Color: Golden brown. Attention! Danger! Herbal hair dye Aasha Herbals. Shade Black Coffee Color - Black Coffee

You can get the desired shade - the most unusual one - using tinting. But creating colors yourself can lead to unsuccessful combinations and inaccurate shades, or even to paint separation. It all depends on what type of paint, in what proportions and what to mix with.

There are several ways to tint paint. The simplest and most well-known to everyone is glazing - mixing two paints of the same composition, but different colors. It seems that everything is simple, but as a result you can end up with a different shade than was originally intended, and it’s almost impossible to repeat the tone again if necessary. Randomly selected paint and colorant can cause streaks and uneven shade distribution.

A more accurate and reliable method to obtain paint the desired shade with the ability to accurately reproduce it several times is the use of colorants.

What is colorant

A colorant is a paint or paste containing pigment. Pigments differ not only in their variety of colors, but also in their origin. So, they are organic and inorganic.

The former are suitable for creating bright, saturated colors. But these colors will not remain in their natural form for a long time - such pigment fades in the sun. And some surfaces cannot be painted with such paint - the organic pigment reacts and is destroyed.

The inorganic coloring composition is less diverse in the palette of colors and shades, but is more resistant to light and temperature influences.

Composition of the colorant

The composition of each type of colorant corresponds to a specific type of paint: oil, acrylic, water-based, but there are also universal types of colorant.

Usually it is mixed with white paint, however, the composition of the dye allows only the colorant itself to be applied to walls and other surfaces. In this case, the color will be very rich and thick. The quality of coverage will depend on the type of colorant and the surface.

To be sure of the result, the base paint and coloring system must be made by the same manufacturer. Some paints are not intended for mixing; this point should also be clarified before purchasing.

Paints and pastes for tinting - differences

Tinting systems, both paints and pastes, are divided into general and special - for exterior use. General ones are suitable for any type of surface, but indoors they are not lightfast.

Pastes for tinting:

  • universal pigment, since there is no specific binder,
  • White paint is not suitable as a base,
  • more difficult to mix, it is best to use a tinting machine.

Tinting paints:

  • ease of operation,
  • the base can be paint of any color,
  • It is necessary to select the same type of paints and colorants - acrylic, oil.


There are a lot of reviews for this henna! I have been using only natural henna for 4 years, there are pros and cons, I always want to find something better. A few years ago I bought Aasha, the price was many times more expensive than any henna in the store, but I want to believe that it will be better!

What they promise:

The basis of the paints is sterilized colorless Henna (or as they also say “white henna”) in combination with a special composition of herbs. Herbs color your hair gently, gently, but very effectively. They do not penetrate the hair shaft, but seem to envelop it with a protective layer on the surface along its entire length. Hair acquires a rich color of beautiful natural shades, becomes manageable, soft, glossy, like silk.
Henna and herbs tightly tighten the hair scales, fill the microscopic unevenness of damaged hair, and this gives the hair smoothness, shine and returns its original appearance. Plant extracts additionally nourish hair roots and maintain their health. The paint is absolutely safe, without ammonia, and does not contain harmful chemical compounds. Regular use natural colors will give strength and health to your hair.

Compound: Sterilized Indian Henna, plant extracts. Different color shades are achieved due to the fact that each individual paint is enriched with various plant extracts (Beta Vulgaris, Coffea Arabica, Curcuma Longa Linn, Indigo Leaves), colorant.

When I bought it, I believed in the description, but only then I was confused by the composition of the colorant! I spent a long time studying the Internet and found out that colorant is ppd! A very dangerous inclusion, they add it to all the paints that are in the store, in the professional world, by the way, I also saw very few paints without ppd! You can read more online about very dangerous chemicals, great harm to health, high risks of allergies and accumulation in the body with bad consequences. If the paint has an acceptable limit of no more than 6%, and usually they put in much less, then in Aasha I’m afraid no one respects this percentage and pours it by eye!

Type of paint

Having poured a little into a cup, I saw ordinary henna with white splashes, this is the same colorant and there was a lot of it in relation to henna! I diluted it according to the instructions and got black! paint. Henna never gives black color, black color is given by this very ppd! This is how they check for its presence in “natural paints”.

Coloring and result

The color of the dye was stated as golden brown, I did not risk dyeing all my hair, I dyed only one large strand in an inconspicuous place. I left it on for 30 minutes and it quickly set on my hair, which never happens with natural henna. The result was bright, it looked like the color that was promised, but if they had not told me what kind of dye they gave me, I would have immediately answered that it was ordinary paint. Henna never penetrates the hair so quickly. A lot of time has passed, the hair has grown, it has been dyed with henna many times, but that strand is still different from the total number of hairs.

I DO NOT recommend because it is positioned as a safe product, but in reality it is not! This is not a mixture of herbs, it is paint, in general, that’s what they say in the name. If you want natural products, don’t buy anything that has dye in the name. Otherwise, the whole point of safe coloring is lost.

Hi all!

I have been dyeing my hair with a mixture of henna and basma for 7 months now, with varying success getting it from brown to almost black.

I am satisfied with everything about this type of coloring - my hair has become stronger, denser, shiny, and elastic.

The only caveat is that the dye is washed off from damaged strands of the face in 3-4 days, turning from dark brown to light yellow strands + gray hair is very different from the main hair color, it becomes dark red.

In principle, all this was not very noticeable, but having recently gone with my husband to a large shopping mall, with bright illuminated mirrors, I was horrified - the bald color spoiled my mood, very much... all this grief was brightened up only by the crazy shine of my hair.


I know that uniform color can be achieved by separate dyeing, i.e. first we dye our hair with henna (red color), rinse it off, and apply basma on top ( Blue colour). With this application, a bright, uniform color is obtained, with complete darkening of gray hair.

But there is one problem, in my city they don’t sell basma separately, with the exception of cheap bags of ArtColor, which is washed off from my hair in exactly three washes.

As I said earlier, I order a ready-made mixture of henna and basma from the online store in my city. I know that you can (and should) order high-quality basma from the AromaZon website, but to order it you need to collect a rather large amount, which I don’t have at the moment, or I do have it, but I keep procrastinating, spending this money on skincare cosmetics.


So, I decided to dye with henna-based paint with COLORANT. I thought that once every 7 months I could afford to deviate a little from completely natural coloring.

Herbal hair dye Aasha herbals

Color - Black Coffee
An ordinary box, with promises about the naturalness of the paint from the manufacturer.

Herbal hair dye, Aasha Herbals, 60 gr. is 100 natural product. The paint is made using colorless henna in combination with medicinal herbs. Thanks to herbs, gentle, soft and effective coloring is ensured.
Herbs cover only the surface of the hair, protecting it from external influences. The dye provides hair with rich color. Hair is manageable, soft and glossy. Henna in combination with herbs provides hair contraction, filling all the unevenness of the structure. Recommended for damaged hair. Plant extracts provide additional nutrition to the hair roots and maintain their health. The paint does not contain ammonia and harmful chemical compounds.
The paint is available in golden brown, burgundy, chestnut, mahogany, black, black coffee, black indigo tones. The package contains 6*10 paint, a glove, instructions and a pleasant surprise.

Inside the box there are 6 bags of the mixture, 10 g each. every.

Each bag contains one more bag, which is incredibly infuriating, since I wanted to paint myself faster, and the friend who came to help with coloring wanted to quickly complete this action and proceed to a small banquet organized in honor of my departure

It took 4 bags for my length, i.e. only 40 gr. paints, for the usual coloring of a mixture of henna and basma, I need 100 grams.

When I opened the bags, I immediately realized that the herbs have practically the same name, but the white granules in large quantities show us the presence of a colorant, which will be responsible for the hair color.

The paint applied perfectly, there were absolutely no problems.

The problems started when rinsing it off - the hair was like fishing line, you couldn’t rinse it or rip it through.

Having somehow washed off this “natural” coloring agent, I started drying my hair, having previously applied the usual care to my hair - Joyco spray, Redken cream thermal protection, Matrix oil... and then the second round, all the same... and then the third time...

The hair is dry, the hair is like fishing line, the hair is like straw.

Hmmm, I haven't had this for a long time.

For three days I sealed my hair with a L'Oreal mask, my favorite, my most effective, and one that never lets me down. I kept 2 samples for a special occasion... but not for this...

In general, I can say that all the manufacturer’s assurances regarding naturalness can be equated to zero, the basis is not ordinary henna and basma, but COLORLESS, and COLORANT is responsible for the color.

Now I feel like I dyed my hair with fabric dye, ugh.

BUT! This paint has a huge advantage. The hair was dyed evenly, including gray hair. The color turned out great, I really like it. But I won’t risk my hair anymore!

Those who want to learn how to tint paint strive to get an unlimited choice of colors to create original interiors and paint building facades. Tinting allows you to get paint of any color in short term, and in addition you can reproduce color with high accuracy. Choosing the right color is a rather difficult moment, and as for aesthetics, it is difficult to give any recommendations, but on issues of technology and cost savings, you can give some advice.

In order to get the paint of the desired color, you can buy ready-made paint, get the desired color by adding colorant or glazing, or order tinting from special companies that use special tinting machines.

Purchasing ready-made colored paint is the most in a simple way, plus it's significantly cheaper than custom-mixed paint. But the range of shades of such paints is very limited, and it is not always possible to choose the right shade. Back in school drawing lessons, we were taught that if you add blue paint to red paint, you get a purple tint. This tinting method is called glazing. This method is quite simple, but it does not allow you to obtain a guaranteed color and, moreover, it is quite difficult to obtain the same shade a second time. There is also a risk of the resulting paint delaminating. It is more reliable to obtain paint using special dyes - colorants.

Colorants or coloring pigments

Colorants (paints or pastes) use various color pigments of organic or inorganic origin. Organic pigments are used to produce vibrant colors, but when such paint is applied to some types of surfaces, a reaction may occur that destroys the color pigment. And such colors fade in the sun. Inorganic pigments, on the contrary, are resistant to fading and other atmospheric phenomena, but they have a more limited range of shades.
Color paints are colorants that contain the same components as the paint for which they are intended - oil-based, water-based and others. By mixing such a colorant and white paint, you can get any desired shade, and if you need a rich color, you can take a chance and paint the surface with undiluted colorant.
Color pastes contain a special dispersing resin or are produced without the addition of a binder. Such colorants can be designed for any one paint or can be universal. When working with such compositions, it is important to select the correct proportions, since excessive addition of this type of colorant can lead to deterioration of the paint types. Typically, 5-20% colorant is added to water-based paints, and even less to oil-based paints. Color pastes do not color white paints well, so special paints with a reduced content of white pigment are produced.

To tint paints, it is necessary to use a base paint and a colorant from the same manufacturer, both specially designed for mixing. Many manufacturers produce colorants that are compatible only with inks from their own manufacturer. If the base paint and colorant are chosen incorrectly, then unsightly stains may appear on the surface to be painted or the paint may lie unevenly. When choosing a colorant, it is better to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

When mixing paint and colorant yourself, it is difficult to maintain the proportions and repeat the same shade in two different containers, so more often a special tinting machine is used for tinting. This device ensures uniform distribution of pigment in the paint and its uniform consistency, since the machine automatically adds the required amount of coloring pigment.

If in the recent past only ready-made paints were mainly used, and to obtain any other color it was necessary to mix different paints at your own peril and risk, then with the advent of tinting systems the situation has changed. Now you can see tinting systems in stores both in computer and landscape form, which makes it easy to choose the desired shade.

Tinting systems

All tinting systems are classified according to a number of criteria:

  • Based on the material used, a distinction is made between tinting paints and tinting pastes.
  • According to their purpose, they are divided into façade and general use. There is also a separate group of special systems, for example, for signal paints, children's rooms, and so on.

    Systems for general use usually contain about two thousand shades. They have no restrictions for any interior work, but not all of them are suitable for processing facades. This is due to the insufficient light fastness of certain tinting pastes of these systems. Also on different colors set different prices, the price range may differ by 10 times.

  • According to the tinting method. Tinting pastes are more versatile due to the fact that they do not use a specific binder. Such colorants can be used for both water-dispersion paints and solvent-based paints. Unfortunately, such systems do not allow the use of white paint as a base and usually require the use of special tinting machines.
    Paint-based tinting paints are easier to use. You can simply look at the color atlas in a hardware store and rewrite the recipe for the shade you like. To obtain the desired color, obtain white paint and a tinting composition, and then mix them according to the recipe.

Colorants- These are color additives that can be used to change the color of paint.

Colorants of the first group

The first group includes pigment pastes containing the same binders (for example, acrylic) as conventional paints. Therefore, they are often also called color paints. They can be painted if you need a very rich color, or mixed in any proportion with white paints (on the same base) to obtain the desired shade. The negative properties of colorants of the first group include their lack of versatility (factories often produce colorants with a binder only for their products). Separately, color paints are produced for water-based materials (very widely represented on the market) and for oil-based materials (less common).

Colorants of the second group

The second group includes colorants in which there is either no binder at all, or a special dispersing resin is used as it, allowing color pastes (as these products are also called) to better “enter” materials with various bases. These colorants are both universal and designed to work with certain types of paints (oil-based, water-based, etc.). Pastes cannot be added to paint in any quantities. For example, for water-based materials, the addition of colorant should not exceed 20 percent of the paint volume (and for some dyes, 5-7%), for oil-based materials this figure is even less. (In addition, color pastes from different manufacturers differ in concentration.) The exact ratio is usually indicated on the labels of the pastes. This is due to the fact that a large number of colorant can affect the properties of paints (the most common problems are related to the loss of weather resistance and gloss of the coating). The main disadvantage of colorants of the second group is the inability to achieve rich, bright tones when tinting ordinary white paint. The fact is that it contains too much white pigment, which “clogs” any color; for this reason, many manufacturers produce special “bases” for machine tinting, containing a small amount of white pigment.

Colorants in colorants

Colorants use inorganic and organic pigments as colorants. The former are less susceptible to fading and the influence of an alkaline environment, but with their help it is impossible to obtain the entire palette of colors. Organic dyes make it possible to obtain the brightest shades, but when using them you should carefully consider the bases being processed. There are plasters (especially old ones), putties, slate and other materials, when wet, an aggressive alkaline environment is formed, which destroys the organic pigment and, accordingly, changes the color of the coating (the most unstable to such tests is usually the red pigment). In terms of light resistance, organic pigments are also inferior to inorganic ones (albeit only slightly). However, they are successfully used when painting facades, which is due to the desire to obtain rich color shades.

Market shares of various colorant producing countries *

Russia - 40%

Germany - 29%

Finland - 24%

Others - 7%

According to experts, it is better to use colorants and the tinted material (base paint) from the same manufacturer. With this approach, you can be sure that the coloring composition will fit well into the product, and after application to the base, streaks and streaks of a different color will not appear on the coating. On the shelves of hardware stores in the city you can find a large number of colorants, both domestic and imported. The main difference is in price; as a rule, colorants from domestic manufacturers are 1.5-2 times cheaper than similar foreign samples.