Cosmetologist Zinaida Kudrina: “Silver is a truly mystical material. Cosmetologist Zinaida Kudrina: “Silver is a truly mystical material Silver face mask name

Hi all!
I bought 2 super famous silver peel-off face masks and finally got around to sharing them!
If you are interested in reading or just looking at the silver man, come in.

Not long ago, the entire Internet exploded with silver and gold masks, Instagram is simply replete with “I’m wearing a mask” selfies. I also became interested, so I decided to join the general squeal and buy 2 of the most famous masks at the moment. The first is the expensive American GlamGlow GravityMud, and the second is a much (about 7 times) cheaper Korean mask A "Pieu Silver Foil Pack. These 2 masks are constantly compared in the “I want, I can” category, since they have the same declared effect, and in a selfie no one can tell what brand it is.
No one will know whether you bought an expensive or a cheap mask since both of them look almost the same. Can you guess who is where?

The GlamGlow mask is applied to one half of the face, and the Korean analogue of A"Pieu is applied to the other. Can you guess which side is which? The answer will be a little lower;)

First, I’ll tell you about the American version of the silver mask - super famous GlamGlow GravityMud!
Package I love! The jar is packaged in a purple cardboard “diamond-coffin”! The packaging “greets” the customer, putting her in a playful mood.
Inside the box there is information about active ingredients.
It is indicated on the cardboard part compound.

And of course, right there instructions. Manufacturer's promises- smoother and tighter skin.

The kit consists of a heavy jar with a mask, a brush for applying it and multilingual instructions.

There is even a very decent translation of the instructions into Russian - a small thing, but nice.
Under the lid there is a protective layer of foil, and under it is the same silver mask.

Texture- jelly, mercury jelly, that is, the mask is moderately fluid.
Application process quite simple, since the mask is liquid and the jar has a wide neck.
Aroma The mask is incomparable, it’s a real pina colada, that is, a mixture of coconut and pineapple, not a vulgar version a la toilet freshener, but a very light, I would even say “perfume composition.” It is very pleasant that the aroma is present not only in the jar, but is felt during use, and even for about 20-30 minutes after removing it.
neutral, the mask does not tighten the skin too much, I don’t feel any special effects, no cold, no heat, no tingling, nothing, despite the fact that my skin is quite sensitive.
This is what it looks like face mask.
Removal The mask happens quite quickly, it is removed with one stocking (of course, if you applied it in a thick enough, even layer, and also did not touch the hairy parts). The skin texture is imprinted on the mask.

Effect of use I personally don't feel it. Perhaps the skin becomes a little smoother, but any peel-off mask gives this effect by tearing off a certain amount of dead skin from the surface. For me, this mask only has an aromatherapy effect, nothing more.
Comparison: the “before” face is on the left, the after is on the right. I'm sorry, but I never manage to shoot before and after in the same key. If you see changes, please write in the comments!

Volume: 50 grams, consumption It’s big, I think this mask will be enough for me 5-6 times on my entire face.
Price: in Russia it costs about 5,000 rubles, in the USA it costs $69, I got it at Sephora in Sweden for 285 SEK (2,000 rubles).
Grade: 4 - pleasant aromatherapy, and that’s all.

The second mask is a recently released Korean analogue A"Pieu Silver Foil Pack.
Here, of course, everything is much more modest.
Package very simple - an ordinary plastic tube with a hinged lid.
Manufacturer's promises very similar - the mask should give the face elasticity and radiance.
Active ingredients: pearl extract to moisturize the skin, it also helps maintain optimal moisture levels, lavender extract to care for oily and problematic skin, which has a softening and soothing effect.
Instructions Application is also very simple - apply, let dry for 20-30 minutes and remove.

Compound listed in the most general form: Pear extracts(brightening), lavender extracts(calming and vitalizing), Syn-coll(firming and hydrating), and rosmary leaf oil(hydrating).
Texture It seems glue-like, exactly like the famous black masks against blackheads.
Application process a little more complex due to the texture, takes longer, needs to be applied with a soft brush (I apply with a GlamGlow brush, it’s a little tricky with fingers).
Aroma ordinary cosmetic, with some floral and powdery notes, nothing special. It is not noticeable on the skin during or after use.
Feelings during use significantly different from the American mask. The Korean mask creates a more noticeable feeling of tension on the skin; if there are wounds, it begins to tingle, and it is almost impossible to use facial expressions with it. By the way, it dries slower than GlamGlow.
This is what the mask looks like on my face, it seems a little more sheer than GlamGlow, but from the front it's all equal.
Removal the mask is less pleasant, since, firstly, it sticks to the skin much more firmly, and secondly, it breaks, when dried, it turns out to be less plastic than GlamGlow, so it is removed in pieces (or rather, removing it in one piece is realistic, but very difficult) .

Effect of use It's still barely noticeable to me. However, here the mask did a little work on the pores; I felt that several pores “opened” when it was removed from my face.
Comparison: the “before” face is on the left, the after is on the right. I'm sorry, but I never manage to shoot before and after in the same key.

Volume: 60 ml, according to my feelings consumption less than the American mask.
Price: 730 rubles in Russia, about $12 abroad.
Grade: 4 - for some work with pores (perhaps when steaming the effect will be more noticeable).
As a result, I didn’t particularly like any of the sensational masks, they have almost no effect, and I won’t buy any of them again.
Have you tried similar masks? Noticed the effect on your skin?
I am Natasha,
Thanks for stopping by!

Get an appointment with a cosmetologist Zinaida Kudrina almost impossible. She only sees her old clients, with whom she is always strict: she does not allow lateness for sessions, and even considers missing them a crime. What is the secret of her popularity - a regular author of OK! found out. Yana Laputina, co-owner of the aesthetic medicine clinic “Time of Beauty”

Photo: DR

My dad always said that all accidents are natural. Time after time I am convinced that he is right: if fate persistently brings you together with some people, do not refuse it! A month ago I was introduced to Zinaida Nikolaevna Kudrina, a cosmetologist known in very narrow circles. Like a sorceress, she is able to erase traces of age and fatigue from the face, completely sculpting it anew. Kudrina developed her own massage technique and came up with special silver tools - ailerons, with which she performs massage. Zinaida Nikolaevna is going to sell her technique, which has fifteen patents, through a franchising system, but at the same time she is not ready to transfer her skills to every willing doctor. Over thirty years of practice, she has managed to work with the first ladies of our country, with TV presenters who have been on TV screens for decades, with many actresses and business women. After talking with Zinaida Nikolaevna, I turned from an interviewer into her patient, betraying the family business for the first time.

Zinaida Nikolaevna, tell us why you decided to focus on silver?

Much in my life happens according to metaphysical laws, and I know for sure that within me there is a mechanism for bringing everything to absolute aesthetics. During the Soviet Union, when the skincare line was limited to two products, I used at least five masks, all homemade ones. One day, silver with its excellent conductor and antiseptic properties came into the focus of my attention. I immersed myself in the study of metal, and somehow the massage technique appeared by itself, and then the ailerons. I define my technique as “facial sculpture.” Sometimes I manage to change the oval of my face, the expression of my eyes, but always the quality and color of my skin!

I heard that after your massage no cream is needed.

Any cream is an addition. However, I do not deny that if you use a good cream, the result will be better, since silver is an ideal conductor, which means it delivers beneficial substances to the skin cells much faster! Someday I will create a silver based skincare line.

What happens to the skin when it comes into contact with silver?

As shown by clinical studies that I conducted in 2011 in Paris, using ailerons, we obtain hydration of the deep layers of the epidermis, exfoliation of dead skin cells, but the main thing that I manage to achieve is the structuring of the facial muscles. During the procedure, excellent lymphatic drainage occurs, psycho-emotional blocks are removed, as I work out the muscles and relieve tension, which is especially obvious during periods of stress and fatigue.

I know that you prefer to work with faces that have not been touched by a cosmetologist, without injections or fillers, but why?

My technique is able to activate its own production of hyaluronic acid, but most importantly, the muscles begin to work correctly and actively, which does not happen in everyday life. Thus, I am absolutely sure that thanks to regular procedures we can avoid the manifestations of ptosis, which automatically means victory over the external signs of aging!

In other words, are you a facial fitness trainer?

To some extent, but this would be completely impossible without silver!

You say that you will not teach every doctor your technique. But is this the right approach from a market point of view?

I am ready for a selective, albeit not at all market, approach. Today, all over the world, only me and my youngest daughter own my equipment. I dream of training other specialists, but they will face a strict selection process. I believe that aileron massage can only be performed by a specialist with the right energy. Silver conducts human energy, and if it is negative, then there will be no effect from the procedure.

Aren’t you afraid that, having trained the “right” specialists, you will no longer be able to control the further spread of your technique?

I already had experience when, after spying on them, they tried to use my technique. And nothing worked out for these people. It’s not for nothing that I talk so much about energy and about what a wonderful conductor silver is. This is truly mystical material!

Beautiful and clean skin makes you feel younger and more attractive. That is why it is necessary to monitor your health. Using various cosmetics allows you to get rid of skin problems, but you need to choose quality products. The Glamglow face mask is in demand. Reviews about the products vary, but most women are satisfied with the care product. More details about it are described in the article.

Types of products

The mask is designed to eliminate skin defects. The products were produced by the American company Glamglow, but have already become popular all over the world. According to many customers whose expectations were met, the popularity of the product is deserved. The brand produces caring cosmetics with Western cosmetic clay:

  1. Youth Mud - rejuvenating.
  2. Thirsty Mud - moisturizing.
  3. Power Mud - cleansing.
  4. Super Mud - caring.

According to reviews, the Glamglow moisturizing mask can be used for regular skin care. Procedures can improve the condition of the face and eliminate many of its problems. But the Glamglow cleansing mask is also in demand. According to reviews, it can replace many conventional products.

Each mask has its own purpose, but they are all designed to care and improve the appearance of the face. And for young girls, the products will help prolong their youth. Reviews of Glamglow allow you to verify the beneficial effects of the products on your facial skin. Many women appreciate this product for its excellent effect.

Majority choice

Although these masks operate on a general principle, the latest product, Super Mud, is more popular with the fair sex. Although the packaging volume is small, the contents are sufficient. For 1 procedure you need 2 small “peas”. To be sure of the effect of this mask, you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

Silver mask

There is a silver Glamglow face mask. Customer reviews about her are extremely positive. With the application of GravityMud Firming Treatment, a silvery film is formed on the face. You should hold it for 20-30 minutes, and then carefully pull it from top to bottom.

During the first 30 minutes, the skin will have a metallic color, and then the effect of tightening the facial contour and tightening the skin will appear. Lifting, firming and moisturizing effect is associated with hyaluronic acid, clay of glacial origin, licorice leaf extracts and Icelandic brown algae. This mask allows you to quickly improve the condition of your facial skin.

Composition and properties

According to reviews, Glamglow Super Mud allows you to slightly hide flaws or get rid of them forever. This effect of the mask is due to its unique composition:

  1. Salicylic acid. Affects areas of inflammation, preventing the appearance of new pimples and blackheads.
  2. Alpha hydroxy acid. Has a restorative effect: the skin will have an even color. The pores are narrowed and unevenness is eliminated.
  3. Acids (lactic, pyruvic, glycolic, mandelic). Has a cumulative effect. Due to the action of penetrating the epidermis, it removes toxins and other impurities from the skin.
  4. Mediterranean clay. Allows you to get rid of imperfections and give the skin a “glow”.

This mask contains mint extract, which is needed to eliminate fatigue and swelling from the face. Charcoal can get rid of acne, and eucalyptus can reduce pores.


The mask copes with imperfections of any skin. After the first procedure, the result will appear. And over time it won’t be necessary Foundation, since it will not be necessary. According to reviews, the Glamglow face mask eliminates lengthy preparation for makeup. After eliminating it, you can apply cosmetics without using special products or makeup bases.

Products are capable of:

  1. Get rid of dark spots and circles under the eyes.
  2. Getting rid of ingrown hairs.
  3. Healing cuts and reducing scars.
  4. Acne elimination.

Many cosmetologists value products for the presence of many microelements in them. One jar of Super Mud can replace many usual, but not so effective means. The mask has an immediate result, so it is especially suitable for those cases when there is little time for care.


Glamglow masks, according to reviews, are very easy to use. You should wash your face a few minutes before applying the product. To ensure an even layer, it is better to carry out processing with a special brush. After the first procedure, there may be some feeling of tightness and tingling. But over time, such symptoms will not bother you.

Apply the product for no more than 20 minutes. The mask should be washed off with warm water, after which you can apply a moisturizing face cream. Any skin type gets rid of defects, although not forever. However, if you regularly use a mask, it will make your face look healthier and more beautiful. 1 bottle contains 34 g, which is enough for 17-18 full procedures. And if you use the mask precisely, using it only for problem areas, then the number of uses increases to 1000.

Features of application

The mask allows you not only to get excellent results, but also to feel a pleasant aroma that does not disappear throughout the entire procedure. The product is also considered an excellent antiseptic. But, even taking into account the unique effect of the mask, cosmetologists advise not to:

  1. Apply the product to open damaged areas of skin.
  2. Mimic activity during the procedure, otherwise the product will crack and will not bring results.
  3. Use daily as skin may become dry.

To avoid pimples and blackheads, 2 procedures per week are necessary. Please note that the mask lid must be closed, as it dries out when opened. Although you can add a little water after this, the effect of the cosmetics will not be the same as before.


Based on reviews, Glamglow may not be for everyone. There are no serious contraindications. The same applies to age limits. But there are several nuances where caution is required, as well as temporary abstinence:

  1. You should not use the mask if your skin is chapped. If peeling occurs, Super Mud will be harmful. To eliminate this drawback, it is advisable to use a special cream.
  2. You cannot wear a mask for longer than prescribed. Otherwise, irritation, itching, and red spots are likely to occur.
  3. If there is an individual intolerance to the components of cosmetics, then the procedures must be stopped.

According to dermatologists, prevention with such a mask, with the exception of some cases, is not only safe, but also useful, especially if the skin is tired or problematic. In this case, cosmetics can help improve her condition.

If your skin is sensitive, you should not refuse the mask. Cosmetologists advise applying it in a thin layer, and the number and duration of procedures should be reduced to once a week, no more than 10 minutes.

Where to buy?

Finding such masks is not difficult now. In large cities there are stores such as Ile De Beaute or Letual. They usually sell high-quality cosmetics from various brands. But if there are no such stores, then you can order the goods online. It is important that the resource is known.

Super Mud costs the same as other masks. The goods have a price within 4,800 rubles. These are the highest indicators - products can be purchased at a lower cost. Some stores offer discounts, so purchasing cosmetics can be very profitable.

Thus, Glamglow masks are appreciated for their quick results and effectiveness. Regular procedures can improve the condition and appearance faces. The skin will become healthier and more attractive.

Collagen Crystal Facial Mask Silver 60 gr. Thailand

A wonderful mask with silver and collagen is a real “lifesaver” for every representative of the fair sex! It is equally suitable for both aging and problem skin, and the “range” of problems solved is impressive!

Natural collagen indispensable both for preserving youth and for returning it. This component is produced in our body, but with age the amount decreases, resulting in wrinkles, sagging and dullness. The mask helps collagen get into the deepest layers of the epidermis, to the source of the problem, and “fill in” the unevenness. As a result of regular use collagen masks the skin is evened out, acquires elasticity, the oval of the face is tightened, smoothness and radiance appear. By maintaining water balance, cells receive luxurious hydration and nutrition, and you get rid of dryness and discomfort forever.

Silver, famous for its medicinal properties, has a wide spectrum of action.

Has a pronounced bactericidal effect, perfectly heals damage, inflammation and irritation
- has a strong rejuvenating effect
- controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands
- protects skin from viral infections, UV rays
- fights acne and pimples
- relieves swelling, preventing its appearance.

Thus, the mask will become an indispensable item in the “cosmetic first aid kit”!

Natural and safe ingredients will ensure gentle care and effective action, and all you have to do is enjoy the process and the result!

Collagen face mask with silver moisturizing buy in Moscow and Moscow region.

Mode of application:

    Before use, place the package with the mask in water at a temperature of 40-45 degrees for a minute, then apply to clean skin face for 20 minutes.

    After use, remove the mask into its packaging and place it in the refrigerator.

    You can use it 2-3 times, the frequency of procedures is several times a week.



If the product is not in stock, you can pre-order it from the manager.