Teaching a 7 month old baby to swim. How to teach an infant to swim? Many parents strive to teach their babies to swim as early as possible. Starting swimming lessons

The baby remains in the amniotic fluid for the entire nine months of pregnancy, where he feels normal and that is why many babies love to swim after birth. If this is not the case, then environmental factors such as water temperature and swimming conditions will influence his choice. Many babies can learn to swim in the bathtub before they can crawl or walk on their own.. At the same time, we note that with daily procedures, during which the child has the opportunity to swim, the baby experiences positive dynamics in the area of ​​motor activity. Often such children begin to walk and crawl much earlier.

Conditions for proper swimming training

If parents want their child to learn swimming skills from infancy, then this is the most optimal age when the child will unconsciously be able to master the skill and will not be afraid of water. Perhaps this will serve as the beginning of his further development in this area. You need to teach your baby to swim gradually, it often becomes stressful for him, you need to create all the conditions so that the baby is not afraid to swim and reacts normally to water. Check the water temperature, which should not be higher than 37 - 39 degrees Celsius.

The room should have a calm atmosphere. The time for bathing should be chosen in accordance with the child's daily routine. The best option is before the evening feeding, but the baby should not feel a sharp feeling of hunger while bathing.

Where to begin?

The first bathing procedures are carried out at home; training should be carried out in a warm room. In the normal course of events, everything should go smoothly, since infants love to swim and bathe. Starting from the age of three months, the baby can be bathed in a large bathtub; for this, you can put a special bathing ring on his neck. This will greatly ease the condition of the mother or parent who will monitor the baby.

Children will not be able to swallow water; this device will not restrict their movements or cause discomfort, since the circle was invented solely for the convenience and safety of infants.

Parents should decide in advance what effect they want to achieve. After reaching the age of three months, the child and his parents can visit the water pool. Swimming with mom or dad will bring much more positive emotions. Not only the baby, but also his parents can spend time usefully. In order to properly accustom your child to this skill, you need to know some features of the process and the sequence of actions.

At the request of parents, children can study with a professional instructor who knows all the nuances in this matter; if it is not possible to regularly visit the pool or you do not trust such establishments, then an instructor can always be invited to your home. You can learn from him how to bathe a baby correctly, where to start, and what the nuances are.

Before diving into the water, it is advisable to give your baby a relaxing massage.

Many parents are interested in the question of when to start classes; the most optimal time is three months from the moment of birth. During this period, children still have the skill of holding their breath. Swimming for infants in the bath promotes their harmonious development appropriate for their age.

Diving is not dangerous!

Young children can also learn to dive in the bathtub with the help of an adult. Swimming lessons for infants should begin as early as one month of age. What are the benefits of diving early? Just small children feel natural in water, and they still have the skill of holding their breath, It’s not for nothing that the baby spent all nine months in the water.

How to teach a child to dive in the bathtub? While bathing, teach your child, after a certain phrase - “dive” or “under water”, lightly sprinkle some water on his face and blow. The child's eyes will reflexively close and he will hold his breath for a few seconds. It's not dangerous at all and there's nothing wrong with it. After some time, the child will understand what is really happening in the bathtub and will dive in on his own.

Positive aspects of early swimming

If you teach a child to swim while still an infant, he will have positive dynamics in his development, and you will be able to more easily understand what he wants. Mutual understanding between parents and baby is not the only advantage that can characterize swimming for infants. What other reasons to think about early swimming?

  1. Children who learn to swim early in the bath will quickly learn to walk and crawl on their own.
  2. The process of baby diving also has a positive effect, since the water will rinse the nose well, this is an excellent prevention of a runny nose.
  3. The child will be able to swim and will not be afraid of water.
  4. It has been proven that after swimming in the evening, a child has a good, healthy sleep.

If you have not yet decided for yourself whether it is worth teaching your infant to swim, think about it and analyze all the pros and cons for your child. Among other things, swimming and diving in the bathtub is a great way for parents and babies to spend time together. Swimming for infants is a sea of ​​positive emotions and harmonious development. The earlier training begins, the calmer children feel during bathing and swimming.

Every parent wants their baby to grow up healthy and fully developed. Today there are a lot of developmental techniques for infants that allow you to make your desire come true. Including infant swimming. Is this really such a useful activity or just a fad when you can start swimming, at home or in the pool - there are many questions. The time has come to find answers to them and provide new mothers and fathers with all the necessary information, because any mistake can cause harm to their beloved baby.

As is known, in medicine the attitude towards various types of developmental activities is quite ambiguous. Swimming is no exception. On the territory of the USSR, they learned about this technique thanks to Igor Charkovsky, a rescue instructor, who in the 60s made a special tank for water activities with his premature daughter. By 3 months, the baby not only improved her health, but also significantly outstripped her peers in development. Charkovsky began consulting maternity hospitals on the introduction of infant swimming into practice. However, after a couple of years, the technique was considered dangerous and was banned. And only in the late 70s they started talking about infant swimming again, largely thanks to a book about swimming for newborns, published by the chairman of the swimming federation, Zakhary Pavlovich Firsov.

At what age should you start training?

Having experienced the excitement of the first bath, you probably noticed that your baby splashes happily in the bath. And more courageous parents also know that if the baby is lowered with his head under water, he will hold his breath and feel quite comfortable. The explanation for this is an innate reflex, thanks to which the baby remembers the time spent in the mother’s belly, swimming in liquid. However, by 3–4 months, the reaction to being in water will begin to fade, so it will be much more difficult to accustom a toddler to swimming. Conclusion: you need to start swimming lessons with your baby at 3-4 weeks. This is due to the fact that

  • the wound on the navel will already heal;
  • the butuz will begin to gain weight, adapting to an environment that is still unusual for itself;
  • innate reflexes will not fade away yet.
  • Principles of infant swimming

    The success of the classes depends on how well the preparatory work is done. If you make a list of principles for swimming with babies, then, in addition to what has already been mentioned, starting from 3–4 weeks, you can highlight 4 positions.

