Decree of the Russian government on the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. With changes and additions from. IX. Shoulder straps, emblems, sleeve insignia


conducting classes in the discipline:

Organization of activities of the State Border Service

(special initial training for senior dispatchers, fire communications service dispatchers)

Topic: Basic provisions for providing clothing to the personnel of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

protocol No.___ dated


Izhevsk, 2014


1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs."

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2011 No. 461 “On the amounts of official salaries of employees of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service.”

4.Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 N 49 “On approval of methodological guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations.”

5.Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 N 157-n “On approval of the Unified Chart of Accounts for public authorities, local governments, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Instructions for its application."

“On uniforms, insignia and standards for supplying clothing to employees of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, institutions and bodies of the penal system with special ranks of internal service.”

7.Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2008 No. 735 “On approval of the Temporary Instructions for office work in territorial bodies, formations and military units of the civil defense forces, organizations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system.”

The procedure for providing personnel to the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Clothing property

“On the uniform, insignia and standards for supplying clothing to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, institutions and bodies of the penal system with special internal ranks services") states:

Uniforms, insignia and the procedure for providing clothing for employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, GUIN, having special ranks of internal service;

General provisions on clothing provision and standards for the supply of clothing to employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, GUIN, who have special ranks of internal service;

A list of localities in the Russian Federation with particularly cold, cold, hot and temperate climates, service in which gives the right to receive individual items of clothing according to supply standards approved for such localities,

A uniform is a set of clothing and footwear (uniforms) unified by essential external features, as well as equipment intended to be worn by employees.

Shoulder straps are special items of clothing designed to place insignia for special ranks and insignia for functional purposes.

State awards, insignia, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs established in accordance with the established procedure are worn on uniforms.

Clothing provision for employees is one of the types of material support and includes a set of measures to determine the need for provision of property and technical means of clothing service, supplying them, their development, procurement, maintenance, use (wear (operation), consumption), modernization, repair and recycling (sales) and a set of measures for bath and laundry services, as well as management of the activities of the clothing service on special issues.

The functions of supplying clothing property are carried out by the clothing service, which means logistics and economic support units.

The property of the clothing service is clothing property, panels of banners, flags, standards and pennants of heads of federal executive bodies, which provide for the service of employees, bath equipment, washing, repair materials, shoe care products, baggage equipment, equipment (except for equipment related to the technical means of clothing service) and materials for the repair of clothing, materials for bath and laundry services, materials and spare parts for the specified equipment.

Special clothing, footwear and equipment are

inventory property, designed to protect employees from adverse effects environment and ensuring the fulfillment of their official and special duties, except for other property related to material property.

Sanitary and household property is inventory property intended to ensure compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in medical institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities in which the service of employees is provided.

Combat clothing A firefighter's equipment is inventory equipment designed to protect the human body from dangerous and harmful environmental factors that arise when extinguishing fires and carrying out related emergency rescue operations, as well as from adverse climatic influences.

Consumables are soap, washcloths and toilet paper.

Clothing property includes items of clothing, special clothing, shoes and equipment, protective clothing, shoulder straps, insignia, bedding and accessories, special and sanitary equipment, tents, tarpaulins, soft containers, sports and mountaineering equipment, fabrics and materials For custom tailoring clothing items, consumables.

Technical means of the clothing service are technical means for washing, dry cleaning and repair of clothing, washing personnel, repair and maintenance of technical means of the clothing service, workshops for repairing clothing, materials and spare parts for the specified technical means and equipment.

Carrying stocks of clothing and cleaning materials current support is contained in the departments of the State Fire Service and is intended for timely and uninterrupted supply of clothing to employees during the transition to wearing a uniform for the summer or winter season, for bath and laundry services for employees, as well as for adjusting ready-made items of clothing.

Clothing property, with the exception of consumables, is divided into clothing property for personal use and inventory property.

Personal property is items of clothing issued to employees for possession and free permanent personal use.

Inventory property are items of clothing issued to employees for possession and free temporary use.

The wearing period for items of clothing for personal use issued to employees is calculated from the day they are assigned the first special rank of internal service; for cadets or students of educational institutions of vocational education - from the date of enrollment in an educational institution of vocational education.

The period of wearing (operation) of items of inventory property is calculated from the date of their actual issue for wearing (operation).

The period of wear (use) of inventory items used by employees during the summer or winter season is counted for one year. Expiration established deadlines wear (use) of items of inventory property is not a basis for their write-off if they are suitable for further wear (use).

The initial issuance of property is carried out:

employees from the day they were assigned the first special rank of internal service;

Subsequent issuance of clothing to employees is carried out:

items of clothing for personal use - upon expiration of the wearing period for previously issued specified items;

items of inventory property - according to their actual wear and tear, but not earlier than the expiration of the wear (operation) period established for them.

In cases established by regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities, which provide for the service of employees, clothing property may be issued for payment at its value or on account of clothing property for personal use due for issue, but not previously received by these employees, the cost of which does not exceed the cost replaceable items of clothing.

Women on maternity leave are not given items of clothing. During this period, the terms for wearing items of personal property received by women are extended.

Shoulder straps, as well as insignia for special ranks and functional purposes, for belonging to the federal executive authorities in which the service of employees is provided, which are clothing property for personal use, are issued simultaneously with the issuance of items of clothing on which they are to be worn, for the period of wear these items of clothing.

Employees with various special ranks may be provided with clothing items made from various fabrics. Clothing property, with the exception of consumables, is transferred to employees for possession and free use from the moment of its receipt.

The following can be returned or refunded:

clothing for personal use issued to employees, the wearing period of which has not expired, upon their dismissal for violation of the terms of the contract, as well as on the grounds provided for in paragraphs “j”, “k”, “m” of Article 58 of the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation Federation, approved by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 23, 1992 N 4202.

Clothing personal property of employees dismissed for violation of the terms of the contract, as well as on the grounds provided for in paragraphs “k”, “k”, “m” of Article 58 of the said Regulations, unfit for use for their intended purpose, the wearing period of which has not expired, cannot be returned subject.

Personal property issued to employees becomes their property upon expiration of its wearing period.

In the event of death (death) of employees, they are declared missing or declared dead, the personal property issued to them cannot be returned.

Personal property required by supply standards that was not issued to employees or not received by them during the period of time during which it should have been in possession and free use, becomes the property of these employees from the moment of receipt of this property.

Items of personal property are issued to employees upon initial and subsequent issuance as new.

In the event of loss or damage to clothing property in their personal use, in the performance of official duties or during natural disasters, as well as in the event of hidden defects, employees are issued new items of clothing property of the same name, provided for by supply standards, based on the materials of the official inspection.

The wearing period for newly issued personal items is calculated from the date of issue of such items.

The procedure for using inventory property is established by the federal executive authorities, which provide for the service of employees.

Employees in the event of loss or damage to inventory property during the performance of official duties or during natural disasters, as well as when hidden defects are discovered, are issued, based on the materials of the official inspection, the same items of inventory property suitable for use.

The period of wearing (operation) of newly issued items of inventory property is calculated from the date of issue of such items.

Employees who knowingly cause damage to property and technical equipment of the clothing service are held financially liable in the prescribed manner.

Accounting, storage and write-off of property and technical equipment of the clothing service, as well as other issues related to clothing provision, are regulated by regulatory legal acts of the federal executive authorities, which provide for the service of employees.

