New in the civil service from 01.01. Main points of the federal law on labor pensions. About freezing funded pensions

  1. On January 1, 2017, Federal Law No. 454-FZ of December 19, 2016 comes into force, according to which social supplement to pensions for non-working pensioners cannot be set below the pensioner’s subsistence level established in the subject Russian Federation as of December 31 of the previous year. Thus, the total income of non-working pensioners of the Novosibirsk region due to the federal social supplement by the Pension Fund of Russia will be brought to 8,803 rubles This is precisely the minimum subsistence level for establishing a social supplement, adopted in the region for 2016. This means that, despite the fact that the cost of living for a pensioner adopted in the region for 2017 decreased and amounted to 8,538 rubles, the amount of payments to non-working pensioners, taking into account the federal social supplement paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, will remain at the same level and will not be reduced.
  1. From January 1, 2017 administration of insurance premiums compulsory pension and health insurance is transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. At the same time, a number of functions regarding the administration of contributions will remain with the Russian Pension Fund:
  • Reception and processing of payments for insurance premiums for periods before January 1, 2017.
  • Conducting desk and on-site inspections for periods before January 1, 2017.
  • Making decisions on the return of overpaid or overcharged insurance premiums for periods before January 1, 2017.
  • Administration of insurance premiums for insurance pensions, which are paid by citizens who voluntarily entered into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance, including within the framework of the state pension co-financing program.

In addition, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation retains the most important obligation to take into account the pension rights of citizens - maintaining individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system.

  1. In January 2017, from the second ten days, pensioners receive lump sum cash payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Cash payments will be made to citizens permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and who are recipients of pensions as of December 31, 2016. All categories of pensioners, including working ones, will receive a one-time payment. 5 thousand rubles are paid to both recipients of insurance pensions and recipients of social pensions.

Delivery can be made either together with the pension, or delivered as a separate payment (depending on the timing of delivery of the pension).

For pensioners who receive pensions through credit organizations, general deadlines for delivery of a lump sum payment apply. Postmen will deliver a lump sum payment along with the pension for January to recipients whose home delivery date for the pension is from the 13th to the end of the payment period. For pensioners receiving a pension according to the schedule from the 3rd to the 12th of the month, payment of 5 thousand rubles is already made from January 13 to 28, 2017, also with home delivery.

In the Novosibirsk region, through the Pension Fund of Russia, 820 thousand pension recipients will receive a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, including military pensioners receiving a second pension through the Pension Fund.

  1. Indexation of pensions and other social benefits. The PFR budget provides for an increase in pensions in accordance with basic pension legislation. That is, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners in 2017 will be indexed based on the consumer price growth index for 2016, and the indexation of state pensions, including social pensions, will be carried out taking into account the growth index of the pensioner’s cost of living for 2016.

It is planned that insurance pensions for non-working pensioners, as well as a fixed payment to it, will be increased from February 1, 2017 by the inflation rate for 2016. The PFR budget takes into account the projected inflation rate of 5.8%. The amount of the fixed payment (on a general basis) after indexation will be 4,823 rubles 35 kopecks per month, and for citizens who have reached the age of 80 and disabled people of group 1 - 9,646 rubles 70 kopecks. The cost of a pension point will be 78 rubles 58 kopecks (in 2016 - 74 rubles 27 kopecks).

The average old-age insurance pension in 2017 after indexation in the region will be about 13.3 thousand rubles.

From February 1, it is also planned to index the monthly cash payments received by federal beneficiaries to the projected inflation rate of 5.8%. The increase in payments will affect disabled people of all categories, war veterans, residents of besieged Leningrad, combat veterans, Chernobyl survivors and a number of other categories.

It is planned to index funeral benefits to the same index from February 1. The Pension Fund makes this payment in relation to non-working pensioners. After indexation, the payment amount in the region will be 6,700 rubles.

It is also planned that state pensions, including social ones, will be increased from April 1, 2017 for both working and non-working pensioners by 2.6%. As a result, in 2017 the average social pension will be about 8.8 thousand rubles. The average social pension for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood of group I will be 14.6 thousand rubles.