  • The principle of purity. The bath or pool must be perfectly clean. In the first case, the container must be washed with baby or laundry soap, and in the second, make sure that all sanitary and hygienic standards are observed by asking for the conclusions of the relevant regulatory organizations.
  • The principle of quality. In this case we mean water quality. For home swimming, this can be either boiled or purified water. It is important that it does not contain potassium permanganate or herbal infusions - the little one may swallow it. In swimming pools, the water is usually purified with chlorine, which is not entirely beneficial for the baby’s respiratory system. But ultraviolet cleaning is what you need.
  • The principle of comfort. We are talking about water temperature. The recommended norm is 31–32 degrees. But it’s not worth starting with such low indicators. For the first time, the water should be 36–37 degrees. We are gradually reducing the indicators to the required levels. Please note: if the baby cries for several minutes, then it is quite possible that he is cold, so do not lower the temperature yet. But if the baby is lethargic and inactive, then he is probably hot.
  • The principle of correct timing. Swimming lessons can be started 40–60 minutes after meals. The child should not want to sleep.
  • Training methods for newborns and infants

    Swimming lessons with infants should be systematic, that is, not only regular, but also corresponding to certain proven methods. At the moment, there are 3 popular systems of work, each of which has been tested by more than one generation of infants.

    Firsov's technique

    The goal of working on this system is that by the age of one year the little one should:

  • stay on the water for 20–30 minutes;
  • dive shallowly (for a toy or just because);
  • be able to jump from a low bridge into the water without panicking.
  • Work towards achieving the set goal is progressing gradually. It begins with explaining to the baby that he will swim, then the baby is lowered into the water, and after the period of adaptation to water is completed, the child is supported under the tummy or back and placed on the water.

    Charkovsky's technique is very controversial, be careful!

    It is worth noting that this activity system was developed for premature babies, so it may not be suitable for babies born at full term. Charkovsky's principle is surprise and sharpness: the baby is quickly immersed under water with his head, then taken out and immediately immersed again without delay. One lesson lasts at least 30–40 minutes. In a short moment of surfacing, the baby manages to take a breath of air, but while there is no oxygen in the body, the brain is nourished in a more intensive mode due to the body’s reaction to danger. Such stress helps to develop more intensively physically and mentally.

    The technique is widely criticized among specialists for its danger to the brain - as a result of prolonged diving, the baby develops hypoxia. It is difficult and even dangerous for the child’s life to independently implement Charkovsky’s method in practice.

    Vladimir Guterman’s technique is the most popular today

    In the 60–70s, the author worked in the largest outdoor swimming pool in Europe, “Moscow,” where he observed children involved in therapeutic and sports swimming. Subsequently, this experience was systematized into its own methodology. It consists of 4 stages:

  • up to 3 months of age (massage, gymnastics simulating swimming, actual exercise in water);
  • from 3 to 6 months (they explain to the baby how to swim, show elements of exercises, support), so to speak, the conversational stage;
  • from 6 to 9 months (children swim independently, dive);
  • From 9 months, little swimmers swim on their own and dive for toys.
  • The benefits of this activity for babies

    When thinking about swimming lessons with a baby, parents should clearly understand: their goal is not to educate an Olympic reserve, but to strengthen the health of the little one. Swimming allows you to achieve very high results in this, namely:

  • accustoms the child to changes in water temperature, which helps strengthen the immune system, and therefore reduces the risk of catching a cold;
  • helps the muscle corset take shape and determines correct posture in the future;
  • significantly faster (compared to massage and stroking) improves the motor system, that is, strengthens/relaxes the muscles of the arms, legs, back, neck, and this, in turn, will allow the baby to sit up faster, start crawling and walking;
  • to absorb more oxygen, the body releases red blood cells, which increase hemoglobin in the blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • the maxillary sinuses are cleared, harmful bacteria and allergens are washed out, which reduces the risk of a runny nose;
  • has a calming effect on the baby, he falls asleep faster and more soundly, without creating additional anxiety for the mother associated with frequent awakenings at night;
  • being in the water, the child learns to express himself with gestures and movements, that is, the mother begins to better understand her baby;
  • teaches the child to approach bodies of water without fear.
  • The main principle of swimming with a baby is that the process should be enjoyable.

    Arguments against: possible harm

    Every medal has a downside, and swimming is no exception.

  • If temperature and other standards are not observed, the baby may develop diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. And when swimming in the pool, this probability becomes 4 times higher than for those toddlers who do not swim.
  • There is a risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as the baby swallows water during exercise.
  • Some psychologists believe that children with whom they have been involved in infant swimming may become hyperactive in the future and it will be difficult for them to maintain mental balance. And also, as adults, they often begin to get involved in extreme sports. And all because at an early age they lose their sense of danger.
  • Please note that the arguments concern cases where classes are conducted according to all the rules. And the list of harm caused by swimming in violation of accepted norms is endless. This also includes infant mortality due to careless handling of an infant in water.

    When is it necessary to swim?

