We buy things we need. The Diderot effect: why we want to have things we don't need - and what to do about it. “Everyone already has such a product, and I want it”

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Each of us has probably found ourselves in a situation where we went to the store to buy bread and returned with full bags. And it’s also good if there was bread among the products and you didn’t have to go for it again. Why is this happening?

We are in website We have collected the main situations when we buy something that is not what we planned, and at the same time we have found ways to deal with it.

1. Diderot effect

The Diderot effect is that buying one thing leads you to buying another. The old items start to seem old and you start changing them. This process is endless because new thing soon it turns into old and again requires replacement.

The effect is named after the philosopher Denis Diderot. He was not rich, but having once received a large sum of money, he bought a magnificent scarlet robe. These clothes stood out so much among his other things that he gradually began to replace old items with new ones.

  • How to fight? Before purchasing, think about whether you have any hopes and expectations associated with it. Are you thinking about a new smartphone to stay connected and get more done at work? Maybe you actually dream of a raise or increased earnings? Wouldn't it be more effective to reconsider your attitude towards work?

2. Snob effect

When you buy something that others don't buy just because you want to stand out, it's called the snob effect. Many people love when people pay attention to them. And a new and unusual thing - The best way attract him.

  • How to fight? Make a list of topics you are good at and things you are proud of. It won't be that little, see for yourself. After all, you can attract attention not only with an unusual thing, but also with an interesting conversation or simply with a positive attitude that you maintain, despite life’s troubles.

3. The imitation effect

This phenomenon is the opposite of the snob effect. A person buys what is fashionable and everyone has. The thing may not suit you or your living conditions at all, but you will buy it to be “on the wave”.

  • How to fight? Before buying any must-have item, ask yourself the question: “Why did I decide to buy this?” Perhaps you really like it and need it. Or maybe you just succumbed to the influence of other people.

4. Things for the future

People are used to believing in the best. And inside we are all preparing for this. In particular, we buy some things for the future. For example, a skirt two sizes smaller as an incentive to lose weight. Or shoes for a dream date when your lover is not even in sight.

  • How to fight? Remember that buying another thing will not magically make you slimmer, smarter or more attractive. This requires work on yourself. And no the most expensive or fashion item will not bring closer the happy future we live in anticipation of.

5. Impulse purchases that lift your spirits

It was a hard day, and on the way home you decided to stop by your favorite store. And they probably bought something. After all, you deserve a small reward. But the joy from such a purchase will most likely be fleeting. And the thing will be forgotten or even begin to upset you: why waste your money on such nonsense?

  • How to fight? The desire to buy arises due to a lack of positive emotions. Find something to do that will help you fight bad mood, fatigue and stress.

6. Psychological tricks in stores

Pleasant music, warm colors, delicious aromas - all this influences us when we enter a store, although we may not even be aware of it. It is warm there, the windows may be curtained or absent altogether. However, like a watch. We relax, lose track of time, and are more easily persuaded to make a purchase.

  • How to fight? Go to the store well-fed and with music playing in your headphones. This way you can abstract yourself as much as possible from the tricks of marketers.

7. Promotions, sales

One of the most common reasons why people buy things they didn't intend to. We are often offered 3 products for the price of 2, as well as a 50% discount (and always “today only”). It seems that this is a really good offer, and we buy things on sale, even if we were going for something completely different.

  • How to fight? Limit the space occupied by things. For example, dedicate one closet for them and make sure it is not crammed.

8. Cheap things

Trying to save money, we buy cheaper analogues of the things we need. But often such benefits are just an illusion. While good jeans can last for several years, cheap ones will quickly tear and wear out, and you will have to buy new ones.

  • How to fight? It is not for nothing that the saying appeared that the miser pays twice. By saving now, you can spend even more in the future on repairing or replacing the item. When choosing a product, always pay attention to quality, and not just its cost.

9. Persuasive consultants

Many consultants, whose task is primarily to sell a product, know how to win over people. They may “secretly” advise you not to buy something because it is not very good, but instead offer you something else. They know exactly the quality of their product. And of course, consultants will definitely select exactly what you dreamed of. Even if at the checkout instead of just one T-shirt you end up with a whole wardrobe.

