Position of the fetus at 7 months. Seventh month of pregnancy, fetal development and maternal sensations. Why does toxicosis occur?

With the onset of 7 months of pregnancy, great changes occur not only in the woman’s condition, but also in the development of the fetus. This is a difficult period. It can support...

From Masterweb

27.04.2018 22:00

With the onset of 7 months of pregnancy, great changes occur not only in the woman’s condition, but also in the development of the fetus. This is a difficult period. It may be accompanied by ailments associated both with changes in the body and with complications during pregnancy. At 7 months, expectant mothers have a lot of questions. We will try to answer many of them in this article.

7 months of pregnancy is how many weeks?

During pregnancy, a woman’s head is filled with various serious questions regarding the health of herself and her baby, future births, possible problems and consequences. In general, thinking is not directed towards mathematical calculations. But every pregnant woman wants to know exactly how many weeks it is - 7 months of pregnancy? Why 7? It’s simple, because it is during this period that the employer is obliged to allow the expectant mother to go on maternity leave!

The weeks are counted according to the obstetric calendar, and the beginning is considered to be the first day of the last menstruation. As a rule, this is why the obstetric period often differs from the calculation of the pregnant woman herself, and the difference is upward by at least 2 weeks.

The obstetric month is not the same as in our usual understanding, and lasts not 4.5 weeks, but exactly 4. A complete pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks, that is, 10 months. Thus, we can calculate how many weeks the seventh month begins: the beginning of the seventh month is 25 weeks (that is, it is no longer 6 months, but the seventh has begun), and exactly 7 months is 28 weeks. Seven months of pregnancy lasts until the 29th week. But the exact period is 25-28 weeks.

Fetal changes

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the weight of a fetus already reaches a kilogram, and its average height is 35 centimeters. A real baby! At this stage, the child begins to recognize parental voices and the voices of those who are often nearby. Also, the baby is already reacting to sounds, so it is extremely important to create a calm environment; with the beginning of the 7th month, a woman is recommended to listen to measured music, and best of all, classics, because it has been proven that children begin to feel more calm. By the seventh month, the fetus can already suck its thumb!

At 7 months of pregnancy, all the organs of the unborn baby are already formed, but continue to improve further. From the 29th week, the child is in full swing preparing for a life separate from the mother’s womb. The fat content in his body is already 4%, and plugs consisting of mucus come out of his nose and protect the respiratory organs from water ingress.

With the onset of the 30th week, the fetus should already assume the body position in which it will be during childbirth. There are cases when the baby has not yet turned around by this time, but there is no need to worry, because he can lie down differently until the 32nd week.

By the 31st week, the baby curls up more tightly in the stomach as he actively grows and there is less and less space. During this period, the facial features of the unborn baby become clearer and more expressive, and the pupils of his eyes are already the same as those of the “ready” baby!

The digestive organs begin to form at the 7th week, but by the 7th month of pregnancy they are almost ready for full-fledged independent work.

At 32 weeks, folds and wrinkles on the fetal face are smoothed out, weight can range from 1800 grams to 2 kilograms, and height can range from 42 to 45 centimeters on average.

If premature birth occurs at 7 months of pregnancy, the baby will be able to breathe on its own, but will require intensive care from medical personnel. The child's chances of surviving at this time are significant. But still, a pregnant woman needs to take care of herself in order to allow the baby to fully develop!

Changes in a woman

At 7 months of pregnancy, a woman becomes more anxious as her due date approaches. But you need to pull yourself together and calm down, because with her behavior a woman shapes the future character of the child.

Breathing becomes more difficult from 7 months of pregnancy as the uterus rises higher. To improve your well-being, you need to move more, walk in the park. If you feel tired, you can’t fight it, you need to lie on your back or side, and put a soft pillow between your knees. During movement, you may feel a contraction of the uterus, this is not scary. But if, at 7 months of pregnancy, the stomach pulls strongly, this feeling causes discomfort and even pain, then you need to urgently seek advice from the obstetrician leading the pregnancy.

From the seventh month, a woman may be bothered by false contractions, but this is even good, since nature in this way tests the body’s readiness for childbirth. Contractions should be irregular, painless, and not interfering with daily activities, otherwise consult a doctor immediately.

Itching felt on the skin of the abdomen signals the need to soften the epidermis and purchase a product to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Unpleasant sensations on the skin indicate that it is stretched to the limit, but it is worth remembering that the active growth of the tummy is in full swing, so take care of your comfort and beauty.

Breasts at 7 months of pregnancy begin to prepare for the main mission in a woman’s life - feeding a new person! Liquid may begin to be released from it - this is colostrum, the most useful product that the mother will feed the baby in the first 2-3 days of life. The breasts increase in size, become heavy, and discomfort may be present. Buy a special support bra; specialized maternity underwear has pads into which the secreted colostrum will be absorbed; this is very convenient when you need to visit a public place and not feel discomfort.