    Unfortunately, many toddlers are born with health problems. But some of these disorders can be successfully corrected by swimming:

  • muscle hypertonicity (excessive muscle tension);
  • muscle hypotonicity (weakness of the muscle corset);
  • low weight (less than 2.5 kg);
  • dysplasia, arthrosis of the joints;
  • congenital defects in musculoskeletal tissue;
  • torticollis;
  • Contraindications

    It is very important to pay attention to situations where swimming lessons for a child can aggravate already serious health problems:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, when fixation of arms and legs is necessary;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • purulent dermatitis;
  • seizures due to neurological disorders.
  • Working out at home

    Kids react very sensitively to the mood of adults, so start classes in a good mood. And one more thing: you should be comfortable.


    Don't expect to stand for a long time leaning over the bathtub - put a chair. Have a clean diaper or soft towel ready to dry your little swimmer after the activity.

    This is interesting. In the absence of drafts, pediatricians advise slightly blotting the child’s skin and carrying him into the room naked - this is one of the elements of hardening.

    To prevent young parents from being nervous, an inflatable lifebuoy or a special cap with foam padding can be used as a safety measure. All actions with the baby in the water must be accompanied by a calm and confident voice.

    Communication with water should begin by immersing the little one’s hand and then the foot. And don’t forget to accompany all actions with your comments.

    Support for the baby can be carried out in two ways: under the back of the head (the baby lies on his back, and the adult picks up his head under the back of the head) and under the chin (the baby lies on the water on his tummy, the chin in the adult’s palm).


    In fact, swimming at home can be just as exciting as swimming in a pool. You just need to choose the right exercises. It is important that they are approved by a pediatrician.

    All swimming exercises must be approved by a pediatrician, and ideally also a surgeon and neurologist

    "Turns and Pushes"


  • We bring the toddler's legs closer to the walls of the bathtub.
  • After the baby feels support under his legs, he will push off and then roll over from his back to his stomach.
  • The parent's help in this exercise is reduced to a minimum: support the baby in the process of pushing and turning over.


    The exercise is performed while lying on the water on your tummy. While supporting the baby by the chin, you need to show him what funny circles on the water are formed from splashing.

    “Catching up with the boats”


  • We place the baby on his stomach and support his chin.
  • We put a toy in front of the little one.
  • We try to reach her, saying: “Look, our boat is sailing away, let’s catch up!” Over time, you can increase speed and increase the distance to the target.
  • "Eight"

    This exercise can be started when the baby masters moving in a straight line.


  • We place the child on his back or tummy, supporting him accordingly.
  • Having selected a suitable speed, we imitate the figure of the number 8.
  • "Let's ride on a swing"


  • We place the child on his stomach and support his chin.
  • We make sure that the head remains above the water and imitate swimming back and forth, up and down. To do this, we immerse and lift the baby with smooth movements.
  • "Let's dive!"

    Exercise causes fear in some parents, but children, as a rule, are not afraid of it, in fact, some even look forward to it.


  • We start with the theoretical stage. For 10 days we regularly say the word “Dive!” and blow in the baby's face. The baby will instinctively close its eyes and hold its breath.
  • Add a little water: after saying the phrase, splash some water in the little one’s face.
  • We say the key phrase and lower the baby’s head under water for 1–2 seconds. Gradually increase the time spent under water to 5–6 seconds.
  • This is interesting. We start diving only after the baby has already bathed a little.

    How to teach your baby to swim in the bathtub at home - video

    Swimming in the pool

    Depending on their preferences, parents choose group or individual pool lessons.


    It is very important that the baby is properly assembled into the pool. Have to take:

  • panties for swimming (for very small children this can be a special diaper for swimming);
  • a warm and large towel;
  • a hat that you will put on immediately after class to prevent your ears from getting cold;
  • children's bath product to rinse off the pool water after class;
  • a circle for swimming (just in case for your own peace of mind);
  • toys for the baby that he loves, acceptable in the pool.
  • Swimming equipment - photo gallery

    You can make a swimming cap yourself: just attach foam blocks around the rim. A lifebuoy in the bathroom is needed more to reassure the parents than for the baby. A swimming cap will help you avoid getting your hair wet, but it’s unlikely to protect against water getting into your ears.
    Many manufacturers of children's goods produce special swimming trunks and diapers.

    Everything you need to know about swimming pool classes

    If the child is used to the trainer and responds well to him, then the mother may not go into the water at all, but watch the process at the side.

    On average, a pool session lasts about 90 minutes. Of these, 20–25 are spent on a preliminary warming massage for the baby. True, the first lesson lasts only 10 minutes, each subsequent training session the time increases, and within a month you will reach the average timing.

    Exercises for training in the pool are identical to those used for training in the bathroom.

    This is interesting. Swimming can be combined with hardening. To do this, some parents pour cold water on their little ones after class, but few of their children enjoy this procedure. Therefore, doctors recommend simply letting the body dry without wiping it - this is also an effective hardening technique.

    A set of exercises with an infant in the pool - video

    Benefits of swimming lessons at home and in the pool - table

    In the bathroomIn a swimming pool
    Comfort for the childA newborn baby is still getting used to the new environment, so children under one month old are recommended to study in a special baby bath with their mother nearby. This way the child will feel the presence of his mother nearby, and the small space will not cause fear.Very often, newborn children are afraid of large water, extraneous sounds, and noise. After all, not only they, but also other children are engaged in the pool. That is why it is recommended to bring children aged two to three months to the pool.
    Lessons with a trainerDoctors recommend starting early swimming exercises only in the presence of a specialist. When mom gets used to it a little, you can study on your own. But often calling a trainer to your home is problematic and expensive.In the pool you can choose an individual schedule, choose the instructor you like and be completely sure that the classes will be carried out correctly and usefully.
    SafetyVery often, mothers who try to practice infant swimming on their own do not know the principles and methods of training. Water can get into the baby's lungs, and this is life-threatening.In the pool, classes are held only under the supervision of experienced specialists, so the child and mother are completely safe.
    Exercises in groupsVery often, children do not want to swim on their own: they are scared, uninterested, etc. At home there is no opportunity to carry out exercises with several children.In a group, the child pays attention to his peers. When a child sees that others are swimming with pleasure, he is not so afraid to try new tasks and exercises himself.
    ConditionsIn this regard, a home bath comes out on top. Mom can prepare boiled water without chlorine, wash the bathtub or large bathtub well, and can be sure that no infections are scary for her baby.Often, chlorine, which is used to disinfect water, causes allergic reactions, problems with the respiratory system and digestion, when swallowing water from the pool. There is a risk of catching some kind of infection.

