Simple ways to get rid of the habit of swearing. Simple ways to get rid of the habit of swearing Why do we swear?

Mat appeared in Rus' after the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Before him, the Slavs used only the names of animals: ram, goat, cow. And after the 15th century, swearing became firmly entrenched in the minds of Russian people. Mostly peasants and workers swear, but both Pushkin and Gogol, and Lenin and Stalin liked to use obscene expressions in conversations.

In modern Russia, swearing has spread even more. It even sometimes sounds from TV screens and theater stages. But many people are still interested in the question of how to swear.

If you want to swear, do it nicely. There is no need to swear through words - this makes it difficult to understand speech and causes irritation. It is appropriate to insert obscene expressions into a conversation to describe vivid emotions or experiences. Swear words can be used instead of interjections and exclamations, at the beginning or end of a sentence. Do not combine several obscene words into one phrase at once; it is better to use them separately and appropriately. Your speech should not be full of obscenities. Remember: the less you say such words, the more power they have and the brighter they sound.

How to stop swearing

If you are used to swearing often and can no longer control the flow of swear words, it will not be easy to stop swearing. Try the following tips:

  • Replace obscene expressions with beautiful, humorous or outdated curses, such as: a thousand devils, strike me with thunder, scoundrel, slave. People around you will smile and appreciate your individuality.
  • Try to express your emotions not with words, but with gestures or actions. Be natural: stomp your foot, shake your fist. Just don’t scare anyone with your activity.
  • Watch your speech. After each swear word spoken, add: “Well, I’m swearing again.” Do this every time you notice swearing in your speech. Very soon you will get tired of repeating the same thing, and you will no longer need to look for answers to the question of how to stop swearing.
  • Read classic literature. Perhaps you will learn from it strong expressions that can replace swearing, and learn to better express yourself using all the possibilities of our rich language.

How to stop swearing

It is very difficult to stop a person from swearing unless he wants to. After all, this is a kind of addiction and a strong habit. However, you can try the following methods:

  • Mimic the person by responding to his swearing with your own curse words, but in a humorous way. After each of his obscene phrases, swear back, replacing some obscene words with funny ones. For example, you can leave the obscene verb or adjective, and replace the noun with the word “radish” or “Cheburashka”. Play with words, tease the person. Perhaps he will gradually realize how ridiculous his swear words sound.
  • When a person asks you a question that is important to him or wants to get some information, answer him by inserting a swear word every two regular ones, even if you yourself are not used to swearing. The person will be annoyed because swearing will make it difficult for him to understand your speech. Over time, he will understand how swearing interferes with communication.
  • Try to exclude obscene songs, TV and action movies from his life as much as possible. If a person swears because he is very nervous, try to support and calm him down, watch beautiful good films together and walk in nature.

Simply put - mats. However, it so happens that in our country they can be heard everywhere. Office, public transport, city park, schoolyard, university - unprintable words surround us, coming from literally everywhere. However, if you have already asked yourself the question of how to stop swearing, you have done the first, albeit very small step. But is this possible?

First of all, you need to find the right motivation for this. Perhaps you have small children in your home and you don't want them to use foul language while imitating you. Or do you simply want to maintain the image of a well-mannered, educated person, into which swearing does not fit at all.

Historians and linguists believe that literally all the swear words we know come from ancient pagan spells. Moreover, these spells were not aimed at something good and bright, but at the destruction and destruction of the human race. They were used to bring misfortune (in particular, infertility) to entire nations. It is no coincidence that most of them are connected in one way or another with the genitals. In fact, the real purpose of these words is a kind of curse.

However, it is not enough to understand that using profanity is bad. What do psychologists advise those who are looking for a way to stop swearing?

There are many literary words that can be an excellent substitute for obscenity. Note: usually obscenities come out of the mouth when we experience a surge of emotions (most often negative). And all because we are too lazy (or our vocabulary does not allow us) to find a suitable literary replacement for this or that word.

We often use swear words without noticing it. It would be ideal if there is a person in your environment who is ready to help you and “control” the flow of words that you say. This person should patiently reprimand you every time you once again deviate from your decision to stop swearing.

