1 fasting day. Fasting days for weight loss: nutrition options and benefits for the body. Only health benefits

Day X has been appointed - you have decided to have a fasting day. In such an important matter for maintaining health, you need to remember two things:

You need to start your fasting day right. And finish it too.

Carrying out fasting days is a great way to shake up the body - cleanse itself of toxins, take a break from megatons of food and stimulate metabolism!

It is better to start a fasting day in the evening. Not tomorrow morning, but today you should eat something light and low-calorie for dinner. You can have vegetarian soup. This will allow the body to adjust to the appropriate mood and not experience wild hunger pangs during the next day. Therefore, evening is the best start.

Important! Many people try to start compensating themselves for tomorrow’s fasting in the evening and gorge themselves with the thought “but tomorrow I’ll be...”. This is wrong and even harmful to the body!

A fasting day can be very different - apple, watermelon, rice, kefir and even chocolate. The main rule is not to eat more than you should and proportionally divide the amount of food eaten throughout the day. Usually they take 5-6 meals, which allows you not to feel hungry or overeat.

Recommendation: since when limiting the amount of food in the liver, stagnation of bile can occur, you can take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach, or during a fasting day drink choleretic infusions (for example, rose hips).

It is better to plan a fasting day for the period when workload is at its maximum - this will allow you not to be distracted by the thoughts “so that I can now chew some sweets...” In addition, the emotional mood is important - unloading and feeling like a martyr is ineffective. It’s better to assume that you are a losing weight beauty who is taking care of her health.

Note: in women at the end menstrual cycle irritability and cravings for sweets increase, so these days it will be doubly difficult to stay within the prescribed fasting day meals.

Benefits of fasting

To properly motivate yourself for regular fasting days, you can keep the following in mind: five advantages:

  1. The cleansing of the body that occurs during a fasting day is the key to longevity and female beauty, even more than visiting a cosmetologist and beauty salon. And it's more economical for the wallet.
  2. Even when eating right, it is necessary to shake up the body - after all, what does not rest, weakens, and a fasting day is a kind of rest for all organs. And for willpower - training. By the way, we answered a very popular question among women: are fasting days necessary with proper nutrition?
  3. Periodic rest for the gastrointestinal tract - necessary condition for his health.
  4. By carrying out fasting days once a week for 3-4 months, you can activate your metabolism in such a way that the extra pounds will gradually begin to disappear without exhausting diets. A fasting day is the first step to proper nutrition.
  5. It is very easy to arrange a fasting day. Select a product, weigh out the required amount - voila! Your food for the next day is ready.

Important! Some foods, such as vegetables, can increase the acidity of gastric juice, so if you have gastritis or an ulcer, fasting days on these foods are contraindicated!

In addition, it is worth knowing the features.

How to properly organize body cleansing days

Even if everything is fine with your weight, you should think about spending a fasting day solely with the goal of removing toxins and cleansing your intestines of the remnants of undigested food.

There are no special features to such a fasting day - the principles are the same: the selected product in a certain quantity, divided into several meals and at least 2 liters of water per day.

Cleansing the body can be enhanced by going to a bathhouse or sauna, combined with a massage. Physical activity is not contraindicated - the main thing is that it is fun.

Better than the day 3 before unloading, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet - this will allow the intestines to be better cleansed.

Fasting days for weight loss

It is worth spending a fasting day, and when the “plateau effect” occurs during the diet. This will shake up your metabolism and stimulate further weight loss. True, the effect will only be if the body has not been subjected to such a shock before.

The correct one looks like this:

  • Don't limit yourself to one product. Yes, mono-fasting is widespread, but if you are on a diet, then a fasting day spent on buckwheat alone may well lead to a complete breakdown of the diet. Therefore, nutritionists recommend choosing foods within the same group. Vegetables or fruits. You can also use the principles of a “well-fed” fasting day - a combination of two groups of healthy products (cottage cheese with various fruits, etc.). This will prevent you from slipping and gaining extra pounds.
  • If a diet violation occurs, it is quite possible to take a fasting day to return to dietary nutrition. Just don’t console yourself too often with the thought that if you overeat today, you’ll be lighter tomorrow.
  • Best options products for weight loss - apples, buckwheat, kefir or low-fat and unsweetened yogurt. And don’t forget to take vitamins and drink plenty of clean water.

Breaking out of fasting

In order for all the suffering, if any, to benefit from the fasting day, you need to get out of it competently. The right way out is not to pile on all the products in the refrigerator with the thought “finally!”, but to gradually increase the range of products. It is optimal when the next day is also dedicated healthy nutrition!

It’s good to pamper yourself with a contrast shower and another massage - this will enhance your metabolism and will be the last stage of the fasting day.

Concentrate on lightness in your body, and not on the desire to fill your stomach with anything. With a positive emotional mood, fasting days will quickly become a joy and their effect will be more pronounced.

Let's summarize. In order for fasting days to have maximum effect, they should be carried out as follows:

  • Prepare in advance, tune in emotionally and eat “differently” in the evening.
  • Drink clean water throughout the day and eat small meals at regular intervals.
  • Don’t get hung up on one product – you can also eat products from the same group.
  • Get a massage or go to the bathhouse.
  • The next day, do not overeat and do not have a feast!

Also watch a video with arguments FOR and AGAINST fasting days:

The benefits that fasting days provide are very significant. You should not expect that with this procedure you will be able to quickly lose extra pounds, but you will bring significant benefits to your body.

Nutritionists advise when overweight carry out fasting days 1-2 times a week if a low-calorie diet is ineffective. Thus, the metabolism is activated, reserves of own fats begin to be used and toxins are eliminated.

The main goals of fasting days:

  1. Give your body a break from unnecessary food that you fill your body with;
  2. Get rid of toxins. To do this, cleaning procedures should be carried out;
  3. Gradually accustom your body to proper nutrition and reject junk food.

Rules for a proper fasting day

Rules that should be followed both during and after fasting days:

  • After fasting days, you shouldn’t immediately sweep away everything. Thoughtlessly eating everything in a row can lead to unnecessary stress on the body;
  • With insufficient food intake, a stop occurs in the liver and bile. Therefore, during fasting meals, it is recommended to take a spoonful of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach. And during the day 1-2 times, and instead of tea, use a solution from a collection of bile herbs;
  • By general standards, the diet should include no more than 1.5 - 2 kg of vegetables, and the amount of products containing protein should not exceed 400-700 grams per day. For an accurate calculation, it is necessary to focus on the person’s body weight;
  • It is better to spend fasting days outside the home so as not to be tempted to eat something. At this time, it is also good to keep yourself busy with something. Then you won't think about food.
  • drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • During fasting days, carry out cleansing procedures, but in no case with laxatives and diuretics. It's better to visit a sauna, swimming pool or massage therapist. If the intestines are not working well, three days before fasting, lighten your diet and use foods containing fiber;
  • do not use diuretics. Let your kidneys work normally.

Harm of fasting days

If fasting days are carried out correctly, there will be no harm from them, but please note that fasting days are prohibited:

  • during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • in case of illness and malaise;
  • at diabetes mellitus first type;
  • with pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • in the presence of acute and chronic diseases.

Remember that before the fasting day you need to consult a specialist!

Fasting days are a test for the body, but with patience, the result will not keep you waiting.


Fasting days once a week

To maintain your weight, protein fasting days are suitable. During the day, consume plant proteins, poultry, lean meat, and fish products. Make it a rule to drink at least two liters of water a day.

To diversify your diet, add fresh vegetables to protein foods, salting them for taste. No seasonings or sauces should be added to plant foods.