    Pediatricians' opinions

    Doctors for the most part are very positive about infant swimming. True, many of them still advise practicing at home in order to reduce the risk of harmful microorganisms getting into the baby’s digestive tract, as well as on his skin. Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, like his colleagues, insists that swimming is useful only when it is carried out in compliance with all precautions, and the baby is in a good mood. In addition, pediatricians often emphasize that bathing in cool water promotes sound sleep for the baby, and is also an important step in the hardening process.

    Doctor Komarovsky about swimming for infants - video

    Most modern parents are keen on early developmental methods, including teaching newborns to swim. What is this – a newfangled hobby or a necessary condition for the harmonious development of a child? Is it necessary to teach infants to swim, when to start and how to do it so as not to harm children's health? In our article we will try to answer these and other questions.

    How is swimming good for babies?

    From birth, children are already able to swim: they can hold their breath under water and splash with pleasure in the bathtub. This is explained by innate reflexes - before birth, the baby in the mother’s stomach was in a liquid environment. Around three to four months, this innate reaction fades away, and the baby will have to learn to stay afloat much later.

    However, the point of such activities with a newborn is not to make him a future Olympic champion. Increasingly, pediatricians are saying that infant swimming brings invaluable benefits.

    1. Regular water procedures teach children to be calm about temperature changes. Thanks to hardening, the immune system is strengthened, which reduces the likelihood of colds, promotes dynamic physical development and helps prevent a variety of health problems.
    2. The result of systematic exercise is the formation of correct, beautiful posture, a strong muscle corset for the children's spine.
    3. Water exercises are much more effective for improving the motor system than massage and stroking. They strengthen or, conversely, relax the muscles of the back, arms, legs and neck. By the way, young swimmers begin to crawl, stand up and walk earlier().
    4. During bathing, when the child has a little difficulty breathing and the body lacks oxygen, the child’s body additionally releases red blood cells (erythrocytes), which contributes to an increase in hemoglobin levels.
    5. Swimming and diving have a positive effect on the lungs and cardiovascular system, help stimulate blood supply to organs and normalize blood pressure.
    6. When a child dives, the flowing water clears the maxillary sinuses. And this is the prevention of a runny nose in a newborn. The baby's nose is also washed, all bacteria, dust particles and possible allergens are removed.
    7. In water, the child calms down and gets rid of fears. Also, water procedures strengthen the bond between mother and baby, devoting time to the baby while swimming, you can better understand his body language and gestures, which will allow you to quickly find mutual understanding with your baby.
    8. A child taught to swim from birth will not be afraid of open water.

    Another undoubted plus is that many children, after swimming and diving, quickly fall asleep and do not disturb the young mother almost all night. Which, you see, is important!

    Rules for swimming with a baby

    Teaching a newborn to swim will not be difficult for parents if you follow the basic recommendations.

    Optimal age

    Training should begin at three to four weeks. Firstly, by this time the umbilical wound is healing. Secondly, the child gains weight and gradually adapts to the new reality. Finally, infant reflexes (swimming and breathing) have not yet faded.

    Preparing the bath

    All procedures should be carried out in a familiar environment for the baby. Before immersion, wash the bathtub with regular laundry soap, and once a week rinse it with soda, remembering to rinse thoroughly. Be careful with potassium permanganate solution and herbal decoctions - the child may swallow the liquid. After gaining basic swimming skills, you can move on to more advanced lessons - in the pool.

    Water temperature

    Perform your first workouts at an average temperature of 35 °C. It can be reduced little by little, but remember - small children under three months should not swim in water whose temperature is below 32 °C. To create ideal conditions, monitor children's behavior:

    • if the baby cries when immersed for several minutes, the water is too cold for him;
    • if he first whines, and then falls silent and actively flounders with his arms and legs, you have selected the optimal temperature;
    • if he is too relaxed and passive, the bath is too warm.

    While swimming, the water gradually cools down, but do not rush to bring it to its original temperature. This is the meaning of the procedure - babies are happening.

    How to conduct infant swimming lessons?

    Water procedures should be performed approximately an hour after eating: the baby is not yet hungry, and the milk has already been absorbed. Another important point - work only with well-rested children to avoid tears and whims.

    Leaning over the bathtub while holding your baby in the water is quite difficult - it affects both your back and shoulders. Try doing this while sitting on a chair. Be sure to cover the floor in the bathroom with a rubber mat so that it is not so slippery. Take a clean diaper with you so you can dry your newborn after the swim. You can also wrap your baby in it before bringing him into the nursery. However, if there are no drafts in the apartment, doctors recommend slightly blotting the baby’s skin without wiping it dry, and taking him to the crib naked. This is another effective way of hardening.

    So, everything is ready for swimming - the bath is filled with lukewarm water, and your child is in a great mood. First, touch the water surface with your hand, then immerse your child’s feet in it. Lower the baby vertically, without stopping talking in a confident, calm voice.

    In infant swimming, two types of supports are used: under the chin and under the back of the head. In the first case, the baby lies on the water with his stomach down, and you hold his head so that the baby's chin is in your palm. In the second option, the child lies on his back, and you grab his head by the back of his head. Try both positions and choose the one your child likes the most.

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

    Basic exercises in the bath

    (at the end of the article there are many video instructions about what exercises you can do with a newborn in the bath)

    If you think that water procedures at home are an uninteresting event, then you are mistaken. Of course, the baby will not have the opportunity to perform complex somersaults under the guidance of an instructor, but you can carry out several simple manipulations on your own.

    Advice: To reassure yourself, purchase an inflatable lifebuoy or a foam cap. They look quite cute and help the baby stay on the surface of the water even without mother’s support.

    • Pushes and turns

    Bring your baby's feet closer to the walls of the bathtub. Feeling support, he will push off from the sides and try to swim. At this stage, your help is minimal - you just need to support the baby, who will begin to roll over from his back to his tummy.

    • splashing

    The child lies on his stomach, completely immersed in the water, and you hold his head by the chin. Show him how unusual the circles running across the water look if you splash around a little.

    • "We're sailing for the boat"

    Starting position, as in the previous lesson. Place a bathing toy in front of the baby and try to get it out, saying: “Look, our boat is floating away. Let's catch up with her." It is necessary to gradually increase the speed and length of the “distance”.

    • "Eight"

    When your baby learns to move in a straight line, try moving on to the next lesson. It can be performed both on the back and on the tummy. “Draw” the number 8 with your child, individually selecting the speed of completing the task.

    • "Swing"

    Turn the baby onto his stomach, holding the head by the back of the head and chin to keep it above the water. Simulate swimming back and forth and up and down (plunging and lifting) using smooth movements.

    Attention, we are diving!

    Perhaps the most difficult element of infant swimming is diving. And it is difficult not for children, but for parents because of the fear that their beloved child will choke. However, from birth a child knows how to hold his breath; he just needs to be reminded of this.

    Before you plunge your baby headlong, you should prepare. Say the keyword “Dive!” and blow on the baby's face. He will immediately close his eyes and hold his breath. We repeat the exercise for 10 days.

    Then the task becomes a little more complicated: after the agreed phrase, you need to blow and sprinkle water on your face. Have you mastered this stage? Proceed, in fact, to complete immersion. Try to make the first dives when your little swimmer is in a good mood and has had time to swim a little. Say a familiar command and lower it not very deeply for a couple of seconds. Later, the immersion time can be increased to five to six seconds.

    Contraindications to classes

    Before starting systematic water procedures, consult your pediatrician. He will explain whether this activity is suitable for your child and identify any limitations. Swimming is contraindicated if you have the following health conditions:

    • disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which require fixation of the limbs;
    • congenital heart diseases;
    • purulent dermatitis;
    • colds and viral diseases (after treatment you can swim);
    • neurological disorders that are accompanied by seizures.

    Remember that you cannot insist and force children to bathe, swim, and especially dive. Such efforts will not add health to the baby, but, on the contrary, will lead to psychological problems.

    So, infant swimming is an extremely exciting and extremely useful activity. The child is immersed in a familiar environment, develops the muscular system, strengthens the immune system and learns about the world around him. Babies who started swimming from the first days of life adapt better to the conditions of kindergarten and school. Isn't this a good reason to go swimming with your child?

    READ ALSO: Review of popular methods of early child development with video consultations and filmsNote to moms!

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    Summer, relaxation, sea... Who would refuse such a pastime? To get the maximum benefit from being on a pond, you need to be able to swim. How and at what age can you teach a child to swim?

    There is no need to talk about the benefits of swimming:

    • hardening of the body as a whole and effective prevention of colds;
    • formation of healthy posture;
    • positive emotions;
    • development of physical abilities: coordination of movements, strength and endurance.

    “Swimming has unshakable values ​​that no one can challenge. Everyone should be able to swim! Who’s against?..,” said the famous Soviet swimmer, four-time Olympic champion and planet record holder Vladimir Salnikov.

    Oh no, we don’t encourage you to raise your child to be a future Olympic swimmer (although why not), but teaching him this useful skill is very necessary.

    When to teach a child to swim

    Babies are the best “students”

    So, when can you teach children to swim? You can accustom your baby to water as soon as he is born. For a newborn, an aquatic environment is almost a natural state, because he spent 9 months in amniotic fluid. That’s why babies simply love to swim. However, vigilant parents should not forget that the water element can pose a danger to the baby. To ensure that the baby does not lose his innate swimming skills, you need to involve a specialist. At the initial stage, it will be enough to lightly immerse the child in the water and rock it a little around the perimeter of the bathtub. When the baby has mastered simple exercises, he can swim in the pool.

    Learn to swim by playing

    At the age of one to four years, there is no point in forcing a child to learn to swim. At this age, children learn about the world through play, so it’s worth teaching them about water, giving them the opportunity to splash around and just have fun.

    The most optimal age for learning to swim, according to experts, is 4 years.

    Introducing water to a child under one year old

    Diving at the reflex level

    Young children who have loved swimming from birth very quickly learn to stop breathing and row with their hands. Many parents are afraid to teach their little one to dive.

    “In fact, there is nothing terrible in diving,” advises popular TV presenter and pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky, “a newborn has a very strong reflex that prevents water from entering the respiratory tract. If you do not dive for two to three months, this reflex fades and the child may choke... This should be done with the child lying on his stomach. Say the word “dive” loudly and hold your child underwater for a few seconds. He will very quickly develop a conditioned reflex, and just the word “dive” will be enough for the baby to hold his breath on his own.”

    At 1 year old, you can teach your baby to float on the surface of the water and not be afraid to dip his face in the water. At the same time, it is very easy to overtire a young bather. Swimming requires a huge expenditure of energy and the child runs the risk of getting tired very quickly. Therefore, the first lessons should not last more than 10 minutes.

    If the baby resists or is clearly afraid of water, do not insist, otherwise you risk causing hydrophobia in the child for life.

    Teaching a child 1-2 years old to swim


    Inhale on land and exhale under water - the baby must remember this rule first of all. Playfully. Place a container of water on the bench so that it is at the level of the child’s shoulders, immerse a boat with sails in it, show how to inhale air and blow into the sails so that the boat floats in the other direction. The chin should be under water. This game will appeal to any restless person. Having understood the essence of this fun, the child will become interested and excited and will try to exhale the air. Children 1-2 years old are able to blow on the boat 6 to 8 times.

    Stop, breath!

    The next skill of a young swimmer should be the skill of holding one's breath under water. Naturally, the first attempts should be made on land, sitting in front of a container of water. Take some water, warn the diver: attention! Don't breathe! Dive! Then splash water on his forehead, on his face. Do this exercise 6-8 times. Take a break between attempts: let the child relax, play, jump. Even a few gymnastic exercises won't hurt. Let the baby also try to lower his head into a container of water for a few moments without closing his eyes.

    For information on how to teach your baby to swim, watch the following video:

    The child shows more coordinated movements at approximately 3 years of age.

    We teach a child to swim at 3-4 years old

    How to teach a child to swim at 3-4 years old? Quite easy if he is not afraid of water and likes to splash around. Breaststroke swimming, or rather its lighter version, is suitable.

    It is important to conduct classes in a playful way, without forcing them against their will.

    You can include a competitive element: who will swim to mom faster - the child or the dad? Who can stay underwater longer?

    "Hearts" with hands

    We teach the child to draw hearts on the surface of the water. To do this, we spread our arms outstretched forward to the sides and connect them at the bottom. Then we repeat the same thing, only lowering our arms and shoulders into the water, leaving our head on the surface.

    "Frog" with legs

    Holding onto one of the parents with his hands, the child makes pushing movements with his legs, imitating a frog. At the same time, the parent moves backwards, towing the child behind him.


    The child must take a sitting position in the water, group himself, push off the bottom with his feet and swim, making “hearts” with his hands and “frog” with his feet. And dad and mom are not just passive observers, but real helpers. Dad can support or belay the child from below, while mom stretches her arms forward and catches the young swimmer.

    The key aspect that underlies learning to swim is a positive mood. Don't skimp on praising your little boy or girl for the smallest successes. When a child feels supported and loved, he will strive to learn further.

    How to teach a child to swim in the pool

    The same techniques can be used to teach swimming in a pool. The young swimmer holds onto the side and lies on his stomach with his arms outstretched, while animatedly moving his legs, imitating a frog. The same manipulations can be repeated using a foam board. Holding onto the board, the child will move his legs and swim. This activity gives preschool children incomparable emotions. Gradually, the board can be removed by using hand movements.

    Video on how to teach a child to swim in the pool:

    Making a "float"

    For children aged 3-4 years, the “float” exercise is useful: the child inhales air and sinks to the bottom of the pool, then, like a float, smoothly rises again. Of course, this activity should be carried out in a small paddling pool or in shallow water.

    It is important that the child does not have ear pain, does not have otitis media or a tendency to develop it.

    First, explain and show the “student” what the position of the “float” is. Squat down, squeeze your knees with your hands, tilt your head, press your knees and chin to your chest. Let the diver have some kind of goal, say, a bright toy at the bottom of the pool.

    Swimming lessons for 5-6 year olds

    How to teach a child to swim at 5-6 years old? At this age, children can be taught to swim crawl, always using swimming goggles.

    Sliding underwater, or "Arrow"

    After the child has learned to hold his breath, it is time to try swimming underwater. Why not immediately raise your head above the water? When he perfects the skill of synchronized movement with his arms and legs, then he can be taught to raise his head above the water to breathe.

    So, to glide underwater, the child needs to raise his arms above his head and place his closed palm on the back of the other hand. Now take a deep breath and, pushing off with your feet from the shore or bottom of the pool, slide forward until you come to a complete stop. The legs should be straightened.

    If you are practicing in an open body of water, then the child should perform this action towards an adult, and under no circumstances swim alone into the depths!

    Scissors with feet

    In shallow water, the child places emphasis while lying on bent arms. If the lesson takes place in the pool, you need to hold on to the side. The legs and torso should be straight and parallel to the water. Ideally, the feet should also be extended. In this position, the child begins to do “scissors” - swinging straight legs alternately up and down.

    "Arrow" with "scissors"

    After the previous two exercises have been mastered (the child must slide underwater for several meters and be able to do scissoring for 2-3 minutes without stopping), you can try to combine them.

    "Mill" with hands

    Now you need to teach your child to row with his hands. First we try in shallow water, where the water is up to his chest. Show how to make a mill: arms, slightly bent at the elbow joint, take turns describing a semicircle in the air and lowering into the water. It is important to pay attention to how the hands enter the water: first the hand, then the forearm, and then the elbow and shoulder.

    Breathing practice

    Now we teach the child to breathe correctly while swimming crawl. Support your baby under your chest with his head in the water. He must swing his arms and raise his head above the water towards the hand that completes the stroke, i.e. is under water. In this case, the child inhales air and immediately lowers his head into the water, exhaling air while performing a stroke with the other hand. The sequence is as follows: scoop up water with your left hand, turn your head - inhale; straighten the stroke with your hand, turn your head face down - exhale into the water. Repeat until the skill is established.

    We complete our training

    The final stage will be the combination of all exercises. The child pushes off from the shore or side of the pool, swings his arms and inhales and exhales, turning his head towards the rowing arm.

    Teaching schoolchildren to swim

    How to teach a child to swim at 7 years old and is it too late? Unfortunately, many school-age children do not know how to swim. Of course, this is not very good, but this is not a death sentence. The right approach and regular training will do wonders: the student will easily catch up.

    Support your child in every possible way, do not try to shame him; the inability to swim is rather not his disadvantage, but your fault.

    It is useless to teach a schoolchild to swim at home, in the bathroom. He needs a pool. The bath, however, can be an ideal assistant for the formation of breathing: let him inhale above the water, and slowly exhale under the water. Over time, the periods between inhalation and exhalation should increase.

    You can teach a student to swim using both breaststroke and crawl. But here it is important to perform the exercises accurately so that the correct technique is immediately established.

    Coach Evgeniy Saurov will tell you in detail how to teach a child aged 7-9 to swim in a video:

    How not to teach swimming

    No to extreme sports!

    Never use extreme methods of learning to swim. Some adults do not disdain the “old-fashioned method”: they simply throw the child into the water, they say, instincts will make it swim out. This merciless method threatens to cause your child not just a persistent aversion to water, but also psychological trauma.

    This happened with Sasha. At the age of 5 he still could not swim. While his family was relaxing on a pond, the boy was floundering in the shallows. He whined and obsessively asked his parents to teach him to swim. The father, without thinking for a second about the possible consequences, lifted the child above himself and threw him into the water. Sasha, now fully grown, will never forget these seconds of horror, swallowing water and fear. The guy is already 16 years old and he is terrified of water. And the boundless expanse of the sea for him is an insurmountable abyss of fear...

    And at the same time, proper familiarization with water and learning to swim helps solve many emotional and psychological problems.

    Irina, mother of Zakhar, 4 years old: Zakhar has been a very modest boy since birth; he was always very shy with his peers in kindergarten. He had no friends. It took him a long time to get used to kindergarten and cried all the time. One day, a teacher advised me to take him to the pool and sign him up for a swimming club. After his first visit to the pool, where he smiled for the first time, Zakhar seemed to have been replaced: he was a happy baby! This, it turns out, is what the little whimsical one was waiting for. In the water, my son relaxed, he didn’t just smile, he laughed! Visiting the pool every other day, timid Zakhar turned into a perky and cheerful swimmer. Now, even outside of training, he forgot about tears and made friends.

    We do not use accessories for learning to swim

    A varied selection of certain swimming devices and life-saving equipment will, of course, come in handy, but... not for a novice swimmer. Professional coaches are not particularly fond of colorful equipment for children, adding that vests and armbands are more of a marketing ploy than a way to teach swimming.

    Have you noticed how a child, dressed in “inflated” equipment, unsuccessfully tries to take a lying position on the water? And when a child takes off his colored “armor,” he may feel some kind of insecurity and fear.

    Another thing is when the child has already learned to swim. Special swimming boards mean better training and improved leg movement techniques. Or the so-called calabashkas, designed for training hands. Many pools also have paddles that can help swimmers improve their stroke technique.

    We don’t teach swimming “somehow”

    Many children themselves learn to swim “doggy style”, in jerks or in some other way. This may make it more difficult for them to relearn how to swim correctly. Therefore, it is better to ensure that the child accurately follows the techniques of learning to swim from the very beginning.


    These are, perhaps, all the secrets of swimming skill. It turns out that it is never too late to master swimming: not for very small creatures, not for teenagers, not even for adults. In the case of children, you should remember that you need to start when the child does not have a fear of big water - limnophobia. Then your workouts will be crowned with success and bring maximum health benefits.

    Video on the topic

    - perhaps the only sport that can be taught to a child almost from birth. If previously children were not allowed into the pool before 5-6 years of age, now this problem does not exist: many early development centers offer children to get acquainted with water, and instructors can conduct “swimming” lessons at home.

    We talked with children's swimming instructor Maria Gavrilova about when is the best time to take a child to the pool, how to help him get rid of his fear of water, and what water games to play.

    — What is the most favorable age for learning to swim?

    Maria Gavrilova:— Learning to swim in the pool can begin when the child holds his head and back, that is, from three to four months. This period is the most favorable: children usually get into the water well, are not afraid of water, and quickly get used to the instructor. The most difficult period for “entering” the water is from seven months to one and a half years: children begin to be afraid of strangers. But this age also has its advantages: it is easier to interest a child in the toys that are in every children's pool.

    — If a child is afraid of water, how can you help him overcome this feeling?

    Maria Gavrilova:— It happens that children are afraid of water. This fear can be transmitted from parents, it can be congenital, or it can be acquired: for example, there was an unsuccessful experience of contact with water (they dropped a child into the water, scared him).

    As a rule, the instructor does everything possible to interest the child. For a child, learning and playing are one and the same. While playing, the child learns. Therefore, in children's pools there are many toys with which you can captivate your child.

    Parents also play an important role in the process of a child’s adaptation to water. Very often they get involved in the game and suggest what the child likes to play.

    Each situation is individual, depending on the age of the child, the behavior of the parents, and the mood of the child. Maybe he just woke up or, on the contrary, wants to sleep. In very young children, progress is visible already in the third lesson: the child is actively interested in toys and begins to dive.