Some people who are looking for ways to stop swearing are helped by something like a “fining system.” Such methods can be used both in the family circle and at work (in the second option, you can “civilize” an entire team!). The point is simple. You buy or make a piggy bank with your own hands and set the amount of the fine. It can be minimal - 5, 10 rubles. However, you don’t want to part with them because of such a trifle, right? The “offender” must apologize to everyone, and then put the money in the piggy bank.

If you are looking for ways to stop swearing, try to understand that each person reproduces information exactly in the form in which he receives it. Try to read as many newspapers, books, news as possible, where swear words are not used at all. By the way, classical literature, among other things, will help you expand your vocabulary.

Thinking about how to stop swearing, some people start a whole notebook in which they write down information about how much they said every day. It is best if such a notebook, tablet or notepad is always in your sight. Mindfulness will help you stop scolding, and on average it takes about 3 weeks to develop the habit of controlling yourself.

For many the most effective method is punishment. The principle of reflexes comes into play here. For example, you can put an elastic band for money on your hand, like a bracelet. Every time a swear word comes out of your mouth, you need to pull it back and release it sharply so that the rubber band hits your hand painfully. Over time, your brain will begin to be afraid to say swear words.

There is nothing difficult about how to stop swearing at a girl or guy. Do not demand the impossible from yourself: first, accustom yourself to the fact that bad words should be pronounced very quietly, almost inaudibly. Then you can leave them out, shorten them, and so on, until they completely disappear from your speech.

And, of course, try to treat everything positively - then the need for “curses” will completely disappear over time.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to stop swearing. You will find out for what reasons foul language appears. Find out valuable tips on how to eradicate this bad habit.

Possible causes of foul language

  1. A way to indicate your dominance when communicating with your interlocutor. This manifestation of speech is especially characteristic of a man. Pronouncing swear words makes it possible to cross a certain line, to show that there is a willingness to cross prohibitions. In reality, complexes are to blame. It may also be an attempt to make up for lost ground in an argument. As a rule, a person uses swear words when he runs out of arguments.
  2. A way to appear more mature. This option is relevant for teenagers. A young man, having heard how adults communicate using obscene speech, especially if they are authorities for him, tries to copy. Such a child will go to school and spread swear words among classmates and students in other classes.
  3. A way to throw out your emotions. As a rule, the result of accumulated negativity. If at first these outbursts have the character of a discharge, then over time they become a habit.
  4. Imitation of society. A situation where a person grows up surrounded by people who constantly swear. It is not surprising that such an individual considers this behavior pattern normal. Or he simply doesn’t want to stand out from the crowd, doesn’t want to be a black sheep.
  5. A way to influence a person who “does not understand in a normal way.” There are individuals who do not hear what is said to them until swear words are introduced into the conversation.

How to stop swearing

You must understand that swear words show you in an unsightly light. They will begin to treat you as a person who has fallen morally.

I bring to your attention valuable tips on how to stop swearing.

