Grandparents' Day in Russia. Grandmother's Day in Russia When is the day of grandparents celebrated?

The closest, dearest and dearest people for each person are mom and dad. And in the second place of honor are, of course, grandparents (and for some, even in the first place, slightly edging out their parents).

That is why the calendar of holidays and memorable dates in different countries of the world has such an important holiday as Grandmother's Day or Grandfather's Day, or a holiday that unites both of them. Next, we will talk about the history of the appearance of the holiday, the traditions of honoring the main characters.

history of the holiday

Let it not seem strange, but the proposal to introduce new holiday in the world calendar did not come from loving and deeply devoted grandchildren.

The initiators of the celebration were the representatives of the Netherlands, who worked in the Flower Bureau. It was they who proposed to allocate a special day in the calendar for congratulating grandparents, who at that time, as it were, were deprived of the celebrations.

The same employees of the Flower Bureau suggested a way to congratulate dear people. Their proposal is quite understandable - the presentation of flowers, the Dutch at first saw a clear commercial component of the project. This initiative was quickly picked up by Russian colleagues selling flowers, it is clear that for the same reason - to sell flowers and earn money.

Despite this, the holiday in honor of beloved grandparents began to gain momentum, and traditions went far beyond the presentation of flowers.

When and how is the holiday celebrated in 2019

Different countries of the world have their own holidays dedicated to the oldest and most respected family members. The Russian holiday is celebrated on October 28, it is symbolic that by date it coincides with the ancient Slavic celebration dedicated to the family.

In 2019, October 28 falls on Monday, despite the difficult characteristics of this day of the week, you can have a lot of fun not only this day, but the whole week.

Start, of course, on Monday, traditionally handing flowers to grandparents, and then, every day of the week, offer your beloved old people one or another entertainment available to their health - theater, cinema, exhibitions or just walking together.

Traditions and interesting facts of the holiday

The holiday is relatively new, it appeared on the calendar at the end of the 20th century, therefore it does not yet have many traditions. It began with an initiative to give flowers to relatives, and the initiators insisted that the flowers should be alive, not cut, but growing in a pot.

There is a certain symbolism in this - cut flowers wither very quickly, and therefore remind people of withering and death. But flowers growing in a pot can please for many, many years, and even remind that they were presented during a special family celebration.

Grandparents' Day in Russia and abroad

So far, the Russian holiday in honor of grandparents is in its infancy, but many families have their own traditions. In addition to presenting potted flowering plants, parents and children prepare home concerts, performances, make gifts with their own hands, set tables together with the smallest members of the family.

In the matter of celebrating Grandparents' Day, you need to look up to the French, who have on their calendar not just a celebration, but National Grandmother's Day.

It is celebrated annually on March 4, at the highest level, and various trade establishments, cultural institutions, and travel companies join the celebration.

For beloved French women of age, various discounts are offered in stores and shopping centers, bonuses and prizes.

Many cultural and entertainment institutions in France hold concerts, organize exhibitions, events, and free of charge.

For curious grandmothers, I organize free tourist trips around the cities, rich excursion programs. Restaurateurs do not lag behind them, special dishes are prepared for the gala dinner.

There is a holiday in honor of grandparents in the United States and neighboring Canada, it is celebrated in early September (the very first Sunday).

The inhabitants of the American continent have their own tradition, since there are still warm days, families try to go out into the countryside.

As “nature has no bad weather”, so people do not have a bad age, you can enjoy life, children and beloved grandchildren at any age.

The celebration, designed to remind grandparents of the important role they play in the life of the younger generation, is celebrated in more than 30 countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. We tell you when it will be possible to congratulate relatives in 2018.

When is grandparents day

Grandparents' Day is usually celebrated on October 28th. This date is one of the warmest, sincere, kind. After all, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that without these people, the childhood of any person would be incredibly monotonous and boring. The number chosen for this celebration is constant and does not change from year to year.

history of the holiday

Grandparents' Day is perhaps the youngest of modern holidays. He was born just a few years ago - in 2009, but in such a short period he has already managed to gain popularity all over the world.

