Child development in the first four weeks after birth. Fourth week of pregnancy signs and sensations Pregnancy 4 weeks what happens to the fetus

4 obstetric week pregnancy– (approximately 5-6 embryonic) the period is too short to clearly experience all the “delights” of an interesting situation. The stomach is still flat, the baby is not kicking yet. But the woman’s body has already seriously begun to prepare for bearing a fetus. What is important in the fourth week is the moment that right now the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, where it will spend all the time until birth.

We especially note that the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy differs from embryonic period pregnancy. After all, in obstetrics, the period is calculated from the day of the last menstruation. And the age of the embryo is counted from the day of its conception. Usually both terms differ by 10-14 days.

What does the expectant mother feel at 4 weeks? However, if pregnancy is not planned, then the woman is still waiting for her period to arrive. However, many characteristic signs are already appearing: causeless irritability, drowsiness, emotional swings, swelling of the mammary glands and quite noticeable pain, slight swelling in the legs and arms may occur. Breasts at 4 weeks of pregnancy becomes extremely sensitive. Toxicosis in its usual manifestation has not yet occurred.

There is a slight tension in the lower abdomen. Some people are already developing intolerance to strong odors. Exacerbations of chronic diseases (if any) may occur.

There are cases when, just on the day of the arrival of menstruation, light discharge with blood begins. This is what doctors call implantation bleeding, many people mistake it for menstruation and for some time do not realize they are pregnant.

Fetal development at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Now, after the embryo enters the uterine cavity, it develops at an accelerated pace. In the meantime, the embryo resembles in shape a flat disk with a diameter of about a millimeter - poppy seed.

The round shape of the embryo seems to consist of petals. The outer layers of these petals will in the future become the baby’s nerves, skin and hair, and the inner ones will become all the organs. The middle layer will develop into the genitals, muscles and bones, and other organs and tissues of the baby’s body.

There is still no placenta or amniotic sac as such. They will later form from chorion And amnion. The yolk sac will provide the process of hematopoiesis for the fetus until 7-8 weeks.

Now the brain is rapidly expanding, and the head is growing. If you look at the pictures Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy, then you can see the places of the rudiments of arms and legs, face, and oral cavity.

The weight of the embryo is still very small: approximately 0.5 grams, height does not exceed 1 mm.

On photo ultrasound at the 4th week of obstetric pregnancy, the unborn baby looks like a tiny dot - a poppy seed.

What factors influence fetal development

Already now the connection between the embryo and the woman is becoming stronger: blood vessels connect the unborn baby and the mother. Blood passes through the membranes of these vessels as if through a filter. However, they cannot protect the unborn baby as well as placenta(which has not yet formed). Therefore, there is a high risk of harmful effects on the fetus from the outside: alcohol, tobacco and chemicals from the environment.

What complications may arise at 4 weeks of pregnancy?

What to watch out for 4 weeks pregnant, is the incorrect formation and development of fetal organs. Risk factors include all sorts of harmful influences: medications, habits expectant mother, diseases and infections.

For example, heat may increase the risk of occurrence and development of heart defects in the child in the future. Smoking causes oxygen starvation. Alcohol inhibits development nervous system and brain.

The risk is very high right now miscarriage. So, if you experience any discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen or bleeding, immediately run to the antenatal clinic.

Fine vaginal discharge transparent (or slightly whitish) without a specific odor. During this period, bleeding may occur due to implantation - slightly scanty discharge with blood for one to three days. They pose no danger.

Changes in a woman’s body at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Future baby on 4 weeks pregnant- this is no longer a lump of cells, but a living organism that intensively develops in the uterus. The fetus secretes a certain set of hormones that force the female body to rebuild. After all, now the main purpose of a woman’s body is to bear and give birth to a child.

At this stage, the corpus luteum (it is formed at the site of the egg that has already left the follicle) begins to increase in size and intensively produce the hormone progesterone. Then the placenta will do this.

The embryo, already attached to the wall of the uterus, reproduces hCG, which makes the processes of restructuring of the body noticeable and clearly signals an “interesting situation.”

All the physical processes that are happening now are aimed at only one thing - carrying a pregnancy and preparing for the birth of a child.

