What happens if you don't maintain hygiene? Personal hygiene as one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. Personal hygiene rules are also divided into female and male hygiene

The evolution of man has given his body all the tools to combat a hostile external environment. Special blood cells provide immunity and protect against germs, the thermoregulation system maintains the functioning of all organs and raises the temperature when we get sick, and the skin and stomach acid protect against germs entering us. A person knows how to protect himself from the external environment by other means. For example, by special behavior, the use of rules and knowledge developed by the human community for use by each of its members. One of the sections of such knowledge is personal hygiene. The use of this knowledge and its continuous improvement are aimed at preserving human vital activity and health for the longest possible period, and ultimately, prolonging his life.

What is personal hygiene?

First of all, this is conscious human behavior focused on healthy skin, nails, teeth and hair, as well as clothes, shoes, and home. This also includes maintaining cleanliness in production, hardening and physical exercise. When asking yourself the question “what is personal hygiene,” it would be reasonable to include in this section the cessation of smoking, drugs, and alcohol abuse. All this is an integral component and part healthy image life

Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene can lead to serious consequences for many people and contributes to the spread of epidemics and helminthic infestations.

This means that because of one person who violates the rules of personal hygiene, not only members of his family, but entire enterprises and even entire regions can suffer.

Rules of personal hygiene: general principles and features

These rules include body and skin care. The skin, as a protective covering of the body, performs various and important functions, including secretory, receptor, respiratory, thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune and others. Keeping it clean and hardening helps prevent its premature aging and withering, which has a positive effect on the appearance, beauty and general condition of the body.

People of different sexes and all ages have their own rules of personal hygiene: general principles and features. For example, hygiene care for women has its own characteristics associated with periods of menstruation and pregnancy, and in the rules of personal hygiene for men there is a “section” associated with regular shaving of the face. The hygiene of infants has its own characteristics, and they are associated with the anatomical and functional differences in the skin of infants and adults.

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People of certain professions may have special personal hygiene rules. For example, for surgeons, cleanliness of hands and their treatment is a fundamental requirement of the profession. Similar requirements apply to workers involved in the production of perishable food products, for example, confectioners and culinary specialists.

Goals of oral hygiene

The challenge of oral care- this is keeping teeth, interdental spaces, gums, mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue clean and intact, and together with food hygiene - protecting the body from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. How? Preserving the integrity of the teeth and the completeness of the dentition makes chewing and grinding food complete, and thus ensures the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines and the complete absorption of nutrients by the body. The goals of oral hygiene as a whole are to have a direct impact on life expectancy.

What is important to consider in hair hygiene?

Hair care is needed as a general hygienic function, since the scalp and hair are part of the general skin. But hair is also a “filter” that can actively absorb harmful substances from the air and accumulate them. Therefore, regular hair washing is a necessity. Among other things, hair care has an aesthetic function, participating in the formation of a person’s appearance, his style and mood, that is, it forms the psychological comfort of a person and those around him.

What is important to consider in hair hygiene is its impact on other organs: for example, improper long hairstyle(especially in children), can lead to visual impairment.

Nail hygiene - daily attention

Nail care allows you to avoid diseases of the nails - the nail bed and nail plate, including purulent and fungal ones. Proper hand washing, including cleaning the subungual space, protects against the spread of intestinal and other infectious diseases and the spread of helminthic infestations.

Manicure with its chemical components can both protect nails and harm them and the entire body. In any case, nail hygiene for people with allergies, pregnant women, etc. recommends avoiding it, while nail hygiene requires daily attention. Ideally, you should limit yourself to clean, neatly trimmed nails with a filed edge to prevent the appearance of hangnails.

Genital hygiene: a special approach

Genital hygiene should be considered a special section of personal skin hygiene, since they perform many important functions that are combined with the removal of natural waste from the body. Failure to comply or improper adherence to the rules of keeping the genitals clean leads to a variety of diseases. These can be urethritis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, bartholinitis, thrush (candidiasis) in women, and in men - urethritis, balanoposthitis, prostatitis. That is why the main thing that genital hygiene requires is a special approach and thoroughness.

Particular attention in caring for the genital organs should be paid to high-quality personal hygiene products, including detergents, since due to the abuse of antibacterial drugs (for example, antimicrobial soap), dysbiosis can occur in this part of the body, which directly affects the occurrence of diseases.