Other unpleasant moments during active growth of the abdomen are possible constipation, heartburn, increased gas formation, pain in the hypochondrium, nausea. All these symptoms are caused by the enlarging uterus pressing on the organs. To reduce symptoms and prevent their occurrence, you need to lower your blood pressure by eating small portions. At this time, it is advisable to consume more liquids and soups.

A woman should gain an average of half a kilo a week in weight; if there are strong discrepancies up or down, then you should talk to your doctor about your diet and diet. Pain may occur in the lower back, back, and legs as the bones and muscles are put under pressure from the increasing weight. There may be cramps in the calf muscles, enlargement of the legs (edema) and hemorrhoidal veins. A special brace and exercise for pregnant women can help with these symptoms.

When walking quickly, shortness of breath occurs, this is again due to the weight and pressure of the uterus on the organs. For this reason, pregnant women seem slow, thoughtful, and their gait is peculiar and a little awkward. Movements become cautious and clumsy.

Important points to know

  1. In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman usually weighs 8-15 kilograms more than she did before pregnancy. Many people are afraid that they have become very fat and that after giving birth they will not be able to lose extra pounds. 90% of women manage to regain their previous figure; the secret is activity, exercise, and a balanced diet. We do not say “proper nutrition”, since by this many people mean a diet consisting of steamed vegetables. Nutrition should be rational, it should contain meat, fish, vegetables, and cereals, but everything in reasonable quantities! There is no need to stuff yourself with double portions, worrying about the fat content and quantity of breast milk, the baby will not remain hungry, nature provides for the formation of milk in the required quantity.
  2. Heartburn increases, this may be due to weakening of the esophagus due to pressure on the uterine organs. In this case, it is not recommended to take soda; if swelling occurs, this substance can intensify it. Take special pills, but which ones? Only a doctor can tell you!
  3. Vaginal discharge becomes more intense in the seventh month. If they are light yellow or white, this is a sign of normality. Curdled discharge and itching indicate the development of thrush. Bloody or brownish ones are bad, as they signal the threat of premature birth or placental abruption.
  4. And again about nutrition: you need to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, take multivitamins prescribed by your doctor. All this will benefit not only the future baby, but also the mother. With a lack of vitamins, hair begins to fade and fall out, nails peel, skin and teeth deteriorate.
  5. Dyeing your hair is highly undesirable, because harmful components can enter the bloodstream through the skin.

Belly size

This parameter depends on the woman’s physique, the structural features of the internal organs, and it is unique for each pregnant woman. Some walk around with a huge belly, and it seems that the time has come to give birth or the woman is carrying more than one fetus. Others have a small belly and are invisible under loose clothing, and many do not even realize that the woman is going to become a mother!

A small belly in the 7th month of pregnancy may indicate infertility, lack of amniotic fluid, a delay in the physical development of the baby, or an incorrectly set due date. To diagnose possible “problems”, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You may have to undergo an unscheduled ultrasound.

At 7 months of pregnancy, a small belly size may not indicate any problems at all, so don’t panic ahead of time. Every woman's body type is different. If you had a belly before pregnancy, it will be larger during pregnancy. If a woman has a flat tummy and thinness, then the stomach can be very small, and at the same time the size and weight of the child will be normal.

The doctor will notice any discrepancies, if any, and refer you for a proper examination.

Nausea at 7 months pregnant

The age-old question: why do you feel sick during pregnancy? In the first trimester this is called toxicosis and is not a cause for concern. But doctors begin to worry if a woman suffers from nausea even in the third trimester, and this phenomenon is given another definition - gestosis.

Not only women over 35 years of age, but also very young mothers can suffer from gestosis, and this is already a pathological course of pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is accompanied by such unpleasant moments as dizziness, fainting, increased blood pressure, and headaches. This happens due to severe vasoconstriction, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood and placenta, which is fraught not only for the mother, but also for the health and development of the baby. During gestosis, a woman’s vision can noticeably deteriorate, and in especially severe cases, a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, which can lead to death of the woman in labor and the baby.

If there was gestosis during pregnancy, then the consequences of its influence on the body disappear within two whole years. During this period, all blood counts will be abnormal.

What to do with gestosis?

Nausea in the 7th month of pregnancy should not remain a secret to the attending physician, since gestosis is not just toxicosis, but a dangerous pathology.

Self-medication is prohibited! An obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe medications that will help overcome the disease and improve the woman’s well-being.

In addition to medications, outdoor recreation, bed rest, and herbal decoctions will be prescribed.

