Who makes you happy. “What makes me happy” essay. Relationships are much more important than money

What does it mean to be a happy person? What is happiness? These questions have ever, at least once, made a person think. In my understanding, happiness is an integral part of the soul. If a person is not mentally calm, he will not be happy no matter what. People have their own dreams, desires, aspirations. But not everything is as simple as we would like. Some have everything from birth, money, influential relatives, luxury houses, cars. And others have to work all their lives, survive, help their families, scrape by penny by penny, and yet they are happy.

In order to define a person’s happiness, I would like to talk about an unhappy person. He who does not follow the movements of his own soul will inevitably be unhappy. This is a person who constantly looks for the negative in everything and complains about fate. He does not understand that we ourselves are the creators of our own destiny, for God created us in his own image and likeness.

Not everyone is born rich. But wealth is not only about money, it is also about love and relationships. Happiness, as I said before, is an integral part of the soul. And if the soul is sick, we begin to think about our problems. For example, take unhappy love. As a child I

I fell in love with a classmate. This girl was perfect for me, I loved her from her fingertips to the last strand of her hair, just perfection. One day I decided to tell her about my feelings, I even picked a bouquet of flowers from the flowerbed. I was waiting for her after school behind the school. She walked gracefully, throwing out her lovely, long, blond hair. At that moment I didn’t think about the bad, I dreamed and dreamed of my nymph, I was happy. With a huge beating of his heart, he ran up to her, handed her flowers and walked her home. During the conversation, I still didn’t dare tell her about my feelings - this was important to me. Having decided near the house, he told her about her. She didn't reciprocate. It seemed to me that the whole world had collapsed before my eyes and I was sad for a very long time. There was no happiness at this time.

Afterwards, he moved away from his hardships and problems and went about his favorite things. I improved my studies and signed up for a class that I had wanted to attend for so long. Over time, I developed other passions. I began to feel more confident than before. The former ideal noticed me and we went on a date, she again refused to meet. Then I did not lose heart. but he began to pursue his girlfriend, and here we are together.

Human happiness is different for everyone. To be such a person, you need to move and solve extraordinary problems. Achieve your goals. You need to always be on top, and not give up when faced with minor failures. However, to build a house, you need to build it brick by brick, right up to the roof. This is where a person’s happiness lies, in the health of his loved ones, peace of mind, and achieved goals. Man is the smith of his own happiness.

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One day, at a regular get-together with friends, we started talking about what moments in life give us true pleasure. There were many opinions. Some matched, others did not. But all the “points” that we voiced were surprisingly simple things.
After reflection, we came to the conclusion that you don’t need much to be happy. Having connected my friends from social networks, I compiled the following list of things that bring people true pleasure.

1. Give gifts

My sister always said that giving gifts is much nicer than receiving them. As a child, I didn’t understand how you could be happy when you give something away. But today, bringing joy to another person has become for me, and not only, a true pleasure. Watching the eyes of your loved ones widen in delight and surprise is a real joy.

2. Run in the morning

Just run and not think about anything, like Forrest Gump. The road doesn’t care what you look like, what your weight is, the color of your skin... She is glad to meet you. The fresh wind tangles in your hair and turns your cheeks red. And then you feel like an energy bomb all day long.

3. Travel

Nothing is remembered like pleasant emotions. An interesting journey remains in the memory for a lifetime. And no matter how much money you spend, vivid impressions will still remain.

4. Drink coffee at dawn

And these emotions are so trembling. The subtle aroma awakens the body. It doesn’t matter what the new day will be like, but the morning was already looking pleasant.

5. Eat lots of ice cream

This is probably the dream of many children in the world. After all, as a child you are not allowed to eat enough ice cream. Hold a cold glass in your frozen fingers and know that this portion is not the last!

6. Admire a sleeping child

All parents understand this point, because there is nothing sweeter in the world than to see the dearest person on the planet sleeping, so harmless and carefree.

7. Go fishing

8. Read an interesting book

A book will help you to be transported to another world, to experience new sensations, to learn something you never thought of before. In our computer age, we often forget that true pleasure can come from a publication of several hundred pages.