Often, now a pregnant woman begins to feel the urge to vomit - this is a spasm of small blood vessels. Fluid is lost from the bloodstream, which is rare but can still seriously dehydrate the body.

At the 4th week of obstetric pregnancy, the fetus begins to produce unique substances. They suppress immune system mother. But this is a natural process: this is how the unborn child is protected from fetal rejection during the process of implantation into the uterus. But for a woman, this fact can result in an exacerbation of previously dormant chronic diseases. The danger may be that a woman, not yet suspecting that she is pregnant, begins to take medications that can cause significant harm to the fetus.

However, if pregnancy is expected, then you should stop taking medications. And it is better to avoid places where there is a high probability of contracting an infection.

A remarkable fact: for those who suffer from diseases related to the immune system, the release of suppressive substances by the embryo, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect. For example, women with diabetes mellitus Type 1 patients may forget about insulin injections until the placenta is formed. Skin diseases (psoriasis, for example) go into a state of remission and do not remind of themselves for a very long time, or even disappear completely without a trace.

Tests and medical examinations

On 4 weeks pregnant There are no requirements yet for conducting examinations or passing a mandatory set of tests. Many women at this stage only take the test for the first time and see the long-awaited two lines. It is unlikely that the test could be false at this time. Only a low-quality or expired test will show a negative result.

If the pregnancy was carefully planned, then nothing bad will come from taking the tests. This way the doctor will simply have an extra opportunity to control the changes that the female body undergoes. Of course, if there is a risk of miscarriage, then it is better to be examined once again and make sure that the process is proceeding within normal limits.

At this time, you can safely donate blood to determine the level hCG
. Based on the amount of hCG, the doctor can determine not only the fact of pregnancy itself, but also the likelihood of miscarriage, multiple pregnancy or other pathologies. The norm for one fetus is 50 – 100 mU/ml. for a few fruits this value increases significantly.

During your examination at 4 weeks, your gynecologist will tell you for sure that you are pregnant.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy

If the ultrasound apparatus has high sensitivity characteristics, then 4 weeks pregnant in the photographs you can see not only the enlarged corpus luteum, but also the embryo itself.

Is it worth it? Ultrasound at such an early stage, the doctor will decide. Although the harmful effects of ultrasonic waves on the embryo or on the pregnant woman herself have not been proven.

Of course, the most helpful advice- This is a healthy lifestyle for the expectant mother. You will have to radically change your habits and give up a lot. But the sacrifice is very small compared to the miracle of waiting for the birth of a healthy child.

The expectant mother must provide the growing embryo with adequate nutrition and access to all the vitamins, microelements and nutrients the baby needs. Therefore, let's switch to balanced diet, environmentally clean products, fruits and vegetables.

Don't forget about walks fresh air. It is clear that in a large metropolis it is difficult to find a quiet and cozy place for relaxing walks. Explore the surroundings of your residential area and you will definitely find a public garden among the concrete jungle where you can calmly relax and enjoy your dreams of your future child.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

  • Complete rejection of all bad habits – no alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Their effect is so terrible that it is better to deny yourself this than to bite your elbows later, realizing that it was you who had such a negative impact on the health and development of your baby.
  • Refusal of “harmful” food – fast food, fatty, salty, spicy, smoked. Of course, sometimes pregnant women want something like that, so at least cry. Sometimes treat yourself to something tasty, but in very limited quantities.
  • If you are a convinced vegetarian, then remember that your unborn child needs protein. Get over your beliefs and allow yourself to eat eggs, fish, chicken and lean meats.
  • Avoid stressful situations. Avoid stressful work that makes you nervous and overtired. Any money you can earn is not worth the health of your unborn baby.
  • Don't lift heavy things, don't overdo it.

Sex at 4 weeks pregnant

There are no restrictions on sexual activity during this period. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you do not risk anything. To be on the safe side, you can consult your doctor on this issue. Sometimes a gynecologist advises abstaining from sex during the period of embryo implantation - contractions of the uterine muscles can prevent the embryo from attaching to the wall.

However, on 4 weeks pregnant sex is perceived different women differently. In some pregnant women, sexual desire intensifies, in others, on the contrary, sexual desire disappears completely.

Sports and physical education

In this matter, caution is needed if you are involved in professionally active or extreme sports. It is better to avoid such activities altogether for the entire period of pregnancy.

Physical activity during pregnancy is undoubtedly necessary. But in a certain quantity, and preferably in accordance with the trainer’s recommendations. You can already sign up and start attending special gymnastics and fitness courses for pregnant women. This is also a good opportunity to chat with friends in an “interesting position.” The main thing is that physical activity is a joy and does not bring overwork.

Vitamins and medicines at 4 weeks of pregnancy

From use medicines worth refusing. Almost all medications have contraindications for pregnant women and have serious side effects. Any medicine can be taken only after consulting a doctor.

WITH folk remedies Don’t experiment either, consult a specialist first.

On 4 weeks pregnant You cannot perform any procedures using anesthesia. Therefore even dental treatment delay until the third trimester of pregnancy.

Take only vitamins that are designed specifically for pregnant women. A lack and even an excess of microelements or seemingly beneficial substances can significantly affect the fetus and its development.

It is in the third week of pregnancy that a fairly large number of women develop signs which may indicate pregnancy:

  • Drowsiness
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Changes in taste preferences
  • Increased sensitivity to odors
  • Morning dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting.

It is especially dangerous during this period to become ill with infectious or colds. Most effective medications are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The fourth week of obstetric pregnancy, which doctors begin counting from the first day of the last menstruation, is equal to two weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception.

The use of obstetric timing is more common in medicine (all tables are kept taking it into account), since the exact time of fertilization is quite difficult to determine. At week 4 of the “interesting position,” the embryo has already established itself in the uterus. Every day he continues to grow, gradually increasing in size and weight.

Body changes and new sensations for women

The 4th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman is more likely to determine whether she is pregnant or not. The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation are similar to the symptoms of approaching critical days. According to the physiological timing, menstruation should really begin soon, but... it’s still not there, and the mood, as with PMS, deteriorates, irritability, nervousness, and fatigue appear. Another sign of an “interesting situation” is a change in olfactory sensations, and even a favorite scent suddenly causes unpleasant feelings.

On early stages a pregnant woman suddenly “falls in love” with those foods that previously seemed tasteless to her and refuses what she previously ate with pleasure. This also includes the well-known craving for salty and sour foods. Doctors explain new (sometimes strange) taste preferences by a lack of certain substances in the body - during pregnancy everything vitality Women are focused on bearing a child, and the need for many products increases significantly.

Nausea and vomiting appear (most often these symptoms occur later), and due to a slight increase in weight and a shift in the center of gravity, mild pain in the back and lower back occurs. Some expectant mothers in the very early stages also complain of slight dizziness, headaches and “transformation” of the breasts. Already from the first days after conception, changes occur in the mammary glands: they become engorged, the nipples and the skin around them begin to darken, increased sensitivity and a painful reaction to touch appear.

Discharge in early pregnancy

Delayed menstruation is one of the main, “probable,” as doctors say, and known signs of the onset of an “interesting situation.” But for now the woman is only waiting for her critical days. However, already now she may notice bloody discharge (usually Pink colour), which have nothing to do with menstruation. During pregnancy, discharge in the early stages is a sign of implantation bleeding. It occurs due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. Such discharge differs from menstrual discharge in its short duration and insignificant volume. If you have brown discharge that is accompanied by noticeable pain in the back and lower back, you should consult a doctor.

Basal temperature

Basal temperature (body temperature after sleep) in the second half menstrual cycle rises slightly to 37–37.1°C. By the beginning of menstruation it drops to 36.9°C. If basal temperature does not decrease, this may indicate pregnancy. The increase in temperature in this case is associated with the effect of the hormone progesterone on the female body - during pregnancy its level increases.

Weight gain

The average weight gain at 4 weeks of pregnancy is about 0.1–0.2 kg. This fact means that your waist increases by centimeters invisible to others (including you). It has been noticed that women with low weight to an “interesting position” gain more weight than pregnant women “in the body.” This applies to the entire waiting period for the baby.

Mom's belly

The mother’s belly at 4 weeks of pregnancy does not yet reveal anything about the woman’s new condition. This is due to the fact that the uterus still remains the same size. Aching pain in the abdominal area may appear - often they signal that the embryo has begun its active development. In any case, frequent and intense pain indicates the need to seek help from a specialist.

Tests and ultrasound

An ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy can already please the expectant mother with good news. However, it is carried out at this time in very rare cases. Firstly, many pregnant women do not yet know that they will soon become mothers and simply do not think about any ultrasound, and secondly, some women believe that it is undesirable to conduct an ultrasound examination at such an early stage.

You can try to do a simple pregnancy test at home (rapid tests are made in the form of strips or other similar devices). But at 4 weeks you shouldn’t really trust such a test: despite the fact that the outer layer of the embryo has already begun to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), it is not yet enough for a home test. But a blood test for hCG often gives positive result, since the content of this hormone in the blood is much higher.

Lifestyle, nutrition and vitamins

Week 4 is, as a rule, the last week when a woman cannot yet reliably know that pregnancy has occurred. If you were planning a child and did everything to conceive, lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol, smoking, taking antibiotics, avoid contact with sick people, try to be calmer, picky about food and drinks. And don't forget about vitamins. But remember: only a doctor can give you a detailed answer to the question of what vitamins to take and in what quantity.

Sex at 4 weeks pregnant

Sex now usually doesn't pose any harm. Continue making love with your partner, because in the future, when nausea and other ailments appear, you may not have time for it. It is better to have sexual life with a condom - this protects against unnecessary (especially at this time) infectious diseases.

Embryo size

The embryo reaches a length of no more than 1–1.5 mm.

Baby's weight

The embryo weighs very little - only 0.3–0.5 g.

Development of the embryo at 4 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, the germ layers - inner, middle and outer - begin to form. The cells of the inner leaf serve to form internal organs: liver, bladder, pancreas, lungs, respiratory and digestive systems. The middle leaf forms the skeleton, muscular system, cartilage, heart, kidneys, gonads, lymph and blood. The cells of the outer leaf are responsible for skin, nails, tooth enamel, epithelial tissue of the ears, eyes, nose, as well as the nervous system.

During this period, the chorion, amnion and yolk sac also develop. Thanks to them, the embryo receives comprehensive protection and in the future will be provided with everything necessary for development. The chorion soon transforms into the placenta, the amnion into the fetal bladder. As for the yolk sac, this organ, which provides nutrition and respiration of the fetal egg, after 12-13 weeks of pregnancy will cease its functions, shrink and “retract” into the fetal cavity.

What does an embryo look like?

The multilayered flat disk (that's what the tiny embryo is like at this time) continues to stretch. At the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the “head” end appears.

Pregnancy is a magical period for every woman, because everything inside her grows and develops day by day. new life. An interesting fact is that at this time many processes occur in the expectant mother’s body that affect her well-being in different ways. These can be either attacks of unprecedented joy or states of deep depression. Often a woman may feel sick, tired and very weak. But no matter what happens, this is always a very exciting period, because very soon there will be a long-awaited meeting with a tiny man.

The 4th obstetric week of pregnancy is 1 month, the first trimester. The first month of pregnancy is coming to an end, and most women can only guess about their interesting situation, since no doctor can give 100% confidence that pregnancy will occur.

What happens in a woman’s body at 4 weeks?

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo can only begin to penetrate the uterine wall. When this happens depends on the patency of the fallopian tubes, the woman’s menstrual cycle and individual characteristics. Therefore, at this stage there is still a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If the tubes have poor patency, then the embryo moves through them very slowly, overcoming many obstacles on its way. As it progresses, it constantly increases in size, as the cells continually divide. As a result, a situation may arise when the embryo cannot reach the uterine cavity, and begins to grow and develop directly in the fallopian tube. This is very dangerous and can threaten a woman with dire consequences, including losing her pipe.

Fortunately, ectopic pregnancy is not a common occurrence, so there is no need to worry or be upset, especially since all the mother’s experiences are now reflected in the condition of the baby.

If the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus at 3 weeks, then at 4 weeks of pregnancy the hCG level should reach a level of 10-156 mIU/ml. This means that the first tests will show the coveted two stripes. The second stripe may still be pale, but already visible. By repeating the test a few days later, you can finally confirm that pregnancy has occurred.

What happens to the fetus at 4 weeks?

At the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a small grain. In length it measures no more than 0.35-1 mm, and weighs about 0.5 grams. Despite the fact that your baby is still just a baby, he is constantly actively developing. It is now that the baby's head begins to develop. Now he no longer looks just like a ball, but becomes like an embryo.

At week 4, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to develop.

The fertilized egg at this stage consists of three layers, from which the baby’s skeleton, nervous system, brain, liver cells, pancreas and all other tissues and organs will subsequently be formed. This is a very complex process that will take as long as 9 months. It seems incredible that just two parent cells can produce a little person.

Feelings and first signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy at such an early stage often goes unnoticed by the expectant mother. Changes in hormonal levels have already begun, but so far they have no effect on overall well-being. Most likely, a woman at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy feels the same as before her period: the lower abdomen pulls, sometimes the lower back hurts and stretches (the pain is aching, not severe), the breasts fill up and become more sensitive, the emotional state is characterized by sudden changes, Appetite disturbance may occur.

For every woman, the first signs of pregnancy appear in varying degrees, everything is purely individual. Expectant mothers with a highly sensitive body may experience dizziness, weakness, lethargy and drowsiness, and in rare cases, even toxicosis is possible.

In women with a short menstrual cycle, at the 4th obstetric week there may already be a delay. And this a clear sign that the baby has already settled in the tummy. You can confirm your assumptions using a test.

During the examination, the gynecologist can also draw conclusions about the onset of pregnancy by changes in the cervix; it becomes looser and softer, and acquires a bluish tint.

It is too early to do an ultrasound, because the baby is still very tiny and cannot be detected by an ultrasound machine. The first ultrasound is prescribed at the first screening at 12 weeks. But if there is pronounced pain in the lower abdomen, brown or bloody discharge, then it is better not to delay the first ultrasound examination and do it at 5-6 weeks to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

Caring for your baby from the first weeks of pregnancy

It is very important for the mother to maintain the pregnancy and adhere to all the recommendations that doctors can give. For example, during planning and throughout the entire period, it is strictly prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. The first trimester of pregnancy is a time of active development of the fetus and the period of formation of all major organs and systems, so the mother must create all the conditions for the normal development of the baby.

In addition to maintaining healthy image life and limiting the intake of alcoholic beverages and nicotine into the body, care should be taken to ensure that the child receives all the vitamins he needs. Many doctors recommend starting to take multi-vitamins for pregnant women while planning. This will help the child receive all the necessary substances for proper development, and the woman will keep hemoglobin levels under control.

If you haven't started taking it yet folic acid, it's time to start. It has a huge positive effect on the development of all the main organs and systems of the child, including the nervous system. It should be taken throughout the entire 1st trimester of pregnancy.

You should refuse any antibiotics, and take medications in case of colds, allergies and other diseases in consultation with your doctor, since many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. It is also better to postpone dental treatment until 15-16 weeks, because any anesthesia is very harmful and dangerous for the baby at such an early stage.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: My husband and I dream of having twins. The test showed a positive result at 4 weeks. Is it possible to find out now whether there will be twins or one child?

A: It’s impossible to know for sure now. The fact of multiple pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound at 5-6 weeks.

Q: 4th obstetric week, how long is it from conception?

A: Conception occurs differently for everyone, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle. With a cycle of 28 days, conception occurs on the 13-14th day of the cycle, respectively, the 4th obstetric week is 2 weeks from conception.

V.: The temperature has been 37.3 for two days. The test showed a weak line, there are still 2 days left before the delay. Is it normal to have a fever and there are no signs of a cold?

A: During pregnancy in the very early stages, a slight increase in temperature up to 37.5 degrees is possible. This is how the body can react to an increase in progesterone. If the temperature does not return to normal after a couple of days, it is better to consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of inflammation or a viral disease.

How to find out your due date?

The first thing a woman thinks about after calming her emotions after confirming her pregnancy is: “When will I give birth?”