Pregnancy and colds

It is easier to prevent a cold than to cure it; this statement is true for everyone, especially for pregnant women. To avoid getting sick, use the following recommendations:

  • avoid public places during the height of the cold and flu epidemic;
  • if you need to go to the store, clinic, or visit a antenatal clinic, put a gauze bandage on your face;
  • when you come home from the street, gargle with herbal infusions and water with salt and soda, rinse your nose;
  • Take vitamins prescribed by your doctor.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

If, nevertheless, a woman catches a cold at 7 months of pregnancy, what should she do? If you have a cold in the seventh month, and at all other times, you should strictly adhere to the rules:

  1. In no case should you choose treatment on your own, because many drugs are contraindicated in a situation such as pregnancy.
  2. Call a therapist to your home rather than going to an appointment in person. The rule “infection does not stick to infection” does not work! There are a huge number of viruses that you can take with you into the vicinity of existing ones.
  3. Contact your doctor at the first symptoms of the disease to prevent it from developing and harming your baby.
  4. Maintain bed rest throughout your illness.
  5. Use not only prescribed medications, but also folk remedies recommended by your doctor.
  6. Stable ventilation of the room will help you recover faster.
  7. Drink more fluids to flush out toxic substances from your body.

Premature birth

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy occurs quite often, and modern technologies and the knowledge of doctors make it possible in most cases to save the baby’s life. The causes of premature birth can be:

  1. Falling, receiving various types of injuries.
  2. Diseases.
  3. Carrying heavy things.
  4. Stress, anxiety, psychologically unfavorable environment in the family or at work.
  5. Difficult working conditions, standing work for more than 6 hours a day.
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Long-distance travel, overexertion, airplane flights, long-distance train trips.
  8. Premature placental abruption.
  9. Damage to the fetus.
  10. Polyhydramnios.
  11. Multiple pregnancy.
  12. Infections.
  13. Disturbances in the structure of the uterus.

Childbirth at 7 months is an abnormal phenomenon, and it has its own complications, which mostly affect the baby. The consequences of premature birth can be:

  1. The child’s lungs are still underdeveloped at this stage, so in 60% of cases breathing complications and even pauses in breathing occur. Typically, babies born before the 8th month of pregnancy are placed under a dome with a high oxygen content in the ICU (intensive care ward).
  2. Neurological complications (hyperactivity, isolation, learning problems), disorders in brain development.

But all these consequences and complications are detected at an early stage and are well eliminated with intensive therapy. In 99% of cases, after a couple of months, a premature baby cannot be distinguished from peers born on time!

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Many expectant mothers are interested in what this period is - 7 months of pregnancy, how many weeks are left before giving birth and how the baby is developing.

Fresh air consultation with a doctor baby development
pain baby contractions

Only knowing everything about what lies ahead and when the baby may be born will a woman feel calm and confident - and this is the most important thing.

Feelings of a woman during this period

First of all, it is worth noting what week the 7th month of pregnancy begins. It lasts from 28 to 32 weeks - from this period the last, third trimester begins.

7 months of pregnancy is the period at which a woman goes on maternity leave. Finally, she gets the opportunity to sleep and relax before the upcoming birth. Now rest is necessary more than ever, because the sensations a woman experiences during the third trimester are far from the most pleasant:

  • the belly at 7 months, as can be seen in the photograph, reaches a fairly large size;
  • it becomes more difficult for the expectant mother to move;
  • it is more difficult to find a comfortable position while sleeping;
  • even taking a bath involves some difficulties;
  • an enlarged uterus makes breathing difficult, which provokes heartburn, which can cause many unpleasant moments;
  • some women experience late toxicosis in the last trimester. It is also accompanied by nausea, but is much more dangerous than before - at the beginning of pregnancy. Typically, this condition is accompanied by severe swelling, metabolic disorders, increased blood pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine.

Toxicosis can cause disturbances in the functioning of the placenta, so you must inform your doctor about its symptoms so that he can select the appropriate treatment.

Fresh air is very beneficial for the health of the expectant mother and baby

What can an expectant mother do?

Many people are interested in what restrictions exist for a woman in the 7th month of pregnancy. Experts usually give such recommendations.

What can an expectant motherWhat a future mother should not do
  1. To walk alot. Doctors advise spending at least 2-3 hours in the fresh air every day. Fresh air will improve your well-being, and a leisurely walk will be an excellent prevention of swelling and excess weight.
  2. Wear special underwear for pregnant women. Be sure to purchase a special prenatal bra if you don't already have one. This underwear is made from natural fabrics and provides good support for enlarged breasts without causing any discomfort. It's also a good idea to have a prenatal bandage in your wardrobe to support your growing belly, as well as compression garments to help prevent varicose veins.
  1. Do some types of housework. You definitely shouldn’t climb on stepladders or stools; try to avoid doing anything with household chemicals, especially caustic products with a strong smell. And, of course, do not try to lift any weights.
  2. Take medications without your doctor's permission. Most medications have toxic properties, so taking them during pregnancy is contraindicated. To solve any health problems, consult a doctor who knows exactly what medications expectant mothers can take.

Often women have a question: is it possible to fly on an airplane at 7 months of pregnancy? Despite the fact that modern doctors claim that it is safe, most airlines have a negative attitude towards female passengers flying late. Most likely, you will need a certificate from a gynecologist, which will indicate that there are no medical contraindications. Some companies do not sell tickets to women on long-distance, multi-hour flights at this time.

