We give old things new life. How to give new life to old things. New life for old moldings

In every closet or chest of drawers you can find many worn out and forgotten things. They only take up space and negatively affect the overall energy of the room. But what if you give new life old things in interesting and easy ways?

So start going through your old things now! By doing this, you will not only tidy up your closet and satisfy your creative needs, but you will also be able to do a good deed for other people. The most obvious way to use old clothes is to add to your younger siblings' wardrobes, as well as to contribute to charity shops and shelters. Updating old items can reduce your family's expenses and help those in need.

However, sometimes old clothes are too worn out to be worn again. Sometimes it is too valuable for us to throw away or give it to someone else. Admit it! You keep certain things on your closet shelves just because every time you look at them, you think of someone or something in your life that brings back happy or special memories. So when you don't feel like giving away your old clothes, consider these 8 great ways to give them new life.

1. Decorative pillow made from shirts or trousers

This good way using old but expensive clothes. After all, the pillows will be where you will see them every day, and thereby constantly awaken special memories. Cut out square or rectangular pieces from old clothing and sew them into a pillowcase for a decorative pillow. If you don’t have a pillow on hand, you can fill your pillowcase with a special filler or old, no longer useful things, after cutting them into strips and flaps. The list of the most interesting parts of clothing for decorating the front side of the pillow may look like this: a T-shirt with an interesting design, zippers and buttons, bows or original pockets. If your garment is not large enough to fit the size of the pillow you want to create, the patchwork technique can help you out.

2. Covers for clothes

A clothing case is very useful thing, which will protect your belongings from contamination and damage during transportation and moving. You can easily make your own cover by simply sewing up the bottom of a shirt that is hanging on a hanger. If you use a shirt with buttons or a zipper, you will always have easy access to the items inside. You just have to unbutton your shirt to see what's inside. If you use a T-shirt, the neckline will serve this purpose. If you need to store a lot of items in one case, add a rectangular piece of fabric to form the bottom, which will also allow you to stack items horizontally. In addition, an old pillowcase will work great for this purpose.

3. Scraps and fabric strips for needlework

Some old items aren't good enough to wear again, but they are a very useful resource for any crafter. Cut up your unwanted clothes into scraps to make blankets, pillowcases, curtains or chair covers. In addition, the idea of ​​knitting hats, scarves and carpets from strips of fabric has now become very common.

The tools used for this are large hooks or even your own hands! Rag craft is ideal for old clothes with no memorable features that lend themselves to unique pillow designs.

Thicker strips can be used to make covers for hockey sticks, fishing rods and other long, thin items. Possibilities patchwork technique limitless! And, fortunately, the Internet is now full of all kinds of master classes, among which anyone can choose what they like.

4. Cleaning rags + an idea for those with curly hair

Worn out old clothes often make the best rags because the soft fibers don't leave any streaks. Old flannel shirts are best used for glass, shoes, and metal surfaces such as chrome car parts. For those lucky enough to have curly hair, an old cotton T-shirt can (and should!) be used to dry your hair, as it will help make your curls look more defined and soft, while a towel is too drying and damaging to your hair.

5. Quilted Memories: Quilt Idea

Chances are you're holding onto an old pair of jeans or shirts from the 80s or some old fancy dress because they're one of a kind, but you know you'll never be able to wear them again. So let's take them out from the distant shelves and turn them into a kind of family heirloom - a blanket that will bring you pleasure for the rest of your life. Cut out patches of clothing that will contain special memorable details, such as embellished jean pockets, buttons, or even worn areas on the knees. You could, for example, create a family quilt from one or two pairs of worn-out jeans from each family member. Consider embroidering each person's name on the pants they once wore.

6. Packaging for valuables

After a while, items of clothing that were once important to us lose their appeal. Memories fade, or later events turn positive memories into negative ones. Then maybe it’s time to make sure that they too begin to bring some benefit? One option would be to decorate those memory boxes or boxes that everyone keeps somewhere in the attic or in the back of closets. Such boxes can be lined with old clothes, forming them into soft balls, which will help to carefully store delicate souvenirs. In this case, use natural fabrics free of chemicals that may harm your heirlooms.

7. Strain cloth

Choose an old, loose fabric shirt to use as a filter in the kitchen. Simply cut out a square and place it over a bowl or jar to strain liquids. On jars, use an elastic band to secure the fabric; allow the fabric to hang slightly into the jar to create a small indentation for solids.

8. Pet clothes

When it's really cold outside, pets also need extra warmth. Use baby T-shirts and coats to make clothing for your pet's upper body. Pajamas can be a great material for pants. Just don't forget to cut a hole for your four-legged friend's tail.

If you don't want to dress up your cats and dogs, use old clothes as bedding in cold weather. winter time so that your pet is always warm and comfortable. In fact, you can easily line his basket with an old shirt and fill the space between the basket and the shirt with scraps from other already unusable clothes.

What other ways have you seen or come up with using old clothes? After all, the special pleasure of reusing and recycling comes precisely when things fit your unique life.

Don't let old clothes collect dust and accumulate in every corner of your home. Take it out and use all your creativity to give it a new life!

Many things that have long been considered unnecessary can be transformed and become functional decorative items, as well as complement the interior in an original way. And if not everyone decides to hang an old rake in their home, then at the dacha they will look just right.

Musical background

A favorite guitar that has long been out of order or broken does not necessarily have to gather dust on the closet. If you supplement it with internal shelves, and if desired, repaint the inside of the guitar, then it will turn out to be an excellent functional piece of furniture. Books, watches, and small little things dear to the heart will fit here.

Door or shelf?

Some doors are not durable at all and have to be replaced over time. But even old interior door can be transformed into a convenient shelving unit. If it is used in a vintage or rustic style, you can give it an aged look. A shelving door in a bright color, such as blue or red, will add creativity to the space.

Step on a rake

The only good thing the dacha has is a rake. Sometimes there are so many of them that they move from the barn into the interior of the house. Moreover, it is quite convenient. You can use an old rake as a glass holder or a rail in the kitchen. When choosing one of these creative options, you need to remember that it will look ridiculous in a classic interior. But in interiors decorated in Provence, country and even loft styles, they will look good.

Drawers from an old chest of drawers

Drawers from grandma's chest of drawers, given the inspiration and imagination of their owners, will continue to fulfill their functional duty as another piece of furniture. For example, if you attach legs to a drawer and place it in the living room, it can easily pass for a magazine organizer. And if you hang several boxes on the wall, after painting them in different colors, you will get an attractive interior installation.

Very often we look at things solely through the eyes of their creators. But if you show a little imagination, they can be turned into real highlights of the site or interior. It's funny that in a new role these things sometimes look much better than...

Very often we look at things solely through the eyes of their creators. But if you show a little imagination, they can be turned into real highlights of the site or interior. It's funny that in a new role these things sometimes look much better than originally!

1. Chairs made from car and bicycle tires

As garden or garage furniture - just what you need!

2. Cable reel table

What about a nice round wooden table?

3. Metal funnels in a new way

Wonderful retro candlesticks, but not quite ordinary ones, but made from metal funnels.

4. Picture from the cabinet door

How come we didn’t realize earlier that this was a frame in its purest form!

5. Lid as a kitchen clock

A watch made from dishes would be appropriate in the kitchen.

6. If you look at the stairs horizontally

It turns out to be an original hanger for the hallway.

7. Dry bath

She faces an ambitious task - to become a shocking sofa.

The fence behind which the wheel of history slows down a little.

9. Bet on a barrel

Simple and original way get a table from a wooden barrel.

Vinyl collection with a new sound.

Here beauty and sport go hand in hand.

After the harvest, the dream of relaxation is embodied in some pretty funny objects.

13. Hook taps

Who buys ordinary hooks if they have such wonderful taps in their arsenal?

14. Seat reupholstery with belts

Shabby leather belts will serve for more than one year.

15. Cabinet in the form of a metal barrel

Looks awesome and not that hard to make.

16. Radiator chair

An original thing for people who demand more and more creativity.

They will give your home aroma and comfort.

18. Music table

The urge to get rid of your bulky piano will disappear as soon as you see this idea.

Order from first to last spoon!

20. Reincarnation of a faulty fan

It seems that the “blades” of this table lamp are themselves capable of generating electrical energy.

21. Hanging cabinet made from a guitar case

Invariably beautiful shapes for real works of art.

22. Chandelier made from kitchen graters

It's easier than punching holes in tin cans, but looks just as interesting.

23. Games in the “hut”

A playhouse created in a couple of hours from old doors.

24. A smart person won’t get ahead

And equip a high bar stool with steps, getting a convenient stepladder.

If the door leaf is made of solid wood or has elegant glazing, give it a new life. Make, for example, a shelving unit: attach shelves on the back side, provide stability to the structure, and, if necessary, paint it a different color.

A standard door can become a headboard for a single bed, and a wide double door can serve as a headboard for a king size bed. It is desirable that the door leaf have a pronounced relief or some other decor. ! For safety reasons, replace it with cloth.

Every woman's dream is comfortable and... Attach a console with a drawer to the door and hang a mirror in an elegant frame. Complete your beauty island with a pair of sconces or several hooks for jewelry and accessories.

An old solid door can become a good-quality table if you attach furniture legs to it. The pronounced texture of wood is beautiful, but may not be practical. To ensure a perfectly flat table surface, place tempered glass on top.

You can use a nice old door in your hallway if you attach a few hooks to it. outerwear and add a seat or nightstand with a couple of drawers.

New life for wallpaper scraps

Select pieces that match the color and cut them into squares. Stick on the wall in random order. This technique is reminiscent and also looks cozy.

Wallpaper with monograms and gilding can look too pretentious. It is much better to use them in dosed form. Place several pieces in frames and hang them on a plain wall.

By cutting thick wallpaper you can select a separate area. Glue them to the main wall trim, and cover the cut line with a wooden frame or plaster molding. Typically, lamps, paintings or shelves are placed on such a panel.

It will turn out from wallpaper with openwork pattern. Cut it into whatever shape you want! The joints can be left untouched or a decorative cord can be glued over them.

Give a second life to an old chest of drawers: decorate the drawers with pieces of wallpaper, and for practicality, coat the top with transparent furniture varnish. You can also complement the interior with a homemade panel. To do this, wallpaper a piece of plywood, carefully bending the edges and fixing them on the back side.

New life for old window frames

During times, old wooden frames with thin slats create a nostalgic atmosphere in the house. They will successfully replace photo frames and help. Convert the photos to black and white to maintain one style, and leave the window frame untouched - light scuffs in in this case They'll just play into their hands.

You can make a wall cabinet from a window frame - open or with glass. You can store anything in it: dishes, books, cosmetics or just memorabilia.

Windows are like mirrors, but what if you combine them? The imitation of a window will be completely reliable if the window frame has side shutters.

If you say that at home you always drink tea by the window, they will see you as a sophisticated and romantic person. After all, no one will guess that the side table in your living room is made from an old window frame.

Too expensive? I am begging you! You can make a stylish wardrobe yourself. All you need are rough boards, window frames and a little skill with tools.

New life for stepladders

After the renovation, the portable ladder turned out to be unnecessary? Place it in the bathroom and use it as a towel rack. , as a rule, turn out to be the most profitable.

Railing for clothes instead of a wardrobe - popular in last years interior element. You can create such a dressing room with your own hands. All you need is an unnecessary stepladder, a clothes rail and a couple of shelves for shoes and bags.

A stepladder shelving unit is very functional. Place the boards on the steps - and the souvenirs are ready. And if necessary, it’s easy to put things away and use the stairs for their intended purpose.

Often not enough. A stepladder can also come in handy here - given its compact size, it can easily accommodate several pairs of shoes and boots. At the same time, your shoe collection will look as neat as in a store window.

The ladder can be placed on the ceiling. Hang it with chains, wrap it in a garland or decorate it with flowers. This technique helps to divide the space and focus attention, for example, on the dining area.

New life for old moldings

Apartments in old houses. In modern style, stucco molding is not always appropriate, but it can be a shame to get rid of this beauty. What to do? If carefully dismantled, the moldings can be reused. For example, in the dressing room, hanging shoes on them.

You can put photo frames, small souvenirs, favorite or collectible books on wide moldings - the result is stylish, simple and elegant.

Paint the moldings in bright colors - this will make classic and modern styles. Don't be afraid to experiment! Feel free to use rosettes that differ in size, shape and shade in one composition.

Using plaster moldings you can update an old wardrobe, chest of drawers, or headboard. Simply glue the moldings onto the prepared surface and paint them the desired color. Even standard furniture looks noble and expensive - the result is practically indistinguishable from skillful wood carving!

Many things that have long been considered unnecessary can be transformed and become functional decorative items, as well as complement the interior in an original way. And if not everyone decides to hang an old rake in their home, then at the dacha they will look just right.

Musical background

1. Second life for old guitars
A favorite guitar that has long been out of order or broken does not necessarily have to gather dust on the closet. If you supplement it with internal shelves, and if desired, repaint the inside of the guitar, then it will turn out to be an excellent functional piece of furniture. Books, watches, and small little things dear to the heart will fit here.

2. The case turns... into a neat jewelry organizer

3. Convenient shelf for storing small items
Door or shelf?

4. Now it's not just an old door
Some doors are not durable at all and have to be replaced over time. But even an old interior door can be reborn into a convenient shelving unit. If it is used in a vintage or rustic style, you can give it an aged look. A shelving door in a bright color, such as blue or red, will add creativity to the space.

5. The bright door was useful for storing country little things

6. Rack from an old door
Step on a rake
The only good thing the dacha has is a rake. Sometimes there are so many of them that they move from the barn into the interior of the house. Moreover, it is quite convenient. You can use an old rake as a glass holder or a rail in the kitchen. When choosing one of these creative options, you need to remember that it will look ridiculous in a classic interior. But in interiors decorated in Provence, country and even loft styles, they will look good.

7. Rake instead of railing

8. Glass holder

9. Now the dishes are in order
Drawers from an old chest of drawers
Drawers from grandma's chest of drawers, given the inspiration and imagination of their owners, will continue to fulfill their functional duty as another piece of furniture. For example, if you attach legs to a drawer and place it in the living room, it can easily pass for a magazine organizer. And if you hang several boxes on the wall, after painting them in different colors, you will get an attractive interior installation.

10. Beautiful installation from old drawers

11. Stylish magazine holder
Long live the light!
At first glance, a burnt-out incandescent light bulb is a completely useless thing and should belong in the trash. But using your ingenuity and using these unnecessary items, you can make a summer vase or an interesting decor for the nursery.

12. Cute vase

13. Green decor

14. Interior decoration

15. Second life for old light bulbs
By the way, many unnecessary items will also be useful for creating an unusual headboard.