Of course, it is impossible to calculate the exact date of birth, since each organism is individual. On average, babies spend 38 to 42 weeks in the womb. The expected date of birth is calculated by adding 40 weeks to the first day of the last menstrual period.

Each stage of pregnancy is unique in its own way, has its own characteristics, and causes different sensations in the expectant mother. The 4th week of pregnancy is a short period, so it does not immediately become clear to a woman that a new life is developing inside her body.

The fetus is not protected by the placenta for verification Change
phases of change
how much a suitcase is torment

In the 4th week of pregnancy, you can easily confuse the corresponding signs with premenstrual syndrome, when the lower abdomen pulls or your mood worsens, and a delay in menstrual flow with a normal failure.

Fetal development

From conception to pregnancy, the cell still moves towards the uterus, passing through the fallopian tube. Transformation by division occurs in geometric progression every day. The cell will have to undergo implantation and begin its active development, which begins at 4 weeks.

At this stage, the fetus is not protected by the placenta, so you should monitor your diet and use of medications

From this moment, a crucial stage of embryo development begins on all fronts. The brain, hair, future facial features, eye structure, digestive, nervous, cardiovascular systems, and respiratory organs begin to form.

The child is not yet protected by the placenta, which does not allow harmful substances to leave the mother’s body, so it is very important at this stage of development to stop taking any medications, poor-quality food, and even more so poisons such as alcohol and smoking.

Let's consider what happens to the fetus.

  1. After a long journey, the embryo is securely attached to the walls of the uterus, but still feeds on its own resources.
  2. The embryo is so small that it measures between 0.34 and 1 millimeter in length and weighs about half a gram.
  3. The embryo has the shape of three disks, which consist of many cells. A certain layer is responsible for the development of individual groups of organs and systems.
  4. The topmost layer is the ectodermal layer, responsible for all the organs of the head and the central nervous system.
  5. The middle layer, called mesoderm, determines the skeletal system, the development of the kidneys, muscles, of cardio-vascular system future child.
  6. The innermost layer of endoderm gives rise to the digestive system, liver, pancreas, forms the lungs, and urethra.
  7. At this stage, extra-embryonic organs actively develop, thanks to which the unborn baby receives oxygen and nutrition.
  8. An extra-embryonic organ such as the chorion is necessary for the further transformation of the placenta, through which the child will receive only filtered beneficial nutrients for his body.
  9. The amnion will later form the membrane of the fetus in the form of a fetal bladder.
  10. The yolk sac collects fetal secretions and takes part in the development of the circulatory system.

Also find out whether you can pass and which ones.

These signs of fetal development can be examined with a careful ultrasound examination.

Is it worth doing an ultrasound?

Many expectant mothers wonder whether it is worth doing an ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy, and what the unborn child looks like in the photo during such an examination.

Ultrasound is performed to check the viability of the embryo

Fears that ultrasound can harm the fetus are just prejudices. A study at the 4th week of pregnancy is carried out in order to identify the viability of the embryo, multiple pregnancies, and also exclude the possibility of pathologies - all this can be determined by taking a photo of the fetus during an ultrasound examination:

  • at this stage of the “interesting position” the fertilized egg is most accurately determined, with a diameter of approximately five millimeters, covered with a luminous layer of chorion;
  • detection of the yolk sac distinguishes the fertilized egg from possible accumulated fluid on the walls of the uterus, which can prevent ectopic pregnancy;
  • The fetus itself is anatomically very difficult to determine from a photograph at 4 weeks, even with a transvaginal examination; if you take a photograph during an ultrasound, you can only notice the contours of the head, abdomen, back, left and right sides, as well as still unformed limbs in the form of a tail and gill arches ;
  • In addition, at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is very clearly visible in the photo with the appropriate level of beta-hCG in the blood.

The embryonic membrane produces this hormone after the embryo is securely attached to the wall of the uterus. This type of hormone is classified as the ß-subunit particle. And the hCG-alpha particle can be detected even in the absence of pregnancy.

It is at the beginning of the first trimester that gonadotropin levels rapidly increase and increase every two to three days. When taking a blood test, its normal content at the 4th week of pregnancy varies from 1000 to 1800 IU/l, in rare cases – up to 3000.

Human chorionic gonadotropin levels support pregnancy by producing hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. In a male fetus, this hormone takes an active part in the synthesis of testosterone, which, in turn, helps the formation of male genital organs.

It has long been known how a woman’s eating habits change during pregnancy. This is especially characteristic of the 4th week of pregnancy, as significant changes in the woman’s hormonal levels are observed.

NutritionFor full healthy development, it is necessary to eat foods that are most valuable in vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances. It must be remembered that nutrition must be balanced in order to have a beneficial effect on the mother and her child.
It is worth limiting the use of:
fried, flour in large quantities, chemicals in the form of soda, artificial sweets;
sugar and salt in large quantities;
overeating or advice such as “eating for two”, since gaining excess weight does not in any way contribute to faster and healthier development of the fetus, but only causes problems, especially aggravating the situation during childbirth.
Let's look at the products that should be daily diet future mother.
Nuts – contain antioxidants in the form of vitamin E.
It should not be overused as it is high in calories.
Oranges, pears, apples - have a positive effect on the immune system due to vitamin C, as well as A and B.
Yogurts – saturate the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria and promote digestion.
Carrots – contains a large number of carotene, helps skin elasticity, which ensures the prevention of sprains in the expectant mother.
Eggs - contain a huge amount of iron and protein. Eat boiled no more than three times a week.
Eggs should not be eaten raw or soft-boiled.
Visit to the gynecologistThis period of “interesting situation” is still too short to register with a gynecologist. However, right now the risk of miscarriage is high. If you begin to notice spotting in the 4th week of pregnancy, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, or a sharp deterioration in your health, you should immediately consult a specialist. Perhaps this decision will save your baby.
Daily regimeThe feeling of drowsiness, lethargy and weakness still accompanies the woman. That is why you should eliminate all possible stress and rest more during the day. It would be a good idea to arrange a “quiet hour” for yourself every day.
Physical exerciseYou can perform morning exercises, simple exercises to warm up your muscles, take long walks in the open air. It is believed that leading an active lifestyle while carrying a child is much healthier than just lying on the couch. This way you will naturally force blood to circulate, which has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy.
MedicinesDo not self-medicate if you develop any disease. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, most medications are not recommended for use, as they can negatively affect the development of the child. As for the first trimester, and especially the very beginning of pregnancy, there are generally strict limits. Therefore, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for qualified help.
IntimacyIf a woman has a desire for intimacy, there is no need to deny herself. Positive emotions will only be beneficial, the main thing is that there is no pain or discomfort. Sex can only be contraindicated for those women who are at risk of miscarriage, which the gynecologist should inform about.
Changes in the body

Changes in hormonal background lead to frequent changes in the mood of the expectant mother

The following changes are present.

  1. Mood swings. There is a big restructuring going on, which affects the level of hormones, various functions of the woman’s body - they are accompanied either by a surge of good emotions, or by causeless tears.
  2. Additionally, swelling of the mammary glands may appear; the breasts become very sensitive, sometimes causing discomfort upon contact with tissue. This sign is considered the most striking and reliable, confirming the fact of pregnancy.
  3. The temperature may rise, normally no more than thirty-seven degrees.
  4. Heaviness in the lower abdomen. Caused by swelling of the walls of the uterus, its increase in size.
  5. Rarely, but at 4 weeks there are sensations of the fetus inside.
  6. Increased sensitivity to odors.
  7. Nausea, especially in the morning. May be accompanied by vomiting. It is possible that this symptom may be absent during the entire period.
  8. Frequent urge to urinate. Starting from this stage, they will continue until later.
  9. Fatigue, craving for sleep. Now you shouldn’t overwork and neglect rest.

Possible allocations:

  • slightly brown discharge at the 4th week of pregnancy they may appear in small quantities - this is a consequence of hormonal changes;
  • It is necessary to note that scanty, odorless discharge, lasting no more than one or two days, is a common accompaniment in the 4th week.

In other cases, when the discharge in the 4th week of pregnancy is profuse, accompanied by pain and other symptoms, you should consult a specialist immediately.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist