Quotes from the movie Gaia Ritchie 'Revolver'. Movie Revolver and the best quotes from the movie (Video) Sometimes revolver quotes are really missing

Quotes from the movie "Revolver" are very popular. Guy Ritchie's film, released in 2005, is replete with interesting dialogues and monologues. Many of them are dedicated to opponents and layouts. Even God might agree with some phrases. One of Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” is just a lover of ancient and large-scale wiring.

In any game there is always an opponent. And there is always a victim. The trick is to realize in time that you have become second and become first.

If the opponent is truly good, he will force the victim into a situation that he can control.

The first rule of the game and tricks: the only way to get smarter is to play with a smarter opponent... Playing with a snake, you'll get smarter faster.

The rival distracts his victim while she writhes in the arms of her own greed.

You find your best opponent where you least look for him.

Chess and cheating are a dangerous combination.

The larger the wiring, the older it is, the easier it is to pull it off. For two reasons: people think that it cannot be so ancient, so large-scale, because so many people could not fall for it. Finally, when the victim begins to doubt that his opponent is his equal, he is actually doubting his own intellectual abilities. But no one admits this, not even to himself. Checkmate.

How do you win?
- It’s very simple: you do the main work, and I only help you. I have to feed you little pieces, making you believe that you won them yourself, because you are smart, and therefore I am stupid. In every game there is always someone who leads the game and someone who is cheated. The more the victim thinks he is playing the game, the less control he actually has. So the victim tightens the noose around his neck. And I, as the host of the game, help her.

It is unknown where the enemy is. It is unknown if he exists. It's in everyone's head. They believe him. This is his second self. If you try to destroy him to save people, they will destroy you to save him.

The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the opponent.

His best trick was that he made you believe that he was you.

Throw the dog a bone, find your victim's weak spot and give him a little of what he craves.

Beautiful quotes from the movie "Revolver"

Understand the reasons for your pain and you will win this game.

Signal smokes say: stay away from them, like from an evil bullet.

A great color is purple: neatly sandwiched in the color spectrum between blue and white.

I have one foot in the grave, but I clutch the coffin with both hands.

They hid you like a dirty secret.

Greed is the snake that cannot be bewitched.

Common truths from Mr. Mac

The sage says that there is only one rule in the world: a tiny question on which our luck depends. The more often this question is asked, the stronger we will become. Do you understand what this question is, Mr. Green? “What does this get me?”

Don't add more problems than your body can handle.

It seems to me, Recycler, I didn’t pay you for feelings.

Don't break his head in like the cheap stupid gangsters.

You can't kill a dead person.

Gangster humor and philosophical reflections

It's easier than you think. Just one movement to squeeze the paste out of the tube.
- One more step and I'll squeeze out the toothpaste.

They even took my watch.
- Don’t worry, I’ll buy you new ones for the funeral.

There were six of us, and the slender Biggens walked behind six more. How many was there?

Dress up better before you milk me dry, buddy.

Any rule can be circumvented. Any law can be broken. From now on, I intend to break them all, because desperate people do desperate things.

I don't like feeling caged. I didn't like it and won't like it. Why on earth should a person do something he doesn’t like?

There are no problems in the world, Mr. Green, there are only situations.

Nothing hurts more than losing money and being humiliated.

Why kill a person who brings money? Investments need to be protected.

Don't let yourself quarrel with yourself.

Critics' opinions about the film were divided, but what cannot be taken away from it is the Recycler, who is not immediately recognizable due to Jason Statham's luxurious hair and the memorable phrases of his hero Jake Green.

. “The greatest enemy hides where you least look for him,” Julius Caesar. 75th year BC.
. “The only way to become smarter is to play against a smarter opponent.” - The Basics of Chess. 1883
. “The first rule of business is protect your investment,” - Banker Etiquette. 1775
. “War cannot be avoided, it can only be postponed to the benefit of your enemy” - Machiavelli. 1502
. Over the past seven years, I have firmly learned one thing: in any game there is always an opponent, and there is always a victim. The trick is to realize in time that you have become second and become first.
. Guilt and retribution.
. I don't like feeling caged. I didn't like it and won't like it. Why on earth should a person do something he doesn’t like?
. There is always a choice.
. It’s not for nothing that they say: the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.
. The sage says that there is only one rule in the world. A tiny question on which our luck depends. The more often this question is asked, the stronger we will become. You get the point, Mr. Green: what does this get me?
. With a small brain, your mouth is too big.
. Don't add more problems than your body can handle.
. Eating gruel for seven years is very difficult.
. The further you go, the sweeter the speech.
. What kind of winner thinks about defeat?
. Communicating with specialists, I realized one thing: these specialists don’t cut shit. Any rule can be circumvented, any law can be broken.
. Desperate people do desperate things.
. Cash still rules our world.
. I love new banknotes, they are a symbol of hope for me. It smells of purity and peace. It also smells different. The smell of pride.
. Chess and cheating are a dangerous combination.
. To get smarter, play with a smarter opponent.
. I have always maintained that I would never just give up on anyone. That I would rather be torn to pieces than crushed.
. Stick a fork in me and see if it bleeds.
. If you want to talk, go to your shoemaker.
. Don't trust these dogs. They'll make you laugh just to pull out your gold teeth.
. I don't trust anyone at all.
. There are no problems in this world, Mr. Green. There are only situations.
. I have to feed you little pieces, making you believe that you won them yourself, because you are smart, and therefore I am stupid. In every game there is always someone who leads the game and someone who is cheated. The more the victim thinks he is playing the game, the less control he actually has. So the victim tightens the noose around his neck.
. The only way to get smarter is to play with a smarter opponent.
. The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the opponent.
. If the opponent is truly good, he will force the victim into a situation that he can control.
. Throw the dog a bone, find your victim's weak spot and give him a little of what he craves.
. Playing with a snake will make you wiser faster.
. The larger the wiring, the older it is, the easier it is to pull it off.
. When a victim begins to doubt that his opponent is his equal, he is actually doubting his own intellectual abilities.
. You find your best opponent where you least look for him.
. Nobody sees Gold, but Gold sees us all.
. There are no bad people.
. Don't ask questions, you won't hear lies.
. Beauty is like an angel bringing destruction. How can something so beautiful be so evil?
. There is no angel in the world who would be as destructive as their greed. In the end, she will destroy them all. They think they can handle it. But greed is the only snake that cannot be bewitched.
. The victim must believe that you are her friend.
. They will protect their friend. By any means.
. Understand the reasons for your pain and you will win this game.
. By changing the situation with the one who controls you, you can change the situation by controlling it yourself.
. How far are you willing to go, Mr. Green?
. The more power you think you have in Gold's world, the less power you have in the real world.
. You wanted answers, but they came up with new riddles.
. Don't let yourself quarrel with yourself.
. Use what you consider your enemy to destroy your true enemy.
. Use any means to cause this pain and engage your enemy in battle.
. You will find it where you least want to go.
. It is unknown where the enemy is. It is unknown whether he exists. It's in everyone's head. They believe him. This is his second self. If you try to destroy him to save people, they will destroy you to save him.
. You are right. Because the walls are already moving.
. You can't kill a dead person.
. His best trick was that he made you believe that he was you.

  1. The greatest enemy will hide where you least look for him.
  2. His best trick was that he made you believe that he was you.
  3. Do you know what is the beauty of this game? It is unknown where the enemy is, it is unknown whether he exists. He is in everyone’s head, they believe him, this is his second self.
  4. By changing the situation with the one who controls you, you can change the situation by controlling it yourself.
  5. Use what you consider your enemy to destroy your true enemy.
  6. Over the past seven years, I have firmly learned one thing: in any game there is always an opponent and there is always a victim. The whole trick is to realize in time that you have become second and become first.
  7. What kind of winner thinks about defeat? But when you face what I faced, a new, merciless reality forces you to understand a simple fact that we all try to ignore: it is impossible to win. The only guarantee you get when you get involved in this game is the guarantee of losing. The only question is when this will happen.
  8. Communicating with specialists, I realized one thing: these specialists don’t cut shit. Any rule can be circumvented, any law can be broken. From now on I intend to break them all... Because desperate people do desperate things
  9. - Now we're going to have big problems, Avi.
    There are no problems in the world, Mr. Green. There are only situations.
  10. There is something in each of us that we don’t even suspect. That existence that we will deny until it is too late, and this something will lose all meaning for us. This is what makes us get out of bed in the morning, endure being pestered by a boring boss, endure blood, sweat and tears. And all because we want to show others how good, beautiful, generous, funny and smart we really are. “You can fear me or respect me, just please don’t consider me the same as everyone else.” We are united by this passion. We are addicts, addicted to approval and recognition. We are ready to do anything just to be patted on the shoulder and given a gold watch. “Hip-hip-mother-him-so-hooray!” Look, what a smart boy has won another medal, and now he is polishing his favorite cup until it shines. All this is driving us crazy. We are nothing more than monkeys wearing suits and yearning for the recognition of others. If we understood this, we would not do this. But someone is deliberately hiding the truth from us. If you had a chance to start all over again, you would certainly ask yourself...: “Why?”
  11. The victim always doubts his opponent. In fact, she doubts herself, her capabilities. But this is not admitted. Even to myself.
  12. The only way to become smarter is to play against a smarter opponent.
Quotes from the movie Gaia Ritchie "Revolver"

Quotes from Guy Ritchie's crime drama Revolver, 2005.
Starring Jason Statham.
The plot revolves around a con artist seeking revenge whose weapon is a “universal formula” that guarantees victory to those who use it when it comes to gambling or cheating.

The film begins with 4 quotes:
- The greatest enemy will hide where you least look for him. Yu Caesar

The only way to become smarter is to play against a smarter opponent. Basics of Chess 1883

The first rule of business is protect your investment. Etiquette of a banker 1775

War cannot be avoided, it can only be postponed to the benefit of your enemy. Machiavelli 1502

There is something in each of us that we don’t even suspect. The existence that we will deny until it is too late. And this something will lose all meaning for us. This is what makes us get out of bed in the morning, endure being woken up by a boring boss, endure blood, sweat and tears. And all because we want to show others how good, beautiful, generous, funny and smart we really are... You can fear me or respect me, just please don’t consider me the same as everyone else. We are united by this passion. We are addicts, addicted to approval and recognition. We are ready to do anything to get a pat on the shoulder... We are nothing more than monkeys wearing suits and yearning for the recognition of others.

Don't ask questions - you won't hear lies.

There are no bad people.

Do you think you're smart? And it is true. Although... not as it seems to you.

The victim always doubts his opponent. In fact, she doubts herself. In your capabilities. But he doesn’t admit it... even to himself.

What is the first rule of any game Mr. Green? - The only way to kill him is to play with a stronger opponent.
- What is the second rule of the game? - The more sophisticated the game itself, the more sophisticated the opponent.

Do you know what is the beauty of this game? It is unknown where the enemy is, it is unknown whether he exists. He is in everyone’s head, they believe him, this is his second self.

The greatest enemy will hide where you least look for him.

By changing the situation with the one who controls you, you can change the situation by controlling it yourself.

You will find him where you least want to go.

He hides behind your pain. You protect him with your pain. Understand the reasons for your pain and you will win this game. Nothing hurts more... than humiliation and loss of money. By changing the situation with the one who controls you, you can change the situation by controlling it yourself.

Use what you consider your enemy to destroy your true enemy.

But there is no angel in the world who would be as destructive as their greed. In the end, she will destroy them all. They think they can handle it. But greed is the only snake that cannot be bewitched.

Over the past seven years, I have firmly learned one thing: in any game there is always an opponent and there is always a victim. The whole trick is to realize in time that you have become second and become first.

Revolver (2005)

There is something in each of us that we don’t even suspect. That existence that we will deny until it is too late, and this something will lose all meaning for us. This is what makes us get out of bed in the morning, endure being pestered by a boring boss, endure blood, sweat and tears. And all because we want to show others how good, beautiful, generous, funny and smart we really are. “You can fear me or respect me, just please don’t consider me the same as everyone else.” We are united by this passion. We are addicts, addicted to approval and recognition. We are ready to do anything just to be patted on the shoulder and given a gold watch. “Hip-hip-mother-him-so-yay!” Look, what a smart boy, he won another medal, and now he is polishing his favorite cup until it shines. All this is driving us crazy. We are nothing more than monkeys wearing suits and yearning for the recognition of others. If we understood this, we would not do this. But someone is deliberately hiding the truth from us. If you had the chance to start all over again, you would certainly ask yourself: “Why?”...

Revolver (2005)

Communicating with specialists, I realized one thing: these specialists don’t cut shit. Any rule can be circumvented, any law can be broken. From now on, I intend to break them all... Because desperate people do desperate things.

Revolver (2005)

Now we're going to have big problems, Avi.
- There are no problems in the world, Mr. Green. There are only situations.

Revolver (2005)

The victim always doubts his opponent. In fact, she doubts herself, her capabilities. But this is not admitted. Even to myself.

Revolver (2005)

What kind of winner thinks about defeat? But when you face what I faced, a new, merciless reality forces you to understand a simple fact that we all try to ignore: it is impossible to win. The only guarantee you get when you get involved in this game is the guarantee of losing. The only question is when this will happen.

Revolver (2005)

Slowly and calmly... Beauty is like an angel bringing destruction. How can something so beautiful be so evil? But there is no angel in the world who would be as destructive as their greed. In the end she will destroy them all. They think they can handle it. But greed is the only snake that cannot be bewitched.

Revolver (2005)

The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the opponent. If the opponent is truly good, then he will drive the victim into a situation that he can control. And the closer it is to reality, the easier it is to control. Find the victim's weak spot and give her a little of what she really wants. Distract the victim while he writhes in the arms of his own greed.

Revolver (2005)

With a small brain, your mouth is too big!