The most powerful prayer for rain. Prayer for the rain to stop What words need to be said for the rain to stop

How to independently cause rain, thunderstorm, lightning and completely control the weather and atmospheric phenomena with the help of magic. Magic technologies for controlling weather elements with descriptions of rituals and spells

A spell for bad weather is used when they want to improve the weather, when the weather threatens to spoil the harvest, or harm a person’s economy and the person himself. When making a spell for bad weather, think that nature also needs rain, and sometimes you have to endure it so that the earth is saturated with moisture and produces a better harvest. In the past, sorcerers, shamans, witches, and magicians knew how to cast the necessary spell for bad weather in order to stop storms, calm the winds, disperse clouds, and cause solar warm weather. Over many centuries, the ancient spell for bad weather and all its variations were lost, and modern magicians had to learn a lot anew. There are several main ways to influence the weather, and a bad weather spell is just one of them, and not always the most effective.

The basis for influencing the weather is the understanding that all nature is alive, and by treating it like a living being, you can cause certain changes in the weather. a spell for bad weather causes an appeal to an already concentrated egregor of weather control, and if the magician or layman casting a spell for bad weather has enough personal strength and will, then the weather will begin to change for the better. Today we will talk about how to independently cause rain, thunderstorms, lightning and completely control the weather and atmospheric phenomena using magic. We will also consider magical technologies for controlling weather elements with a description of rituals and spells. Here, each people had their own way. In White Rus', women plow the river with a plow, while singing ritual songs, which, as scientists have established, were born many centuries ago. In Macedonia today you can see groups of people who, raising their hands and heads to the sky, perform rhythmic incantations. In them they first call for rain, and then describe how it falls to the Earth. In Polesie, peasants gathered at a well, stirred the water with long sticks and called upon the drowned man Makarka to rise from the water and water the earth with his tears. Indian, Altai and other shamans first go into a trance, and then begin to appeal to the spirits, begging them to send life-giving moisture to the Earth.

Conspiracy to make it rain

They make aspen crosses, float them along a river or lake and read spells to call rain.

I will go out from gate to gate, into an open field, a wide expanse. I look to the east at the dry grass, at the dead grass. On the black ground, on the dry grass, there lies a coffin, but on top of the ground, the earth does not accept that coffin, the wind does not blow it, the rain does not pour down from the sky. Lying in that coffin is a toothy opivian, he is big-headed, like a snake in a coffin, spread out, his tongue stretched out to his navel. God's clouds pass by that coffin; they don't rain on that heretic seven miles away. I take (name) a knotted branch from the oak tree, I cover it with a wasp-orya tree. I will thrust this aspen stake into the filthy heart of the heretic and into his dry, cursed belly. I will bury the heretic’s coffin in a stinking swamp so that his filthy feet will not walk. His vile lips do not speak. So that his lips would not speak, they would not bring drought to the land of God, his hands would not even raise a finger, they would not bring drought to the fields. Oh, you lightning arrow, fly, thunder from the sky, rain down to the ground. Wind, rise, water, descend from heaven to earth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Calling Rain can only be read by someone who is already thirty-three years old.

From drought

If the religious procession did not help, then people went to a healer or a healer. And then the healer took an empty bucket and a cross and again went into the field. There the bucket was turned upside down and a cross was placed on top of it. The healer, raising his hands up, said 40 times in a row:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My family is from twelve holy people, I came from the stone doors, walked along the street between cattle and people, I didn’t notice them, I didn’t greet them, I didn’t promise them anything. I promised only the Lord my God. On the sea-ocean, on his island Buyan, I see a coffin on top of the ground. The earth does not accept that coffin, the wind does not blow across that coffin, rain from God’s heaven does not pour down. In the coffin is a bloodsucker with teeth, big ears, big eyes and big heads. Like a gray reptile, he lay spread out in the coffin, his tongue stretching out of his mouth from that coffin. God's clouds pass by that coffin, they don't rain on the heretic seven miles around him. I, servant of God (name), will take a gnarled branch from the mother aspen, I will thrust it into the big-eyed head of the heretic, into his filthy belly, into his accursed heart. So that he will perish from the aspen stake, so that the wind will scatter his ashes in all directions, so that God’s world will not know this, so that this will not cause drought. Lord, give me, God’s servant (name), Your God’s blessing, to my words stronger than a strong affirmation. My key is with me, with God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to stop the rain

Without rain it’s bad, but with prolonged rain it’s bad. Everything will rot because of the water, there will be no crops, no hay for the cows. Usually the peasants went to the priest or healer so that he could tell the rain to subside. Old-timers claim that the priest’s religious procession does not have as strong an effect as a healer’s reprimand. In order to interrupt the downpour, the healer takes an ax and goes alone into the field. There he hits the puddle with an ax three times and says:

In heaven, on high, Saint Catherine is sewing, and the demon around her is pouring water. I, the servant of God (name), cut this thread and in the name of Jesus Christ I forbid the devils to pour water. Good morning, by the voice of God, the thread of St. Catherine, break, and you, thunderstorm, from this hour calm down. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From a lightning strike

Mother lightning, Christ is with you, go with God beyond the dark forests, into the wide fields, strike there, spill there, and have mercy on me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So that the storm passes quickly

They throw a knife through the window with the words:

Lord, blow these clouds to clean fields, to distant forests, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam. Lord, help, Lord, help, Lord, help!

To stop the rain and bad weather

It is just as easy to calm a storm as it is to cause bad weather. But never do this at someone’s request or for a dispute unless absolutely necessary. Fear this sin.

Firmament of the earth, firmament of heaven, reject lightning and thunder, angels of evil, angels of good, stand on opposite sides. Three names of the black trinity and three indestructible powers of the Lord, give strength to the spell. The seven spirits of the planets Cassiel, Zahiel, Samael, Anael, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel. North, south, east, west, the seal of the Sun and the seal of the Moon, with this spell I destroy the flow of water, the turn of the wind, I tame the elements and take away its power from nature. I know all the spells of the seven days given by the Lord, and all the psalms given by the black trinity, and through this your power is in my power. Amen.

Calm the storm

They leave the house with their backs turned and say:

Fire was sworn, water was sworn, thunder was sworn by the holy word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

So that the hail doesn't hit

The Easter egg, which is kept behind the icon for such an occasion, is thrown out the window and shouted:

Holy Easter, Holy Resurrection, resurrect peace in heaven and earth from lightning, from hail, from every misfortune. Save, preserve, defend. Amen.

Frost spell

If people had a long journey ahead on carts, they went to the healer and asked to tame the frost. But many themselves knew how to soften the frost. So it turned out that in the evening there was a bitter frost, and the next day there was no fear of going on a long journey. Contemporaries know that miracles still happen in nature today. For example, during the day it is 40° below zero, and the next day it is only -12°. It is possible that someone’s prayer worked, because even now many people know the “secret” word by inheritance. When I was a schoolgirl, many of my peers said to me in a whisper:

“Do some magic there with grandma so that the frost will subside - I’m so reluctant to go to school.” In the evening I conveyed this request to my grandmother, but she frowned and said: “Laziness is a sin, a person must study and work.” But still, she or I sometimes acted strangely for the purposes of my training. The frost plot is read like this:

In the name of the Father, the Creator to the whole world, in the name of the Holy Spirit and the Son in three Faces. Amen. Light, Father Frost, go from west to north to slurp snow jelly, we need to save our lives and our fields. You can’t hit and destroy arable land with frost, so that God’s world can be intact without you. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Soften the frost

This spell was used if there was a long journey on carts or on foot in the cold. So they talked about the cold. The frost was softening. The conspiracy has been proven for centuries.

Frost, frost, do not frost the people of God. Become jelly, not snow glass. There is a bathhouse, the stove is burning in it, scorching, fire is playing catch-up with fire, pouring heat around it. Whoever reads these words will not be blown by the wind, the snow will not be swept away, the snow will not be taken away, he will be safe everywhere in the cold and will not die from any frost. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy during a severe snowstorm

Previously, if a snowstorm was raging outside, people would go to the healer and tell him that their owner or breadwinner was on the way and they were worried that he would not get lost and freeze to death. There are a lot of bad weather conspiracies. This plot is read during a severe snowstorm or blizzard. They read by going outside, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. There should be a cross in your right hand. They read loudly, shouting each word clearly and understandably. You cannot interrupt, otherwise the conspiracy will not help.

The holy cross, God's baptizer, the cross, the power of the cross is invincible, may the snow storm, the black cloud be tamed by the cross and my word. Roll down, blizzard, boil, turn into porridge, peck at the porridge, crows, pour in all directions. The blizzard-smoke appeared and left. Spin, spin, turn into white mush. Peck the porridge, crows, pour it all over. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Stop the blizzard

There is a storm in the sky, a blizzard in the field. Jesus Christ was baptized and prayed to his Father. Angels flew in, swept away the snowstorm with their wings, and covered the Lord with a robe against the cold. I close by God's word gates. You, the wind, don’t howl, don’t fly, and you, the blizzard, don’t blow, don’t twist. Whoever touches my gate will cry and groan at my word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the trees bloom in autumn

To prevent this bad sign from coming true, prune the lower branches of a flowering tree with the words:

Avoid us, trouble, mind you, not me and not my family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Ritual of making rain using water

You need to go out into the wasteland (at midnight, of course), and mark a circle around you with water. After undressing, it is recommended to raise your hands to the sky and walk clockwise along the water trail until it dries. Walking should be accompanied by words aimed at asking nature for rain. There is a description of a similar method that is still used by women in Nepal. Many peoples believed that it was impossible to cause rain without sacrifices. The Chechens sacrificed a snake, the Hawaiians - a black rooster.

On the island of Java, during a period of drought, men whipped each other with flexible rods until they bled. It was believed that drops of blood would cause rain. Some experts in magic use the power of runes to call rain. The Isu and Haguz runes are used to freeze fire. How to make rain using “subtle matter”? Some psychics claim that by tuning their body and brain to certain vibrations, they come into contact with environment, promoting the formation of clouds and the shedding of rain from them.

How to cause bad weather

“I call 13 winds, 13 whirlwinds here, I call 13 devils to me. Raise the devils from behind the mountains - whatever I call, bring them here. Blow the winds, twist the whirlwinds, stir up everything in your path. Buzz, dust, play, don’t let people live in peace.”

How to make it rain

The spell calls upon the spirits of water and air

“Takshamone tizeren ahitare komashan Sagit toshem valan tisare Ivodan naah action sarah Ishatan vair tabul komsare Shakan em soet var simatah Eramanan avatan sah Kovoel asatan sosh tizeren tash Ovotas omah shaet tasan Kovosal raet tishan tairdibajit.”

Saying: “Esse Irreide Irri!”

This method can always be used, for any purpose, but it is better not to do it for fun or as a bet.

So, spit on the ground and, raising your eyes to the sky, say:

“Puff up, drag out, curl up. Close cloud to cloud. Spit on the ground, rain on the ground. I call with a toad's tongue, I call with saliva. Tighten up, get covered up, swirl around like a cloud, start to rain. Amen". Spit on the ground and look up at the sky and say:

“Waiting for rain here.”

Lyrics: “Impente Dominus Priante!”

You need to sit near water (lake, stream, spring, etc.). We sit down comfortably (so that nothing interferes, so that the body does not become numb, etc.). We completely relax (don’t fall asleep) and disconnect from the world (that is, you shouldn’t be bothered by the heat and other factors, feel like everything and nothing at the same time), turn off the internal dialogue.

We feel the coolness coming from the water, try to feel it both in body and spirit... i.e. as if to connect with the elements... as if it envelops your body and is inside

Having done this, feel that the coolness envelops not only your body, but everything around you, imagine that from some direction of the world (for example, at this time for your country the rains come from the west) - a cloud is approaching, feel what is in it water and that rain is inevitable. (if at this time you really only have rains from the west or from another certain part of the world, then you are unlikely to be able to call, for example, from the east...)

“Sit mihi adjuctor non timebo quid faciat mihi homo in vternum”,

First, we vibrate this text (it’s better to memorize it) visualizing the pulsation (as if you are saturated with these words (they emanate from you into the world like lightning, quickly and brightly, imagine the color of lightning; we additionally imagine and visualize everything related to bad weather (rain, the coolness from which goosebumps, crawling on the skin, clean air, etc.).

We imagine all this so much that we convince ourselves that rain is inevitable.... This is all done within 30-60 minutes. (During this time, if there were no clouds, they will appear, if there were, then “black” clouds (rain) will appear, if not, then repeat several times.

For fun

There is also a small conspiracy that little children in Rus' dabbled in. You choose a small white cloud. You look at him and with warmth in your voice:

“On the sea, on the ocean, on an island, on Buyan, there live three brothers, three winds, one northern, the other western, the third eastern. Listen, brothers, to me, fly, winds, there,” and blow towards the cloud. The main thing here is not to give orders, not to think that you control nature, here you need to be kind, as if to fraternize with the winds. Before our eyes, the cloud begins to disintegrate and within a minute and a half or two it will be gone

Religious reading: prayer for the rain to stop to help our readers.

Prayer to stop the rains

“Natalya Ivanovna, two years ago we got into debt by purchasing a farm. We pay terrible interest, the whole family works without rest, and in the end a good harvest was lost due to heavy rains. Please write a prayer for heavy rains in your book.

Master Almighty, Lord our God, pacify the zealot in the rain, ask the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to retain the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while longer, and give us a bucket, and enlighten the clear sun. Do not allow famine and destruction of the fields in the field, pestilence in the livestock and every other beast and all animals. Give food You Yourself, cut off the sea from Heaven Yourself according to the abundance of Your mercy. Deliver us from the rain quickly and quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Rain spell

Popularity of rain spells

Very popular now various conspiracies and rituals that can correct bad weather. They are used when bad weather threatens the destruction of the crop or can harm the person himself. Before deciding to carry out such a conspiracy, you should think carefully. After all, the weather may not always be sunny and clear. The planet really needs rain and thunderstorms. This is necessary, first of all, in order to saturate the earth with life-giving moisture. Rain spells have been very popular since ancient times. They were often used by our ancestors to disperse clouds, calm the wind, and call up the sun. Usually they were carried out by sorcerers and shamans. Now a rain spell can be carried out by anyone.

Rain spell words

As a rule, spells against rain are a kind of appeal to the egregor of weather control. And if the person who reads the plot has enough personal strength and energy, then the weather can change. If you want to influence the weather with the help of conspiracies, then you must develop your will, strength, and imagination.

If there are prolonged downpours and rains, then you can use an interesting plot. First, you will need to catch a large lake frog, take it with your right hand, raise it to the sky and read the words of the spell: “Frog, water queen, command the rain to stop. The rain will stop, you will feel warmer!” They say that if a frog jumps from your palm on its own, you need to look carefully at where exactly it jumped. If the jump was to the left, then the rain will continue to fall. If to the right, then stop. If she jumped straight, the rain would decrease a little. It is a bad sign if the frog continues to sit on the palm.

Rain spell for summer residents

There is another very interesting spell against rain that summer residents can use. It will help stop the rain. This is very important if it rains for a very long time and it can ruin the harvest. In this case, you can use this conspiracy. It should not be used as a joke or for fun. Also, when doing it, you must believe in it.

The words of the conspiracy are:

Now, forever, forever and ever.

Video about the rain plot

They are also looking for:

Zagavar that the rain stopped, a conspiracy to disperse the clouds, a conspiracy to stop the rain from raining, a conspiracy to stop the rain

A spell to stop rain and bad weather.

It is just as easy to calm a storm as it is to cause bad weather. But never do this at someone’s request or for a dispute unless really necessary. For be afraid of this sin.

Firmament of the earth, firmament of heaven, reject lightning and thunder, angels of evil, angels of good, stand on opposite sides. Three names of the black trinity and three indestructible powers of the Lord, give strength to the spell. The seven spirits of the planets Cassiel, Zahiel, Samael, Anael, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel. North, south, east, west, the seal of the sun and the seal of the moon, with this spell I destroy the flow of water, the turn of the wind, I tame the elements and take away its power from nature.

I know all the spells of the seven days given by the Lord, and all the psalms given by the Black Trinity, and through this your power is in my power. Amen.

Just in case.

If the rain keeps pouring down, there is good way stop him. We need to throw the poker over the threshold of the house. Or take hot stones out into the rain. Or throw ashes into the air. Remember! What if it comes in handy?

Part 7 – Spell to stop rain and bad weather.

Prayer for rain

In days of sultry drought, Orthodox Christians pray to the Lord God for rain to fall. The harvest is dying, the native land is cracking. It is especially difficult for older people.

Many of us live off the garden.

In the outback, wages are low, so a garden bed is almost the last hope.

I endlessly hope that this summer will not be dry.

If you live in a village where there is no Orthodox Church, there is no way to light candles.

Looking at the sky, mentally ask Jesus Christ to let the blessed rain fall and sprinkle all living things on the sinful Earth.

While in the hut (house), again, if available, place an icon of the Lord God.

Light an arbitrary number of candles.

Read the prayer below many times.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Do not destroy our souls with trials, put an end to sinful punishments. Make sure that the rain falls drop by drop, the harvest grows and hunger is satisfied. We turn our eyes to you in hope, we forgive all our helpless enemies. Do not leave the slaves desperately scurrying about, completely crying out to you for rain. Let your will be done now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently. You blow out the candles.

Pray until the Lord hears you.

The rain will come as a blessed release.

Live in joy!

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When reading prayers and conspiracies, you must remember that you do this at your own peril and risk!

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A conspiracy against rain, a conspiracy to stop the rain

A spell against rain, to stop the rain, a spell for summer residents.

This plot is for summer residents to stop the rain.

If it rains for too long and can ruin your harvest, you can read this plot. You can’t indulge in this conspiracy, stopping the rain for the sake of laughter.

Conspiracies only work if there may be a real threat to the harvest.

Well, of course, you must believe in it, and saying the words of the conspiracy automatically will not work.

Conspiracies only work for those who believe in them, not for skeptics. Read all the conspiracies in secret from everyone.

“Ilya the Prophet, God is waiting for you - go to Him and take the rain with you.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

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Prayer during days of heavy rain

Prayer during days of heavy rain

With tenderness we all bow our knees and pray to the Lord.

Lord have mercy (3 times)

Sovereign Lord our God, who was of old zealous Elijah your prophet, listened to the prayer of yours, and deigned to hold back the rain for a while: and now, the humane-loving Creator, and the merciful Lord, look down upon us, your humble and unworthy servants, your humble prayers, and how generously despise our sins, and Having been begged by Your very love for mankind, give a bucket to Your heritage, and illuminate the sun on the mercies that require and ask from You: make the face of the land of the poor rejoice for the sake of Your people, and the baby and the cattle and all other animals, which You satisfy with Your favor, and give them food in good time. Hey, Lord our God, do not in vain reject our prayer, nor disgrace us from our aspirations, but spare us by Thy mercy, and visit us with Thy bounties: for our days are disappearing in vain, and our belly is becoming impoverished in illness: do not destroy us for the sake of iniquities ours, in the image of Thy indignation we were attracted to ourselves: but deal with us according to Thy quietness, and according to the abundance of Thy mercy, we fall with a contrite soul and a humble spirit before You, and as an indecent servant, moreover worthy of greater punishment, we are tenderly repentant We cry to you: we have sinned and been lawless, and have sinned in everything, transgressing your commandments, and for this reason, all that you bring upon us, bring us with truth and judgment: but not to the end of corruption, but give us over to famine and destruction, and let a storm of water drown us. : But in anger, remember your mercy, and for the sake of your mercy, have mercy, and have mercy on your creation and the work of your hands, and quickly deliver from all evil.

For it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and to You we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

God, have mercy on us according to Your great mercy: Gather water into the clouds from the ends of the earth, hold me with Your behavior, and let the bucket fall on the earth, with tenderness we pray, O All-Bountiful Master, hear and mercifully have mercy. Call on the water of the sea, and with your almighty power, restrain the mighty, and enlighten the heavenly places, in repentance we pray, all-mercifully, Lord, hear and mercifully have mercy. Let the free bucket, Lord, upon the earth, and quickly deliver us from decay, we pray with a painful heart, hear and generously have mercy. Visit the earth, and multiply its life: vegetate to pasture with livestock, and grass for the service of man: have mercy on people and livestock, and forbid the useless rain, and the sun to rise in good time on the earth, and multiply its fruits commanded: we pray, most kindly Lord, hear and for good have mercy. As the eyes of a servant are in the hand of his masters, so our eyes look to you, our God, with faith, even as we are spared: also, do not destroy us with immeasurable wetness: but mercifully look upon us with a bucket, and have mercy generously.

Shine the sun on evil and good, and give a bucket, and fruitful dew, and grateful air for the benefit of Thy creation, do not punish us with Thy wrath: but mercifully multiply the seeds of the earth and the fruits of it, we pray in repentance, O Lord, loving mankind, hear and as generously have mercy . Do not remember our iniquities, Master, if you see iniquities, no one will stand before You: but may Your bounties soon come to us, Lord, as we are so impoverished: may we not be corrupted by ignorance, and may not be completely destroyed, we pray: Hear us soon and have mercy on us . Amen.

Spells to control weather phenomena

A spell for bad weather is used when they want to improve the weather, when the weather threatens to spoil the harvest, or harm a person’s economy and the person himself. When making a spell for bad weather, think that nature also needs rain, and sometimes you have to endure it so that the earth is saturated with moisture and produces a better harvest. In the past, sorcerers, shamans, witches, and magicians knew how to cast the necessary spell for bad weather in order to stop storms, calm the winds, disperse clouds, and cause sunny, warm weather. Over many centuries, the ancient spell for bad weather and all its variations were lost, and modern magicians had to learn a lot anew. There are several main ways to influence the weather, and a bad weather spell is just one of them, and not always the most effective. The basis for influencing the weather is the understanding that all nature is alive, and by treating it like a living being, you can cause certain changes in the weather. a spell for bad weather causes an appeal to an already concentrated egregor of weather control. and if the magician or layman casting a spell for bad weather has enough personal strength and will, then the weather will begin to change for the better. Today we will talk about how to independently cause rain, thunderstorms, lightning and completely control the weather and atmospheric phenomena using magic. We will also consider magical technologies for controlling weather elements with a description of rituals and spells. Here, each people had their own way. In White Rus', women plow the river with a plow, while singing ritual songs, which, as scientists have established, were born many centuries ago. In Macedonia today you can see groups of people who, raising their hands and heads to the sky, perform rhythmic incantations. In them they first call for rain, and then describe how it falls to the Earth. In Polesie, peasants gathered at a well, stirred the water with long sticks and called upon the drowned man Makarka to rise from the water and water the earth with his tears. Indian, Altai and other shamans first go into a trance, and then begin to appeal to the spirits, begging them to send life-giving moisture to the Earth.

Conspiracy to make it rain

They make aspen crosses, float them along a river or lake and read spells to call rain. I will go out from gate to gate, into an open field, a wide expanse. I look to the east at the dry grass, at the dead grass. On the black ground, on the dry grass, there lies a coffin, but on top of the ground, the earth does not accept that coffin, the wind does not blow it, the rain does not pour down from the sky. Lying in that coffin is a toothy opivian, he is big-headed, like a snake in a coffin, spread out, his tongue stretched out to his navel. God's clouds pass by that coffin; they don't rain on that heretic seven miles away. I take (name) a knotted branch from the oak tree, I cover it with a wasp-orya tree. I will thrust this aspen stake into the filthy heart of the heretic and into his dry, cursed belly. I will bury the heretic’s coffin in a stinking swamp so that his filthy feet will not walk. His vile lips do not speak. So that his lips would not speak, they would not bring drought to the land of God, his hands would not even raise a finger, they would not bring drought to the fields. Oh, you lightning arrow, fly, thunder from the sky, rain down to the ground. Wind, rise, water, descend from heaven to earth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Calling Rain can only be read by someone who is already thirty-three years old.

If the religious procession did not help, then people went to a healer or a healer. And then the healer took an empty bucket and a cross and again went into the field. There the bucket was turned upside down and a cross was placed on top of it. The healer, raising his hands up, said 40 times in a row:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My family is from twelve holy people, I came from the stone doors, walked along the street between cattle and people, I didn’t notice them, I didn’t greet them, I didn’t promise them anything. I promised only the Lord my God. On the sea-ocean, on his island Buyan, I see a coffin on top of the ground. The earth does not accept that coffin, the wind does not blow across that coffin, rain from God’s heaven does not pour down. In the coffin is a bloodsucker with teeth, big ears, big eyes and big heads. Like a gray reptile, he lay spread out in the coffin, his tongue stretching out of his mouth from that coffin. God's clouds pass by that coffin, they don't rain on the heretic seven miles around him. I, servant of God (name), will take a gnarled branch from the mother aspen, I will thrust it into the big-eyed head of the heretic, into his filthy belly, into his accursed heart. So that he will perish from the aspen stake, so that the wind will scatter his ashes in all directions, so that God’s world will not know this, so that this will not cause drought. Lord, give me, God’s servant (name), Your God’s blessing, to my words stronger than a strong affirmation. My key is with me, with God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to stop the rain

Without rain it’s bad, but with prolonged rain it’s bad. Everything will rot because of the water, there will be no crops, no hay for the cows. Usually the peasants went to the priest or healer so that he could tell the rain to subside. Old-timers claim that the priest’s religious procession does not have as strong an effect as a healer’s reprimand. In order to interrupt the downpour, the healer takes an ax and goes alone into the field. There he strikes the puddle three times with an ax and says: In heaven, on high, Saint Catherine is sewing, and the demon is pouring water around her. I, the servant of God (name), cut this thread and in the name of Jesus Christ I forbid the devils to pour water. Good morning, by the voice of God, the thread of St. Catherine, break, and you, thunderstorm, from this hour calm down. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From a lightning strike

Read in a thunderstorm. Mother lightning, Christ is with you, go with God beyond the dark forests, into the wide fields, strike there, spill there, and have mercy on me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

So that the storm passes quickly

They throw a knife through the window with the words: Lord, blow these clouds to open fields, to distant forests, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam. Lord, help, Lord, help, Lord, help!

To stop the rain and bad weather

It is just as easy to calm a storm as it is to cause bad weather. But never do this at someone’s request or for a dispute unless absolutely necessary. Fear this sin. Firmament of the earth, firmament of heaven, reject lightning and thunder, angels of evil, angels of good, stand on opposite sides. Three names of the black trinity and three indestructible powers of the Lord, give strength to the spell. The seven spirits of the planets Cassiel, Zahiel, Samael, Anael, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel. North, south, east, west, the seal of the Sun and the seal of the Moon, with this spell I destroy the flow of water, the turn of the wind, I tame the elements and take away its power from nature. I know all the spells of the seven days given by the Lord, and all the psalms given by the black trinity, and through this your power is in my power. Amen.

Calm the storm

They leave the house with their backs turned and say this: Fire has been cursed, water has been cursed, thunder has been cursed by the holy word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

So that the hail doesn't hit

The Easter egg, which is kept behind the icon for such an occasion, is thrown out the window and shouted:

Holy Easter, Holy Resurrection, resurrect peace in heaven and earth from lightning, from hail, from every misfortune. Save, preserve, defend. Amen.

Frost spell

If people had a long journey ahead on carts, they went to the healer and asked to tame the frost. But many themselves knew how to soften the frost. So it turned out that in the evening there was a bitter frost, and the next day there was no fear of going on a long journey. Contemporaries know that miracles still happen in nature today. For example, during the day it is 40° below zero, and the next day it is only -12°. It is possible that someone’s prayer worked, because even now many people know the “secret” word by inheritance. When I was a schoolgirl, many of my peers told me in a whisper: “Do some magic there with your grandmother so that the frost will subside - I’m so reluctant to go to school.” In the evening I conveyed this request to my grandmother, but she frowned and said: “Laziness is a sin, a person must study and work.” But still, she or I sometimes acted strangely for the purposes of my training. The frost plot is read like this:

In the name of the Father, the Creator to the whole world, in the name of the Holy Spirit and the Son in three Faces. Amen. Light, Father Frost, go from west to north to slurp snow jelly, we need to save our lives and our fields. You can’t hit and destroy arable land with frost, so that God’s world can be intact without you. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Soften the frost

This spell was used if there was a long journey on carts or on foot in the cold. So they talked about the cold. The frost was softening. The conspiracy has been proven for centuries.

Frost, frost, do not frost the people of God. Become jelly, not snow glass. There is a bathhouse, the stove is burning in it, scorching, fire is playing catch-up with fire, pouring heat around it. Whoever reads these words will not be blown by the wind, the snow will not be swept away, the snow will not be taken away, he will be safe everywhere in the cold and will not die from any frost. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy during a severe snowstorm

Previously, if a snowstorm was raging outside, people would go to the healer and tell him that their owner or breadwinner was on the way and they were worried that he would not get lost and freeze to death. There are a lot of bad weather conspiracies. This plot is read during a severe snowstorm or blizzard. They read by going outside, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. There should be a cross in your right hand. They read loudly, shouting each word clearly and understandably. You cannot interrupt, otherwise the conspiracy will not help. The holy cross, God's baptizer, the cross, the power of the cross is invincible, may the snow storm, the black cloud be tamed by the cross and my word. Roll down, blizzard, boil, turn into porridge, peck at the porridge, crows, pour in all directions. The blizzard-smoke appeared and left. Spin, spin, turn into white mush. Peck the porridge, crows, pour it all over. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Stop the blizzard

There is a storm in the sky, a blizzard in the field. Jesus Christ was baptized and prayed to his Father. Angels flew in, swept away the snowstorm with their wings, and covered the Lord with a robe against the cold. I close the gates with the word of God. You, the wind, don’t howl, don’t fly, and you, the blizzard, don’t blow, don’t twist. Whoever touches my gate will cry and groan at my word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the trees bloom in autumn

To prevent this bad sign from coming true, prune the lower branches of a flowering tree with the words: Avoid us, trouble, mind you, not me and not my family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Ritual of making rain using water

You need to go out into the wasteland (at midnight, of course), and mark a circle around you with water. After undressing, it is recommended to raise your hands to the sky and walk clockwise along the water trail until it dries. Walking should be accompanied by words aimed at asking nature for rain. There is a description of a similar method that is still used by women in Nepal. Many peoples believed that it was impossible to cause rain without sacrifices. The Chechens sacrificed a snake, the Hawaiians sacrificed a black rooster.

On the island of Java, during a period of drought, men whipped each other with flexible rods until they bled. It was believed that drops of blood would cause rain. Some experts in magic use the power of runes to call rain. The Isu and Haguz runes are used to freeze fire. How to make rain using “subtle matter”? Some psychics claim that by tuning their body and brain to certain vibrations, they come into contact with the environment, promoting the formation of clouds and the shedding of rain from them.

How to cause bad weather

“I call 13 winds, 13 whirlwinds here, I call 13 devils to me.

Raise the devils from behind the mountains - whatever I call, bring them here. Blow the winds, twist the whirlwinds, everything is on

stir your way. Buzz, dust, play, don’t let people live in peace.”

How to make it rain

The spell calls upon the spirits of water and air

“Takshamone tizeren ahitare komashan

Sagit tosh valan tisare

Ivodan naach action sarah

Ishatan vair tabul komsare

Shakan em soet var simatah

Eramanan avatan sah

Kovoel asatan sosh tizeren tash

Ovotas omah shaet tasan

Kovosal raet tishan tairdibajit.”

Saying: “Esse Irreide Irri!”

This method can always be used, for any purpose, but it is better not to do it for fun or as a bet.

So, spit on the ground and, raising your eyes to the sky, say:

“Puff up, drag out, curl up.

Close cloud to cloud.

Spit on the ground, rain on the ground.

I call with a toad's tongue, I call with saliva.

Tighten up, get covered up, cloud up,

let it rain. Amen".

Spit on the ground and look up at the sky and say:

Lyrics: “Impente Dominus Priante!”

You need to sit near water (lake, stream, spring, etc.).

We sit down comfortably (so that nothing interferes, so that the body does not become numb, etc.).

We completely relax (don’t fall asleep) and renounce the world (that is, you shouldn’t

worry about the heat and other factors, feel like everything and nothing at the same time)

Turning off internal dialogue

We feel the coolness coming from the water, try to feel it with both your body and

in spirit. those. as if to connect with the elements. as if she is enveloping your body and

Having done step 5, feel that the coolness envelops not only your body, but also everything around you, imagine that from any direction of the world (for example, at this time for your country

rains come from the west) - a cloud is approaching, feel that there is water in it and that

rain is inevitable. (if you really have rain at this time, only possible from the west

or from another certain part of the world, then you are unlikely to call for example from the east

“Sit mihi adjuctor non timebo quid faciat mihi homo in vternum,” – we vibrate this text

(it’s better to memorize) visualizing the pulsation (as if you are saturated with these words (they

emanate from you into the world like lightning, quickly and brightly, imagine the color of lightning, etc.))),

We additionally imagine and visualize everything related to bad weather (rain,

coolness that gives you goosebumps, clean air, etc.).

We imagine all this so much that we convince ourselves that rain is inevitable.

This is all done within 30-60 minutes. (During this time, if there were no clouds, they will appear if

were, then “black” clouds (rain) will appear, if not, then repeat several times.

For fun

There is also a small conspiracy that little children in Rus' dabbled in. You choose a small white cloud. You look at him and with warmth in your voice: “On the sea, on the ocean, on an island, on Buyan, there live three brothers, three winds, one northern, the other western, the third eastern. Listen, brothers, to me, fly, winds, there,” and blow towards the cloud. The main thing here is not to give orders, not to think that you control nature, here you need to be kind, like fraternizing with the winds. Before our eyes, the cloud begins to disintegrate and within a minute and a half or two it will be gone

We can control the weather! From the experience of our reader, you will learn how to stop the rain in 10 minutes!

My experience confirms that human abilities are limitless. It all depends on your focus and ability to concentrate.

One weekend I was conducting a retreat (solitary practice) at the dacha.

It was morning, I was meditating in the house. When it was time to finish practice and go home, I noticed that it was raining heavily outside.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, because only recently the sky was completely clear. Not wanting to get wet, I sat in the lotus position and focused on the intention of stopping the rain.”

I managed to stop the rain!

“With the power of thought, I dispersed the clouds and imagined how the sun began to shine through the clouds. After 10 minutes of this work, the rain stopped and the sky brightened significantly.

While I was walking to the stop, the clouds completely dissolved and the sun began to shine.

On this occasion, the following lines suddenly came to my mind.

One day I was practicing morning sadhana at my dacha, and suddenly the clouds covered the sun. I had to leave soon; Moreover, Indra himself greeted me!

Instantly the sky became clouded and warm rain began to fall. I accepted this lila easily: here practice alone was able to help me. A minute or two later, the rain began to subside, and within five minutes it stopped altogether.

Inside myself, I worshiped God! And he began to calmly watch how the sun appeared from the sky, how the sleeping forest awoke at dawn, how the clouds immediately began to disperse...

I thought: “Perhaps I’m dreaming everything?”

Conspiracies and rituals to create sunny, good sunny weather are used in many cases, for example, when the weather threatens to ruin the harvest, or harm a person’s economy and the person himself.
However, when performing any ritual against bad weather, think about the fact that nature also needs rain, and sometimes you have to endure it so that the earth is saturated with moisture and produces a better harvest.
In the past, sorcerers, shamans, witches, and magicians knew how to cast the necessary spell against bad weather in order to stop storms, calm the winds, disperse clouds, and cause sunny, warm weather. Over many centuries, many techniques were lost, and people had to re-learn and create new ways to control the weather.

  • There are several main ways to influence the weather; the basis of the influence is the understanding that all nature is living, and by treating it like a living being, you can cause certain changes in the weather.

  • Conspiracies and rituals against bad weather cause an appeal to the already concentrated egregor of weather control, you can read about them in articles on our website and also, you must follow all the Rules for the Success of Rituals.
    1) a spell against rain on a willow twig and water.
  • The more intense rain or precipitation you need to stop, the more water you will need. YOU CAN ALWAYS SEEK ANY MAGICAL HELP AND CONSULTATION FROM OUR SPECIALISTS BY WRITING THROUGH VIBER APPLICATION, WHATSAPP +79606999998 OR BY EMAIL [email protected]. ideal if it is a natural body of water. This plot is read alone. Take a willow twig no shorter than your arm, and begin to whip the twig along the surface of the pond, while reading the following text: “Water pours from the sky and beats into the ground. You, earthen water, forbid the heavenly water to flow, take away the clouds, dry up the steep slopes. Let everyone feel better for this. The sky is dry, the sun is golden. Amen!” After you pronounce it, insert the twig into the ground of the shore of the reservoir and leave.
  • 2) a spell for good weather through four spirits.
  • Draw a circle on an earthen area clear of grass. Divide it with a cross so that the four sectors face the four cardinal directions. Stand in the center, face north and say to the northern spirit: “Spirit of the North, help, take away the cold and cold. Release the warmth to freedom.” Then turn to the east and say the following spell for the eastern spirit: “Spirit of the East, bring the warm wind, disperse the clouds with the wind, disperse the breeze, warm the air, cover us with warmth.” Then make another turn, to the south, and say for the southern spirit:

    “Yuga spirit, you are the lord of the heat, make the day hot and the morning warm. Call warmth to our land, you, Yuga spirit.”
    Then turn to the west and say for the Western spirit:
    “Spirit of the West, help with the weather, secure warm days for a long time, make the weather pleasant for everyone, take all the cold back to the north.”
    Then give offerings to the spirits: cereals to the north (pour out on the circle in its sector), incense to the east, light a candle to the south, wine to the west. The ceremony is completed, you can leave.

  • 3) a spell against heavy snow or hail.
  • You need to take a handful of salt and, throwing it into the sky, say:
    “Salt rises, snow (or hail) blows, salt falls, snow (hail) disappears.”
  • 4) a spell that helps with drought or very intense heat.
  • Take hot smoldering coals from the fire or stove. Place outside in a sunny place. Then take the pre-prepared ice from the refrigerator. Pour ice onto the coals and say out loud:
    “As ice cools and freezes coals, so let cold and frost replace the heat, bring coolness, give joy, save from the heat.”
    For the best effect, you need to apply it three times - morning, afternoon and evening.

  • 5) a spell against strong winds.
  • Take three feathers different color- white, black, red (or white, gray, black, the colors are not important, the main thing is that they are different). This method of fighting the wind is associated with the element of air, which is why feathers are used. Hold the feathers in the wind, let them be imbued with the energy of the wind. Then tie the feathers with blue (if the wind is not strong) and blue (if the wind is very strong) thread with three knots. As you tie each knot, say:
    “The wind is humming, I tie it, tame it, subjugate it. Wind, shut up, subside, at my command, subside. So be it!”
    Once you have tied all three knots, store the feathers in a quiet, dark place.
  • 6) a spell for good weather during prolonged downpours.
  • Catch a large lake frog, place it on your right palm, raise it to the sky and say:

    “Frog, water queen, command the rain to stop. The rain will stop, you will become warmer.”
    If the frog jumps off your hand on its own, pay attention to where it jumps. If to the left, the rain will continue to fall. Directly - it will decrease. To the right - it will stop. If you remain sitting still, this is a bad sign, you need to say the text of the plot again, and add a reprimand at the end:
    “Spirit of water, protect us from trouble, calm your rains, give us a bucket, and accept gifts from us.”
    Then pour a bottle of wine into the pond where you caught the frog and look at the water. If at the same time you notice more frogs, this is good sign. If not, go home, silently and without looking back. and do not try to repeat it for a week, because, apparently, nature needs such weather, and changing it would cause undesirable consequences.
    © 2017-05-19T12:48:22+03:00 Sergey Boltenko SAVE FOR YOURSELF OR SHARE on social networks!

    Conspiracies and rituals for transforming cloudy and rainy weather, on the contrary, into sunny and cloudless weather, are used in many cases, for example, when the weather threatens to spoil the harvest, or harm a person’s economy and the person himself.

    Conspiracies that correct bad weather are an appeal to an already concentrated egregor of weather control. If the magician or common man When conducting a ritual to correct the weather, if there is enough personal strength and energy, the weather will improve.

    As a rule, conspiracies to correct bad weather are accompanied by certain rituals.

    This spell is intended to stop heavy rain or downpour. The stronger the storm, the more water you will need. It is very good if you have the opportunity to perform a ritual in a natural reservoir.

    You close your eyes and imagine, like a weather forecast, a map, your city on it, and then, depending on what you need - either the sun above it, or the rain.

    If you need the sun, read the plot;

    “Sun, sun, come, smile at the whole world, give us warmth, so that our hearts bloom, so that our heads sing, spread throughout our body, into our hands, give us creativity, drive away the winter cold.”

    However, when performing any ritual against bad weather, think about the fact that nature also needs rain, and sometimes you have to endure it so that the earth is saturated with moisture and produces a better harvest.

    In the past, sorcerers, shamans, witches, and magicians knew how to cast the necessary spell against bad weather in order to stop storms, calm the winds, disperse clouds, and cause sunny, warm weather. Over many centuries, many techniques were lost, and people had to re-learn and create new ways to control the weather.

    Come to the river, find a nice fat frog in the reeds, or maybe a couple, grab it by the paws and spin with it in a circle until you fall with it from dizziness. As soon as you fall, immediately read the plot.

    “Frog queen of the rain, order the drops not to fall from the sky anymore. As soon as the rain stops, you will have more friends. And with friends you can sit in a hole without melancholy and sadness, let your skin let the rain go.”

    Release the animal and let it jump wherever it wants! If she jumps to the side, take a long willow rod and start vigorously lashing it across the surface of the water, while reading the plot to pacify the rain:

    “The rain pours on the ground, beats on the ground. You, earthen water, forbid the heavenly water to flow, take away the clouds, dry up the steep slopes. May everyone feel better for this. The sky is dry, the sun is golden. Amen!".

    Round dance with a spell against rain

    If you want the weather that suits you, use a spell for good weather. Follow the rules: you cannot perform the ritual in a clouded mind (alcohol, smoking) or on a full stomach. It is better if several people participate, then this ritual will be much stronger. Typically, such rituals are used by people involved in agriculture to grow a rich harvest.

    Hold hands and start moving clockwise (round dance), saying a spell for good weather:

    “Svarog, master of the sky, Dazhdbog, master of the sun, Veles, divine shepherd, Stribog, conqueror of winds and storms, subdue the forces of nature, protect our economy from mother nature. Yarilo, save our bread, Kupala, gather the fruits in the fall. Morena, bury the farm under good snow for the winter, Lel, wake up the earth in the spring. Let it be so. So".

    Having agreed on the plot, stick the rod into the bank of the reservoir and go home.

    If the frog remains sitting, it means the rain god Ilya the Thunderer is against good weather, then perform the ritual described below.

    On bare ground, draw a circle and divide it into four parts so that each sector faces one of the four cardinal directions.

    The person reading the plot must stand in the center of this circle.

    “Lord Almighty, Lord our God, pacify the zealot in the rain, ask the mercy of Elijah the Prophet, obedient to Your holy will, to retain the power of the abundance of rain from Heaven for a while longer, and give us a bucket, and enlighten the clear sun. Do not allow famine and destruction of the fields in the field, pestilence in the livestock and every other beast and all animals. Give food You Yourself, cut off the sea from Heaven Yourself according to the abundance of Your mercy. Deliver us from the rain quickly and quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

    “Shine the sun on evil and good, and give a bucket, and fruitful dew, and grateful air for the benefit of Your creation, do not punish us with Your wrath: but mercifully multiply the seeds of the earth and its fruits, we pray in repentance, O Lord, loving of mankind, hear and be generous , have mercy. Do not remember our iniquities, Master, if you see iniquities, no one will stand before You: but may Your bounties soon come to us, Lord, as we are so impoverished: may ignorance corrupt us, and may not destroy us to the end, we pray: Hear us soon and have mercy on us . Amen"