Various menus for all types of banquets. The best wedding menu Decoration of dishes for a wedding

The range of dishes for a wedding feast is varied. Both hot and cold snacks are served on the table. In addition, if desired, you can arrange an excellent dessert table.
Be sure to prepare dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, sliced ​​cheese, and various types of sausages for a wedding.

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A wedding menu for 50 people at home may include the following dishes:

1. Cold appetizers

This is something that should always be a lot. Snacks and alcoholic beverages are used as snacks and snacks, so there is no need to skimp here. What you should definitely prepare:
cold cuts;
slicing fresh vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers);
assorted salted vegetables;
marinated mushrooms;
cheese slices (2 types);
cutting from different types of sausage (3 types);
jellied tongue;
liver cake;
stuffed vegetables;
fish platter;
jellied fish;
sandwiches or canapés.

2. Salads

They are served in small salad bowls. It is advisable to have as many different types as possible than just one in a large salad bowl. Also, some of them can be served in tartlets - small baskets of dough. Traditional salads are:
"Herring under a Fur Coat".
Nowadays, new types of salads are popular:
“Mediterranean” (seafood, pineapple);
“Ali Baba” (boiled chicken fillet cubes, pineapple, pepper);
“Blonde” (raw smoked sausage, tomato, cheese, grated fried potatoes).
It is not necessary to prepare everything according to 20-year-old standards; you can prepare any salad, especially if the wedding reception is planned to be at home. But the best option would be a variety of salads, where the main ingredients are mushrooms, meat, sausage, fish or vegetables.
Advice! Give the salad a festive look on the plate, for example, arrange it in the shape of a heart and you will see that the table will look festive.

3. Hot dishes

The banquet menu must include main hot dishes. They can be made from meat and fish. These products can be boiled, baked, stewed, or grilled.
fish with sauce, with vegetables;
fried liver;
cabbage rolls; (look - cabbage rolls recipe)
stuffed poultry (duck, turkey, goose);
pineapple chops;
julienne with mushrooms or chicken;
eggplant or zucchini with garlic sauce;
stuffed vegetables;
grilled thighs;
gefilte fish;
pancakes with meat or mushroom filling;
fried mushrooms;
schnitzel or steak;
roast or pilaf.
The side dish will be boiled potatoes, rice, and vegetables. In addition, bread is served in an assortment.

4. Desserts

Naturally, the most important dessert on the holiday table is the wedding cake. The weight of a piece of cake per person should be approximately 250 grams. Therefore, the total weight of the cake for a wedding menu of 50 people is about twelve and a half kilograms. The main delicacy of a wedding feast can be ordered at a pastry shop, and if you have a talent for preparing such products, you can bake a cake at home.
The cake can be multi-tiered. Its important design is silhouettes of newlyweds made of mastic, edible pearls and beads. It is fashionable to decorate the product with berries, fruits, and fresh flowers.
The loaf is an absolute attribute on the wedding table. For 50 people, its weight should be at least seven and a half kilograms.
In addition, desserts at a wedding feast may include:
ice cream;
chocolate candies;
tartlets with condensed milk;
fruit bowl (grapes, apples, peaches, oranges, bananas, kiwi, tangerines);
Advice! As such, they begin to drink tea towards the end of the wedding banquet, so it is better to place all the sweets on a separate table along with the birthday cake, so that it does not interfere with the common table.

5. Drinks

At any event, not only at wedding banquets or buffets, you must take into account that there are people who drink alcoholic beverages, but there are also those who do not drink at all and you need to think about each of them. In principle, it is impossible to calculate how much guests will drink, so in this matter it is better to take more than the guests will be dissatisfied later.
Among the non-alcoholic drinks are:
fruit juice;
sparkling water (sweet and mineral);
fruit compote;
Non-alcoholic drinks for 50 guests must be at least 100 liters.
Range of alcoholic drinks:
champagne (1 bottle for 3 people);
vodka (1 bottle for three people);
wine (1 bottle for two);
There may be various wine and vodka products (alcoholic cocktails, martinis, gin). But beer is not on the holiday feast menu.
To hold a celebration for such a number of guests, a room is usually rented.

What to consider when creating a menu for a wedding feast
When creating a menu, you should consider what foods your guests eat. Are there children, elderly people, vegetarians, or people suffering from any diseases among the guests? Such a menu should also be explained by the choice of complex dietary and baby food dishes. It is necessary that all guests can choose healthy and tasty dishes from the variety of food.

To create a menu, you need to take into account the number of guests. Considering the average weight of food per person, it is easy to calculate the total weight of treats for a certain number of guests.
Wedding menu for 40 people
Just like for 50 guests, a wedding menu for 40 people is quite expensive. All dishes are served on small snack plates.
Regarding appetizers, sausage, cheese, vegetable slices, assorted meats and fish, and pickles are served on the table. You can prepare inexpensive salads: both mixed and puff. Among hot dishes, preference is given to stuffed poultry, cutlets or schnitzels, appetizer pancakes, baked fish, and julienne.
The cake is prepared weighing about eight kilograms. To save money on the holiday table, instead of a cake there can be korowai, sweets, cookies, cakes, and fruits.
To create a wedding menu for 30 people, you need to calculate the average weight of each dish. To save money, it is better not to reduce portions, but to choose cheaper ingredients.
Therefore, among the hot dishes, chicken fillet chops, roasts, baked mackerel, meat fingers, pancakes with mushroom filling, and grilled poultry are suitable. For cold appetizers, choose inexpensive salads, sliced ​​raw smoked sausages, hard cheeses, sliced ​​fresh vegetables, pickled mushrooms, and assorted pickles.
The total amount of compotes, juices and sparkling waters should be at least 60 liters (2 liters per person). Champagne and vodka – 10 bottles, wine – 15.
Features of holding a banquet in the summer
To create a wedding menu in the summer, you need to take into account the increased temperature of this time of year. Some foods can spoil quickly in the heat. In addition, in the summer, banquets are most often held outdoors. If the wedding feast is organized outdoors, then there are other difficulties - food delivery, lack of refrigerators. Also, annoying insects somewhat spoil the holiday.
To prevent certain troubles and avoid food poisoning, it is important to correctly create a list of treats. Some rules that will help make your summer wedding unforgettable:
1. If the festive feast will take place outdoors, portable refrigerators will be a good option.
2. When chilled drinks heat up quickly in hot weather, this problem can be solved with pieces of ice.
3. In the summer heat, preference is given to fruits and ice cream rather than creamy desserts.
4. You should remember about the bad combination of alcoholic beverages and heat. Therefore, alcohol such as vodka and cognac can be replaced with less strong ones, for example, cocktails and wine.
5. To prepare snacks and salads, you need to choose ingredients that are not too fatty: chicken, lean fish, fresh vegetables, pickles, herbs.
6. A great idea would be to have tartlets and sandwiches made from herbs, olives, and fresh vegetables on the table.
7. Summer is a great time for barbecue, meat or fish on the grill. They can be easily included in the list of hot snacks for a wedding. Moreover, barbecues go very well if you decide to have a beach wedding.
8. Light desserts - soufflé, mousse and others - are also perfect for the sweet table.
9. Also in the summer, watermelon and melon are served as dessert.
10. It is important to remember to have more soft drinks.

