen in this hall

miracle - this is where the holiday will now begin, a holiday of music and

DASHA: To the city of a fairy tale, to the city of childhood

The light is dimmed in

We always want to get there

blackout come out

And you just have to look closely

How miracles come to life

HOST: It seems that a miracle is beginning - look, look, Dasha,

dolls come to life!

Dance "Kaleidoscope"

HOST: Well, Dashenka, here we are in the magical

country. And our fabulous journey begins.

DASHA: What about our guests?



travel with us.

DASHA: We ask you - smile,

Be amazed, be amazed,

Fantasize and argue

Dance, clap and sing!

Disco dance

HOST: Dasha is our holiday today - a holiday of childhood,

dance celebration and I prepared a gift.





magical. All you have to do is touch her and say your cherished words

words as it opens. Let's say together: “One, two, three!

Give us magic!”

Together: “One, two, three! Give us magic!”

The lights dim and the dancers emerge into the darkness.

:HOST: Open the box,

Open up quickly.

Myths of Eastern music

Give for all guests.

Dance "Myths"

HOST: Well, Dasha, did you like my gift?

DASHA: I liked it very much!

HOST: Your smile and your eyes tell me what you

I can’t wait to look into the magic box again and find out what




Dasha looks into the box

DASHA: Here I see a magical garden,

Children run onto the stage

It has a palace made of rose leaves,

during Dasha's words

He breathes the aroma of herbs,

Filling with gentle sound

Drowning in a whirlwind of dance.

Dance "Magic Garden"

The presenters dress up in

fairy costumes

The wind sings barely audibly,

Linden sighs by the garden,

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen!

The stream flows loudly.

Children run onto the stage

Thunder falls from the sky

during the words of the Presenter

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

Dance "Streams"

Let the birds sing joyfully

And the streams ring merrily

Let children have dreams

Unprecedented beauty!

Dance "Babes"

The presenters come out dressed in fairy costumes.

HOST: Oh, how beautiful this fairy-tale country is

are happening

fabulous fairies! I am a music fairy!

DASHA: And I am the dance fairy! (


HOST: We welcome you, friends,

Ancient fairy tales and legends

Miracles await you

And fulfillment of desires!

DASHA: We invite you to the ball

We have secret magic

The hour of magic has arrived

: Fairies will take you to the world of fairy tales!

Dance "Angel Flies"(solo)

HOST: My dear dance fairy! Accept magic from me

wand! Wave it and your every wish will come true.

DASHA: Thank you, dear music fairy! I'll try now:

Only with a magic wand

I will wave at the same hour

Funny harlequins

They will appear with us.

Dance "Harlequins"

Thunder struck after the fun

With the warm summer rain,

And suddenly behind him, because of the clouds

A ray of sun appeared.

A bunny jumped onto the beds

And plays hide and seek with us

Among the thickets, where it is dense

lush cabbage grows.

Dance "Cabbage"

HOST: There are too many dances to count!

Is there a fashion for dancing?

DASHA: What attracted everyone yesterday

Now it's time to put it in a museum!

I'll wave my wand again

I will invite stylish ladies,

They dance great

And they look great!

Britney Spears dance

HOST: Thank you, sweet dance fairy. You are so kind

heart! I realized that you can make any wish come true. A

what would you like me to perform for you?

DASHA: Oh, I’ve dreamed of seeing real penguins for so long.

If only they would end up in our sunny meadow.




Look how funny they are - little penguins.

Dance "Penguins"

DASHA: I thought penguins were clumsy and didn't know that they

They can dance so much fun!

HOST: It is music that makes them graceful and beautiful. AND


is happening


a wonderful world of sounds, music and dance!

DASHA: And I know that when you twirl to the music, you can tell about your

feelings, talk about your mood. This is also magic

the wonder and charm of dance. Look!

Dance “On the Wings of Youth” (


inseparable, like us - the fairy of dance and the fairy of music, always together.

