What are spillikins? What are spillikins? Chinese chopsticks - an analogue of spillikins

“A great man is one who has not lost his childish heart.”

Any child will definitely like this folk toy, even if it is often inferior to sophisticated plastic ones. Its additional advantage is environmental friendliness: everything is made of wood, birch bark and other natural raw materials.

Many wooden toys, such as nesting dolls and tumblers, are sold unpainted, so you can paint them with your child at your own discretion.

Individual games


A birch bark rattle filled with peas can also be used as a teether or bath toy (the rattle does not sink, although it does get wet).

Pinwheel bird (bird of happiness)

An ancient version of the mobile - a bird made of thin carved wooden blocks - is suspended above the cradle and begins to spin at the slightest breeze.

Balance toys

Wooden blacksmiths, bears or chickens that can be set in motion by pulling a pendant or moving a board. Another option is a bull, which “walks and swings” on its own, thanks to a built-in mechanism.

Rag dolls

Toys from scraps of fabric (bast, branches) stuffed with grain, ash or straw were very easy to make, including for the little one. One of the most curious dolls - Comforter - was done in case of any childish grief: tears were wiped away with a dress made from a large flap, and grievances were eaten with sweets hanging on the belt in little bags. A very useful friend for a child.

I will have more articles about rag dolls, in which I will talk about them in more detail, and also, if possible, I will post master classes on making them.

Party games

Fleas in a bowl

Round wooden chips in the shape of a lens (fleas) are placed around the bowl. Players take turns knocking on the edge of each flea so that it jumps into the vessel. You can simply press the edge of the flea with your finger, trying to hit the enemy chip with it.

To save money, every mother can invent such a game herself. For example, use buttons instead of fleas, and instead of sticks, take drumsticks or plan them out of wood yourself.


1. This was the name for a set of sticks that were thrown in a heap on the table, and then taken apart one at a time, trying not to disturb the rest. Many of you are familiar with this game using matches.

2. Biryulki were small pieces of wood of a certain shape that had to be carefully fished out from a pile of mala with special hooks. The one who collects the most spillikins wins.

Tuck and cape

A zakidushka is something like a wooden cup on a stick with a ball attached to it. And the cape looks like a spatula with a row of holes. The game is to throw a ball and catch it with a cup or hit it into the holes. You can have competitions to see who is faster.

This toy should be given to small children with caution, since the ball is heavy and flies in different directions, including towards the head.

At home, such a toy can be made from small disposable cups (preferably paper ones, they are stronger), string and, for example, shoe cover cones filled with something safe to add weight.

Easter slide

Bright Easter eggs roll down a special slide, trying to get into the opponent's eggs. The beaten egg is taken for themselves. Whoever has more trophies wins. This game came to us without the use of a slide, reminiscent of a bowling game. Now the slides are sold complete with wooden eggs.

Music games


Previously, such a game was made from string and, for example, pork cartilage. Today, a stick or button is used instead. The tool is too simple to buy it in a store - you can search the Internet for manufacturing techniques and make it yourself.


A fan ratchet consists of several planks that are strung on a rope. It is stretched sharply or smoothly by holding both ends with your hands. At the same time, clicking sounds are made. There is another option - a strip with slots attached to a wooden handle. The handle is turned, the bar chirps.


A wooden handle with a drum or hollow top to which one or more wooden balls are attached on strings. When the child swings the mallet, the balls bounce and knock.

The article contains information from open sources

Every person has heard the phrase “play spillikins” at least once. This phraseology has become quite widespread. It means doing nonsense, stupid things, while ignoring important matters. This game captivated not only ordinary people, but also rich and noble people. Even among the nobles it became widespread. There was a pleasant tradition - to present a set of spillikins for a housewarming or celebration. The attitude towards them was positive. When playing Chinese sticks or spillikins, you need to concentrate, try not to make sudden movements and be attentive. A certain amount of tension and concentration is required. This game can and should even be played with kids: it promotes the development of fine motor skills. A small toy or cube can be replaced by a small toy for a child. Children often learn what it is from their parents. But all the benefits of spillikins pale in comparison to the fact that they can unite a family and bring people closer together.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type "Rowanushka"


“Shall we play spillikins?”