  • How to fight? Be clear about what you want to buy. Pre-search information on the Internet to ask fewer questions. Consultants primarily look for those who have doubts about choosing a particular product. It is easier to convince such people to buy. You can also bring your friends with you - it will be much more difficult to influence everyone.

10. Our fears

We often worry about it or not. This is how our psyche works. And passing by some thing that we weren’t planning to buy now, we think: maybe we won’t have the money later and it’s better to buy it now? Parents’ refusals to buy us anything in childhood also play an important role.

  • How to fight? Imagine that you are about to move to another country. What would you take with you? Not very much, right? These are the things you really need. Why continue to accumulate unnecessary junk? It is better to spend money on trips or interesting events that will give much more emotions and bring some kind of experience.

We are in website We stand for reasonable consumption and will be glad if the next time your hand reaches for another unnecessary cream on sale, you remember this article and don’t take out the money.

Diderot himself, by the way, later realized what a trap he had fallen into. In his essay, which was called “Regrets about my old robe,” he wrote: “Let my example be a science for you. Poverty has its liberties, wealth has its restrictions.”

I'm rearranging things in the basement and find a large can of water-based paint. What is she doing here, I wonder. Oh, what's left from the renovation. I'll throw it away. Since there have been God knows how many repairs in my life, now I already know very well that all these cans of paint on which the color number has long been erased, all these paint rollers and several ceramic tiles, water-based emulsions and putties just need to be thrown away.

But for some reason they used to live with me for years on distant shelves, turning into fossils under their covers. For some reason, the heavy tile took up space, and it took labor and, possibly, a prolapse of the kidney to move it. These things seemed necessary to me. It seemed like they would come in handy someday. But “someday” never comes. Has it happened to you?

In our country, people - especially those who live almost in barracks - love to seize public land on their own. Therefore, citizens built front gardens and planted vegetable gardens in public areas. They also installed shells and “beautiful” rusty garages.

Recently, an announcement appeared on all these architectural structures: they say, citizens, demolish all this in an amicable way, because improvement is coming. You are Moscow after all. And very slowly, one by one, reluctantly, the garage owners began to break them.

Where the iron sheds stood, square voids formed, and a mountain of garbage remained under each former garage. Because those who love to seize the land themselves hate to clean up trash after themselves.

Our people hate throwing away and do not understand that there is excess and unnecessary

And what do you think constitutes most such heaps? That's right, petrified bags of sand concrete and many-year-old tin cans of paint. If these garage guys, who all want to put them into business someday, didn’t need these building materials, then we don’t need them, even less so.

I will make a special note here for those who read diagonally and then write comments. This text is not about paint and tiles. This is a text about overgrowing with unnecessary things.

I believe that our people hate throwing away and do not understand that there is excess and unnecessary. They strive to acquire things in order to live with difficulty between them later. The desire is so not new that it is even on the list of sins and is called molestation. This is a sinful passion, which consists in the desire to acquire things without visible benefit to oneself, collecting unnecessary things.

Personally, as an atheist, I perceive the description of this sin as an accurate observation of human nature by our ancestors. Which, of course, has not changed at all in a thousand years. We still keep all sorts of rubbish as something unrealistically valuable, we still multiply it and do not allow us to get rid of it.

I have several familiar families who live in tiny Khrushchev houses. They always have one room filled with rubbish. Although one cannot complain that the apartment is too spacious to live in. It’s just filled with history, that’s all.

What does your balcony, or rather loggia, look like? Maybe yours is clean, fresh and perfect for walking to the window with a cup of coffee and looking out at the beautiful view. I know for sure a dozen loggias where there are some old yellow newspapers, ancient jam jars, broken skis, old spotted blankets, some bundles with some things and something else.

If we throw this out, will poverty immediately set in?

And until the son has a brave wife who dares to dismantle the loggia, while everyone is in the way, tearing objects out of their hands and arguing about the need for each, things will be stored on the balcony.

There will be three broken ones standing there washing machines and there’s an unknitted skirt lying around, which the mother of the family started right after her marriage, but gave birth to two, waited for grandchildren - and no longer had time for the skirt. But he won’t let me throw it away; he’ll prove that he’ll still last.

There will be a box with some documents that friends asked me to give before going abroad. And this is where, it turns out, the cat went to secretly pee.

What do you have? Can these items ever be useful if no one even remembers what's in there? Why is all this being stored? If we throw this out, will poverty immediately set in?

A very middle-aged woman died not long ago a beautiful woman. We came to sort out her things. A ton of wonderful books and suitcases with her school dresses. Souvenirs from travel and stacks of Ogonyok magazine. We have added a lot to good hands. A lot was thrown away.

Things, even very beloved ones, if they are not Picasso paintings or an antique buffet - not something that will later go to auction for a lot of money - alas, cannot survive us. But if you don’t throw out the jar of water-based emulsion and newspapers from the loggia now, they will live in petrified form longer than you and me.

The famous French philosopher Denis Diderot lived most of his life in poverty, but everything changed in 1765. Diderot was 52 years old when his daughter decided to get married. But there was one problem - she had no dowry. Diderot had no wealth, but his name was widely known, since he was the co-founder and author of one of the most complete encyclopedias that time. When Catherine II, Empress of All Russia, learned about Diderot's financial problems, she offered him to sell her his library for 1,000 pounds sterling (about 50 thousand dollars at today's exchange rate). Now Diderot had money. Immediately after the transaction was completed, Diderot bought himself a new bright red robe, and from that moment everything went wrong.

Diderot effect

Diderot's bright red robe was very beautiful and stood out from the rest of his belongings. According to the philosopher, with its appearance between other things, “coordination, unity and beauty disappeared.” Diderot soon had a desire to purchase several new things that would harmonize with the beauty of his bright red robe.

He replaced the old carpet with a new one from Damascus, bought a table and decorated his house with magnificent sculptures. He bought a mirror, which he hung above the fireplace, and a leather chair.

This kind of purchase has become known as the Diderot effect, according to which the purchase of new things often creates a spiral of consumption - the desire to have more and more new things. As a result, we buy things that our old selves did not need in order to feel happy or satisfied.

Why do we want to have things we don't need?

Like many other people, you most likely also became a victim of the Diderot effect. Perhaps you bought a new car, and with it a bunch of different gadgets: a tire pressure monitor, a car battery charger, an umbrella, a first aid kit, a penknife, a flashlight, a blanket and even a tool for cutting a seat belt...

You can see similar patterns of behavior in many other areas of life:

You bought a new dress and now you need matching earrings and shoes.
- You decided to take up CrossFit, purchased a membership and realized that you need foam rollers, knee pads, wrist straps, protein, etc.
- You bought your daughter a doll, after which you discovered that she needs additional clothes and accessories.
- You bought a new sofa and suddenly realized that it does not fit the interior of your room.

Life has a natural tendency to become fulfilling. We are rarely inclined to minimize, simplify, ignore and reduce. We naturally strive to accumulate, multiply, develop and improve.

Mastering the Diderot effect

The Diderot effect tells us that we should focus on the things that really matter.

Reduce influence external factors. To reduce the influence of the Diderot effect, you must first of all avoid the influence of external factors that provoke the emergence of a habit. Unsubscribe from commercial mailings. Stop receiving catalogs. Meet friends at the park, not the mall. Block your favorite online stores.

Buy things that fit your current value system. This way, you won't have to start from scratch every time you want to buy something. If you buy clothes, match them to your current wardrobe. The same goes for technology, electronics and other things.

Set spending limits on yourself. Keep track of how much money you spend and on what. Set limits.

We bought a new one and got rid of the old one. Have you purchased a new TV? Sell ​​or give the old one to someone rather than moving it to another room. Don't let the amount of stuff in your home keep growing. Surround yourself only with what brings you joy and happiness.

Don't buy anything new for a month. The more we limit ourselves, the more creative and resourceful we become.

Let go of what you want. The time when you stop wanting something will never come. Realize that desires are just an option produced by the brain, and not an order that you must follow.

How to overcome the consumption trend

Consuming more, not less, is our natural desire. With this in mind, I believe that taking steps to reduce the flow of consumption will make our lives better. The goal is to fill it with the optimal amount of things.

Diderot said: “Let my example serve as a lesson to you. Poverty has its freedoms; wealth has its obstacles.”

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A woman’s house is an extension of her and largely reflects the character of its owner. However, the things we fill it with bring more than just benefits. They clutter up free space and even pose a health hazard.

website I tried to find out which common things one should expect to be tricky, although at first glance everything is in order.

Disposable and plastic tableware

It is light and colorful, and it is disposable and does not need to be washed after eating. Only designers advise adult women to refuse such dishes. It is used for a picnic when there are small children, but not on an ongoing basis. Moreover, now you can find many budget and stylish options tableware.

Lucky with a “surprise”

Many varnishes contain toluene, formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate and their derivatives - toxic substances that can cause serious harm to the body. Manicurists have a much higher chance of getting sick. They inhale harmful fumes from drying nail products every day.

Always read the ingredients of a polish before purchasing and try not to wear it for more than a week. Beauty salon staff need to ventilate the premises more often and wear gloves.

Overloaded extension cord

We often have to use extension cords, especially in old houses or in the country. At the same time, it is easy to forget about simple rules and cozy housing. An overloaded extension cord can cause a fire and is a scary sight. It also increases our chances of breaking something, tripping and getting a couple of bruises or a sprain.

Vinyl wallpapers

The main component of vinyl wallpaper is polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. Poor quality wall coverings emit vinyl chloride vapors. At low concentrations, the harmful substance gradually affects all body systems, disrupting their functioning.

You should carefully choose wallpaper, and if you still prefer “plastic”, it is safer to choose non-vinyl options. And you can experiment with paint.

"Temporary furniture"

We strive to make our home truly cozy. But nothing spoils the interior like “temporary furniture” that is bought to fill the space. And in the hope of later replacing it with the furniture of your dreams. The older we become, the more thoughtfully we should invest in furniture, purchasing classic furnishings that do not lose their value over the years.

Expired cosmetics and old samples

It is better not to use cosmetics and samples “for later” after the expiration date. They simply won't work to their full potential. For example, a cream with SPF will not protect against sunburn, the foundation will lie unevenly, the BB cream will become almost transparent, etc. And sometimes expired cosmetics cause irritation and provoke acne.

Air freshener

An air freshener is a frequent visitor to the home bathroom. However, many air fresheners contain harmful substances that are not indicated on the labels.

As an alternative to air fresheners, you can use a powerful hood, natural essential oils, sachets and even aroma stones. The latest options look very impressive and give the room a special chic.

Sofa book instead of a bed

The older we get, the more comfortable our bed should be. When it doesn't need to be constantly cleaned, filled with quality linen, and topped with a pile of soft pillows, sleep will be a real relaxation for body and soul.

Curtain in the bathroom that has never been washed

Scientists note that soap stains on shower curtains are actually accumulations of bacteria. They can cause various opportunistic infections in immunocompromised people. To maintain hygiene and beauty in the bathroom, you should regularly wash the shower curtain with baking soda or vinegar.

Old business cards and magazines

If you still have thick business card holders, as was fashionable in the early 2000s, it's time to throw them away. Today they look strange, and it’s unlikely that anyone will need a business card from the company where you worked 5-10 years ago. And the contacts of most people are easy to find on the Internet.

Glossy cuttings can become part of a beautiful collage or be useful as a source of inspiration for designers, fashion designers and other creative individuals. However, the old magazines that are already gathering dust on the shelves more than a year taking up space and creating chaos, it's time to say goodbye.

Towels in the bathroom

Towels hanging in a warm, damp bathroom are big, fluffy comfort homes for bacteria. And even though we have adapted to living side by side with most of them, it is better to be safe. Moreover, many people carelessly wash their hands, then dry them on towels and transfer microorganisms from the street to home, into an ideal environment for reproduction.

The most effective remedy against bacteria is to wash bath and kitchen towels at least once a week. It is also recommended to dry them thoroughly immediately after use. But this is very difficult to do in the bathroom.

Old carpets

Carpets are large dust collectors that need to be thoroughly vacuumed about twice a week and periodically sent for professional cleaning. Therefore, many of us have already decided to abandon them, rolled them up and put them on the balcony, in the pantry, or took them to the country. In this case, it’s time to either throw them out or try to find new owners for them. Even when rolled up, rugs collect dust and take up space.