What happens to the child?

Baby born in the seventh month

From 28 to 32 weeks, the baby is actively gaining weight: in 4 weeks he can add almost a kilogram. If birth occurs at 7 months of pregnancy, the baby has a good chance of survival, although he may need some medical attention.

Let's look at how the fetus develops at 7 months and what happens to it during this period.

  1. The baby learns to open and close his eyes meaningfully.
  2. The development of the hearing aid is completed.
  3. Brain development is also in its final stages.
  4. The weight of a child at 7 months of a singleton pregnancy is approximately 1.2-2 kg.
  5. He is actively accumulating subcutaneous fat, and by the end of the month he will be practically no different from other newborns.

You can see what a baby born at 7 months looks like in the photographs.

Intimacy - is it possible?

Having sex at 7 months is quite acceptable if it does not cause any harm to the baby. If you do not have increased tone, there was no threat of miscarriage during pregnancy, and there was no bleeding after intercourse, then you can continue your sex life. If these symptoms are present, you will have to abandon it. Absolute contraindications for intimacy are also multiple pregnancies and placenta previa.

According to doctors, most women experience a strong decrease in libido in the third trimester. This may be due to hormones or more mundane reasons.

As a rule, a woman’s belly at 7 months of pregnancy is already quite large and can prevent her from enjoying intimacy, and her general physical condition can reduce the sexual activity of the expectant mother.

Painful sensations in the abdominal area

If the pain is similar to contractions and is accompanied by brown discharge, in this case be sure to consult a doctor

Don’t be alarmed if your lower abdomen hurts during the 7th month. There are reasons to immediately consult a doctor only if the pain is quite intense, similar to contractions that are increasing in duration and strength, accompanied by brown discharge, or lasts in a relaxed state for more than several hours.

In other cases, pain is harmless and most likely caused by the following reasons:

  • stretching of the abdominal muscles - in this case the pain is mild, reminiscent of tingling;
  • increased mobility of the joints of the pelvic bones - pain can spread to the joint area;
  • Digestive problems – an enlarged uterus interferes with intestinal patency.

In case of such sensations, it is better for a woman to lie down and relax; you can also take a no-shpa tablet or take a warm bath.

What will an ultrasound scan show?

In the 7th month of a normal pregnancy, ultrasound is usually not prescribed. The mother can undergo this study at her own request or at the direction of a gynecologist if she needs to clarify any details of the pregnancy.

Data from past ultrasounds are compared with current ones to identify abnormalities in the baby’s development

During an ultrasound at 7 months of pregnancy, you will see a real mature person in the photo. All his organs and body parts are developed, he actively moves and develops various skills. During the examination, the doctor usually assesses the condition of the placenta and uterus, measures the child’s physical indicators, and measures the amount of amniotic fluid. As a rule, this is required if any abnormalities were visible on a previous ultrasound.

If you undergo this procedure at 7 months of pregnancy, ask to print out a photo of the fetus - on it you can look at your future baby and paste this picture into his photo album.

Possible allocations of this period

It is necessary to carefully monitor the nature of the discharge, some of them can be dangerous and require immediate consultation with a doctor

Discharge that appears in the 7th month of pregnancy is usually quite profuse. If they are homogeneous, without an unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by discomfort in the genital area, there is no reason for concern.

If you suddenly notice that the discharge has become transparent and watery, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps it is amniotic fluid leaking.

However, brown and scarlet discharge is the most dangerous, especially if it is accompanied by pain. This may signal placental abruption, so in this case you cannot hesitate - you must immediately call an ambulance. Find out and why.

Despite the fact that the number of unpleasant symptoms increases during the 7 calendar months of pregnancy, most women are quite positive during this period. They have time to rest, the feeling of fatigue has not yet set in, and there is very little left before meeting the baby.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

The 7th month of pregnancy is the time when the baby reaches the age at which it is already possible to survive premature birth. And this is a reason for the expectant mother to calm down a little regarding the risk of not carrying the pregnancy to term.

If we talk about the gestation period of 7 months, how many weeks it is, then it corresponds to 27-31 weeks of pregnancy.

The beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy when carrying twins is the time to go on maternity leave. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then those women who are carrying one baby also go on leave (for example, if you have serious somatic illnesses). Everyone else has to wait until 30 weeks of pregnancy.

Baby 7 months pregnant

A child in the 7th month of pregnancy is actively gaining weight. Now his task is to grow quickly, and in just a month he can gain 800 grams of weight, adding 180-200 grams per week.

The weight of a child at 7 months of pregnancy can vary greatly from one woman to another, or even from one woman to another, but with different pregnancies; individual differences in development are becoming increasingly important. By the end of the 7th month, the baby can weigh up to 2 kg.

The baby's skin is still wrinkled and red, his legs and arms are very thin, but his face is becoming rounder, and white fat has begun to deposit. By the end of the month, the baby will look almost like a normal newborn.