  1. It is important to recognize the problem you are facing and understand that such behavior is unacceptable. One well-known psychophysiologist came to the conclusion that women who constantly swear provoke the production of sex hormones characteristic of men. Thus, we can conclude that a young lady who speaks foul language gradually becomes masculine. This information can be a good answer to the question of how to stop a girl from swearing; few people want to turn into something like a man.
  2. A person must realize for himself why he wants to get rid of foul language. To do this, you can write out a list of arguments that confirm the need to change your vocabulary.
  3. If you use swearing to cope with stress, then you need to understand that there are other ways to get rid of it. nervous tension. You can jump, sing or even shout. It is advisable to do this alone with yourself, and not in the presence of other people.
  4. Need to learn. To begin with, you can set yourself a certain time frame, during which you need to remain completely calm and not use obscene language. Over time, this period will increase.
  5. You can put a rubber bracelet on your hand. Every time you say a swear word, tighten it and release it. This will cause the development of a conditioned reflex; it will be written in the subconscious that every swear word will be followed by pain in the hand.
  6. Surround yourself with people who don't allow themselves to swear. If this is not possible, ask your loved ones to restrain themselves and not express themselves.
  7. Possible for bad words“pay in rubles.” In such a situation, it is desirable that the person to whom money will go for every “wrong word” is not a close relative. That is, you need to feel that every swear word will lead to a loss of money, and an irrevocable one.
  8. Using substitutions. Undoubtedly, in the life of every individual there are moments when swear words involuntarily fly out, for example, after hitting a finger with a hammer or when a heavy object falls on one’s foot. It’s one thing when no one hears you at that moment, but another thing if you are surrounded by other people and especially children. Therefore, it is better to use words like “Christmas tree-sticks” or swear words from other languages, preferably not from English, but from one that few people will understand.
  9. Sometimes a person utters swear words when he, too, has insufficient vocabulary. In such a situation, it is necessary to expand it. It will help with this.
  10. We are trying to control ourselves. When you feel like a swear word is about to come out, take a deep breath or count to ten. Thus, we calm down, rid ourselves of thoughts about the possibility of expressing some swear words.
  11. Sometimes it's easier to cope with this bad habit, if you get rid of it not alone, but together with a friend or relative. This way you can control each other, monitor your speech and deal with this problem faster.
  12. Find out what exactly pushes you to pronounce swear words. Avoid these factors, do not allow situations that give rise to angry emotions and the desire to use obscene language.
  13. When you want to utter swear words, imagine that your beloved granny is next to you. Aren't you ashamed to behave this way in front of an elderly woman?
  14. Do not watch films or listen to songs that contain obscene language.
  15. Surround yourself with positive emotions. Try to think positively, think about good things. Accept that swear words will bring you nothing but negativity.

Probably in every family there is at least one person who curses from time to time. My family was no exception. However, such words can be heard very rarely and only in situations where no other words can be found. But we are also struggling with this. And we never allow ourselves to swear in front of children, no matter how painful it may be, and we don’t swear in public.

Unfortunately, today's realities are such that swear words can be heard anywhere: on the street, in the movies, even on TV. For many people, swearing has become habitual, and they do not see anything wrong with its use. Apparently, you are not one of them if you decide to find out how to stop swearing. It's not easy to give up a habit that has become a part of your life, but it is possible. If a person really wants something, he can do anything!

Why do you need to get rid of the habit of swearing?

But really - why? So what? Look, even well-known respected people, participants in television programs do not consider it shameful to “embellish” their speech with a couple of punchy words. Sometimes I just want to shout to them: “Don’t swear!” When a person swears, he thereby shows his lack of culture and disrespect for others, regardless of whether he understands it or not.

But in reality, not everyone swears. There are many people who are greatly offended by coarse obscene words used in ordinary speech. As a rule, these are educated and intelligent people with whom you want to communicate. But it may be unpleasant for them to talk to a person who uses obscene expressions through words. Cultural speech is always held in high esteem, but swearing is not always desirable or appropriate. If you strive for self-improvement, then you definitely need to learn to speak normal Russian, which is so rich that it allows you to express a whole ocean of emotions using different words and their synonyms.

We all come from childhood

The culture of Russian speech should be instilled from infancy. But the reality is that many of our compatriots absorb swearing literally with their mother’s milk. If a child grows up in a family where mother, father, close relatives, as well as their friends and acquaintances do not mince words, then, naturally, he adopts this style of communication. Of course, you can’t blame him for this, because he’s just a stupid kid and doesn’t yet understand that some words are, to put it mildly, not very good. When such a child's teacher kindergarten He says he can’t swear, he simply doesn’t believe her.

But childhood ends someday, and a person enters a time when he can analyze the actions of himself and those around him and try to figure out how to behave. For example, a teenager is already quite capable of choosing which books to read and with whom to be friends. The same applies to the manner of speaking. If you understand for yourself that using obscenities is wrong, then you don’t need to follow the lead of your relatives and those around you, row against the tide as best you can! Let your loved ones talk as they want, but you should feel like an independent and independent person. This will evoke nothing but respect from those around you.

“Why is Pushkin allowed, but not me?”

Young people, trying to justify their verbal promiscuity, often refer to famous people, for example, Pushkin. After all, as you know, the great Russian poet has many poems in which swear words appear. And not only him. There are other writers and poets who loved to incorporate strong expressions into their works on occasion (Yesenin, Mayakovsky, etc.). But we must not forget that all these people did not become famous thanks to their swearing poems. And because they wrote many other wonderful literary works.