HOST: And a miracle is impossible without bright colors - look

everything around is so colorful, sunny and beautiful. And even words

similar: “beauty” and “colors”.

DASHA: Yes, I really like to draw! And I’m always so happy when

to whom



my new, magical world appears!

DASHA: One stroke and two strokes -

A flower bloomed on a leaf!

Yellow, red, blue -

The colors beckon.

This is a miracle without a doubt -

My miracle of creation!

Dance "Colored Peas"




strewn with flowers. There are delicate blue cornflowers on the lawns. This is a miracle!

A real kingdom of flowers.

And the breeze swirled, playing with the leaves

And the flower swayed to the beat,

Your green stem

Slender leaning.

Dance "Cornflower Glade"

HOST: These flowers whispered to me that a new miracle awaits us.

I think I see a magical bird flying and singing

wonderful songs!

DASHA: I know - this is a bird of happiness, it will bring us good luck.

hurry up

let's make a wish


Dance "Bird"


: (with a blue feather in his hands)

The bird flew away to distant lands,

Bird of happiness, where are you? - I ask.

But in response only a silent blue feather,

Spin around a little

It fit into my palm.

And suddenly it became clear that when you fly away

She gave me a miracle, and my dreams will come true!

Dance "Tango"

DASHA: Apparently, this bird of happiness is truly magical, since

guessed my deepest dreams.

HOST: When you grow up, will you dance just as beautifully?

DASHA: Yes. But for now I don’t want to leave the country of my childhood, where it’s so

nice and easy, where you can play and have fun.

Now I'm a fairy

But I also like to play pranks,

Instantly I can adults

Return to childhood.

I'll wave my magic wand

And at the same hour

Funny naughty girls

Let them dance for us!

Dance "Naughty girls"

HOST: The world of childhood is full of kind, wise, bright fairy tales.

Do you like fairy tales?

DASHA: Of course, I love it very much!

HOST: There are many fairy tales around

Both sad and funny,

And live in this world

We can't live without them.

Let not everything work out in life,

But the fairy tale turns into reality!

DASHA: Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you...

Music comes into our home

In an amazing outfit -

Multi-colored, painted.

Dance "Round Dance"

DASHA: Yes, old fairy tales are good, but even now there are no miracles

less! For example, the Internet is also like a powerful wizard,

will instantly transport you to any time and to any country, will carry out any

my desire!

HOST: Yes,




a wizard






web,” it would be good to be able to distinguish where the truth is and where the lie is, where

good and where is evil. But this is precisely what wise fairy tales teach.

DASHA: Let's not argue, dear fairy. Let's take a better look

Will different times be able to get along, at least in one dance?

Dance "Rep Classic"

HOST: Yes, you're right, everything is possible in dance. But I still don't care

old Russian fairy tales to my heart, where good triumphs over evil, where reigns

wisdom and beauty.

Black-eyed girl

So slim and pretty

This is how the “Russian” dances loudly,

What everyone's soul sings!

Dance “The Moon Is Shining” (

DASHA: Let the charm of antiquity remain in books,

Let the little ones read about the clear month and the kids.

And we have different rhythms,

And we have different dances!

We are young today

We are writing new pages!

Dance "Funk"


(comes out and sees Dasha dressed in an oriental costume)

What do I see, what miracles?

DASHA: Yes, I decided that you and I will no longer argue. U


in my own way


HOST: Certainly! And I think that in fairyland everything

must live in peace and harmony.

DASHA: And as a sign of reconciliation, I want, like the fabulous Scheherazade,

give you all an oriental fairy tale.

Dance "Eastern" (

performed by Dasha

HOST: Thank you, my dear dance fairy, for the wonderful

oriental fairy tale! We saw a lot of dancing today, a lot

There are different dances in the world, but there is nothing better and more beautiful

A lot has been said about the waltz.

He is sung in songs and poems,

But no matter how many dances happen,

There really is nothing better than a waltz!