Now there is still a lot of amniotic fluid, and the month of maximum intrauterine activity is underway. The child moves a lot and actively. Only half of the children chose the correct position with their head down, but so far everything is very unstable, the child can turn over more than once, and it is too early to worry about breech presentation.

In the evenings, when you go to bed, the child is more active than during the day. This is normal; during the daytime, your movements rock him to sleep.

Now the baby is able to see and hear, all the necessary extrauterine reflexes have been formed, internal organs, liver, and kidneys are working. The child sucks his fingers and swallows amniotic fluid whatever he can reach. They contain many nutrients, and this is how the baby trains its gastrointestinal tract. What is digested is stored in the baby’s intestines and is not excreted anywhere; after birth, the baby will get rid of these intrauterine deposits (the baby’s first stool, meconium, is formed precisely by these deposits accumulated in utero).

At 7 months of pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed according to indications, but at the end of the month you may be sent for a planned, screening third ultrasound. During this ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the condition of the placenta, the correspondence of the baby’s development to the gestational age, its presentation, and the amount of amniotic fluid. This is the last planned ultrasound, however, often upon admission to the maternity hospital immediately before birth, the examination is repeated again.

Woman 7 months pregnant

A woman who is 7 months pregnant gets the opportunity to go on maternity leave. Finally, you don’t have to get up in the morning and you can start preparing for the birth of your baby.

Most likely, your loved ones are now trying to create the most comfortable conditions for you, relieving you of everyday worries, and you have a lot of free time.

When the 7th month of pregnancy begins, shopping time begins. Most expectant mothers spend maternity money on long-awaited large purchases. A dowry for the baby, a crib, and a stroller are purchased. At the 7th month of pregnancy, the belly is not yet so big that it would interfere with long walks in children's stores, happily choosing children's things.

There are superstitions that you shouldn’t make such purchases before the baby is born, but it’s still better to prepare everything in advance.

The crib must be left empty for several weeks so that all possible harmful substances are removed from it (varnish and glue are used even in cribs made of natural wood).

Things need to be washed and ironed. The 7th month of pregnancy is the time when this work does not seem hard, it will be perceived completely differently before giving birth, and you won’t want to, it will be difficult to go shopping with a big belly.

What may concern you

All the delights of late pregnancy are being experienced now. The tummy has almost reached the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process, the skin is stretched, the navel may turn out and darken. A stripe has appeared on my stomach and now there is a high risk of stretch marks.

Itching in the abdominal area is one of the symptoms that the skin has reached its limits of extensibility and requires immediate care. Despite the use of creams for stretch marks, they may still appear, because the likelihood of their occurrence is largely related to the genetic characteristics of your skin, and care has only a small effect on their appearance.

For many expectant mothers, the first false contractions (Braxton-Higgs contractions) begin at the 7th month of pregnancy. This feeling of the emerging tone of the uterus can be frightening and cause anxiety, but with rest the unpleasant sensations quickly pass. Such fights are not a threat, they are not dangerous.

The difference from real contractions is that they are irregular and painless; you can fall asleep completely calmly, despite them, your condition is not disturbed. They are needed to prepare the uterus for childbirth and should not bother you.

Of course, if you are 7 months pregnant, your stomach hurts seriously, you feel that these are contractions that are increasing in duration and strength, they do not go away with rest - you need to consult a doctor. In other cases there is no reason for alarm.

A growing belly causes other problems. Now for the first time you may experience difficulties with digestion. The uterus squeezes the stomach, interferes with the liver, and nausea after eating during the 7th month of pregnancy can become common. If you try to eat in small portions, you usually feel less sick, and if you overeat, you may even vomit.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, you may also be bothered by discharge from the breast and colostrum. Try not to disturb your breasts, do not squeeze it out, and if it leaks and stains your underwear, just use breast pads.

Discharge during the 7th month of pregnancy should not bother you. Normally at this stage they are insignificant and mucous in nature. The appearance of unusual discharge should always cause concern.

If a simple thrush in the 7th month of pregnancy can cause discomfort only to you, inflammation in the vagina caused by other flora can be dangerous for the child. Yellow, greenish discharge with a bad odor requires urgent consultation with a gynecologist and smear tests.

Increased stress on the muscles can cause pain in the back and legs. The problem can be solved by gymnastics and wearing a prenatal bandage.

Dangers of 7 months of pregnancy

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy is the main danger.

From this point onwards, a premature newborn is considered a human being and receives birth documents. Children who were born earlier are also nursed, but babies must live at least 7 days to receive human status. Until then, it is considered simply a miscarriage and no birth documents are issued.

Termination of pregnancy at 7 months is a real, full birth, but it has its own characteristics. They often occur very quickly and are accompanied by birth trauma for both mother and fetus.

Unfortunately, the problem of miscarriage exists, and even the most successful pregnancy can end prematurely. If you seek help in a timely manner, doctors often manage to stop the onset of labor, which is why it is so important that you remember the symptoms that indicate the possibility of such a course of events.

Pain in the lower abdomen may not necessarily be severe; it can be a pulling sensation, like during menstruation, encircling and tightening the lower back with a hoop. At the same time, the uterus tenses and becomes stone, a strong pressure is felt on the bottom, on the perineum.

The duration of such contractions increases and they become more frequent - this is a very alarming symptom.

The nature of the discharge changes, it intensifies, becomes stretchy mucous, there may be streaks of blood or a pink color. A particularly dangerous symptom is bleeding.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, premature birth in some cases begins with the rupture of amniotic fluid.

Any alarming sign is a reason to consult a doctor.

In the second half of pregnancy, swelling may appear. The pregnant woman's body itself tends to retain fluid, this is due to high levels of progesterone, but there should be no edema. Symptoms of fluid retention are not noticeable at first; this is called hidden edema. You may simply be gaining weight too quickly. And only when several liters of excess water are retained will the swelling become obvious. Swelling of the fingers, legs and feet appears first.

Swelling in the 7th month of pregnancy can be the beginning of a pregnancy complication, gestosis. Do not forget to take a urine test before each visit to the antenatal clinic.

And of course, you need to try not to catch a cold. Take care of yourself, dress warmly, avoid public places, and if you have to use the metro or visit clinics or shops, wear a mask during epidemics of ARVI and influenza.

A cold in the 7th month of pregnancy is dangerous, just like in any other month. Although in most cases the placenta is able to protect the baby from infection, it itself inevitably suffers and there is a risk of feto-placental insufficiency. And if you suddenly get sick, do not delay seeing a doctor, even if you just have a fever.

At 7 months of pregnancy, the risks and dangers are still not great; the best time of your pregnancy is still underway. And even though the wonderful burden becomes heavier every day, you still feel good and are full of strength and energy.

Your life

Your life has now changed dramatically. Going on maternity leave means the risk that you will begin to suffer from physical inactivity and stop moving altogether. Don't forget that you need physical activity and will continue to need it until the end of your pregnancy. This is important to make the birth easier; it will be better if you are trained and resilient. It's not time to lie on the couch - it's time to finally start seriously attending childbirth preparation courses.

Aqua aerobics for pregnant women and special gymnastics in groups in the gym provide an excellent boost of energy. Don't miss the wonderful opportunity to communicate with other expectant mothers and learn new things.

For some women, going on maternity leave means the other extreme - they want to go somewhere to relax. You can really afford it for now if the pregnancy is going well. Flying during the 7th month of pregnancy is relatively safe, and at your holiday destination you can now provide yourself with conditions no worse than at home. Just avoid sudden changes in climate and diet, this will create unwanted additional stress on the body.

A wedding during pregnancy most often occurs in the first three months or is postponed until maternity leave. Perhaps you are now in pleasant troubles, and we can only be happy for you. A wedding while 7 months pregnant is no worse than any other, just remember that you need to avoid overwork. The whole action should be carried out as carefully as possible in relation to the expectant mother.

During the 7th month of pregnancy, you need the most balanced and high-quality nutrition. If you don’t eat right and don’t get everything you need with food, your baby will still get it all – he’ll take it away from you. And there will be health problems. Due to calcium deficiency, caries is possible, bone pain, especially in the pelvic bones, lack of meat and other sources of iron will cause anemia, etc.

Overall, this is one of the most wonderful months of pregnancy. You can lead a normal, generally speaking, lifestyle with all earthly joys, you are healthy, you are just expecting a child.

7 month pregnant video

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A woman in the seventh month of pregnancy is in a certain psychological and physical state. Below we provide a list of characteristics of these conditions.
  • The baby has grown to a certain size and has become more active. He began to move more often and longer inside his mother;
  • White discharge continues from the woman's vagina;
  • Aching pain may appear in the abdominal area;
  • Constipation may occur;
  • There may be problems with digesting food, possibly the appearance or worsening of heartburn and the appearance of gases in the intestines;
  • Also, at 7 months of pregnancy, a woman may experience headaches, attacks of nausea and dizziness. In addition, there may be congestion of the nose, nosebleeds may start out of the blue, and the gums may bleed;
  • Muscle spasms may occur in the legs;
  • The lower back begins to pull until there is aching pain all over the back;
  • Your legs, arms, fingers, and even your face may swell;
  • It happens that it is impossible to avoid varicose veins in the legs and in the rectal area;
  • The skin on the abdomen begins to itch;
  • Shortness of breath may appear, or it simply becomes difficult to breathe;
  • Insomnia is not uncommon;
  • The uterus can give impulses, harden for a minute, and then return to its usual relaxed state; this behavior is usually called spasms. At the same time, gait and movements become awkward;
  • A woman thinks about the upcoming birth, about how to continue to live with the baby, she may have fear about the child’s health, and many anxious thoughts;
  • Fears, anxiety, nervousness lead to absent-mindedness in any movement, any activity;
  • But with all this, new dreams appear, what the child will be like, what words he will utter first, what care he will receive;
  • Well, like any woman in a normal state, a pregnant woman begins to think about what she will be like after giving birth, what her body and face will look like;
  • At the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby is approximately 41 cm long and weighs approximately 1.5 kg.

Consider the development of a child at 7 months of pregnancy

The child is already formed, he has almost completely acquired the necessary volumes, his existence has become possible outside the mother. But parts of the child’s body are not sufficiently developed, internal organs do not function at full capacity. Only the stomach and intestines are fully formed. The kidneys have developed almost completely, but they begin to work only after the baby is born. At the age of seven months, the lungs are still actively developing in the womb. The baby already takes up almost all the free space in the uterus. The child's head has already become proportional to the body. This period is important for the development of the baby’s cerebral cortex. The child is already reacting to pain, just as babies react at full term. The baby hears sounds muffled, as amniotic fluid affects this process. The baby develops taste qualities.
Now the child weighs 1 kg and his length is 38 cm.
The fetus becomes cramped, but it is able to adapt to such an existence. Usually the fetus is held in a curled position, with its arms and legs crossed. The baby’s skin is wrinkled and still red; adipose tissue is already developing underneath it. Also, the brain increases in size, nerve cells begin to work, and nerve connections are formed. The fetus acquires the ability to learn due to the high speed of nerve impulses. By placing your hand on the tummy, you can feel how the baby moves, its outlines of some parts of the body.
The child’s weight at this stage reached 1.5 kg, length - 41 cm.

Changes in the life of a pregnant woman at 7 months of pregnancy:

  • Colostrum is formed in the mammary glands, which indicates the presence of mother's milk.
  • If you see reddish spots in the lower abdomen, this is the appearance of stretch marks.
  • You may feel slight contractions of the uterus, a process called false contractions.
  • Stomach cramps often occur, heartburn appears in a more acute form, and digestive problems arise.
  • You may feel a heaviness in the lower abdomen as the growing baby presses against the diaphragm and stomach.
  • A certain clumsiness, clumsiness, and angularity in movements appear. With little physical activity, severe shortness of breath may occur. It is recommended to walk slowly, rest more and watch your posture.
  • If your habit was to rest on your stomach and you could only sleep in this position, then now you definitely need to get rid of this habit. Resting in an uncomfortable position leads to interesting dreams about childbirth or about the unborn baby.
  • Actions that are necessary during the 7th month of pregnancy:

    Regular visits to the doctor are mandatory. Surveys should be carried out twice a month. This frequency of doctor visits is necessary until the 36th week of pregnancy.
    . Take a blood test to check your hemoglobin status. With low hemoglobin, the doctor prescribes drugs that regulate the amount of iron.

    What does a baby look like in the seventh month of pregnancy?
    The child is gaining weight. In the last stages, a pregnant woman gains approximately a third of the kilograms of her total weight for the entire period of pregnancy. Weight gain at week 28 will be approximately 9 kg.
    If you have severe, sharp back pain, fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a kidney infection. A kidney infection is bacterial; it can also be characterized by frequent painful urination, sometimes there may even be droplets of blood in the urine. Your stomach may hurt. If there is at least one sign described above, consult your doctor and also get tested.
    At the 28th week of pregnancy and after, the fetus puts more pressure on the placenta, it grows faster, the weight increases, and therefore there may be bleeding, which will be accompanied by pain. If the placenta is low, this is especially dangerous. Under such circumstances, a pregnant woman needs to stay in the hospital for conservation; in case of pathological changes, a caesarean section is used.
    Placental abruption is the process of separating part of the placenta from the wall of the uterus. The woman suffers severe pain and bleeding. For the unborn child, placental abruption is dangerous. In this situation, the baby is left without oxygen and nutrition, that is, the child’s life is in danger if the placenta abruptions. If any of the symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. There are two options for the development of events in the event of such a situation. First: blood transfusion, if the doctor decides that this will all work out, that the timing is conducive to this. Second: caesarean section.
    In the case of placental insufficiency, the child’s development slows down, since in this situation he is deprived of sufficient nutrition. In this case, the pregnant woman is recommended to rest more and resort to physical activity less often, and then the blood flow from the placenta to the baby will increase. If you have any doubts about placental insufficiency, do a urine test. This analysis will help identify whether there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus; if this fact is confirmed, doctors may resort to artificial childbirth.

    Examinations that may be prescribed for you at these stages of pregnancy:

  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • Weight study;
  • Checking the baby's heartbeat;
  • Submit urine for analysis to check the status of protein and sugar in the urine;
  • Measuring the height of the uterine fundus;
  • Inspection and measurement of the position of the fetus, its size by palpation;
  • Checking the extremities for varicose veins or reporting;
  • For unusual symptoms, consult a doctor.
  • In the second half of pregnancy, your weight continues to increase, the weekly gain is still 250-300 g. At a more significant rate of increase in body weight, we can talk first about hidden and then about obvious fluid retention - edema, which can be a sign of gestosis.

    It is believed that during pregnancy a woman should limit herself to an increase of 9-12 kg, depending on her constitution. Optimally, if over the previous two trimesters you added about two-thirds of this increase to your weight, then the last trimester accounts for about one-third - 4 kilograms.

    Due to stretching of the skin on the abdomen and chest, not only stretch marks (striae) may appear, but also a feeling of itching and dry skin - most often in the abdominal area. Special creams for pregnant women or regular fatty creams containing vitamins A and E will help cope with dryness and itching.

    The rapid growth of the uterus is accompanied by stretching of the ligaments, which can cause minor pain in the lower abdomen. Usually the pain goes away when the woman changes her body position.

    Back pain at this stage of pregnancy occurs quite often - they are associated with an increased load on the spine, softening of the joints of the pelvic bones (this is how the body prepares for possible stretching of the pelvic ring when the baby’s head passes through childbirth). The more pounds you carry, the harder it is on your spine, so control your weight if possible. Sleep on a hard mattress, sit with a straight back, choose chairs with a back and armrests, do not cross your legs - this position not only impedes blood circulation in the legs, but also increases the load on the pelvic bones. Avoid standing for long periods of time, wear a maternity brace when walking, do exercises that strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles (for example, “cat back”, Kegel exercises - alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, etc.).

    At this stage of pregnancy (and sometimes earlier), muscle cramps of the lower extremities may appear. Such ailment, unlike “back” pain, can be prevented. To do this, wear special elastic tights, during rest, raise your legs above the level of your body to restore normal blood circulation in them, follow a special diet that maintains optimal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body, and before going to bed, massage your legs from the toes towards the hips.

    For varicose veins, which may first appear or progress during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear special knitted underwear. This condition manifests itself as discomfort and pain in the legs, especially after standing for a long time; A network of veins appears on the skin of the legs.

    To avoid another fairly common ailment of pregnant women - hemorrhoids - it is necessary to prevent the development of constipation with a diet rich in fiber, sleep on your side to avoid pressure on the veins of the rectum, and do exercises that improve blood circulation in this part of the body. Certain symptoms of hemorrhoids occur quite often and to some extent are considered a variant of normal pregnancy, but you should definitely inform your doctor about them 2.

    Since the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal organs has increased significantly, sometimes urinary incontinence may occur when sneezing or coughing. If this happens quite often, use pads. Don't be upset: in a couple of months you will forget about these unpleasant sensations.

    Fetal development in the seventh month of intrauterine life

    By the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is already 40 cm, body weight - 1500 g. From the 28th week of intrauterine development, when the fetal body weight is 1000 g or more, the so-called perinatal period begins. It covers all subsequent weeks of pregnancy, childbirth and the next 7 days of the newborn's life.

    The baby establishes a rhythm of sleep and wakefulness; he can wake up in the morning with his mother and greet her with quite violent kicks. Some children, on the contrary, want to “take a walk” precisely at the time when their mother is sleeping. Fatty tissue gradually accumulates under the child's skin.

    At this stage, the fetal heart contracts at the same frequency as in newborns (120-160 beats per minute). From the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be recorded on a cardiotocogram (CTG), which makes it possible to assess the condition of the fetus and the tone of the uterus. Irregular “breathing” movements of the chest, which can be seen during ultrasound examination, are also an indicator of the condition of the fetus.

    From this stage of pregnancy, a special substance is formed in the fetal lungs - surfactant, which at birth helps maintain the lung tissue in an expanded state.

    During the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus is usually born alive. He can survive if he is kept in a special incubator, with artificial ventilation and the use of appropriate intensive care and resuscitation equipment. Such a child is born with pronounced signs of prematurity: poor development of subcutaneous fatty tissue, wrinkled skin, abundant cheese-like lubrication; His entire body is covered with vellus hair.

    Possible complications in the seventh month of pregnancy

    When labor develops after 28 weeks of pregnancy, they no longer talk about miscarriage, but about premature birth. The threat of premature birth usually requires hospitalization and treatment. To accelerate the maturation of the fetal lungs and stimulate the production of surfactant, corticosteroid hormones are usually prescribed at this stage of pregnancy. This contributes to the survival of the child if, despite the measures taken, he is born significantly.

    With placenta previa, when it covers the area of ​​the internal os of the cervix, as the gestational age increases, the risk of bleeding and acute fetal hypoxia increases, so the pregnant woman must be in the hospital.

    On seven months pregnant Sometimes there are signs of a complication such as gestosis. Preeclampsia is usually represented by a triad of symptoms: edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent, but in any case, the expectant mother requires mandatory treatment, since this condition is dangerous not only for her, but also for her child.

    At this stage of pregnancy, constant monitoring of urine test results is required - this is necessary for the timely diagnosis of urinary tract infections, gestosis and some other pathological conditions. The frequent development of urinary tract infections in the 6-8th month of pregnancy is associated with their expansion due to the action of progesterone and other hormones, as well as the mechanical pressure of the growing uterus.