Their vocabulary was much wider than that of most of our contemporaries. And they could clearly differentiate in which society how to express themselves. If today some Vasya Pupkin throws out Russian obscenities right and left, then he does this not for ideological reasons, but simply because of his meager vocabulary. He, like Ellochka the Ogress, may have only a few decent expressions prepared, which he uses depending on the circumstances. The rest of the speech is filled with swear words, they serve him both to express joy and to demonstrate anger, and for anything! So Pushkin has nothing to do with it. The great poet spoke the Russian language perfectly and could express himself flawlessly, but can modern youth do this?

Emotions that carry obscene expressions

It is no secret that swear words are mainly used by people when they experience any negative emotions, swear, or swear. The behavior of drunk people is especially characteristic in this regard. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person ceases to control himself, easily falls into aggression over any, even the most insignificant, reason, and then swearing simply flows like a river.

In fact, profanity carries a certain destructive power. Some researchers have come to the conclusion that swear words originate from pagan spells that were intended to destroy the family or cause infertility. It is not for nothing that these lexemes are associated with human reproductive organs. Some obscene expressions are nothing more than names of demons.

In fact, by uttering a swear word, a person, through his ignorance, brings unclean spirits not only to himself, but also to his children and relatives. So you need to make it a rule: “Do not swear under any circumstances!” The pictures that many teenagers draw on fences, signed with obscene words, should also be destroyed as soon as possible. But our general indifference leads to the fact that such inscriptions are displayed everywhere on the streets, in entrances and even on playgrounds.

Girls and swearing

Have you noticed that swear words coming from the lips of the fair half of humanity hurt the ears much more than male swearing? Even though girls swear everywhere now, we can't get used to it. After all, they are future mothers! Girls should stop in time and think about how to stop swearing. The habit of dirty words can subsequently have a very bad effect on their family life. As already mentioned, children tend to follow the example of their parents. Any reasonable woman wants her child to receive only the best from the cradle and learn kindness, and not savagery and curses.

Many good, cultured guys try to avoid girls who use swear words in their speech. Still, a woman should carry light and purity within herself. And not the rudeness and shamelessness that swearing implies. Men can sometimes be forgiven for some rudeness and aggression (the male hormone testosterone is often responsible for this), but women are expected to behave with restraint. All girls are recommended to read the following section, which explains the harm that profanity can cause.

Mat can cause serious health problems

Scientists have found that if obscene words are uttered by a person often, they can cause hormonal imbalance in the body. For men, this can result in early impotence, and for girls, it can provoke an increase in the level of male hormones, which can cause problems with conceiving a child and carrying a pregnancy.

The Institute of Quantum Genetics conducted special studies under the guidance of Candidate of Biological Sciences P. P. Goryachev and Candidate of Technical Sciences G. T. Tertyshny. And this is what they were able to find out during the experiments: if a person constantly uses obscene dirty curses, his chromosomes begin to gradually change their structure, and a kind of negative self-destruction program is launched in the DNA molecules, which can be transmitted to descendants.

Swear words cause a mutagenic effect, which can be likened to radiation exposure. DNA molecules are actually capable of “hearing” human speech. Moreover, heredity molecules also perceive light information. That is, a person can mentally read a text containing profanity, and its meaning reaches the genetic apparatus via electromagnetic channels.

Law prohibiting swearing

And yet, how can one stop swearing when abuse is pouring in from everywhere? Fortunately, on July 1, 2014, a law came into force in Russia that does not allow the use of swear words in cinema, television, theater and radio. However, no one can forbid a film director to make a film in which the characters swear with all their might, but this film can be released only after re-dubbing. Moreover, for individuals, legal entities and officials who violated the “Law on the State Language Russian Federation", fairly large monetary fines are provided. Obscene language in public places and in the media in Lately just went off scale. Now we can hope that profanity will be used less and less by people of different ages.

Need to expand your vocabulary

If you are determined to clear your speech of foul language, then the first thing you need to do is try to expand your vocabulary as much as possible. You ask: “How to stop swearing?” Read Russian and foreign classics! Modern youth, unfortunately, read very little, and this has a detrimental effect on both the outlook of boys and girls and on the culture of their speech.

