Meat, poultry - choose and cook correctly. Tips. Chilled meat. Signs of good quality Fresh meat. Main features

Topic: Types of raw meat. Signs of good quality meat

Lesson objectives: Familiarization with types of meat raw materials.


Introduce the classification of meat, signs of good quality, storage methods;

Learn to determine the good quality of meat;

Cultivate friendly relationships in the team;

develop a culture of nutrition and the ability to analyze information.

Lesson type: lecture.

During the classes.

Organizational moment (3-5 min.)

Checking readiness for the lesson.

Checking the payroll.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

I.Repetition of the covered material (3-5 min.)

What is a balanced diet and why should you follow it?

What is a diet?

What requirements for menu planning must be followed?

II. Explanation of new material (65-70 min.)

Listen to student reports on a new topic.

Meat is a valuable food product, which includes: moisture (73-77%), squirrels (18-21 %), lipids (1-3 %), extractives(1.7-2% nitrogenous, 0.9-1.2% nitrogen-free), minerals(0.8-1.0%) and vitamins A, B, K, E, PP, etc. A person receives all the minerals he needs with meat and meat products. Meat foods are especially rich in phosphorus, sulfur, iron, sodium, potassium; In addition, meat contains microelements - copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine.

Individual by-products also have significant nutritional value, which can replace meat in chemical composition, and even surpass it in vitamin content and hormonal substances.

Classification of meat.

Meat is sorted according to a number of characteristics: by type of animal (beef, lamb, pork, etc.), by gender, age and fatness.

Cattle meat. Depending on the age of the animals, cattle meat is divided into veal (meat from calves aged 14 days to 6 weeks), meat from young animals (from 6 weeks to 2 years), meat from adult cattle (from 2 to 5 years) and meat from old animals. (over 5 years old). Veal meat is most suitable for dietary and baby food. Its color is pale pink. The meat of young animals is light red in color, the fat is almost white. The meat of old cattle is dark red, the fat is yellow.

Pork. The meat of piglets and pork carcasses of animals 7-10 months of age have the best culinary qualities. The color of pork is pinkish red, the internal fat is white, and the subcutaneous fat, depending on the food, can be either white or pale pink.

Mutton. The color of the meat of young animals is light red, of adult animals is brick red, of old animals is dark red. A strong specific smell is characteristic of old lamb meat and is almost not felt in young lamb. Lamb fat is white.

Goat meat. The color of the meat, depending on age, is light red in young animals and dark red in old animals.

Rabbit meat. Depending on the fatness, rabbit meat has a lighter or darker shade of pink.

Horse meat. The population of some areas of our country uses horse meat (horse meat) for food.

Condition of the meat.

Depending on the refrigeration treatment, the following types of meat are distinguished:

fresh meat;

cooled (not chilled) - meat that, after cutting the carcass, has been cooled under natural conditions for at least 6 hours;

chilled - meat that has been cooled in chambers to a temperature of 0 to 4°;

ice cream - meat that, after cooling, has been frozen in special freezers or in natural conditions to a temperature not higher than -6°.

Signs of good quality meat.

Indicators of the freshness of meat are its appearance, color, smell, color, and consistency. However, determining the freshness of meat based on these characteristics is not always sufficient, since, for example, frozen meat that is completely unsuitable for food does not smell.

Benign meat is covered with a thin crust of pale pink or pale red color. When touching the surface, the hand remains dry. When cut, the meat does not stick to your fingers, and the juice is clear. The consistency of the meat is dense, the pits from finger pressure are quickly filled, the color of the meat when cut is red (cattle meat), whitish-pink (veal), brown-red (lamb) and pinkish-red (pork). Beef carcass fat is white, creamy or yellowish, hard, and when crushed it does not smear, but crumbles. Lamb fat is white, dense; pork - soft pale pink or white. The smell of meat and fat is pleasant, without any foreign odors.

At meat processing plants, the strictest veterinary and sanitary control is carried out both before and after the slaughter of animals. Each carcass of small livestock and each quarter of cattle must have a veterinary control stamp.

Meat from animals affected by diseases that can be transmitted to humans (anthrax, glanders, tuberculosis, brucellosis, foot-and-mouth disease, smallpox, swine erysipelas and sheep tularemia) is not allowed for food.

Meat storage.

The air temperature in the frozen meat storage chamber is no higher than -12oC for short-term storage, and no higher than -18oC for long-term storage. The relative humidity in the chamber is maintained at 95 ... 98%, with moderate air circulation at a speed not exceeding 0.2 ... 0.3 m/s. The shelf life of frozen meat is at a temperature of -12oC - 2 ... 8 months; at -18oC - 4 ... 12 months; at -25oC - 8 ... 12 months.

