Chef's Day is the most delicious holiday. When is Chef's Day? What date is Chef's Professional Day?


In 2017, International Chef's Day will be celebrated this Friday, the twentieth of October.

Chef's Day 2017 is a professional celebration of all culinary specialists around the world, which they will celebrate tomorrow, October 20, 2017. It is worth noting that the date was officially established more than twelve years ago. And the initiator of this was the World Association of Culinary Societies.

More than seventy countries celebrate Chef's Day. It is worth emphasizing that it was no coincidence that the holiday acquired such a large scale. It is known that the World Association of Culinary Communities, which insisted that this holiday should be officially established, consisted of more than eight million people who were culinary specialists from all over our planet.

Chef's Day 2017 - The culinary specialty originated in Rus' in the eleventh century, but as a science, cooking began to develop only seven years later, in the eighteenth century. It was at this time that the process of spreading enterprises in which everyone could eat in complete peace began to actively develop. Back then they were called taverns. After the inn there were taverns, but after the taverns there were already restaurants and cafes.

In the territory Russian Federation The first book with culinary recipes was published in 1779 by Drukovets. Then the book was called “Brief Cookery Notes.” The book was very popular in those years. Almost a hundred years later, the first culinary kitchen opened in St. Petersburg on March twenty-fifth.

There is a tradition in Paris that says that a chef's hat should look like a hundred warehouses. The French believe that one warehouse equals one method of preparing a particular treat using chicken eggs.

It is worth emphasizing that the culinary profession is not only one of the most in demand around the world, but also the oldest profession, which was one of the first to appear. Today it is impossible to accurately answer who was the first to cook the meat or fresh vegetables collected, because the story about this fact is hushed up.

However, many culinary specialists are well aware of the legend about a certain woman, whose name became the name of this profession - cook or culinary specialist.

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there lived Asclepius the cook Kulina, who was the assistant to the ancient Greek God of healing, and who, as a result, became the very woman who is now called the patroness of the culinary arts. After all, it was her name that became significant for cooking.

Chef's Day 2017 - Often, it is not only the chefs themselves who undertake to organize International Chef's Day, but also government authorities, employees of tourism companies and, of course, owners of enterprises involved in catering, that is, they have their own cafes or large restaurants. In honor of such a celebration, management often organizes incredible holidays for our employees. Masters of their craft take part in various competitions, taste this or that dish, and also experiment with preparing very original treats.

International Chef's Day, like other celebrations, is celebrated very cheerfully and noisily among their colleagues, in the circle of close and dear people. Let us note that this holiday brings together a very large number of people who have an incredible talent to create something that many cannot even imagine how to cook. At the same time, cooks use very simple products, but the masterpieces that they then create truly deserve respect.

On International Culinary Day, almost all establishments that feed people nominate their candidate, who may subsequently receive the title “Best Chef of the Year.” After this, the nominees for this title undergo grandiose competitions in which they test not only their professional level, but also their ability to exquisitely and with desire prepare a dish that, for example, they have never cooked before. After all, it’s no secret that the taste of a dish also depends on the love that this or that chef puts into it. Tasting on such days, of course, is completely free.

The doors of various cafes, pizzerias, restaurants, fast food establishments and so on are opened wide to visitors who are invited and offered to try something that was not previously on the menu, as well as to appreciate the work of the chef who served them the treat.

Entire “delicious” exhibitions are held in the central squares of cities, the results of which can often be seen in the interesting news section. Huge-sized dishes, which are already becoming a good tradition of culinary unity and show their ability to work as a team, even receive titles and are included in the Guinness Book of Records, glorifying the country.

Chef's Day 2017 - The work of a cook requires more than just good patience. In addition, it is necessary good health, good education and skills. It is practically impossible to master this art on your own - you always need the example and advice of a person who knows how to cook. We can say that this skill is passed on from generation to generation. Centuries, thousands of years of experience and practice in cooking have made this art extremely virtuosic.

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On October 20, seventy countries around the world, including Russia, will celebrate International Chef Day.

A professional holiday for all chefs on Earth was established in 2004 by the World Association of Culinary Communities.

On this day, culinary specialists will accept congratulations on Chef's Day, organize tastings, professional skill competitions, and charity events. Chefs will prepare gigantic dishes and open new cafes and restaurants. In areas where gastronomic tourism is thriving, representatives of government and tourism businesses will take part in the celebration.

Last year's theme international day the chef's was "Art on a Plate." From Australia to Slovakia, more than 1,300 chefs demonstrated how to make food tasty, healthy and beautiful. More than 100 events took place around the world, with over 13,000 children taking part.