  1. From August 1st it will be produced recalculation of insurance pensions for working pensioners taking into account the contributions that the employer paid for them in 2016. The increase will affect about 200 thousand working pensioners in the Novosibirsk region. The increase in pension from the adjustment is individual in nature. Recalculation is made within 3 pension coefficients.

In general, in 2017, the Pension Fund's expenses on pension provision for Russians will increase by 327 billion rubles and amount to almost 7 trillion. rubles Expenditures on social payments will increase by 262 billion rubles and amount to 1.2 trillion. rubles

In the Novosibirsk region, the Department will allocate 131.5 billion rubles for pension provision of citizens and other social payments through the Pension Fund, which is 3.5 billion more than in 2016.

Russian President V.V. Putin signed a decree raising the retirement age for civil servants. The document itself, along with explanations, was published on May 23 on the official website for legal information. The decree will come into force on January 1, 2017, and involves a gradual increase in the age limit to 63 years for women and 65 years for men.

Who will have their retirement age raised?

Increasing the deadline for old-age retirement will affect citizens of the Russian Federation who hold public political positions (senators, deputies and others), as well as persons working in municipal and regional government structures. Government employees are also subject to the new decree. For senior managers, the age limit for being in service is being raised to 70 years, and all other officials will be able to work up to 65 years.

The new law outlines another significant point regarding the minimum length of service of civil servants. To achieve full service, officials will need to work for at least 20 calendar years; previously, the minimum period of work in the civil service was 15 years. Thus, by 2026, the minimum length of service and retirement age for civil servants will be raised completely. The annual increase will be 6 months to the maximum retirement age and minimum length of service.

The state decided to carry out such a reform in connection with a reduction in expenses by the Pension Fund. According to analysts, savings in the first year of the decree will amount to about 650 million rubles.

In order to receive an additional payment to the insured amount of the old-age pension by 55% for senators of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, officials will have to serve beyond the term for 5 years, and not one year, as previously required. And senators and deputies will be able to receive a 75% bonus if they serve for more than 10 years (previously it was more than three years).

How will the adopted law affect citizens who are not in public service?

Increasing the retirement age in Russia has been a long-debated issue. After increasing the retirement period for officials, many of our fellow citizens are thinking that the government will soon increase this figure for all categories of workers. But State Duma Speaker S. Naryshkin promised that in the coming years the age limit for retirement will not be raised for the rest of the population. Only indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been suspended. A similar law came into force in 2016. Only those citizens who decide to quit their job will be able to receive a supplement to their old-age pension.

Despite reassuring comments from government members that laws raising the retirement age are not a priority for the state, experts believe that the first step in this direction has been taken. An increase in the retirement age for all categories of citizens is not on the horizon, and the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Labor are only keeping silent about a fact that is already clear to everyone.

Let us remind you that according to the legislation currently in force, the age limit for old-age retirement is:

  • in men 60 years old;
  • in women 55 years old.

The majority of people of pre-retirement age surveyed believe that the retirement period will be extended in the coming years. 80% of citizens who took part in the survey have no doubt about this fact.

2017 marked amendments to pension legislation. The adjustments affected, first of all, the amount of payments and the procedure for assigning them to individual citizens. Let us next consider new changes in pension legislation.

General information

The first changes in 2017 relate to the suspended provisions relating to the indexation of amounts. They began to act again. As the Prime Minister promised, the amount of social and insurance payments will be indexed in full.

Provided changes in pension legislation for military personnel. Payments to these citizens will also be increased, but the exact amount of the increase is unknown.

On January 1, the law establishing an increase in the retirement age to 63 years for women and 65 for men came into force. It was assumed that these would affect only officials. However, due to the presence of a budget deficit, the replenishment of which is extremely slow, the issue of raising the retirement age for other citizens is being actively discussed. This idea caused a wide resonance in society. The government, however, promises that active steps in this direction will not be taken until 2018.

Situation in practice

Among the key changes in pension legislation from the beginning of 2017 the following can be noted:

  • Increasing the minimum length of work experience.
  • Increasing pension coefficients. They are used to assign old-age pensions.

After the reform carried out in the country in 2015, the procedure for calculating amounts changed. Accordingly, pension contributions transferred to the insurance part began to be taken into account in the form of individual coefficients (points). When a citizen retires, they are converted into rubles.

Experience requirements

As Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400 establishes, a citizen must have at least 15 years of experience and 30 points.

However, the Government decided to introduce these requirements gradually. Thus, the value of points from 6.6 will increase annually by 2.4. The required experience will also increase by one year annually.

The situation with civil servants

Federal Law No. 143 came into force on January 1, 2017. It significantly tightens the requirements for retirement age. As mentioned above, for women it will be 63 years, for men - 65 years. In this case, the civil service experience must be at least 20 years.

These will be implemented gradually. As of 2017, women must be 55.5 years old and men must be 60.5 years old to retire. Civil service experience must be 15.5 years.

The increase in the retirement age is associated with a constant increase in population growth and life expectancy of citizens. Currently, the average life expectancy is 72 years. If the economic situation in the future develops favorably, this figure will increase even more.

Tariffs for self-employed persons

According to changes in pension legislation, contributions for compulsory pension insurance (compulsory pension insurance) for citizens working “for themselves” are deducted in a fixed amount. It is determined annually based on the minimum wage.

Since July 2016, the minimum earnings amounted to 7,500 rubles. Accordingly, notaries, lawyers, other private practitioners, as well as individual entrepreneurs must pay 23,400 rubles to the Pension Fund. for 2017

The cost of living

Determining this indicator is necessary to acquire the right to receive social benefits.

As the Ministry of Economic Development noted, the cost of the consumer basket is expected to decrease. Accordingly, the cost of living will also decrease. It, in turn, is closely related to the size of pension provision. Social supplements are intended to bring the pension amount in line with the cost of living.

The budget law provided for a PM amount of 8,540 rubles. Meanwhile, in regions this indicator varies significantly depending on different conditions, including climatic conditions.

It is worth saying that those relating to the cost of living apply to citizens who began receiving a pension in 2017. For other persons, the payment will be the same (higher).

One-time payment

It was introduced due to the lack of sufficient budget funds for indexation. Some previously adopted provisions have been suspended. At the same time, the Government decided to carry out a partial indexation of pensions - by 4%. Considering the level of inflation, this measure turned out to be insufficient. But there were no funds in the budget for a full recount.

To compensate for losses, the Government decided to make a fixed payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. This amount was due to all persons who were pensioners as of December 31, 2016.

Implementation of these changes in the legislation of the Pension Fund was not accompanied by any difficulties. The procedure for citizens to receive additional payments has been simplified. Pensioners did not need to contact the Pension Fund with an application. Payments were made according to the schedule from January 13 to January 28. Moreover, in some cases, the issuance of compensation coincided with the receipt of a pension.

If the pension was not delivered to the home, the pensioner was sent a notification according to which the payment could be received at the territorial post office.

Latest changes in pension legislation on indexation

Initially, it was established that social and pension payments to the Pension Fund should increase every year due to a decrease in purchasing power caused by an increase in inflation. The indexation procedure is established depending on the payment:

  • 1.02 - insurance pensions are increased by the inflation rate for the previous year.
  • 1.04 - social pensions increase. Indexation depends on the rate of increase in the cost of living over the past year.

Indexation in 2016 was carried out by only 4%, with the inflation rate for 2015 being 12.9%. However, at the end of 2016, the Government promised to restore the procedure for increasing payments. To implement the promise, the necessary funds were included in the draft budget.

Increase in old age pension

The labor (insurance) part of the payment is increased by indexing the cost of one pension point and a fixed payment. As of 02/01/2016, the indicators were as follows:

  • Pension coefficient - 74.27 rubles.
  • Fixed payment - 4558.93.

According to forecasts by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance, the inflation rate was expected to be 5.8%. In this case, the indexation value of the IPC should be 1.058. But, according to published data from the Federal State Statistics Service, the price index for 2016 was 5.4%.

Taking into account the indicators, he stated that the pension point would be 1.054, the cost of the IPC would be 78.28 rubles, and the fixed payment would be 4805.11 rubles.

The law on the PFR budget noted, however, that as of April 1, 2017, the cost of a point will be 78.58 rubles. Accordingly, a second indexation of pensions is necessary. Combined, the overall increase should be 5.8%. From April 1, as a result, the insurance pension was additionally increased by 0.38%. The size of the fixed payment remained the same - 4805.11 rubles.

Changes in military pension legislation

News from the State Duma does not inspire much hope for increasing pensions for citizens who have completed their service. It is worth saying that the increase in security for these persons has not been carried out properly for quite some time.

The pension increase occurs due to an increase in salary, a reduction factor and indexation of the insurance part to last year’s inflation. This procedure applies to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and a number of other departments.

Article 43 of Federal Law No. 4468-1 provides for DD (monetary allowance) in the amount of 54%. It is used when calculating pensions and each code must increase by several percent until reaching 100%. It was assumed that this value would be established in 2035. Over the past 2 years, therefore, this coefficient was equal to:

  • From January 1 2015 - 62.12%.
  • From 1 Oct. 2015 - 66.78%.
  • From February 1, 2016 - 69.45%.

However, according to Anton Siluanov, the federal budget may not withstand such an increase, therefore, the issue of indexation must be resolved carefully. Nevertheless, in 2017, military pensions were still increased due to the coefficient, which reached 72.23%.

Details 01/17/2017 10:03

Changes 2016:

Parameters that determine the amount of payments:

The main factors on which the size of the pension will depend have been identified:

  • - the period of deduction of funds to the insurance fund - the increase in the insurance period is directly proportional to the increase in material support;
  • -salary amount – it is assumed that funds will be deducted exclusively from real salary (bonuses and premiums not included in the statement will not affect the size of the pension);
  • - age category of citizens - an increase in work experience directly affects the growth of payments;
  • - personal coefficient - depends on a number of factors: service in armed forces, parental leave, care for elderly relatives.

Conditions for calculating payments:

Pension payments will be formed according to updated rules. The savings and insurance part will be taken into account.

According to the decisions made, the pensions of those pensioners who are simultaneously engaged in paid work will not be indexed. labor activity. In addition, the increase in pensions for working pensioners has been suspended until 2018.

Changes in pension legislation since 2017:

Living wage for a pensioner in 2017

The Ministry of Finance has decided to reduce the cost of living (SL) for pensioners for 2017. In 2016, the monthly minimum amounted to 8803 rubles. The department reported that the forecasts turned out to be too high. In this regard, the federal cost of living in 2017 will be reduced to 8,540 rubles.

Please note that the amount of pensions and social benefits for those who received a pension earlier will not decrease. The new size of the PM will be taken into account when calculating pensions only for citizens who received it after December 31, 2016.

One-time payment of 5,000 rubles

At a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation held on August 23, 2016, its Chairman Dmitry Medvedev announced that it was planned one-time payment to pensioners of 5,000 rubles. This amount will replace indexation, which is usually carried out in the second half of the year. In November, the bill was adopted in the final third reading in the State Duma and signed by the president.

One-time payment of 5,000 rubles will affect all categories of citizens who are working and non-working pensioners. Military pensioners will also receive a lump sum payment. Compensation will be transferred jointly Withpension payments for January 2017, or on another day, but without notification. The delivery schedule is set from January 13 to January 28, 2017. For those who receive pensions via Russian Post at home, delivery will take place simultaneously with the pension benefit.

Indexation of social pensions in 2017 will be made relative to the subsistence level. It will take place on April 1, 2017. It is already known how much social pensions will be increased. The increase will be 2.6%. The average size will be 8803 rubles.

Funded pension in 2017

One of the components of the pension benefit is the funded one, which is not provided for every citizen. Only people born in 1967 and later are eligible. A citizen can independently choose the tariff according to which the employer’s contributions in his favor will be divided in the future.

IPC in 2017

Last year, a new indicator was introduced to calculate pension benefits - the individual pension coefficient. For each citizen, this figure was calculated separately, and its size depended on the pensioner’s length of service and salary. The pattern in the calculation was extremely simple: the greater the length of service and salary, the higher the indicator, and therefore the pension.

The IPC for each citizen is calculated individually, and then, using all indicators, the annual IPC is calculated, which is necessary for calculating benefits. The coefficient is indexed annually by the government, which means an increase in the benefit itself. The IPC is measured in points, and each point has its own value. The cost of one point in 2016 was 74.27 rubles. According to the law on pensions, from January 1, 2017, this value will be indexed and will amount to 78.58 rubles.

Based on the reform carried out, the conditions for assigning old-age benefits have also changed. Since 2017:

  • A citizen must have at least 8 years of insurance experience;
  • The minimum number of IPC points is at least 11.4.

The last point depends on the total period of employment of the citizen and the amount of his salary. If you receive the maximum possible salary, the number of points received per year in 2017 will be 8.26 and by 2021 will increase to 10 points. In the case of a funded pension, the amount of the annual indicator will decrease significantly, but if you refuse this part of the benefit, you can gain the required number of points very quickly.

Retirement age in 2017

Currently, the retirement age for the female part of the population is 55 years, and for the male half – 60 years. If other requirements are met, a citizen who has reached this age limit has the right to receive a pension benefit.

On January 1, 2017, an increase in the retirement age for civil servants will begin - retirement for men and women is possible accordingly 65 and 63 years. This measure will affect over 70 thousand citizens. Federal Law No. 143-FZ of May 23, 2016 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding increasing the retirement age for certain categories of citizens”, according to which civil servants increase the age for receiving an old-age insurance pension and the length of service for appointment pensions, comes into force on January 1, 2017.

Since the beginning of 2017, new laws have come into force in Russia that affect the lives of many Russians, so every resident of our country should be aware of the regulations coming into force. It's about about innovations in pension and health care, social benefits, changes in the education system, taxation, activities, privatization and registration of real estate.

FBA "Economy Today" talks about the most significant bills that come into force on January 1, 2017.

About debts, collectors and taxes

Since the beginning of 2017, a law on the protection of the rights of individuals when carrying out activities to repay overdue debts has come into effect. In other words, it is better not to lend in order to avoid a large fine. Because if you lent more than 50 thousand rubles to someone, then you can only get your money back by resorting to the help of a collector. According to , the creditor does not have the right to remind the debtor to repay the debt, either orally, or in writing, or by telephone, or by email. All this should be done exclusively by collectors. And if the sponsor decides to remind the borrower about the debt, he may be fined from 50 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

The law on collectors has also changed since the new year. So, for example, after January 1, 2017, collectors do not have the right to collect debts for utility bills and violations of housing legislation. The collector is allowed to personally communicate with the debtor once a day, twice a week, 8 times a month (correspondence is allowed 2 times more often). And after 4 months of such communication, the debtor has the right to communicate with the collector through a lawyer. Also, starting from January 1, 2017, collectors are prohibited from causing moral or physical harm to the debtor, using force, or damaging the debtor’s property.

Another innovation affects tax legislation: from January 1, 2017, insurance premiums are transferred to the Federal Tax Service, now it will be a single social insurance levy - ESSS. Thus, the tax office will check policyholders and distribute the funds received. This will increase tax collection and simplify the procedure for payers.

Real estate 2017: privatization, registration, payment of utilities

After March 1, 2017, free privatization of housing is canceled - the corresponding bill was approved by the State Duma. Its effect applies to those who received an apartment in 2016, but did not manage to privatize it. The right to remain after March 1, 2017 remains for orphans, residents of Crimea and those who applied for privatization before 2005.

From January 1, 2017, an accounting and registration system will begin to operate in Russia, in which almost all information about real estate will be concentrated. The new property registration rules provide certain advantages. Among them are accelerated deadlines for registering rights to a property, filing an application for registration in the branch closest to the place of residence, and not to the location of the property. If the client is willing to pay extra for delivery, then the completed package of documents will be delivered to his home.

Since 2017, the paper certificate of ownership will be replaced by an extract from the unified register.

From January 1, 2017, a line will appear in receipts for the maintenance of residential premises - payment for general house needs in apartment buildings. Initially, it was planned to include it in payments back in April 2016, but then a decision was made to postpone it to the beginning of 2017.

Maternity capital, increase in pensions, increase in retirement age from 2017

The law on the payment of maternity capital, adopted in 2007 and designed for 10 years, will continue to be in effect until the end of December 2018. Let us remind you that it works for families in which a second and subsequent child has appeared. It is important to remember that in 2017 changes will be made to the use of certificates that can be used to purchase goods that make it easier for disabled children to adapt to society. By the way, from 2017 the certificate will be issued both in paper and electronic forms. The payment amount will be 453 thousand rubles. Most often, maternity capital is used to improve housing conditions.

In January 2017, all Russian pensioners will be paid 5 thousand rubles - a one-time compensation for inflation. In the future, throughout the entire calendar year, the amount of pension payments will increase according to the following schedule:

It is possible that indexation of pensions for working citizens will not be carried out; they will receive compensation only after dismissal.

From 2017, a gradual increase in the retirement age of civil servants will begin: every year it will increase by six months. So, for example, in 2017, women in the civil service will be able to retire upon reaching 55.5 years, and men - 60.5 years. Smoothly retirement age it is planned to increase to 63 years for women and 65 for men. The length of service for seniority will also increase annually by 6 months and reach a maximum of 20 years in 2026. It is worth especially noting that the receipt of length of service will apply only to those who take a well-deserved retirement from civil service. If a person is in Lately was not in the service, then he is not entitled to length of service.

About work, study and sick leave in 2017

The Law on Education, which was very difficult to implement in Russian educational institutions, was again subject to adjustment. This time, and these are not the first and, apparently, not the last changes made to this document, the law clearly separated the concepts of “general” and “professional education”. “General” is free and includes preschool, primary, primary, and secondary. “Professional” is bachelor’s (higher), master’s, and postgraduate studies. Every child has the right to continuous education in Russia. And teachers will have to confirm their professionalism once every five years at a qualification commission. The changes come into force on January 1, 2017.

In 2017, Russians will begin to be issued electronic sick leave certificates

Since 2017, widespread issuance of these certificates of incapacity for work will begin. These certificates of incapacity for work will have the same force as paper ones. Electronic sick leave will be filled out using an automated information system and certified with the electronic signature of authorized persons. In any case, it will become unprofitable to get sick, especially for those who have little experience.

Starting from the new year, innovations are also expected in labor legislation: the minimum wage (minimum wage) and its subsistence level in the regions of the country will change, and sanctions for violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will come into force.

Foreigners arriving in the Russian Federation for the purpose of further employment should be aware that starting from January 1, 2017, a state duty of 1000 rubles will be introduced for obtaining a document assessing knowledge of the Russian language and the history of Russia. In this case, 80% of the funds received will be directed to the budget of the subject, 20% to the state budget.

Everything is under public control

On January 1, 2017, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation came into force, which approved the Rules for conducting mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs. The initial (maximum) price of which exceeds 1 billion rubles will be held through public discussion.

The list of exceptions included contracts for state defense orders, repeated auctions and competitions, requests for proposals, as well as requests for quotations for humanitarian assistance or liquidation of the consequences of various types of emergency situations.

The discussion will take place in two stages. To do this, a specialized section is being created in the EIS, in which all participants in the discussions must register. This can be any legal entity, individual and representatives of government agencies. The deadline for responding to all comments and suggestions received is two days.

The result of mandatory public discussion may be cancellation of the procurement or changes in procurement plans, schedules and procurement documentation.