In order to keep meat fresh even in the summer heat for a week in the absence of a refrigerator, there are the following methods:

The meat is wrapped in linen, generously soaked in a strong vinegar solution. Before use, rinse in cold water.

The meat is thoroughly rubbed with cut lemon and then stored in an open, well-ventilated place.

The meat is wrapped in parchment paper and then in linen soaked in cold, salty water. From time to time the canvas is wetted again. Ground meat is preserved in the same way.

In warm weather, meat can be preserved for 8-10 days if you wrap it in linen soaked in a solution of salicylic acid, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter of water. Before use, rinse thoroughly in running water.

Meat is well preserved in whole or skimmed, raw or boiled milk, in yogurt or whey; Changing it every day, pour the liquid so that it just covers the meat, put in a circle and a clean stone.

The meat is immersed in melted beef fat, which, when solidified, also protects the meat from spoilage.

Preserve meat in a harmless borax solution by adding 1/2 to 1 pound of borax to a bucket of boiled water; before eating, rinse the meat thoroughly under running water.

The meat is preserved in the same way, by covering the pieces with nettles, thanks to which it remains fresh for 3-4 days.

Lightly cooked meat is well preserved. The meat is immersed in boiling, highly salted water for 3 minutes for old varieties of meat (sheep, beef) and for 1 minute for young varieties (veal, lamb). After this, place the meat in a pan, compact it, and pour sunflower oil on top.

III.Practical work

1. Describe certain types of meat.

2. Write down the method of processing meat.

IV. Fixing the material.

1.Talk about the nutritional value of meat.

2.How is meat stored?

3.What types of meat do you know?

V. Summing up the lesson. Reflection(5-7min.)

1. Accept completed work

2.Analysis of mistakes made.

3 giving and commenting on ratings.

Meat ripening

Meat ripening is a complex process during which the nutritional properties of meat become optimal.

The rigidity and moisture capacity of meat reach the best indicators after slaughter on the 5th-7th day (at 0-4 degrees C), organoleptic properties - on the 10th-14th day.

For meat that is sold for culinary purposes without preliminary packaging, the duration of ripening should be 10-14 days (at 0-4 degrees C). But it can be increased to 20-30 days. After ripening, the meat becomes tender, juicy and well digestible. However, such a duration of the process is not economically profitable, therefore, in most cases, the duration of aging meat (at 0-4 degrees C) should not exceed 5-6 days, otherwise during its mechanical processing (boning, juicing) there will be large losses of meat juice.

If the meat is intended to be frozen, then holding it for 24-48 hours is sufficient. If enzymatic processes are suspended at the very beginning of production, a period of 5-6 days is recommended.

Signs of good quality meat

Indicators of meat freshness are smell, color, and consistency. But in some cases, these signs are not enough to determine the freshness of meat. For example, completely unsuitable frozen meat does not have an unpleasant odor.

Staleness can be detected by test-cooking a piece of meat. Sometimes the meat is pierced with a heated knife, since it happens, for example, that the smell of the outer layer is normal, but in the thickness of the muscles the process of decomposition has already begun.

Benign, cooled and chilled meat is covered with a thin crust of pale pink or pale red color. When touching the surface, the hand remains dry. When cut, the meat does not stick to your fingers. Its color is red (cattle meat), whitish-pink (veal), brown-red (lamb) and pinkish-red (pork), and the juice is clear. The consistency of fresh meat is dense, the hole formed when pressed with a finger quickly levels out.

Benign frozen meat is firm to the touch and makes a clear sound when tapped. On the surface and on cuts, the meat is red with a grayish tint, which is given to the meat by small ice crystals. Even with slight heating (for example, if you apply your finger), a bright red spot will form.

Frozen meat does not have a specific meat smell. You can determine its freshness by its smell only after it has thawed.

If the meat has been frozen twice, then the quality is significantly lower. The color of twice-frozen meat is dark red on the surface and cherry red when cut. When warmed with your finger, the color of the meat does not change. Muscles and bone marrow should be red.

Frozen meat should be washed, placed in a pan or basin, covered and left for 2-3 hours so that it gradually thaws. You cannot defrost meat in water or put it in a warm place, as this will greatly deteriorate the quality of the meat.

Approximate composition (%) and calorie content (kcal) of 100 g of meat of some animals

Type and quality of meat

Calorie content




Rabbit meat

Despite sanitary control and quality certificates, it is impossible to completely insure yourself against purchasing stale meat at the market or in a supermarket.

Fresh meat. Main features

The surface of the meat should be dry to the touch, and the meat juice at the cut site should be transparent and not plentiful; the meat should not stick to the fingers on the cuts.

The smell of meat should be natural and natural, without all kinds of impurities and extraneous unpleasant odors. The fat on fresh meat should crumble when pressed, not smear.

The meat must be firm to the touch, and the pits from pressing with fingers, a fork or knife must quickly level out.

If you blot with a napkin, there should be no pronounced wet marks left on it. If there are no abundant traces of blood on the napkin, then the meat has been bled correctly and conscientiously.


Fresh beef has the color of ripe raspberries, and the fat layers can be white, cream or yellow. Darkening of the meat and a shift in its color towards a brown tint indicates questionable freshness of the meat.

Veal should have a light pink color, and the fat layers must be white. If the meat has a darker color, it means they are trying to sell you beef instead of veal, or the veal is stale.

The color of fresh pork ranges from pink to rose-red. Lard can be either white or cream in color, but its color must be uniform. As with beef, the dark color of the meat should be a red flag, as the pork is unlikely to be fresh.

Young lamb is always light red in color, with white layers of fat. The meat of old animals is dark red or red-brown in color, while the fat is yellow. It is difficult to confuse lamb with other types of meat, since it has a specific, pronounced odor.

Fresh poultry meat may vary in color. In chickens and turkeys it has a pale pink tint, and in geese and ducks the color of the meat is red. The age of a bird is determined by its skin and fat: the softer and whiter the skin and the lighter the fat, the younger the bird and vice versa.

Signs of spoiled meat

- Sour smell in the air;

— Sticky mucus on the surface of the meat;

— The meat is too wet on the surface and on the cuts;

— The juice on the cuts is cloudy;

— The deep part of the muscle fibers is brown-red or gray-red;

— Meat fibers are flabby;

— Fat and bone marrow lose their shine, stick and smear;

— The predominant color of meat is gray.

Traces of masking the staleness of meat

If the edges of a piece of meat are blurred, this indicates that the meat was soaked in vinegar in order to get rid of the stale smell and mucus on the surface.

If the fat on a piece of meat is pink, it means the meat was soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate to give it a fresh look.

Have delicious meat dishes and bon appetit!

May vegetarians, Hindus, Hare Krishnas and fasters forgive me - this book is not for them. I wrote it in a good mood - and how can one be bored if I had the chance to write on such a topical, burning topic that is close to everyone, like MEAT.

Meat occupies one of the most important places in our diet.

The ancient Arabs assured that there are three types of pleasure: “...eating meat, riding meat and sticking meat into meat” (let everyone understand the last point to the extent of their depravity).

The Jews in the Torah indicated that the two original occupations of mankind since the fall of Adam and Eve were agriculture (which was invented by the vile Cain) and cattle breeding (which was invented by the noble, but died in his prime, Abel). So bread and meat are inseparable in the human diet, just like meat and its side dish.

At the same time, not all representatives of humanity include meat in their diet, and not every day. Christians do not eat it on Wednesdays, Fridays and during periods of fasting, vegetarians do not eat it at all - and nothing, they live. This simply means that they make up for the lack of useful substances contained in this product with other products and other substances.

Our book is devoted to various methods of preparing various types of meat and accompanying side dishes. These will be recipes not only for holiday dishes, but also for ordinary, everyday ones, but this does not make them any less important for our diet.

So let's get started, blessings!

What you need to know about meat

The nutritional value meat is determined primarily by the fact that it is a carrier of complete animal protein and fat. Meat goes well with a wide variety of foods, vegetables, cereals, and pasta.

Meat weight during heat treatment (cooking, frying) it decreases by an average of 40%, mainly due to the release of water from coagulating proteins. From 1 kg of raw meat you get about 600 g of cooked meat. Together with water, extractive substances, mineral salts, vitamins, and water-soluble proteins are released from meat. All these substances dissolve in the water in which the meat is cooked and form a broth; fat collects on the surface of the broth. The nutritional value of meat practically does not decrease during cooking, since its most valuable component - proteins - is preserved almost completely, only a small amount of proteins goes into the broth.

At frying the meat also loses moisture, which is released mainly as steam. Therefore, most of the extractives remain in the meat. Due to the preservation of a significant amount of extractive substances in fried meat and the formation of a specific crust on its surface during frying, it has a particularly pleasant taste and aroma. The meat is fried by 35-38%. This means that from 1 kg of raw meat 620-650 g of fried meat is obtained.

Meat is sold by weight, packaged and in the form of semi-finished products.

Carcasses of large and small livestock for retail sale are cut up according to the rules established by state standards.

Signs of good quality meat

The main indicators of freshness meat are its smell, color, consistency. However, in some cases, these signs are not enough to determine the freshness of meat. For example, completely unsuitable frozen meat does not have an unpleasant odor.

Staleness may be detected during test cooking of a piece of meat. Sometimes the meat is pierced with a heated knife, since it happens, for example, that the smell of the outer layer is normal, but in the thickness of the muscles the process of decomposition has already begun.

Benign cooled and chilled meat covered with a thin crust of pale pink or pale red color. When touching the surface, the hand remains dry. When cut, the meat does not stick to your fingers. Its color is red (cattle meat), whitish-pinkish (veal), brown-red (lamb) and pinkish-red (pork), and the juice is clear. The consistency of fresh meat is dense; the hole formed by pressing with a finger quickly levels out.

Beef fat should be white, cream or yellowish in color and firm. When cut, such fat does not spread, but crumbles. Lamb fat should be white, dense, pork fat should be soft, pale pink or white. The smell of fresh meat and fat is pleasant, without foreign impurities.

Benign frozen meat It feels hard to the touch and makes a clear sound when tapped. On the surface and on cuts, the meat is red with a grayish tint, which is given to the meat by small ice crystals. Even with slight heating (for example, if you apply your finger), a bright red spot will form.

Frozen meat does not have a specific meat smell. You can determine its freshness by its smell only after it has thawed.

If meat frozen twice then the quality is much lower. The color of twice-frozen meat is dark red on the surface and cherry red when cut. When warmed with your finger, the color of the meat does not change. Muscles and bone marrow should be red.

Frozen meat should be washed, placed in a pan or basin, covered and left for 2-3 hours so that it gradually thaws. You cannot defrost meat in water or put it in a warm place, as this will greatly deteriorate the quality of the meat.

Signs of good quality meat.

The main criterion when purchasing meat is its degree of freshness.

Good quality chilled meat should have:

Characteristic color (beef - red, pork - white-pink, lamb - brownish-red, veal - pink with a grayish tint);

The smell is pleasant, without any foreign shades (it is best to pierce the meat with a hot knife, then you can make sure that the decomposition process has not yet begun inside);

White or cream-colored fat (beef fat is hard, does not spread, but crumbles, pork fat is soft with a pinkish tint, lamb fat is dense and not yellow);

The consistency is dense (when pressed, the hole quickly levels out);

The thin crust on top is pale pink or pale red.

Good-quality frozen meat makes a clear sound when tapped and feels firm to the touch. On the surface of the cuts, the meat is red with a grayish coating, which is given to it by ice crystals.

If you place your finger on the surface, a bright red spot should form. After secondary freezing, the quality of the meat is much worse. Its color becomes cherry-red, but when warmed with a finger, the color does not change. We must remember that when thawing frozen meat, you cannot immerse it in warm water, otherwise all water-soluble salts and vitamins will be lost. In general, frozen meat is always worse than fresh meat, and even more so fresh meat. (Source: “”, “”).

Questions and answers.

1. What is marbled meat?

Meat with equal amounts of proteins and fats is considered to be the best in terms of taste and nutritional properties. The most tender and juicy is meat with intramuscular fat layers - the so-called “marble”. It is thanks to these small fatty veins that the meat becomes juicy and flavorful when cooked.

2. Do you get better from eating meat?

Naturally, fatty meat contains more calories than lean meat. But still, this alone does not make you better. Only an unbalanced combination of all foods or exclusively one-sided nutrition can lead to weight gain.

3. What vitamins does it contain?

Meat contains a large amount of water-soluble B vitamins: thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, choline, as well as minerals (phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc.) They take care of shiny hair, smooth skin, beautiful nails and strengthen nervous system.

4. For what diseases should you not eat meat?

Fortunately, absolute abstinence from meat is only necessary for very few illnesses. Some, such as chronic kidney disease, require a completely protein-free diet. In this case, you need to completely abandon meat, as it contains a lot of protein.

5. Is a vegetarian diet unhealthy?

A vegetarian lifestyle is, of course, in no way unhealthy. However, a balanced diet is much easier to achieve with meat. Vegetarian diet is not recommended for children and youth.

6. Can salted meat be grilled?

Yes, but in moderation. Grilling loin, ham and similar meat products is carried out at high temperatures. In this case, nitrosamines are formed - substances that have harmful effects on our body (for example, on the liver).

7. Which meat is healthier: white or red?

8. Is it possible to protect yourself from salmonella?

Frozen meat, especially poultry, should never be defrosted directly in the package. It's better to let it defrost slowly right in the package. It's best to leave it to defrost in the refrigerator in a sieve placed in a bowl to allow the water to drain. Hands, as well as all kitchen utensils that will touch meat, should be thoroughly washed. The meat must be thoroughly fried, as high temperatures are detrimental to salmonella.

9. Is it possible to freeze minced meat?