School bell made from candy. DIY paper bells. Master class Small bells made of corrugated paper

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My friend works at school as a primary school teacher. This year she is recruiting new guys and is already looking forward to September 1st. Surely, her students will bring many bouquets of autumn flowers in addition to a sweet souvenir. What about a bouquet of fresh flowers? It will last a maximum of 3-5 days and wither. Therefore, I believe that such a fleeting one is a complete waste of money. And I prepared an original gift for my girlfriend for the First of September.
Your children will also go to school soon and you can make a similar surprise with your own hands. This is a bell from corrugated paper with a bouquet of sweets. How? This master class will give answers to your questions.
Prepare the following components for work:
- a piece of foam plastic;
- a small plastic bottle;
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- toothpicks;
- satin ribbon white;
- corrugated paper of several shades;
- sweets in yellow packaging.

To form a bell, take a small plastic bottle(0.5 liters), cut it in half. The top part is what is needed, it resembles a school bell.

Now you need to cut out a circle from dense foam plastic, larger in diameter than the hole in the cut piece.

Fix the circle on the plastic piece. You just need to press the workpiece into the pliable foam.

Next, start decorating the bell. You can use corrugated paper. Cut a piece and wrap it around a plastic piece. To secure the paper to the plastic, it is better to use double-sided tape.
You can immediately tie a white satin ribbon in the form of a bow on the neck.

To make a bouquet of candies, you need to take toothpicks and candies in light orange or yellow packaging. It will look beautiful with any shade of paper. Another important point is that the candies must be soft so that they can be pierced with a wooden stick.

Secure the toothpicks in the center of the candies, glue the top end of the package to the oval with double-sided tape, and the other to the toothpick.
Cut four strips of blue crepe paper.

Stretch the top edge of the paper and twist it a little, forming petals. Wrap the strip around the candy and secure the bottom edge with thread that matches the color of the paper.
You get small roses.

Second color option! You can cut out the petals at once and place them around the yellow center. Delicate purple buds are obtained.

You also need to form the green elements yourself. To do this, cut light green corrugated paper into squares and glue a toothpick to the half. Small leaves are coming out for the bouquet.

When all the blanks are formed, you can start making the bouquet.
Three purple buds are placed in the center of the bell, and four blue roses are placed around them.

Fill in the empty spaces in the foam base with green elements.

The bouquet is ready! It looks magnificent and unusual.

Video: Flowers

Master class on making bells from corrugated paper.
Corrugated paper is one of the types of so-called craft paper. Compared to regular paper, it appeared relatively recently. The first mention of corrugated paper goes back to 1856 in Great Britain, where it was used as a lining for hats. Depending on the size of the corrugation, a distinction is made between simply corrugated and crepe paper. Crepe has a fine corrugation pattern and is simply ideal for children's creativity. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. Children really like bright colors, and they enjoy working with her in creative classes. This is an excellent decorative and craft material that allows you to create colorful toys, magnificent bouquets that can be an excellent holiday gift.

Video: Making flowers from corrugated paper

I present to your attention little present For those who love creating flowers from paper, these are very beautiful bells made from corrugated paper.
Corrugated paper: yellow, blue and green colors - scissors - glue stick.
To make a flower corolla, you need to take a blue sheet of corrugated paper and cut out a 20x20 cm square (size depending on the desired size of the bell).

Corrugated paper and candies - how can these things be somehow compatible in handicrafts? Maybe! Astonishment? But I have absolutely no doubt about it, because our craftsmen with their own hands are able to create real masterpieces from absolutely simple things. This is how to create products from candies and corrugated paper. Today we will create a “Sprig of Bells”. The master class was prepared by Marina Berdinskikh. On our website, if you are interested in creativity from corrugated paper, you can see other articles, for example, here. Master Class. Now let's move on to the process of creating a "Bell Sprig" from candy and crepe paper. Let's get started!

Material used to create the product:

  • Candies;
  • Corrugated paper – green color;
  • Corrugated paper – purple color;
  • The wire is thin in diameter;
  • Threads;
  • Paper with pen.

Tools used to create the product:

  • Scissors;
  • Ruler.

Technique used to create the product:

  • Products made from sweets and corrugated paper.

Master class on creating “Sprigs of bells” from sweets and corrugated paper:

The photograph in front of you shows your future “Bell Twig”...

Step 2.

Step 3.

From the very beginning, we need to create blanks in the form of squares from purple corrugated paper. The size of the square is 4x6 centimeters. For one bell inflorescence we will need 4 petals, we will have 3 inflorescences in total.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Now we take candy, petals, wire and threads, looking at the photo, we form the inflorescence and stem of the bell...

Step 6.

Cut out bell leaves from green corrugated paper...

Step 7

We also attach the leaves to the stem using threads, as shown in the photo...

Step 8

We cut three sizes of wire of different lengths...

Step 9

By analogy, we create the remaining two inflorescences and stems of the bell, fasten everything with green adhesive tape - the bell branch is ready!

Marina, your master class is worthy of attention, because thanks to the simplicity of the entire process, even a beginner can figure out how to create a “Bell Twig” on his own. Thank you for your skill!

If you also like to create flowers or other candy crafts with a combination of crepe paper, write to us and send us photos. We promise to publish everything, and also to tell about you as a master to the entire Internet!

Dear readers, craftsmen and visitors to our handicraft section, do not forget about comments - they are very valuable for our craftsmen, because this is how they learn from you what you think about their skills!

I wish you all good luck and creative inspiration!