Chef's Day 2017 will be held under the motto “Food for Healthy Heroes”. With the help of a superhero theme, organizers hope to attract children's attention to the principles healthy eating and teach them to enjoy healthy food. Expect to see superhero chefs, superhero vegetables and superhero eaters.

Professionals and passionate amateurs can be congratulated on International Chef's Day. After all, it’s not the diploma that makes a cook!

Ancient cuisine

Since the beginning of time, people have strived to make their food taste better, and have greatly respected those who were able to improve the taste of traditional food.

The first recipes that have survived to this day were written on clay tablets in Babylonian cuneiform. The Egyptians immortalized culinary achievements using hieroglyphs. The ancient Greeks revered the god of healing, Asclepius, who was helped by the cook Kulina. She was considered the patroness of the art of cooking, which received (in her honor) the name of cooking. The Romans considered cooking to be the tenth muse; the first cookbook in Europe appeared at the turn of the 4th and 5th centuries AD. and was written in Latin (Apician Corpus).

The recipes of the ancient Romans can be tried, but some difficulties await us. Imagine: some of the seasoning plants have died out, some of the recipes have not been preserved, and some substances, readily eaten by our ancestors, will be unpleasant to the taste of you and me. In addition, some recommendations are simply dangerous! For example, to create sweet grape syrup, it is recommended to use lead utensils.

In the Middle Ages, interest in cooking waned. However, with the advent of oriental spices in Europe, the art of cooking began to develop again. It reached full bloom in the 19th century, when even Alexander Dumas the father published the “Great Culinary Dictionary.” To collect material for this book, he traveled a lot, even visiting Russia, from where he brought many recipes and the legendary “spreading cranberries.” However, the first culinary school appeared not in France, as one might expect, but in England. Soon similar educational institutions appeared throughout Europe. The growing number of restaurants, cafes and bistros required more specialists than traditional in-the-kitchen training could provide.

In Russia, the first collection of recipes was published in 1773. At first, Russian cookbooks experienced a strong Western influence, some of the terms were not translated into Russian, they did not indicate the exact quantities of ingredients, so it was difficult to use them. The victory over Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812 gave a powerful impetus to the development of Russian national cuisine. And in 1888, the first Russian culinary school opened in St. Petersburg.

Cook is an eternal profession

Science fiction writers of the 60s assumed that in 2017 we would be eating nutritional pills, without taste or smell, but they were wrong.

Modern cooking is like science and art at the same time.

  • New ways of preparing food are being invented. Sous Vide is cooking food in a vacuum with low heat; Anti-Griddle allows you to achieve a combination of a frozen crust on the outside of a culinary product and a warmer, softer cream inside.
  • New ways of combining products are being tried. Food pairing is the culinary science of combining different products that have a common flavor component. These combinations are compiled thanks to scientific research.
  • Cooking styles mix. Fusion cooking involves combining Western and Eastern cooking styles.
  • New ways of serving are being invented, within the framework, for example, of culinary makeup. Consumers photographing food for social networks, provoke the creation of more and more elaborate and beautiful dishes.

What to give for International Chef and Culinary Day

If there is a person in your life who has devoted himself to cooking professionally, the question arises: how to congratulate him?

Most likely, your loved one will be spending the holiday at the stove. So that he doesn’t have to cook at home, feed him.

Chocolate. Even an ordinary piece of candy lifts your spirits a little, but how happy it is when there are a lot of them! You can come up with many types of chocolate gifts: candy bouquets, chests, personalized chocolate, chocolate eggs, chocolate fountains, sets of candies self made. , black, and the Swiss invented the new kind chocolate - pink. Your home cook will enjoy a dessert that you don't have to prepare yourself.

One of the most popular and irreplaceable professions in the world is the profession of a cook. Everyone knows about the importance of proper, healthy and, at the same time, tasty food. And only masters in this field can create healthy culinary creations with inspiration, combining sometimes the most unexpected ingredients. The profession of a cook is one of the most ancient. Legend has it that the name “cooking” was derived from the name of the assistant of the god of healing Asclepius, the cook Kulina. According to legend, it was she who became the patroness of the culinary craft.

History and customs of the holiday

And in our time, the profession of a cook is very highly valued. All chefs and cooks are happy to celebrate their professional holiday– International Chef’s Day, which takes place annually on October 20. The history of the origin of International Chef's Day dates back to 2004, when the World Association of Culinary Communities decided to celebrate Chef's Day on 20th. This association includes 8 million people from different parts of the world who are representatives of the cooking and culinary industry. Not many people know what date International Chef's Day is celebrated. And today, on this holiday, many large-scale events and promotions are held in different countries. Not only chefs, but also event organizers, owners of snack bars and restaurants, as well as government officials are involved in the tradition of celebrating this day.

The days when International Chef's Day is celebrated are associated with a lot of positive emotions and fun. This celebration in different countries of the world is often a large-scale event. It is attended by food preparation specialists who are trained in this craft and, of course, gourmets who want to taste an unforgettable dish from a master. Everyone can enjoy not only the demonstration cooking process, but also try a variety of dishes.

The holiday, dedicated to chefs and culinary specialists from all over the world, was created not only to emphasize the importance of the profession, but also so that specialists from all over the world could exchange experiences, as well as to raise funds for charity. Confectioners, chefs and technologists share their knowledge, inviting everyone to try delicious delicacies. Many master classes are held for those who want to learn the technology of cooking. Professionals also talk about safety precautions, sanitary standards, combinations of spices and kitchen utensils.

The date on which International Chef's Day is celebrated is always a special day for event participants. On this day, holidays are celebrated on a huge scale in different countries. Sometimes the whole city can gather on this day. According to tradition, the celebration begins with specialists who prepare culinary masterpieces, then it is their turn to demonstrate and evaluate the dishes. Gaining irreplaceable experience and skills, aspiring chefs can take part in competitions. The holiday ends with the preparation of large dishes, which are then ceremonially divided and distributed to treat those present. Demonstrations of such culinary delights often end up in newspapers and on television.

Cooking delicious food can be a unique process that is even fun to watch. That’s why International Chef’s Day is so interesting not only for the heroes of the occasion. The presence of any person at such a holiday will be useful and memorable. And every year on October 20, new interesting customs appear around the world.

Housewives prepare food day after day: breakfast, lunch, dinner. And they don’t even think that Chef’s Day exists. It is celebrated annually on October 20 by culinary specialists from all countries. But also ordinary women They can have a holiday for themselves on this day, because they are also cooks.

As noted

The solemn date was established at the initiative of the World Association of Chef Communities in 2004. Since then, organizers have been holding culinary competitions on this day. They reveal talented individuals who can prepare dishes that are amazing in design and taste. On International Chef's Day, it is customary to exchange ideas, experiences, and secrets.

In Russia, the holiday is becoming increasingly popular. Russian chefs have been celebrating this solemn day on a large scale for several years with various master classes, meetings, competitions, and charity events.

In more than 70 countries, employees of travel agencies, government officials, and business owners (cafes, restaurants, bistros, etc.) take part in organizing events. They hold competitions for the title of the best among participants, tastings and prepare unique dishes. Only on Chef's Day can you learn the most delicious recipes first-hand.

On this solemn date, it is customary to congratulate all cooks and housewives. They often organize charity evenings, the proceeds from which are sent to orphanages and for the treatment of children. Any man can congratulate his home cook, his beloved wife, on this day.

From the history of cooking

There is a legend about the woman who gave the name to the culinary industry. A long time ago there lived a cook, Kulina, who was a faithful assistant to Asclepius and his daughter Hygeia. She was the patroness of the art of cooking, which later became known as “cooking.” The first paper recipes appeared in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Ancient China, Middle Eastern countries. Some of them were found by archaeologists. Cooking in Russia began to develop in the 18th century. This is associated with the spread of public catering places (taverns, taverns, restaurants).

The first “cook notes” were compiled by S. Drukovtsov in 1779. They are remembered on Chef's Day as the beginning of the culinary era. The works of French gastronomes of the 19th century are also not forgotten: Cremona, Carema, Escoffier. In 1888, a school was opened in St. Petersburg, where they began to teach cooking. The initiative came from Professor Andrievsky I.E. and culinary specialist D.V. Kanshin

Every person can cook food, but only a few can cook well. A chef who has devoted his entire life to his profession enjoys the process of preparing dishes and offers to admire the unusual taste combinations of products. Properly prepared food is the key to longevity and good mood, since without food it is impossible to build cells.

So, if you are wondering when Chef’s Day is celebrated, then know that the holiday falls on October 20th. Don’t forget to congratulate all the chefs you know on this day, and be sure to congratulate your wife, mother, and grandmother. After all, every woman is a cook!

Date in 2019: October 20th, Sunday.

Man eats to live. But you can not just absorb monotonous food and products out of habit, but enjoy the taste, smell, and appearance of the dish. Professional chefs and culinary amateurs are capable of creating masterpieces of culinary art. All of them are worthy of congratulations on October 20, when Chef's Day is celebrated around the world.

Every family has its own food traditions. Someone, not wanting to waste time on cooking, eats exclusively sandwiches and fast food. For some, it is important to feed their family correctly, and recipes for light meals made from organic products are used. And for some, cooking is akin to an art that requires improvisation, inspiration and unique skills.

For such creators, whom we are accustomed to calling chefs or culinary specialists, each dish is a masterpiece, surprising both in its taste characteristics and in the way it is presented. In October there is a delicious holiday - Chef's Day, when all people involved in cooking not only accept congratulations, but also brag about their culinary achievements.

Who's celebrating?

Man learned to cook food from the moment fire appeared. The first culinary experiments looked like undercooked pieces of fish or meat. Among the tribesmen there was always a luckier one who could prepare the obtained products “exquisitely” and tasty. This is how the first cooks appeared, who were entrusted with feeding the entire tribe.

Subsequently, the attitude towards food changed from enthusiastic reverence to disgusting ignorance.

Mentions of a cook as a professional who could earn a living through his craft are recorded in marks dating back to the third millennium BC, and were found on the island. Crete. Surely, cooks existed in more ancient civilizations. This is confirmed by written monuments in which real recipes were found.

The work of culinary specialists was not only taken into account; the prestige of a noble home directly depended on their success. Traditions and recipes were carefully preserved and passed on only to students or heirs.

Quite a lot interesting facts belongs to the era of Ancient Rome. It was here that cook uprisings that engulfed entire cities were recorded. And during the times of Emperor Augustus and Tiberius, cooking schools were opened, where Apilius, famous at that time, taught culinary art.

The Romans even have a tenth muse. Her name became Cooking. Legend connects the tenth muse with the art of a simple cook named Kulina, who served the daughter of Aesculapius Hygeia, the patroness of science and health. Subsequently, Cooking became the patroness of all culinary specialists and cooks, and the art itself acquired a similar name.

The penetration of spices into European countries in the Middle Ages gave impetus to the rapid development of culinary art. The championship in gourmet cuisine of those times belongs to Italy. But culinary specialists from France, who achieved unimaginable fame under Louis XIV, did not lag behind. To this day, these countries are trying to challenge their primacy in the field of cooking.

Not only professional chefs, but also people of other professions made a significant contribution to the development of culinary art. Statesmen and politicians, writers and priests did not shy away from cooking, and influenced the development of national cuisines.

In Rus', family cooking was done exclusively by older women. Professional cooks are mentioned in the chronicles of the 11th century, where entire cookhouses with monks at the Kiev Caves Church are described.

The development of Russian cooking was based on folk traditions and national recipes. But visiting European masters and eastern neighbors also had an influence.

The first prototypes of cafes date back to the times of Ancient Rus'. Then the wanderer could stop at a tavern, where he would find food and rest. Later, taverns appear. These roadside establishments were equipped with a kitchen, a dining room, and rooms for recreation. At the same time, the first restaurants opened, but only in big cities.

During Soviet times, canteens were opened in many public institutions, which had social significance. Cheap, and sometimes free, lunches were provided in kindergartens and schools, institutes and technical schools, factories. The need for cooks has increased significantly. Therefore, vocational educational institutions began to appear, where short term taught cooking.

Almost before the transition to market relations, there was a monopoly in the restaurant business. But it cannot be said that the range of dishes in such establishments was very impressive. The exceptions were expensive restaurants in capital cities and government canteens.

In the 90s, both enterprising businessmen and culinary specialists had a chance to show off their art. Behind Lately There are many specialized, national, highly specialized cafes and restaurants open. This is where you can taste delicious dishes and admire the skill of the chefs. On Chef's Day, they do not leave their post, but try to spend their festive professional day at the stove, coming up with new original recipes.

Public food outlets, where no less enthusiastic chefs work, have not lost their relevance. Don’t forget on Chef’s Day, when it’s time to thank our breadwinners, to congratulate Aunt Masha, who daily prepares delicious porridge and golden pies in the factory or school canteen.

And, of course, we should congratulate those who, despite the lack of specialized education, prepare us a nutritious breakfast every morning, and on weekends try to surprise us with a good family dinner. These are our mothers and grandmothers, wives and sisters. Or maybe in your family the king of pots and pans is your husband or son. They are also worthy of congratulations on Chef's Day 2019.

history of the holiday

What is a holiday for a chef? National traditions have developed so that any celebration is accompanied by treats. Whether it will be a magnificent banquet, or a family feast, or a buffet or sweet table - you cannot do without the participation of a culinary specialist. And the culinary masters try, while everyone is enjoying the taste, to add the final, most important touches to the dish.

