Large pictures of New Year's vytynanka. Rooster stencils for creativity: for windows or for cutting out Beautiful stencils for the New Year

New Year's vytynanki have become an indispensable attribute of this holiday along with garlands and. They are most often cut out and glued to windows, creating a fabulous atmosphere. But we won’t limit ourselves to just this idea: let’s see what vytynanka templates can be used for, and which ones are suitable for decoration festive table, and which ones to create. In fact, the scope for using protrusions is limitless!

In addition to the most fabulous ideas for decorating your home with vytynankas for the New Year 2018, “Cross” will tell you in detail:

What types of vytynankas are there?

Most often, protrusions are cut out on, so we will rely on this topic. So, what can be classified as silhouette and what can be classified as symmetrical protrusions.


  • numbers for numbering the coming year
  • symbol of the coming year ()
  • winter compositions
  • and Snegurochka
  • animal figurines
  • fairy tale heroes

Even such simple protrusions on the windows will look very elegant:

From simple pictures cut out using stencils, you can create complex compositions and full-fledged plots:

People with extensive experience cut out plots of incredible complexity:

What materials and tools will be useful in the work?

We are pleased to publish on the pages of the online magazine “Cross” a list of everything that may be needed and help in the cutting process, as well as for gluing.

  • Printer or copier
  • white A4 paper, colored paper for the printer, not too thick Whatman paper, kraft cardboard
  • stationery knife small size (the sharper the knife blade, the easier it is to cut, and the smoother the protrusion) or a knife for artistic work (paper cutter), for example, from Mr.Painter or Erich Krause.
  • cutting base(a breadboard mat, a cutting board, a piece of plywood, or, as a last resort, a thick stack of newspapers or magazines that you don’t mind ruining)
  • scissors(regular and manicure ones are useful, as well as those with a very sharp nose)
  • pencil
  • tweezers
  • box or package for paper waste
  • box (preferably with a lid) for storing finished vytynankas
  • glue or double-sided tape, laundry or other soap
  • sponge or tassel

Kraft cardboard vytynanki

Art knife

Cutting mat


The vytynanka painting will fit perfectly in a box from:

Even the simplest ones will become more elegant if they are decorated with cut-out scenes on a current topic:

Vytynankas cut from very thick paper or even cardboard:

  • decorate a mobile phone
  • chandelier or lamp
  • suitable as

In order to do such christmas balls, cut out a New Year's eve from paper or cardboard, and then stick it on cardboard of a different color.

Can serve as table decorations:

And the illuminated city will literally bring any window sill to life! To make such a city on the window, place snowdrifts below, some that houses can easily fit into. , place on top. Provide a central place for the Snow Maiden if you decide to cut them out too.

If you look closely, all the templates on New Year 2017 contain large or small parts for cutting. It is worth remembering the diagram that large parts are cut with a stationery knife on a special protective board, and small elements are cut out with scissors.

Also, please note that you can download it completely free from this link. New Year templates 2017. But, as an option, if you wish, you can draw such pictures for cutting yourself. To transfer a finished image onto paper, it is not necessary to use a printer (although, without a doubt, this is the best option).

You can make it large and enlarge the image on the screen, make the screen brightness high, and then simply carefully transfer it to a loose sheet of paper and place it on the screen. It’s easy to translate with a pencil, and then put a sheet of paper on the table and use a pencil to trace the selected stencil with clear and even movements. About, .

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How to attach vytynanka to a window for the New Year:

  1. When the protrusions are ready to decorate the windows, there are different ways attaching them to the surface. For example, you can simply stick a figurine to the desired point on the window using laundry soap.
  2. If desired, you can use flour and water as a paste (but this fastening option will be quite difficult to remove from the window after the holidays are over).
  3. Window decorations for the New Year can be attached simply with soapy water. Many sources write that this is the most convenient way. You will need to moisten the stencil in a soapy solution and simply attach it to the glass. You can correct the pattern on the window so that it is evenly distributed using a regular toothpick.
  4. Another original option is to attach the protruding templates to the glass. First, you will need to draw the main composition using gouache paint, and when the paint has already dried, a carved New Year's vytynanka will complement the fairy-tale plot.
  5. Another original option for attaching cut-out pictures to windows for the New Year is to use toothpaste. You will need to make a brush from a dish sponge and a toothpick. Dilute the paste with water and use it as paint. As a result, the dried and translated drawing will look as if it was drawn on the window with real snow.
  6. From this material, you can download New Year's vytynanki for free directly from the article or from the link given at the very beginning. The simplest mounting option for attaching stencils to windows for the New Year 2017 is to use tape. In order not to spoil the windows, you just need to take very small pieces of tape and attach everything carefully. With this approach, even A4 format can be attached beautifully and discreetly without negative consequences on the window.

Rules for creating a composition

When the templates for the New Year 2017 have already been cut out of paper, the country of craftsmen draws attention to the fact that the final compositions must be compiled according to all the rules and not put off this important process until the last day, otherwise you can wait for summer to come. At the bottom of the window you need to glue three-dimensional details, it can be a Christmas tree pattern or an openwork angel, a big Santa Claus, fir trees and snow-covered meadows, balls.

Before the onset of the New Year 2017, everyone is busy with pleasant chores and preparations for the upcoming celebration. You should think over the list of gifts, the New Year's menu, your image, and also decorate your apartment or house.

When preparing your apartment for the New Year 2017, think about not only the general appearance of the room, decorations for the beautiful New Year's tree, but also how to decorate the windows. Anyone who has ever renovated an apartment has probably noticed that windows can play a central role in creating a new look for a room. Therefore, it is simply a sin to bypass such an important part of the interior.

How to decorate windows for the New Year 2017

The first thing that comes to mind when the question of decorating windows for the holiday is raised is New Year's snowflakes from paper. Of course, this has become a classic of the genre, but for several years now another thing has been on trend, which is actively used by all lovers of designer jewelry - vytynanki. Vytynanki are special decorations made in the shape of thematic characters, stylized for a specific holiday. They decorate windows not only for the New Year, but also for Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc. They have gained particular popularity in cafes, restaurants, shops and other similar establishments, whose managers want to join in the upcoming New Year's fun and create an accompanying mood for visitors . Vytynanki - stencils (templates) for windows. This is exactly how you can call these intricate decorations. They are usually made from plain paper, although some creative people resort to other materials: foil, tracing paper, metallized paper, etc.

New Year's templates and stencils made of paper

Try to go beyond the boring snowflakes and snowmen. A thoughtful composition would be an excellent option for decorating a window.


New Year's templates with plots look very interesting, fairy-tale characters starring: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, reindeer, forest animals, gifts, ballerinas, dolls, etc. To please the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster, enter into the plot the figure of a rooster or hen, or maybe even a whole family.

Stencils with the symbol of 2017 - the Rooster

New Year's bells

How to make a stencil for the New Year 2017 with your own hands

In order to make a beautiful stencil, it is worth download and print New Year's stencils on our website, then stock up on the following materials:

A stationery knife for precise cutting of smooth contours;
Small and sharp nail scissors;
A cutting board or other surface on which you will perform all manipulations with paper to protect the tabletop from scratches.

First of all, find the necessary picture or draw it yourself. Then you need to cut out all the large parts from the paper, along the contour, with a stationery knife. Use nail scissors to cut out small particles.

Templates: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Snowman, Deer, numbers 2017

How to use stencils for windows?

There are several ways to use window stencils:

1. Negative
This method allows you to make a negative of your chosen figure on the window. To do this, use ordinary water to attach the selected paper stencil to the window. Dilute soapy water in a small bowl and use a brush or sponge to spray small droplets around the figure. Then carefully remove the stencil. Bring the drawing to perfection with the help of a toothpick (it’s easy to draw the missing lines and align the contours).

2. Improvised brush
This is easy to make from an old dish sponge, tightly wrapped in the center with strong tape. Moisten the brush in a soap solution or toothpaste slightly diluted with water (buy white toothpaste, without stripes or other colors). This method will help create a pattern that resembles real snow.

3. Gouache, tape.
You can draw a New Year's picture on the window using ordinary paint - gouache. And complement it with easily cut out stencils and templates, which are attached to the window with all known transparent tape.

Preparing for the New Year is a lot of trouble for every person. Indeed, every person should thoroughly prepare for the New Year. In this case, you need to buy gifts for your loved ones, decorate the house and the Christmas tree. It is worth saying that you need to pay a lot of attention to decorating your home. For the New Year, every corner of your home should shine. When decorating your home, don't forget to decorate the windows of your home. This year, to decorate the windows, use the Rooster protrusions, the symbol of the new year 2017. In this article you will find similar samples that you can safely use for window decoration. It is worth noting that such vytynankas are a special decoration of the house. And all because they make the decoration of the house complete.

How to make do-it-yourself vytynankas to decorate windows for the New Year

New Year's Rooster 2017 decorations on windows are the most popular type of window decoration. In this article you will find interesting patterns for vytynanka.

Vytynanka is a decoration that is an unusual pattern. It is cut out with a special knife or scissors.

From such products you can create a whole picture on the window. You can also place individual objects on the windows, which were also cut out of paper. This type of needlework is quite complex. Therefore, you will need attention as well as perseverance. If you show these qualities, then entire New Year’s scenes will appear on the windows of your house. Therefore, do not limit your imagination only to the poking of the Rooster. Snowflakes, which will have interesting patterns, will also be fashionable in 2017. Studs like stars and bells can also be placed on the windows. Take a look at our selection of embroidered designs. Surely you will like some option.

If you decide to decorate your windows in your house with piercings, then first of all decide what you want to see on your windows. Finding the right stencils for cutting is easy. For example, this can be done right now. You just download the template you like and cut it out. You can create a piercing yourself. To do this, use your imagination. But in order for you to get an attractive picture, you need to place the contour parts of the pattern separately from each other.

If you decide to make a carving with your own hands, then prepare the following materials and tools:

  • manicure scissors with rounded tips or a breadboard knife,
  • white and colored paper,
  • special rug for crafts,
  • ruler, which is necessary for cutting straight lines.

Using a knife or scissors, cut out all unnecessary parts along the lines you marked. If you have chosen a complex pattern that has complex patterns, then take a simple pencil, which you should use to paint over all unnecessary details. As soon as you finish cutting, you need to start decorating.

The finished vytynanka is glued to the window. But in advance in this matter, they choose the place for gluing it. To execute this work Carefully, you need to put the protrusion on the cover of the notebook. Apply glue with a brush. The glue in this case can be a simple solution of soap. It will be very easy to wash off the glass. After graduation New Year's holidays Carefully remove the protrusions from the glass and put them in storage.

Pay attention to the patterns of the Rooster's piercings.


In general, our article contains voluminous protrusions of a rooster. In addition, there are other examples of New Year's embroidery. Therefore, take a closer look at these examples and choose something interesting to decorate your windows.

New Year's templates for cutting out of paper. New Year's vytynanka (cuttings). New Year's stencils for decorating windows.

There are many names, but the meaning is the same. New Year is coming soon and it’s time to start preparing for it. It's time to decorate your apartments so that the mood is truly 100% festive! Previously, windows were decorated only snowflakes cut from paper , and now it has become fashionable to cut out all kinds of figures and pictures from paper using the “vytynanka” (cutting) technique.

It looks very beautiful! I have prepared many templates for you that can be used to cut out both simple and complex elements. For cutting, it is best to stock up on a special knife and a mat. A sharp stationery knife and a wooden board, as well as thin nail scissors, will do. The work itself is painstaking, but the result is worth it!

You can find more templates for various vytynankas here: New Year's vytynanki. Year of the Rooster 2017.