What everyone should know about love and relationships. Love stories from the book “The Wisdom of Gandhi”

Love is a state when, by giving, you gain.


Generosity is one of the forms of manifestation of love, which should be developed in oneself and trained all the time.


Love is a basic human need. Everything a person does in life, except for what is aimed at physical survival, he does in the name of love.


Marriage is a continuous learning process and you will have to take the exam in real time all the time.


Apart from love, all reasons for starting or maintaining a family are based on fear.


Both men and women strive to love and expect love, but they speak about it in different languages.

From book« Gandhi's wisdom»

Love never demands anything, it always gives. Love suffers, but is not offended and never takes revenge.


I know that nothing is impossible for pure love.


Love based on the kindness of those you love is not true love, but a selfish deal; true love is modest and does not require a response.


Love is the greatest force in the world, but it is difficult to imagine anything more modest than it.


A wife is not a slave or a servant of her husband, she is his companion and assistant, an equal partner in all his joys and sorrows, she, like her husband, is free to choose her own path in life.


Spiritual relationships are much more valuable and more important than relationships physical. Physical relationships outside of spiritual ones are the same as a body without a soul.


The only worthy qualities of marriage are mutual love and harmony.

From book« Reproduction in captivity»

Love is a vessel containing both security and adventure.


We expect an incredible experience from love that will allow us to rise above the routine of everyday life.


Love is born within us and is a product of the imagination, a creative act designed to satisfy our deepest aspirations, desires and long-held dreams; it helps us change and transform.


In an effort to control the risks associated with unbridled passion and passion, you are slowly killing this passion. This is how the boredom of modern marriage is born.


Free space is necessary to maintain eroticism in a relationship.


Reality is so changeable that you need to have a fair amount of self-confidence to consider a relationship to be absolutely reliable.

From book« Be the best version of yourself»

L love is the most transformative of all the forces we know.


Love can bring your dreams back to life. Scientists have documented how expressions of love literally bring dead brain matter back to life.


By loving others, you restore them. By loving yourself, you restore yourself and revive your hopes and dreams.


Love gives hope. Hope offers opportunity. And opportunity creates the conditions for success.


To love is to live passionately and purposefully.


No plan, no strategy, no money can replace what kindness and compassion provide. Love changes everything around. Nothing can change a situation as dramatically as love.


The more you love, the more you prosper. There's nothing you can do about it. By loving, you change your future possibilities in spite of fear and pain.

From book« What will you choose?»

People with high self-esteem They give love first, without worrying about whether it will be reciprocated.


Self-love and love for people are inseparable; they are two sides of the same coin.


Instead of looking for flaws and weaknesses, highlight the traits you admire and value, and treat those close to you with the love and respect they deserve.


One interpretation of the biblical covenant to love one's neighbor as oneself implies love for oneself as a model for loving others and thus commands one to treat oneself with nothing less than love.

From book« Healthy, happy, sexy»

By cultivating love within yourself, you strengthen the energy that allows you to maintain strength and wisdom in the face of heartbreak, illness, and change.


Love your loved ones: sincere love and devotion fuel our vitality and immunity like nothing else.


Just as oil is the concentrated essence of a plant, love is the concentrated essence of human nature.

From book« The energy of life»

No matter what you go through, never forget: one of the greatest joys in life is to feel someone's care, love and attention.


Married couples who have lived happily together all their lives have something in common - the ratio of positive and negative assessments of each other. Five to one. Therefore, there should be five times more approval than criticism. Support, don't criticize.


Good teachers and happy married couples know one important thing. In order for students and spouses to perform at their best, we must see the best in them and expect the best from them.


People who do not know the care and attention of loved ones are characterized by unpredictable behavior, a narrow positive emotional range, and are more likely to get divorced, cheat on their spouses, and unexpectedly change jobs.


No other area of ​​life affects happiness as much as the relationship between spouses.

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I came across an interesting article about the difficulties of love and complex relationships. Or rather, it’s not at all like that: about the fact that relationships should be as simple as two pennies. Not superficial and fleeting, but simple, without bells and whistles, demands and unjustified expectations.

I think that women over 50, and even younger ones, will find a lot of interesting, perhaps controversial, but not useless in this article. I apologize to the author. but I replaced some phrases with more readable ones.

About relationships between right and wrong

A relationship that has a chance of being long-term does not have to be complicated by definition. Well, how long can a person brainstorm for himself and others non-stop? Well, six months, a year, in particularly advanced cases - a couple of years. And then he completely annoys everyone and the audience leaves the auditorium in mournful silence, leaving the hero alone to sweat on stage under the heat of the spotlights.

The so-called complex relationships, all this coming and going and many hours of conversations about lofty things - this, sorry, is due to too much free time. This is the WRONG relationship. Seriously.
It's like when you come to a car dealership and fall in love with a Bentley, although your funds, at best, are enough for the down payment for the ass in the basic configuration.

You can come to this salon for years, but all that shines for you is an ass. You will say that a Bentley is the only thing that suits you, you will peck the skull of all your family and friends, you will make a sad face and wring your hands, you will ruin your life, you will fetishize suffering, but you will never think that All you need is a tough, reliable workhorse with working air conditioning, a clean interior, and the right tires to get you from point A to point B.

Relationships should be as simple as two pennies

It doesn’t matter whether he’s a genius physicist or a simple Vasya the milling machine operator, it doesn’t matter what kind of education he has, how many languages ​​he speaks, how many women he’s had and whether he writes good poetry, the only important thing is how comfortable you are with him.

If he makes you feel depressed, if you feel no less miserable with him than without him, if you know that nothing will happen to you with him, if he loves all these phrases “I’m not ready” or “we need to wait” or “ I need to think” or “this is so difficult”, send him... Did you really love him or was it just a whim - you will understand only much later, so you have absolutely nothing to lose.

About lyubofff

Love is generally an indefinable state; lust, respect, habit, envy, the desire to get even, and much more are often mistaken for love.

You gain nothing from a “difficult” relationship except headaches. If you need her, it’s a headache, if you can’t live without her, find the courage to admit that you don’t need this particular man, but the headache that you get with him. And learn to take the headache out of a more productive relationship, just warn the p-r-a-v-i-l-l-n-o-g-o man that on Wednesdays and Saturdays you are a real bitch, let him prepare in advance.

Once again and again: relationships should be simple. After all, you have to give birth to children with this person, run the household, make plans, go to visit, communicate with relatives and generally lead the most primitive, philistine way of life. And if you think that this cup will pass from you, you are very much mistaken.

We need a reliable and responsible man

How does that happen? At first, we need a tall, slender, handsome, smart, rich, perspective, sexy, romantic son of a bitch, and only much later do we understand - we ALL understand - that we just need a person we can rely on, who will be there not when he has the right switch in his head. And always. Always, you know? Therefore, reliability is an extremely important quality.

He can help you in the MOST difficult moments of life, when you’re in complete bullshit, and a step to the right, a step to the left is a mess. Therefore, responsibility is also an extremely important quality. You will want to share with him joy and sadness, victories and defeats, dreams and fears, so the ability to empathize is absolutely darn important.

Flexibility is needed not only in the spine

You will study him inside and out, you will understand each other perfectly, you will eventually rub against each other like gears sharpened on a super megaextra machine, you will continue to quarrel and make peace, because he is still not you, he is another person, although he tailored for you just as you tailored for him, so tolerance is simply impossible without it.

And you will constantly give up part of yourself to each other, bit by bit biting off your bachelor habits, this is a fashionable word nowadays - compromise, so flexibility is also very, very important.

And you will make important decisions, together and separately, decisions that are quite capable of changing your current way of life, so without trust - well, just not at all.

You can't go anywhere without him

Think about it, when you were twenty, you didn’t think about anything, right? You wanted him to dash up to you in a super car, give you flowers and kiss you so beautifully right on the lips. And so that you admire his beautiful eyes and generally look like in the picture. So, in reality, all this is not important at all.

It doesn’t matter whether he’s handsome or not, tall or short, slender or plump, a talker or a stutterer, all you need from him is the realization that with this person you’ll go through fire, water, copper pipes, and that when he is near you feel very good. And that WITHOUT him you are much worse off than WITH him.

And I assure you - when you look back in twenty years, when you will still be touched, measuring his temperature and helping him write his will, although he only sneezed once, and when you finally stop having intimate conversations “where are we going” , because you have ALREADY come to where you need to go, this is love.

Love is not calculated in advance. Never.

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Love is a gift of fate, its presence inspires, gives hope, illuminates the path of life. Many people strive to feel it, because not a single word can convey the subtlest emotions and a feeling of complete happiness. How does a person’s behavior change under the influence of this wonderful feeling? If a woman glows with love, then appearance men guess that he [...]

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Experts in relationships between men and women have noticed something interesting: many girls who cannot get married do not understand that male and female love have many differences. Psychologists say that this is precisely the reason for an unsuccessful personal life. Such girls need to figure out what stages of love exist for men so that painful breakups and heartfelt disappointments stop […]

“Yeah, what a day! Dubak! Terrible! What idiot came up with this damn school!? I hate it! - it was with these words that 4ill went out into the street every day. Walking slowly and sleepily towards the bus stop. Walking nearby shopping center“Lemon City” she saw that her bus was coming, but she didn’t run to it, she didn’t care. Now, it’s already 20 minutes past eight, and classes start at half past eight. "Crap! I'm late again! Tatyasha will scream again!” - whispered 4ill. Entering the school, she greeted the security guard and, going to the locker room, took off her jacket. Having given the jacket to the locker room and taking the number, she walked along the long corridor to the stairs, textbooks in her hands. While climbing the stairs, all her textbooks flew out of her hands, as someone pushed her very hard. She almost screamed obscenities. But she didn't do it. Looking up, she saw a very handsome guy. He said “Sorry! Let me help!?" He smiled sweetly and collected all the textbooks and gave them into the hands of the stunned girl. It’s strange, but she’s never seen him here before; no new kids have come to their school for two years now.
Passed the first lesson. And 4ill found out that this guy will now study in a parallel class with her! She was very happy. After classes she ran home. She came and immediately turned on the music. She thought about this guy all evening. She really wanted to see him as soon as possible. She missed him, although she didn’t know him.
The next day I went to school with pleasure. She really wanted to see him. Approaching the school, she heard “Hello Stranger!”, turning around, she saw that it was the same boy. She answered quietly:
-Sorry for pushing you yesterday! I really didn't want to!
“Nothing,” she smiled. - Everything is OK!
-Maybe we can meet? I'm LeXX
-I'm 4ill. Very nice. As far as I know you are new. Well, welcome to hard labor.
- Yes lan, it looks like a normal school.
- This is only in appearance.
-Okay, let's not talk about school. Do you have a mobile phone? Give me your number please! - and he smiled.
- Write down…..89217331719….
- Cool, thank you. Lan, let's hurry up, otherwise we'll be late.
They were already walking along the school corridor. Here 4ill meets his girlfriend and loses sight of him. She saw him several more times at school throughout the day.
At home, having done her homework, she went to bed. The clock showed about 1:02...I didn’t want to sleep at all. I received an SMS. "Interesting. From whom? I don't know this number." She opened it and read “Hello beautiful! =) This is LeXX. Are you sleeping? Can I ask a question, it worries me very much!” She replied “hello!=) I’m not sleeping. Well, tell me what worries you!” The reply SMS did not arrive for about half an hour. 4ill thought that she wouldn’t write and just seemed to be starting to fall asleep when the long-awaited SMS arrived. He wrote: “Please tell me, do you have a boyfriend? Only honestly." She couldn't believe her eyes. She wrote “No.=) do you have a girlfriend?” The content of the reply SMS made her very happy: “No. =). Okay, we’ll talk sweet dreams tomorrow at school!).” She answered and went to bed.
In the morning she went to school with great joy. She met Him, he came up, hugged her and said:
-Hello!=) How are you feeling?
-Everything is alright. And how are you? - she answered smiling.
-Do you want to go somewhere after school today? - he suggested.
-With you? With pleasure.
-Okay, see you later.
-Bye =).
And she flew to class, yes, yes, she flew like a butterfly. It was so easy at heart. She realized that she fell in love. And after school they met on the porch of the school. He came up and asked:
-How are your lessons?
-Everything is fine.
-Well where will we go? Let's go to the park? - he asked.
-Cool, my favorite place. Went.
They walked slowly towards the park and chatted pleasantly about something. He looked into her eyes, and she looked away, embarrassed. Suddenly he took 4ill by the hand, turned to face her, looked into her eyes. His Brown eyes were so cool. He kissed her tenderly on the lips. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment. He was still holding her hand. They turned and walked towards the exit of the park. After a long silence he asked:
-Where do you live?
-I live not far from here.
-Let's go to the coffee shop first, and then I'll take you? - Lexx asked.
And they slowly walked towards the coffee shop, talking about something. After drinking hot chocolate, he said that he would see her off. When they approached the house, he said:
-Bye. Till tomorrow. It's a shame that time flies so quickly.
-And, really...it’s a pity. Bye see you later. - She smiled tenderly.
He leaned over and kissed her, just as tenderly as in the park. She turned and walked into the entrance. Lexx waited for her to get up and went home.
When she went home, she couldn’t believe that all this was real. She took a shower and went to bed. She couldn't sleep for a long time. But soon an SMS came from Lexx, he wrote: “Hello, 4ill’yonok! Thank you for spending this whole day with me. I want to say that I love you very much, I understand that we have only known each other for a few days, but believe me, I have the feeling that I have known you all my life. I really love you very much! "4ill couldn't believe her eyes. She replied, “Thank you too. I love."
The next day, Lexx was waiting for her on the school porch with a red rose in his hands. She approached him and said hello. And he gave her this rose and said: “Will you be my girlfriend?” She didn't answer, just kissed him. This kiss was the answer to everything.