During the period of protein fasting days, the period of food intake is 4-5 hours.

Protein day menu

Morning: a tablespoon of vegetable oil, one part of a protein shake, which is sold in stores sports nutrition and pharmacies, coffee without milk and sugar, one hundred grams of smoked veal.

The following diet must be followed every 4 hours:

  • One glass of mineral water, 150-200 grams of boiled beef with tomatoes and herbs, one glass of green tea;
  • 150-200 grams of skinless chicken breast along with Chinese cabbage salad, choleretic tea, one glass of mineral water;
  • 200 grams of beans in tomato and a glass of tomato juice.

Fasting days for health: 1-2 times a month

Used to remove toxins from the body: eat less and only light foods - eat foods of plant origin. You need to drink when the desire arises, preferably mineral water (but regular water is also possible) and vegetable juices.

You will achieve greater results if you have a vegetable dinner in the evening before unloading, drink tomato juice in the morning, or have a light vegetarian soup for breakfast.

To avoid feeling hungry, eat more often (2-3 hours), but not much, drink more clean water.

All types of fasting days:

  • unload the intestines;
  • relieve various diseases;
  • help stimulate metabolic processes;
  • help cleanse the cardiovascular system;
  • removes waste and toxins.

Fasting day menu

Eat vegetables the night before

Breakfast: 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 150 ml of freshly squeezed juice from the “tops” diluted with mineral water, tomato.

Diet for every 2-3 hours

  1. Vegetarian soup, vegetable salad, choleretic tea.
  2. Stewed vegetables without fat, 150 ml freshly squeezed vegetable juice
  3. Salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and pickled mushrooms (no more than 100 grams), green tea.
  4. Vegetable soup without meat.

Fasting day on apples

A fasting day on apples is a great way to get rid of excess weight. During the day, consume only apples and 2-3 liters of clean water.

When to use this method

  • cleansing the body and improving health;
  • if in a few days you have used a large number of high-calorie foods;

Order of conduct

The day before, you need to take a powerful dose of laxative. After that, prepare 1.5 kg of apples, a third of which must be baked in the oven. Baked apples contain pectin, which is good for removing all kinds of toxins from the body. Divide the apples 5-6 times. Drink water in large quantities.

Throughout the month, arrange 4-6 fasting days. Plan apple days for a month or if you have exceeded calorie standards.

If you want to go to the bathhouse, take mineral water with you.

On dried fruits

Soaked raisins or 100g of dried apricots and prunes 5 times a day.

Fasting day on watermelon

300-400g of watermelon pulp 5 times a day.

On rice

Cook 150g of unpolished rice without salt and divide into three portions.

For breakfast you can add a pinch of cinnamon.

For lunch, grate an apple

For dinner, you can eat a small sweet pepper or carrot.

On meat

  • 1 way: Boil 400 grams of meat without salt and divide into 4 parts. For each piece, prepare a vegetable side dish without potatoes for 150-300 grams. For breakfast and dinner, you should drink a glass of unsweetened rosehip tea.
  • Method 2: 200-250g of lean meat, two glasses of unsweetened tea, 1-2 glasses of juice divided into 5-6 doses.

On fish

On cottage cheese

1 way: Use 100 grams of homemade low-fat cottage cheese 4 times a day with two tablespoons of food bran. The bran must first be poured with boiling water and drained after 30 minutes. Cottage cheese can be combined with fruits, honey, vegetables and dried fruits.

You can make a casserole with berries from cottage cheese. There is no need to add sugar or salt there.

Drink a glass of kefir or rosehip for breakfast.

Method 2: Consume 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with two glasses of kefir 5 times during the day.

3 way: 9% cottage cheese weighing 60 grams and a glass of milk are eaten during the day in 5 doses.

On vegetables

1 way: tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers (1.5 kg) eat during the day in 6 sittings

Method 2 - on potatoes: Divide 2 kg of boiled potatoes into 6 servings and eat throughout the day. Drink two glasses of kefir.

3 way: 1.5-1.8 kg of vegetables, except potatoes, in any cooked form or raw, divided into 6 servings and consumed throughout the day. You can make a salad.

- Chop 400 grams of white cabbage. To remove the bitterness, you need to pour boiling water over it and hold it for 2-3 minutes. Then you need to drain the water and lightly squeeze the cabbage. After this, season with oil or mayonnaise, salt and add sugar to taste.

- grate carrots (100 grams), 100 grams of boiled and raw beets each on a coarse grater, add 50 grams of green onions, two tablespoons of green peas, chopped garlic, one or two cloves, finely chop the pickled cucumber. Mix everything, add lemon juice or vinegar and season with two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

On cheese and eggs

Morning: 100 grams of cheese, a small mug of coffee with a lump of sugar

Dinner: two soft-boiled eggs, weakly brewed tea with sugar.

In the evening: 200 grams of cheese, weak tea with sugar.

Fat fasting days


During the day you need to drink 600 ml of cream. Additionally, drink a glass of tea or coffee without sugar.


Divide 5 glasses of kefir into 5 servings.


5 glasses of milk apply 5 times

Sour cream

Drink coffee with 50 ml of milk without sugar or with milk substitute. Eat sour cream in 5 doses of 100 grams each.

Contrast diet for a week

The beauty of a contrast diet is the variety of dishes consumed.

Monday . Vegetables (750 kcal)

  • Lunch: cabbage, beets, spinach with a bowl of vegetable soup
  • Dinner: one serving of asparagus, vegetables, 20g bread, 20g cottage cheese
  • Before bed: tea with lemon

Tuesday. Meat (1000 kcal)

  • Breakfast: coffee with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g.
  • Lunch: 100g lean veal roast, apple, vegetable salad, minced meat broth (50g)
  • Dinner: apple, vegetable salad, lean ham with gherkins (100g), poultry (100g)

Wednesday. Eggs for 900 kcal

  • Breakfast: coffee with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g, egg
  • Lunch: melon (apple), scrambled eggs (3 eggs)
  • Dinner: apple, vegetable salad, 30g bread, hard-boiled egg (2 pcs)

Thursday. Milk Day (1200 kcal)

  • Lunch: one potato, bread (20 g), cottage cheese (20 g), 0.5 liters of milk.
  • Dinner: butter (5g), apple, 0.5 liters of milk, one potato.
  • Before bed: one glass of yogurt.

Friday. Fish (800 kcal)

  • Breakfast: tea with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g.
  • Lunch: one pear, a plate of broth, bread (20 grams), boiled fish (100 grams), vegetable salad.

Saturday. Fruits (700 kcal)

  • Breakfast: tea with milk (50ml) and sugar (5g), bread 30g.
  • Lunch: fruits except bananas and nuts (300 grams), bread (20 grams), cottage cheese (20 grams)
  • Dinner: same as lunch, other fruits


  • Drink nothing except two liters of clean water

We hope that the advice from the Golden Lady online magazine will help you become slimmer and healthier!

Contents [Show]

What is a fasting day? A fasting day represents “help” to the body in need of rest. A fasting day involves limiting the calorie intake to 1000 calories and eating only light, low-calorie foods that do not require additional effort from the body to digest it. At the same time, the body naturally begins the process of self-purification, during which the removal of accumulated toxins has finally become possible. The benefits of fasting days are invaluable; during these days the body is completely cleansed, and a person feels joy and lightness throughout the body. Periodic fasting days not only contribute to the normal functioning of the body, but also to the creation of a slim figure.

Separate nutrition, as well as adherence to its principles, are a common method of losing weight. The essence of separate nutrition is to divide all food products into two large groups - plant origin, which contains a lot of starch, and animal origin, rich in protein. When consuming foods of animal and plant origin separately from each other, it facilitates the process of digestion of food in the stomach. Food received by the body according to this principle is quickly and easily processed, while the body does not make reserves. This method of healthy eating is widely used all over the world. Fasting days are part of a healthy eating system.

How to arrange a fasting day for weight loss? Arranging a fasting day is very simple, the main thing is desire and patience. It is necessary to prepare in advance the required amount of product needed for the fasting day. Thanks to a variety of fasting days, you can effectively lose weight; to do this, you need to spend one fasting day every week. To lose weight, you can carry out a fasting week, in which you have a fasting day every day, based on a specific product.

To avoid breakdowns during fasting days, it is best to do them after the holidays; in addition, this will help you lose a few extra pounds. You are free to choose this or that type of product that will make up the fasting day menu yourself, it all depends on your preferences and tastes. Fasting days will improve the condition of the body, tone the muscles, and also help get rid of several kilograms.

How to spend fasting days? The recommended number of fasting days should not exceed two per week. On a fasting day, the prescribed daily ration is divided into equal portions and consumed throughout the day. Eating food according to this principle helps speed up metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss. During any fasting day, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid, with the exception of those days where this is prohibited.

There are quite a lot of options for fasting days, so you can choose an effective and at the same time healthy and tasty diet for yourself. The last meal before the fasting day, as well as the first day after the fasting day, should not be overloaded, that is, you should not overeat before and after the fasting day. Therefore, the ideal menu option these days would be oatmeal with water, milk porridge, or vegetable soup.

It is important to know that lack of sleep, as well as restless sleep, are the enemies of your figure, since chronic lack of sleep disrupts the production of the hormone melatonin, which is formed during sleep, as a result of which a sharp appetite appears. Therefore, good sleep should be your eternal companion. You can take a bath in the evening with the addition of drops of valerian or motherwort tincture, and before bed, drink herbal tea based on oregano with the addition of honey.

For a fasting day to be most effective, it must be carefully thought out. If you choose a fasting day on carbohydrates, it is necessary to limit the consumption of proteins and fats. The food you eat should consist of complex carbohydrates, vegetable fiber, vitamins, mineral salts. At the same time, since the products of carbohydrate fasting days contain a large amount of liquid, it is not worth consuming additional liquid during such days.

Fasting days can be combined, and you need to choose products that are similar in composition: apple-kefir, kefir-curd, rice-apple and other fasting days. You can combine fruits with vegetables, vegetables with berries, kefir and cottage cheese, fish and meat, fruits and kefir, rice and fruits, etc.

If you spend two fasting days in a row, then first you should do a meat fasting day, and then a vegetable fasting day. With this option, you can lose 2-2.5 kilograms! On fasting days, it is necessary to increase physical and mental activity.

Fasting days are divided into groups: carbohydrate group – these are rice, watermelon, cucumber, apple, buckwheat fasting days;

protein group - these are kefir, curd, curd-kefir, meat, fish fasting days;
fat group – these are creamy, sour cream, milk fasting days.

Fruit and vegetable fasting day. During the fruit and vegetable fasting day, you need to eat two kilograms of different vegetables and fruits. You can also drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, as well as eat greens, both fresh and in the form of salads; only as a dressing for such a salad you can use kefir, yogurt, lemon juice, as well as unrefined vegetable oil in small quantities.

Kefir fasting day. A kefir fasting day involves consuming only kefir, yogurt or biokefir during the day. The daily norm of kefir is two liters.

Fasting days on buckwheat. Since buckwheat is a fairly filling product, you should not eat too much buckwheat porridge at one meal. It is necessary to boil 700-800 g of buckwheat without adding salt and spices, divide into several portions. On this day you can drink tea without sugar or rosehip decoction, as well as still water.

Fasting days on rice. On a rice fasting day, you can use any type of rice: long grain, short grain, brown, basmati, black, mixed. To do this, boil 350 grams of rice without salt and divide into three servings. For breakfast, rice is seasoned with a pinch of cinnamon; for lunch and dinner, you can add finely chopped boiled carrots or sweet peppers. You can drink rosehip decoction.

Fasting day on water or green tea. This is the most effective option for a fasting day, but also quite difficult. On this day, you need to regularly drink water or tea, the total amount of liquid you drink should be at least 2 liters.

Carrot fasting day. It is necessary to grate 400-450 g of raw carrots, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. honey This carrot salad should be eaten in the morning, lunch and evening. In this case, you can drink rosehip decoction or tea without sugar for at least three liters of the total amount. In three such fasting days, carried out simultaneously, you can lose 3.5 kilograms. Only in the next two days, any fruit is added to the carrots prepared according to the recipe described above: grapefruit, kiwi, pomegranate, orange, apple, or eaten separately. We definitely replace dinner with one grapefruit. Drink more fluids (water or tea without sugar).

Apple fasting day. Apple fasting day involves eating 1.5 kg of apples during the day, 4-5 glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice sugarless.

Fasting day on cottage cheese. A fasting day on cottage cheese consists of eating 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 60 g of low-fat sour cream during the day. To do this, the daily norm is divided into six servings and eaten in five doses. In addition, 2 cups of tea with milk without sugar and 2 cups of rosehip decoction are provided.

Fish fasting day. Cook 600 grams of any lean fish in water or steam without adding salt. Divide into 4-6 meals. You can add still water, herbal infusion or tea without sugar.

Cucumber fasting day. On such a fasting day, the consumption of 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers, greens, green tea or fresh juices. The daily intake should be divided into 4-5 meals.

Fasting days for pregnant women. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before carrying out a fasting day. If the answer is positive, protein fasting days are usually carried out: on kefir, cottage cheese, meat, fish.

Fasting day with milk tea. This fasting day involves drinking green tea with milk throughout the day. In addition, you can spend fasting days on milk, where you are supposed to drink about two liters of milk during the day. It is best if the milk fat content is 1.5%.

Juice fasting day. This fasting day involves drinking no more than two liters of freshly squeezed juices without sugar during the day. You can also drink non-carbonated mineral water, but only if there are no kidney problems.

Soup fasting day. It is necessary to cook 1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, the basis of which should be cabbage. Chop a small head of cabbage, a bunch of celery, one carrot, one cucumber, two green peppers, tomatoes to taste, 6 medium onions and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over high heat, then simmer until the vegetables are tender. You can add curry sauce for taste. This soup should be eaten 4-5 times during the day. In addition, you can drink tea without adding sugar.

Milk fasting day. This day allows you to choose 2 or 3 servings: 50 low-fat cottage cheese, 30 g hard cheese with low fat content, a cup of kefir 0.5% fat, a cup of low-fat yogurt, a cup of milk 0.5% fat.

Watermelon fasting day. Involves consuming 500 g of watermelon pulp in five doses during the day.

Finally, I would like to wish all women to have a fasting day at least once a week. You will feel the effect of their use the first time, and regular use of fasting days will make your figure slim, and for those who do not have problems with excess weight, fasting days will improve their mood and well-being.

Read also: Nutrition when working out with Jillian Michaels - personal experience losing weight.

One of simple ways Lose excess weight – carry out fasting days once a week to lose weight, of which there are many options. There are recipes that help you lose up to 3 kg in a short time.

Fasting days can be called a short-term mono-diet.

But you need to understand that getting rid of extra pounds does not come from burning fat deposits, but in the process of removing excess fluid and accumulated waste.

After unloading, you should not immediately pounce on food.

The body will not be able to quickly adapt to the new diet, so digestive problems will be guaranteed.

When choosing a product for a fasting day, you need to focus not only on your food preferences, but also on the potential effect. Buckwheat, beloved by many, can give weight loss no more than 1.2-1.5 kg, but cucumbers in the best cases even up to 3.5 kg.

You need to prepare for unloading in advance. If you eat well the day before, then the next day a person will experience a strong feeling of hunger. In the evening, you need to eat a light, low-calorie dish to adjust your body to a new regime.

The easiest way to unload is on vegetables or fruits. The most popular vegetable is cucumber. It contains a record low amount of calories and a lot of tartronic acid, which slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. The daily calorie intake when consuming cucumbers alone barely exceeds 300 units. You need to eat 1.5 kg of cucumbers per day without salt and oil. If it’s difficult, you can add 2 boiled eggs to your diet.

Fruit days are suitable for those with a sweet tooth. It is best to carry out such unloading in the summer or early autumn, when seasonal fruits plentiful and accessible.

Kefir option

Fasting days on kefir are quite easy to endure, since the product is quite filling. This is good preparation for mono-diets. Kefir suppresses putrefaction processes, removes metabolic end products, improves intestinal microflora, removes heaviness in the stomach and is absorbed within an hour. But for people who do not tolerate dairy products, it is better to abandon this method, as they will suffer from increased gas formation and an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.

You need to drink 6-7 glasses of kefir per day. It is important to choose the right product - fresh kefir can cause flatulence and diarrhea, and if it has stood for more than 3 days, it can cause constipation.

Fasting days on buckwheat do not lead to an imbalance or lack of nutrients, since each grain contains a considerable amount of vitamins and elements. Buckwheat contains slow carbohydrates, so the feeling of fullness persists for a long time. The disadvantage is not too much weight loss.

It is necessary to give preference to the kernel, the work is not suitable. The cereal does not need to be cooked, just pour boiling water over it and leave for a while to swell. They say that you can eat such porridge as much as you want. But since it is forbidden to add salt, milk and butter to cereals, you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. You need to eat in small portions, but often.

Don't forget about your drinking regime - you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.

You can also arrange fasting days on rice. You won’t lose much weight on them, but you can get rid of 0.6-1 kg.

  • Rice removes toxins.
  • Removes swelling.
  • Removes excess liquid.
  • Coats the walls of the stomach, which makes it useful for people with digestive problems.

It is best to use a brown variety rather than a white one. For a glass of cereal you need to take 500-600 ml of water. There is no need to add sugar, salt, seasonings or butter. The volume of rice should be divided into 5 parts and eaten every 3 hours. During breaks, you can drink water or green tea without sugar.

For the first time, it is difficult to survive the whole day without food, drinking only water. However, this is one of the most effective ways getting rid of excess weight. Therefore, it is worth making an effort and trying this method - the result is visible on the scale the next morning.

In order not to drink only water, you can add lemon to it (juice of one fruit per 1 liter of water). You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of this drink per day. You should drink in small portions throughout the day.

Cottage cheese days are quite popular among those losing weight all over the world. This protein product eliminates the feeling of hunger and gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness. The main thing is not to consume a low-fat product, as this disrupts metabolism. The optimal fat content is from 1.5 to 1.8 percent.

400-500 g of cottage cheese should be divided into 5-6 parts, approximately 80-85 g each, and consumed every 2.5-3 hours with several slices of apple. To actively cleanse the body, it is useful to drink 300-400 ml of clean water 25 minutes before meals.

If your body digests dairy products well, you can try drinking milk alone. During the day you need to consume 2 liters of milk, dividing it into 7 doses. If you are hungry, you can eat an orange or a little cottage cheese in between.

Regular consumption of apples can significantly improve your well-being. They contain a lot of fiber, organic acids, vitamins and microelements. They stimulate metabolism, so apples are one of the best products for weight loss.

Microbiologists have proven that regular consumption of apples contributes to a significant increase in bacteria responsible for the process of food digestion. But people with stomach diseases need to be careful - sour fruits can only aggravate the situation with gastritis with high acidity.

The menu is very simple: you need to eat 1400-1500 g of fresh or baked fruits throughout the day. This amount must be divided into 5-6 doses. It is better to eat 2/3 of this amount raw, and 1/3 – baked. Baked apples contain more pectin, an effective adsorbent. You can drink water and apple juice or compote without sweeteners.

Apples enrich the body of a person losing weight with iron and essential vitamins, remove excess bad cholesterol, and protect against the development of cancer.

This method will help those who do not like to starve lose weight. Oatmeal is a low glycemic index product, so you will feel full for a long time. It has a lot of fiber, which is very good for the intestines. You should not take cereal, you need to give preference to whole grains.

If the porridge is very bland, you can add berries, apples or dried fruits to it.

This unloading helps remove several hundred grams, remove excess fluid, improve complexion and skin condition.

Nutritionist Malysheva has helped a large number of people get in shape and switch to a healthy diet.

The first two methods make it possible to lose more than 1 kg. The latter option is more satisfying and weight loss will be much less.

The exit from unloading must also be correct. The variety and quantity of food consumed should be increased gradually.

In the morning after unloading, you must drink 1 tbsp. l. sunflower or vegetable oil. This disperses bile stagnation. The next day, you should give preference to vegetable salads and liquid foods - light vegetarian soups. You need to concentrate your attention on the feeling of lightness in the body, and not on the desire to eat.

The menu for fasting days can be compiled individually. The main thing is to give preference to seasonal and high-quality products.

  • The easiest way is to create a menu for vegetable days. Any vegetables can be used, with the exception of potatoes, as they contain a lot of starch. Delicious salads are made from carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, and tomatoes. But it’s better not to add salt to them - onions, garlic, lemon juice and spices: parsley, basil, dill will do the job well. It is better to season with olive oil or linseed oil. At the end of the day before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Fruit and berry days are good because you can include any foods at your discretion in the allowed 1.5 kg. If fruits are not filling, they can be supplemented with cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.
  • Occasionally it is useful to spend fish, meat and dairy days. Low-fat fish is always steamed and complemented with vegetable salads. For meat, you should give preference to veal, turkey and chicken. The milk day menu may consist of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir. The main thing is to use them in small quantities, but often.

You can drink vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, juices, rosehip decoction, green tea and water. Based on these recommendations, you can create a menu at your discretion.

The benefits of fasting days are undeniable. This is a real relaxation for the digestive system. They stimulate intracellular metabolic processes, remove waste and toxins, relieve the cardiovascular system, and normalize the acid-base balance.

Unloading during pregnancy or breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. Any ailment or illness is also a serious contraindication.

Fasting days are a good addition to a healthy diet. But noticeable benefits from them can only be felt with regular use.

This system is simply ideal for kefir lovers! And it’s not so difficult to maintain it, because you won’t drink kefir alone, but will alternate days on kefir with days filled with your usual diet. That is, kefir days will be fasting days, and on the rest you will be able to eat your usual and favorite dishes.

This diet is good for those who want to get rid of extra pounds quickly, but without compromising their health. This system of getting rid of excess weight can last quite a long time, if you need it - up to two to three months. And it will not require any special and expensive products or culinary skills - everything is as simple and accessible as possible.

One of the main advantages of the striped diet is the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, ridding the body of toxins, general cleansing and solving the problem of constipation. For people who often suffer from constipation, it is exactly what they need!

Kefir is very useful product, and since it forms the basis of the diet, then the diet is useful. And, given the fact that you will lose weight gradually, and not in sudden jumps, your body will avoid serious stress and losing weight will go quite well. And this, in turn, means that your nails, skin and hair, stomach and intestines and, of course, the endocrine system will not be damaged.

The standard diet periods are seven, fourteen and twenty-one days. But, if desired or necessary, you can stick to it longer.

If your goal is to get rid of just a few kilograms, then seven days will be enough for you. Just alternate fasting days on kefir and days with the usual diet to which you are accustomed.

  • Day on kefir: drink exclusively low-fat kefir, maximum two and a half percent fat content, no more than two liters. Additionally, you can drink water and unsweetened green tea.
  • Typical day: Do not change your usual diet. Only the following products are prohibited: flour and sweets, potatoes, butter, pasta, and bread.

If you want to get rid of five to six extra pounds, then you should stick to this diet for fourteen days.

In this case, during fasting days you can also drink low-fat kefir, a maximum of one and a half liters per day, non-carbonated mineral water and unsweetened green tea.

To prevent the taste of kefir from becoming boring and boring, try adding chopped herbs, spices, grated ginger root, ground cinnamon, lemon or orange zest to it.

On a normal day, you eat as usual, but here there will be more restrictions - you can consume no more than forty grams of fat, thirty grams or more of protein, and the number of kilocalories eaten should not exceed one and a half thousand. Also, you should not eat everything in a row and in large quantities, it is better to eat a little at a time and exclude flour, sweets, potatoes, butter, bread, pasta and any alcohol. Eating after six o'clock in the evening is strictly prohibited! And you don’t need to snack on chocolates and wash them down with sweet drinks. Unsweetened fruit or vegetables are perfect as a snack.

If your goal is to get rid of six or more extra pounds, then you need to stick to the diet for twenty-one days.

IN in this case They will alternate not two days, but three.

  • The first day will be a standard fasting day, that is, you drink only one and a half liters of kefir with one percent fat content, possibly with the addition of herbs or spices, green tea without sugar and non-carbonated mineral water.
  • The second day is counted as seven days, that is, you can eat almost everything, with the exception of sweets, flour, bread, pasta, butter, potatoes and alcohol. You also cannot eat after six in the evening and the amount of kilocalories eaten should not exceed one and a half thousand.
  • Day number three is considered a healthy eating day. The maximum amount of food consumed on this day is one thousand two hundred kilocalories.

And the end result is such a system - first, unloading with kefir, then feeding no more than one and a half thousand kilocalories per day, and then no more than one thousand two hundred kilocalories per day. And you are allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water and unsweetened green tea on all days.

The results will be excellent and noticeable, of course, only if all the rules are followed. Then you will get rid of the required amount of excess weight. However, if you are trying this weight loss system for the first time, then you should only take options designed for seven and fourteen days. After finishing, if you tolerated the diet well, after some time, if necessary, you can choose a longer option.

The main thing is, after you go off the diet, don’t start eating everything, eat healthy food in reasonable quantities and you definitely need one kefir fasting day a week.

This diet is not as difficult as the weekly kefir diets in pure form. It is facilitated by the variety of foods consumed and its harmlessness to the body. But, if suddenly on fasting-kefir days you feel dizzy, and you feel weak and uncomfortable - and this may well happen, since you will not have enough of the required amount of calories, then simply reduce your physical activity and sign up for a massage. This way you will get through these days easier. You can satisfy your hunger by adding a tablespoon of bran to kefir in the morning. This way you will be more satisfying and hunger will subside.

But the second and third days, unlike kefir, are recommended to be filled with active physical activity. Thanks to them, extra pounds will go away faster, the muscles will remain in shape and will not allow the skin to fade and sag and wrinkles to appear. So train harder!

But, like all diets, this one also has its contraindications.

  • Under no circumstances should breastfeeding women or pregnant women follow this diet.
  • Also, if you have increased stomach acidity, it is better for you to abandon the “striped” diet. It is better to use a low-calorie fasting diet.
  • And you should definitely consult your doctor before starting this diet if you have any chronic diseases.

The human body contains many waste products that are removed through the skin (sweat) and the gastrointestinal tract. During fasting days, the intestines and the entire body work in a gentle manner. The calorie content of the diet is reduced, metabolism is activated, waste and toxins are removed. All this not only cleanses the body, but also leads to weight loss. In addition, the acid-base balance is normalized, relieves the cardiovascular system. It is also recommended to visit the bathhouse to improve the excretory function of the skin.

Nutritionists advise doing them once a week. It is best to plan your diet for this day in advance and distribute food into 4-5 meals. It is advisable to consult a doctor if you have chronic diseases. For example, if you have liver or gall bladder diseases, you need to carefully select foods. Some fasting diets (for example, sweet or sour cream) cannot be used in these cases. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Some people, eating apples, only increase their appetite, so it is better for them to choose a different menu. Sour or red apples may also be contraindicated for certain diseases. Don’t forget that a fasting day, like any diet, is stressful for the body, so you need to choose the menu to your liking.

Dietitians do not recommend giving up foods completely. The toughest option - a day on the water, when all foods are excluded, can only be carried out as a last resort. Alternating different days, one day you can choose fruits, another vegetables. The list of products is quite wide, including vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products. It is better to choose what is more pleasant for the body. Frequent meals stimulate metabolic processes. Therefore, divide the day into several equal periods of time and try not to miss them.

Since the fasting day is a kind of Mono-day, in which the focus is given to one product, you should follow the recommendations. What products should not be chosen for this? First of all, fatty ones. You should also avoid smoked and salted foods, as well as pickled salads, canned food, and products with an expired shelf life. Sugar in tea can be replaced with a small amount of honey. You should not drink sparkling water, chips or other goodies with preservatives on this day.

Kefir can perhaps be called a real folk food. Darling milk product very useful, everyone knows about it. It is obtained using kefir grains, which are a real symbiosis of beneficial bacteria, vitamins and acids, yeast, streptococci and bacilli. Kefir is easily digestible, rich in nutrients, and has immunostimulating properties. It should be used constantly as a preventative for sleep disorders, nervous system disorders, and chronic fatigue. Kefir is also a preventative against cancer and can neutralize the effects of antibiotics. A fasting day can be carried out only on kefir, or in combination with another product. You only need to choose kefir that was made no more than three days ago.

You need to stock up on 1.5 liters of kefir and distribute it into 5 servings. Drink throughout the day.

We choose low-fat (or low-fat) cottage cheese, it better stimulates the body to expend energy. We include a small amount of honey in the menu. The menu includes kefir five times a day; for breakfast, lunch and dinner we add spoons of cottage cheese. For lunch, mix cottage cheese with honey or a spoonful of any berries.

In another version kefir diet add rosehip decoction and herbal infusion to kefir and cottage cheese. Rose hips can be brewed in a thermos, and the herbs (soothing mixture) can be drunk at night according to the instructions. We add honey and some berries to the previous menu for breakfast, and cottage cheese with honey for dinner. Lunch - only cottage cheese and tea without sugar.

Rice is undoubtedly worthy of attention. It contains a lot of different useful ingredients. Vitamin B is restored nervous system, improve skin condition, strengthen nails and hair. The protein is involved in the formation of new cells. This is the only cereal that does not contain gluten (vegetable protein), which means it cannot cause allergies. Since it is rich in lecithin, it improves brain function. Acids help normalize blood pressure, and polysaccharides stabilize intestinal functions.

Therefore, rice is simply an excellent candidate for a fasting day. Most importantly, the high potassium content helps neutralize salt in the body. Rice day is recommended for people with high acidity levels, as it coats the stomach walls. Overweight people can safely use the rice diet and hope for good results. A rice fasting day will also allow you to cleanse your joints, until joint problems disappear completely.

It is advisable to choose unpolished, wild and unprocessed rice. You need to cook the rice porridge in advance. In the evening, pour a glass of cold water over the cereal, the next day, rinse the swollen grains and boil in 500 ml of water. Eat a kilogram of porridge throughout the day. Drink tea without sugar, and water between meals.

The composition of buckwheat will speak for itself: iodine, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, copper. It not only contains a number of B vitamins, but also rutin, which affects vitamin activity. That's why. By consuming buckwheat, you make a big contribution to improving the condition of your skin, hair, and nail plates. With the help of the lysine it contains, an amino acid that the human body itself does not produce, buckwheat promotes the absorption of calcium.

Buckwheat dietary fiber restores and cleanses the intestines. Buckwheat has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. It is high in calories to fill you up even in small portions, and the feeling of hunger does not appear for a long time. If you can afford to sit at home on the weekend and have a fasting day, it is better to combine buckwheat with kefir. This menu has a mild laxative effect, gently cleanses and restores intestinal functions.

This is useful for those who are prone to edema, big fans of meat and other protein foods. In addition, take low-fat kefir (500 grams) and drink buckwheat with it. Clean water (at least 2 liters) will help remove toxins from the body. You can brew green tea without sugar. You can replace salt with a small amount of seaweed (kelp).

In another version of the buckwheat day, buckwheat is combined with green apples (three pieces for the whole day).

Is it possible to arrange fasting days for pregnant women? Only your gynecologist can give you the answer, but in general, such days can be very useful for many women.

Such days are prescribed mainly if a woman gains too much excess weight or has chronic or other manifestations of gestosis. During childbirth, extra pounds will not be beneficial, so if you feel that you are gaining weight too quickly, you can slow down this process with a fasting day. There is one feature or rule here - it is advisable to do this only when the child’s main organs have formed. That is, after 28 weeks. This cannot be done often; the most optimal time is after 7-10 weeks. It is better to alternate fasting days.

The rule for eating food is almost no different from other days - 4-5 times a day, eat at regular intervals. Be sure to drink water - at least 2 liters. If the feeling of hunger torments you too much, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk will not hurt. It is better to arrange such days on certain days of the week. A longer diet for pregnant women is not recommended. The most common menu is fermented milk, meat, kefir. But the healthiest menu for pregnant women is fruit or vegetable.

Apple day - eat 1.5-2 kilograms of raw apples during the day in the form of a salad with olive oil and lemon juice. You can only add a bunch of greens and celery root to the salad.

Watermelon day: 1.5 kilograms of watermelon pulp per day (without skins).

Fruit day: any fruit weighing 1.5 kg. The exception is grapes and bananas.

Vegetable day: 1.5 kg of fresh raw or boiled vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber). If you are preparing a salad, you can add a little sour cream or vegetable oil.

Apples contain a large amount of fiber, which causes a feeling of fullness, so apple fasting days are much easier to tolerate. Overweight people can start the fight against extra pounds with apple fasting days twice a week. This will not only begin weight loss, but also normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins.

A positive result is consolidated with one or two apple days per month. Apple days are gentle on the body. The body does not need to store calories in the body as fat, as it receives a large amount of vitamins. After apple days, the resulting effect lasts for a long time.

Apple menu 1.5 kilograms of apples per day, 2 liters of still mineral water or green tea without sugar.

The human body is a real workaholic. Sitting or lying down, in a state of sleep and rest, many reactions occur in it. The energy for this is supplied through the stomach and alimentary tract through food. Poor nutrition leads to slagging of the body. A fasting day on the water will allow all systems to rest and cleanse themselves. Ideal proportions can only be achieved with regular cleaning.

Water day is considered the hardest. It is quite difficult to give up food for the whole day and drink only water. You can take non-carbonated mineral water, and the best option is melt or spring water. The liquid must be at least 2.5 liters. The main thing is that there are no contraindications to fasting; if in doubt, consult your doctor.

The familiar rolled oats have been considered for centuries best breakfast in England. And for good reason! Oatmeal restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract well, as it contains a large amount of starch, which envelops the intestinal walls and plant fibers, which remove waste and toxins from the body. During this day you will not feel hungry, since oatmeal, like buckwheat, contains glucan, which promotes satiety. It is best to take whole oat grains, which, although less easy to process, are more useful than a ready-made breakfast from a bag.

The daily menu consists of oatmeal and tea or coffee without sugar. Pour a glass of cereal with water, leave for an hour, then divide the entire volume into 4-5 parts and eat throughout the day. You can also cook oatmeal soup with low-fat milk (2.5 cups). Pour half a glass of cereal with milk and add a little ground cinnamon. Cook for 20 minutes. Eat it the same way as porridge - several times a day, at regular intervals. During breaks, drink tea or still water.

Before and after a fasting day, you should try to create a balanced diet. For breakfast, it is best to cook porridge or prepare a vegetable salad. The serving size should be such as to prevent overeating. The next day after fasting, it is better to refrain from heavy meat dishes.

Even with regular workouts without dietary restrictions, it is impossible to change your body. What are the basic principles proper nutrition What do you need to know to lose weight?

If you are not used to eating in the morning, then you should definitely train yourself. Start with small portions and gradually you will no longer be able to leave for work or school without a full breakfast. The best breakfast options are complex carbohydrates. They will give you the necessary energy for the entire first half of the day. For example, it could be porridge with fruits and berries or natural sugar-free muesli with nuts and honey.

Complex carbohydrates - the best choice for breakfast.

Another principle of proper nutrition for weight loss: do not limit yourself in food and do not reduce the calorie level below the permissible limit. If you undereat, you will not only increase the likelihood of an eating disorder, but also slow down your metabolism. Remember, there is no dependence: “I eat less, which means I lose weight faster.” There must be balance in everything. We advise you to read the material on how to calculate daily norm calories.

Of course, if you go to bed at 8-9 pm, then the rule can and should be followed. However, most people don’t go to bed before 11 p.m., so such a break in food will only be harmful to the body. Have a protein-rich dinner (fish, boiled chicken breasts, boiled eggs, cottage cheese) 2-3 hours before bedtime and don’t worry about gaining weight.

If you sometimes treat yourself to confectionery, bread or chocolate, it is better to do this in the morning before 12.00. Fruits, despite their apparent harmlessness, should also be consumed in the first half of the day before 16.00. Contrary to the misconception of many, the evening apple is not at all the best remedy For beautiful figure. Save dinner for protein foods.

The main principle of proper nutrition for weight loss is balance. If you skip breakfast and limit yourself to snacks at work, then you are likely to eat a couple of extra servings for dinner. You can’t fool the body: in the evening it will try to get everything that was not given to it in the morning and during the day. Therefore, try to keep your menu evenly distributed throughout the day. In addition, the longer the breaks in food, the slower your metabolism.

A lot has been said about the benefits of water. It has been proven that you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water daily. This will not only keep your body hydrated, but will also help you avoid unnecessary snacking. Drinking enough water daily is a matter of habit. The first week you will control yourself and count glasses, but then the feeling of thirst will not allow you to skip the planned water intake.

If you want to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and lose weight, then drink 2 liters of water daily.

Unnatural juices, soda, mayonnaise, ready-made sauces, semi-finished products, fast food are useless products that have no nutritional value. Such “empty calories” will not give you a long-term feeling of fullness or any beneficial substances. But they will be deposited on the waist and hips instantly. The more natural and natural a product is, the more nutritious and healthy it is.

Protein is the basis of our muscles. In addition, it is very difficult for our body to convert protein into fat, so it is safe for the figure. Rich in protein food is meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs, peas, lentils. For lunch, combine complex carbohydrates with protein, but for dinner, choose an exclusively protein menu. To a healthy person Every day you need to consume 0.75-1 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight.

Fasting days and hunger strikes have no practical meaning. They will not help you lose weight or get rid of fat. And even if you reduce your weight by a couple of kilograms, this will most likely simply be evidence of the loss of excess fluid in the body. If you feel that you have allowed yourself too much, then go to the gym or workout at home.

Sometimes it is very difficult to restrain yourself from a piece of cake or your favorite pastry. But such fast carbohydrates are a direct step to weight gain. For those with a sweet tooth, completely eliminating desserts is a catastrophically difficult process. Therefore, to mitigate the harm of fast carbohydrates, eat coarse fiber (for example, greens, soy sprouts or cabbage leaves) 20 minutes before dessert. This will block the process of rapid breakdown of carbohydrates and the formation of subcutaneous fat. This principle of proper nutrition will help you enjoy dessert (most importantly, do not overdo it) and stay in good shape.


Excerpt from the book by Valentin Denisov-Melnikov

Fasting days for weight loss. How to properly spend fasting days.

Diets are not something that will help bring your weight back to normal, but most importantly, maintain the results achieved.
It's clear.
You need to eat wisely and correctly all the time. Only this will give you the desired volumes, parameters and good health.
But sometimes, for various reasons, something more radical is needed. And in order not to turn your attention towards unproductive, dangerous and strict diets, it is better to arrange for yourself, as needed or regularly, effective fasting days.

Effective fasting days are quite suitable not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who are happy with their weight. Just fasting day will allow the body to rest and cleanse itself a little.

Fasting day for weight loss will give a little rest to both the gastrointestinal tract and other systems, which, when overeating, are also forced to work in an enhanced mode, because The body directs its main forces to digesting food.

Effective fasting days You can arrange it in different ways and with different frequencies - once a week, two or three times a week, as needed - for example, after the holidays.

The main thing that fasting day was a joy. Unload yourself only when you want it. Your emotional state is of paramount importance. You must understand, realize, feel that fasting day good for you . You should feel not like a prisoner of Buchenwald, but like a slimmer beauty!!

You need to unload with the feeling that you are being cleansed and healthier.

Unload when you don't want to, and against fasting day your whole indignant mind is boiling, - don’t. Fasting day out of imitation - because it is fashionable or because a friend does it and Marya Ivanovna advises it at work - unreasonable.

Listen to your body, your mood. Reviews about fasting days prove that a favorable emotional mood is half the success.

And if you decide that you really want arrange a fasting day, then read how exactly this can be done.

Effective fasting days

Most fasting days, there is something in common. Namely: limiting the calorie content of the daily diet, limiting the list of foods consumed, etc.

How and what fasting days can you arrange it? Which products are most suitable and how often should it be used? fasting days?

With the greatest benefits for health and psychological comfort, it is better to arrange fasting days no more than once or twice a week.
Choose the most suitable and favorite products for you. Of the most useful, of course. These are especially popular fasting days:

fasting day on kefir,

fasting day on watermelon,

fasting day on apples,

fasting day on rice,

Especially popular with many women fasting day on buckwheat,

Let's look at these and others effective fasting days

Curd fasting day.

Stock up on the products you need for the whole day in advance. You will need 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 cups of tea with milk without sugar, 60-100 g of low-fat sour cream. You can add a couple of glasses of rosehip decoction.
You need to divide all of the above foods into five meals and do not add other foods during the day. It is possible and recommended to drink water.

Fasting day on kefir.

You will need 1.5-2 liters of kefir, bifidokefir, or yogurt without sugar.
That's all. Such a tough fasting day. Of course, as on other fasting days, it is possible and advisable to drink water.

Fasting day on apples.

Buy 1.5-2 kg of apples - this is your main food that day.
Apples should be eaten raw without peeling.
Also, if possible, drink natural (homemade, freshly squeezed and without sugar) apple juice 4-5 times a day.

Fasting day on cucumbers.

You will need approximately 1.5-2 kg of fresh cucumbers. The difficulty may arise in the fact that nothing can be added to them: neither salt nor bread. Only greens. And, of course, freshly squeezed juices are welcome on this day. Meals are exactly the same as on the fasting days described above - 4-5 times a day.

Fasting day on fruits and vegetables.

You need to stock up on about 2 kg of a variety of vegetables and fruits. Plus, you will need fruits or vegetables for juices, of which you should drink at least 0.5-1 liter that day.
Treat yourself to a feast! Any vegetables, fruits and herbs, both in their original form and in the form of salads. For salads, it is recommended to use lemon juice, sour milk (kefir) and vegetable unrefined oil in small quantities.

Fasting day on vegetable soup.

1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, cooked without meat, cubes, etc. harmfulness. Only vegetables. It is desirable that the main component be cabbage.

Fasting day on watermelon.

Buy a watermelon for 7-8 kilograms. The main weight will still fall on the crusts. Eat as much as you want. All day - just watermelon and water. Cleans very well.

Fasting day on buckwheat.

Buckwheat fasting day - we eat only buckwheat. Buckwheat is very beneficial for the body, it contains a lot of protein (more than meat), iron, and other useful substances. Reduces allergic reactions of the body.

Fasting day on milk tea.

Brew one and a half tablespoons of green tea with milk (two liters) 1.5-2.5% fat content. That's what it is milk tea. Plus, as usual, we drink at least two liters of water a day.

Daily fasting.
This is a strict unloading. 24 hours no food. Only water. Much water. Minimum two liters.

Listed options fasting days- not a dogma, but a model. As was said, everything should be done with pleasure and joy, so you can make up your own fasting days by following a few simple tips.

For example, you cannot arrange fasting days on meat or eggs. Even on ordinary days, this food is not for the beautiful, healthy and slender, but on fasting days- just a blow to the body, because meat and eggs are very heavy foods that will not give you cleansing, but an additional amount of toxins.

Last meal before fasting day and the first one after it should be simple and easy on the stomach. Ideal - vegetable salad. Maybe with a piece of cheese.

Fasting day You can arrange it from morning to morning or from evening to evening - as you like.

The best and most useful fasting days - vegetable and fruit. Vegetables and fruits not only saturate the body with useful and necessary components, but also give strength, energy, vigor and cleanse the intestines of old deposits and toxins, which also contributes to health improvement and weight loss.
Not only can you create your own options for fasting days, but also add some vegetables or fruits to the listed options. In reasonable quantities, of course.

And, of course, on all other days when you are not unloading, you need to eat wisely. According to the needs of the body, and not according to the desires of the mind and taste buds. Otherwise one fasting day won't be able to compensate for even just two or three deep and hard loading days.

And let us emphasize once again - fasting day should be comfortable and joyful. Listen to yourself and your body. Be sure to try to move, get enough sleep and be in a joyful mood!!

You are not torturing yourself - you are getting healthy, cleansing and becoming prettier, so radiate happiness, and the effect of the fasting day will increase MANY TIMES!!

I wish you success!!

Excerpt from the book by Valentin Denisov-MelnikovProvided by the authors specifically for the site

Total read: 270953

Fasting days are excellent helpers in the fight against excess weight and improving the health of your body. The results of fasting days are sometimes more noticeable effective diet for weight loss. What are fasting days, how to carry them out correctly and what options for fasting days are there?

What is a fasting day?
A fasting day represents “help” to the body in need of rest. A fasting day involves limiting the calorie intake to 1000 calories and eating only light, low-calorie foods that do not require additional effort from the body to digest it. At the same time, the body naturally begins the process of self-purification, during which the removal of accumulated toxins has finally become possible. The benefits of fasting days are invaluable; during these days the body is completely cleansed, and a person feels joy and lightness throughout the body. Periodic fasting days not only contribute to the normal functioning of the body, but also to the creation of a slim figure.

Separate nutrition, as well as adherence to its principles, are a common method of losing weight. The essence of separate nutrition is to divide all food products into two large groups - plant origin, which contains a lot of starch, and animal origin, rich in protein. When consuming foods of animal and plant origin separately from each other, it facilitates the process of digestion of food in the stomach. Food received by the body according to this principle is quickly and easily processed, while the body does not make reserves. This method of healthy eating is widely used all over the world. Fasting days are part of a healthy eating system.

How to arrange a fasting day for weight loss?
Arranging a fasting day is very simple, the main thing is desire and patience. It is necessary to prepare in advance the required amount of product needed for the fasting day. Thanks to a variety of fasting days, you can effectively lose weight; to do this, you need to spend one fasting day every week. To lose weight, you can carry out a fasting week, in which you have a fasting day every day, based on a specific product.

To avoid breakdowns during fasting days, it is best to do them after the holidays; in addition, this will help you lose a few extra pounds. You are free to choose this or that type of product that will make up the fasting day menu yourself, it all depends on your preferences and tastes. Fasting days will improve the condition of the body, tone the muscles, and also help get rid of several kilograms.

How to spend fasting days?
The recommended number of fasting days should not exceed two per week. On a fasting day, the prescribed daily ration is divided into equal portions and consumed throughout the day. Eating food according to this principle helps speed up metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss. During any fasting day, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid, with the exception of those days where this is prohibited.

There are quite a lot of options for fasting days, so you can choose an effective and at the same time healthy and tasty diet for yourself. The last meal before the fasting day, as well as the first day after the fasting day, should not be overloaded, that is, you should not overeat before and after the fasting day. Therefore, the ideal menu option these days would be oatmeal with water, milk porridge, or vegetable soup.

It is important to know that lack of sleep, as well as restless sleep, are the enemies of your figure, since chronic lack of sleep disrupts the production of the hormone melatonin, which is formed during sleep, as a result of which a sharp appetite appears. Therefore, good sleep should be your eternal companion. You can take a bath in the evening with the addition of drops of valerian or motherwort tincture, and before bed, drink herbal tea based on oregano with the addition of honey.

For a fasting day to be most effective, it must be carefully thought out. If you choose a fasting day on carbohydrates, it is necessary to limit the consumption of proteins and fats. The foods you eat should consist of complex carbohydrates, plant fiber, vitamins, and mineral salts. At the same time, since the products of carbohydrate fasting days contain a large amount of liquid, it is not worth consuming additional liquid during such days.

Fasting days can be combined, and you need to choose products that are similar in composition: apple-kefir, kefir-curd, rice-apple and other fasting days. You can combine fruits with vegetables, vegetables with berries, kefir and cottage cheese, fish and meat, fruits and kefir, rice and fruits, etc.

If you spend two fasting days in a row, then first you should do a meat fasting day, and then a vegetable fasting day. With this option, you can lose 2-2.5 kilograms! On fasting days, it is necessary to increase physical and mental activity.

Fasting days are divided into groups:
carbohydrate group – these are rice, watermelon, cucumber, apple, buckwheat fasting days;
protein group - these are kefir, curd, curd-kefir, meat, fish fasting days;
fat group – these are creamy, sour cream, milk fasting days.

Fruit and vegetable fasting day.
During the fruit and vegetable fasting day, you need to eat two kilograms of different vegetables and fruits. You can also drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, as well as eat greens, both fresh and in the form of salads; only as a dressing for such a salad you can use kefir, yogurt, lemon juice, as well as unrefined vegetable oil in small quantities.

Kefir fasting day.
A kefir fasting day involves consuming only kefir, yogurt or biokefir during the day. The daily norm of kefir is two liters.

Fasting days on buckwheat.
Since buckwheat is a fairly filling product, you should not eat too much buckwheat porridge at one meal. It is necessary to boil 700-800 g of buckwheat without adding salt and spices, divide into several portions. On this day you can drink tea without sugar or rosehip decoction, as well as still water.

Fasting days on rice.
On a rice fasting day, you can use any type of rice: long grain, short grain, brown, basmati, black, mixed. To do this, boil 350 grams of rice without salt and divide into three servings. For breakfast, rice is seasoned with a pinch of cinnamon; for lunch and dinner, you can add finely chopped boiled carrots or sweet peppers. You can drink rosehip decoction.

Fasting day on water or green tea.
This is the most effective option for a fasting day, but also quite difficult. On this day, you need to regularly drink water or tea, the total amount of liquid you drink should be at least 2 liters.

Carrot fasting day.
It is necessary to grate 400-450 g of raw carrots, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. honey This carrot salad should be eaten in the morning, lunch and evening. In this case, you can drink rosehip decoction or tea without sugar for at least three liters of the total amount. In three such fasting days, carried out simultaneously, you can lose 3.5 kilograms. Only in the next two days, any fruit is added to the carrots prepared according to the recipe described above: grapefruit, kiwi, pomegranate, orange, apple, or eaten separately. We definitely replace dinner with one grapefruit. Drink more fluids (water or tea without sugar).

Apple fasting day.
An apple fasting day involves eating 1.5 kg of apples and 4-5 glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice without sugar during the day.

Fasting day on cottage cheese.
A fasting day on cottage cheese consists of eating 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 60 g of low-fat sour cream during the day. To do this, the daily norm is divided into six servings and eaten in five doses. In addition, 2 cups of tea with milk without sugar and 2 cups of rosehip decoction are provided.

Fish fasting day.
Cook 600 grams of any lean fish in water or steam without adding salt. Divide into 4-6 meals. You can add still water, herbal infusion or tea without sugar.

Cucumber fasting day.
On such a fasting day, the consumption of 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers, herbs, green tea or fresh juices is provided. The daily intake should be divided into 4-5 meals.

Fasting days for pregnant women.
Pregnant women should consult a doctor before carrying out a fasting day. If the answer is positive, protein fasting days are usually carried out: on kefir, cottage cheese, meat, fish.

Fasting day with milk tea.
This fasting day involves drinking green tea with milk throughout the day. In addition, you can spend fasting days on milk, where you are supposed to drink about two liters of milk during the day. It is best if the milk fat content is 1.5%.

Juice fasting day.
This fasting day involves drinking no more than two liters of freshly squeezed juices without sugar during the day. You can also drink non-carbonated mineral water, but only if there are no kidney problems.

Soup fasting day.
It is necessary to cook 1.5-2 liters of vegetable soup, the basis of which should be cabbage. Chop a small head of cabbage, a bunch of celery, one carrot, one cucumber, two green peppers, tomatoes to taste, 6 medium onions and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over high heat, then simmer until the vegetables are tender. You can add curry sauce for taste. This soup should be eaten 4-5 times during the day. In addition, you can drink tea without adding sugar.

Milk fasting day.
This day allows you to choose 2 or 3 servings: 50 low-fat cottage cheese, 30 g of low-fat hard cheese, a cup of 0.5% fat kefir, a cup of low-fat yogurt, a cup of 0.5% fat milk.

Watermelon fasting day.
Involves consuming 500 g of watermelon pulp in five doses during the day.

Finally, I would like to wish all women to have a fasting day at least once a week. You will feel the effect of their use the first time, and regular use of fasting days will make your figure slim, and for those who do not have problems with excess weight, fasting days will improve their mood and well-being.