Dance "Waltz"

And at any ball, in a whirlwind of a waltz

fairy tale prince meets his princess.

Dance "Inspiration" (

The presenters come out dressed in their original costumes.

HOST: What a wonderful trip we had!

DASHA: Thank you, box, for giving us this fabulous

a journey to a magical land - the land of childhood. Only me

It's a little sad that it ends so quickly.

HOST: Yes, Dasha, it's time to close our magical

box. But don’t be sad, I’ll give you one more dance.

Dance "Ballerina" (

DASHA: I won't be sad because I understood - magical


be surprised,



discoveries. And may childhood never end!

HOST: We have a long way to go on the planet.

Fortunately, the way is open to us,

The dream shines like a star!

DASHA: The calendar leaves are carried away by the wind of childhood,

The eternal land has been given to us as an inheritance!

Finale "Road to the Sun"

Journey to the Magic Land

senior group

Input – music rhythm. comp. "Surprise"

Children: 1. The first ray of sunshine

The holiday has knocked on the house,

And icicles from joy

They rang outside the window.

2. A stream heard them,

Smiled and flowed

And nodded to us from under the snow

First March flower.

Ved: Which one of you can answer?

What kind of holiday has come to us?

Children: Children know everything in the world -

(together) This is our mothers' holiday!

3. Let the song flow like a stream,

And mother’s heart warms,

We sing about mommy in it,

It couldn't be more tender.

Song “It’s so good that I have you!” - words and music by S Nasaulenko

4. On this bright holiday

Everyone congratulates mothers,

Nice gifts

Today they give it to you.

5. Our gift is not simple,

You can't take it with your hand,

We give warmth to our hearts,

Smiles, joy, kindness!

6. And we invite you at this hour

We'll take you on a journey!

Ved: Here's a ticket! A surprise for you:

Cruise to a magical land!

A huge steamer is waiting for you,

Together with mothers - forward!

7. Oh, there's no time to stand,

We'll be sailing soon.

Without sailors - nowhere!

Hey, sailors, all here!

Sailor dance "White cap"

08. Let's look at the sea surf

We are a spyglass(looks)

To the left is the sea, to the right is the sea,

Waves splash in the open space...

Oh, I seem to be far away

I see the edge of the earth!

09. Let our songs never cease,

Let the music be heard

Together: A magical land awaits us!

10.Getting here is not at all easy,

After all, this is a fabulous island!

Nature is fragrant here,

The sun is shining in the sky,

Flowers grow on the island

Unprecedented beauty!

Dance “Magic Flower” -girls with flowers

Children sit on chairs

Ved: Fairy tales live on this island,

If you want, they will come to life.

Find the bells

And call quietly(Ved. rings the bell)

The tale of the fisherman and the fish in a new way

The grandmother is sitting on a chair, knitting. Grandfather comes out, dragging the basin behind him.

Grandfather : Receive a gift, Grandma:

New trough.

We will have everything now

Clean and washed.

Grandma : Are you crazy, old man?

You are behind the times,

I don't need this basin!

Killed me! Fun!

Grandfather: You, Old Woman, don’t grumble,

Sit down and read Pushkin (hands her “Fairy Tales” by Pushkin)

I do everything according to the text.

Here, read this place!

Grandma: Grandfather, don't look at the book,

And wipe your eyes.

It's already a different century!

We have a wide horizon!

Today I’m not the same Grandma -

Became literate

I look at the screen all day

Grandfather: TV is the root of all evil

Doesn't do any good!

Grandma: Listen to my advice:

Better shut up, Grandfather!

And give me some Teflon,

Coffee maker, vacuum cleaner

And a washing machine -

Everything from the Moydoslez company.

Grandfather: You, Old Woman, don't joke,

Everything costs a lot!

Where will I get the money?

Where can I get dollars?

Today our course is as follows:

Pensions won't be enough.

You, old woman, have a problem

From hunger, that is.