The birthplace of the holiday is Holland, the country of sincere smiles and tulips. Thanks to flowers, this day appeared - the initiator of Grandparents' Day was the Flower Bureau of the Netherlands. The authors of the holiday proposed to give flowering plants in small pots to older family members - this, according to the representatives of the Bureau, should symbolize the warmth of feelings and love that we feel for our grandparents.

The idea of ​​the holiday appealed first to the inhabitants of Europe, and then to America. Today, Grandparents' Day is celebrated all over the world - in Germany and France, in Sweden and Russia, in Finland and Italy, in Canada and Chile, in the USA and Mexico. In our country, this holiday appeared seven years after its official registration in Holland. And the first to show support for the new Day, as in the Netherlands, were florists - thanks to them, the idea of ​​giving flowers in pots to their closest relatives became the most widespread.

Celebration traditions in different countries

In Russia, Grandparents' Day has been celebrated since October 28, 2009, but, despite its short history, it already has its own traditions. On this day, it is customary to congratulate grandparents, and the best gift considered a personal visit. Big families get together festive table, and the task of grandmothers is to feed the guests with delicious homemade food so that no one leaves hungry.

Canadians honor members of the older generation in September. If the weather permits, they go out into the countryside and have picnics. Grandchildren always present hand-made crafts to their grandparents.

Especially reverent to the older members of the family are treated in Poland. For them, this holiday takes two whole January days: the first is dedicated to grandmothers, and the second to grandfathers. All relatives gather in the father's house, the housewives treat the children with delicacies, and the older men offer adult guests to treat themselves to strong drinks.

This holiday is very symbolic for Italians. It falls on the first Sunday in October, when Italy celebrates the day of the angels. Grandparents for many are real guardian angels, they help in all matters and provide moral support.

In 2015, a new date was marked in the Russian holiday calendar - October 28. From now on, on this day we celebrate a new holiday - the Day of grandparents in Russia. Dedicated to our beloved relatives, this holiday is filled with warmth and smiles, although Grandmothers Day in Russia in 2018 will be celebrated only for the third time.

Grandparents' Day is perhaps the youngest of modern holidays. He was born just a few years ago - in 2009, but in such a short period he has already managed to gain popularity all over the world.

The birthplace of the holiday is Holland, the country of sincere smiles and tulips. Thanks to flowers, this day appeared - the initiator of Grandparents' Day was the Flower Bureau of the Netherlands. The authors of the holiday proposed to give flowering plants in small pots to older family members - this, according to the representatives of the Bureau, should symbolize the warmth of feelings and love that we feel for our grandparents.

The idea of ​​the holiday appealed first to the inhabitants of Europe, and then to America. Today, Grandparents' Day is celebrated all over the world - in Germany and France, in Sweden and Russia, in Finland and Italy, in Canada and Chile, in the USA and Mexico. In our country, this holiday appeared seven years after its official registration in Holland. And the first to show support for the new Day, as in the Netherlands, were florists - thanks to them, the idea of ​​giving flowers in pots to their closest relatives became the most widespread.

grandparents day 2018 in the world

In 2018, the new holiday will be celebrated in more than thirty countries around the world. However, there is no single date for this Day - it is celebrated in the middle of spring, and in summer, and even in winter. In Russia, Grandmother's Day in 2018 will be celebrated on October 28 - in our country, the date of the holiday is unchanged.

In Canada, Grandparents Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. It is customary to celebrate the holiday in the family circle - in this country, children live separately from their parents and come to visit Grandmother's Day with gifts and congratulations. Most Canadians traditionally get out on this day in nature - picnics in parks and green areas on this day are quite common.

There are similar traditions of celebration in the USA. Here the holiday also falls at the beginning of autumn, and due to the good weather, it is customary for the whole family to barbecue on this day. Relatives and neighbors are often invited to visit. The holiday ends with a dinner with the family.

In France, family elders are honored on the first Sunday in March. In this country, Grandparents' Day is almost National holiday. Not only families, but also public and commercial organizations take part in the celebration. So, free tours for grandparents are organized in tourist places - by the way, the grandchildren accompanying them also travel for free. For the elderly, many stores have special prices on this day - all products are sold with big discounts. Restaurateurs also join the celebration - in honor of the charming French grandmothers, a special menu appears, consisting of special, festive dishes.

A very noisy and fun holiday in Italy. In this country, Grandparents Day is celebrated in October, on the first Sunday of the month. Autumn Italians are family people, their reverence for elders has literally become proverbial. Here the holiday is celebrated with family members - with a gala dinner, with many guests, with local young wine. Often the dinner ends with a small fireworks display that is set off in the backyard to the delight of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In Poland, the holiday is divided into two parts: Poles feel grandparents for two days in a row, with January 21 completely belonging to older women, and January 22 to men. For several years, an interesting tradition has developed in this country: grandchildren come to their grandmothers with gifts, and grandmothers meet them with homemade cakes - grandma's sweet pie has become a real symbol of the holiday.

What traditions of Grandparents' Day will develop in Russia depends on you and me. Whether this holiday will be national, whether we will expect it with the same impatience as the Eighth of March - we and our children decide.

Few people suspect how much there is public holidays timed to a particular event, person or animal. Some of them are serious, others are religious, and some are very entertaining and even a little funny. One of these unusual days calendar is Grandmother's Day, which is celebrated relatively recently, but is already beginning to win fans around the globe. It should not be confused with the International Day of Grandmothers and Older People, since not every aged person has grandchildren and has the proud status of "grandfather" or "grandmother". We can safely say that few people have an idea of ​​​​its existence, which prompted the idea to develop and popularize this topic.

The Russians began to celebrate this day at the initiative of the Dutch Flower Bureau only in 2009, and it immediately acquired the name Grandparents Day. Its celebration falls on the last Sunday in October, and this is a different date each year. People who organize and popularize Grandmother's Day in Russia advise the grandchildren and relatives of the elderly to please them with flower arrangements or potted plants. This wonderful custom takes its roots from the traditions of Europe and is filled with deep meaning, because "green friends" have always been a symbol of life and prosperity. Of course, grandparents can also be pleased with a postcard or souvenir of their own making, read a poem or just pay a courtesy call.

When is Grandmother's Day celebrated in Italy?

The first Sunday in October 2005 was also marked by the celebration of Grandmother's Day in sunny Italy. This date, by happy circumstances, coincided with the celebration of the Catholic day of all guardian angels, which for Italians are their ancestors. According to the then ruler of France, it is the grandparents who act as a kind of “casket” that keeps centuries-old traditions and helps the new generation find their way in life.

Grandmother's Day in France

Spring in France is significant not only for the celebration, but also for the celebration of Grandmother's Day, which falls on the first Sunday of this month. And while many women see their grandchildren regularly or even babysit them, that doesn't stop them from looking forward to the celebrations. This is supported by extensive entertainment programs in cafes and park areas, the availability of free tours for grandparents, discounts in clothing stores, and so on. National Grandmother's Day in France is a great occasion to gather the whole family at the festive table or go on a picnic.

When is grandma's day in Ukraine?

Ukrainians support the celebration World Day grandmothers without much enthusiasm, which is due more to the inattention of the government or social movements to this date than the lack of respect for the grandparents. However For several years, Ukrainians have been trying to gradually introduce this date into the list of official celebrations. So, for example, in Vinnitsa this day is celebrated with numerous master classes for the elderly and their grandchildren, concerts of city groups and art exhibitions. Grandparents are given the opportunity to show their talents on the city stage, and the participants are not at all limited in age.

Regardless of whether this holiday is recognized as official in your country, try to please your grandparents not only once a year, but as often as possible. After all, they do not need expensive gifts at all, they should not think for a long time, it is enough to pay a visit once again, call, present a small souvenir or just spend a day off together.

Do you know which holiday can be safely called the most sincere and warm? We give a hint: an unspoken, but very recognizable symbol of this day is a flower in a flower pot. The main gift of the day is miniature asters, crocuses, roses and many others. Another hint - the celebration, and therefore the gift, is dedicated to those people without whom we cannot imagine childhood. Guessed? Of course! This new international holiday is Grandparents' Day.

Holiday date

Of course, everyone will be interested to know what date we will celebrate this wonderful holiday in 2019. After all, I would like to congratulate our grandparents, and even mom and dad on such a wonderful date - many of those who read these lines recently gave their parents a long-awaited grandson or granddaughter. And it doesn’t matter how old your grandparents are, it’s important to let them know how valuable these people are to you, how important they are in your life.

The date is fixed in the calendar and does not depend on external factors and any events, which means that every year we celebrate this holiday on the same date - October 28th.

Speaking about the date, it is worth remembering that we are talking exclusively about the Day of Grandmothers in our country, in the Russian Federation. In other countries of the world, this holiday may be celebrated on different days. In France, for example, it is celebrated on the first Sunday in March, and the celebration itself is accompanied by a large scale. On the first Sunday, but already in October, Grandmother's Day is celebrated in Italy, and, for example, in Poland, it is celebrated in winter, at the end of January - on the 21st and 22nd.

A few words about the history of the holiday

The holiday we want to tell you about is one of the youngest in our history. In Russia, in 2019, Grandparents' Day will be celebrated only for the fourth time, and in world practice it appeared quite recently - only in 2009. Yes, yes, 2019 for Grandparents' Day, one might say, is an anniversary year - the holiday "turns" only ten years old.

Despite such a small history, the celebration has already developed its own, well-defined traditions. First of all, the custom is to give a flowering plant in a pot to all your beloved relatives. At the same time, the flower serves as a symbol of joy, and the fact that it is not plucked, but planted in a pot (after all, later it will please with its color more than once) speaks of a wish for many years to an elderly person.

But back to history. The initiative for the appearance of such a wonderfully warm and sincere celebration belongs to the Dutch, more precisely, to the Dutch florists. A non-governmental organization that unites both professionals and ordinary lovers of flowering plants - the Netherlands Flower Bureau - proposed to hold a mass action at the end of October: to give your beloved grandparents a flower in a pot. Note that we are always talking exclusively about living plants, this is quite symbolic for those who are fond of flowers. The action went off literally with a bang, and on the wave of success, it was decided not only to repeat it next year, but to make October 28 a special, festive day.

The Dutch initiative was supported throughout Europe - first by Sweden, Germany, Poland, and then by other countries. After a couple of years, almost all of America joined the holiday, including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela and other countries. True, not in all countries Grandfathers Day is celebrated on October 28, most often residents choose their own, more convenient date for them.

Russia decided on a non-standard holiday a little later - in 2009, and the first action was held, as it is not difficult to imagine, in the capital - Moscow. And for three years, many cities of our country have joined the celebration in honor of their beloved grandparents. Perhaps this year your city will be among those who will celebrate this warm holiday?

No officialdom?

Oddly enough, Grandparents' Day is not on the list of international socially significant holidays and simply important dates. It is neither in the lists of the UN or UNESCO, nor in the official documents of our state. The whole celebration rests on the shoulders of public figures, simple caring people, to which literally everyone can join. Yes, yes, all mass congratulations, all gifts, all flowers and nice words are said not because the state has determined October 28 as a holiday, but solely because we want to show our loved ones how much we love and appreciate them.

See video About Grandparents Day: