How and why should men undergo a medical examination? Medical examination of a man Medical examination of a man

Many men are simply bursting with pride when they declare that they have not been to the doctor for many years. They believe that this state of affairs is a sign of good health. In fact, only regular visits to specialists can preserve men’s health, which is the key to a long and happy life.

In our country, men, according to statistics, live extremely short lives - only 52 years. among the male population are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, tumor formations of the bronchopulmonary system, prostate gland and the final sections of the large intestine.

Golden age, from 29 to 39 years old

Starting from the age of 27-30, the synthesis of the main male sex hormone, testosterone, gradually begins to decrease in a man’s body. The man still feels completely healthy, but sexual activity begins to gradually decrease. A smaller number of viable male germ cells is detected in sperm. In addition, the formation of seminal fluid is negatively affected by stressful situations, hard work, and poor environmental conditions. About thirty to forty years ago, the presence of 60 million sperm in one milligram of seminal fluid was considered normal, but today the normal level has been reduced to 20 million. It should be remembered that many men decide to have a child at the age of 30-35 years, so it would be a good idea during this period.

List of necessary examinations:

Self-examination of the testicles. An alarming sign is the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum area. The examination must be carried out every 6 months.

Visit to a cardiologist. Before this, you need to do an ECG and determine your blood pressure level. In addition, blood is given for a general and detailed analysis, urine is taken for analysis, and the level of glucose in the blood is determined. These examinations must be completed annually.

A survey X-ray of the chest organs is done every 2 years, and for smokers - every year,

Every 5 years, blood cholesterol levels are determined, hearing acuity is determined, and a colonoscopy is performed.

Colonoscopy is classified as an endoscopic examination. It allows you to externally assess the state of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. To carry out this manipulation, a flexible endoscope and a special “cold” spectrum light are used, which eliminates thermal damage to the intestinal mucosa. Sometimes, before a colonoscopy, irrigoscopy is prescribed, which uses X-rays.
Preparation for a colonoscopy must be thorough, because if the preparation rules are violated, the information content of the procedure is significantly reduced. If a man does not suffer from constipation, i.e. his bowels have a bowel movement at least every 72 hours, and he needs to take 40 to 60 g of castor oil on the day before the test at 16:00. Then spontaneous bowel movement occurs, after which it is necessary to do two cleansing enemas using 1-1.5 liters of water. The first enema is done at 20:00, and the second at 22:00. On the day of the colonoscopy, two more cleansing enemas are done in the morning at 7 and 8 am. You can eat a light breakfast, but only if the study is carried out in the morning.

More and more gray hair, from 40 to 49 years old

According to statistics, about 80% of men over the age of 45 have. Men begin to panic about this and go all out. This leads to the fact that the male population from this age group are the most frequent patients of dermatovenerologists. So, men of this age need to be examined every year for HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases. The WHO data sounds especially ominous, according to which out of 10 people who die from AIDS, 9 are men.

List of examinations:

Testicular self-examination every 6 months

Complete blood count, urinalysis and blood glucose testing annually. Men over 45 years old need to be examined by a proctologist every year,

Complete plain chest x-ray every 2 years, and for smokers - every year,

Fibrogastroscopy (endoscopic examination of the gastric mucosa) – once every 3 years,

Determination of hearing acuity once every 3-5 years, if a man works in a loud noise environment, then even more often,

Determination of blood cholesterol levels every 5 years, and after the age of 45 - every year.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor your blood pressure levels. If everything is normal, then you need to measure blood pressure at least once a year, but if the indicator is unstable, the measurement is carried out once every 4 weeks. Each family should have its own blood pressure monitor. You should visit the dentist at least once a year. You should visit an ophthalmologist annually if you wear glasses, and twice a year if you suffer from diabetes.

Youth again, from 50 to 59 years old

At this age, men are still energetic and active, but they need to be more vigilant. If a man has led a sedentary lifestyle for many years and rarely indulges in pleasures in women's society, the risk of prostate pathology increases significantly.

List of examinations:

Testicular self-examination every 6 months. If a man discovers any abnormalities in himself, he needs to consult a urologist, have an ultrasound and sigmoidoscopy,

Every year it is necessary to test feces for occult blood, be examined by an ophthalmologist, determine the levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, conduct a detailed blood test and determine ESR, undergo an ECG, have urine analyzed and examine the rectum,

An X-ray examination of the chest organs is carried out every 2 years, and for smokers - every year,

Hearing acuity is determined every 2-3 years.

Once every 3 years, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, colonoscopy and gastroscopy are performed.

Age over 60 years

The fact that there is a concept of male menopause is not surprising. Men at this age most often consult doctors about diseases caused by atherosclerosis of blood vessels. The incidence of peptic ulcers and cholelithiasis is significantly reduced.

List of examinations:

Examination of the prostate gland and testicles every 6 months by a specialist,

Every year you need to donate feces for occult blood, be examined by an ophthalmologist, determine the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, donate blood for a detailed analysis, donate urine, examine the rectum,

Every 1-2 years you need to undergo a gastroscopy,

An X-ray examination of the chest organs should be performed every 2 years, and for smokers - every year.

Once every 3 years you need to undergo a colonoscopy.

In addition, before each visit to the doctor, it is necessary to determine your blood pressure level. This should be done at least once a year, but if the pressure “jumps”, it is better to measure it at least once every 4 weeks. You need to visit the dentist annually.

When should you see a doctor?

It’s very good when a man still decides to undergo a preventive examination. Often the body itself begins to signal the presence of problems, but the person does not pay attention to it. Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice the following signs:

Peeling of the skin appeared, it became rough; brittleness of nails appeared and they began to peel off; hair loss appeared; it has become difficult for you to concentrate; fatigue and apathy appeared; you often get sick with viral infections,

The duration of a common cold began to exceed 2 weeks,

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area,

Abdominal pain, bloating,

Frequent attacks of dizziness and tinnitus may indicate increased blood pressure and vascular pathology.

Patients ask: “What will happen at the appointment?” before your first visit. Few people go to a urologist simply out of curiosity. Most visits are forced: for a medical examination at work, a military registration and enlistment office, obtaining a driver's license, etc. In fact, there is nothing to worry about here, especially if the patient has no complaints.

Urologist: what does he do at the appointment?

Urologist: what does he do? Are there any differences between a male and female urologist?

A urologist specializes in diseases not only of the reproductive system, but also of all nearby organs. There is a specialty called urogynecologist - a doctor specializing in female diseases of the urinary system. In turn, an andrologist is a doctor specializing in diseases of the urinary mechanism in men.

During the examination, not only bladder diseases can be detected; here is a detailed list of what a urologist can do:

Can palpate the kidneys, adrenal glands, prostate and prostate gland through the anus;

Also, to test for a huge “bouquet” of purely male and female diseases, you need to take smears.

Therefore, even if you didn’t like the doctor and said something terrible, you shouldn’t be offended by him, but it’s better to get examined in another clinic. If more than three doctors suspect the same illness, there is cause for concern.

Preparing for your appointment

If you do not have complaints in the form of weak urine flow, pain in the kidneys and recent injuries to these places, then, in principle, you don’t have to prepare. If there is discomfort in these places (kidneys, bladder and groin area), then follow the further instructions.

If your man has problems, he needs to take a shower and wash the groin and anal area. Ideally, do an enema to clear the passage. You should avoid sex for 2 days before your appointment. This is necessary for the accuracy of the analysis; for example, before donating blood, you should not eat in the morning. In 2 days the system will be in order and a more accurate result will be obtained.

If you want to maintain your health at an optimal level for as long as possible (and, given the sufficient speed of technology development, always), you must, first of all, take care of this yourself. Regular medical examinations should be an absolute principle. Starting from the age of 30, they must be carried out at least once every three years, after 60 - once every two years. However, it is not enough to just come to see a specialist. The realities of modern life are such that it is not always possible to find a doctor who would relieve us of all worries about our health. There are many inattentive and incompetent doctors. Therefore, we urge every sane person to be careful in choosing a specialist. You cannot reliably assess your health on your own. Choose a doctor, and in order not to make a mistake, follow the simple rules that your doctor must follow during your supervision. Do not forget that a doctor, unlike, for example, an airplane pilot, is not in the “same boat” with you; the main responsibility for your health still lies with you. It is necessary to create a certain minimum “check-list” - similar to the regulations for checking instruments that a pilot performs before takeoff and achieve at least passing all points.

A competent doctor, and therefore your doctor, must do the following step by step during a medical examination:

1.Assess the general condition

2.Assess and inspect everything from top to bottom, including:

a) Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat: The doctor will examine the neck, thyroid gland, tonsils and look at the symmetry of the face. In this case, the doctor uses an otoscope to check the ears, nose and throat. The neck is palpated or felt for abnormalities. At the same time, the thyroid gland, bones and blood vessels are examined. A stethoscope can be used to listen to the arteries in the neck, as this procedure can identify blood blockages in the arteries. The head and neck are also checked for enlarged lymph nodes and other abnormalities.

b) Cardiovascular system: The doctor uses a phonendoscope to listen to the heart - its frequency and rhythm. Any unusual sounds, such as murmurs, as well as any rhythm abnormalities - such as irregularities in frequency or regularity - should be examined. Blood pressure and heart rate must be measured.

C) Lungs: The doctor should evaluate the regularity of breathing and whether it is difficult. Inhalations should not be too fast or shallow. Listening with a phonendoscope is mandatory. Breathing should be clear, without wheezing, congestion or other unusual sounds.

D) Breasts: For both men and women, a visual inspection should be performed for asymmetry, indentations or lumps. Palpation is then performed to examine the breast tissue for lumps, thickening or nipple discharge. Both armpits should be checked for any swelling, nodules, or lumps.

E) Abdomen: Inspect and listen to the abdomen to assess for any thickening, rashes, discolored skin or asymmetry, or bowel sounds. By palpating and percussing (tapping) the abdomen, the doctor determines the size of the liver and spleen, and also evaluates the presence of abnormal thickenings or lumps. Any pain or tenderness will also be noted, as will a lump in the abdominal area.

E) Urogenital: In men, the penis and scrotum should be examined for damage, discharge, redness, swelling or asymmetry. The testicles are palpated for lumps, tumors, or swellings. In this case, the doctor checks first one testicle, then the second, then the inguinal canal, while you will be asked to turn your head and cough in order to check for a hernia.

G) Vaginal examination (women): A visual examination of the external genitalia is performed to look for unusual discharge (clear or white is normal for women), redness, swelling, irritation, skin discoloration, lumps, scarring, or asymmetries. The examination must be carried out using special instruments and end with the collection of material for examination. This way you can determine the presence of atypical cells and infection.

H) Rectal examination: After 40, men and women should undergo a rectal examination, which includes examination, palpation of the rectum, assessment of sphincter tone, and the presence of pathological discharge.

Surveys e, g, h It is better to entrust it to narrow specialists.

I) Neurological examination: includes a number of standard tests for coordination, sensitivity, strength and mobility, and reflex testing.

K) During this medical examination, a competent doctor will examine the joints and spine, skin and visible mucous membranes, subcutaneous vessels. Determines the presence of any deformations and changes, if any.

Doctors have not done much to assuage these fears, and often they perform the examination in a hurry to reduce the patient's worries! Of course, men tell their friends about these experiences, and then rumors, stories, guilt and shame are passed on from person to person and from generation to generation.

Let's talk about what and why is happening at the doctor's. Here's how I would describe the exam to a teenager: First, the doctor should take a medical history. This means you just have to tell it. The doctor will likely ask you the following questions:

Doctors, by the way, should not guess whether you are heterosexual or completely homosexual. Be prepared to be asked a question about this topic and to answer it honestly.

Next, the doctor must examine and examine your genitals, so you will have to take off your pants! You should be given a robe or sheet to cover yourself with. The doctor may cup your scrotum and feel your testicles while asking you to cough. This is done to check if your testicles are healthy. Do they move when you cough? Are they smooth to the touch? Are there any tumors, lumps, warts, sores or swelling? The doctor will repeat the testicular self-monitoring procedure, which you should do at least once a month.

Regular (monthly) testicular self-examination is important because testicular cancer often affects young men, but if detected early, the disease is usually curable. The examination is simple and takes a few minutes.

The testicles in the scrotum feel like small, firm, hard-boiled eggs without a shell. On their posterior surface and apex is the epididymis, which is felt separately, like a ridge rising along the posterior surface of the testicle. The appendage has two parts: the body and the tail, which is sometimes felt separately. The spermatic cord is attached to the upper pole of the testicle and extends upward into the inguinal canal. It consists of muscle fibers, blood vessels and the vas deferens. The cord has a spongy structure, with the exception of the vas deferens, which is dense to the touch (like a twig) and feels like “pasta”.

First of all, inspect the entire scrotum and the surface of the surrounding skin, note the presence of any rash, other painful formations, or tumors. Then gently feel the scrotum and its contents. After several such examinations, you will become familiar with the feel of the healthy tissues that make up the testicles, their epididymis, the vas deferens, and any abnormality will be immediately detected. Any changes you see or feel should be brought to the attention of your doctor.

It is advisable to conduct such a self-examination once in a doctor’s office so that he can answer any questions that may arise.

The doctor will examine the penis for the same purpose and check for abnormal discharge. The doctor should examine the area under the foreskin to rule out scars, warts, and sores.

Once the area has been examined, the doctor may perform a rectal examination. To do this, you will be asked to lie down on a table. Don't panic, breathe deeply, try not to tense up. The doctor will put on a rubber glove, apply some cream to it, and then insert one finger into your anus, into your rectum. This is done to check the prostate gland for signs of inflammation, enlargement, or swelling. It will only take a few seconds. Your penis may become erect. This is normal. This does not mean that you or the doctor are perverts. A good doctor will explain all this to you before the test begins or will talk to you throughout the test. Some doctors don't do this, so you need to be sexually mature and informed.

If there are any signs of inflammation, your doctor will ask you to take a urine and/or stool test. The doctor may also take a swab from your anus and throat. You should tell your doctor honestly (even if he doesn't ask) what type of sex you had: vaginal, anal and/or oral. Remember that sexually transmitted diseases can occur anywhere there has been sexual contact or exchange of bodily secretions. And of course, admit it if you've ever shared hypodermic needles.

It is not the doctor's place to judge you. If you feel like your doctor is judging you, then change doctors!

The doctor may also feel your abdomen to look for signs of disease, especially the liver and spleen. You may be referred for blood tests.

A thorough examination for sexual diseases takes on average 15 minutes. It could save your or your partner's life. Force yourself to become sexually mature and go to the doctor!

If you have never had sex and are otherwise healthy, you should probably have the above screening when you are around 18 to 20 years old. If everything is fine for you, then you probably do not need to be examined again until you become sexually active. Then you will need to be examined every time you have a new partner or if you find out that your partner is having sex with someone other than you.

Most men, due to their self-confidence, ignore visiting doctors, even when the first signs of illness appear. Confidence, and sometimes pride, does not allow them to recognize themselves as sick and in need of medical care. All this is good, but still every man has the risk of age-related diseases, which can be prevented if you go for an unscheduled medical examination on time.

There have often been cases where men complained about permanent chest pain, but stubbornly resisted seeing a doctor. As a result, they all suffered a heart attack, which could have been predicted if not for excessive persistence!

What makes men sacrifice themselves but not go to the doctor? There are actually a lot of answers! There is also a busy work schedule, which does not allow time for an examination, which, as we know, you cannot get to without an appointment. There is also a high cost of treatment and medications, which sometimes dishonest doctors prescribe in order to get their share of the sale. There are theories that men believe that they have nothing to do there, because they drink, smoke, eat poorly, and that nothing will save them in this life!

We think the main reasons are clear, but how can you still bring a man for a medical examination? Here we will have to explain that with age a man has every chance of developing diabetes, various problems with the thyroid gland, the cardiovascular system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other age-related diseases of men! To prevent all possible diseases, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests and tests, take several x-rays and a cardiogram of the heart..

To be examined effectively, you must first completely trust the doctor.! It would be good if it was a doctor you know or a doctor who was recommended to you by your acquaintances or friends. This way you will definitely be confident in his professionalism and unbiased attitude towards your person. You can trust such a doctor with your treatment if you have any problems! If you are meeting a doctor for the first time, start a conversation with him, ask about his qualifications, work experience, try to find common interests with him so that you develop trust in him!

A man must understand that a medical examination is a deeply personal matter, and it is not done according to a well-established pattern. Therefore, he must be aware of the list of minimum procedures and tests that he must undergo: with the expectation that the examining doctor can individually add several tests on his own, if necessary, if he considers it necessary.

List of mandatory procedures and tests for men:

  • Checking blood pressure: a simple way to identify the presence of heart failure or low blood pressure, in which certain contraindications will enter everyday life that you will have to put up with;

  • Donating blood for cholesterol: a mandatory procedure for men over thirty-five years of age, which is recommended every five years to avoid diseases such as diabetes. In a healthy man, cholesterol levels should not increase until the age of sixty; if the result is higher than normal, this is the first alarm bell that needs to be responded to, namely, consult a doctor;
  • Cancer test: the screening procedure is mandatory, especially for men over fifty years of age! At an older age, a man is more prone to developing colon or rectal cancer, based on the general statistics of deaths from this disease. Get your test done on time - don’t add to these terrible statistics;
  • Age-related vaccinations: as you know, with age a man becomes weaker, and accordingly his immunity also weakens and requires additional protection, which vaccination can provide him;
  • Test for prostate cancer and testicular cancer: Prostate cancer is a common disease in men of all ages, which can be prevented by surgery. The disease may not show external signs for a long time, but usually takes the victim by surprise. It is very important to detect testicular cancer in the early stages, since with age the symptoms are less noticeable and the consequences occur quickly. Therefore, these tests for men are considered mandatory at different age stages. If the problem still overtakes you, contact the infertility treatment center: there you will receive comprehensive advice on the issue;
  • Test for diabetes mellitus: taken after passing a cholesterol test, if the results are inflated or if the patient’s blood pressure is high. Most often, this test is prescribed to men who have obvious signs of obesity;
  • Skin cancer analysis: a procedure that must be completed when unusual spots are found on the skin surface, as well as when birthmarks occur in late life in men.

Men, remember, the sooner you undergo a medical examination, the easier the treatment will be, and it won’t cost you a pretty penny! Be healthy!