Hygiene of clothes and shoes is the “armor” of your body

Hygiene of linen, primarily underwear, care of clothing and shoes protects from the influence of the external environment, for example, from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, chills and frostbite, from mechanical damage to the skin of the body, legs, hands, and from the introduction of dangerous microorganisms into the home from the street. The underwear is in direct contact with the skin and therefore requires daily change, as it quickly becomes a medium for the development of microorganisms. Hygiene of clothes and shoes is the “armor” of your body, protection from dirt, germs, skin wounds, cold and heat.

The hygiene of clothing and footwear includes the choice of clothing according to the season and weather, from materials with the correct hygienic properties, which will the right decision to prevent colds or other painful conditions.

Personal and public hygiene: generalities and differences

A person in a family and a team, a resident of a locality, is always part of the community. If personal hygiene is focused on preserving individual health, then public hygiene is a science and activities whose purpose and objectives are to preserve, prevent and strengthen the health of the entire population, the entire population. If a person neglects personal hygiene and its basics (does not observe the alternation of work and rest, adequate sleep and balanced nutrition, does not spend enough time in the fresh air, has bad habits- smoking, alcohol abuse), then no achievements and discoveries in the field of public hygiene will be able to preserve his individual health.

If we talk about what personal and public hygiene provides to the population: commonality and differences, interconnection and mutual influence, then it is easy to come to the conclusion that the concepts of personal and public hygiene in an urban society are closely interrelated. For example, failure to comply with personal hygiene requirements in everyday life, especially by representatives of professions related to the preparation and production of food, caring for children, and representatives of professions involving close communication with people, has an adverse and even dangerous effect on the health of all of us (passive smoking, poisoning , the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, infection with worms, etc.). And vice versa: the inattention of the authorities to public hygiene, to the sanitary problems of populated areas (air pollution, shortage or poor-quality tap water, waste collection and disposal, etc.) leads to the fact that compliance with all rules of personal hygiene becomes problematic and this leads to diseases.

Personal hygiene products are a weapon of health and beauty

These include preparations and instruments for maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the body (scissors, shaving machines and machines, combs and brushes), intended for hygienic care and cosmetic purposes. Quite often, the effect of personal hygiene products is of a combined nature: for example, deodorants, used to keep sweating parts of the body clean, are also perfumes, and lipstick, in addition to adding color to the lips, can protect them from drying out and peeling.

According to the materials used and the specifics of application, hygiene products are divided into cotton-hygienic ( cotton buds, discs, balls), paper and hygiene products (toilet paper, paper kitchen towels and napkins, wet wipes). There is also a specialization by “point of application”, the purpose of which is hair care, nail care (including tools), intimate hygiene (liquid soap, hand sanitizers, shower gels, deodorants), cosmetics (creams, lotions, hairspray, lipstick). lipstick and “gloss”, powders, etc.). Personal hygiene products are a weapon of health and beauty, a weapon in the sense that they protect us from dirt, germs, and unwanted chemicals that reach us.

The characteristics and differences in hygiene needs of people of different sexes have long been taken into account. different ages. We are talking about feminine hygiene (sanitary pads, tampons), devices and preparations for shaving and after shaving for men (razors, shaving foam, creams, aftershave lotions, etc.). Babies have their own nuances. The list is large and includes powders, diapers (taking into account the anatomy of boys and girls), oils, creams, lotions. A separate group consists of oral care products: powders and toothpastes, dental elixirs, chewing gum, toothpicks and dental floss.


Factors that can directly or indirectly affect human health and life expectancy are determined by hygiene. By observing the rules of personal hygiene, a person protects himself from the negative impact external stimuli. Among the reasons that shape health are: professional, hereditary, environmental, psycho-emotional, lifestyle, nutrition, level of medical care. Find out how to make your life better through proper organization.

The importance of human hygiene

The main task of this science is to study the impact of the environment on the vitality and working capacity of the population. The environment is usually understood as the full range of everyday, natural, industrial and social factors. The main tasks of hygiene are the development of requirements aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to negative external factors. This is facilitated by proper care take care of yourself, a balanced regime of rest, work, balanced nutrition, sports.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules can cause both minor health problems and serious illnesses. Fulfilling personal care requirements and using tools, which are classified as personal hygiene items, will be the first step in maintaining your own health. When considering what hygiene is, take into account the division of the subject into several subcategories:

  • personal;
  • food hygiene;
  • labor;
  • cities, establishments, premises.