Self-control is necessary!

Taking care of yourself constantly is not an easy task. But how can you stop swearing without self-control if you are accustomed to constantly using obscene words in your speech? You will have to carefully monitor how and what you say for a long time. Practice speaking at home without swearing.

Take a piece of paper and write down what words can replace certain obscene and rude expressions. Use the method from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune". If obscenities come out of your mouth when you are very irritated, then try to develop tolerance. Remember that a well-mannered person must be able to control his feelings.

How to stop swearing: little tricks and tricks

Wear a thin elastic band on your wrist. As soon as you catch yourself swearing, quickly pull it away - let it slap you hard against your skin. Of course, the pain from such a clap is not so strong, but still it will contribute to the development of a conditioned reflex, forcing you to give up obscenity. You can also use a more severe method: literally bite your tongue when obscenity comes out. Your brain will quickly remember that swearing is severe pain! Just don't overdo it; the latter method can cause serious injury and requires caution.

Force yourself to re-say the phrase in which the swear word was used. Gradually your brain will get used to the correct construction of sentences. At the same time, you can thus practice selecting different synonyms to replace swear words. When your friends notice that your speech has changed for the better and ask how to stop swearing, you can recommend these simple techniques to them.

Mat acts like a drug

Psychologists believe that the habit of swearing is a kind of drug addiction, the same as tobacco or alcohol. That is why it is so difficult to refuse it.

Moreover, just as a smoking person poisons the surrounding air and forces everyone nearby to inhale it, so a foul-mouthed person can harm people who are close to him. Obscene language in public places is unacceptable! After all, there may be children, teenagers, women nearby, in general, those whose ears should never hear such curses.

Some individuals, spewing streams of obscenities from themselves, receive a kind of satisfaction. Thus, they relieve psychological stress, free themselves from negative emotions and calm down. This may explain why people swear, but this explanation does not make it any easier for others.

How to react to swearing

"Calm, just calm!" - Carlson’s advice needs to be taken into account. Even if the mat is directed in your direction, you should not respond in kind. Most the best option- remain silent, although this may not be easy. But when a dog starts barking at you on the street, you won’t get down on all fours and growl and yelp in response? Also, there is no need to start lecturing the rude person and telling him: “Don’t swear!” These words can cause even more aggression. But your complete indifference can extinguish his desire to swear.

Mentally wish the person all the best and good things. Perhaps one day a moment of insight will come in his life, and he, like you today, will begin to ask himself the question: “How to stop swearing?”

Final word

Vladimir Dal said that you cannot joke with words. He believed that speech is an invisible link between a person’s body and his spirit. Our language is diverse, flexible, and beautiful. It was not for nothing that they called him great and mighty. Let us try to ensure that our speech is always cultured, clean, free from obscenities and swearing.

Until about the middle of the 19th century, foul language in Rus' was a criminal offense. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, a person was subjected to public flogging with rods for using swear words!

Obscene speech has always been considered a sign of lack of culture and belonging to a low class. It was a kind of pointer: here is an uneducated person, leading a dubious lifestyle and not striving for positive changes.

Why do people swear

Talk about lack of education modern people absurd. Now more than ever environment provides an incredible amount of resources to improve cultural level, self-development and creativity. It is logical that swearing should have become an ordinary atavism. So what is the reason?

1. The need for protection and self-affirmation

Obscene language is a unique phenomenon. It exists, but speaking it is prohibited by society. As you know, ignoring the rules occurs either out of naivety or out of fear and hopelessness. So we can’t call those who love strong words.

A person tries to hide vulnerability and self-doubt behind a demonstration of aggressiveness, independence and rudeness.

How more people experiences confusion and disorientation in life, the more often he resorts to swearing. Like a frightened and therefore furious animal. Growling, hissing and showing fangs.

As a result, teenagers swear out of fear that they will not be accepted as their real selves. It’s easier to assert yourself according to the general laws of the pack, to be like everyone else. And adults, bearing a huge burden of responsibility, swear in order to drown out the feeling of fear due to possible failures.