Banquet table for other holidays
In addition to weddings, banquets are held for anniversaries. Such a dinner party is ordered in cafes or restaurants on March 8, New Year, and professional holidays. The banquet can be full or partial service.
Menu for a banquet for 20 people
Usually, a banquet for 20 people is called mini. Below is an approximate menu for the number of people.

Cold appetizers

sliced ​​from various types of cheese (1 kg);
cold cuts: sausage, ham, boiled pork, tongue (700 gr.);
assorted fresh vegetables (1 kg);
pickled herring (600 gr.);
pickles: pickled mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage (800 gr.);
olives, black olives (400 gr.);
salads from vegetables, meat, mushrooms, sausage (800 g each).
Hot dishes
baked potatoes with mushrooms (1 kg);
fish or meat steaks (800 gr.);
cutlets (800 gr.);
pancakes with meat and mushroom filling (700 gr.).
It is important to remember to serve bread products in an assortment.
Dessert table
You can prepare a birthday cake, or limit yourself to fruits, sweets and mini-cakes.

mineral water;
sweet carbonated water;
fruit and berry compote;
fruit drink;
fruit juices.
For 20 people, all drinks must be up to 30 liters. Tea and coffee are served at the sweet table.
Menu for a banquet for 30 people
For a festive feast for such a number of people, it is worth renting a banquet room. You can prepare dishes for the banquet yourself, or order a catering kitchen. But in the second case, then use two waiters who will keep order on your table. If, however, your decision fell on your own preparation and service, then the following menu will help you a lot.
Cold appetizers
fresh and pickled vegetables (assorted);
meat, cheese, sausage cuts;
assorted fish: trout, salmon;
canapes with caviar or red fish;
liver cake;
salad tartlets;
jellied tongue;
gefilte fish;
olives and black olives;
several types of salads (vegetable, meat, seafood).
Hot dishes
pork meat in French;
cabbage rolls;
roast with mushrooms;
chicken chops;
Fried fish;
pancakes with mushrooms.
Desserts include assorted fruits, ice cream, cakes, and sweets.
The range of strong and non-alcoholic drinks is varied.
The menu for a banquet should be compiled taking into account the average weight of dishes per person. Cold and hot dishes are served at the rate of 350 g. Non-alcoholic drinks - approximately 1.5 liters per person. Champagne and vodka - 0.5 liters each, wine - 1 bottle per guest.

Banquet space is one of the main criteria for any celebration.

A small number of guests - up to 20 people can be accommodated at home. To organize a festive feast for more than 20 guests, the best option would be to rent a room for a banquet.
Halls for banquet tables can be rented in almost any restaurant or cafe. To select such a room, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:
1. Convenience of the celebration hall (air conditioning, spacious room).
2. Capacity (the hall must accommodate the required number of guests).
3. Location (it should be taken into account that it should be convenient for guests to get to the establishment).
4. Interior of the room (taking into account wishes and preferences).
5. Availability of a dance floor and recreation areas.
6. High-quality service.
7. Menu selection.
8. Reasonable prices.
9. For outdoor events - the presence of awnings and umbrellas.
10. Availability of space for an aperitif.

The choice of a hall to celebrate any event is important, as is the range of food. After all, a wonderful atmosphere, attractive prices, original design, colorfully decorated hall will create a great mood for all guests and heroes of the occasion and will be remembered for a long time.
The banquet manager will help you choose a room, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the clients. A specialist in organizing such celebrations will give the necessary advice and provide a list of premises to rent for a feast, from which you can choose the best option.

Furniture for banquets

It is important that the chairs match the number of guests invited. Banquet chairs are covered with special satin covers or decorated with beautiful festive bows and ribbons. The color must fully correspond to the theme of the celebration and the decoration of the hall.
Tables can be combined into one common table or placed separately (accommodate 4-6 people). Banquet tables are covered with well-ironed tablecloths.
To hold a celebration at home, you can rent the same furniture or simply collect it from your neighbors at home. Of course, all this is quite important at any banquet, but the most important thing, for example at a wedding, is the happy and loving newlyweds, and at other events the joyful faces of the guests.

Snacks for a wedding can be very diverse, because every housewife wants her guests to be not only well-fed, but also satisfied! Their choice is really great, as they say, for every taste and color. Hot and cold, baked, boiled, tartlets, sandwiches, canapés - you can and should cook a lot! Remember, at such an event it is the snacks that will be especially popular.

In my opinion, the main thing is simplicity and conciseness. Products that are familiar and loved by everyone, which can be found in any supermarket or even bought at the market - these are our choices. To please your guests, you don’t need to look for products whose names you can’t even pronounce. Here it is worth remembering the old proverb: “Keep it simple and people will reach out to you.”