Maltseva Marianna Sergeevna


Surely, every person has heard the phrase “playing spillikins” at least once. This phraseology has become quite widespread. It means doing nonsense, stupid things, while ignoring important matters. This game captivated not only ordinary people, but also rich and noble people. Even among the nobles it became widespread. There was a pleasant tradition - to present a set of spillikins for a housewarming or celebration. The attitude towards them was positive. When playing Chinese sticks or spillikins, you need to concentrate, try not to make sudden movements and be attentive. A certain amount of tension and concentration is required. This game can and should even be played with kids: it promotes the development of fine motor skills. A small toy or cube can be replaced by a small toy for a child. Children often learn what it is from their parents. But all the benefits of spillikins pale in comparison to the fact that they can unite a family and bring people closer together.

What are spillikins and how is this game useful for a baby?

An inquisitive child, hearing a new word, will definitely ask, “What are spillikins?” Most of us, apart from the common phrase “this is not for you to play with spillikins!” We haven’t heard anything about spillikins, so small excursion It wouldn't hurt to go into the story.

What are spillikins?

“Spillkins” - from the word “to take”, to take. Biryulki - collection of toy objects (dishes, ladders, hats, sticks, etc.), an ancient Russian board game. The point of the game is to pull out one toy after another from a pile of such toys with your fingers or a special hook, without touching or scattering the rest. To make it easy to hook the spillikins, they are made in the form of objects with ears or holes - cups, teapots, and so on. Sometimes spillikins are made in the form of pieces of an abstract shape, then several small holes are drilled into them. You can also use improvised objects such as straws or matches as spillikins.

Rules of the game: Sprinkles are poured out in a heap onto a flat surface. Players, using a special hook, take out one spillbum at a time, trying not to move the neighboring ones. The one who moves the adjacent spilliyule passes the move to the next player. The game continues until the whole pile is cleared. The one who collects the most spillikins, or the first to collect a pre-agreed number, wins.

The forgotten ancient game was originally a children's game. History is silent about how the game of spillikins grew into a national hobby; the name of the master who was the first to make figures for a children's game is also unknown. But it is known that at first it was a game of the poor, they played it to while away the winter evenings, and the spillikins were a handful of identical straws, which were thrown on the table in a bunch. Using a straw hook, they pulled out one straw after another from the bunch, trying not to touch the neighboring ones. If you move or touch the straw, the move is given to someone else. The one who had the most straws won the game.

Over time, the game moved from poor houses to palace chambers, the homes of aristocrats and noble citizens, and became a popular game. Straw spillikins were replaced with wooden figurines; ivory spillikins were made to order and stored in elegant boxes decorated with skillful carvings. The figurines were different - miniature dishes, musical instruments, shoes, weapons and other small miracles.

How is the game useful for a baby?

With the advent of modern times, they forgot about spillikins, and remembered them almost a century later. Several years ago, folk craftsmen revived the once popular game and now spillikins are experiencing a rebirth. While this is not yet a family hobby, it is a children's game, very, very useful for a child. There are many variants of the game; in addition to the traditional one, where objects are obtained by crocheting, games have been added in which you need to find identical figures in a bag by touch.

While playing, the child develops memory and imagination, and sorting through the figures in the bag is also an excellent massage for the hands. It is especially useful when the baby experiences a lack of tactile sensations (for example, this may manifest itself in the habit of thumb sucking).

Playing spillikins trains fine motor skills. Kids learn accuracy, patience, perseverance, develop eye and coordination of movements. Don’t forget about live communication; carried away by the game, children tell each other what and how best to do, discuss successes and failures, and all this stimulates speech development.

Here she is, useful, interesting and exciting game into the spillikins!

The game of spillikins is known to most as a saying, a synonym for idleness, a frivolous activity. But all games, whether ancient or modern, are designed to entertain. Fun, excitement, opportunity to communicate with friends and relatives - character traits games of spillikins. She is the perfect alternative computer games, depriving leisure of pleasant relaxation.

To appreciate the benefits of this game, you need to study the rules and immerse yourself in the process. When the game appeared, straws and small chips served as the main material. The material was poured out in a heap onto a flat surface, and the players took miniature hooks made of straw or small twigs. Using a hook, the player had to remove one straw from the slide. During this manipulation, neighboring sticks should not move. If a careless movement led to a collapse, the player passed the move to the next one.

The origin of the game is not known exactly; either children, playing with thin splinters, came up with this competition, or adults entertained themselves and their children this way on a winter evening. There is a similar game in the East, but there everything is subject to stricter rules: a set of 35 sticks with notches or rings running across is used. “Chinese sticks,” the so-called eastern version of the spillikins, are about twenty centimeters long and their diameter is only a couple of millimeters.

To start the game correctly, the sticks are placed vertically on the table and the hand is released. An even stack turns into a randomly lying sheaf. It must be said that the number of notches on the sticks is not the same, this helps to vary the grip between them and allows you to count points for each stick removed from the pile. Fifteen twigs have one notch, one point is awarded for successfully cutting it out, and two points are awarded for eight twigs. Four sticks are marked with four notches, and two with five. One side of the twig may be pointed.

In the Eastern tradition, sticks are removed simply by hand or by the very first stick that was pulled out. The duration of the game is up to one hundred and one points scored by one of the players. One hundred and one points is a constant value, no more, no less. If, already at the finish line, a player takes out a difficult stick and is awarded more points than he needs to win, then he pays for going overboard: ten points for each extra.

Russian craftsmen, wood and bone carvers, tried to make the game set durable and beautiful. Therefore, by cutting it out, they gave the figures an interesting shape, for example, familiar pieces of utensils, furniture and other things used in everyday life. Of course, such an attractive set had to be stored in an appropriate box; it was made of valuable wood and decorated with carvings. The game set was a work of art.

Needless to say, such a thing was available only to the richest, and not ordinary people? And for our contemporaries, these products are evidence of the popularity of the game among all segments of society. A beautiful set for playing spillikins was one of the traditional gifts for the holiday, for housewarming.

Playing this calm board game, you can develop perseverance, because in order to make a good move, at the climax, the player has to hold his breath. Movements become precise, coordination works to the maximum.

Today you can buy games that resemble spillikins for your children. Having explained the rules to them, there is no doubt that the children will have a good time playing the game. Such activities in a relaxed playful environment develop fine motor skills, while simultaneously developing intelligence.

Against the background of large-scale historical research of recent times, it turned out that we are surprisingly little familiar with the origin and evolution of the Russian toy. Meanwhile, it has been reliably established that by the 10th century in Rus' there was a tradition of toy craft.

The toy became part of the everyday life of, if not every family, then at least very, very many. Its function was not limited to home entertainment; the toy was also used in festive events, on fairs and folk festivals.

Initially, the main centers of toy production were Kyiv and Novgorod. Subsequently, the centers of the toy business moved to Moscow and Sergiev Posad. There were a great many types and varieties of Russian toys, and the manufacturing tradition was passed down from century to century. These objects were created by craftsmen mainly from wood, clay, papier-mâché, plaster and fabrics. The best examples were equipped with tweeters, had unique paintings on the surface and even complex mechanisms built inside. Toys are meant to be played with, and Russian folk pastimes included entertainment using toys. A special and very popular group of games consists of entertainment for training dexterity and eye:

  • snacks;
  • spillikins;
  • ring throwers;
  • lapta;
  • ball games;
  • towns;
  • classes

and similar outdoor games.

Some of them use simple objects: balls, pebbles, sticks and bats. Others require more complex equipment. For example, snack- this is a special type of toy in the form of a base with holes or cup-shaped cavities with a thread attached to it, at the end of which a ball is attached. Holding the base with your hands, you need to manage to throw the ball on the thread so that it falls into one of the holes or fits in the container. The shape of the base can be very different: from a simple flat shape with holes to a vertical bowl on a handle.

– an ancient board game for the development of eye and fine motor skills. The players' task is to pull one item out of a pile of objects without disturbing the others or scattering the pile. The player who fails passes the move to another. The one who pulled out the most items wins. The spillikins themselves can mean anything or nothing. That is, the shape of these toys can resemble the shape of real objects, or it can be arbitrary. Spilli can be pulled from a pile with your hands, or you can use a special hook. For the hook, ears or holes are made in the spillikins.

Idea ring throwing games reminds me of the rules for junkets. And here and there the player throws objects in order to hit a precisely defined play area. It’s just that in ring throwing it’s not a ball that’s thrown, but a ring. It is thrown so as to place the ring on one of the pins of a specially made base. The shape of the base can be any; vertically installed pins are located along its perimeter and area. The main thing is that the base is massive and stable enough so as not to tip over after the next throw.

Many other types of toys existed and were commonly used. The same group of eye games includes throwing knives or archery, which require quite serious equipment. And also swords and wooden sabers, on which our ancestors willingly fought playfully. Another category included purely entertaining toys: wooden rolling horses, boats and toy sleighs. A separate niche is occupied by toys for ritual purposes. For board games chips, dice and playing boards were produced that were original in shape and design.

Excursion “Games and Fun” in the ethnographic park

ETNOMIR, Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village


Every day - on weekends and weekdays - the ETNOMIR park-museum offers up to 10 exciting excursions for children and adults according to the daily program, and individual and group excursions are always available for booking.

It is held in a specially equipped “children’s” hut, near which there is a monument to little Sasha Pushkin and his nanny, Arina Rodionovna.

Participants of the excursion will get acquainted with the rules of the game of kubar and find out what other children's games were popular in the old days. Some names will seem familiar, and some you will hear for the first time: runner, winders, malechina-kalechina, zakidushka.

Do you know why the first rattles were created and how they protected children? In which countries were rattles common? Why was this toy made in the form of a ball on a handle and why were patterns applied to it? Answers to these questions await you in the “children’s hut” on the “Games and Fun” excursion.

We develop children's motor skills with the help of ancient traditional games of pucks and spillikins. We train our memory with the help of figures from a miracle bag.

It's no secret that by the end of the last century, traditional toys made of wood, cotton wool, cardboard and others, beloved by many generations of Russians, had practically disappeared. natural materials. But, fortunately, there are still enthusiasts who today are again starting to make them for our children. Thanks to the efforts of these people, even such long-forgotten and known to a generation come to life. modern parents only from the idiomatic dictionary of the game, as “a game of spillikins.”

This time we will tell you about some of these “new” games. They can be called “games for the whole family”, since not only children, but also adults can participate in them.

Folk game "Spillikins"

We've all heard the expression "playing tricks." It means doing nonsense, idleness. But if you play spillikins, this does not mean at all that you are doing nonsense.

History is silent about when adults noticed children’s passion for spillikins, and how spillikins grew into a truly popular game. It is also unknown which Russian craftsman first made spillikins. In Russia, there were two types of playing spillikins - they played with sticks and with spillikins turned on a lathe. And if the first version of the game (in the form of sticks, wires or straws) could be made by oneself, and mostly village children played it, then a completely different fate awaited the turning spillikins.

Starting from the 19th century, chiseled Russian spillikins became family and even social entertainment, and by the beginning of the 20th century they could be called one of the most popular games of any class. Biryulki were made from various types of wood and even ivory. Spillikins were an indispensable attribute of aristocratic salons. Intricate spillikins in boxes different forms and sizes were sold in Moscow stores complete with chocolate sets.

Rules This ancient game is extremely simple. The spillikins are poured onto the table so that they lie in a pile, from which the players take them out one by one using a wire hook attached to a stick. Whoever moves the neighboring spillifish passes the hook to the next player. The game continues until the entire pile is cleared. The one who has the most spillikins wins. Or they play until one of the players has the agreed number of spillikins.

Rules of the game. A counting table determines who will play first. He clutches an even bundle of spilli sticks in his hand, touches the table with its lower end and sharply opens his palm. The spillikins should fall in a heap. Separately dropped spillikins are put aside until the next game. The players take turns pulling out one spilliard from the heap, trying not to disturb the other sticks. The player keeps the correctly drawn spittle for himself. The first spittle stick drawn out is used to pull out the rest. If the sticks move, the move is transferred to another player. The person who was at fault throws away the remaining bunch and the sticks that fell out separately for the next player. At the end of the game, count the number of spillikins each person has.

These wonderful games are extremely useful for children.

Firstly, during the game the child learns to communicate with other players. Everyone solves the same problem. The players exchange remarks, encourage and tease each other. Finger movements lead to excitation of the speech centers of the brain and increased coordinated activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates speech development.

Secondly, the baby learns to correctly distribute and concentrate his attention. The child’s memory develops as he learns to remember certain positions and movements of the hands.

Thirdly, children learn patience, perseverance, and accuracy.

Fourthly, the details of the game are so small that manipulating them is an excellent workout for a child’s hand, for the development of fine motor skills. When a child takes a thin hook and tries to get a spilli, he learns to tense and relax the muscles of his fingers, maintain the position of his fingers for quite a long time, switch from one movement to another, and develop precise coordination of movements. No wonder psychologists say: “The hand teaches the brain.” The more freely a baby can use his fingers, the better his thinking is developed.

Play spillikins with your children and you will feel the pleasure and joy of this forgotten game.

Children and adults can play.

Rules of the game. Each of the players takes turns taking one of the figures out of the bag and then, with their eyes closed, by touch, finds the same second one in the bag. If the second figure is found incorrectly, then both are returned to the bag, and the next participant makes a move. The one who collects the most figures wins.

This game is also very useful for. Firstly, when a child moves various wooden figures in a bag, a massage of the hands involuntarily occurs. This is especially useful if the child lacks tactile sensations. IN Everyday life A lack of tactile sensations can manifest itself in the habit of thumb sucking or pacifier.

Secondly, the game also trains fine motor skills.

Thirdly, the baby’s imagination and memory develops.

Why is it so important to develop a child’s imagination? The development of imagination occurs most actively in preschool age. The child perceives fairy-tale and fantastic images as real. His own life experience is still too small, so imagination helps compensate for its deficiency.

Young children have a developed passive imagination. They can easily imagine the images described and often consider them to really exist. By the end preschool age the imagination is activated and becomes creative. And the child can create new images on his own. Imagination is closely related to other mental processes: perception, thinking, attention, memory, and speech.

Family game "Heap and Small"

The game consists of a large hemisphere and 60 pucks of three sizes.

They play it like this. The pucks are divided equally between the players. Players take turns placing one puck on the base so that not a single puck falls off it. If some or all of the pucks fall from the base, the player on whose turn this happened takes the fallen pucks for himself. The goal of the game is to get rid of your pucks. The one with the last pucks left loses.

The game is designed to develop a child's eye, dexterity and sense of balance.

All these and many other wonderful wooden toys are manufactured by the company "VALDA", to which the editors of the magazine "Game and Children" express gratitude for their assistance in preparing this material. Here are the addresses of the WALDA stores:

  1. "Moscow, Bolshaya Spasskaya building 4 A, publishing house "Gnome".
  2. "Shops "Little Genius":
    • metro station "Pushkinskaya", B. Kozikhinsky lane, building 6.
    • metro station "Otradnoe", shopping center "Golden Babylon" 2nd floor.

A number of other companies make similar toys. And therefore, you can sometimes buy them not only in toy stores, but also where they sell souvenirs and gifts, as well as at craft exhibitions and even in online stores.

Comment on the article "Spillkins, a magic bag and a bunch of small things - ancient games for the whole family"

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It’s great for fine motor skills: any appliqués, cereals/pebbles/buttons/igs. In terms of physical parameters, I definitely won’t outgrow it, but in terms of brains, I don’t know, the main thing is motor skills. By the way, this is also very good for the development of phonemic hearing, because it teaches...

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