Grandma : You run quickly to the sea,

Bow to the fish at the waist,

Demand money, more than that

And come back with the currency.

Demand, grandfather, and a Mercedes,

Travel packages to Hawaii,

Let him send visas too,

We won't be disturbed!

Demand video, player, cream

From our wrinkles.

And let him send a suit

For important walks.

If I dress up

Maybe I'll fit in the competition,

I will call myself Miss Universe!

I don’t want to be a Russian pensioner,

I want to be an overseas girl!

Grandfather: (horrified) Grandma, grandma, what about me?

What should I do without you?

Come on, wake up quickly

And get down to the ground.

Grandma: (proudly) No, honey! Enough for me!

Now I want to live freely.

Go to the fish, old man!

There is absolutely no time.(points to watch)

Grandfather: Apparently, grandma, you're right:

We need a different life!

I'll go to the sea to call the fish,

We need to take a new ransom!

They bow and leave.

11.If I were a girl,

And then I would grow old

Then when would I become a granny,

It would never creak.

I wouldn't scold anyone

I would spoil my grandson

And I'm sure I would

Just like my grandmother.

12. Dear grandmothers!

We congratulate you!

Good health

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Song-dance “Old Grandmothers” -music V. Dobrynina, lyrics. S. Osiashvili- boys

Children sit on chairs.

Ved: What else awaits us on the island?

What fairy tale will guests come to us? (rings the bell)

To the music Old Woman Shapoklyak appears

Shapoklyak: There's no work waiting for me in the morning,

I've been retired for a long time,

I really want to become famous for hunting!

But how? I can't imagine.

Well, is that a lot?

I want my portrait

Shy and strict

I looked at it from all the newspapers.

The path is flooded with moonlight,

I go out into the yard with a slingshot.

I will coat all the benches with glue,

And then I’ll swing over the fence.

My health is fine

I feel young

And passers-by as a charge

I like to throw water on it from the window.

What, kids, weren't you waiting?

But I think you all recognize me!

I'm famous, after all...

Ved: You are Old Woman Shapoklyak!

Shapoklyak: Why am I an old woman?

I'm really okay!(adjusts hair)

But as always they forgot me

And they weren’t invited to kindergarten...

I'm unhappy, poor,

But angry, vindictive and malicious.

I'll whisper now

And I will turn you into the same.

You will be lazy and stubborn!

Moms will rejoice!(whispers into palms, blows on children)

  1. I really want, friends,

Do what you shouldn't!

  1. Kick the ball in the apartment!
  2. Make some noise and pamper!
  3. Walk through the puddles.

All: Tired of listening!

  1. I'm tired of washing my face in the morning, brothers!
  2. Arrive at kindergarten on time

Here classes are like lessons!

  1. Eat porridge in the morning

And make the beds!

25. I wish I could turn into an animal

Or into your favorite toy!

Shapoklyak: Ha ha ha! Not at all aversechildren wear animal hats

Help you in this matter.

Come on, put on your hats,

Get up quickly now

Close your eyes tightly,

And run the commands:

“Whoever is ready, turn around,

Whoever you want to turn into!

Now everything is ready,

I did something nasty again!

I guess it's time, kids!

Ha ha ha! Cheers cheers!(runs away)

Dolls come out

Doll: 1. We are not simple dolls.

We are clockwork dolls

We don't want to get bored here,

We'd better dance.

Dance of the Dolls

Doll: 2. It’s not at all easy to be a doll,

It's not easy for dolls to live!

  1. Dolls are often abused

They break it, they lose it,

  1. And it became clear to us

It’s very bad to live without mothers!(leave)

The piglets come out

Piglets: 1. We were guys

They became piglets.

  1. Piglets can't live:

Eating and drinking from the trough

  1. And wallow in the mud,

And don't wash your face.

Dance of the piglets – computer by A.Burenina

Wolf: There are so many piglets here!

You can eat well.(rubs hands)

I will catch you and eat you...