9. Listen to horror stories around the fire

It's so nice to spend a warm summer evening in nature with friends. And you don’t have to drink alcohol to have fun. You can have fun, just like when you were a child, listening to horror stories. And you understand that all this is not true, but it’s so nice to tickle your nerves a little.

10. Run barefoot in the dew

You can reunite with nature, feel its energy, and recharge with the power of the earth by walking barefoot in the cool dew. Enjoy the simple and priceless gifts of nature.

11.Dance until you drop

It doesn’t matter if it’s dancing with your loved one, at a disco, at home, with friends or alone. Dancing, like playing sports, helps produce endorphins, which are designed to make us happier.

12. Play football

14. Watch your favorite cartoon

13. Stay in bed on weekends

Who among us doesn’t dream of getting at least five more minutes of sleep when we have to get up for school or go to work? Lying in bed longer than usual is such a simple and enjoyable pastime. It's just a pity that this cannot be done very often.

15. Play pirates

16. Jump in puddles

17. Sledding

If you know how to be a child, you are a happy person. After all, children know how to sincerely enjoy simple things. Don't be ashamed to be children. Seize moments of happiness when you have the opportunity.

18. Listen to funny stories

When was the last time you got together with friends, listened to jokes or funny incidents in life that happen to everyone? Simply spending time with loved ones gives us unforgettable moments.

19. Watch your favorite movie

20. Receive good news

The wait is both pleasant and painful. And unexpectedly receiving good news is so cool.

Gadgets are a great invention and really cool, but they can do a lot of harm if you're not careful when using them. Control them so they don't control you. In other words, put down your phone. So that he doesn't catch your eye. Don’t hide from this world and people behind gadget screens. Listen, ask, enjoy communicating with people. And smile with them, not with gadgets.

2. Filter the noise in your life.

Be careful who you allow to take the microphone and “perform” in your life. You should listen not to the one who shouts the loudest and most annoyingly, but to the one who speaks.

3. Choose wisely, not the same way you have always done it.

We have to do it every day. If you are not satisfied with something, it means that it is time to reconsider everything and make different decisions, make different choices. Already now, at this very moment. Without waiting for Monday or New Year.

4. Look for ways to be more productive rather than constantly busy.

There is a huge difference between being productive and being busy. Don't confuse movement with progress. The wooden horse also rocks, but does not move forward an inch. In other words…

5. Dedicate time to useful activities.

What you do every day is what really matters. But stop doing only what you are used to and can do; think about what you have already done before and do even more, even better. Even if you can only find 50 minutes a day for this, dedicate this time to useful activities.

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6. Live in the moment.

If you get rid of the burden of the past in your head, hundreds of perspectives and opportunities will open up. Let go of everything that has already happened. And don’t focus on your future life so you don’t forget to live today. Be here now. Do everything you can to make this period of time better.

7. Start thinking and acting positively instead of being afraid and worried.

Most of the things I was so afraid of never happened in my life. But what I hoped for and worked hard for is the opposite. The same can be said about the happiest and most successful people I have ever worked with and interacted with. So stop thinking and start acting.

8. Run towards the good, rather than run away and hide from the bad.

The best way to get rid of everything negative in your life is to move towards the positive.

9. Let your love overcome your fears.

At the core of human experience are two energies: Love and Fear. Fear pushes away what you want. Love, on the contrary, attracts.

10. Don't look for easy ways.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because something is easier doesn't mean it's worth it. Don't look for easy ways. Do what you think is right - no matter how difficult it is.

11. Stop comparing yourself to other people.

Forget about what someone has and where they are now. Everyone walks the road of life in their own shoes. And you will never be comfortable walking forward in someone else's sneakers or boots. Therefore, comparing yourself with someone is pointless. Focus on what's best for you. On what you have that is special and unique. What do you need to do in order to achieve your goals? So do it! You won't be distracted by comparing yourself to someone you think is more successful or fortunate if you only think about your goal.

12. Learn to be happy for others.

The more beauty and nobility you notice in other people who walk through life with you, the less desire you will have to compare yourself to someone else.

13. Be tolerant of those who think differently.

Remember: love and kindness give rise to love and kindness. How we treat those with whom we disagree is the best evidence of how much we believe in ourselves.

14. Don’t strive to have your last word.

We lose much more when we strive to have the last word. So that we are the ones who are right and everyone admits it. If this is more important to you than love and friendship, you should reconsider your views and still decide on your priorities.

15. Give without expecting anything in return.

You will end up deeply disappointed if you expect people to be grateful for your good deeds and repay you in kind. Everyone has their own heart. Your eyes and your moral principles.

That's why you sometimes have to give twice as much without expecting anything in return and hear a quiet "thank you." Or you might not even hear it at all. The point is that you are launching a mechanism of kindness in the world, making it a little better. After all, it’s truly magical: when you plant seeds of kindness and they turn into beautiful flowers, share your knowledge with someone and it helps these people in life, smile - and it gives someone hope. Somewhere like this...

16. Change this world for the better.

Honestly, each of us came into this world with an incredible ability to change the lives of other people. Don't waste it. Be kind. Try to change, help, participate. Be the one who changes our world for the better.

When you do something good for another person, you are first and foremost doing it for yourself. When you care for others with love and concern, you receive that love too.

17. Relationships are much more important than money.

People who devote all their time to making money then spend all their money to “buy” themselves time. Don't ever become like that. Let the really important things always come first for you. And this, first of all, is time spent with your family and friends. There is nothing more valuable, nothing more joyful.

18. Don't forget to show your love to those who are important to you.

Our close relationships are vital to our happiness. When we tell those we love about our love, we should remember that the main thing is not the words. The main thing is to live by these words and act accordingly with them.

19. Be grateful for everything life gives you.

Gratitude is simply realizing that we are doing well. Celebrate all the good things that happen every day, no matter how small. Start your morning with gratitude that you woke up, that you are breathing, that you have been given another day on our beautiful Earth!

20. Replace the words “I need” with “I have” when you once again want to complain about something or feel sorry for yourself.

Think about how many things we complain about in life, while millions of people dream of the chance to have at least this.

Based on materials from yaamilliarder.ru

It’s not that we really believe in horoscopes, but there is something in it... For example, a zodiac sign can tell you how to feel happier (and we’re not talking about the compatibility of zodiac signs). And this is a very important thing. Let's figure out what makes us smile, according to the stars.

Capricorns are happiest when they manage to plan everything down to the smallest detail. Naturally, Capricorn's ideal plans never come true - reality makes adjustments to them. Capricorn finds his happiness in the timely completion of individual points. The main thing is that no one interferes. Otherwise - suffering. Capricorn can easily fall into hysterics and destroy everything that has been done. Together with the people who supported him. But he won’t worry for long – he will begin to build a plan on the bones to achieve happiness in his personal life.

Aquarians are generally always happy because they don’t need anything to be happy. They have everything. There is such a beautiful, such an interesting world around Aquarius, full of secrets and mysteries, it even makes you sick from his enthusiasm. But sometimes he (or she) gets upset because there is no Narnia in the closet, the mysterious handsome guy in the bar is not Edward Cullen, but an ordinary character, and the clouds are not pink. Well, let. This is not a problem at all, because Aquarius has his own huge world in which he can come up with anything. The main thing is that it doesn’t get boring!

Pisces is an incredibly secretive sign, and no one understands what really brings them joy and happiness. Even if a young blue-eyed millionaire falls at the feet of a Pisces girl and presents her with a diamond ring, a hand, a heart and the keys to an apartment, the Fish will smile discreetly and say: “Thank you.” But we know that Pisces are happy when they manage to motivate someone. They just get a kick out of it!

Aries love money. But this is not about commercialism. They get great pleasure when they earn money themselves and... spend it all in one sitting! There should be so much money that you can throw it away without even thinking about where it disappears. Aries does not want to sit back: he loves to work, but he is sure that his salary should be given not in an envelope, but in a suitcase.

Taurus are happy when everything is like other people's. Just a little better. Taurus's figure is undoubtedly slimmer than everyone else's, his position is higher than that of his former classmates, and he has more likes on his selfies than his girlfriend. Taurus is happy when he is successful. Now you can exhale and go live your life. Wander around the shops, and then relax at home: watch TV series, snacking on pizza.


It is very difficult to say what exactly makes Gemini happy, because today it is one thing, and tomorrow it is another. But Geminis are still the happiest, because they rejoice at the moment when the whole world recognizes their undoubted talent. And they have a ton of talent – ​​this must be admitted.

Cancers are happy when they have everything at home. Firstly, the house needs to be large, beautiful, and bright. Secondly, everything should be there according to the classics: husband/wife, children, friends at barbecues, parents for a week, cats, dogs, fish. And only when everyone around is happy, Cancer believes that now he can do the main thing: yoga, for example. At the same time, Cancer does not need the result. Happiness is a process.

The higher the status of Leo, the happier he is. The only problem is that every Leo gets very upset if someone doesn’t love him, and gets even more upset when someone envies him. Therefore, Leo’s happiness is short-term: he once again proves to everyone that he is incredibly cool, then he looks around, finds traitors, is very upset and thinks that he must be above this. Literally above: to prove to everyone that he is much cooler than they thought. And because this is really the case, they succeed. Here it is, happiness! Or is it still not?..

Virgos believe that happiness lies in understanding. But no one understands them. The inner world of Virgos is so complex that no one except other Virgos can comprehend it. One would think that Virgo is the most unhappy sign of the zodiac, but no: they do not know how to be unhappy. What kills others makes Dev more cheerful: hurray, a new problem!

I do not even know where to start.
During all this time, I have learned so much, heard so many extraordinary, impossible and unexpected things, that now I simply don’t remember exactly how it happened.
Maybe it was just another boring evening when I sat in front of the window and didn’t know what to do. Maybe this idea came to me while I was sitting in one of the small cafes, sipping coffee and looking at people.
Or it all started with my loneliness.

What I remember very well is my very first conversation. It was about 5 o'clock in the evening, I settled down in my favorite cafe and, having ordered a cup of espresso, looked at the half-empty street. A soft light orange color enveloped the entire room, and the smells of coffee and sweets hung around. A couple of teenagers sat behind my table, they laughed throughout the cafe and periodically playfully teased each other. Opposite was a young girl with long curly hair, she looked at the screen of her huge phone and smiled warmly, periodically taking small sips of tea.

My attention was drawn to an old woman sitting in the corner, as if trying to hide from everyone. She seemed to cower with all her might, apparently hoping that no one would see her this way. On the table in front of her lay a tattered book, which she read with rapture (and she also tried to hide the fact that she liked the book). Periodically, she would move the book to the side and give people a suspicious look - what if someone noticed?
I noticed. We accidentally met our eyes, I smiled embarrassedly and was even a little scared - her gaze was so piercing. The old woman wrapped herself tightly in her woolen shawl and stared at the table.
I turned to the window. It began to snow - small snowflakes swirled and curled, and immediately dissolved on the asphalt. Soon hundreds of small white dots began to flicker in the air, they landed on trees, poles, cars and people, danced in the air and died on the ground or on the tongues of children.
A blue Chevrolet sped down the street, and for a second I remembered everything, again, as if it had all happened yesterday.
I grabbed my cup of coffee and moved to the corner table. The old woman looked at me in fear, the book instantly disappeared from the table and hid behind her back.
“Would you allow me?” smiling politely, I sat down on a wooden chair and looked at her carefully.
When you look at old people, you feel as if you are looking at time itself - I’m not the first to notice this. In every wrinkle, in every gray hair, something of the past is hidden, some interesting stories, or terrible stories, or... what other stories are there?

So that's how it all started!
And what fascinated and frightened me most of all was their eyes. I'm generally not a big fan of eye contact - I can't look into the eyes of my relatives, friends, much less strangers for a long time - but I could look into the eyes of someone like this old lady forever.
Because in them you meet everything. The happiness of love, the bitterness of disappointment, the wonders of the world, the tragedies experienced and just memories, strong, weak, bad, good - all this is contained in their gaze, and sometimes even more.
-What would you like? - she asked, politely but coldly.
What did I want? I didn’t even know what. My cup froze halfway to my mouth.
“To talk, probably,” I answered after some hesitation.
I think she was very surprised, or I wanted to believe that my answer surprised her.
She already wanted to say something, but I, afraid of the next question, went on the attack and uttered complete nonsense (which in the future became true):
-I talk with people in different cafes and write down these conversations in a notebook, so that later, when I feel lonely, I can re-read them and remember what that evening was like and what the person I was talking to was like.
It sounded rather strange, but her gaze softened. If I had sat down with a similar excuse to the girl who was sitting opposite me, then most likely in a second she would no longer be in this cafe. It’s strange, but people of previous generations are often much more sociable and hospitable than people of my own.
But she didn't say anything.
-If you don't want me to sit here, I...
I had already risen from the table when suddenly she grabbed my hand and forced me to sit down.
“I think your occupation is somewhat strange, but you don’t look like a maniac,” she told me. Her voice was like old velvet, soft, but as if with a touch of dust; you could feel in it the past times and words, the huge number of words that had been said throughout her life.
“Thank you for the compliment,” I laughed, sitting more comfortably on the chair and not having the slightest idea how to continue the conversation.
-You probably wanted to ask me about this book? - she suddenly asked, pulling out an old yellow book without a cover from behind her back.
I was taken aback. It seemed to me that she was trying to hide this book from any human view, let alone tell anything about it.
But... Head over heels.
“She really attracts attention,” I nodded in agreement and the old lady literally lit up with happiness. I understood her actions less and less. Why did you look around so suspiciously then?
-Can I see it?
The book was immediately in my hands. It was old, wrinkled, in some places covered with water, so that some of the letters were completely blurred, and it smelled of some kind of spices. It didn't look like regular old books, the size was too unusual, and the paper was a bit thin.
“Samizdat,” the old woman was ahead of my guess. “Or rather, these are just my son’s diaries typed on a typewriter.” Some notes and his thoughts, starting from childhood and ending with the 26th year since his birth. “I typed everything myself,” there was pride in her voice.
I was about to ask why exactly 26, when suddenly it dawned on me. The book was not flooded with water, these were tears, large ones, rivers of tears that fell on these pages over and over again as they were re-read.

On the title page, the title was handwritten: “What Makes Me Happy?” Below is the author's name and surname, there is no year of publication.
-He came up with the idea for this book at exactly 5 years old, when he declared that his birthday celebration made him very happy. He immediately wrote this down in his notebook with drawings, and that’s how this book began. He wrote that school made him happy (the entry was later crossed out, she added with a chuckle), that his friends made him happy, that summer made him happy, and many, many other things.
The book was now of more than mere interest to me. It was like finding a treasure in your attic: old, dusty, but containing a miracle.
I opened the book at random. Each entry had its own number, each was carefully, without a single typo or mistake, embossed on thin paper. The margins of the book were decorated with drawings of vines.
"265. Sunday makes me happy.
266. The sun makes me happy (my grandmother says that I am as red-haired as it is).
267. A candle in my room makes me happy (I'm afraid of the dark).
268. . Our cat makes me happy.
269. Grandfather’s pipe makes me happy (I will smoke it too).”
The cafe is empty. A couple of teenagers left about ten minutes ago, and in general it became somehow too quiet.
Her gaze was attentive and happy at the same time. She noticed the look of confusion on my face when I started reading her son's notes. I never thought (until recently) that it's the little things like this that make life life. If you don't pay attention to the details, you risk missing out on all the wonders. The author of this book clearly did not live his life in vain.
I opened the book to the penultimate page.
"982. Lena makes me happy.
983. Her hair.
984. Her eyes.
985. Her look.
986. Tomorrow morning makes me happy.
987. Mom and Lena talking in the kitchen make me happy.”

My coffee has long since cooled down.
I suddenly understood why she tried so hard to hide her interest in this book. She just wanted someone to pay attention to her behavior, like children do when they make or draw something and try to hide it from their nosy parents. She wanted someone to know about these notes, for someone to know about her son's life, for someone to see what he knew how to value and what he lost.
A terrible snowstorm broke out outside. It was time for me to go home.
I closed the book and carefully placed it on the table. Then he sighed and asked his last question:
-What happened to him?
Her eyebrows shot up. She took the book and tried to squeeze it into her small purse.
-Pneumonia in October of his 26th birthday. “The same month that I was born,” she said in a trembling voice. I didn't see her facial expression.

On the way home, I thought it would be nice to make a similar list.
"1. Loving mothers make me happy..."