How to lighten your face at home. What and how can you whiten your face quickly at home? What procedures and what products are used for face whitening?

Off-line and online stores are eagerly offering dozens, if not hundreds, of facial skin whitening products. And they unanimously convince us that this or that cream, peeling, mask has amazing capabilities and effectiveness, moreover, at prices that are quite acceptable.

In this regard, we, consumers of skin care products, need to understand that not all that glitters is gold, and not all products are safe for health. When buying a nice-looking jar of miraculous cream, you must carefully read the ingredients, i.e. what it was made from, thanks to which it whitens the skin well. If there is no information about the composition, resolutely put this product aside. Most likely, it is a fake, or worse, an unsafe product. If the manufacturer is not afraid to announce the list of ingredients, study it carefully. It should not contain components from the list below.

Facial skin whitening products should not contain:

  • Hydroquinone- is a strong carcinogen that can cause tumors. Moreover, with prolonged use, pronounced, stable pigmentation appears.
  • Mercury- on the one hand, it very effectively whitens the skin, on the other hand, it is a strong poison, difficult to remove from the body. Mercury affects the kidneys, affects the immune system, and disrupts brain function.
  • Monobenzyl- an aggressive substance that destroys melanocytes, which leads to loss of pigmentation.
  • Corticosteroids- in large quantities disrupt the functioning of the adrenal glands. In medicine, corticosteroids are used in dermatology. Whitening the skin is a secondary effect of this drug, which many, even popular, brands have not failed to take advantage of.
  • Tretinoin- a component that increases the photosensitivity of the skin to a dangerous level. When using tretinoin-based creams, forget about even short walks without a hat and glasses in the summer sun.

Safe ingredients in skin whitening products:

  • Azelaic acid- is a natural component with a whitening effect.
  • Lactic (glycolic) acid- removes dead skin cells, promotes epidermis renewal.
  • Vitamin C- brightens, refreshes, heals the skin, improves color.
  • Blackberry extract- is one of the most effective skin whiteners.
  • Goji- demonstrates soft but stable whitening, requires long-term use.

Reputable manufacturers of facial skin care products, manufacturers you can trust, are brands from Japan, Israel, China and Korea. You will not find any mercury or hydroquinone on the labels of these brands.

Whitening facial skin using natural products

You can become white-faced and black-browed much cheaper and safer. Whitening, healing, and refreshing facial skin at home is quite simple. There are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, in the garden, in the garden. Why, for example, buy blackberry extract for crazy money if you have blackberries growing on your property? You will be surprised, but there are much more foods, vegetables and fruits that have whitening properties than we imagine. In terms of efficiency, they are in no way inferior to their chemical analogues, and in terms of safety, they are several orders of magnitude higher.

Homemade whitening toners

  • Brew a handful of mint (fresh) in half a liter of water. Add lemon juice from two fruits. Cool and enjoy for your health. After five to seven days, your face will become lighter.
  • Brew a handful of parsley leaves in two glasses of water. Cool, strain. Use for wiping. You can make ice cubes.
  • Grate the cucumber and add sparkling mineral water. Let it brew for two to three days. Strain, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Keep refrigerated.
  • Pour a few slices of lemon into a liter of water and let it brew. It turns out to be an excellent vitamin-rich and at the same time whitening water for washing.

Scrubs for cleansing and whitening the face

  • Grind dry orange peels and mix with honey in equal proportions. Massage your face with this scrub 2-3 times a week. The skin will lighten and even out.
  • Dilute 2 teaspoons of baking soda with water. Use when washing.
  • Take turmeric, ginger, tamarind, mangosteen peel powder in equal proportions and mix with water. Rub into skin for 2-3 minutes. Let dry, rinse off.
  • Grind 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and bran in a coffee grinder. Add 1 teaspoon of grated soap, 1 tsp. finely chopped and mortared parsley. Mix everything well and carefully apply to the face, massaging with light movements. Rub in for a few minutes. Then leave until dry. Wash your face and lubricate your skin with olive oil.

Whitening masks made from natural products

  • Prepare a mixture of milk powder and blackberries in equal proportions. Apply to age spots and freckles for 2-3 minutes. The effect will be noticeable within a few days.
  • A classic recipe for a whitening mask from Ayurveda: mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and half a glass of yogurt. Apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mix the ingredients: 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, 50 g of cottage cheese, egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey. Apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. In addition to whitening, the mask nourishes the skin well (for oily skin).
  • Grind a few tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour in hot milk (or warm yogurt, kefir). Dilute to the consistency of thick sour cream. This is an excellent whitening, nourishing mask.
  • Dilute blue cosmetic clay with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Heat 200 ml of milk until warm (not hot), add 2 teaspoons of cognac and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, stir. Cut a face mask from gauze or soft cotton fabric, soak in the prepared solution and apply to the face, without touching the area around the eyes. After 15 minutes, remove the mask and wash.

Mix - protein, lemon juice (1 tsp), sugar (1 tsp), apply to face. Leave for 20 minutes. The effect is visible within a few days.

It makes no sense to give hundreds of recipes for face whitening masks at home. You need to remember the most effective whitening products and use them to prepare scrubs, masks, lotions, and tonics. There are many options, the field for creativity is limitless.

Fruit acids contained in fresh fruits cleanse and whiten the skin well.

Whitening products include:

  • Milk, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, sour cream,
  • Lemon and lemon juice,
  • Parsley, yarrow, licorice,
  • Raw potatoes, cucumber, tomato
  • Shredded sauerkraut
  • Raw berries, fruits, vegetables (apples, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers).

Combine ingredients. Fruits go very well with sour cream and other dairy products. To obtain a thicker consistency of the mask so that it stays on your face, add oatmeal, wheat, rye, buckwheat flour, and starch. To ensure that the mask not only cleanses, whitens, but also nourishes, add vitamins A and E, flaxseed, olive, tea and other oils a few drops.

In addition to the topic of white and clear facial skin

“As is inside, so is outside” - there is such a saying. Start whitening your face by putting your health temple in order, i.e. - body

If the liver is overloaded with fatty and sweet foods, sagging and pigmented skin cannot be avoided.

If you eat little fiber, greens, vegetables, fruits, a gray color and a rash on your face are inevitable.

If you drink little, dehydrated epidermal cells will give you a very unattractive face.

If you move little and experience a lack of oxygen, your face will also not become healthy, radiant and light.

Female beauty is not only a flawless figure and ideal features. Any woman looks attractive with a healthy complexion and clean, soft skin. Therefore, it is necessary to take regular and careful care of it.

It must be remembered that beauty is adversely affected by many factors: bad habits, polluted environment, prolonged exposure to the sun, various diseases of internal organs, unhealthy lifestyle and insufficient sleep.

Before whitening your skin at home, listen to these recommendations

It is known that a face with fair and even skin visually looks well-groomed and young. To make the skin white and soft, women, even in ancient times, resorted to various cosmetic secrets and tricks.

Today, beauty salons use a variety of procedures that help cleanse pores, eliminate age spots and freckles, even out and make it smooth, improve turgor and complexion. You can safely whiten your skin and restore the structure of the epidermis at home using natural folk remedies.

However, before using this or that recipe, you should know your skin type.

  1. It is recommended to whiten oily skin 2-3 times a week.
  2. Dry and sensitive skin can be lightened only once a month.
  3. For normal or mixed type, effective bleaching agents are recommended to be used no more than 1-2 times a week.

Before the process of whitening pigmentation or freckles, it is mandatory to cleanse the face of dead cells, dirt, toxins and grease.


Steam baths help clean pores, improve blood circulation, remove oily plaque and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.

Dry, aging skin with age spots should be whitened with masks containing essential oil. Give a whitening effect: mint oil, grapefruit oil, patchouli oil, lemon oil. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of one of these essential oils to one serving of the mask. Don't forget to add a little olive or coconut oil to your whitening products. For example, add a little basic oil and two drops of patchouli (or other) essential oil to a mask made with egg white and lemon. Keep this mixture on your face for no more than 20 minutes and wash off.

It should be remembered that skin whitening for age spots requires a systematic and individual approach. It must be combined with proper nutrition, regular intake of essential vitamins (especially C), protection from ultraviolet rays, and treatment of internal organs. Therefore, to effectively remove stains, it will be useful to consult a dermatologist.

Grapefruit juice will remove signs of fatigue. To do this, you need to peel a piece of fruit from the films and wipe your face with it. After this, you should wash your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream to your skin.

Rice water will help make freckles less bright and get rid of age spots. Pour a tablespoon of rice with water and place the container on the fire. The cereal is boiled until tender, then the broth is filtered, cooled and put in the refrigerator. Wipe the skin with ice-cold rice water in the evening before going to bed. It can be stored for no more than three days.

A decoction of fresh parsley is good for whitening the face. But you need to apply it very carefully, trying not to dry out the skin. Chopped leaves and stems of parsley are poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Wipe your face with the prepared cooled product a couple of times a day. After the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with cream.

Lemon juice is mixed with raw egg white, 10 g of sugar and 10 ml of water. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied in a thin layer to the face. You need to make this mask every two to three days. The maximum effect can be achieved in five to seven procedures.

Sour milk will help whiten your face in one week. To do this, apply gauze strips soaked in this product to the skin for 20-30 minutes. After the required time, the face should be blotted with a cotton swab.

Those with normal to oily skin that is not prone to flaking can use a mixture of lemon juice and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wipe your face with the resulting product, and after two to three minutes you need to wash your face and apply a mask of sour cream.

The most common way to whiten skin is a fresh cucumber mask. Combine grated cucumber with finely chopped parsley and apply the resulting mixture to your face for half an hour. After this, you need to wash your face and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Dry facial skin can be made lighter using a mask of finely grated cucumber combined with a tablespoon of nourishing cream intended for this skin type.

No less popular is a mask made from yeast, which is diluted with hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of sour cream. For one procedure you will need 25 g of yeast.

A mask made from honey and lemon is very effective. A couple of tablespoons of liquid honey are combined with lemon juice and gauze napkins moistened with the mixture are applied to the face. Keep them on the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which after 5 minutes the procedure is repeated 2-3 more times. This remedy is used twice a week. After rinsing off the product, apply a nourishing cream or cream to the skin.

Delicious, juicy berries also have a whitening effect. For example, strawberries, wild strawberries or black currants are perfect for this purpose. In spring, young dandelions can be used. 200 g of the crushed plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for 10 minutes. The strained broth is wiped on the face twice a day. In winter, you can use sauerkraut juice.

Washing with milk is very effective. Moreover, if you do not wash it off after the procedure, the result will be more noticeable.

You can whiten your skin, increase its tone and give a boost of energy if you wipe your face with ice cubes made from cucumber or lemon juice or parsley decoction. This procedure will be especially useful in the morning; you can even replace your usual washing with it.

Who among women does not dream of perfectly clean, delicate porcelain skin, every cell of which seems to exude light from within. A woman with such skin will be noticed in the largest crowd. The light of her face involuntarily attracts glances, making others admire her youth and beauty. And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are - 16 or over 70.

We assure you: these problems can be solved, the main thing is the desire to change yourself. Use regular face whitening products that are found in every home. But before we start a substantive conversation about mask recipes, let’s pay attention to something else:

When should you not try to lighten pigmentation on your own?

A sallow complexion will make the doctor suspect Graves' disease, HIV, oncology, or sepsis. Greenish - cirrhosis, kidney disease, tumor. Redness of the skin - rosacea, as reported by the online publication WebMD. Redness is also caused by tuberculosis, erythrocytosis, allergies and many other diseases. Remember: at the initial stage, skin cancer is also disguised as a pigment spot.

Trying to whiten your face on your own in such situations, you will not get the desired effect, waste valuable time and allow the disease to slowly but surely destroy your body.

You should not resort to skin lightening if your face contains:

  • unhealed wounds or stitches;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • melanoma, keratosis and a number of other skin diseases.

Do not rush to try to lighten if you have recently undergone a salon procedure or your skin is dehydrated and very thin.

If your skin is healthy and you want to make it whiter and lighten freckles, feel free to proceed with simple procedures.

Homemade face masks

They will come to your aid:

  • Juice of parsley and any citrus fruits. It will help remove age spots and saturate the skin with microelements. Squeeze out a small amount of juice, soak a cloth in it, and then leave on your face for 20 minutes.
  • Berry puree. The ideal option is strawberry and viburnum. You can use currant. If your skin is sensitive, then it is better to dilute the currant puree with water. To obtain a mask, crush the berries, apply them to slightly damp gauze, and apply the mask to your face. After 15–20 minutes, rinse off. To enhance the effect, add a small amount of honey to the berry puree.
  • Cucumber puree. This tonic should not be mixed with other products. Make a paste, immediately apply it to your face and leave for 25 minutes. According to WebMD, this mixture will not only whiten your skin, but also perfectly moisturize it.
  • White clay. Dilute clay powder with water and apply a thin layer to your face. The longer the mask is on the face, the better the effect can be achieved. Wait until the paste dries and then wash it off.
  • Mustard. This recipe is not for everyone. Before whitening your face with mustard, test the possibility of using the mask on the skin of your wrist. Dilute mustard powder with water until the mixture resembles sour cream. Apply to your wrist and hold until you feel a burning sensation. Rinse off with warm water. If no irritation appears after the mask, apply it on your face.
  • Kefir. This drink will help get rid of age spots. And if you add parsley juice to it, the result will exceed all expectations.

Make masks regularly until the spots disappear. This process takes some time. This is not always suitable for those who like quick results, and they look for other ways to lighten their skin.

We recommend using face masks made from baking soda, peroxide and lemon. The only condition: these substances are quite aggressive towards skin cells, so they cannot be used for too dry and sensitive skin.

Face whitening with peroxide

Use hydrogen peroxide for the face in combination with such products as:

  • Yeast. Mix a spoonful of dry yeast with the same volume of peroxide, apply the product to the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese. 1 egg yolk, 1 l. fat cottage cheese, 2-3 drops of peroxide.

Those with dry skin can do this mask once a week, normal and oily skin - 2 times a week.

Important: Remember that peroxide lightens hair, so be careful when applying the mask near your eyebrows.

How to whiten your face with baking soda

We offer simple recipes:

  • Facial soda with natural honey. Mix one tablespoon of honey and cream with soda (take on the tip of a knife) and apply for 10 minutes, then rinse and moisturize the skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory mixture. 1 tsp. baking soda for face, 2 tbsp. l. potato starch or oatmeal (can be made from oatmeal by grinding it in a coffee grinder), add water until you get a thin paste. To improve the effect, add a few drops of tea tree oil.

Remember: Baking soda can also be used as a scrub. All you need to do is lightly moisten the powder with water and rub it into the skin, running your fingers along the massage lines of your face. To refresh your skin and tighten pores, use orange juice instead of water.

Face whitening with lemon

To whiten your face with lemon, use:

  • Cotton balls soaked in fruit juice. Wipe your face with them.
  • Lemon-apple-glycerin mask. For the first preparation, take a few drops of lemon juice, half a spoon of apple juice and a spoon of glycerin. For the following procedures, increase the amount of lemon juice to half a spoon. This will allow the skin to get used to the acidic environment and prevent irritation.
  • A mixture of soda and peroxide. It can only be used to lighten problem areas. To prepare this super effective remedy, mix 2 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. peroxide.

Soda treatments should not be performed more often than once a week. Time for masks and scrubs is no more than 10 minutes.

How to whiten your face at home? Why bleach your facial skin at all? We will talk about this and much more in today's article. For many, this is a fairly serious problem, which the fair half of humanity most often faces. In pursuit of ideal beauty and a well-groomed appearance, women resort to various procedures offered by numerous beauty salons. But few people know that more than half of such manipulations can be carried out independently with the help of specialized drugs or folk remedies, which can greatly delight many thrifty housewives.

Human skin is susceptible to gray pigmentation, the appearance of freckles, tanning, and in adolescents the epidermis is highly prone to acne due to puberty. All these reasons can cause a lot of anxiety and complexes not only for a teenager, but also for an adult. Each source of concern deserves special attention and a specific approach, so before using any drug, it is best to consult with a dermatologist, allergist or specialized cosmetologist.

How to quickly whiten your facial skin at home?

How to quickly, and most importantly - correctly, whiten your facial skin at home? First of all, it is necessary to carefully deal with the pigmentation that has appeared, because it could be hereditary dark skin or “grandmother’s” freckles. But there are also acquired skin defects in the form of various spots, which can be caused by hormonal imbalances, due to pregnancy, during puberty or due to age-related changes. The causes of various unhealthy shades of the epidermis can be liver disease, vitamin deficiency, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use of drugs, alcohol, intoxication, infection with harmful organisms.

But the most common problem remains pigmentation due to improper treatment of acne, wounds and skin diseases, as well as laxity of the smoker’s dermal tissue. Such facial skin problems can be solved with DIY whitening products. Procedures at home are easier, but at the same time they require longer and more regular use.

Pharmacy and cosmetic preparations

Pharmacy or cosmetic preparations have proven themselves to be a good assistant in the fight against freckles or other pigmented formations on the face. But almost any medicine or cosmetic product requires fairly long-term use, which can last from several weeks to a year.

Many cosmetic products contain hydroquinone, a substance used in various fields as a developer, dye, antioxidant, bleach and other types. However, this organic compound is quite toxic, so it can often cause various disorders in the body. In view of this, in order to obtain not only a positive, but also a maximum effect, you should discuss the methods of using such a drug with a specialist who will prescribe a personal approach.

It is much safer to use regular vitamins, which can be bought at any pharmacy for almost pennies. Such useful substances include retinol and ascorbic acid.

  1. Vitamin A is great as an ingredient in masks, lotions or scrubs to whiten tans, freckles and minor pigmentation. This substance should be applied daily to cleaned fabric for a year. This manipulation will not only restore the skin, but will also lead to renewal and a fresh state of the epithelium.
  2. Vitamin C is also applied to a clean layer using gentle circular movements, going over the skin around the lips and eyes. The whitening effect helps to slightly eliminate various color changes in epidermal cells.
  3. Vitamin E very well reduces various degrees of pigmentation due to its effect on melanin, as a result of which the production of pigments is suspended. The result will, of course, not be visible immediately; while using the vitamin product, the tightened and delicate skin will initially become more noticeable.
  4. Rosemary and lavender oils are used as a mask. The liquids are mixed in equal proportions and lemon juice is added, applied to the fabric and left for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with water. The procedure is completed with the use of moisturizer.
  5. Cosmetic clay suitable for a specific facial skin type is combined with lavender oil, lemon juice and a small amount of water. The thick mixture is applied to the face and waited for about 20-25 minutes, after which it is washed off and moisturized with cream.
  6. St. John's wort tincture can be used as a lotion for wiping the face after washing.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide, a well-known antiseptic, also has bleaching properties. Using 3% peroxide, you can not only whiten your skin, but also get rid of blackheads. Dry skin should be wiped no more than once a week, and oily skin can be treated about twice. The duration of the course should be no more than a month, after which the skin should be given rest for three months.

Sometimes, due to prolonged use of such medications, the top layer of the skin begins to peel off, so it is necessary to use such products with extreme caution so as not to harm the skin.

Folk remedies

Our great-grandmothers used folk remedies, and it is worth noting that they were very successful. Regular food packages, dried or fresh herbs and essential oils will help you whiten your complexion. Before applying any product, of course, do not forget to thoroughly cleanse your skin.

Manipulations with masks can be carried out regularly or periodically, depending on the condition of the dermis. At home, a whitening mask is applied to the skin for no more than a quarter of an hour, after which it is removed with sponges or simply washed off.

In fact, there are incredibly many recipes for masks that lighten skin tone, and many of them are only suitable for a certain skin. But it happens that, even knowing your skin structure, it is not always possible to quickly choose a mask, so there is nothing terrible in looking for the optimal recipes for yourself. What suited your friend (sister, mother-in-law) does not necessarily have to help you, because it is necessary to take into account not only your skin type, but also your body itself, as well as your age category.

As for universal masks: these whitening methods are suitable for any type of epidermis, and also help even out the tone from tanning, freckles or acne. Such recipes include masks based on fermented milk products, in particular cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, and natural yogurt. Whitening procedures with cottage cheese and parsley juice or dandelion leaves, with sour cream and banana puree, with kefir and pureed fresh cucumber, with yogurt mixed with lemon juice, vodka and egg yolk, and so on are extremely popular.

In addition to masks, there are many other recipes that can also help whiten facial skin; they are especially convenient when there is no time for masks.

  1. Whitening scrub. With your own hands, you can prepare a wonderful abrasive product that can, over time, not only lighten your complexion, but also give it a more well-groomed and elastic appearance if you add a few drops of liquid vitamins to such a product. So, in order to prepare such a mask, you only need a little baking soda and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Gently massage the skin with the resulting mixture, avoiding the areas around the mouth and eyelids, from the center to the edges. After this technique, the skin is thoroughly washed and treated with moisturizers. As with masks, exfoliating materials should be applied once or twice, depending on your skin type.
  2. Whitening lotion. A liquid prepared from available ingredients at home can easily replace store-bought lotion. With a homemade product, you can treat the facial area 3-4 times a day for several months. Lemon lotion can last longer than other liquid home remedies. The recipe for such a solution is prepared quite simply: glycerin 5 ml, lemon 1 fruit, thyme 10 g, linden 20 g, birch sap 15 ml, plantain 20 g. To prepare the lotion, dry herbs are steamed in 90 ml of boiled purified water, diluted with birch sap, after which it is left for 4 hours, and then filtered and mixed with glycerin and lemon juice. Rub your face with the solution applied to a cotton sponge for 5-7 minutes. The liquid composition should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in a cool, dark place.
  3. Whitening peeling. The procedure is aimed at completely eliminating the upper skin cells that have long outlived their useful life. Gentle and gentle facial peeling can be done with your own hands using oatmeal, honey and fresh pineapple crushed in a blender. A spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with two spoons of honey and two slices of pineapple. Fruit acid contained in tropical fruit perfectly destroys dead skin layers, oatmeal removes old particles, and honey nourishes the skin.
  4. Whitening cream. Even such a cosmetic product can be created at home; for it you will need available products and some pharmaceutical preparations for a high-quality base for the cream. The preparation of the creamy mass should begin by dissolving 15 g of lanolin, to which 50 g of grape seed oil and one spoon of cucumber juice are then added. The solution is boiled in a water bath, tightly sealed with foil, for an hour, after which it is thoroughly beaten and used an hour before bedtime.

How to whiten exactly your type of face is up to you, the main thing is not to overdo it with application, because even simple products can oversaturate the skin, especially those prone to excessive oiliness, and dry out dry skin.


You should always bleach your face very carefully, and if there are any of the following contraindications, then it is better to cancel the procedure altogether. As already mentioned, pigmentation, which you think is banal, can turn out to be a serious health problem, so before any manipulation of the facial skin, you should definitely consult a doctor. So, you should not use skin-whitening ingredients if you have:

  • there are skin diseases;
  • undergo any inflammatory developments;
  • Stitches and even small wounds are just beginning to heal;
  • skin is prone to allergic reactions;
  • salon procedures were carried out no more than one month ago;
  • hypersensitive or overly dry areas.

Naturally pale skin should also not be subjected to such whitening tests, and it is better to eradicate the nuances present on the face with the help of fortified products.

You can effectively whiten your face at home using any of the listed techniques, only in this case you should be patient and systematic. The big advantage of homemade recipes is that they not only help get rid of problem areas, but also nourish the skin with beneficial particles.