Piglets: 1. Oh, we’re completely lost!

  1. He'll start eating us now,

Who will save us now?

3. What will happen to us now?

I want to go into my mother's arms.

  1. Mom would drive the wolf away now,

After all, she is not afraid of anyone!

Wolf: What moans, what screams!

I'm going to feel bad now!

They released their snot,

Even eating is disgusting to you!

Ugh! Brr! (runs away)

Piglets: 5. We braved in vain,

Living without a mother is so dangerous!

Suddenly a terrible beast will return,

Who will protect us now?

The piglets are running away.

A bear comes out.

Bear: I've been wandering around the forest all day

And now I’m already hungry.

Well, at least where to get honey,

There are no bees to be seen anywhere.

Ved: Forget about it, my dear,

You should sleep in winter.

Bear: Yes, I ran away from my mother,

So that the quiet hour does not come,

And you tell me again,

Just like at home, sleep and sleep!

Well, I don’t understand at all

I have to sleep, why?

Ved: Since you don't want to sleep,

You can play with us!

Playing with a bear

Bear: I'm very tired

Because I didn't sleep!

I won't whine anymore

I don't want to be a bear

I'd rather be obedient.

I won’t upset my mother!(leaves)

The ball comes out.

Ball: I'm not a boy now

That's what a ball I am!

I will live without knowing any worries,

Playing with the children all day.

Who looks sad?

The ball will always make you laugh.

Ball game (music and rhythm comp. by A.I. Burenina)

Children: 1. The day is coming to an end,

It's time for us to go to bed soon.

What should we do, guys?

This is where we remember our mothers.

  1. I remember my mother's voice:

"Time to sleep! Lie down, son.

Close your eyes tightly,

May you dream a fairy tale."

  1. My mother would read it to me...
  2. Would you tell me a fairy tale?

Tucked in the blanket

And I would kiss you again.

Ved: Yes, it’s not easy to live without a mother,

But you completely forgot

How magical this island is

And he can help everyone.

Ring the bell

Invite a fairy tale to visit:

The good fairy will come

And, of course, it will save you.(rings the bell)

The Fairy appears.

Fairy: Someone here is calling me

So, people are waiting for me.

I am the Good Fairy! I came to visit you,

She took the magic wand in her hands.

Ved: Fairy, we have a problem here,

Shapoklyak came here to visit us,

She bewitched our children

We ask you to help us quickly.

Fairy: You yourself allowed her to do magic,

You need to turn into children again.

Let the evil do cunning tricks,

But still good wins...

Come on, tell me, are there any fighters here?

Are there any arrogant braggarts among you?

Are there people who are insolent to their elders?

Don’t they want to help mothers with housework?

What answer will I hear from you?

Children: No, no, no!

Fairy: Well, if not, I'm quite happy

It's a joy to hear something like this to me.

I'll wave this wand now

And the magic spell will be lifted from you.

You will find yourself in kindergarten again,

Is everyone ready?

Children: We are all ready!

The fairy waves her magic wand.

Fairy: One, two, three! (children take off animal masks).

Children: 1. We are no longer dolls,

  1. We are no longer balls!
  2. We are simple girls
  3. We are simple boys.
  4. We say thank you to the Fairy

All: And we thank moms for everything!

  1. And now we want

We will perform the dance for you.


Games and attractions with moms

Fairy: So the holiday ends,

I want to wish you:

Never be sad

And don't be discouraged!

Let the smiles of spring

They will warm you with warmth,

Happiness, joy, health

They will bring it to every home.

Goodbye friends,

I'm returning to the fairy tale.(leaves)

Ved: We would like to congratulate you again

All mothers on the whole planet.

They say thank you to mom

And adults

Children: And children (bow)





Music director - Denisova T.V.



Target: Consolidating and expanding children's knowledge about well-known fairy tales. Creating a joyful, emotional state in children. Development of speech activity in children through a game plot.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the music room in pairs and stand in a circle.

Educator: In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

Let's hold hands together,

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers)

Well done! You know many different fairy tales. I suggest going to a fairyland. Ready? Then watch and listen carefully.

Children, here is a magic chest.

There is a silver ball in it.

You for a fairy tale today

Invites everyone to go

More interesting adventures

You guys won't find it.

Stand next to each other

Let's go friends

There's no way you can fall behind!

Cheerful music is playing. The children follow the teacher like a train, approach a fairy-tale gate, and enter a magical land.

Educator: So you and I found ourselves in the magical land of fairy tales. How beautiful, fabulous and mysterious it is here. Let's say hello to the people of this country.

The children say hello and the Fairy appears.

Fairy: Hello, dear children. I am a fairy from a magical fairyland. I've heard you know a lot of fairy tales and love them very much. Now I will ask you riddles, and you try to guess which fairy-tale hero we are talking about.

    Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled. . .

    The nose is round with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves,

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

    Treats small children
    Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor. . .

    Near the forest on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

    The fat man lives on the roof

He flies, he is taller than everyone else.

Fairy: Well done! You know a lot of fairy tales! I am a Fairy of Fairyland and I can do miracles! And a magic wand helps me with this. Do you want to go on a journey through fairy tales? Now I will wave my magic wand, and you and I will find ourselves in a fairy tale. Let's say the magic words together:

Bim-bam, bim-bom

We will now enter a fairy tale,

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I will say it and it will be so!

Children repeat the words, the Fairy waves her wand, everyone turns around, fairy-tale music sounds.

Fairy: To get into any fairy tale, you need to overcome difficulties and obstacles. Do you agree? Then let's go!

The phonogram of S. Mikhalkov’s song “Song of Friends” sounds, and the children follow the Fairy in a chain around the hall. While walking, movements are performed according to the lyrics of the song.

Fairy: So we arrived at the first fairy tale, but which one? We need to guess. Listen carefully.

Grandmother loved the girl very much

Gave her a red cap

The girl forgot her name

Well, tell me her name.

Children guess the riddle, the song “If it’s long, long, long...” sounds. Little Red Riding Hood appears.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys! My name is Little Red Riding Hood. I really love to dance, and you? Then let's dance!

Dance “If for a long time, for a long time...”

Little Red Riding Hood: We had fun dancing! But it's time for me to go home. Grandma is waiting for me. Goodbye.

Fairy: Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood, for the fun dance. And we go to the next fairy tale. What should we do for this? Right. I will wave my magic wand, and you will say the magic words:

Bim-bam, bim-bom

We are about to enter a fairy tale.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I will say it and it will be so.

Fairytale music sounds.

Fairy: And now we find ourselves in the next fairy tale. In which? You will find out if you solve the riddle.

What kind of house is there in the forest?

On a green lump?

The animals live together in it,

Are the songs fun to sing?

Fairy: The guys, the heroes of this fairy tale, invite us to play a game - a round dance, which is called “There is a tower in the field.”

Children with the Fairy and the teacher lead a round dance - the game “Teremok”.

Fairy: Children, you liked the game, but we need to move on to the next fairy tale. What should you and I do for this? Correctly say the magic words:

Bim-bam, bim-bom

We are about to enter a fairy tale

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I will say it and it will be so.

Fairytale music sounds, the Fairy waves her magic wand.

Fairy: I wonder what fairy tale we are in? We will now find out if we solve the riddle:

What kind of strange wooden man is this?

Looking for a golden key on land and under water?

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this?

The children guess the riddle and Pinocchio runs into the hall.

Pinocchio: Hello, kids! Girls and boys! Since you are in my fairy tale, let's dance.

Dance "Golden Key".

Fairy: What a funny Pinocchio. Thank you!

Pinocchio: And thank you for coming to my fairy tale. I will always be glad to meet you. I hope to see you very, very soon! See you again! (runs away).

Fairy: Did you guys enjoy the trip? And I am very, very happy too. But I must bring other children to the Magic Land. Before I say goodbye to you, I will try to perform a small miracle, and my magic wand will help me with this. Now I will take the magic casket, wave my magic wand and say the magic words:

Bim-bam, bim-bom

We are about to enter a fairy tale

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I will say it and it will be so.

Magic music sounds. The fairy takes out candies from the casket and distributes them to the children.

Fairy: Until next time! Goodbye, guys!

Educator: Goodbye, Fairy. Thanks for the trip. And it's time for us to return to the group. Get up one after another, we're going on a journey!

Children leave the hall to the music.

Nadezhda Anatolyevna Tarasova
Scenario of the entertaining holiday “In the magical land of Multi-remote”

Characters: presenter, gnomes, Snow White, Cheburashka, Shapoklyak, Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson.

Heroes are depicted on the central wall of the hall cartoons. In one of the corners of the hall there is a basket and balls attached. Music sounds and gnomes run into the hall.

1 gnome:

We are from the planet Multi-Remote.

2 gnome:

On the planet Multi-Remote

Days and nights cartoon is playing.

We want to know from you

Do you like to dance?

Children answer:

1 gnome:

Well then we invite you to visit us Multi-remote disco. (the dwarves run away).

During the announcement, children go into the basket. After the command "takeoff!" lighting effects are turned on, a recording of B. Savelyev’s song is played « Multi-Multi-Wonderland» from a musical fairy tale "The incident in country Multi-Remote» . When the music ends, the lights turn on, the children come out and look around the hall.

1 child:

Not a planet - just a miracle!

How fabulously beautiful it is here!

2 child:

And look at us!

We're in some kind of looking strange:

There were children, and now -

Cat, fox, some kind of animal.

3 child:

Oh, and pray tell,

I'm in turned into a cartoon.


Apparently it's not just that. That's the kind of planet it is.

Children dressed up in costumes

And they started to dance joyfully.

Eh, a lot of fun dancing.

Yes one of them always

Seemed more fun

This is a dance "Lavata"

Children perform a dance. Snow White appears.

Snow White:

Hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our planet Multi-Remote. The inhabitants of our planet really want to meet you and have fun. I will tell you riddles, and you try to guess them; if you guess, you will find out who wants to meet you. So listen to the first one riddle:

He has a big ears,

Gena is friends with the crocodile.

The face is smiling,

Who is this? (Cheburashka)

Cheburashka appears.


Oh, I almost lost my mind. Hello guys! I really want to know, do you like to dance?


Cheburashka, you should know

Children love to dance.

The guys have no favorites

"Dance of the Little Ducklings".


I beg you, friends,

Will you dance for me

Naughty and funny

Merry"quack quack".


Well, we will respect Cheburashka,

We'll show him the dance now.

Performed "dance of little ducks".


It's immediately obvious that you guys

Love to dance!

And now I propose

You should play a little.

A game "Whose song".

The teacher plays Shainsky's song "Blue carriage", and then "I'm lying in the sun….". Children must guess who sings these songs. As soon as the children guess who is singing, the heroes appear and have fun with the children.

Snow White:

Now guess the second one riddle:

In the forest there lived a funny fat man in a hut,

Neighbor Piglet was inseparable from him.

He read the screams out loud to a friend.

Tell me quickly, who is he? (Winnie the Pooh)

E. Alexandrova

Winnie the Pooh appears to his song.

Winnie the Pooh:

If I'm scratching my head, it doesn't matter.

There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes.

But although there is sawdust there,

But the chants and screams

I write well sometimes. Yes.

I really like to make noise, and you guys?

Oh, how loudly you shouted, it even hurt my ears. Now we are going to joke with you a little.

A game "Singing Animals".

The players are invited to imagine themselves as animals who love to sing, but cannot speak like humans. Participants in the game must sing (meow, bark, etc.) song “We are going, going, going to distant lands”. Three children are participating. Choral performance.