Developed by:



On approval of the Standards for the supply of special clothing, shoes, tents, sports and sanitary equipment, materials necessary for the repair of clothing property of educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief

Document with changes made:

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2006 N 789 “On the uniform, insignia and standards for supplying clothing to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief disasters, institutions and bodies of the penal system with special ranks of internal service" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 1, Art. 251)

I order:

Approve the attached Standards for the supply of special clothing, shoes, tents, sports and sanitary equipment, materials necessary for the repair of clothing equipment of educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development and trade of the Russian Federation.

S.K. Shoigu

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
February 21, 2008,
registration N 11211

Application. Standards for the supply of special clothing, shoes, tents, sports and sanitary equipment, materials necessary for the repair of clothing equipment of educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry...

supply of special clothing, shoes, tents, sports and sanitary equipment, materials necessary for the repair of clothing equipment of educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief

Standard No. 1 for the supply of special clothing, footwear and sanitary equipment to educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, when performing work in the food service (inventory property)

supply of special clothing, footwear and sanitary equipment to educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia when performing work in the food service (inventory property)

To whom is it issued?

Item name

Number of items per employee

Wearing period


1. Heads of canteens, canteen attendants

Chef's jacket

2. Chiefs and

Chef's jacket

food warehouse keepers

Cotton robe

Waffle towel

3. State Border Service employees

Chef's hat

daily work order

Chef's jacket

canteen, busy at work

Chef's apron

for loading and transportation of bread

Combined mittens

4. State Border Service employees

Chef's hat

daily attire for the canteen, those employed at work

Cotton robe

for loading and transportation of meat

Waffle towel

Combined mittens

Oilcloth apron with bib

Oilcloth sleeves

5. State Border Service employees

Chef's hat

daily attire for the dining room, busy with cleaning

Cotton robe

production workshops,

Rubber boots

peeling vegetables and washing dishes

Oilcloth apron

6. State Border Service employees

Chef's hat

daily work order

Chef's jacket

dining room, busy serving the dining room

Chef's apron


1. The doctor on duty and other persons inspecting canteens are provided with chef’s jackets at the expense of maintenance standards.

3. Waffle towels are issued due to the availability of property according to the maintenance norm.

4. Oilcloth aprons and sleeves are made from table oilcloth after its service life has expired.

5. Rubber boots and oilcloth aprons are issued only to employees involved in washing dishes.

Standard No. 2 for the supply of materials necessary for the repair of clothing property of educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


To repair items of clothing, materials and accessories are used primarily, obtained from the strut of items of clothing that are unsuitable for further use for their intended purpose. The size of buttons, nails, hooks and loops, cotton thread numbers and their color are determined based on the items of clothing to be repaired.

Educational institutions maintain a minimum supply of repair materials in the amount of two months of the planned annual volume of repairs of clothing.

Name of material

Number of materials per employee per year


For repair

a) clothes

Cloth, wool, cotton rag

30 grams

Reinforced cotton threads

3 coils

Trouser hooks and loops

Amino-plast buttons (various)

Uniform buttons (metal)

Hand needles

b) shoes and their care

Molded rubber heels

Heel nails

35 grams

Plantar nails

10 grams

Metal jambs

Screws for metal jambs

6 grams

Cotton threads N 0

1 reel

Black shoe polish

1200 grams

Shoe laces


1. Cotton threads for routine repairs are planned to be one spool of each color (black, gray-blue and white).

2. Molded rubber heels, sole nails, heel nails, metal jambs and screws for metal jambs are supplied for repairing shoes on the rubber bottom of the nail fastening method.

3. Shoe laces are sold for repairing high-top boots.

Standard No. 3 for the supply of tents to educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (inventory property)*


Item name

Number of items

Senior and middle management - men (women)

Tent M-10

1 set (for 3 people)

Cadets of educational institutions of professional education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, junior and enlisted personnel

Tent M-30

1 set (for 30 people)

Division Headquarters (Firefighting)

Tent M-10

1 kit

Duty service room

Tent M-30

1 kit

PTV storage room

Tent M-10

1 kit


Tent M-10

1 kit

Medical Center

Tent M-10

1 kit

Study room

Tent M-30

1 kit

Household service room

Tent M-30

1 kit

Dryer for uniforms and shoes

Tent M-10

1 kit

Dining room

Tent M-30

1 set (for 40 people eating)


The tents are released for general use and are intended for training and accommodation of cadets in the field as premises for medical and sanitary treatment of sick and wounded cadets and employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The service life of all types of tents is 24 months of actual use.

It is allowed to replace M-30 tents with M-10 tents at the rate of 1 set per 10 people.

It is allowed to replace M-30 tents with M-50 tents at the rate of 1 set per 60 people.

Norm No. 4 for the supply of sports equipment to educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Item name

Wearing period (use)


1. Cotton cap (cap)

for the duration of study

2. Knitted wool hat

for the duration of study

3. Cotton sweater

for the duration of study

4. Cotton T-shirt

(clause as amended, put into effect on November 20, 2011 by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 26, 2011 N 532

5. Sports briefs

6. Bag for carrying sports equipment

for the duration of study

8. Ski poles

9. Ski bindings


Skis, ski poles, ski bindings are issued at the rate of 90% of the staffing level of cadets of vocational education institutions stationed in areas with stable snow cover.

Standard No. 5 for the supply of special clothing and footwear to cadets of educational institutions of vocational education of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (inventory property)

(the norm was additionally included on November 20, 2011 by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 26, 2011 N 532)

* According to this standard, cadets of educational institutions of vocational education of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia who are directly involved in the established order in work to eliminate the consequences of emergencies and natural disasters, fight fires, carry out emergency rescue operations, restore the functioning of life support facilities for the population are provided for.

Item name

Number of subjects per cadet

Wearing period (use)

Special summer suit

1 kit

Special boots (shoes)

for the duration of study


1. Cotton cap (cap) gray consists of a cap with an adjusting device in the back of the head and a visor.

2. A hat made of a two-layer wool blend knitted fabric in black, follows the contour of the head, there are ventilation holes in the upper part of the hat.

3. Sweater made of gray cotton knitted fabric, straight cut, with set-in long sleeves with stitched cuffs. The rounded neckline is finished with knitted fabric trim. An adjustable cord is inserted at the bottom of the sweater. On the back is the inscription "EMERCOM of Russia" white. On the front half, on the left side at the top, the surname and initials are embroidered in a frame measuring 25 x 100 mm in white.

4. T-shirt made of cotton knitted fabric, light gray, straight cut, with set-in short sleeves. The rounded neckline is finished with knitted fabric trim. The neckline, the bottom of the sleeves and the T-shirt are finished with double stitching. On the back there is the inscription "EMERCOM of Russia" in white. On the front half, on the left side at the top, the surname and initials are embroidered in a frame measuring 25 x 100 mm in white.

5. Gray sports briefs, mid-thigh length, lined with a one-piece waistband, into which an elastic band and an adjustable cord are inserted. At the bottom of the side seams there are slits 3-4 cm long. The upper material is cotton or mixed fabric, the lining is cotton fabric.

6. A bag for carrying sports equipment of gray color with a volume of 30 liters, consists of one compartment fastened with a zipper. An adjustable shoulder strap is attached to the ends of the bag.

7. A cotton training suit and sports shoes are issued in accordance with the standard for the supply of clothing to cadets or students of educational institutions of vocational education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2006 N 789 “On uniforms, insignia and standards for the supply of clothing to employees of bodies Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, institutions and bodies of the penal system with special ranks of internal service."

The gray cotton training suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Knitted jacket up to the hip line with a zipper, without a collar, with a stitched belt into which an adjustable cord is inserted. A hood is sewn along the neck line, adjustable along the front neckline using a cord threaded into the drawstring. Set-in sleeves with stitched cuffs. At the bottom of the shelves there are welt pockets with leaves. On the back of the jacket there is the inscription “EMERCOM of Russia” in white. On the top left shelf are the surname and initials embroidered in a frame measuring 25 x 100 mm in white.

Straight-cut knitted trousers with side and crotch seams, with a one-piece waistband into which an elastic band and an adjustable cord are inserted. In the side seams of the trousers there are two pockets with a zipper. An adjustable cord is inserted at the bottom of the trousers.

Gray sports shoes with a high hard heel, fastened with lacing. Top of artificial leather with mesh nylon inserts for breathability. Insert anatomical insole. The sole is made of wear-resistant polymer material with corrugation.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

In accordance with Federal Law No. 141-FZ dated May 23, 2016 “On service in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 2017 No. 928 “On clothing provision in the federal fire service of the State Fire Service" I order:

a gray-blue shirt with short sleeves, with shoulder straps, without a tie, with summer () uniform, out of formation;

III. Uniforms of senior and middle command (men)

20. Summer formal uniform:

21. Winter formal uniform:

dark blue muffler;

gray-blue ceremonial woolen jacket with shoulder straps;

gray-blue woolen formal trousers with orange piping;

white shirt with shoulder straps;

black tie with gold bartack;

22. When wearing formal uniform, you are allowed to wear:

a woolen cap of gray-blue color with orange piping with a cockade, a braided cord of golden color for winter uniforms;

a white shirt with short sleeves, with shoulder straps, with summer uniform, out of formation.

23. Summer Casual Uniform:

option 1:

a gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping, a cockade, and a braided golden cord;

black tie with gold bartack;

low shoes (boots) black.

option 2:

dark blue T-shirt;

option 3:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

low shoes (boots) black.

24. Winter Casual Uniforms:

option 1:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

gray-blue woolen jacket with shoulder straps;

gray-blue wool trousers with orange piping;

gray-blue shirt with shoulder straps;

black tie with gold bartack;

winter ankle boots, black (demi-season ankle boots, black).

option 2:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

winter ankle boots, black (demi-season ankle boots, black).

25. In everyday uniform it is allowed to wear:

for employees with the special rank of colonel of the internal service - a fur hat with earflaps made of gray astrakhan fur with a cockade for winter uniform;

a gray-blue woolen jacket with summer () and winter () uniforms, out of order;

a gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping with a cockade and a golden braided cord for winter uniforms ();

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform ();

a gray-blue shirt with short sleeves, with shoulder straps, with summer () uniform, out of formation;

special summer suit with short sleeves, dark blue, with shoulder straps for summer () uniform, out of formation;

Low shoes (boots) of black color when wearing winter uniforms out of order.

IV. Uniforms for junior commanding officers and rank and file (men)

26. Summer formal uniform:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

low shoes (boots) black.

27. Winter formal uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

28. When wearing formal uniform, you are allowed to wear:

special summer suit with short sleeves, dark blue, with shoulder straps for summer uniform, out of order.

29. Summer Casual Uniform:

option 1:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

low shoes (boots) black,

option 2:

blue polo shirt with short sleeves;

black cotton trousers;

low shoes (boots) black,

option 3:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

summer overalls in dark blue;

dark blue T-shirt;

gray sneakers.

30. Winter Casual Uniforms:

option 1:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter suit (jacket and trousers) with shoulder straps;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

warm dark blue underwear;

dark blue muffler;

winter (demi-season) ankle boots, black,

option 2:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter overalls;

warm dark blue underwear;

winter (demi-season) ankle boots, black.

31. In everyday uniform it is allowed to wear:

wears an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform;

a dark blue T-shirt for winter uniforms;

dark blue sweater (jumper) with summer uniform ();

low shoes (boots) of black color when wearing winter uniform out of order;

gray sneakers with summer uniform (), out of order.

V. Uniforms of senior command staff (women)

32. Summer formal uniform:

black women's shoes.

33. Winter formal uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

ceremonial woolen jacket of gray-blue color with orange piping along the edge of the collar, with golden-colored embroidery (5 percent gilding) on ​​the collar and with shoulder straps;

gray-blue woolen dress skirt;

white blouse with shoulder straps;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

34. When wearing formal uniform, you are allowed to wear:

a fur hat with earflaps made of gray astrakhan fur with a cockade for winter uniform, out of order;

35. Summer Casual Uniform:

option 1.

gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping and a cockade;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

black women's shoes.

option 2:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

black women's shoes,

option 3:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

blue polo shirt with short sleeves;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

black women's shoes.

36. Winter Casual Uniform:

option 1:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

gray-blue woolen jacket with orange piping along the edge of the collar, with gold-colored embroidery (5 percent gilding) on ​​the collar and with shoulder straps;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

gray-blue blouse with shoulder straps;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

Women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black).

option 2:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

Women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black).

37. In everyday uniform it is allowed to wear:

a fur hat with earflaps made of gray astrakhan fur with a cockade for winter uniform;

a demi-season jacket of dark blue color and a muffler of dark blue color with summer (and) and winter (and) uniform, out of order;

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform ();

special summer suit with short sleeves, dark blue, with shoulder straps for summer () uniform, out of formation;

dark blue sweater (jumper) with summer uniform ().

VI. Uniforms for middle and senior commanding officers (women)

38. Summer formal uniform:

gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping and a cockade;

gray-blue woolen dress skirt;

white blouse with shoulder straps;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

black women's shoes.

39. Winter formal uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

gray-blue ceremonial woolen jacket with shoulder straps;

gray-blue woolen dress skirt;

white blouse with shoulder straps;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

Women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black).

40. When wearing formal uniform, you are allowed to wear:

for employees with the special rank of colonel of the internal service - a fur hat made of gray astrakhan fur with earflaps when wearing winter uniform, when out of formation;

gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping and a cockade for winter uniform;

a white blouse with short sleeves, with shoulder straps, with summer uniform, out of order.

41. Summer casual uniform:

option 1:

gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping and a cockade;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

gray-blue blouse with shoulder straps;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

black women's shoes.

option 2:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

black women's shoes,

option 3:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

blue polo shirt with short sleeves;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

black women's shoes.

42. Winter Casual Uniforms:

option 1:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

gray-blue woolen jacket with shoulder straps;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

gray-blue blouse with shoulder straps;

black bow tie with golden hairpin;

women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black),

option 2:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

Women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black).

43. When wearing everyday uniform, you are allowed to wear:

for employees with the special rank of colonel of the internal service - a fur hat made of gray astrakhan fur with earflaps when wearing winter uniform, when out of formation;

a demi-season jacket of dark blue color and a muffler of dark blue color with summer (and) and winter (and) uniform, out of order;

gray-blue woolen trousers with summer () and winter () uniforms, out of order;

gray-blue woolen cap with orange piping and a cockade for winter uniform ();

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform ();

a gray-blue blouse with short sleeves, with shoulder straps, with summer () uniform, out of order;

special summer suit with short sleeves, dark blue, with shoulder straps for summer () uniform, out of formation;

special summer suit with short sleeves (jacket with short sleeves and skirt) of dark blue color with shoulder straps for summer () uniform, out of order;

dark blue sweater (jumper) with summer uniform ().

VII. Uniforms for junior commanding officers and rank and file (women)

44. Summer formal uniform:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

black women's shoes.

45. Winter formal uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue muffler;

dark blue T-shirt;

Women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black).

46. ​​When wearing formal uniform, you are allowed to wear:

special summer suit with short sleeves (short-sleeve jacket and skirt), dark blue, with shoulder straps for summer uniform, out of order.

47. Summer casual uniform:

option 1:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

black women's shoes,

option 2:

orange wool beret;

blue polo shirt with short sleeves;

trousers (skirt) from a suit in a special dark blue color;

black women's shoes.

48. Winter Casual Uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

dark blue muffler;

Women's winter boots, black (demi-season women's boots, black).

49. In everyday uniform it is allowed to wear:

a demi-season jacket of dark blue color and a muffler of dark blue color for summer () and winter uniforms, out of order;

special summer suit with short sleeves, dark blue, with shoulder straps for summer () uniform, out of order;

special summer suit with short sleeves (jacket with short sleeves and skirt) of dark blue color with shoulder straps for summer () uniform, out of order;

wears an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform;

dark blue sweater (jumper) with summer uniform ().

VIII. Uniforms for cadets of educational institutions of higher education of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as cadets)

50. Summer formal uniform:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

black trouser belt.

51. Winter formal uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter jacket with shoulder straps;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

dark blue muffler;

black trouser belt.

52. When wearing formal uniform, you are allowed to wear:

wears an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform.

53. Summer casual uniform:

takes an orange felt wool beret with a cockade;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

low shoes (boots) in black (for male cadets);

black women's shoes (for female cadets);

black trouser belt.

54. Winter Casual Uniform:

dark blue fur sheepskin hat with earflaps with cockade;

dark blue winter suit (jacket and trousers) with shoulder straps;

special summer suit, dark blue with shoulder straps;

dark blue T-shirt;

dark blue muffler;

winter (demi-season) ankle boots, black (for male cadets);

women's winter (demi-season) boots, black (for female cadets);

black wool blend gloves;

black leather waist belt (for military uniform);

black trouser belt.

55. In everyday uniform it is allowed to wear:

a dark blue winter jacket with winter uniform, out of order;

wears an orange felt wool beret with a cockade for winter uniform;

a dark blue sweater (jumper) with winter uniform, out of order.

IX. Shoulder straps, emblems, sleeve insignia

56. Employees of senior command staff wear shoulder straps:

on tunics (jackets), winter jackets with ceremonial uniforms - sewn shoulder straps with a golden field, with orange piping;

on tunics (jackets), winter jackets with everyday uniforms - sewn shoulder straps with a dark blue field, with orange piping;

on leather jackets, woolen jackets and special summer suit jackets - removable shoulder straps with a dark blue field and orange piping;

on white and gray-blue shirts (blouses) there are removable shoulder straps with a field, respectively, of white or dark blue and orange piping.

On the shoulder straps, in accordance with the special rank, there are embroidered golden stars, and on the golden fields there are stars with orange edging.

57. Employees of middle and senior command staff wear shoulder straps:

on tunics (jackets), winter jackets with ceremonial uniforms - sewn shoulder straps with a golden field, with gaps and orange piping;

on tunics (jackets), winter jackets with everyday uniforms - sewn shoulder straps with a dark blue field, with gaps and orange piping;

on woolen jackets and special summer suit jackets - removable shoulder straps with a dark blue field, with gaps and orange piping;

on white and gray-blue shirts (blouses) there are removable shoulder straps with a field, respectively, white and dark blue, with gaps and orange piping.

Gold-colored metal stars are placed on the shoulder straps in accordance with the special rank.

58. Employees of private and junior command staff wear shoulder straps:

on the jackets of winter suits - sewn shoulder straps with a dark blue field, with orange piping;

on the jackets of special summer suits there are removable shoulder straps with a dark blue field and orange piping.

In accordance with the special rank the following are placed:

on the shoulder straps of warrant officers of the internal service there are golden metal stars;

on the shoulder straps of sergeants and foremen of the internal service there are plates (stripes) of golden color.

59. Cadets wear shoulder straps:

on winter jackets and winter suit jackets - sewn shoulder straps with a dark blue field, orange piping, and longitudinal stripes yellow color on the sides and the letter “K” in yellow;

on the jackets of special summer suits - removable shoulder straps with a dark blue field, orange piping, yellow longitudinal stripes on the sides and the letter “K” in yellow;

60. Placement of stars on the shoulder straps of senior, senior, middle management and warrant officers is in accordance with these Rules.

61. Insignia of employees by special rank - plates (stripes) on the shoulder straps of internal service foremen are located along the longitudinal center line, internal service sergeants are located perpendicular to the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap.

Placement of plates (strips) in accordance with these Rules.

62. Insignia of employees by functional purpose - golden metal emblems (hereinafter referred to as emblems). Employees for whom insignia for functional purposes are not established wear a small metal emblem of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations of golden color.

The emblems are located:

on the shoulder straps of winter jackets, woolen jackets, winter suit jackets, summer special suit jackets, short-sleeved summer special suit jackets, shirts, blouses (except for the shoulder straps of senior management personnel);

in the corners of the collars of woolen ceremonial tunics, woolen tunics (except for items uniforms senior management personnel);

in the corners of the lapels of woolen ceremonial jackets, woolen jackets (except for items of uniform of senior officials).

Emblems are placed:

on shoulder straps - on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap, at a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the uniform button;

on collars - along a bisector, at a distance of 35 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the emblem, while the vertical axis of symmetry of the emblem should be parallel to the flight of the collar.

On the corners of the collars of the jackets of special summer suits and short-sleeved summer special suits of the Minister and his deputies, embroidered emblems in the form of a star of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are placed.

63. Insignia according to employee affiliation are sleeve and chest insignia.

Sleeve insignia for belonging to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are located on the outer side of the left sleeve of uniform items.

Sleeve insignia according to specific units, bodies, organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are located on the outer side of the right sleeve of uniform items.

Employees who do not have sleeve insignia for belonging to specific units wear insignia for belonging to a higher unit, body, organization or insignia for belonging to the federal fire service of the State Fire Service.

Employees performing functional duties outside the Russian Federation wear on the outside of the right sleeve, instead of the insignia of belonging to a specific unit, a sleeve insignia of belonging to the federal fire service of the State Fire Service.

Sleeve insignia are placed:

on winter jackets, winter suit jackets, demi-season jackets, leather jackets, woolen jackets, woolen jackets, woolen jackets, special summer suit jackets, summer overalls, winter overalls - at a distance of 80 mm from the top point of the sleeve to the top point of the sleeve insignia.

64. On jackets of winter suits, jackets of special summer suits, sweaters (jumpers) for senior management personnel there are breast stripes in the places provided for their placement:

on the right side of the chest there is a chest patch with the yellow inscription “EMERCOM OF RUSSIA” and edging;

on the left side of the chest - a chest patch with a yellow inscription displaying the surname and initials of the employee, with an edging, for example:


The color of the edging of the chest stripes on sweaters (jumpers) for senior management is yellow.

The color of the edging of the chest patches on other items is dark blue.

65. The sleeve insignia of the State Flag of the Russian Federation is worn on jackets of winter suits, jackets of special summer suits and jackets of special summer suits with short sleeves, summer overalls, winter overalls, and is placed on the outer side of the left sleeve, above the sleeve insignia of belonging to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on at a distance of 10 mm from the top edge of the sleeve insignia.

On dark blue T-shirts and polo shirts with short sleeves, the sleeve insignia of the State Flag of the Russian Federation is placed on the outside of the right and left sleeves at a distance of 3 cm from the edge of the sleeve hem.

66. On winter suit jackets, demi-season jackets, special summer suit jackets, special summer suit jackets with short sleeves, summer overalls, winter overalls and sweaters (jumpers), on the left shelf there is a breastplate "EMERCOM OF RUSSIA" with a diameter of 85 mm in the place provided to place it.

67. Sleeve insignia for cadet training courses (yellow squares) are worn on the outside of the left sleeve. The number of squares on the sign must correspond to the course of study. The yellow angles on a dark blue textile base consist of two beams connected at an angle of 105 degrees, directed upward. The distance between the upper and lower connection points of the beams is 8 mm. The distance between the upper edges of the beams is 80 mm. The upper beams have a vertical side edge 8 mm long.

Sleeve insignia (yellow squares are placed on winter jackets, winter suit jackets and special summer suit jackets) at an angle downward at a distance of 10 mm below the sleeve insignia of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

68. Other insignia are worn in accordance with the requirements of the orders on their establishment.

69. Shoulder straps and insignia must be sewn on correctly and neatly. Shoulder straps are clean, not wrinkled, without inserts. Metal insignia of employees should not be deformed, have enamel chips or abrasions.

X. Features of wearing uniforms

70. A fur hat with earflaps made of dark blue sheepskin, with a woolen felt orange cap - worn with a golden-colored cockade (for senior, senior and middle management employees with a cockade framed in gold).

A woolen cap of gray-blue color is worn with a cockade located in the front center of the band, framed in golden color (for senior officials - golden-colored embroidery with 5% gilding in the form of a frame of laurel leaves, tied at the bottom with a ribbon, with a golden-colored cockade). For senior management employees, the visor has embroidery in the form of 5% gilded laurel leaves.

The wool cap is worn with a golden-colored cockade.

Advertisement Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. With the headphones raised, the ends of the braid are tied and tucked under the headphones; with the headphones lowered, they are tied under the chin.

72. A fur hat with earflaps and a woolen cap are worn straight, without tilting. The cap is made of wool, and an orange felt beret is worn with a slight tilt to the right side. In this case, the visor of a wool cap is at the level of the eyebrows, and the lower edge of a fur hat with earflaps, a wool cap, and a woolen felt orange beret is at a distance of 2-4 cm above the eyebrows.

73. The removed headdress in formation is placed in the left freely lowered hand: the cap with ear flaps, cap, cap and beret must be facing forward with the cockade; the bottom edge of the cap, hat with earflaps and beret should be facing the employee’s leg, and the cap - down.

74. Outerwear is worn with a zipper, all buttons or buttons (a woolen jacket and a special summer suit jacket - with the zipper unbuttoned at the level of the yoke, the upper part of the breast pockets).

It is allowed to wear a woolen jacket, buttoned to the top in inclement weather.

75. When wearing a winter uniform, with a headdress - a sheepskin fur hat with earflaps, a removable collar made of dark blue fur sheepskin is worn on the jacket of a winter suit.

Employees of senior command and those with the special rank of colonel of the internal service are allowed to wear a removable collar made of gray astrakhan with a hat with earflaps made of gray astrakhan.

76. When wearing winter uniform, with a headdress - a woolen cap and a woolen beret, a removable dark blue sheepskin collar is not worn on the jacket of a winter suit.

77. Employees wear uniform items of the established type, in good working order, clean and ironed. Trousers must have longitudinal ironed folds on the front and back halves of the trousers.

78. Shirts (blouses) are allowed to be worn:

shirts (blouses) with a tie, without a woolen tunic (woolen jacket, woolen jacket) with summer (indoors - with summer and winter) formal dress out of order (with a woolen cap) and casual (with a woolen cap or woolen cap) uniform;

shirts (blouses) with the top button unbuttoned, without a tie, without a woolen tunic (woolen jacket, woolen jacket) with summer (indoors - with summer and winter) casual uniform out of order (with a woolen cap, woolen cap) on the territory of the unit ( organizations), except for duty, official meetings and formations;

shirts (blouses) with short sleeves with the top button undone, without a tie, without a woolen jacket (woolen jacket, woolen jacket) with summer casual uniform;

a shirt (blouse) with short sleeves, as directed by the head of the department (organization), if necessary, is worn with a tie.

79. The tie is attached to the shirt with a gold-colored tack of the established pattern between the third and fourth buttons from the top.

The bow tie is worn with a golden-colored hairpin of the established pattern.

80. A knitted muffler is worn neatly tucked under the collar of a winter jacket, winter suit jacket, or demi-season jacket. The upper edge of the muffler should protrude evenly above the collar by 1 - 2 cm.

81. Black gloves are required to be worn in the ranks when wearing winter clothing. In other cases, wearing gloves is not necessary.

When performing a military salute, gloves are not removed.

82. Shoes should be neatly laced, ankle boots should be zipped.

83. Socks are worn in black.

84. Female employees wear beige (flesh) or black stockings (tights).

85. The waist belt is worn over the jacket of a winter suit.

The waist belt on a winter jacket should be located at waist level.

86. The jacket of a special summer suit of dark blue color is worn over trousers, with a zipper fastened.

87. A dark blue winter jacket is worn in inclement weather with the hood on and the collar buttoned up.

It is allowed to wear a jacket with the top button (button) unbuttoned, with a zipper down to the level of the yoke, without a hood.

XI. Wearing state, departmental awards and badges

88. When wearing ceremonial uniforms for formation, on woolen ceremonial jackets, woolen ceremonial jackets, and summer special suit jackets (for junior commanding officers and enlisted personnel, including cadets), the following is worn:

state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR (orders, medals, insignia and badges for honorary titles);

departmental awards (medals, insignia);

awards from foreign countries;

When wearing ceremonial clothes out of formation, everyday uniforms on woolen jackets, woolen jackets, woolen jackets and summer special suit jackets, the following are worn:

state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR (insignia, ribbons of orders, medals and insignia on bars, breastplates for honorary titles);

departmental awards (insignia, ribbons of medals and insignia on bars);

ribbons of awards of foreign countries on the bars;

other badges specified in this section.

89. State awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR, departmental insignia of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation are located in the following sequence:

Order of the Russian Federation;

Order of the USSR;

insignia of the Russian Federation;

medals of the Russian Federation;

USSR medals;

departmental awards of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

other departmental awards - in accordance with the list of federal executive authorities approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

Orders, medals and decorations of foreign states are located after departmental awards of federal executive authorities.

It is prohibited for employees of the Federal Border Guard Service to wear awards from public organizations on their uniforms.

90. The badge of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle is worn on the order chain or on the shoulder ribbon.

Wearing the badge of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called on the order chain is allowed on especially solemn occasions.

When wearing the badge of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle on the shoulder ribbon, it passes over the right shoulder.

The star of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle is located on the left side of the chest, to the left of the orders, below the order blocks.

The badge of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class, is attached to the shoulder ribbon, which passes over the right shoulder.

The star of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II degrees, is located on the left side of the chest, to the left of the orders, below the order blocks, under the star of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The badge of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II and III degrees, is worn on a neck ribbon.

The badge of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, is worn on the block, on the left side of the chest and is located in front of other orders and medals.

If the recipient of the highest degree of the order has the insignia of the lower degree of this order and the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" are not worn, with the exception of orders and medals of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" with the image of swords.

91. The Gold Star medal awarded to the Heroes of the Russian Federation, the Gold Star medal awarded to the Heroes of the Soviet Union, the Hammer and Sickle gold medal awarded to the Heroes of Socialist Labor are placed on the left side of the chest:

on a tunic and jacket - 10 mm to the left of the lapel so that the lower edge of the medal block is at the level of the corner of the lapel;

on the jacket of a summer special suit - 10 mm to the left of the collar so that the lower edge of the medal pad is at the level of the corner of the collar.

92. Orders and medals with pads are placed on the left side of the chest. Orders that do not have pads are placed on the right side of the chest, unless other wearing rules are provided for by the statutes of the orders.

Orders and medals on the left side of the chest are placed horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to its edge in the order indicated in. When wearing two or more orders or medals on the left side of the chest, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second row and subsequent rows located below the first, placing them also from the center of the chest to its edge in the order specified in paragraph 89. The general strip of the blocks of orders and medals of the second row should go under orders and medals of the first row. Subsequent rows are arranged in a similar order.

On the tunic and jacket, orders and medals are placed so that the upper edge of the common bar (pad) of the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

93. The orders on the right side are arranged horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge in the order indicated in. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second row and subsequent rows located below the first, placing them also from the center of the chest to the edge in the order specified in paragraph 89. In this case, the conditional centers of the orders in the row must be at the same level . The distance between rows of orders is 10 mm, between orders - 5 - 10 mm.

Orders are placed on the tunic and on the jacket so that the upper edge of the largest order in the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

94. Ribbons of orders and medals on straps are placed on the left side of the chest horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to its edge in the order established in. There should be no more than four ribbons in a row. Tapes that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second, third and fourth rows.

The height of the bar with ribbons of orders and medals is 8 mm.

The ribbon of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle is worn separately on a bar 12 mm high (ribbon width is 45 mm) and is located in the center above the bars with ribbons of other orders and medals. For those awarded for distinction in military operations, the ribbon additionally contains two miniature crossed gilded swords.

The ribbon of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" is worn separately on a bar 12 mm high (the width of the ribbon of the Order of the I degree is 45 mm, the II and III classes are 32 mm, the IV class is 24 mm) and is located in the center after the ribbon of the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called higher than the bars with ribbons of other orders and medals. In this case, only the ribbon corresponding to the highest degree of this order is worn. The ribbon of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the 1st and 2nd degrees on the bar has a miniature conventional image of the order star made of silver in the center.

Ribbons of orders and medals on straps are placed on the tunic and jacket so that the upper edge of the first row of straps is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

Ribbons of orders and medals on the straps are placed on the jacket of a summer suit symmetrically to the vertical axis of the left breast pocket so that the lower edge of the last row of strips is located at the level of the upper edge of the pocket flap.

95. Badges for honorary titles are placed on the right side of the chest below the orders, and in the absence of orders - in their place.

96. The insignia “For Impeccable Service” is located on the left side of the chest below orders and medals.

In the absence of orders and medals, the sign is placed on the tunic and jacket so that the upper edge of the sign is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, and in the presence of order ribbons and medals on the straps - 10 mm below them.

97. The procedure for placing (location) of award signs of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief is determined by orders of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief.

98. The insignia for graduating from educational institutions of vocational education is placed horizontally in a row with the award insignia of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief from the center of the chest to its edge, and there should be no more than 3 insignia.

99. Wearing the insignia for graduating from educational institutions of vocational education is mandatory.

If an employee of the Federal Border Guard Service of the State Border Service has insignia of graduation from two or more educational organizations of vocational education, only one insignia of a higher educational organization of vocational education is worn.

100. Badges for wounds are located on the right side of the chest above the orders.

101. Badges of class specialists are placed on the right side of the chest on a woolen tunic and on a woolen jacket so that the upper edge of the badge is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, and in the presence of orders (medals) - 10 mm below them.

Breast badges of class specialists are placed on the right side of the chest on the jacket of a summer special suit symmetrically to the vertical axis of the right breast pocket so that the lower edge of the badge is located at the level of the upper edge of the pocket flap, and in the presence of other badges - 10 mm above them.

VIII. Features of wearing individual items of clothing by employees

102. It is allowed to wear the following items of the previous uniform until the wearing period expires:

winter, demi-season woolen coat;

demi-season wool jackets;

demi-season raincoat;

tunics, jackets.

103. The wearing period for items of gray-blue uniform is calculated from the moment of issuance, which is made upon the expiration of the wearing period for previously issued similar items of clothing.

104. During the transition period, when issuing items of uniform of a new type, it is allowed, at the expense of the existing stocks of clothing in warehouses, to replenish the employees of the Federal Border Guard Service with items of clothing of the previous samples.

The issuance of previous samples of uniform items is carried out as a matter of priority to provide for dismissed employees.

Newly recruited employees are provided with priority.

Placement of stars on the shoulder straps of senior, senior, middle command and warrant officers of the internal service

Special rank of internal service Number of stars in pursuit Star diameter, mm Distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the first star, mm Distance between the centers of the stars along the shoulder strap, mm
Colonel General 3 22 25 25
Lieutenant General 2 22 25 25
Major General 1 22 45 -
Colonel 3 20 25 25
Lieutenant colonel 2 20 25 -
Major 1 20 45 -
Captain 4 13 25 25
Senior Lieutenant 3 13 25 25
Lieutenant 2 13 25 -
Ensign 1 13 45 -
Senior Warrant Officer 3 13 25 25
Ensign 2 13 25 25

Placement of plates (stripes) on the shoulder straps of petty officers and sergeants of internal service

Document overview

A new procedure for wearing uniforms has been determined for employees of the Federal Fire Service (FPS) who have special ranks of internal service.

Thus, it is clarified that when performing certain official tasks during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, when participating in exercises, being on round-the-clock duty, as well as in other cases determined by orders (instructions) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, special protective clothing is required.

Insignia for special ranks are worn by employees only on designated items of uniform.

It is recommended to wear special work clothes, shoes, equipment and protective equipment in parks, garages, workshops, laboratories, medical organizations, department warehouses, and Federal Border Service organizations.

The composition of clothing items has been updated.

The previous order was declared invalid.

On approval of the Temporary Standards for the Supply of Clothing Service Property to Certain Categories of Military Rescue Military Units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Consequence Elimination...



In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2006 N 390 “On clothing provision in federal executive authorities, in which federal law provides for military service, in peacetime” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 27, Art. .2936; 2009, N 12, art. 1429; 2010, N 52 (part 1), art. 7095; 2011, N 42, art. 5922; 2012, N 1, art. 154; 2013, N 1, art. .19)

I order:

1. Approve for a period of 2 years the attached Temporary Standards for the supply of clothing service property to certain categories of military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 16, 2011 N 517 “On approval of Temporary standards for the supply of clothing service to certain categories of military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief” (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation October 25, 2011, registration N 22129).

V. Puchkov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 25, 2013,
registration N 30786

Temporary standards for the supply of clothing service property to certain categories of military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief

1. Temporary norm for the supply of sports property (inventory)

Item name

Wearing period (use)

Cotton cap (cap)

for the duration of study

Knitted wool hat

for the duration of study

Cotton training suit

2 sets

for the duration of study

Cotton sweater

for the duration of study

Cotton T-shirt

Sports briefs

Cotton socks

Wool-blend socks

Sports shoes

for the duration of study

Bag for carrying sports equipment

for the duration of study


According to this standard, cadets of the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (hereinafter referred to as EMERCOM of Russia) are provided with training.

2. Temporary norm for the supply of special clothing and footwear (inventory)

Item name

Number of items per soldier

Wearing period (use)


Special winter suit (overalls)

1 kit

Suit (overalls) summer special

1 kit

Special boots (shoes)


1. According to this standard, military personnel of the rescue military formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia who are undergoing military service on conscription, undergoing military service under a contract, and cadets of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are provided with.

Military personnel of rescue military formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who receive similar items of clothing property according to other standards for the supply of inventory equipment, are not issued special clothing and shoes according to this standard.

2. Winter and summer special suits (overalls) are issued to cadets of the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and military personnel of the rescue military formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia undergoing military service under a contract - 1 set for 2 years.

3. Special boots (shoes) are issued to cadets of the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - 1 pair for the duration of training; for military personnel of rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia performing military service under a contract - 1 pair for 4 years.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Russian newspaper,
N 295, 12/30/2013

On approval of the Temporary standards for the supply of property to the clothing service of certain categories of military personnel of rescue military formations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief

Document's name: On approval of the Temporary standards for the supply of property to the clothing service of certain categories of military personnel of rescue military formations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief
Document Number: 762
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
Receiving authority: Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
Status: Active
Published: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 295, 12/30/2013
Acceptance date: November 28, 2013
Start date: January 10, 2014

"Power ministries and departments: accounting and taxation", 2015, N 3

In the previous issue of the magazine, we talked about providing military personnel with clothing and the procedure for writing it off from accounting accounts. Today we will continue the topic we started and talk about providing clothing to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Federal Drug Control Service. The article will discuss the requirements for writing off property issued to employees of these bodies, documenting these expense transactions and reflecting them on accounting accounts.

General provisions on clothing provision for employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, institutions and bodies of the penal system were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2006 N 789 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations N 789). It follows from them that employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, institutions and bodies of the penal system with special ranks of internal service (hereinafter referred to as employees) are provided with clothing for personal use, inventory property and consumables in accordance with established supply standards.

Clause 13 of Regulations No. 789 establishes that the period for wearing (operating) an item of clothing property is the period established by the supply norm for the period of time during which the item of clothing property must be in the use of the employee. The rules for calculating this period are given below in the table compiled on the basis of clauses 14 - 16 of Regulations No. 789.

Expiration date for clothing items

Type of property

Features of calculating the wear (operation) period of clothing property

Personal items issued to employees and cadets

From the date of assignment to employees of the first special rank of internal service, cadets or students of educational institutions of vocational education - from the date of enrollment in an educational institution of vocational education

Items of clothing for personal use intended to be worn by senior management personnel

From the date of conferment of the special rank of Major General of the Internal Service

Inventory items

From the day they are actually put into use (operation)

In the event of loss or damage to clothing property in the personal use of employees, in the performance of official duties or during natural disasters, as well as in the event of hidden defects, employees are issued new items of clothing property of the same name, provided for them by supply standards, based on the materials of the internal inspection.

Damage to property means a change in its quality condition, resulting in the impossibility of further use for its intended purpose. The wearing period for newly issued personal items is calculated from the date of issue of such items (clause 27 of Regulations No. 789).

In the event of loss or damage by employees of inventory property in the performance of official duties or during natural disasters, as well as when hidden defects are discovered based on the materials of the internal inspection, they are given the same items of inventory property that are suitable for use. The period of wearing (operation) of newly issued items of inventory property is calculated from the date of issue of such items (clause 28 of Regulations No. 789).

For reference. Clothing property, with the exception of consumables, is divided into clothing property for personal use and inventory property. TO personal property include items of property issued possession and free use until the expiration date. Inventory property includes special clothing, footwear and equipment designed to protect employees from adverse environmental influences and ensure the performance of their official and special duties, except for other property related to clothing property. In relation to inventory property, more stringent write-off requirements have been established. In particular, it cannot be written off solely on the basis of expiration of the wear period. The basis for write-off is the unsuitability of inventory items for further use.

Paragraph 28 of Regulations No. 789 establishes that the procedure for using inventory property is established by the federal executive authorities, which provide for the service of employees, for example:

  • Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia dated April 29, 2014 N 201 approved the Procedure for recording and writing off property in institutions, organizations and bodies of the penal system (hereinafter referred to as Procedure N 201);
  • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 15, 2014 N 361 approved the Standard for providing students in general education and vocational educational organizations, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and implement additional general educational programs that are aimed at preparing minor citizens for military or other public service, with clothing (uniforms), including uniforms. The procedure for providing clothing to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who have special ranks of internal service was approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated October 22, 2007 N 553 (hereinafter referred to as Order N 553);
  • Order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia dated July 29, 2005 N 242 approved the Standards for supplying employees of agencies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with special clothing, shoes, equipment, special tents, sports equipment and equipment, clothing and sanitary and household property of the Federal Drug Control Service healthcare institutions (inventory property ). The regulation on the procedure for providing clothing for employees of agencies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances was approved by Order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia dated February 11, 2005 N 37 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation N 37).

Features of writing off property of the Federal Penitentiary Service

From a literal reading of clause 16 of Order No. 201, it follows that clothing property is subject to write-off after its wear period has expired and it has become unusable. Thus, the expiration of the wearing period of clothing property is not a basis for its write-off. To carry out a disposal operation, two conditions must be met: the expiration of its useful life and its unsuitability for further use.

Rejection of clothing property is carried out by a commission for writing off inventories, appointed by the head of institutions, organizations and bodies of the penal system, as unusable property accumulates, but at least twice a year. Transfer of property to FSIN employees is not provided for by Order No. 201.

After recalculating material assets that have served the established wear (use) period, their quality condition is checked and their suitability for further use is determined. Next, the write-off commission draws up an act of change in the qualitative condition of the material property (the form is given in Appendix 18 to Procedure No. 201) or an act of the technical condition of material assets (the form is given in Appendix 19 to Order No. 878), which is signed by the members of the write-off commission and approved by the person who appointed the commission (clause 16.1 of Procedure No. 201). Checking the quantity, quality condition and write-off of items of inventory property is carried out by the write-off commission in the presence of a representative of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service, and this commission draws up an act of change in the qualitative condition of the inventory property or a report of the technical condition, which is signed, among other things, by the specified representative.

Items of clothing selected for write-off are subject to disassembly (disassembly) in the presence of the write-off commission. The strut (disassembly) is formalized by an act on the write-off of soft and household equipment (f. 0504143), in which (clauses 16.3, 16.4 of Order No. 201):

  • reference is made to the act of changing the qualitative condition of the property or the act of technical condition;
  • the name and number of ripped (disassembled) items, the quantity or weight of the resulting flap, parts, accessories, rags and scrap are indicated.

Note! When disassembling (disassembling) clothing, maximum safety of materials must be ensured and the greatest possible amount of scraps, parts, accessories and rags can be obtained suitable for further use for the purpose of repairing said property, cleaning weapons and using them for other household needs (clause 16.5 of the Procedure N 201).

Features of writing off property belonging to the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Clause 2 of Order No. 553 establishes that employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations may be issued clothing property in exchange for clothing property for personal use that is due for issuance according to the supply norm, but has not previously been received by them, the cost of which does not exceed the cost of the items of clothing property being replaced.

Inventory property includes warm clothes, bedding, firefighter combat clothing, camp and special tents, special clothing, sanitary and sports equipment. The procedure for using such property is determined by the head of the unit (clause 4 of Procedure No. 553).

Warm clothes are not assigned to employees. The order and time of wearing them are established by the head of the unit. At the end of the winter season, warm items are removed from the departments, sorted, repaired, dry-cleaned, and delivered to a clothing warehouse.

Items of clothing property returned by employees are sold in the manner approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 20, 2008 N 485. Items of clothing property are returned when the following grounds occur:

  • dismissal of employees for violation of contract terms;
  • dismissal for gross violation of official discipline;
  • dismissal for committing misconduct incompatible with the requirements for the personal and moral qualities of a police officer;
  • dismissal due to conviction for a crime after a court conviction has entered into legal force, as well as termination of criminal prosecution due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, due to the reconciliation of the parties, with the exception of criminal cases of private prosecution, as a result of an amnesty act, in connection with active repentance.

Features of writing off property of the Federal Drug Control Service

Clause 29 of Regulation No. 37 establishes that clothing that has served the established wear period and has fallen into disrepair is subject to write-off in the prescribed manner. The actual expiration of the established periods for wearing (operating) inventory items of clothing cannot serve as a basis for their write-off if, due to their quality, they are suitable for further use for their intended purpose (clause 30 of Regulation No. 37).

Clothing property issued to employees is written off from the warehouse of the logistics department of the drug control agency as a direct expense (with the exception of inventory property) and is recorded in the cards for accounting for material means of personal use (form 6-things is given in Appendix 5 to Regulation No. 37) ( clause 37 of Regulation No. 37). The operation to write off items of clothing property issued for use is formalized on the basis of a demand invoice (f. 0315006). Accounting for inventory property is kept in the accounting book (form 1-item, given in Appendix 5 to Regulation No. 37). In turn, accounting of personal property and consumables is kept in the accounting book (form 2-things is given in Appendix 5 of Regulation No. 37).

The delivery of inventory items by employees to the warehouse of the logistics department of the drug control agency is documented by invoice requirements (f. 0315006), and in case of mass delivery - by delivery sheets (clause 38 of Regulation No. 37).

The transfer of clothing property from one drug control agency to another, as well as the delivery of property to the warehouses of the Logistics Support Department of the FSKN Logistics Support Department, is carried out according to orders or invoice requirements (f. 0315006) at the direction of the Logistics Support Department of the FSKN Logistics Support Department (p 40 Regulations No. 37).

If the employee was not given clothing, he is entitled to monetary compensation. It is calculated on the basis of a certificate (form 7-things is given in Appendix 5 to Regulation No. 37). The certificate is drawn up in two copies and signed by the head of the logistics department of the drug control agency and the person responsible for maintaining records. The first copy of the certificate is transferred to the financial unit of the territorial body (organization) of the Federal Drug Control Service, the Financial and Economic Directorate of the Logistics Department of the Federal Drug Control Service for payment of funds to the employee, and the second copy remains in the logistics department of the drug control agency (clause 41 of Regulation No. 37). Based on the certificate (form 7-item), the person responsible for keeping records in the logistics department of the drug control agency makes entries in the card for recording personal equipment (form 3-thing is given in Appendix 5 to Regulation No. 37) ( clause 42 of Regulation No. 37).

Accounting for write-off of property

Accounting for property issued by an institution for personal use to employees for the performance of their official (official) duties, in order to ensure control over its safety, intended use and movement, is kept on off-balance sheet account 27 (clause 385 of Instruction No. 157n<1>). Acceptance of property items for accounting is carried out on the basis of the primary accounting document at book value. The disposal of property items from off-balance sheet accounting is carried out on the basis of the primary accounting document at the cost at which the objects were previously accepted for off-balance sheet accounting.

<1>Instructions for the application of the Unified Chart of Accounts for public authorities (state bodies), local governments, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 N 157n.

Therefore, the disposal of items of clothing property that have a standard service life (socks), issued for personal (individual) use to workers (employees) for the performance of their official (official) duties (special clothing, special shoes, uniforms, clothing property, clothing and footwear, sportswear and shoes, etc.), is reflected as follows (clause 2.5 of the Methodological Recommendations<2>):

Account debit 1 401 20 272 "Consumption of inventories"

Credit to account 1,105,00,000 “Inventories” with simultaneous reflection on off-balance sheet account 27 “Material assets issued for personal use to employees (employees).”

<2>Methodological recommendations for the transition to new provisions Instructions for the application of the Unified Chart of Accounts for public authorities (state bodies), local governments, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions, approved. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 02-07-07/66918.

Despite the fact that the methodology for accounting for property issued by an institution for personal use to employees for the performance of their official (official) duties is the same for all state (municipal) institutions, the reflection of transactions for writing off property in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations has its own characteristics. This is due to the existing differences in the procedure for issuing property to employees of the above authorities. Thus, the write-off of clothing property, including inventory property, in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service is carried out centrally after its wear period has expired and it is unsuitable for further use. That is, clothing property, after it becomes unusable and is put into storage, is written off from off-balance sheet accounting and accepted for balance sheet accounting as rags for subsequent write-off. Objects of inventory property in the institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not assigned to employees, since they are issued for temporary use, and therefore the accounting of property issued for temporary use is kept in account 1,105,35,000 “Soft inventory - other movable property.” In our opinion, such property should not be included in off-balance sheet accounting. In turn, Regulation No. 37 for FSKN employees does not establish requirements for centralized write-off of clothing property. Items of personal property after they are unsuitable for further use are written off from off-balance sheet account 27 on the basis of the act of writing off inventories (f. 0504230).

Example 1. An employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service was given a winter suit (1 piece) (jacket and trousers) worth 3,500 rubles for temporary use. The wearing period of the suit is 3 years. After 3.5 years, the employee returned the suit, unfit for further wear, to the warehouse.

Transactions on the issuance of clothing property are reflected as follows:

Transactions to write off items of personal property from the accounting accounts are reflected as follows:

Example 2. An employee of the Federal Drug Control Service was given items of clothing for personal use (non-inventory property) for use. The period of wearing the property is 1 year. Book value - 1000 rubles. After a year, the property was written off due to the end of its service life and the impossibility of its further use.

Transactions on the issuance of clothing property and its deregistration are reflected as follows:

Transactions to write off items of personal property from accounting accounts are reflected as follows:


Let's summarize all of the above.

  1. When performing an operation to write off property, an accountant should be guided by the departmental regulatory act that extends its legal force to this institution, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which the departmental regulatory act was developed, the norms of Instructions N N 157n, 162n<3>, By Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 15, 2010 N 173n<4>and other documents.
<3>Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts for Budget Accounting, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 6, 2010 N 162n.
<4>"On approval of the forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions, and Guidelines for their application."
  1. Clothing property issued for use is accounted for in off-balance sheet account 27.
  2. The expiration of the wearing period established for clothing property is not a basis for its deregistration.

T. Silvestrova

Editor in Chief

"Power ministries and departments:

accounting and taxation"