Sad phrases about life. Sad statuses about love. Enjoy the warm sun

Why do people write sad quotes? Why are there so many more sad quotes than happy ones? What is “sadness” anyway? Let's try to figure it out. First of all, sadness is dissatisfaction with something: be it life, health, weather or something else. A sad statement written on a piece of paper immediately becomes a small story of loneliness.

The best sad quote about life according to the site:

● The law of our life is simple: if you’re used to it, you survive, if you’re not used to it, you die.

● Reading sad quotes gives you the feeling that you are not the only one in such a depressed state. It calms you down and makes you feel better.

● Life is a continuum in miniature.

● There is one very fair agreement between time and death: time is all life, and death is all eternity.

● Alcohol can be considered from the point of view of an anesthetic agent that allows you to endure one continuous operation - life.

● Some see the beginning of life after forty, while others see it after drinking one hundred grams.

● Everyone speaks with an accent in a language called life.

● What is life? Life is what we experience while we are making plans for the future.

● Life is a stupid toy, because it is given only to babies.

● Everyone strives to get the maximum with a minimum of effort, and at the end of life they complain that life is a deceiver.

● In this life there are only two main tasks: to achieve what you want and to be able to enjoy it. The first is a difficult but doable task. But only a sage can handle the second.

● A person begins to clearly see the meaning of life when, planting a tree, he understands that he will never be able to rest in their shade.

● The moment you were born, the whole world rejoiced, and you alone cried. So try to live your life in such a way that at the moment when you die, the whole world will cry, and you will smile.

● We are all clearly aware of who we are, then none of us knows who we can become.

● When people start saying everything they think about, there will be deathly silence.

● You should not attach special importance to all the troubles and sorrows that happen to you, because tomorrow they will all mean absolutely nothing. You know, when you are not noticed, it means that your actions are indifferent to everyone.

● You can just sit and do nothing, because you are nothing, an empty place. And your whole life is just a big round zero. For some reason, at that moment when you are truly sad, you can only calm down next to the person who is also feeling bad...

● Many people are perfectionists who believe blindly in ideals and believe that loneliness is synonymous with an unsuccessful life.

● We can fall in love, but the possibility of a broken heart is always there.

● What is loneliness? You know, this is when you decide to go out to smoke at night, but no one will ask where you are going at such a late hour...

● It takes a person two years to learn to speak and sixty years just to learn to remain silent.

  • Life is just a long road to death...
  • Do you know what's scary? when your parents live in the same apartment, but at the same time they hate each other more than anything in the world... and you look at it and can’t do anything...
  • In darkness there is no difference between the absence of light and the absence of darkness.
  • It's a shame that there are very few people who will just write like that, for no reason or reason, simply because they are bored.
  • He is in her soul, and she is in his Odnoklassniki!
  • I have already regretted a million times that I was sincere to every drop with some people.
  • It’s bad, very bad that people don’t purr like cats. It would be immediately clear how the person treats you, and, if anything happens, you could rumble in response.
  • It’s raining outside, there’s slush outside... you’re not around - I want to cry...
  • I feel lonely among friends...
  • She said, she promised... But to hell with everything after your “go away.”
  • It's hard to trust someone who hurts...
  • I won't sleep today, just like you. We'll just look at different ceilings.
  • What could be more depressing than a cold bed, a lonely morning shower, cooking breakfast only for yourself...
  • There is no need to smile in a person’s face if there is so much hatred in your soul...
  • I want to forget my love for a moment, but I can’t. I want to fly away from everything, but I don’t know where. I want to run away from love, but one thing I know is that it won’t leave me there either...
  • There is no need to be a victim, believe me, no one will appreciate it...
  • The worst thing is that your friends forget you... Your parents don't find you mutual language... And people close to you turn away from you...
  • Tears are the rain of the soul, and pain is just clouds.
  • Know that you are just a guest on this earth...
  • Sometimes we wrap ourselves in a blanket and still cannot warm ourselves, because in fact we are cold not outside, but there, inside, in our hearts.
  • How we love to suffer from love! How we love to make others suffer! So silly…
  • It's hard to get used to the absence of those people who were part of my day just recently...
  • I respect people who are able to cope with the loss of literally everything. Appreciate and respect those who love you and are close to you, and do not go crazy over those who really like you...
  • Learn from the ball: the harder it is hit, the higher it flies.
  • I drink the most cruel and sad cocktail of vodka and loneliness. I can smile only after drinking to the bottom.
  • When words hit the soul, they bring tears...
  • Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, the forgotten are not called...
  • People are born to be loved. Things are created to be used. But our world is in chaos! Because things are loved and people are used.
  • It’s hard to breathe under the mask of a smile and joy... when your heart is crying...
  • It's scary when you delete a number from the phone book, not because you had a fight with the person, but because he is no longer alive.

The collection includes sad quotes and sad phrases on various topics:

  • I am probably the saddest and saddest person you have ever met.
  • Unrequited love lasts a very long time, hurts very deeply and evokes strong emotions.
  • I understand how funny it is to look for my answer in your eyes! In the eyes that don’t care... whether I’m there or not.
  • It hurts - the heart said, you will forget - time calmed down, but I will come back sometimes - the memory whispered.
  • I thought we were friends forever. Eternity turned out to be much shorter.
  • There are moments in life when there are no tears in your eyes, but there is a whole sea in your heart.
  • It hurts like crazy when you miss someone who will never come back.
  • In the empty night of loneliness - that’s when something of his own can grow in a person, unless he falls into despair... Erich Maria Remarque
  • The more people are around you, the more acutely you feel your loneliness.
  • There are so many people around, but every evening you feel so alone...
  • It sucks when you desperately want to throw out the angry words “and don’t call me again,” but the person doesn’t call or write anyway.
  • It doesn’t seem to be sad or even painful, but it’s very empty and the tears are involuntary...
  • When leaving, do not forget to close the door tightly behind you so that you do not have the desire to return. And if you want to return everything back, remember why you left...
  • All problems are solvable. But you understand this only when you are already flying from the 15th floor head down.
  • You have a wonderful memory when you can’t remember the reason for your sadness that tormented you last week.
  • Dry your tears... do you hear?... You will still be the happiest in this world...
  • You became prettier, matured and became sad... A very common story, right?
  • The one who cares is sad.
  • You are. I am. But we are not!
  • Sadness is enough on its own, but to truly enjoy it, you need to share it with others.
  • It feels like someone took a shit in the shower and forgot to clean up after themselves...
  • If a person sad eyes, it means he understands something in this life.
  • There is no loneliness more terrible than loneliness in a crowd, when everyone is having fun, but you want to cry!
  • There are actions that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which the people closest to you become nobody.
  • The slush, the dirt, the oppressive grayness of the streets is little by little killing me...
  • Living only for yourself, by definition, is devoid of a purpose for which it is worth getting up in the morning. Janusz Leon Wisniewski
  • Tears are not a sign of weakness, but a sign that a person has been strong for too long.
  • Do you know what's the worst thing in the world?... Loving someone who doesn't love you anymore.
  • Strong is when you want to cry from pain, but you smile at everyone.
  • And that’s why, before you fall asleep, you spend a long time remembering what you so want to forget.
  • The most offensive thing is to find out that everything was in vain, and you tried.
  • Of all the sad and sad words in the world that can be spoken or written, the saddest are these - “It had to happen.”
  • It’s easier to say that everything is fine than to explain why everything is so bad.
  • Sometimes it is simply necessary for a person to feel sad.
  • For some reason, some people only start writing to you when you come to visit them...
  • Each of us is devoted... or to someone, or by someone...
  • Losing everyone you love so suddenly is the hardest thing that can happen in life!
  • How bad it is when you love your loved one, you cannot live without him, but he knows this very well and takes advantage of it!
  • It’s very disappointing to lose money, but it’s even more offensive to lose a person who was once considered your friend and is now disintegrating before your eyes into rotten meat. Sergey Minaev
  • As a rule, problems do not stand in line; they all enter our lives at once.
  • She felt as if she had been carefully cleaned from the inside, removing thoughts, emotions, impressions... A kind of emotional abortion without anesthesia. She seemed sad, but she couldn't bring herself to cry.
  • When love ends, there are no winners, only deserters and losers. Martha Ketro
  • Your sad quotes make me shiver...
  • Loneliness is not the absence of friends or loved ones, loneliness is when your heart aches for someone you don’t even know.
  • When tears come to my eyes, I sit back and watch their performance...
  • People often remain lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls.
  • Loving you is the same thing as dying... dying from happiness... or from the pain you cause me...
  • I love you and that’s it, and I don’t care who you’re with now!
  • People can come up with a whole speech to justify themselves. Instead of saying "I'm sorry."
  • Someone could have come and saved me from the horror, but no one came... because no one ever comes. Stephen King
  • Loneliness is when those you love are happy without you.
  • When you are at your lowest, your greatest misfortune will be that you have previously known happiness.
  • Loneliness together is a voluntary hell.
  • How you want to hear from just one person, the words that many say...
  • It is very painful to doubt the sincerity of those we love. Anne Bronte
  • How difficult it is to tell a person about feelings when you are not sure of reciprocity.
  • Sometimes one single loss can teach you in ways that hundreds of the happiest encounters cannot teach you.
  • What a pity that there is no “Delete” button in human memory!
  • Why do you hurt those who love you? They are defenseless because of their love for you!
  • Sometimes I want to become a child... because only now I understand that broken knees heal faster than a broken heart...
  • Sometimes it's better to be alone - no one can hurt you.
  • Before, I didn’t know that you could inflict such pain on a person that you don’t want to live. Moreover, there is only one reason for this - the fact of its existence.
  • And I’ll light a cigarette involuntarily, to the sad sound of the autumn rain, so that at least for a moment I can forget how painful it is... how painful it is not to love you...
  • The worst thing... is when you love each other, but you're both proud
  • And it doesn’t seem sad, and it doesn’t even hurt. But it’s furiously empty and tears involuntarily...
  • There are so many things you can live without.
  • Married to loneliness. I still can’t get a divorce.
  • Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They don't make sense to me. Memory? You can't erase it. Heart? Broken...
  • It is easier for women to bury men who have left, leaving a mark on their lives. Elchin Safarli
  • Statuses sad thoughts - I hate loneliness, but it loves me.

Good taste speaks not so much of intelligence as of clarity of judgment.

Fortune sometimes gives too much, but never enough!

Learn to find joy in life, this The best way attract happiness.

You are the only reason for my past happiness and present pain.

It is unlikely that any of the proctologists dreamed in childhood of becoming what they became. Life just happened that way.

A lover does not always confess his love, and a man who confesses his love does not always love.

Tears are a defensive fluid.

Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up!

A beautiful girl is almost never alone, but, alas, she is often lonely.

Beautiful does not mean a toy. Bitch does not mean heartless. Lonely does not mean loner. Being in love doesn't mean happy.

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

If you are inactive now, then either you have uncertainty ahead, or you regret something.

If you find yourself on opposite sides of barricades built by someone, tear down those barricades!

If you do nothing, you will get the same thing.

Life is a game we play without knowing the rules, levels, and we lose more often than we win.

A woman justifies her infidelity if she feels unhappy in her marriage.

If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

Let it be known to you: everyone feels sorry for the weak, but envy must be earned!

Everyone puts into the concept of happiness what they lack most.

Every woman loves being given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

Anyone looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends.

Sometimes you just want to turn around and tell everyone: Fuck you!

Sometimes we cry from laughing, but Lately, we laugh more and more often in order not to cry. We are consumed by sadness.

Sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, no one cares about you.

Cherish what you have. Fight for what you can lose. And appreciate everything that is dear to you!

The road called “later” leads to a country called “nowhere.”

In order to understand that this is shit, you don’t have to taste it.

What makes a good day is not the date or the weather, but the people.

Drive away your friends who betrayed you once, who betrayed you once will betray you twice!

It is at that moment when you realize that you know a person 1OO%, he will prove to you that you know nothing about him.

You know, it’s so offensive when your own mother behaves as if you are the last piece of shit in the world.

Tomorrow will be a new day, again sadness, melancholy.

Stupid guys often confuse naturalness with bad manners and rudeness.

A woman always leaves a chance. It doesn't matter, to yourself or to him. Just a chance.

There are many ways to kill time - and not one to resurrect it.

If you want to get to know a person, don't listen to what others say about him. Listen to what he says about others.

Any person on our way meets for a reason. One will bring joy, and the other will teach you how to live and strengthen your character.

Love is not a disease. Illness is the absence of love.

"Baurzhan Toyshibekov"

Don't be afraid of losing someone. People destined by fate are not lost. The ones that get lost are for experience.

Our biggest problems come from avoiding the small ones.

Our life has meaning only as much as we sincerely want to live.

Don't expect a miracle - miracles are the consequences of our actions.

The opinions of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But nothing more.

Leave cloudy water alone and it will become clear and clear.

You can fool anyone, but never a fool.

Lousy. Burn all your bridges and realize that you are on the wrong side.

It’s not difficult to put a point. It is more difficult to see how the person for whom you least wanted pain, all the time adds two more to this point.

She can sit like this for hours: listening to the same song, wiping her tears with her palm and convincing herself that she doesn’t care.

Words can squeeze out the soul, and it flows out through the eyes. That's why people cry.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.

Excessive touchiness is a sign of lack of intelligence or some kind of complex.

Out of thousands of those who speak beautifully, I will choose the one who silently does things.

When you throw dirt at a person, remember that it may not reach him. And it will remain in your hands.

Relying only on yourself is a great way to stop being disappointed in people and live in a great mood.

We often chase after what we essentially don’t need.

I don’t listen to those who say that I’m wasting my life, because at least I’m living, and someone is talking.

I don't talk about life, I live.

You can never forget what you want to forget most!

Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.

If the world were good place, we wouldn't cry at birth.

Day and night she cries to the same music. Tears are rolling down, and she is still trying to convince herself of indifference.

As I often notice and admit this unwillingly, my friends of yesterday hurt me today.

How hard it is when friends move to another city.

Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

If you want to continue, don't tell anyone about the beginning.

Life loves to create darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

Life is a textbook that closes only with your last breath.

Sorrows, like children, grow best when they are nurtured.
Caroline Holland

Mourning is a type of idleness.
Samuel Johnson

Everyone is ready to share the fun; no one wants to share the sadness.
M.Yu. Lermontov

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.
Ewald Christian Kleist

When you are sad alone, the mirror doubles your loneliness.
Alfred King

Childhood ends when memories appear that cause sadness.

Small sadness is eloquent, great sadness is silent.

When I'm happy I want to cry, but when I'm sad I don't feel like laughing. Therefore, it is better, I think, to be happy. So you get two experiences for the price of one.
Lily Tomlin

A man born of a woman is short-lived and full of sorrows. Like a flower, it comes out and falls: it runs away like a shadow and does not stop.
Book of Job, 14. 1-2

Godly sorrow produces unchanging repentance leading to salvation, but worldly sorrow produces death.
New Testament, 2 Corinthians, 7:10

There is a limit for sadness, but there is no limit for anxiety.
Pliny the Younger

You can’t not grieve at all, but you can’t grieve too much either. This is what the wise men said: Let a man whiten his house, but let him leave a small place unwhitened in remembrance of Jerusalem.
Talmud. "Honeycomb", 9, II; 9, 15

From attachment comes sorrow, from attachment comes fear; from one who has freed himself from attachment. there is no seal, where does the fear come from?
Buddha (Dhammapada, XV, 214)

We begin to laugh with someone who is laughing, we become sad when we find ourselves in a crowd of mourners, and we become excited when we watch others compete.

Because life is very short, it is very sad, so it is good that it is short.
Jeremy Taylor

Those who are too busy to worry during the day usually sleep too soundly to worry at night.

Find the words for your seal and you will love it.
Oscar Wilde

In addition to numerous acquaintances, I have one friend - sadness. In the midst of noisy fun and during hours of hard work, he suddenly calls me away, draws me into his solitude, and I follow him, although, in essence, I do not move from my place. My heart has never had more true friend- Is it any wonder that I belong to him with all my heart!
S. Kierkegaard

Unfulfilled hopes leave sadness, fulfilled hopes leave disappointment.
Vladimir Shoikher

Sadness is a cruel ruler.
Mikhail Lermontov

Joy and sadness in half
We are destined to find out.
William Blake

When you understand why everyone is happy, you will be overcome with sadness.
Dejan Lopicic

When satirical publications make you sad, the serious press makes you smile.
Leszek Kumor

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.
Heinrich Kleist

There is nothing sadder than seeing the funny side of everything.
Ivan Sharapov

Funny people often make a sad impression.
Walter Polubotko

Our most melodic songs are those that convey the saddest thoughts.
Percy Shelley

He who is only wise lives a sad life.
Francois Voltaire

It's a little sad to rejoice alone.
Gotthold Lessing