However, do not forget about serving the dishes. Here you can turn around and not limit your imagination.

Perhaps, if you are planning a themed wedding, then you should use its motifs in the design of the dishes. This can be expressed in setting the table in a certain color scheme or decorating snacks with interesting figures.

In general, creativity will only come in handy!

How to prepare snacks for a wedding - 15 varieties

A recipe that has been proven over the years - sandwiches with red caviar - will always delight your guests. It is very easy and quick to prepare, and simple decorations in the form of a slice of lemon and a small bunch of parsley can turn it into a real masterpiece.


  • Red caviar - 170 grams;
  • Unsalted butter - 60 grams;
  • Baguette - 1 piece;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Parsley - 1 large bunch;


First you need to prepare the ingredients. Rinse the parsley and lemon thoroughly under running water and let them dry on a paper towel. Cut the lemon into slices and tear the parsley into small bunches.

To make sandwiches, it is best to use a slightly stale loaf; when cutting it will not crumble, which, you see, will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Cut it into slices (1-2 centimeters).

Each piece is evenly greased with butter, which should first be taken out of the refrigerator so that it “melts” a little.

Place red caviar in a thin layer on baguette slices, garnish with lemon slices and parsley. We serve it beautifully on a plate and you can serve it to the table.

A simple and modest recipe that will not only decorate the festive table, but will undoubtedly cause a taste sensation on the part of the guests. It turns out very impressive and beautiful, and is prepared quickly and easily.


  • Crab sticks - 400 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 160 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;


We prepare the ingredients for our snack. Crab sticks must first be defrosted (this will literally take 30-35 minutes). Boil the eggs, peel off the shells. Rinse the dill under running water and chop finely

Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites into one bowl on a fine grater, and the yolks into another. Grate cheese and garlic into a bowl with egg whites. We also send dill there and season everything with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

Unwrap each crab stick and coat with a thin layer of filling. We wrap the sticks into tubes.

Lubricate each stick on both sides with a small amount of mayonnaise and dip in the yolks.

Place the chopsticks on the lettuce leaves and our appetizer is ready!

“You can buy fish like this in any supermarket!” - you say. And yes, you will be right, but what could be tastier (and cheaper) than salted fish yourself?


  • Salmon - 1 kilogram;
  • Sea salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - to taste;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;


Let's begin! Let's prepare our salmon. I prefer to take it straight away, it’s faster and easier. We wash the fish under running water and cut it into two equal pieces.

For the pickling itself, I recommend using coarse salt: it has more suitable properties for pickling.

Mix salt and sugar and rub into our salmon.

There is no need to use a lot of spices here, otherwise they will overwhelm the taste of the fish itself. We'll make do with black pepper and crushed bay leaves.

Add lemon slices on top and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. We place a press on top so that it puts pressure on the fish. Place the salmon in the refrigerator for exactly one day.

The next day, remove the press, drain the liquid and put it in the refrigerator for another day.

Cut the fish into thin slices and serve according to your taste!

This appetizer is prepared very quickly. Stuffed eggs are suitable not only for a wedding table, but also for any other holiday.


  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cheese - 80 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • Walnuts - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 piece;
  • Batavia salad - a couple of leaves for serving;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • Pomegranate - 15-30 grains;


Let's prepare the products. We wash the greens under running water, peel the garlic and pomegranate. Boil the eggs, peel off the shells.

Cut the eggs into 2 halves, remove the yolk. Mash the yolks with a fork in a bowl and add finely grated cheese to them.

The next ingredient is walnuts. Finely chop them with a knife and add to the yolks. Squeeze the garlic there, add salt and mix the ingredients. Add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix everything thoroughly.

Take lettuce leaves and cut them into small pieces. We place each piece of salad in the whites of the egg halves and put the filling in them.

We decorate the stuffed eggs with parsley and add a bright accent - pomegranate seeds. We put our appetizer on a plate and we can serve it to the table.

This appetizer will give you a summer mood and a boost of positivity even on the gloomiest autumn day, and it’s very, very easy to prepare.


  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 1 piece;
  • Grapes - 1 bunch;
  • Canned pineapples - half a can;


Let's prepare our fruits. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, peel the banana and kiwi from the skin.

Cut each pineapple circle into 8 pieces. Place on toothpicks in the following order: banana, kiwi, pineapple, grapes (can be changed to your liking).

Place the canapés on a plate and decorate as you wish.

A new interpretation of everyone's favorite Greek salad. Shall we get started?


  • Cherry tomatoes - 9 pieces;
  • Olives - half a jar;
  • Cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Cheese cheese - 150 grams;
  • Toothpicks - count on the number of canapés;


Prepare the vegetables, rinse the cherry tomatoes and cucumbers under running water. Cut the cucumbers into rings and cheese into cubes.

A quick cold appetizer that will please everyone.


  • Thin pita bread - 2 pieces;
  • Dill -1 small bunch;
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • Soft cheese - 350 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack;
  • Large cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Tomato - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack;


Prepare your food. Rinse the vegetables and herbs under water, boil the eggs and peel them.

Cut tomatoes, crab sticks and cucumbers into thin strips. Finely chop the greens. Cut the eggs into small cubes (you can use an egg slicer).

Lay out the pita bread and grease it with melted cheese. Arrange cucumbers and tomatoes. Spread the second layer of pita bread and grease it with a layer of mayonnaise, lay out eggs and herbs. Add crab sticks on top and wrap our pita bread.

Wrap the resulting roll in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour.

We cut our pita bread into small slices and serve.

A classic cut that goes well with all drinks.


  • Cheese - 220 grams;
  • Salts - 250 grams;
  • Ham - 200 grams;
  • Olives - 1 jar;


Cut the cheese into even cubes. Salts and thin slices of ham.

The main thing in this appetizer is the presentation. Take a round plate and start adding the filling (alternate the products). Place olives in the middle of the plate as a garnish.

We must not forget about the little guests; even the most strict little gourmets will like this appetizer.