How to maintain hygiene

One of the most important principles of strengthening and maintaining cleanliness and health by observing basic cleanliness standards is observing the rules of personal hygiene. Some tips on personal hygiene will help you correctly understand their role in life and structure your personal schedule:

  1. Daily and periodic body hygiene: proper hand washing after going outside, before eating; washing; brushing teeth 2 times a day; taking a general shower, washing the genitals; hardening. Periodic treatments include cutting hair ends (every 4-8 weeks), cutting nails, washing hair with shampoo, and preventive visits to the doctor.
  2. Hygienic requirements for clothing and shoes require periodic washing of items, steam ironing, and daily change of underwear. High-quality shoe washing is necessary. Clothing must fully comply with physiological and hygienic standards (provide an optimal microclimate, have low weight, good strength and high-quality chemical composition of the fabric).

To a woman

Body care is usually considered in a more in-depth aspect, taking into account periods of life, cycles, and age. A girl, a teenage girl, a woman, a pregnant woman and a woman after childbirth must follow the rules. Unites women's rules personal hygiene one principle is proper hygiene of the genitals and mammary glands. Considering that the main role of a woman is the production of offspring, the following hygiene requirements in the pelvic area are important:

  • daily hygiene of the external genitalia;
  • proper prenatal and postnatal hygiene (hygienic women's underpants are often used);
  • use of personal hygiene products in the form of tampons, pads during the menstrual cycle;
  • proper care of the mammary glands (especially important for pregnant and nursing mothers);
  • understanding how to use a hygienic shower, applying knowledge in practice;
  • washing and cleaning clothes, daily laundry, changing underwear.

To a man

How to maintain genital hygiene for a man? Skin care in the form of a daily shower is the way to maintain health. Everyday hygiene for men involves caring for the armpits, genitals and perineum. A man's reproductive health depends on the level of activity and hygienic status. Since the male genital organs are external and not hidden in the pelvic area, like a woman’s, a man’s personal procedures involve the following activities:

  • washing the penis and testicles;
  • using clean and comfortable underwear, in which the man’s organs will not be severely compressed or overheated;
  • perineal hygiene (washing with soap, correct use toilet paper).


An important stage that a child goes through on the way to growing up is adolescence. Physical changes occur in a teenager's body. Basic rules of personal hygiene include strict adherence to hygienic principles, and any deviation can lead to improper development of the reproductive system.

The requirements for a teenage girl are to use individual hygiene products (separate soap, towel, washcloth), and a sleeping place separate from her parents. A daily shower with the correct washing technique (from the pubis to the anus) and supporting the growing mammary gland with a bra are required. For girls during menstruation, the requirement to use tampons, pads, and frequent washing is included.

To kid

Health is formed from early childhood. Proper child hygiene will ensure the development and growth of a healthy future generation. Children's hygiene tasks:

  • proper hygiene of children's activities and rest;
  • prevention, prevention of diseases in children's team;
  • checking and protecting children's nutrition;
  • developing a child’s concept of a healthy lifestyle.

According to existing norms and rules, every child in school age should be able to:

  • carry out daily morning and evening procedures independently (wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your hair);
  • carry out hygiene procedures in the educational institution (wash hands, use a change of clothes or shoes if necessary);
  • take precautions during a viral epidemic.

Personal hygiene

Individualized nursing practice involves maintaining personal hygiene Everyday life. Among the conditions that are fundamental, the most important is the personal attitude of a person (child, schoolchild, adult) towards himself and his health. This is a condition for the prevention, treatment of diseases, and increasing life expectancy. The deterioration of living conditions negatively affects health and the ability to exercise independent hygienic control.

Hygiene methods include a healthy lifestyle as one of the most effective health factors. Smoking cessation, a ban on the consumption of complex dietary fats and alcohol, weight control, and sports are recommended. The range of issues that personal hygiene covers includes the organization of rational nutrition, mental work, maintaining the microclimate in the home, hardening and physiotherapy.


During the period of the disease, the patient can be dangerous to others or aggravate his own situation. Sanitary care for patients in a surgical hospital is performed in accordance with established standards:

  • provision of separate utensils for meals;
  • regular change of bed linen;
  • supply of a vessel and urinal;
  • antiseptic treatment of the ward and hospital;
  • implementation of daily hygiene procedures in the department;
  • organized feeding of the patient;
  • taking medications, performing health procedures in a clean manner.

Food service workers

Employees of public catering establishments have direct contact with ready-made meals, semi-finished products, frozen products, and desserts. Sanitary hygiene ensures the health of consumers, depending on the level of cleanliness of catering workers. Failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards at the enterprise can cause poisoning and sometimes death of the client.

Every food service employee is required to have a medical book. To prevent human sweat, hair, and dead skin from getting on food, workers (cooks, waiters) observe sanitation standards and wear uniforms. Before and after work, they must wash their hands thoroughly. Basic clothing should be clean, comfortable and neat. In restaurants and food outlets, waiters are required to serve food with gloves.

Medical personnel

Following the rules of personal hygiene by employees of a medical institution will ensure the protection of staff and patients from nosocomial infections. An employee of any medical rank must follow the established rules. Conditions for the protection of medical personnel:

  • washing and disinfecting hands;
  • availability of medical uniform (suit, hat, set of slippers or shoe covers);
  • in case of close contact with drugs and patients, use gloves and bandages.

Household hygiene

To prevent the appearance of carriers of infections, small insects, and excessive harmful dust in everyday life, a number of preventive measures should be taken:

  • removing dust from furniture surfaces;
  • daily disinfection of the bathroom (toilet, sink, bathtub);
  • washing the clothes of all family members;
  • regular ventilation or air purification using climate systems;
  • deep cleaning carpets (fleecy coverings collect a lot of dust and germs);
  • high-quality everyday cleaning of kitchen surfaces and utensils.

Prevention measures developed by the ancient science of cleanliness address healthy body, but the same is required for patients. Hygiene is closely related to sanitation, the purpose of which is to develop primary disease prevention measures for the population. Among general recommendations for each person the following are mentioned:

  • professional oral hygiene (visiting a hygienist);
  • body care;
  • sanitation of household and food products;
  • care of the premises, cleaning and ventilation (otherwise, contamination of the respiratory system and disruption of the stable state of the body are possible).


Sanitation and processing of food before consumption is the main rule healthy eating. Before reaching the counter, food undergoes a sanitary examination, but this does not relieve the consumer of the obligation to wash it before using it as food. Domestic water is tested to eliminate the possible presence of harmful impurities. Basic sanitary requirements for food products:

  • benefits (reimbursement of energy and nutrients in the body);
  • presence of expiration date on the packaging;
  • minimal processing, cleaning from dirt before sale.


Practicing proper hygiene procedures before sex will help prevent infectious diseases. The environment of the genital organs is favorable for the proliferation of inflammatory, purulent infections. Before sexual intercourse, both partners should take a shower to cleanse their body and genitals. It is also worth giving up adrenaline during intercourse in public places, preferring a clean bed to the exotic.

Mental labor

An integral part of human life is mental work, which is defined as work related to receiving or processing information. The basics of mental health hygiene are to avoid fatigue or overwork. A number of preventive measures will get rid of them:

The whole truth about “unwashed” Rus'

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Conversation with children

« Personal hygiene of a person"

“Rules of personal hygiene during the day »

Prepared by: Foster carer

Volkova Elena Nikolaevna


Topic: Human personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene rules during the day




Wash your face

Wash your hands throughout the day

Wash your face, neck, ears

Brush your teeth

Brush your teeth

comb your hair

Take a shower or wash your feet

Hygiene items and Personal hygiene is a set of rules, the observance of which will help maintain and prolong health. To carry out hygiene procedures you need to have individual items. These include: towel; soap; washcloth; Toothbrush; razor; manicure set; comb; facial skin care complex: cream, lotion, tonic, scrub, mask; hair clipper; decorative cosmetics; deodorants, antiperspirants. The use of the presented items helps a person easily carry out hygiene procedures that are aimed at keeping the body clean, which will help avoid possible diseases.

Personal hygiene requirements

Let's look at the basic principles of each area of ​​personal hygiene.

Body hygiene: Taking a shower on time. IN summer time this procedure must be performed daily. The result will be a reduction in germs and harmful microorganisms on the human body, which will reduce the risk of disease. Hands and nails must be kept clean. Pay special attention to your nails, as a large number of harmful microbes can accumulate under them. Keep your feet clean, wash them daily.

Hair hygiene: Wash your hair whenever it gets dirty. It is not recommended to use hot water, as there is a possibility of increased sebum production on the scalp, which will lead to poor rinsing of the shampoo from the hair. Select hair cosmetics according to your hair type. At the end of washing, rinse your hair in cool water. Do not use a hair dryer for drying. If necessary, apply a hair mask. Have your own comb.

Oral hygiene: A toothbrush is an individual item for everyone. Brush your teeth 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed. Rinse your mouth after every meal. Visit the dentist once every six months.

Hygiene of underwear, clothing, shoes : keep clothes and shoes clean; change underwear daily; do not give your personal clothes to anyone and do not use someone else’s; dress according to weather conditions; choose clothes from high-quality natural fabrics.

Bed hygiene: change bed linen promptly; have clothes for sleeping; the bedroom should be clean and Fresh air; maintain optimal humidity conditions; the sleeping place should be convenient and comfortable. Child hygiene Personal hygiene of a child is laid down by parents. At first, adults perform all hygiene procedures for the baby themselves, and as the child grows older, he begins to do them on his own. When a child becomes a teenager, he should automatically follow the basic principles of hygiene: wash his face, brush his teeth in the morning and evening, wash himself, keep his clothes and shoes clean. However, you need to know that there is personal hygiene.

What's happened? These are the principles that must be followed to strengthen and maintain your health.

These include:

properly organized activities and rest;

a full night's sleep, at least 9 hours;

playing sports;

balanced diet.

Differences between children's hygiene and adolescent hygiene.

Hygiene for teenagers is slightly different from that for children, as the body undergoes changes at this age. As boys and girls grow up, they begin to develop masculine and female characteristics respectively. Therefore, foster parents should take the time to explain to the child what changes will occur and how this will affect personal hygiene.

For girls pay attention to the appearance of the first menstruation and explain how to properly perform genital hygiene. Principles of personal hygiene in adolescents The child attends school, studies a lot, and uses a personal computer. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to visual hygiene. Foster parents should limit the time spent at the computer, tablet, TV, and monitor the level of lighting during the pupil’s activities. Since a person’s personal hygiene is aimed at preserving and maintaining his health, one of the main components of this direction is proper nutrition. Parents should supervise teenagers to ensure that they do not use harmful products, while monitoring the presence good nutrition at least three times a day.

The following basic principles of healthy eating for teenagers can be identified:

eating at least three times a day;

use fruits and vegetables in your diet;

avoid snacking, eating chips, fast food, crackers;

limit intake of flour and sweets;

control the norms for obtaining vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances for the body.

Maintaining personal hygiene is the responsibility of every person. During adolescence, changes in usual hygiene procedures appear. At this age, hormonal levels change, which causes acne to appear on the face in both boys and girls. Therefore, personal hygiene of adolescents should include proper facial skin care: the use of lotions, tonics, masks, scrubs and others. cosmetics, which are selected individually for your skin type. Boys begin to grow facial hair, so parents should buy their teenager a straight razor and teach them how to use it to avoid damaging their facial skin. Pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs of boys and girls.


A person’s personal hygiene plays a big role in determining his place in society. To achieve success, you must not only have good knowledge, but also maintain personal hygiene: keep your body and clothes clean, adhere to the principles proper nutrition, have proper rest and perform the physical activities necessary to maintain health.

Personal hygiene – what is it? This is a set of rules, following which a person prolongs his life and improves his health. Appearance shows how each individual adheres to the principles of hygiene. Neatness of clothes, shoes, healthy complexion, clean skin, athletic figure – are the key to a successful and long life of a person.

Maintaining hygiene is not only important for appearance: This is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle. By practicing good hygiene, you can prevent disease, improve body odor, and feel clean without having to put in a lot of effort or use expensive products. Read this article and you will learn what steps you need to take and what habits you need to follow to maintain proper hygiene levels day after day.


Maintaining oral hygiene

    Brush your teeth twice a day. Even if you are in a hurry, take time to brush your teeth. Thanks to this procedure, you can remove food debris, bacteria and plaque, which can cause serious oral diseases. Make it a habit to brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. Allow at least two minutes for this procedure.

    • If you are a very busy person, take your toothbrush with you, putting it in your purse or briefcase. You can brush your teeth at work.
    • Allow plenty of time to brush your front and back teeth. Brush the outside and inside of your teeth thoroughly. Pay attention Special attention cleaning the surface of molars.
  1. Floss at least once a day. However, unfortunately, many people underestimate this useful remedy hygiene. Regular flossing helps clean hard-to-reach areas that you can't reach with a brush and improves gum health.

    • Take the dental floss, carefully move it between the teeth along the gum line and clean all the spaces between the teeth.
    • Talk to your orthodontist about how to floss if you wear plates or braces.
    • Floss thoroughly between your back teeth, making sure not to miss any teeth.
    • Mouthwash does not remove plaque and food debris. Therefore, it cannot be a replacement for dental floss.
  2. Visit your dentist regularly. Although visiting the dentist every six months is not a requirement for healthy adults, children and people with oral health conditions should visit regularly. Monitor the condition of your teeth and notice any changes or pain. Once a year, undergo a deep teeth cleaning procedure.

  3. Wash your bedding every few weeks. Sebum can accumulate on bedding and cause acne and irritation. Dead skin cells, dirt, and small bugs can also remain on your bedding if you don't wash it regularly. Wash bedding at least once every two weeks.

    • If you have an extra set of bedding, you can change them regularly.

Concept hygiene- an extremely capacious concept. It includes a regime of working and rest conditions, balanced nutrition, adherence to body care rules, the use of hygiene products and much more.

Personal hygiene- this is a set of rules for human behavior in everyday life or at work. In a narrow sense - the hygienic maintenance of the body, clothing and household items. Violation of personal hygiene requirements can negatively affect the health of not only one person, but also large groups of people (teams, families, members of various communities).

Despite the proven effectiveness of hygiene measures, not everyone follows them.

In Russia, only every third schoolchild regularly washes their hands; 71% of people with pets do not wash after interacting with them; No more than 51% of Russians follow a correct diet during the day. Some people simply forget to wash their hands, while others consider it a waste of time.

Personal hygiene sections:

  • Hygienic maintenance of the body (skin, hair, oral cavity, hearing, vision, genital organs);
  • Hygiene of individual nutrition;
  • Hygiene of clothing and footwear;
  • Home hygiene.

Body hygiene

Skin hygiene

Keeping your skin clean is extremely important. Human skin is capable of protecting the entire body from negative environmental influences. In addition to its protective function, the skin performs the following functions:

  • Thermostatic
  • Exchange
  • Immune
  • Secretory
  • Receptor
  • Respiratory, etc.

Basic rules of body hygiene:

  • Wash the bodyIt is necessary daily with warm water, using special products (soap, shower gel, etc.). The water temperature should be slightly higher than normal body temperature (37-38 degrees). Daily skin covering produces sebum and sweat. If you do not wash off these secretions, the protective properties of the skin are violated and, accordingly, created favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  • Take a bath or shower using a washcloth at least once a week.
  • The skin of your face must be treated with extreme care. Use special products for washing. You should not squeeze out pimples and blackheads yourself, as this can lead to a bacterial infection.
  • Keep your hands and nails clean regularly. Dirt containing pathogenic microbes can get from your hands into your mouth through food. There is a whole list of diseases of dirty hands, for example, dysentery, diseases caused by helminths, hepatitis A.
  • Hands should be washed with antibacterial soapupon returning home, before using the toilet and always after using the toilet, before and after eating, after changing a diaper, after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, after touching door handles and other surfaces in public places, after contact with raw eggs and meat, after contact with garbage, after contact with money, after contact with blood, after contact with animals and their waste (both street and domestic). If you're on the road and don't have access to washing your hands with soap, you should carry wet wipes or antibacterial gel to help eliminate at least some germs.

How to wash your hands correctly.

- Wet your hands.Open warm water in the tap and wet your hands evenly under it. Contrary to popular belief, hot water does not wash away bacteria any better than warm water.

- Take the soap.Any will do. However, in order to make washing your hands more enjoyable, choose a soap to your taste, guided by your own preferences in matters of shape, color and smell.

Don't think that antibacterial soap is better than regular soap. The principle of soap is to wash away germs from the skin, and not to destroy them. Moreover, scientists suggest that the widespread use of antibacterial soap can lead to the emergence of bacteria that are resistant to the action of antibacterial substances.

- Lather your hands well. Thoroughly lather your hands (both sides), fingers, between your fingers and wrists.

- Wash your hands for at least 15-20 seconds. Rub your hands together vigorously and don't wash the soap off right away - give it a few seconds and make sure every part of your hands is lathered. To achieve this, clasp one hand with your fingers tightly clenched with the other hand and rub in a circular motion back and forth, then switch hands.

- Wash your hands thoroughly. Place them under running water, palms down, without touching the surface of the sink. This will wash away both the soap and the bacteria that are on your hands.

- Use a napkin or towel to turn on the tap, especially in public toilets.

- Dry your hands dry with a towel. It is better to use paper towels, which are more hygienic than ordinary fabric towels. If you do use fabric towels, be sure to wash them regularly. Hand dryers are available in public toilets.

You don't need to use a lot of soap to wash your hands well. The main thing is that it is enough for education large quantity soap suds. You can use a little more than usual when your hands are very dirty or oily.

When leaving a public toilet, open and close the door paper napkin, not by hand. It should be understood that, unfortunately, not everyone washes their hands after using the toilet.

Be sure to also wash your forearms up to your elbows, especially after handling something dirty like meat. This will wash away germs from the entire surface of your hand, not just your fingers and palms. And although you don't use your forearms to touch objects as often, because you may occasionally cross your arms, germs from your palms migrate further up your arm. This means that these places also need to be washed if you care about your health and the health of others.

It is useless to wash your hands with water alone. This creates a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply on your hands. Therefore, it is necessary to use soap.

  • Feet should be washed every day with cool water and be sure to use soap. Cold water reduces sweating.

Hair hygiene.

Proper hygiene of the hair and scalp normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes.

The hair washing procedure must be taken responsibly.

  • The frequency of washing your hair depends on the length of your hair, the type of hair and scalp, and the time of year.It is necessary to wash your hair as it gets dirty. In winter, the hair is washed more often, since the headdress does not allow the skin to breathe fully and sebum is secreted more than usual.
  • It is necessary to wash your hair with warm water, as hot water activates the sebaceous glands.
  • Shampoos must be selected carefully. Most hair products contain substances such as sodium lauryl sulfate, methylparaben, propylparaben, benzoic acid, DMDM-hydantoin, propylene glycol, which can cause some negative effects such as hair loss, allergic reactions, skin diseases, eye diseases, respiratory tract, nervous system, kidneys and even some cancers.
  • After washing, it is recommended to rinse your hair with cool water.
  • It is advisable to dry your hair with a towel; using a hairdryer is not recommended, because... hot air dries your hair.
  • When combing your hair, it is not recommended to use other people's combs, just like using someone else's mascara or other people's hats, as this can provoke the transmission of fungus, dandruff and lice.

Oral hygiene.

The most common reasons for visiting dentists are periodontal diseases and caries. The reason for this, in most cases, is improper oral hygiene or lack thereof. The incidence of these diseases among adults is 98-100%.

The risk of developing these diseases can be significantly reduced by maintaining basic oral hygiene.

The main reason for the development of caries is the formation of dental plaque immediately after eating.

The main means of oral hygiene are a toothbrush and toothpaste.

A toothbrush is the main tool for removing plaque. The hardness of the toothbrush is selected individually, based on the condition of the teeth and gums.

The service life of the toothbrush is no more than 3 months. Using a toothbrush longer than expected will allow bacteria to grow on it.

In addition to regular toothbrushes, there are electric ones that most effectively remove plaque and food debris. Electric toothbrush heads also need to be replaced periodically.

Depending on the content of biologically active components, toothpastes are divided into several types:

  • preventing the development of caries;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • whitening.

How to brush your teeth correctly?

Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day for 3 minutes or more.

After eating, it is recommended to rinse your mouth or use sugar-free chewing gum to mechanically remove food debris. The duration of use of chewing gum should not exceed 5 minutes.

In addition to basic oral care products, there are additional ones.

Rinse aidsOral cavity products, like toothpastes, are divided into anti-caries, anti-inflammatory and whitening. They improve the cleaning of dental surfaces, prevent the formation of dental plaque, and also deodorize the oral cavity.

ToothpicksDesigned to remove food debris from between teeth after eating.

floss (dental floss) Designed for thorough removal of plaque and food debris from tooth surfaces that are difficult to reach with a brush.

Interdental brushes Designed for cleaning wide interdental spaces, well suited for those who wear braces.

Irrigator -a device that cleanses the oral cavity under the influence of a pulsating stream of water aimed at the interdental spaces.

Toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpicks, interdental brushes and irrigator attachments are items for personal use.

If you notice the first signs of tooth or gum disease, contact your dentist immediately.

Visit your dentist at least twice a year for routine checkups.

Hygiene of the visual organs.

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing eye diseases, it is important to follow good visual hygiene.

Factors that negatively affect the organs of vision, as well as causing eye fatigue:

  • bright light;
  • wind;
  • dust;
  • long-term writing, drawing, modeling, sewing;
  • production of small parts;
  • work with equipment;
  • working on a computer;
  • games on smartphones;
  • watching TV and other factors.

Basic hygiene rules:

  • lighting should be sufficient, non-dazzle, uniform;
  • the light should not flicker, without shadows
  • distance from the eyes to a book, notebook, etc. should be approximately equal to the length of the forearm and hand with fingers extended;
  • The computer monitor should be located on the side of the window so that the light falls from the left;
  • If the monitor screen is located next to a window, it is necessary to cover the window with thick curtains or blinds to prevent glare on the screen. Don't work on your computer in the dark.
  • While working at the computer, you must take 15-minute breaks every 2 hours.
  • Do eye exercises periodically
  • Watching TV or working on a computer in bed is unacceptable.
Hearing hygiene.

Hearing hygiene is necessary to protect the hearing organs from harmful influences and infection.

Causes of hearing impairment:

  • Formation of sulfur plug
  • Sharp sounds
  • Constant loud noises
  • Pathogenic microorganisms

Hygiene rules:

Genital hygiene.

Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene of the genital organs can lead to diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, candidiasis and others, which, in turn, can lead to infertility.

Hygiene principles:

Sexual hygiene:

  • Avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • Use contraceptives if pregnancy is not planned;
  • For casual sexual contact, use a condom, and after sexual intercourse, treat the genitals with antiseptics such as miramistin and chlorhexidine to prevent infection with sexually transmitted infections.
  • Annual screening for syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis B is recommended, even in the absence of symptoms.

Rules of hygiene for mental work.

  • Rhythm of work
  • Availability of sufficient oxygen in the room - regular ventilation for 10-15 minutes every 90 minutes
  • Correct illumination of the working surface
  • Regularity of nutrition
  • Full sleep

Hygiene of underwear and clothing.

Cleanliness of clothing plays an important role in personal hygiene. Clothing protects the body from pollution, hypothermia, ensures normal heat exchange in the body, ultraviolet radiation, and insects.

  • Underwear - socks, knee socks, stockings, underwear must be changed daily
  • Clothes must be washed regularly
  • Wearing someone else's shoes and clothesunacceptable
  • Clothing and footwear must correspond to climatic conditions: in winter, clothing must protect from cold, in autumn and spring - from dampness and wind, in summer - from overheating.
  • For sports activities, special sportswear is required.
  • It is advisable to give preference to clothes and shoes made from natural materials
  • The cut of clothing must be true to size

Sleep and sleeping hygiene.

Hygienic rules for rational nutrition.

Nutrition plays a vital role in the health of the body. A nutritious and balanced diet ensures the normal functioning of the body, normal growth, and maintains performance and physical activity.

  • One of the rules of rational nutrition is adherence to a diet. The frequency of meals for an adult is at least 3 times a day.
  • Nutrition should be balanced in its nutrient composition throughout the day: the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1.2:4.6.
  • It is necessary to maintain caloric intake throughout the day (on average, for an adult it is 2850 kcal).
  • It is necessary to follow food safety rules: washing fruits and vegetables before eating, observing the shelf life and expiration dates of food products. Prepared dishes must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  • Maintain drinking regime, drink only boiled or bottled water.
  • Adequate dietary intake of vitamins, microelements, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Home hygiene.

Home hygiene is necessary to maintain and maintain health. cleanliness is necessary to destroy germs, dust, mold, mites that can cause various diseases.

Hygiene rules:

  • The apartment should be dry, warm and spacious;
  • The home should be well lit by sunlight;
  • One bedroom should accommodate no more than 2 people;
  • After sleep, it is necessary to ventilate the bed, only then make it;
  • The kitchen should be isolated from the living area;
  • Daily wet cleaning and dust removal, otherwise there is a risk of developing allergic or respiratory diseases;
  • Plumbing must be treated with disinfectants daily;
  • Frequent ventilation;
  • Once a week - general cleaning;
  • The optimal air temperature in a living room is 18-23 O C, humidity - 40-60%;
  • Timely control of flies, cockroaches and other insects;
  • Throw out trash daily.

Personal hygiene during infectious diseases.

  • Washing hands after coming from outside, visiting the toilet, etc. (see how to wash your hands correctly)
  • Carefully handle things and objects used by a large number of people at the same time ( door handles, taps, etc.)
  • If there is a sick person in the house infectious disease- isolate him in a separate room, carry out disinfection, wear cotton and gauze bandages.
  • Avoid crowded places (shops, cinemas, etc.)
  • In public places, protect the respiratory tract with a cotton-gauze bandage (mask).
  • Avoid kissing
  • It is recommended to eat onions, garlic, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.