This is probably why chefs didn’t think about creating their own holiday for a long time. But they were able to organize their own Association, which united culinary communities around the world. And when the number of people included in this organization exceeded 8 million, the idea arose of establishing a holiday for all culinary specialists and chefs. Since 2004, it has been noted world holiday, which is called International Chef's Day.

Culinary maestros and amateurs from 70 countries immediately joined the celebration.

It’s impossible to make a mistake about the date of Chef’s Day in Russia - it is celebrated, like all over the world, on October 20th. According to traditions, this holiday is not only for eminent and professional masters, but also for ordinary self-taught people who have achieved success in the field of cooking. Gourmets also join them so as not to miss the chance to taste exquisite unique masterpieces.

As professionals celebrate Chef's Day, the cook's day is spent at the stove. They prepare their best dishes, which they present at exhibitions and tastings, and give charity and paid master classes.

For beginners in cooking, this year offers a great opportunity to get acquainted with the work of real masters, learn unusual cooking techniques and learn the nuances of such a difficult but exciting work.

If similar events are organized in your city on such a day, do not miss the opportunity to attend an unforgettable culinary show. Often such celebrations end with the collective preparation of huge dishes intended to treat all guests. Such masterpieces can surprise with their grandeur and often end up in the book of records.

About the profession of a cook

What culinary college student doesn’t dream of becoming a famous chef? What does it take for a career in the field of cooking to take place, and for a culinary specialist to be talked about not just as a good chef who knows how to cook, but as a skilled maestro who surprises with his masterpiece dishes.

“What’s so complicated here,” the average person will say: “Study the recipe, cut it, fry it and put it on a plate. The main thing is patience and punctuality."

Of course, such qualities are not the least important for success. Leave the dish in the pan for a couple of seconds or add a little more salt - and the whole treat is inevitably ruined.

But what about ingenuity, flair, impromptu? After all, it is rare that any real master adheres to the recipe thoroughly. And if you don’t fry the breast, but cut it open and bake it... What happens when we add a little lemon to the sauce... Or maybe decorate the top not with parsley, but with a sprig of tarragon? This is how new recipes and world masterpieces are born.

But for sophisticated experiments, the cook must have excellent taste and a sense of beauty, knowledge of technological processes and product compatibility.

A career does not begin with preparing dishes according to original and complex recipes. Usually, beginners have to run around as apprentices. And only dedication and communication skills, responsibility and leadership skills help you move up a notch.

It is impossible to say that such a profession is easy. The specialist has to spend an entire shift, which can sometimes last up to 12–16 hours, on his feet, and in a stuffy, hot room to boot. Speed ​​also plays a significant role. Slow people have no place in the kitchen. In addition, a person involved in cooking must have Strong arms and stable hand joints. After all, they have to do all the work with their hands.

Therefore, not every applicant can withstand such a pace and load. Older people can only be found as cooks in the kitchens of catering organizations. In restaurants and cafes that are in demand, the demands on chefs are quite high. And age and the presence of certain diseases play an important role.

Compliance with sanitary standards is also important. The only requirement when hiring is to have a health certificate confirming the absence of infectious and dangerous diseases. But besides this, a kitchen worker must also be a neat person. Hairstyle, clothes, habits - everything is reflected in the image.

It’s interesting, but even having a specialized education is not always the key to success. Some famous masters have made good careers by taking regular culinary courses. A person who devotes himself to such a profession must constantly develop independently, study new technologies, get acquainted with the recipes of different cuisines, and learn to work on new modern equipment.

But if you still plan to become a technologist, chef or production manager, you will have to graduate not just from a lyceum or college, but from a higher educational institution.

It is in such educational institutions that the basics of culinary skills are taught. Students get acquainted with the cuisines of the world, with cooking technologies, with the composition of products, with the influence of nutrition on health, with sanitary standards.

Chefs engaged in self-development attend master classes, complete specialized courses, participate in competitions, exhibitions and even show programs. The most advanced ones try to undergo an internship with eminent maestros or get an education at well-known foreign culinary schools.

Congratulations for cooks

Many thanks to everyone who, sparing no time and effort, spends time at the stove. Congratulations to all the chefs and cooks who know how to prepare the most delicious, most beautiful treats from ordinary products. May you have a free minute on holiday to enjoy the results of your work. Let your imagination never run out and your hands never tire.

The work of any cook is important!

He is a god in the kitchen, an idol.

On the October day on Chef's Day

We'll throw a real feast.

White cap and apron.

The cook does magic in the kitchen.

And, despite your holiday,

We are waiting for new and tasty dishes.

Larisa, August 22, 2016.