    Some parents are surprised: he swims so well in the bath, but cries in the pool and shows no interest in toys. But if a child is not afraid of water in the bathroom, then the pool is a completely different story for him. Firstly, the child encounters “big” water for the first time - he does not feel boundaries: there is no bottom, for him the pool seems huge. Secondly, he meets a new stranger - an instructor, whom he immediately needs to trust.

    And yet, children who flatly refuse to go into the water are not that common. One way or another, it is recommended to draw conclusions no earlier than the third lesson; the first two are not indicative. It is believed that the child gradually gets used to the water, the pool and the instructor. It happens that a child cries in the first two lessons, and in the third he just floats as if nothing had happened.

    — Have you ever met such children, and how did you manage to help them get rid of their fear of water?

    Maria Gavrilova:— Of course, I met children who did not want to go into the water at the first lesson. I repeat: you need to interest the child and gain his trust. At the first lesson, they simply sat the child on the side, dipped his feet in the water, and lured him with toys. At the end of the lesson, the girl “went” into the water with the support of her parents. At the second lesson, the baby began to be interested in toys, and from the third, active lessons began: a full range of exercises, learning to dive.

    In the first lessons, there is no need to require the child to perform exercises. It’s okay even if he didn’t swim the entire lesson. Our goal is not to keep the child in the water for 30 minutes by any means, but to give him positive emotions, leave good impressions and create a desire to go into the water next time. After all, the purpose of infant swimming is health-improving. It is important not to forget that this situation is new for the child and he may need time to get used to it.

    Even if your child actively refuses to go into the water for three sessions, don’t despair. Try again in a couple of months, the child will grow up and, perhaps, will begin to relate to what is happening differently.

    — Now there are a lot of “helpers” for teaching a child to swim. For example, special circles. How necessary and useful are they?

    Maria Gavrilova:- I'm not a supporter of such things. But here again everything depends on age. Progress is noticeable after the child develops a conscious interest in diving and begins to enjoy diving for toys, simply diving, and holding his breath on a dare.

    “Helpers” can be useful at a time when the child has already become comfortable in the water, but is not yet confident in his abilities. They allow him to swim without the help of an instructor, to feel independent and independent, and to try some exercises that cannot be done without “assistants” (for example, an asterisk on the back).

    But you shouldn’t completely rely on such things; a child, as a rule, quickly learns to float on his own.

    — Is swimming beneficial for all children or are there exceptions?

    Maria Gavrilova:— To visit the pool, you must obtain a certificate from a pediatrician and consult with a neurologist and orthopedist. If there are any restrictions, the doctor will tell you about it.

    There are contraindications for children's swimming. These include:

    • severe congenital heart defects;
    • various acute diseases (pneumonia, ARVI with fever) during an exacerbation, after recovery you can swim;
    • neurological pathology, which is accompanied by convulsive syndrome;
    • serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system that require fixation of the limbs;
    • skin infections;
    • weeping diathesis;
    • infantile paralysis;
    • epilepsy;
    • deep prematurity.

    Premature babies, as well as children with rickets and iron deficiency anemia may not be allowed to swim.

    — How long will it take for a child to learn to swim independently, without support?

    Maria Gavrilova:— It depends on the child, on his age, character, regular attendance at training and on the instructor, of course, too. There are children who swim from the first lesson, and there are those who need time.
    If you start swimming at four months, then by one year the child can already learn to swim without support. Subject to regular use of the pool.

    Very often children miss classes due to illness, vacations, the reasons may be different. Therefore, as a rule, children swim freely by the age of two.

    Diving skills and the ability to stay on the water don’t just happen. If a child went to the pool for up to a year and swam with pleasure, and then for various reasons did not go to the pool and after a while began to walk again, for example, then the result will be faster.

    If you let your child swim at the age of two, with regular visits to the pool, he will learn to float on the water within a couple of months.

    If a child comes to learn swimming at the age of five, he will learn to float on water in an average of a month.

    — Are classes in the pool enough to teach swimming, or do parents also need to do gymnastics with their child at home?

    Maria Gavrilova:- No, there is no such need. Simply visiting the pool is enough.

    — Is swimming skill lost over time or does it remain?

    Maria Gavrilova:— Swimming skills remain. Even if lost, they are easy to restore. If you don't swim for a long time, it may take time to get used to the water.

    — What are the risks of teaching a child to swim independently?

    Maria Gavrilova:— If parents know and follow water safety precautions, then there is no danger to life. But improper swimming training can lead to crooked posture. It is important not to harm the child, but to teach him to swim correctly.

    — Very often on vacation you can see children swimming “like a dog.” Is it difficult to retrain them in classical swimming?

    Maria Gavrilova:— Of course, it’s easier to work with a child from scratch. But retraining is not a particular problem for the instructor. It is necessary to convey to the child the information that swimming, for example, with breaststroke is more convenient and faster than doggy style. The movements of many swimming styles are natural and a child learns them easily.

    — What water games are there for young children when learning to swim?

    Maria Gavrilova:— There are games for every age. Children under one year old simply love to swim for toys, catch them, and “bring them” to their parents. For older children, you can offer a story-based game: treat toys to tea, show them a trick, “teach” them to dive, ride a board, get “treasures” (toys, pucks, etc.) from the bottom.

    Children three to four years old can be offered role-playing games with a long storyline. For example, with one boy we collected toys around the pool, performing various exercises, then sat them down to drink tea, and Anton showed them a show: new exercises that he learned in the pool: abdominal exercises, diving, a star on the stomach, a float and others . You need to awaken the explorer in a child: how many toys can you hide under water, how to learn to get a puck from the bottom yourself, how long can you stay under water.