Snow White:

Thanks Vinnie for a fun game. Now let's listen to the next one riddle:

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies higher than everyone else. (Carlson)

Carlson appears with balloons.


Hello, hello, here I am!

I see the hall is full of guests!

How many children gathered!

I am Carlson, the most cheerful in the world,

That's why adults and children like me.

I am the most beautiful, well-mannered,

Smart and moderately well-fed!

I don't like being bored

I invite everyone to dance.

Children dance one or two dances of their choice.

Carlson: We danced well. I also have a game you will like.

A game "Balloons".

Carlson brings out the tape and balloons. On one side of the flags are boys, and on the other side are girls. Carlson gives each child a balloon.


While the music is loud,

The balls must be thrown quickly over the ribbon.

Once the entire melody has been played,

You can no longer touch the balls with your hands!

And if you have fewer balls,

That means victory is yours now!

Snow White: Now listen to another riddle.

I've never been to a ball.

She cleaned, washed, cooked and spun.

When did it happen that I got to the ball?

Then the prince lost his head from love.

And I lost my crystal shoe.

Who am I? Who can tell me? (Cinderella).

Cinderella enters:

Let there be no boring faces today, there is music in our hall. Music sounds for you. Everybody dance!

Children dance improvisational dance. Cinderella distributes pictures of the characters to the audience cartoons.


Guys, we are on the planet Multi-remote love to play. We have an interesting game. It's called "Find a Pair". Look at your pictures and line up in pairs in a circle.

Children find their matches. Narpimer Cheburashka _ crocodile Gena. The guys stand in pairs according to the instructions. The music sounds, the inner circle moves in one direction, the outer circle in the other. As soon as the music stops, the children must quickly find their match. Whoever loses must sing or dance.

While the children are playing, Snow White disappears.

Presenter: Oh, guys, while you were playing, Snow White disappeared.

Shapoklyak comes out.


Look, they danced here, burst into smiles. At least put up an ad that you have a disco. And I don't need your ad. Announcement, statement. Cheburashka blotter, hurray holster, hole in trousers. Oh, you are my good ones! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! Did you recognize me? It's me, your beloved grandmother Shapoklyak.

I am the most harmful person in the world.

Adults and children know.

If anything is wrong -

Shapoklyak tried.

Lariska and I together

We have a lot of fun!

How we go out for robbery -

Everyone runs home quickly.

Presenter: Shapoklyak, admit it, were you the one who kidnapped Snow White?

Shapoklyak: And then who? Of course it's me. You didn't invite me, so I kidnapped your Snow White.

Presenter: Shapoklyak, return Snow White now!


Look what you want

My credo is to do more harm.

But with this condition -

Not for yourself, but for others.

First, play with me, maybe I’ll get your Snow White back.

A game "Who is faster"

Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other at a distance of approximately two meters. There is a rope stretched under the chairs, the ends of which are located between the feet of the children sitting on the chairs. A bag of candies is tied in the middle of the rope. When the music starts, those sitting on the chair should jump up and start running around the chairs. When the music ends, the players take each of their chairs, grab the rope and try to pull the prize towards themselves, which goes to the one who can do it.

From the beginning, children compete with each other. And then the losing children compete with the old woman Shapoklyak and win against her.


Oh, and clever people...

But I want to ask you -

Do you know how to make friends?

Are you quarreling? Are you swearing?

Or maybe you call me names?

OK! I still don't believe it!

I'll check on you all now!

I suggest you dance

Show your friendship.

Pair dance.


You danced amazingly

Very friendly and beautiful!

I became younger at heart

I would dance and sing songs!

I need to give you Snow White.

The song sounds again « Multi-Remote – Wonderful Country» . Light effects turn on, children go into the basket and fly away to Earth.


L. I. Zhuk. Game rainbow., 2006

Firilyova Zh. E., Saykina E. G. Dance and play gymnastics for children - St. Petersburg: Childhood-press, 2000