The saddest thing is when people use swear words when communicating with each other. By insulting and humiliating the interlocutor, the opponent tries to assert himself at the expense of the other and at least for a second feel his superiority. Albeit in an inappropriate way from a moral and ethical point of view.

2. Laziness of mind

Indeed, why bother and waste energy on the correct construction of sentences, selection of expressive words and use of effective oratorical techniques.

After all, why waste time explaining in long-winded ornate phrases what can be expressed in one word in a second.

Pronouncing “bl...” with different intonation colors will save the sleeping brain and not disturb the memory. Disappointed: “Well, dear Klavdia Petrovna, you again forgot about the existence of a new sample for writing memos.” Aggressively: “Colleague, didn’t you see that you were placing this heavy box right on my leg?” Admiringly: “Look how incredibly beautiful it is around!”

The ability to communicate fully and beautifully is replaced by useless mooing of varying duration and tonality. Gradually, the vocabulary is depleted, and speaking correct Russian becomes more and more difficult.

3. Constant tension and stress

It has long been proven that swearing briefly helps to let off steam and feel functional again. Modern people have enough reasons for stress and conflict situations.

A person uses obscene speech as protection from the outside world. He's like a bristling hedgehog.

Such a person constantly experiences such strong psychological discomfort that over and over again he simply stops noticing the problems of other people and becomes less sympathetic and friendly.

And this model of behavior is transferred to the entire worldview, a negative self-perception is formed, other people and events begin to irritate. It has been proven that swear words increase adrenaline levels, body temperature and blood pressure. Like alcohol or drugs.

A person understands that he is beginning to be sucked into a destructive funnel of aggressiveness, a split in interpersonal relationships, and a lack of self-understanding. He loses control over himself and his life.

How to stop swearing

It turns out that swearing does not exist on its own, but is a side effect of negative changes occurring in a person.

It is useless to force yourself not to swear. You need to find the root cause and understand yourself.

Take some time for self-reflection. Take paper and pen, sit comfortably in your favorite chair, relax. Write down your ideas and reflections.

    1. Try to remember what became the prerequisite for using swear words in your speech. Write down on a piece of paper the actions and words of other people, situations that usually cause you to fight.
    2. How much does obscene language help you and under what circumstances? What is the problem with using it?
    3. Imagine that you stopped swearing. Do you feel more comfortable? Or, on the contrary, you want to pour out the accumulated aggression and negative emotions in other forms?
    4. How badly do you need a swear word?

Analyze your answers. Consider an action plan to return the beautiful Russian language to your speech based on the recommendations given.

Change your attitude towards people and circumstances. Having understood the reasons that make you want to swear, try to either change your attitude towards them or erase them from your life.

For example, you swear while driving. It is clear that you are constantly worried internally, being responsible for the passengers and the safety of the car. Pedestrians scurrying across the road anywhere and reckless drivers are perceived by you as a potential threat. You're afraid, that's normal.

But is there any point in getting excited and using foul language, thereby reducing your concentration while driving? Other road users are unlikely to pay attention to you, and swearing will not change the overall situation on the road. Maybe it’s easier to exhale and, humming your favorite melody, calmly drive home in in a great mood without stressing yourself out.

Learn to relax. You can relieve stress by playing sports, your favorite hobby, spending time with loved ones or in nature. As you learn to make time for yourself and relieve stress, you will notice that you resort to obscene language less and less often.

Build your self-confidence. You cannot endlessly assert yourself at the expense of other people. You need your own inner core, a sense of yourself as a person that you respect, appreciate and love. Anyone who is self-confident, has inner strength and a strong spirit will never allow himself to humiliate a person and attack his pride.

Try to control your emotions. The most effective option is to mentally count to ten before answering an unpleasant person or reacting to the current situation. Replace obscene words with alternative expressions from normal Russian. It will take a little practice and patience to get used to.

Constantly develop yourself. Don't stop there. Read more quality literature, expand your vocabulary. Take part in virtual educational platforms, improve your skills, master related specialties, and become interested in the world. Set new goals, dream, move forward.

This will give you self-confidence and make positive changes in your life. It is likely that you will meet interesting people, with whom it is pleasant to talk without swearing. In addition, you will learn to enjoy using beautiful and rich figures of speech.