The child began to wet himself at night or during the day, what should I do? Rare urination in a child: causes of the disorder

If your child begins to pee frequently, then you should not ignore this alarming fact, as it may indicate improper organization of the child’s diet or be a sign of illness. Therefore, attentive parents should always pay attention to the child’s urine and feces, as well as the frequency of urination. Experienced parents should know how often a child should write at a certain age and notice any deviations.

How often should a child write?

Pediatricians have determined the normal amount of urination in children of a certain age. If your child develops normally, has no diseases and has a properly organized daily routine, then the number and volume of urination will correspond to normal limits. It should be taken into account that as the child grows, the volume of urine emitted by the child per urination and the frequency of bowel movements will change accordingly. Also, the volume and frequency of urination may vary depending on the amount of fluid drunk, humidity level and temperature in the room in which the child is located. Let's consider the general norms for the frequency and volume of urination for children of different ages:

  • Babies up to six months old pee often, from 20 to 25 times a day, emitting up to 20-35 ml of urine per emptying, so the daily volume of urine ranges from 300 to 500 ml.
  • Children from 6 to 12 months pee on average 15-16 times a day, the volume of one urination is 25-45 ml, and the daily volume is from 300 to 600 ml.
  • A child aged 1 to 3 years pees 10-12 times a day, emitting 60-90 ml of urine per urination, and from 780 to 820 ml per day.
  • Children aged 3 to 5 years pee much less often, only 7-9 times a day, the volume of one urination is 70-90 ml, and the daily volume is from 900 to 1070 ml.
  • A child aged 5-7 years empties 7-9 times a day, with the volume of one urination being 100-150 ml, and the daily volume - from 1070 to 1300 ml.
  • Children 7-9 years old pee 7-8 times a day, emitting up to 145-190 ml of urine per urination, and from 1240 to 1520 ml per day.
  • A child 9-11 years old pees 6-7 times a day, the volume of one urination is 220-260 ml, and the daily volume of urine is 1520-1670 ml.
  • Children aged 11 to 13 years pee 6-7 times a day, the volume of one emptying is 250-270 ml, and the daily volume of urine is from 1600 to 1900 ml.

But what to do if you notice that your child begins to write often? First, you should determine why the child pees often, and only then take appropriate measures or provide adequate treatment.

Why does a child pee often?

There can actually be many reasons why a child begins to write often. Some causes may be completely harmless and easily eliminated, while others may be a symptom of a disease.

Basically, a child often pees for the following reasons:

  • inflammation of the genitals or bladder;
  • serious illnesses and pathologies;
  • nervous tension and other psychological reasons;
  • the presence of diuretic foods in the diet or taking diuretics.

Parents should be concerned if changes in a child’s urination persist for several days; they should definitely pay attention to the smell of urine, its color and transparency. You should definitely consult a doctor and take a urine test if your child complains of pain, stinging or burning when urinating.

Inflammation of the bladder and genitals can be caused by poor hygiene or infection. For example, with prolonged use of diapers, the baby’s genitals can become rotten and inflammatory processes can become more active, causing urination problems. Special attention Girls should pay attention to hygiene, because with improper or insufficient care, harmful bacteria from the rectum enter the genitals, which contributes to the activation of inflammatory processes.

Diseases that cause frequent urination

Here is a list of the most common diseases that answer the question of why a child pees often:

  • Urinary tract infections - the child pees often (2-3 times per hour), the volume of urination is small, and false urges to urinate are possible. At the initial passage of urine, the child feels pain and stinging. In acute cystitis, these symptoms are supplemented by increased body temperature, cloudy urine, incontinence, and pain in the lower abdomen and perineal area.
  • Diabetes mellitus - the child suddenly begins to pee often and drink a lot, which indicates the beginning of the latent period diabetes mellitus. Changes occur in the child’s eating habits, he either refuses to eat or eats frequently, he also loses weight, becomes lethargic and sleepy. A timely visit to an endocrinologist will help correct the situation.
  • Overactive bladder - with this pathology, the child often pees even after 4-5 years, that is, the frequency of urination does not normalize. A neuropsychiatrist treats this disease.
  • Enuresis is uncontrolled urination and is quite common when a child urinates frequently at night. There may be several reasons for this, ranging from excessive water absorption in the evening to stress and nervous tension. If a child often pees during the day or at night, parents should contact their pediatrician.
  • Synechia (in girls).
  • Pathologies of the kidneys (doubling kidneys, hypoplasia, etc.);

But what if the tests showed that the baby is completely healthy, but at the same time the child still pees often? IN in this case the reason should be sought in the following:3.7 out of 5 (54 votes)

Does your child rarely go to the toilet? This phenomenon occurs in children of all ages. Often the phenomenon can be eliminated after minor adjustments to lifestyle and nutrition. But it happens that rare urination becomes a sign of a serious illness. In what cases can a phenomenon be considered normal, and when does it indicate a pathology of the urinary system? What can parents do?

Norms of urination in a child per day

Before panicking, parents should find out: what can be considered daily norm urine output for the baby.

The authoritative pediatrician A. Papayan, back in Soviet times, compiled a table with the norms of urine output according to the age of the child. This table still serves as the main guideline for many pediatricians when examining a child for the presence (absence) of pathology.

Child's age Daily urine volume, ml Daily number of urinations Volume of urine per urination, ml
0-6 months 300-500 20-25 20-35
6-12 months 300-600 15-16 25-45
1-3 years 760-820 10-12 60-90
3-5 years 900-1070 7-9 70-90
5-7 years 1070-1300 7-9 100-150
7-9 years 1240-1520 7-8 145-190
9-11 years 1520-1670 6-7 220-260
11-14 years old 1600-1900 6-7 250-270

You need to worry if a child goes to the toilet much less often than his peers, although in this case the reason may not be dangerous at all.

What could be the reasons for rare urination in a child, and what can parents do?

Doctors say that any deviation from the norm may depend on a violation of the diet, drinking regime, and also the weather: as you know, in the heat a child needs more water, although he pees much less often.

Sometimes a child begins to pee less often because he is growing quickly or experiences inconvenience, getting used to new rules of personal hygiene: when switching from diapers to a potty.

Age Possible reason What to do?
From birth to 12 Completion of breastfeeding, transition to Ask your pediatrician: how to choose the optimal diet for a child with the least loss for his health and emotional state. Sometimes choose better food It can be very difficult, and in the process of choosing, a small organism experiences stress: that’s why the baby rarely pees.
From birth to 3 months Insufficient fat content of milk Reconsider your diet , introduce healthy fats, such as cheese or walnuts.
From 6 months to 12 Introduce only mono-products into complementary foods and in doses, permittedAnd pediatricians.
From 9 months to 24 Bottle training, pacifier refusal Choose a bottle or sippy cup model , which the baby will like and will evoke pleasant emotions in him.
From birth to 24 months Not drinking enough summer time, especially hot period Go out for a walk only with a bottle of water and give it to the child upon request.
From 12 to 24 months Refusal to use diapers, Try not to put pressure on the child and allow him to pee in the potty at will. . Sometimes the training process begins with the banal choice of a potty that is attractive to the child.

But attention! If in young children the reasons may lie on the surface and require only adjustments to the daily routine or diet, then in preschool or younger children school age they may require examination by pediatricians and even psychologists. Delay in urination may indicate not only an inability to follow basic hygiene rules, but also psychological discomfort or hidden complexes. Have you noticed a similar problem in a schoolchild? First, have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Perhaps he is simply ashamed to go to the toilet in front of his classmates.

When should you sound the alarm if a child pees a little? Symptoms of serious illnesses in children

True, rare urination is not always harmless. There are a number of cases when a child pees very rarely due to illness, the presence of a serious pathology that requires immediate and thorough examination by a doctor.

What pathologies can lead to a child rarely urinating:

  • The kidneys suffer, as a result of which their ability to produce the required amount of urine per day is lost.
  • There was a partial blockage of the ureters (due to inflammation, infection, injury).
  • The bladder is affected (often this is a consequence of a very long abstinence, when the child suffers, does not go to the toilet, and it constantly overflows).
  • IN bladder, sand or stones have formed in the kidneys.
  • The urethra is pinched.
  • The child experiences nervous tension, and as a result, hysteria, hypochondria, and fever due to nervousness set in.
  • A new growth (benign or malignant) has appeared in the blood vessels.
  • Overdose. The child was treated incorrectly for another disease and was prescribed too many diuretics.
  • The bladder has become distended.
  • There was a head or spinal injury.
  • A hidden infection “wanders” in the genitourinary tract.

The baby is urinating very poorly! Don't miss the symptoms!

It's important for parents to remember : Any of these pathologies will require a very serious examination, and treatment will be lengthy and expensive. In some cases, surgical intervention is required to help the child - which is why it is so important to catch the body’s signal in time and show the child to a qualified specialist.

At home, it is quite possible to suspect the presence of the disease.

If your child begins to go to the toilet less often, pay attention to whether he has one of the following symptoms:

  1. The stream of urine became thin and the pressure weak.
  2. Urine is not released in a stream, but in separate droplets.
  3. A child can pee in only one position (squatting, standing or leaning back, but obviously not in the way intended by physiology).
  4. The child complains that “the pussy burns, cuts or hurts.”

If a problem arises, it is better not to wait, but to show the child to the pediatrician. Any diagnosis begins with a urine test: this method helps the doctor identify the nature of the disease. If necessary, an ultrasound examination, tomography, X-ray examination or other examination is prescribed modern methods research.

In any case, parents should not let their guard down. Have you noticed that your child is writing less often? Watch him. This can be either normal or a sign of a urological disease. Any doubt should bring parents to the doctor's office, first of all, taking general urine and blood tests.

Remember that any disease can always be successfully treated only at an early stage .

A short course of medication, a trip to a sanatorium, light diet will save your child from troubles forever. But in any case, the best medicine at all times is attention and love for the baby.

Children never have stable physical indicators, and what younger child, the more they can vary. At a certain age, a child may urinate quite rarely. In such situations, most parents wonder: what’s wrong with the baby’s health?

Detailed reasons will be discussed below, but for now it is enough to understand that this may not be a disease, but a variant of the age norm. And, of course, rare urination in a child can be pathological.

If the cause is a disease, a correct and thorough diagnosis will be required, as well as a full course of treatment so that the childhood illness remains in childhood.

In addition to the frequency of urination, it is necessary to note changes in other qualities - urine indicators, its volume per day and in a single portion, the rhythm of urination.

Intermittent urination in a child is a reason to contact a specialist. Do not hesitate, since any acute pathology of the urinary tract leads to increased intoxication of the body and can be complicated by acute inflammatory processes in other organs and systems. In addition, untreated pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract often becomes chronic and worries a person throughout his life.

What kind of urination in children is considered rare?

When looking for the reasons for rare urination in a child, you should start with an understanding of the process itself and its norms.

Urination is the process of filtering and removing urine from the body through voluntary muscle contraction and emptying the bladder. There are two important processes in urination - filtration and absorption (suction). The quality of urination depends on the activity and coherence of these processes.

The frequency of urination varies from place to place age groups. Human kidneys are one of the few organs that can develop outside the womb. The renal cortex and medulla can develop over several years, and the above-mentioned processes of absorption and filtration occur with their own characteristics in each age period.

To understand the facets of pathology, you need to understand what is considered normal. According to data adopted by the WHO (World Health Organization), the norms for urination in children are as follows.

Accordingly, a decrease in the frequency of urination compared to the lower limit of the age norm can be considered rare urination.

Why might urinary frequency change?

When considering this issue, it is necessary to highlight two main criteria - the child’s age and physiology. If everything is relatively clear with the first, then the second may raise questions.

The physiological nature of the problem of rare urination is caused by reasons not related to the child’s illnesses. Pathological is the opposite of physiological, indicating the presence of a disease.

Physiological reasons.

  1. During the neonatal period and infancy, when the child is fed with single-component feeding (milk or formula), the reason for rare urination may be the increased fat content of the mother's milk. High-fat milk can also cause infrequent bowel movements in babies. The only one effective way To avoid such problems is to regularly change the nursing breast. Primary milk, that is, milk from the “new” breast, is the least fatty. Additional soldering is also acceptable.
  2. In the period from 6 months and beyond, the cause may be either a physiological change in the rhythm of urination in a child or a violation of the diet. In the latter case, you need to adjust the calorie intake and the amount of fluid consumed.

Pathological reasons.

  1. Kidney diseases, both congenital and acquired. Parents, as a rule, learn about congenital pathologies in the first months. And it’s worth including as acquired infectious diseases. In addition to rare urination, pain, burning, itching, and pain in the lower abdomen may be observed. These diseases are treated according to the cause that causes them.
  2. Infectious diseases of the urinary tract or mechanical blockage of the ureters (presence of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract). They are characterized by intermittent rather than rare urination in the child. Additional symptoms are the same as for inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
  3. Long forced abstinence from urination. After it, a reflex spasm of the bladder and urinary canal occurs, which causes urinary retention in children. Often this condition goes away on its own, but if it lasts a long time and causes severe pain, catheterization of the bladder is resorted to. In this case, painful urges and tension in the walls of the bladder, felt as a spasm, may occur.
  4. Neurological and mental disorders. Thus, hysterical seizures can cause both urinary incontinence and acute retention. Elimination of the seizure or neurological syndrome resumes spontaneous urination. In this case, symptoms characteristic of neurological pathologies will be observed - tics, paralysis and paresis. With mental disorders, disturbances of consciousness and behavior immediately catch the eye.
  5. High body temperature, leading to dehydration, and as a result, rare urination. Insufficient fluid replacement when it is lost will not allow the body to get rid of toxins.
  6. Problems with urination in children can also arise due to injuries to the spinal cord and brain (concussion, fracture). In such cases, the child is given a bladder catheter for the entire period of recovery and treatment of the injury.

What tests are prescribed for children with rare urination?

For urinary disorders in children, a pediatrician, nephrologist or urologist should order examinations to determine the causes and make a diagnosis.

The following tests are prescribed:

  • a general urinalysis determines the amount of fluid, its acidity, the presence of sediment, salts, glucose, leukocytes and erythrocytes, which allows us to judge the probable nature of the pathology;
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko allows you to identify the source and localization of the infectious process in 1 ml of urine;
  • A general blood test helps determine the state of the immune system in general terms, as well as the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Bacteriological culture of urine if a bacterial infection is suspected allows one to identify the pathogen in order to prescribe the necessary treatment.

In addition, research is being conducted:

  • measuring the number of urination acts per day. This is the first thing parents or the child himself pays attention to;
  • measuring the volume of a single portion of urine, which allows you to determine the deviation from the age norm;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and ultrasound of the kidneys, which helps to see structural changes in the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract;
  • voiding cystourethrography - this innovative method allows you to visualize congenital malformations of the bladder, kidneys, and ureters;
  • scintigraphy to detect tumors in the kidneys and urinary tract.

What can parents do?

If urinary retention is not painful, you can try to provoke it with warm sitz baths and the sounds of flowing water.

If urination does not occur, you should call ambulance for bladder catheterization to be performed.

If a child has urinary disorders, the first thing you need to pay attention to is nutrition and water consumption. Not every liquid is equal to water, so it is worth teaching your child to drink regular clean water regularly. Fatty and spicy foods, as well as fast carbohydrates and coffee, which tend to retain fluid in the body, should be excluded from the diet.

Urinary problems in children are not a cause for panic, but a cause for concern. Therefore, timely contact with a specialist is the main and first thing parents should do when such problems arise.

Frequency of stool and urination in newborns

- This is an issue that interests many parents.

The reason is that the child pees often, are numerous physiological factors or diseases of internal organs. The frequency of urination in children depends on various factors: from age, from individual characteristics body, from the diet and from the neuropsychic state of the baby. Possible diseases should be dealt with by a doctor.

So that parents can distinguish one from the other, they need to know the norms of urination in children.

How often should a child write at different ages?

It depends on age and a little on individual characteristics. In the first five to seven days, the baby hardly urinates, then the frequency of urination rapidly increases - this continues for up to a year. After a year, the baby empties less and less. At about ten or eleven years old, a child goes to the toilet as many times as adults do.

Eating fruits and drinks increases urination, in which case you should not look at the standards. Also, changes in these indicators occur in the presence of certain types of infections. Frequent urination is called in the medical environment, which is provoked by various factors.

What diseases cause a child to pee often?

Pollakiuria may be a symptom of one of the diseases.

  • . The body is unable to properly absorb glucose. It is excreted in urine instead of entering cellular structures. The baby often wants to go to the toilet and complains of thirst, which is impossible to get rid of.

  • . This disease is characterized by vasopressin deficiency. After the kidneys filter the water, it is absorbed back. The frequency of urges increases after three years.
  • Bladder dysfunction. The disease occurs due to pathologies of the urinary tract. Symptoms worsen with colds and stress.
  • . The physiological increase in urges lasts no more than ten hours, but if body functions are impaired, then the symptoms persist much longer.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. The signal to empty the bladder comes from the brain. This signal is transmitted to the spinal cord, the person goes to the toilet. If such a chain is broken, then it happens.
  • Tumor. The tumor can put pressure on the walls of the bladder if it is located outside this organ.
  • Infectious disease. Infection leads not only to frequent urination, but also to weakness, fever, cough or upset stool.

Sometimes the child pees often due to the specific characteristics of the formation of the genital organs in boys and girls. The boy's urethra becomes red and swollen. In girls, bowel movements are affected by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

What are the everyday reasons for a child going to the toilet frequently?

Physiological pollakiuria may be provoked by large amounts of fluid consumed. This occurs during hot summers or cold winters when heating systems dry out the air in rooms, causing extreme thirst. It is important not to confuse these signs with symptoms of diabetes. Fruits and vegetables cause a diuretic effect, watermelons, cranberries, lingonberries, and cucumbers are especially strong in this regard - children should use these products with caution.

Antihistamines, diuretics and antiemetic medications also cause pollakiuria. The same situation occurs after a long stay in the cold. This occurs due to spasms of the renal vessels, which goes away after the body warms up. Stress with pollakiuria is more common in children under four years of age, as well as at the beginning of the visit kindergarten or school, having problems with other students or teachers.

Household pollakiuria is not dangerous for the baby. It goes away on its own without any treatment once the inciting event is eliminated. The danger is that parents attribute frequent visits to the toilet to eating fruit or other harmless reasons and may miss the onset of the development of the disease.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the frequency of urination in a child

Many acute and chronic diseases are expressed in the fact that the child pees often. If parents use disposable diapers, this problem is quickly identified. When using reusable diapers, it is much more difficult to judge the baby's urination.

Komarovsky recommends that parents monitor how often and to what extent the baby pees. If the standards are exceeded, then you need to contact your pediatrician, who will prescribe and. These diagnostic tests are carried out in any clinic and help to quickly make a diagnosis.

If, against the background of pollakiuria, there is an increase in temperature, a runny nose, or a rash appears, then a complex of such symptoms indicates a bacterial infection of the reproductive system. In such a situation, you need to abandon the diaper and count the frequency of urination. At the same time, at home, by the time he arrives, the parents already have information about the nature of urine output.

Sometimes a child begins to cry for no reason, and then calms down. This may indicate pain during urine excretion. To test this version, you need to remove the diaper and watch the baby go to the toilet the next time.

VIDEO Urine analysis and urinary tract infections - School of Dr. Komarovsky

How much should a child drink at different ages?

The drinking regime includes not only water, teas, milk, compotes and other liquids that the baby drinks per day. You cannot completely replace water with compote or anything else. But it is also forbidden to completely refuse water - it is vital for every organism. Some children drink more water, others less, this is regulated by the body independently depending on the time of year, weather, humidity, and feeding method.

child on breastfeeding does not require additional fluid intake before introducing complementary foods. Everything the baby needs comes from mother's milk. A baby up to six months on artificial feeding needs additional fluid in the amount of 50-100 ml per day (or more in hot weather). In addition to water, you can give herbal teas, apple or raisin decoction. You need to drink according to the baby's wishes. After the sixth month, the child receives complementary foods, in this case the liquid comes already as part of the meals. At this age, bottle-fed and breastfed babies are already given water.

The fluid norms per day are as follows (ml per kilogram of weight per day):

  • 1 day – 90 ml.
  • 10 days – 135 ml.
  • 3 months – 150 ml.
  • 6 months – 140 ml.
  • 9 months – 130 ml.
  • 1 year – 125 ml.
  • 4 years – 105 ml.
  • 7 years – 95 ml.
  • 11 years – 75 ml.
  • 14 years – 55 ml.

Of these liquid volumes, water makes up approximately 25 ml per kilogram of body weight per day.

VIDEO How much water should a child drink?

What tests need to be done to find the cause?

When the child pees often, the root cause of this phenomenon can be identified during laboratory diagnostics.

The pediatrician will definitely prescribe a general urine test - it is collected in a clean container. It is necessary to rinse the pot thoroughly to avoid distortion of the analysis. You cannot collect urine in the evening; you only need morning urine. After this, you need to take the container for analysis - storing it in the refrigerator is prohibited, this will distort the result. That's why general analysis it will be clear whether the baby is healthy and whether he has pyelonephritis, gloperulonephritis, cystitis, or urethritis.

To diagnose the disease more accurately, it may be necessary to test your urine for protein and glucose. To do this, daily urine is collected; such an analysis is necessary for other kidney diseases. If there is a lot of glucose in the urine, then this is evidence of diabetes. At large quantities salts in a baby may be as an addition to another illness.

What to do if a child often wants to write, but cannot?

Such manifestations are called false urge to urinate. Sometimes they occur a couple of minutes after the baby has urinated. This situation is repeated, its cause is an infection in the genitourinary system.

If there is an inflammatory process, there is pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. The process of emptying is often painful, with burning and pain in the urinary ducts. If parents notice false urges in their baby, they should definitely contact a specialist in order to localize the infection in a timely manner and prevent complications.

Folk remedies for treating frequent urination in children

Some techniques used by our ancestors in the old days can help as an auxiliary method. They can be used if the baby is not in pain. It is not recommended to treat children under one year old with herbs.

  • , sold in a pharmacy. A teaspoon of the product is brewed in a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. The child is given half a glass of infusion twice a day.
  • Rose hip decoction cook for ten minutes and infuse in a thermos.
  • Herbal infusions, sold in pharmacies, are prescribed as an additional treatment for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and urethritis.

All these folk methods will help if the baby does not have dangerous diseases, in other cases they can blur the clinical picture. No parent has yet been able to completely protect themselves from problems with children's urination. But compliance preventive measures will help reduce their occurrence significantly and avoid complications.

You need to be careful about the clothes your baby wears. It should reliably protect against the cold, but the child should not sweat in it - in this case there is a greater chance of catching a cold. Be sure to keep your feet dry and warm. If the baby gets his feet wet, you need to quickly change his shoes and give him a warm drink.

It is useful to feed your baby breast milk for a long time; it will reliably protect the baby from many infections. If your the child pees often, do not try to find out the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon on your own. A diagnosis made by a non-specialist will in most cases be wrong.

Problems with urination in young children alarm attentive parents and force them to go to the clinic.

If children experience frequent urination, the doctor will help understand the causes of this phenomenon and recommend medications for treatment.

The urination process is a complex system of regulatory mechanisms that ensure the evacuation of waste fluid from the body.

Like any system, the genitourinary system malfunctions, which is why frequent “small” trips appear. If your child urinates frequently, it is necessary to check the genitourinary system.

Physiological pollakiuria

A disease that causes frequent urge to go to the toilet is called pollakiuria. The reasons for this phenomenon may not be problems with the functioning of the internal organs responsible for excreting urine.

The diagnosis of physiological pollakiuria is common, but after eliminating the factors of the disorder, the problems disappear. Causes of frequent urination in children:

  1. taking too much fluid, for example if small child give too much water;
  2. taking diuretic medications, such as furosemide;
  3. consumption of foods that have a diuretic effect - cranberries, melon, cucumbers, kefir;
  4. Hypothermia of a baby is a physiological condition when the organ is not inflamed, but as a result of a reaction to the cold, the child’s body tries to get rid of excess fluid. After the baby stays warm, urination returns to normal;
  5. stress and severe overexcitation, which also cause frequent urge to go to the toilet. After stress, the amount of urination returns to normal.

In such cases, there is no need to worry, because the child is not sick, and increased frequency of urination is a normal response of the body to negative external influences. No specific treatment is required.

Pathological pollakiuria

When should parents sound the alarm and consult a doctor to diagnose a problem with the urinary organs? There are clear indications for this:

  1. We can talk about pathology of urination when the child is constantly bothered by frequent trips to the toilet, and is replaced by times when he goes to the toilet much less often.
  2. The second aspect is when pollakiuria is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: the baby may not feel sharp pain, but he has pain, and there is a need to strain when urinating.
  3. A situation where, with frequent urination, a child experiences other unpleasant symptoms, elevated body temperature, severe weakness, sweating, cold sweat on the forehead, rapid weight loss.

A number of diseases in which frequent urge to urinate in children becomes a clear marker. These are pathologies of the urinary system, neurogenic abnormalities in the regulation of the bladder, dysfunction of the endocrine system, diseases of the central nervous system, compression of the bladder (for example, by a tumor), psychosomatic abnormalities and neurotic disorders.

Pathologies of the urinary organs

Diseases of the urinary organs are the cause of pathological pollakiuria in young children. Children often develop acute cystitis and pyelonephritis.

These diseases are accompanied by pain, and sometimes children do not feel it at all. Pyelonephritis is often combined with cystitis, while the chronic course of the disease provokes pain, but not when urinating - the baby complains of pain in the abdomen, but not in the bladder area.

General symptoms help clarify the diagnosis: lethargy, weakness, pallor skin, fever, nausea and vomiting.

The key steps in diagnosis are urine tests and instrumental methods for studying internal organs, for example, ultrasound or tomography.

Other pathologies of the urinary system include:

  • congenital anomalies of the organ, small volume or reduced capacity due to the presence of a tumor;
  • glomerulonephritis - immunoinflammatory damage to the renal glomeruli;
  • urolithiasis - the presence of salts, sand or stones in the urine;
  • renal failure is a disease characterized by severe pathological processes leading to loss of organ function;
  • hereditary kidney pathologies or acquired after birth - renal diabetes (sodium deficiency), phosphate diabetes (impaired absorption of phosphorus) and congenital metabolic abnormalities (impaired transport of electrolytes and organic substances).

Neurogenic dysfunction of the organ is accompanied by a malfunction - the bladder does not collect, store, or empty its contents in a timely manner.

Pathology develops due to untimely maturation of centers in the brain that regulate urination in the body.

The pathology is isolated and is not complicated by concomitant diseases. With neurogenic dysfunction there are no signs of cystitis, children do not feel pain when urinating, but there is prolonged pollakiuria.

Worsened by nervous tension and colds. Also, neurogenic dysfunction leads to urinary incontinence and urination at night.

Endocrine pathologies

Often problems with urine excretion from the body arise due to dysfunction of the endocrine system.

The most common cause of this is diabetes - diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. When a baby has diabetes, the absorption of glucose is impaired - it is not transported into the tissues, but remains in the blood.

A blood test is a marker of diabetes mellitus, because it detects a persistent increase in sugar.

A sign of diabetes is thirst, increased appetite, and children urinate frequently. Such children are prone to inflammatory diseases and itchy skin. Treatment of diabetes mellitus involves monitoring blood glucose levels.

Diabetes insipidus occurs when there are problems with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. These two glands are responsible for producing vasopressin, which is necessary to return water when the kidneys filter blood.

If this hormone is deficient, water does not return to the blood, but is converted into urine and excreted from the body through urination.

Diabetes insipidus is a rare pathology, diagnosed at a young age. Characteristic signs of the pathology are thirst and frequent urination. Diabetes insipidus must be treated by introducing into the body vasopressin substitutes - desmopressin, adiuretin.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

Frequent urination in children without pain is provoked by abnormalities in the activity of the central nervous system. Normally, the emptying of an organ from urine is regulated by a number of nerve impulses that are given by the brain when the organ is overfilled with urine. With the help of the spinal cord, signals are transmitted directly to the organ, and the baby urinates.

If this chain of transmission becomes defective, then emptying occurs spontaneously - as the organ fills with urine.

Urine comes out not only often, but also in small portions. Dysfunctions of the central nervous system occur when the integrity of the spinal cord is damaged, neoplasms, diseases of the spine, compression of the nerve by a hernia, or disc protrusion.

In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, after which the urine excretion function will gradually improve on its own.

Small bladder capacity

Insufficient organ capacity can be a congenital pathology in a newborn, in which pollakiuria is observed.

A bladder that is too small is unable to hold the volume of urine produced by the kidneys, so urine comes out as leakage and frequent urination.

Some children suffer from urinary incontinence. Treatment is aimed at increasing the volume of the organ with infusions of solutions to stretch it.

Therapy is carried out over a long period of time, and in girls the effect of treatment is observed later than in boys.

Tumors can also develop in the bladder, which reduce its volume. The appearance of neoplasms is a rare situation, but it also leads to pressure and a decrease in the volume of the organ. The tumor is treated surgically.

Psychological problems and neuroses

Neurotic disorders and psychosomatic problems are difficult to diagnose causes of frequent urination in children without pain.

As already indicated, nervous tension cause physiological pollakiuria in the baby. If stress does not go away, and pollakiuria persists for a long time, this is recognized as a pathology.

In young patients, neuroses, neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other abnormalities can be diagnosed.

If physiological pollakiuria due to stress goes away after a few hours, then a frequent urge to urinate against the background of neurosis is constantly observed, although it is not expressed so clearly.

A child with pathological pollakiuria also exhibits other characteristic symptoms - mood swings, aggressiveness, inability to find contact with others, increased anxiety.

Typically, such a diagnosis is made by exclusion, when examinations of the genitourinary system are carried out, but no pathologies are found.

Assistance in diagnosis is provided by a neurologist and a psychiatrist, who will continue to care for the little patient.

Frequent urination without pain in children should not be beyond parental control. After all, the baby himself cannot assess the problem, and in the absence of pain, the child does not have any complaints.

Only after consultation does a doctor have the opportunity to make a diagnosis and begin treatment of the underlying disease causing pollakiuria.