  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 piece;
  • Large cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • Lettuce - a couple of leaves;


Let's prepare the products. Rinse the vegetables and herbs under running water, boil the eggs and peel them.

Grate the ham and eggs on a fine grater, mix in one bowl, squeeze out the garlic. Grate cheese, preferably hard cheese, into the same bowl, season it all with mayonnaise and mix well.

The hats will be made from small cherry tomatoes. Cut them in half. Cut the cucumber into rings.

We arrange the dish with an improvised field - fresh salad. The basis of our mushrooms will be cucumber slices. The leg of the fly agaric will become a mass of ham, cheese and eggs. Place a tomato cap on the legs. The white dots that fly agarics are famous for can be made using mayonnaise.

Well, that's all, our mushrooms are ready.

There’s never too much seafood, so here’s another recipe with salted fish.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 1 piece;
  • Feta cheese - 150 grams;
  • Lettuce - a couple of leaves;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Red caviar - a quarter of a jar;


Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly, rinse the dill and finely chop.

Mix Feta cheese with herbs. Cut the salmon into thin slices and brush with cheese mixture, wrap the slices into rolls.

Place lettuce leaves on a plate and place rolls, steal the tops with caviar. Our rolls are ready.

A tender and satisfying appetizer that will definitely not be out of place on the holiday table.


  • Ready-made tartlets - 14 pieces;
  • Philadelphia - 2 tablespoons;
  • Quail eggs -7 pieces;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 7 pieces;
  • Crab sticks - 80 grams;
  • Green onions - for decoration;


Let's prepare the food. Rinse cherry tomatoes and onions under running water. Boil the eggs, remove the shells. Cut eggs and tomatoes in half.

Let's start with the filling. Cut crab sticks into small cubes and mix with Philadelphia cheese.

We fill our tartlets and decorate them with half an egg and cherry tomatoes. Add a couple of onion sticks and our appetizer is ready!

Ham rolls are a simple and delicious snack. There are a great variety of fillings, let's try the simplest one - cheese.


  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Toothpicks - count on the number of rolls;


The filling is prepared very quickly and simply. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add finely chopped garlic and mayonnaise to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the ham into thin slices. Lubricate the pieces with cheese mixture and roll them into rolls, securing with a toothpick.

Cheese balls in butter - tasty and easy.


  • Cheese - 250 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Nuts - 15-20 pieces;
  • Flour - 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;


First, separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the yolks; we won’t need them. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with a mixer at low speed (you should get foam)

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the whites. Form a ball from the resulting mass and add walnuts inside. Sprinkle the balls with flour.

Add a large amount of oil to the pan and fry until golden brown.

Place the finished balls on a plate. Bon appetit.

A snack for any time of year! Tasty and healthy.


  • Bell pepper - 2 pieces;
  • Soft cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dill - 1 small bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;


Rinse the pepper under running water and remove the seeds. Wash the greens and chop finely.

Add greens to the soft cottage cheese and squeeze out the garlic, salt and pepper.

Stuff the peppers with curd mixture and cut into rings. The appetizer can be served!

What wedding would be complete without champagne? What could go better with this drink than fruit? A simple and easy fruit slice for a sparkling drink.


  • Orange - 1 piece;
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • Dark grapes - 1 bunch;


Fruits should be washed well. Peel the orange and kiwi and cut them into circles.

We serve it beautifully on a plate, arranging it in lines. Place grapes in the middle. Bon appetit.

Preparing for the most special day in a couple’s life requires a lot of effort, dedication, and time. In addition to hundreds of little things that future spouses have to take into account, the main points of celebrating the wedding day are in question: where will the event take place, how many guests will come, how much money needs to be invested in decorating the hall, ordering dishes for a magnificent banquet? A separate point in organizing the holiday is the wedding menu. In order for everyone to like it, the heroes of the occasion will have to seriously approach the issue of selecting festive food.

What should you consider when creating a menu at home?

A wedding banquet is always a real feast. If you are not ready to celebrate an event in a restaurant, but want to hold a home wedding with your closest and dearest, there are several practical recommendations for organizing a meal and creating a formal menu:

  • All the time while guests are at the wedding event, the table, as a rule, is bursting with all kinds of dishes - delicious appetizers, hearty hot dishes, salads. The ideal option is when the prepared culinary masterpieces are constantly replaced throughout the celebration, during breaks for dancing, socializing, and a competition program. To prevent guests from getting bored with wedding dishes, calculate the approximate duration of the banquet and time the removal and change of food: then, even with a small number of recipes, a feeling of variety will be created.
  • Surely all the burdens of preparing dishes from the menu will fall on the shoulders of the mother of the bride or the groom, and possibly both of them, so the hostess needs to start planning the cooking time in advance. It is better to make some items from the wedding list of dishes in advance, or at least carry out preparatory work. For example, the day before the event, you can marinate meat, cut sausage, cheese, and prepare sandwich spreads. It is better to store semi-finished ingredients in the refrigerator under transparent cling film.
  • Meat requires increased attention, so it is unlikely that the parents of the newlyweds will want to spend their wedding day stewing, frying or baking it. Home cooks can prepare meat dishes the evening before the banquet, make meatballs or simmer a roast, and before the guests arrive, all they have to do is warm up the finished menu items and top them with some delicious creamy/tomato/spicy sauce - it will feel like a freshly prepared meal. To learn how to create a menu, watch the video:

  • It is also worth thinking about the theme of the wedding celebration. If the newlyweds have chosen a certain style of celebration, decorated the room, and prepared appropriate outfits, then the menu should reflect the thematic mood of the wedding. For a wedding in a maritime style, it would be logical to prepare a lot of fish dishes and appetizers, light meat dishes, and Mediterranean salads. If this is a Hawaiian event, the wedding table should be decorated with island-themed menu items: chicken with pineapple, coconut shrimp, fish salad, banana-mango smoothie.
  • Important advice before starting preparations for a wedding banquet: if you have never tried the dish you want to serve, it is better to make several trial attempts. It is possible that preparing such a wedding meal will be much more difficult than described in the recipe, and it will also be possible to adequately calculate the amount of time spent. It may happen that the combination of ingredients will taste unpleasant: you can change the proportions, replace one product from the menu with another, or abandon the recipe altogether.

Number of invited people

The number of people who are invited to celebrate a wedding event is one of the main factors that influences the number of products, their variety, and the frequency of changing dishes. If no more than ten closest people are invited to the table, it is clear that the relatives of the newlyweds or the bride and groom themselves are aware of the tastes of the guests, so preparing the menu for the wedding day will be much easier. It’s a completely different matter if the banquet involves a large number of guests - from twenty and above. You'll have to think about choosing holiday dishes that will please everyone.

Correct calculation of alcohol and number of dishes

A wedding is a holiday that involves a big party dedicated to the unity of two families. Alcohol flows like a river at a wedding event, and the menu includes so many items that the guests' eyes run wild. However, it will not be enough to simply prepare a lot of food according to the recipes that you liked on culinary forums - the purchase of food is subject to a clear calculation of the amount of alcohol, drinks, and edible products. What to drink at the celebration:

  • Champagne. This drink is usually poured at the registry office, as well as during the first toast, when guests greet the newlyweds at the banquet. Then those present move on to other alcoholic drinks. The required number of bottles is 1-2 per ten people.
  • Wine. Medium strength alcohol, which is preferred by girls and women during the holiday. It’s better to take 2 dry reds, a dry white, and one semi-sweet. About 4-5 bottles for ten people.
  • Strong high-proof drinks - vodka, cognac and others as desired. These types of alcohol tend to go to men. Considering that the wedding banquet will last for six hours or more, you will need about 3-4 bottles of spirits for ten people.

Calculate alcoholic drinks yourself, taking into account the tastes of your guests. Some guests may drink little alcohol, while others, on the contrary, may drink and not get drunk the entire wedding day, so in the end the amount of alcoholic drinks is selected individually. How to calculate the number of appetizers, salads, main courses in grams at the exit (10 people) subject to a long banquet:

  • Cold fish appetizers, in total - half a kilogram of salted salmon and cold smoked fish, 200 grams of sprat and sardines, canned with oil, a kilogram of jellied carp.
  • Salads and vegetable cold appetizers for the menu. Approximately 1200 grams of meat salad, a kilogram of pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, 300 grams of green peas.
  • Meat cold appetizers. Half a kilo of boiled pork roll, 700 grams of jellied tongue.
  • Bread snacks, butter. Approximately 200 grams of butter for ten, twenty pies with bacon (2 each), 800 grams of rye bread, 400 grams of wheat.
  • Hot dishes. Sample menu: a kilogram of roast goose, 400 grams of baked apples and sweet stewed cabbage, 800 grams of roast beef, 400 grams of mashed potatoes, baked or in their jackets.
  • Dessert. For 10 people you will need about 1-2 kilograms of cake, a kilogram of fruit, 200 grams of sweets, half a kilogram of cookies.
  • Soft drinks. 3 liters of slightly carbonated mineral water, 2-3 liters of sweet sparkling water, 3-4 liters of juice.

Sequence of serving dishes

Serving food during a wedding banquet has clear rules. To ensure that everything goes well, the guests are satisfied, and fresh new dishes are constantly pleasing to the eye, follow the natural sequence of serving appetizers, hot dishes, and desserts. How to serve wedding day menu items - from first course to last:

  1. When guests just sit down at the table, they should already be expecting snacks from the menu - these are, as a rule, spicy salted and smoked fish, pickled foods (tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms).
  2. This is followed by such wedding buffet items as all kinds of hearty salads, fish, canned or marinated in oil, stuffed pike, crucian carp, etc.
  3. Natural meat dishes: cold cuts, boiled tongue with mayonnaise, boiled pork roll, roast beef, pies. When the appetizers thin out significantly, the owners can put the leftovers into one or two dishes and bring out the first hot dish of the holiday menu.
  4. After the first main course, followed by appetizers, there is a break. If a second dish is not provided, a short pause should take place immediately after fish, vegetable, meat snacks and salads.
  5. When the guests are already full and the wedding feast is coming to an end, it is time to bring out dessert. Before dessert, there is another break while the guests relax in another room. The owners take away dirty plates, cutlery, and leftover food, replacing them with dessert dishes. The cake appears on the table first, the newlyweds cut the dish, then sweets and fruit are served. Those who wish are treated to tea and coffee.

How to calculate the amount of food for 40 people?

Above is the calculation of dishes for 10 people. To get the approximate amount of necessary products, multiply the indicators for wedding appetizers, main courses, and desserts by 4. It turns out: you will need approximately 7 kg of fish appetizers; salads, pickled vegetables – 10 kg; meat snacks – about 5 kg; bread and flour products – up to 6 kg; hot dishes with side dishes – about 12 kg; cake, fruit, sweets, etc. – up to 13 kg.

Sample menu for a wedding banquet

Selecting wedding dishes is a troublesome task; ready-made lists of dishes will help with this. What wedding menu items would be appropriate for cold appetizers: black olives, pickled tomatoes, mushrooms, Greek salad, chicken salad, sliced ​​sausage, roll, lightly salted fish, stuffed fish, cold seafood dish. First hot dish: baked chicken + jacket potatoes. Second main course: rice and chalagach. As a dessert wedding dish - a multi-tiered cake, sweets, fruits.

Second version of the home wedding table menu

What is suitable for wedding cold appetizers: fish rolls with cream cheese, ham, smoked fish, meat pies, small sandwiches with several types of spreads, meat salad, seafood salad, Winter salad with pickled vegetables. The first hot wedding dish: chicken pieces baked with cheese and pineapples, garnished with mashed potatoes. Second hot dish: fried pork steaks + rice. For wedding dessert, hosts can serve homemade cupcakes, sweets, and fruits.

Wedding recipes with photos

When choosing between a home wedding celebration and ordering food in a cafe, it is not for nothing that many people prefer a family holiday, because delicious recipes will be prepared from the best ingredients by the loving hands of close relatives or friends. Below are several interesting recipes for wedding dishes that will fit perfectly into the formal menu:

  • Summer snack “Fish rolls”. What you will need for 7-8 serving pieces of the dish: two fresh cucumbers without skin, 200 grams of lightly salted salmon, Philadelphia or other cream cheese. How to cook: place the fish on the table, brush with cream cheese, moving 0.5 centimeters from the edge, place a cucumber block in the middle, as in the photo. Wrap the roll and cut into pieces. Your summer wedding dish is ready!

  • Hawaiian salad. For this wedding dish (yield - more than a kilogram) you will need: 600-700 grams of chicken fillet, 300 grams of hard cheese to taste, a can of pickled pineapples in their own juice. To prepare the dish, you need to boil the fillet, finely chop it, cut the cheese into cubes or small strips, and cut the pineapples into small pieces. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, pineapple marinade - and the wedding appetizer is ready. If desired, the dish can be seasoned with corn, croutons, and green salad.

  • Chicken baked with mustard. This wedding dish requires the following ingredients: one chicken, mustard, salt, pepper, lemon. A lemon cut into four parts is inserted inside the chicken, then the skin is sewn up with threads or tightly fastened with toothpicks, rub the bird with seasonings on top, and brush with mustard. Bake for an hour and a half at 180 degrees. Regular mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish for a wedding hot dish.

  • Pork fried with cheese is a good main course option. What you will need for 7-8 balls: 700 grams of fillet, 100 grams of grated cheese and crackers, two eggs, salt, pepper, vegetable oil. How to prepare a wedding dish: cut the pork into layers (1 cm thick), mix breadcrumbs with cheese, beat eggs with seasonings. First dip a piece of meat in eggs, then roll in breadcrumbs and cheese. Cook the wedding dish over low heat until done - about seven minutes on each side. The dish can be served with rice or potatoes.

  • Wedding dessert - homemade sweets. For the dish you will need: a mold for sweets, 150 grams of milk chocolate, condensed milk, nuts. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour into the molds, turning them so that the chocolate covers the walls, and freeze for half an hour. Then for the wedding dessert, put condensed milk and nuts in the candy, fill the molds, melt more chocolate, pour on top, removing the excess. The dish is placed in the freezer for five hours. The wedding food is ready!

  • An interesting wedding treat is cherry oranges. You will need for the dish: five oranges, cherry compote (half a liter), 100 grams of sugar, 25 grams of gelatin, 150 ml of clean water. Soak the gelatin, leave for an hour, cut the fruit in half, remove the pulp from the peel. Pour the compote into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, then add the gelatin-water mixture, boil again and immediately remove from the stove. After the liquid has cooled, pour it into the peeled peel and leave in the refrigerator for seven hours. A simple wedding dish will not leave guests indifferent.

Thinking through a wedding menu on your own, and then preparing dishes for the gala table without outside help is a difficult task. To cope with it, plan the stages of cooking in advance - only then will you be able to prepare wedding dishes on time, please the guests, please the newlyweds, in other words, organize a real feast for those present. Delicious dishes to you!

A wedding is a special event in the life of every person. And not only in the life of the bride and groom, but also their relatives and close people.

In this regard, they always try to approach the festive feast as creatively as possible, to make the menu special and memorable. One of its most important components is banquet snacks for the wedding table.

The distinctive features of a real festive table are the variety in the wedding menu and the original design of the dishes.

Particular attention is paid to alcoholic drinks and accompanying dishes, which have received the general name “snacks”. In a broad sense, this culinary term refers to a light meal served before main courses to whet the appetite, often accompanied by an aperitif.

However, for the Russian culinary tradition, the concept of “snack” is more common precisely as an addition to alcohol, and since at almost any celebration, including a wedding, strong drinks play one of the main roles, then the dishes served with them occupy an important part in everything holiday menu.

All dishes on the wedding table should be served in stages, replacing each other. In this regard, it is necessary to calculate the approximate time of the gala banquet and change the snacks so that the table is full until the very end of the wedding feast.

All snacks are divided into two main types:

  • Hot;
  • Cold.

Both hot and cold snacks can be made from a wide variety of ingredients: meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, etc. Usually, at a feast, at least 5-10 snack dishes are prepared, both hot and cold.

Not a single holiday table is complete without cold appetizers, and a wedding feast is no exception.

Their main difference from hot dishes is that they are intended not so much to fill you up, but to whet your appetite in anticipation of the main course.

In this regard, cold appetizers are considered by culinary specialists as companions to aperitif drinks. Traditionally, cold dishes are prepared from meat, fish or vegetables.

From vegetables

Vegetable snacks represent the widest field for culinary creativity, especially in. To prepare them, you can use both fresh and boiled or pickled vegetables.

This group includes a wide variety of vegetable dishes: caviar, chilled vegetable pates, sandwiches and tartlets with vegetables, and simply sliced ​​vegetables flavored with various seasonings.

From fish

Fish dishes are a great opportunity to diversify any holiday menu, don’t forget to ask the bride’s mother’s opinion.

You can prepare a large number of original, tasty and at the same time not too high-calorie dishes from fish and seafood. This group of appetizers combines a wide range of cold dishes prepared both from fish itself and from other seafood - shrimp, squid, caviar, etc.

These are various sandwiches, tartlets, salads and simply sliced ​​fish, which are perfect with champagne. Cold fish dishes can be seasoned with vegetable oil, mayonnaise, or complex sauces based on them.

A distinctive feature of fish appetizers is their democratic nature - they are suitable for any wedding table and can satisfy the needs of guests with a wide variety of gastronomic preferences.

At the same time, fish and seafood snacks provide an opportunity to diversify the holiday menu, while at the same time optimizing the expenditure of time and finances.

You can also use delicious types of fish and seafood for them: valuable salmon and sturgeon fish, black and red caviar and inexpensive “everyday” fish - the same herring, sardines, mackerel or pike.

The main condition, again, is an original, creative decoration of the dish with herbs. The simplest and most common dish from this group is sliced ​​smoked or salted fish (red, white, or plain herring) drizzled with olive oil and served with herbs.

Caviar is served in kokolnitsa (“shells”) and is also decorated with herbs.

Cold cuts and more

Not a single holiday table is complete without cold cuts. Traditionally, these are ready-made meat products from the store, cut into slices and decorated with decorative accessories - sausages and various smoked meats: ham, carbonated meat, lard.

At the same time, cold cuts can also be prepared from home cooking products: smoked or boiled tongue, fried or boiled meat, poultry.

The main advantage of cold cuts is the minimum amount of time spent, which becomes especially important if you need to prepare a large number of dishes for a large celebration.

As with other festive dishes, an important condition for cold cuts is its original design. A dish may consist of several types of products, divided into separate segments, or laid out in alternating order.

This video will show you how to beautifully serve cold cuts on a holiday table:

For decoration, you can use various suitable greens - onions, dill, olives.

For the convenience of guests, you can place a stand with skewers or toothpicks next to the dish - this will make it much more convenient to take slices of sausage or meat from the plate.

Hot snacks on the wedding table

Traditionally, hot snacks are intended to accompany strong alcoholic drinks, which are an integral part of the wedding celebration.

This group includes a wide variety of dishes: from the most complex combination dishes, requiring a large number of products and taking a lot of time and effort, to “economy class” dishes, which are close to fast food in terms of speed and ease of preparation.

The choice of one recipe or another depends on the availability of time and financial resources.. It can be stewed, smoked, fried meat and fish, rolls, hot sandwiches. The main difference between hot appetizer dishes and main dishes is their presentation: the recipe does not provide a side dish for them, and they are placed on the table not in individual plates, but in large common dishes.

From meat

Hot meat dishes are truly indispensable on any festive table. They go especially well with vodka and other strong drinks, enjoying well-deserved love among the male half of the guests.

The main ingredient here is meat and offal (liver, heart, lung, kidneys) from animals and birds. As additional components you can use vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs, dough and cereals.

The main secret of delicious hot meat snacks with strong drinks is their juiciness and spiciness. To do this, you can use sauces and gravies prepared using various spices.

Not all guests may like overly spicy dishes, so when using seasonings, you should use moderation or alternate spicy snacks with leaner ones. This way you can please both lovers of spicy dishes and those for whom they are contraindicated or simply do not like them.


Hot fish appetizers, as well as vegetable and meat dishes, are served at the beginning of the feast, before the main course, or between courses.

Fish served hot can be stewed, fried, baked. A variety of spices and sauces are available as an additional component. Hot fish is served on the festive table on metal dishes, in cocotte makers, or directly in frying pans, as they say, “hot from the heat.”

The difference from the main fish dish is the absence of side dishes and is served in common dishes. Traditionally, hot fish dishes are accompanied by white wine and other not too strong drinks, served as an aperitif. In general, fish and seafood are an absolutely win-win option, which, with minor variations, is suitable for drinks of any strength - from vodka and whiskey to light wines.

Do-it-yourself sandwiches, canapés, tartlets for the wedding table: original recipes

A separate line should be taken of sandwiches, canapés and tartlets served at the wedding table. These simple and quick-to-prepare mini-snacks are real fast food (in the best sense of the word) of a holiday feast, which can save the hostess a lot of time and effort.

Here you will learn 7 recipes for the most delicious snacks for the holiday table:

A wide variety of products are suitable for their preparation, ranging from fruits and vegetables to meat and fish.

Also, sandwiches and canapés open up the widest scope for the hostess’s creativity, allowing her to show off her imagination and good culinary taste.

But when you do, you should remember that some of the sandwiches and canapés are more suitable for strong alcohol, while others are more suitable for light drinks.

In general terms, the same rules apply here as for other dishes. For drinks with a high strength, sandwiches with meat, poultry, caviar, salted and smoked fish are perfect.

For, especially for dry whites - sandwiches with vegetables, seafood or fish. Fruit canapes and tartlets are traditionally served with dessert and sweet/semi-sweet sparkling varieties.

However, experts in table etiquette claim that the bouquet of real champagne is best revealed not by the notorious pineapples, but by the same seafood and expensive varieties of cheese.

Champagne wine lovers and connoisseurs give particular preference to simple cuts from noble varieties with mold - Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Stilton.

Particularly convenient and optimal in terms of food consumption are small canapés, put on a skewer and beautifully decorated. For them, it is best to use several types of expensive ingredients: meat and fish delicacies, expensive varieties of cheese, etc.

In this case, the consumption of components will be minimal with a maximum culinary effect.

Canapes with sprats and cheese:


  • hard cheese – 300 g;
  • cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • half a lemon;
  • pickled gherkins – 6 pcs.;
  • sprats – 100 g;
  • small bunch of watercress.

Using a blender, grind cottage cheese, butter and 100 g sprat until smooth. Cut hard cheese into squares 3-5 mm thick. On one slice of cheese we place a pate-like mass of chopped sprats with cottage cheese, and with another slice we cover the filling on top. The resulting canapé is decorated with greenery and placed on a skewer.

Cheese canapés on chips:

  • large round chips;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • fresh tomatoes – 300 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Provencal mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • greenery.

The tomatoes are cut into cubes, and the juice that flows out is removed. The cheese is grated. The cooked and washed greens are chopped together with peeled onions, then mixed with grated cheese and tomatoes. The resulting mixture is seasoned with mayonnaise, after which it is laid out in a heap on each chip.

What snacks are suitable for an outdoor wedding, for a walk between the bride and groom

Any wedding program involves the bride and groom visiting any memorable places and attractions in their city.

And, of course, the wedding cortege is accompanied by guests of the celebration - relatives and close friends of the couple. The newlyweds' wedding trip does not include feasts during the trip, but alcoholic drinks are an indispensable attribute.

At this time, pre-prepared mini-snacks that do not take up much space and fit freely in small baskets will come in handy. A container for storing food during a walk or trip should be selected depending on the weather.

If in winter you can get by with ordinary plastic containers, then in the summer heat it is best to place food in a cooler bag. Otherwise, your wedding may be remembered for a long time by guests not because of the culinary delights, but because of food poisoning.

Go for a ride

The most common and win-win option for snack foods that you can take with you while skiing are sandwiches and canapés.

For their preparation, both complex meat, vegetable and fish ingredients are used, as well as simpler options that do not require much time - sausage or cheese slices, fruit slices, caviar.

The main thing is that the sandwiches are small, so to speak, “one bite”. This is very convenient in the sense that guests, after knocking over a stack for the health of the young ones, will not have to walk around with half a sandwich waiting for the next one, or hide a snack during the next group photo at a local landmark.

For a walk

The principle of “less is more” regarding the size of sandwiches and other mini-snacks is even more relevant when walking for a wedding. If, when driving, the main “heaviness” of culinary delights is located in cars, then when walking, you will have to carry baskets and containers with food with you.

Therefore, it is best to prepare a sufficient number of small canapés on skewers or tartlets.

For a wedding in nature

Sometimes a wedding celebration is held in the fresh air, far from such amenities of civilization as a refrigerator and an electric oven.

Accordingly, this should be taken into account in advance, already at the stage of creating a menu. In this case, you should not prepare hot snacks in large quantities: as a rule, after cooling, they lose most of their culinary merits.

Feasts in nature are held in the warm season, so using perishable products is also not recommended. As an option, get a sufficient number of thermos bags, or portable refrigerators powered by batteries or from the car’s on-board network.

In general, the range of appetizers is so extensive that it allows you to diversify any formal table, regardless of the wedding budget and the number of invited guests. Each housewife will be able to choose dishes that best suit the range of alcoholic beverages, the culinary preferences of the guests and even the time of year, but you should stick to the calculation for one person.So, on average, the volume of cold snacks is about 350 grams.

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For an intimate wedding, you don’t necessarily need to book a room in a restaurant. A festive feast for a small number of guests can easily be arranged at home. But no matter how many guests there are at the celebration and no matter where the banquet is held, the wedding table should be bursting with treats. When organizing a wedding at home, a sample menu must be drawn up in advance. If you pay attention to the choice of festive drinks and dishes, your home wedding will be perfect.

Timely serving of food

During the holiday, while guests are in the house, the table should look perfect. Therefore, it is worth making a schedule of entertainment for event participants in advance. You need to roughly understand how long the celebration will last and its approximate scenario. Then it will be possible to determine the moments of removal of certain culinary masterpieces.

If everything happens smoothly, then there will be order on the table, and the guests will not get bored with the same snacks. The change of dishes will have to occur at the time when guests leave the table to participate in competitions, for a walk or for dancing.

Preparatory work

When thinking over the menu for the wedding table, it is worth determining what stages of preparation can be done the day before. Since the hosts of the house prepare the food for a home wedding and set the table, it becomes very important to choose those actions that can be done in advance.

You can prepare various cuts and pastes for sandwiches in one day. Then you should marinate the meat. Many salad ingredients should also be cut in advance. Aspic, in principle, is not made on the same day. Here you need to worry about how to place it in refrigerators under cling film.

It is better to prepare meat dishes the evening before. They can be reheated before serving and topped with a suitable sauce.

Matching the treats to the wedding theme

In recent years, it has become very popular to organize themed wedding events. In this case, appropriate outfits for the newlyweds, room and table decoration are selected. Of course, the banquet menu should be thought out taking into account the chosen style.

If the wedding is in a traditional Russian style, then there should be mushrooms, cucumbers, caviar and similar familiar snacks on the table. If the newlyweds decide to have a marine-themed celebration, then fish and seafood delicacies are a must on the menu. And for a Hawaiian holiday, chicken with pineapples, for example, is suitable.

It is worth adding here that under no circumstances should you prepare a dish for the wedding table whose recipe has never been used before. You need to try a new recipe in advance, and then decide whether it is worth offering it to guests.

Menu and number of guests

The variety and size of dishes, as well as the frequency of changing treats on the table, depend on how many guests come to the event.

If the wedding feast is organized only for a narrow family circle of about ten people, then the tasks of organizing the holiday are simplified. Then it will not be difficult to choose those appetizers and main courses, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that guests like. Calculating the volume of necessary product purchases will also not be difficult. Everyone knows well which of their loved ones does not eat what foods and what drinks they prefer.

If twenty or more people are expected to visit, you should try to choose recipes that are guaranteed to please the majority of those invited. It's worth making an effort to find out about the preferences or special diets of those attending the wedding.

Calculation of alcoholic drinks for a wedding for ten people

  • You need three or four bottles of champagne.

  • There should be four or five bottles of strong alcoholic drinks on a festive table for ten people.

Calculation of products for a wedding table for ten people

Cold fish appetizers

You can put about five hundred grams of smoked fish on the festive table. You can add the same amount of salted red fish. One kilogram of jellied fish will be enough. You should take two hundred grams of canned fish, for example, sprats and sardines.

Cold meat snacks

On the wedding table you can put seven hundred grams of jellied tongue and a kilogram of deli meats.

Salads and preparations

If you choose about five types of traditional salads for the holiday table, then one and a half kilograms of them should be prepared. You need to stock up on one kilogram of different pickled appetizers (cucumbers, mushrooms and tomatoes).

Bread and butter

For a wedding table you will need at least two hundred grams of butter. It’s worth buying five hundred grams of white bread and seven hundred grams of rye bread. There should be about five hundred grams of buns and pies.

Hot dishes

You need to prepare about five hundred grams of side dish. You need to prepare a kilogram of hot meat and game dishes.


You should have two or three kilograms of various fruits, a two-kilogram wedding cake and five hundred grams of cookies and sweets.

Arranging a wedding table at home is a solvable task, although not an easy one. If you concentrate on all the details of preparing the menu, do everything you can in advance and think through the rotation of dishes on the table, then everything will work out in the best possible way.

Video on the topic of the article: