When to cut your hair in August? The most favorable days. Lunar haircut calendar for August - when is the best time to dye your hair

When the Moon is in the house of the Zodiac signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus. These periods fall on the following dates: 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 23, 29. Less fortunate numbers will be: 9 (influence of Scorpio), 13 (Moon in Sagittarius), 24 (Taurus), 31 (in house of Leo). Here you will need to study the calendar, scheduled for each day, where you will see what the day will be positive or negative (for example, you can get a haircut, but not put on makeup).

The most unlucky dates for a haircut in August 2016 are 19, 21, 28. These are the days when the Moon is in the Zodiac of Pisces, Aries and Cancer. On these dates, categorically refuse to plan a visit to your stylist - you risk acquiring serious illnesses, incurring a series of life failures and large material losses. Additionally, you should be careful with haircuts according to the following numbers: 1 (Moon in Cancer), 12 (in the house of Sagittarius) and 27 (Cancer). These dates have less negative impact, but it is better not to take risks and still reschedule the haircut to a more successful day.



28th lunar day. Acquired as a result of a visit to the hairdresser appearance will serve you well in attracting acquaintances and charming the right people.
Moon in Cancer. After a haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes unruly and cannot be styled. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your hair. You should refrain from cutting your hair while the Moon is in the constellation Cancer.



29th lunar day. 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair cutting for a more favorable period
Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


2nd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting hair can lead to quarrels and litigation. Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


3rd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting your hair will lead to material waste and poor health. Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.


4th lunar day. Getting a haircut on this day is associated with feelings of discomfort and melancholy caused by the fear of losing loved ones. Exacerbations of diseases of the throat or oral cavity are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.



5th lunar day. A haircut will lead to an improvement in your financial condition and overall well-being. A good day to cut your hair.

Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.



6th lunar day. It is better to avoid cutting your hair on this day. You can catch a cold. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.
Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.


7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or senior management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.



7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or senior management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.



8th lunar day. Perfect day to cut your hair. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.
Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.


9th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Diseases and all kinds of problems overtake a person who has the habit of cutting his hair on this day. Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.


10th lunar day. It is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser. According to Tibetan traditions, the “burning day” threatens deterioration of health. Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.



11th lunar day. A haircut on this day develops the acuity of the senses and improves the insight of the mind. A good day to cut your hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting
Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.


12th lunar day. It is better to postpone the haircut to a more favorable period, since on this day you can attract misfortunes and the likelihood of injury, even death, increases. Moon in Capricorn. good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.



13th lunar day. Good time for a haircut. On this day you will not only gain a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness into your life.

Favorable day for hair cutting
Moon in Capricorn. A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.



14th lunar day. Improvement in all areas

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August is the last month of the velvet season, time for vacations, resorts and summer residents. The scorching sun forces you to take care of your hair more often, and it is in August that you should cut off the ends and update your hairstyle. This period is favorable for haircuts, but there are days when you should categorically refrain from going to your favorite hairdresser.

August 1. Waning Moon in Cancer. On this day the haircut will be especially successful. The hair will be renewed and healthy, and will receive a surge of strength. But you shouldn’t do dyeing; the color will not come out at all what you expect. In addition, coloring will negatively affect the condition of your wallet.

August 2. New Moon in the sign of Leo. During this period, it is better to enjoy the warm summer days than to head to the salon. Any manipulation with hair will lead to headaches or other ailments.
August 3rd. Waxing moon in the sign of Leo. It's a perfect day to go to the hairdresser. Healthy hair treatments will be very successful; masks and treatments will be especially effective. The haircut will be perfectly shaped.

August 4-6. Waxing Moon in the sign of Virgo. Hair cut these days will grow quickly. If you are growing your hair, the period is ideal, but if you are doing a model haircut, it will quickly lose its shape.

August 7-8. Growing Moon in Libra. A haircut these days will bring financial well-being and a great mood.

August 9-11. Growing Moon in Scorpio. Do not agree to a haircut, this can lead to failure in business, but hair care procedures are acceptable and will even bring profit; make masks and wraps.

August 12-13. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. These are the days of coloring. The colors will come out bright and accurate. Changing your image will benefit your personal life. Relationships with loved ones will become warmer.

August 14-16. Growing Moon in Capricorn. A period of successful haircuts. A haircut these days will bring great career growth, as well as good luck in business.

August 17. Growing Moon in Aquarius. This is the perfect day for a complete image change. Any experiments will be successful. Haircut and care will make your hair beautiful, strong and voluminous, and the coloring will be expressive and long-lasting. It's time to go to the salon and make a complete transformation.

August 18. Full Moon in Aquarius. Neutral day. On this day you can carry out any manipulations with your hair, but there will be no special delight.

August 19-20. Waning moon in Pisces. Unfavorable day for going to a beauty salon. Haircut and coloring will cause losses, including material ones. Hair care treatments will not give the expected effect.

August 21-22. Waning Moon in Aries. A trip to a beauty salon will benefit those who want to improve their personal life. A haircut and change of image will lead to new acquaintances.

August 23-24. Waning Moon in Taurus. Favorable days for haircuts. Cutting your hair will help strengthen your immune system and improve your overall well-being.

August 25-26. Waning Moon in Gemini. A good day to go to the salon, all procedures will go well, the haircut and styling will be perfect, besides, on these days, a change in image promises to have a positive effect on your personal or family life, those around you will look at you in a new way.

August 29-31. Waning Moon in the sign of Leo. A good day for haircuts and styling. Hair will become healthier and more manageable. A haircut will bring good luck.

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In the month of August 2016, last month Summer, there are not so many unfavorable days for haircuts and hair coloring, according to the lunar calendar, so in this regard our lovely ladies are lucky.

The lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016 presented below will be an excellent assistant in determining favorable and unfavorable days for doing a new hairstyle, hair coloring or curling, and other necessary procedures.

At the beginning of the article, some tips on hair care:

Only color your hair if it is in good condition. Dry and porous hair absorbs dye faster, which can result in patchy coloring. After dyeing, you need to choose suitable hair care products.

When perming your hair with special devices, use thermal protective agents for safety. Before using the straightener, be sure to wash your hair. When curling strands of hair, there is no need to pull them tightly, just as it is not recommended to curl the same strand several times.

Nourishing masks for hair ends must contain some vegetable oil. It is recommended to use a mask of honey, aloe and lemon juice. This mixture should be applied to your hair half an hour before washing it. After applying this mixture, the head must be covered with polyethylene and insulated on top.

Moon calendar haircuts for August 2016

In the days of August 2016, we just need to be especially mindful of our hair, because in the summer heat it can be excessively dry, and dry hair, as we know, can occur for a variety of reasons, including health-related ones.

Although most often this problem is caused by improper hair care. This may include frequently coloring your hair, blow-drying it, and exposing your head to the scorching summer sun.

What is the Moon for the surrounding world and for our soul, probably some kind of symbol of the subconscious, some kind of conductor of our feelings and emotions. Very receptive and sensitive, the Moon controls the human reaction, it is a reflection of our energy, a symbol of intuition and femininity, sometimes even the phenomenal and sensory abilities of a person.

That is why the lunar calendar of hairstyles for August 2016 is so important for women, and especially those days when the full moon and new moon occur, which this month fall on the 18th and 4th, respectively.

Favorable days for haircuts in August 2016

First, let's talk about short haircuts, which will be in trend again in the 2016 season.

Once upon a time, striving for equality, women managed to win their right to wear short hairstyles, and the most progressive men supported them at that moment, because the short women's haircut, complements the depth of the eyes, opens the ears, favorably emphasizes the line of the neck and back of the head - because it is very feminine and sexy.

Women's short hairstyles today are very diverse, they suit almost any type of face and can satisfy any taste.

Hair accessories can give a special charm to a short haircut - a variety of hairpins, headbands, combs, flowers, headbands and light hats. Thanks to a variety of hair styling products, you can safely experiment with short hair, create many styling options.

Favorable days for a haircut are when the Moon in August 2016 will be in the constellations Leo, Virgo and Libra, namely: 2 - 8, 30 and 31 of the month.

As for those days for cutting your hair in August 2016, when you need it to grow quickly, then get your hair cut from the 5th to the 17th of the month during the waxing Moon.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in August 2016

For information - when rinsing your hair, you can use (which is recommended) a mixture of lemon and milk, for this you need to add the juice of 1 medium lemon to boiling milk (1 glass), after boiling the milk, quickly remove the mixture from the stove and stir. After the milk has separated into curds and whey, separate them using gauze.

You need to rinse your hair with the resulting serum after washing. If you have burdock root, make a decoction of it and add it to the resulting mixture, the effect of using this solution will be even greater. This procedure has not only cleansing, but also nourishing properties, and it is useful in addition to the hair itself and for the scalp.

We know that the new moon and full moon count Not favorable days for hair manipulation. In August 2016, according to the lunar calendar, the new moon will be on the 4th and the full moon on the 18th of the month.

Favorable days for coloring in August 2016

Do you know that color stretching or two-tone hair coloring - fashion trends in hair coloring are firmly established in our lives. Ombre, bronde, degrade - this coloring will make women's hairstyle fashionable and stylish. These hair coloring methods are as follows: smooth transition, from light to dark color, or vice versa.

The colors in this case can be very different, natural with darkened or, conversely, lightened tips. Painting in bright and rich colors – red and chestnut, white and black – looks very effective and beautiful.

If you want to preserve your hair color for as long as possible, you should dye it in August 2016 on the waxing Moon, from the 5th to the 17th of the month.

Favorable days for changing hair color and dyeing it are when the Moon will be in the constellation Libra and Capricorn, namely August 7, 8, 13 - 15.

Favorable days for curling in August 2016

Find out also that - with the help of beautiful curls it is not at all difficult to do spectacular styling hair, even if you don't have the best good haircut. In addition, curls are an excellent solution for those women who have decided to grow their hair longer.

We know that hair can be curled different ways, for example, using a curling iron or curlers, you can make curls with a straightener, or you can also do a perm.

By the way, speaking separately about the straightener - despite its name, it will not only straighten your hair, but also help with curling it. Of course, you can hardly count on him to create clear graphic strands, but soft and voluminous curls They will definitely work out, especially if you call on irons to help.

This method of curling is safer for your hair than curling your hair with a curling iron, and it also saves time and also allows you to style it on damp hair. But do not forget that the iron is still a thermal effect on your hair, so you should not abuse it, because frequent use can make your hair dry, and therefore brittle.

In order for the perm to last as long as possible in August 2016, it is recommended to do it during the waxing moon: from the 5th to the 17th of the month. Also, favorable days can be considered those when the Moon is in the constellation Libra and Leo, namely: August 2, 3, 7, 8, 30 and 31.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2016 - in conclusion...

Long hair on a woman is a sign of femininity and beauty. Almost every fashionista dreams of long hair. But it must be remembered that long hair, as a rule, have a combined structure. Usually they are dry at the ends and oily at the roots, which is why they need additional nutrition. A variety of masks and balms can help with this.

And, of course, so that your hair is always healthy and beautiful, and even more so in the summer of August 2016, let the lunar calendar of hairstyles and the horoscope of haircuts, dyeing and curling be on its guard! For our part, we wish you peace, happiness and all the blessings of life in 2016 of the Monkey!

Lunar calendar of haircuts for 2016...

In August, the astrological forecast promises us several especially favorable days for haircuts. It is important not to miss them if you want to visit the hairdresser. Here are the forecasts astrologers give for the next month.

August 3rd: on the second lunar day, the Earth’s satellite will be under the influence of the Sign Leo. A haircut on this day will not only make your hair thicker and more beautiful, but will also improve the circulation of positive energy flows. The most unexpected changes in length and color will give positive external and internal results. Any hair treatments will be very successful on this day, so don’t put them off until later.

August 4: The Moon will move into the Sign of Virgo, which also has a good effect on haircuts. When visiting a hairdresser on this day, you will definitely choose the most suitable hairstyle for you, while it will last a long time and look impressive. You can also carry out some wellness procedures: the result will be very noticeable.

Astrologers also claim that getting a haircut on the third lunar day will bring you monetary profit and material well-being. To enhance this effect, you can use special rituals for August 2016.

August 6: the influence of Virgo on this day will help you feel a surge of inspiration and many other positive emotions if you cut your hair in fifths lunar day. It is especially good if you choose a hairstyle that is as full as possible: this will attract additional energy to you. This way you can direct your abilities in a creative direction. By visiting a beauty salon today, you will get rid of split ends for a long time and accelerate the growth of strong, healthy hair.

August 15: The position of the Moon in the Sign Capricorn will be very favorable for haircuts. Your hair will be healthy and split much less. Also, visiting a hairdresser will help you understand financial issues and solve career problems. Thanks to the growth phase, hair will grow faster and fall out less often. Also on the 13th lunar day the best way Any type of staining will work. The less pretentious hairstyle you choose, the more positive energy of this day you can attract.

August 23: the influence of the Taurus Sign will have a great effect on any haircut and coloring. The hair will look very good and improve its structure. Moreover, from an energetic point of view, by visiting a hairdresser on this 21st lunar day, you will significantly improve your health and the condition of the body as a whole. It will also be easier for you to attract the necessary people who will later prove useful. In any case, you will be very pleased with the result.

August 29: The Moon will be under the strong influence of Leo, which, of course, is very favorable for haircuts. You will get rid of many failures and will begin to look noticeably more charming and attractive. Also, getting a haircut on this day will give you a chance to gain money. Choose a beautiful and somewhat unusual hairstyle, but not too fussy. This way, all her positive energy will be transferred to you and will help you win leadership and the admiring glances of others.

You can learn more about other favorable and unsuitable days for haircuts from the lunar haircut calendar for August. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.07.2016 04:15

Using the lunar hair cutting calendar, you can choose a day that is good for going to the hairdresser. It is believed that the growing...

When the Moon is in the house of the Zodiac signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus. These periods fall on the following dates: 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 23, 29. Less fortunate numbers will be: 9 (influence of Scorpio), 13 (Moon in Sagittarius), 24 (Taurus), 31 (in house of Leo). Here you will need to study the calendar, scheduled for each day, where you will see what the day will be positive or negative (for example, you can get a haircut, but not put on makeup).

The most unlucky dates for a haircut in August 2016 are 19, 21, 28. These are the days when the Moon is in the Zodiac of Pisces, Aries and Cancer. On these dates, categorically refuse to plan a visit to your stylist - you risk acquiring serious illnesses, incurring a series of life failures and large material losses. Additionally, you should be careful with haircuts according to the following numbers: 1 (Moon in Cancer), 12 (in the house of Sagittarius) and 27 (Cancer). These dates have less negative impact, but it is better not to take risks and still reschedule the haircut to a more successful day.



28th lunar day. The appearance acquired as a result of visiting the hairdresser will serve you well in attracting acquaintances and charming the right people.
Moon in Cancer. After a haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold its shape at all, the hair becomes unruly and cannot be styled. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your hair. You should refrain from cutting your hair while the Moon is in the constellation Cancer.



29th lunar day. 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair cutting for a more favorable period
Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


2nd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting hair can lead to quarrels and litigation. Moon in Leo. A haircut on such days makes your hair beautiful, voluminous and silky. This position of the Moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the way or rhythm of your life.


3rd lunar day. Unfavorable day for a haircut. Cutting your hair will lead to material waste and poor health. Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.


4th lunar day. Getting a haircut on this day is associated with feelings of discomfort and melancholy caused by the fear of losing loved ones. Exacerbations of diseases of the throat or oral cavity are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.



5th lunar day. A haircut will lead to an improvement in your financial condition and overall well-being. A good day to cut your hair.

Moon in Virgo. Time to visit the hairdresser. Hair grows well, becomes stronger and improves its structure, and splits less. For the use of chemicals (all types of hair coloring, perms), the best days are when the Moon is located in Virgo.



6th lunar day. It is better to avoid cutting your hair on this day. You can catch a cold. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.
Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.


7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or senior management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Moon in Libra. The Moon in Libra allows you to create airy hairstyles. After a haircut on such days, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.



7th lunar day. A day when cutting your hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with your close circle or senior management. Various types of exacerbations of diseases are possible. Unfavorable day for cutting hair.



8th lunar day. Perfect day to cut your hair. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.
Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.


9th lunar day. Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Diseases and all kinds of problems overtake a person who has the habit of cutting his hair on this day. Moon in Scorpio. The position of the Moon is extremely risky for a haircut, since it can either improve or worsen your personal life and, in general, relationships with the opposite sex.


10th lunar day. It is better to refrain from visiting the hairdresser. According to Tibetan traditions, the “burning day” threatens deterioration of health. Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.



11th lunar day. A haircut on this day develops the acuity of the senses and improves the insight of the mind. A good day to cut your hair.

Favorable day for hair cutting
Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles. An excellent period for a haircut that will promote favorable changes in your career and relationships with colleagues.


12th lunar day. It is better to postpone the haircut to a more favorable period, since on this day you can attract misfortunes and the likelihood of injury, even death, increases. Moon in Capricorn. A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.



13th lunar day. Good time for a haircut. On this day you will not only gain a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness into your life.

Favorable day for hair cutting
Moon in Capricorn. A good time to visit the hairdresser. The overall condition of the hair will only improve from cutting at this time.



14th lunar day. Improvement in all areas