Garnet is a precious stone and zodiac sign. Pomegranate

➤ Pomegranate. Gemstone

Physical properties of garnet

Garnet (carbuncle, anfrax, worm, benissa, becheta or bijazi, leucogranate, shorlomite, melanite, Ural garnet, andradite, spessartine) is one of the most famous and most beautiful gemstones in the world.

Pomegranate got its name from the fruit of the same name - pomegranate (which, translated from Latin (“granum”), means “grain”, “grain”). Garnet was named so because naturally occurring garnet crystals closely resemble pomegranate seeds.

By the way, a well-known measure of weight is a grain (less than half a percent of a gram), which has been used since ancient times for precious stones, so named because in the old days they used grains of small fruits.

Previously, all red precious stones were called garnets. And the name “pomegranate” was first used by the alchemist Albertus Magnus in 1270. And only from the beginning of the 19th century, garnets began to mean only certain stones - almandines, andradites, grossulars, pyropes, demantoids, spessartines and uvarovites.

However, over the long period of existence of this precious stone, it acquired a huge number of names: carbuncle (from the Latin “carbon” - “coal”, since garnet stones were very reminiscent of flickering coals), anfrax (not only garnets, but also other red stones - ruby, tourmaline, spinel), worm, benissa, becheta or bijazi (used by the inhabitants of Ancient Rus') and others.

Nowadays, garnet is a transparent red stone (most often almandine and pyrope). But there are garnets of other colors - leucogranate (transparent gem- “leikos” means “white” in Greek), shorlomite and melanite (black garnet), Ural garnet (unusual green color), spessartine (yellow-orange, red-orange garnet). There are no blue and light blue garnets.

Varieties of garnet gemstone:

  • pyropes - red and dark red garnets, the color is very thick, making the stones appear almost black
  • rhodolites - pink, red-pink, violet-pink garnets, bright to neon in color, are a mixture of pyropes and almandines
  • almandines - deep red, violet-red, violet, crimson, brown-red garnets, rated lower than other varieties of garnets
  • uvarovite - emerald green or grassy green garnets, large stones are very rare
  • grossulars - light green, greenish-brown, yellowish garnets, are divided into several types:
    • hessonites - brown, orange, yellow grossulars
    • rosolites - pale pink, pinkish-red grossulars
    • rumyantsevites - brownish-red grossulars
    • succinites - amber-yellow grossulars
    • tsavorites - green grossulars, the most valuable variety of grossulars
    • hydrogrossulars - pale colored grossulars
  • andradites - yellow, green, red, brown garnets, there are several varieties:
    • demantoids - green andradites, have a strong shine, the most valuable among all types of garnets
    • topazolites - yellow-green andradites, too small for jewelry
    • collophonites - reddish-brown andradites
    • zhelletites - light green andradites
    • melanitis - black andradites
  • spessartines - pink, red, orange, brown, brown garnets
  • majorites - purple garnets, very rare and very expensive (from $2000 per 1 carat), are not available for free sale

Garnet is a very beautiful gemstone and has been used by jewelers since ancient times to make jewelry - rings, pendants, earrings and brooches. Some of the most beautiful garnet jewelry is the necklace that the famous composer B. Smetana gave to his wife (now kept in Prague in the B. Smetana Museum) and the garnet set given by Goethe to Ulrike von Levetzow (the garnet set includes a necklace, two bracelets, buckle, earrings and ring, in total there are 460 beautiful garnets in the whole set).

Magical properties of pomegranate. Garnet is generally considered a stone of love and passion among many peoples. Therefore, lovers often gave their beloved jewelry with garnets, and young unmarried girls wore jewelry with this particular stone. It is believed that garnet kindles passion and excites sexuality. But the pomegranate is also considered a symbol of power, courage, loyalty, strength, will and joy. In medieval Europe, it was believed that pomegranate would protect against wounds and poisons. But this gemstone can inflame not only passion, but also anger, so you should be careful with this stone. And black garnets will help you look into the future and communicate with the departed.

Medicinal properties of pomegranate. Because of its red color, pomegranate is believed to have a positive effect on blood circulation and the heart. Pomegranate necklaces will help relieve headaches and bring down high temperature. It is also believed that pomegranate will help a pregnant woman during childbirth. And yellow and brown pomegranates will cope well with skin diseases and various allergies.

The mineral got its name in 1675. It was invented by the medieval jeweler Albert Magnus in honor of the grain of a ripened fruit. Until this time, garnet, the stone of passion, was called a grain, a grain, or a mealybug.

Ancient jewelers made a lot of jewelry from the “magic” stone. To this day, antique garnet items are sold at major auctions to wealthy collectors. As before, craftsmen highly value the stone and make expensive accessories from it.

Garnet is one of the most sought after precious minerals, actively used in jewelry, science and industry.

The color of garnet comes not only in red tints, but in its many variations there are:

  • green;
  • dark lilac;
  • red-burgundy;
  • yellow;
  • orange and even transparent

The precious mineral was first discovered in Europe, and then began to be mined all over the world. Experts recognize its many varieties by color.

Even in ancient times, people believed that a dark burgundy stone gave its owners the magical ability to communicate with the world of the dead.

Due to its amazing color, it is reflected in different nations precisely as the frozen blood of dragons and great warriors. The gem has countless names. In modern science, pomegranate has many varieties, which, in turn, also have a name.

The most recognizable color of the stone, known for many millennia, is a red-burgundy shade, which can shine with its undertones. The color and shape are similar to the grains of pomegranate fruits, which have absorbed the juices of the earth.

The vast “family” of the popular color category, depending on the undertones, is divided into subgroups:

  • pyropes;
  • almandines

The pink color of garnet is given the name rhodolite.

The rare and most valuable type of stone is demantoid. It is characterized by a sparkling green color and is found only in the Urals and the Czech Republic.

This variety is also called the Ural garnet, where there are deposits of other stones with a unique color:

  • uvarovite - emerald green;
  • grossular - yellowish green

The list of unusual varieties continues with yellow and orange gems:

  • topazolites;
  • spessartines;
  • andradites

The luxurious palette of stones can be listed endlessly.

To generalize based on color, they are divided into two large groups:

  • red tides - garnets;
  • green shades - olivines

How much does a pomegranate cost?

In the 60s of the 20th century, production was opened to develop synthetic varieties of pomegranate. At first, crystals with the required hardness were created, and they planned to be used only for industrial needs.

Later they came to the conclusion that artificial minerals - garnetites - are good for making jewelry. Products, for example, made from yttrium are distinguished by their magnificent shine, and the price for the consumer is much lower than accessories made from natural gems.

It is known that a natural stone It is easily magnetized, and recognizing its origin is not difficult. Artificial analogues can be large in size, but natural ones cannot, just as there is no specific price for a mineral from the natural environment.

Red garnets differ in price from their green counterparts. Jewelry lovers are willing to pay a lot of money for demantoid.

Legends and tales

He decorated rings for beauties.
Warriors often had it on their armor.
On Monomakh's hat, except for fur
The big garnet shone solemnly!
Demeeva Svetlana

The stone has always accompanied man, and people have always treated the mineral with admiration. Greek cultures, Ancient Egypt, The Roman Empire left mentions of this delightful gem to its heirs. Even then it was considered the stone of commanders and princes.

Bestowing power and courage, the pomegranate was an invariable attribute for warriors. They decorated their armor with talismans to protect themselves from illness and wounds.

The knights of the Middle Ages were convinced that the garnet stone neutralizes water and neutralizes poisons. The beloved, tremblingly awaiting her chosen one in the castle, hoped for his victorious return, because with a pomegranate knight the sword and arrows of the enemy are not afraid, and love in separation is tempered like the frozen fire of a fiery heart.

According to one wonderful legend, the king planned a difficult test for future suitors for his only daughter. The boys had to pick three ripe fruit a grenade in a distant magical garden, which was guarded by insidious and evil demons. No one managed to defeat the satanic lair, and only one brave young man was able to defeat the evil forces and pluck the treasured fruits.

Upon returning home, he froze in terrible amazement when he saw that famine and disease had fallen on his native land, and the ruler was dying. The brave fellow, without hesitation, broke one pomegranate and restored the king’s health. Another fruit gave the inhabitants prosperity and well-being. The third scattered in tiny grains throughout the world, and whoever found it found love.

Until now, many girls wear garnet jewelry and believe that the stone will kindle voluptuousness and fill the heart with strength and deep feeling.

Garnet in art and literature

On the original canvas of the immortal “Madonna Conestabile” » Raphael depicted a pomegranate fruit in the hands of a mother and baby - a symbol of passion for Christ. After the restoration - a prayer book with a similar meaning - a premonition of terrible torment and Golgotha.

Kuprin’s garnet bracelet in the theme of love is interpreted as the penetrating power of a stone capable of absorbing not only passionate feelings, but also life.

The gem is mentioned in the works of poets and prose writers of different nations:

  • the eastern poet Hafiz compares a pomegranate illuminated by a ray of light with the burning love that settled in his heart;
  • the English writer Conan Doyle, a doctor by training, also has a mention of pomegranate in one of his many novels;
  • The dramaturgy of Oscar Wilde in his fantastic work “The Picture of Dorian Gray” was not without mention of the magical properties of the stone

In the lives of different peoples, pomegranate is associated with a sign of frenzied passion. For ardent and temperamental people, the stone brings success, luck and love, and in difficult moments it helps to gain composure and cope with troubles with dignity.

Perhaps for this reason, soothsayers do not advise passive and indifferent people to wear a garnet ring. They will not be able to match the ardent “character” of the gem, which can lead to nervous exhaustion.

Which zodiac sign suits pomegranate in astrological interpretations

The mineral is not harmonious with all signs of the Zodiac. According to the horoscope, Cancer and Pisces are bright representatives of the aquatic environment. People born under these signs have a high moral and spiritual essence, but the energy level is low, so garnet is not suitable for them.

For others, the stone gives vigor and optimism. It fills with positive energy if it is not worn constantly - the limit of a person’s spiritual and physical potential is limited.

  1. The stone is ideal for Scorpios and Capricorns. He helps them achieve success and become leaders;
  2. Aquarius and Sagittarius are helped in romantic relationships;
  3. It helps Leos and Geminis to maintain control over themselves and gain spiritual harmony;
  4. For Libra and Aries, pomegranate relieves changeable moods and drives away bad thoughts;
  5. Virgo's reveals mental capacity, and also protects them from diseases;
  6. For Taurus, astrologers advise wearing delicate jewelry with almandine garnet - a bracelet, pendant, necklace.

The army of magicians was divided into two camps. Some believe that pomegranate is a coveted stone that will definitely bring good luck, health, and love. Others argue that the rich red color does not bring happiness, and ardent and sensual desires often turn against the owner of luxurious jewelry.

Magical and healing properties of pomegranate

It is believed that olivine (a green stone) brings peace, prosperity and prosperity to the home. The mineral helps you manage your feelings and sets you up for impeccable organization, both in everyday life and in your thoughts.

It is incredible that pomegranate not only gives a person an enhanced perception of beauty, but also promotes productive activity. Red pomegranate affects people differently. The stone makes men decisive and courageous. Gives women sanity.

Pomegranate - symbol:

  • love;
  • devotion;
  • friendship;
  • respect

The stone itself is filled with passion, drives away sadness, and gives confidence in one’s own abilities. People who wear garnet jewelry may have power over others. If the owner of the gem is a selfish and vile person, then the stone will fade, become inconspicuous and will not bring magical luck.

  • it will serve owners with a pure soul, fill them with energy and well-being, and will also delight with its bewitching radiance;
  • to warriors who possess such an amulet, the stone brings phenomenal strength and unprecedented courage;
  • gives lovers a magical attraction and the desire to never part

Pomegranate is also known for its medicinal properties:

  1. Medieval knights could not do without a saving stone. He protected from wounds, helped get rid of pain, stop bleeding;
  2. Sorcerers advise people with vascular diseases: it restores heart function and stabilizes blood pressure;
  3. Pomegranate can cure lung diseases, colds, relieve headaches and charge you with remarkable energy;
  4. Healers claim that the mineral also has a positive effect on the digestive system: it stabilizes acid-base balance. In the Middle Ages, people ground pomegranate into powder, mixed it with water and drank it to relieve stomach pain.

Centuries-old beliefs about the healing properties of garnet stone are in no way confirmed by science, and such fantasies are far from traditional medicine, but the magical power of the gem is of enormous importance for humans, and its dominance is limitless. Supporters folk ways improve your health, despite the denial of scientists, believe in the power of nature!

Benefits and harms to women's health

Once upon a time, people were of the belief that a pregnant woman wearing a garnet decoration would carry a child without complications, and during childbirth she and the baby would not be in danger.

In the old days, residents of many countries were convinced that the stone was capable, like the fruits of trees of the same name, to improve the composition of the blood and its circulation, as well as increase the amount of hemoglobin.

Pomegranate jewelry for women has its own special meaning:

  1. Almandines. Pink, purple and red tones are appropriate for young girls. Such gems contribute to the rapid assimilation of educational material;
  2. Pyropes. Dark red shades help mature women when doing business. The strongest energy of the mineral helps to overcome difficult tasks. Healers do not recommend wearing the stone during rest hours;
  3. Grossulars. Yellowish shades protect helpless and weak-willed women. Such stones help them become more decisive and overcome self-doubt.

Regardless of color and belonging to any subgroup, all garnet minerals protect family peace, well-being and health of household members!

A beautiful bright stone with a deep and rich burgundy-red color attracted the attention of people 3 thousand years ago. Today, garnet has not lost its popularity and is still often found in jewelry. If you want to buy yourself jewelry with this stone, it will be useful for you to know whether garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone, as well as what its main properties are.

Gem Features

The red-burgundy bright and shiny pebbles reminded people of pomegranate seeds, called the Phoenician apple in ancient times. The name of this mineral came from its resemblance to the fruit - initially in Latin it sounded like “granatus”, that is, “similar to grains”. It is believed that it was introduced into use by the alchemist Albert Magnus at the end of the 13th century.

Today this name refers to a whole group of minerals. In a narrow sense, these are two varieties of them - transparent red almandines and dark red pyropes. However, in a broader sense, related minerals are also considered garnets - pink and scarlet spessartines, purple rhodolites, brown andradites and even green grossulars. Scientists believe that not all of them are of equal value, but if we talk about those used in jewelry, there is no doubt about whether garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone. Undoubtedly, it belongs to the first variety.


In addition to color, pomegranate types have other differences. So, most of them allow sunlight to pass through. But there are also those that are almost not translucent, for example, melanitis, which has a dark, almost black color. The shine of garnet is always clear, glassy, ​​and in some species even diamond-like.

Garnet is not mined all over the world, but there are not many really worthwhile samples with a high price. In Russia, garnets are mined in Chukotka and Yakutia. And in the Urals there are deposits of an unusual green garnet, called Ural garnet.

Pomegranate in history and culture

Pomegranates have been known to mankind for more than 3 thousand years. Ancient people carved images of animals and people on the surface of raw minerals, and later portraits. Surely you have heard the word “carbuncle” at some point. This is how Pliny the Elder named the pomegranate from the Latin “coal” for its similarity to smoldering coal.

Many peoples considered the stone described to be endowed with powerful powers. Crusaders wore a garnet ring to protect themselves from injury in battle. Among the Persians, it symbolized power, and in the East - perseverance and good health. At the same time, they began to attribute the grenade to medicinal properties, for example, its powder is mixed with water and drunk to treat stomach diseases and give vigor.

The mineral appeared in Rus' in the 16th century. “Venice” and “bechet” were the names of the garnet stone back then. Its price at that time was not too high and was significantly inferior to ruby ​​or spinel. However, the stone was used in folk medicine. For example, it was believed that it helps a woman in childbirth.

In subsequent centuries, garnet gains increasing value and, thanks to its deep red color, acquires a variety of symbolism. Thus, the scientist Boethius de Boots in his writings calls the stone hardened drops of pure water, colored with vapors of scarlet blood.

Garnets gained particular popularity during the era of romanticism. Jewelers of that time created truly works of art from these gems, many of which became museum treasures. For example, a pendant with a pomegranate, presented by the Czech composer Smetana to his wife, which is kept in the Prague museum named after him. Or the magnificent set of 6 pieces decorated with garnets, which Goethe gave to his young lover Ulrike.

Who is it suitable for?

It is believed that garnet is a stone of will, strong character, determination and passion, and it suits people with the same disposition. Therefore, very often this stone is a companion of creative figures - artists, musicians, poets, actors. He helps them to devote themselves to their work with all passion and soul. But it is better not to wear jewelry with pomegranate for uninitiated and lazy people, as it is believed that it will only emotionally exhaust such a person and lead him to a nervous breakdown.

Also, this gem is a symbol of passionate and devoted love, and is perfect as a gift for the woman you love. Garnet adds wisdom and calmness to ladies. But a mineral given to a man can awaken serious passions in him and ignite the fire of love, sometimes even against his will. At least, such properties are attributed to this magical stone.

There are certain guidelines for which zodiac sign the pomegranate is suitable for. First of all, this is Capricorn, who always goes towards his goal, and the fire signs of Leo and Sagittarius. But it is not suitable for Aries, since he is quick-tempered, but quickly calms down, and the pomegranate needs a constant intensity of passions.

It is better for Libra and Aquarius to wear only green garnets, but Pisces and Cancer are advised to refrain from wearing this stone.

Where is pomegranate used?

Whether the stone is precious or semi-precious is no longer so important today. All are extremely in demand in modern world. It is widely used in industry, construction, electronics and other fields. The main industrial use of garnet is possible due to the fact that it splits into small pieces with sharp cutting edges. This crumb is glued to a linen or paper base and durable abrasives are obtained. In construction, it is added to cement, and in instrument making, sapphires and rubies are sometimes replaced with garnet.

Natural samples are often used to make figurines, figurines and, of course, jewelry.


So, we have decided whether garnet is a precious or semi-precious stone, and we have learned that most of its types belong precisely to the first variety.

The most popular is translucent almandine, colored dark cherry or red-brown. Jewelry made from this type of garnet is produced by most popular ones such as Sokolov, Sunlight, and Adamas. You can buy any products - rings, brooches, pendants, bracelets, necklaces. These gems are framed in all shades of gold and silver. Diamonds, amethysts, chrysolites, as well as marcasites and cubic zirconias are complemented in such jewelry by garnet stone. The price for them is not very high - the simplest silver ring may cost about 1000 rubles. It’s difficult to say for sure how much the stone itself costs. When assessing it, color, appearance, quality and processing method are taken into account.

The pomegranate symbolizes honesty, loyalty and passion. It is considered a symbol of eternal love and friendship. Garnet products help control other people and attract wealth. However, it is worth remembering that this is a stone of strong, strong-willed people; weak and weak-willed individuals cannot expect help from it. Jewelry with natural garnets are considered powerful talismans.

A juicy pomegranate will be an excellent decoration for any fashionista.

Minerals exist in nature different colors and shades belonging to the huge group of garnets. Each shade is endowed with unique magical powers and can become a talisman-helper in different areas.

Magical properties of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a talisman of strong and noble people who care for a just cause. Helps to recover quickly in difficult conditions, gives vital energy to its owner. However, it is better for schemers and liars to refrain from purchasing this mineral. Pomegranate decoration can lead to dishonest people into bankruptcy and mental disorders, leading them into the networks they themselves have set for others.

A garnet ring gives power over other people, protects against accidents and gives vital energy.

Important. The grenade should only be carried when you can clearly see the target. If you are confused and don't know which direction to move, this is not the best talisman option. The stone will only increase the hesitation in choosing a path.

Power of the talisman stone:

    identifying enemies and well-wishers;

    protects from dangers lurking on the water;

    represents love, loyalty and eternal friendship. Helps to gain the girl's favor;

    increases natural charm and magnetism;

    accelerates wound healing.

Garnet is a talisman for people engaged in the creative field; all creators can wear a talisman stone indefinitely.

In nature, the garnet stone does not exceed 2 carats in size. In appearance it resembles pomegranate seeds.

Medicinal properties gemstone

Since ancient times, pomegranate was valued for its ability to stop bleeding and heal wounds and fractures.

In the modern world, stone treatment specialists use it in the treatment of respiratory, circulatory and digestive diseases. In addition, stones are used to strengthen and restore immunity. Depending on the color, different therapeutic effects on the body can be distinguished.

Raw garnet stones are often used in the necklace. Just polishing is enough.

The healing properties of pomegranates of different colors:

    Red is not in vain associated with blood; it perfectly treats the cardiovascular system, helps with digestive ailments and helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

    To treat the stomach and intestines, you should choose transparent pomegranates;

    Greens are useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous system, and are also effective for problems with the cardiovascular system.

    Yellow and brown stones are used in dermatology. These are excellent healers of dermatitis, burns, and wounds.

Pomegranate of any color helps to forget about depression, increase overall immunity, cure heart and vascular diseases, forget about headaches and depression.

Uvarovite is a type of garnet stone that has a rich emerald green color.

For inflammatory processes in the throat and respiratory system, lithotherapists recommend wearing garnet necklaces or pendants.

Varieties of pomegranate

All garnets have the same set of physical properties, while the chemical composition has certain features. It is because of different impurities that natural garnets come in different colors and shades.

Garnet stone has a huge variety.

The most common types of gem garnet are:

  • Pyrope is a deep red stone that has the greatest magical power and incomparable beauty.
  • Almandine is the most common gem from the garnet group; it can have a color from bright red to dark brown or violet. Named after the place of production - Alamanda.
  • Spessartine - includes red, yellow and pink shades.
  • Andradite is named after the mineralogist who discovered it. In nature there are red, brown, yellow and green.
  • Grossular satisfied interesting option pomegranate has an external resemblance to a gooseberry. Found in light green and green-brown spectrum.
  • Uvarovite is a rare emerald green stone.
  • Hessonite is presented in honey tones and may have an orange color.

Garnet and zodiac signs

Considering the huge variety of garnet, each zodiac sign can choose its own shade of the magic stone. Grossular is considered the most versatile. This variety of pomegranate is suitable for every zodiac sign.

As for the most powerful - red nuggets, gemstones are suitable for Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. You should not give a stone as a talisman to Pisces, Cancer and Taurus.

Among other colors, the main focus should be on the meaning and strength of the stone. To one degree or another, any mineral is suitable for everyone, it is only important to remember the consequences and impact on character.

For example, if a person is by nature quite harsh and straightforward, wearing a talisman for a long time can make him unbalanced and aggressive.

Favorable time to buy

It is not recommended to buy a product with a garnet used; the garnet will never “get used” to its new owner. The product must only be new. As a talisman, it is better to choose a garnet framed in gold; however, silver is also suitable.

The main condition of purchase is good mood and a bright, sunny day.

If, nevertheless, you have a gift from another person, it is important to cleanse it of other people’s energy before using it. The best option will be left in running water for a day, after which it can be worn.

How to distinguish a fake?

The garnet stone represents eternal love, boundless friendship, passion, power and wealth.

Garnet stone has colossal magical and healing energy.

Despite the relative cheapness of grenades, they do not hesitate to fake them. What should you do when buying jewelry, especially when you want to buy a talisman, and not just another trinket?

The best method to find out about authenticity remains an expert assessment; it is clear that few people can boast of knowing a professional in this field. Here are a few distinctive features of the stone.

    A perfectly even color is practically never found in nature. A real stone has different inclusions and differences in color if you look closely.

    If a natural stone is rubbed against a woolen product, it will become electrified, but glass will not.

    Garnet has good density, unlike glass. True, no one will allow you to scratch a stone in a jewelry store.

    Natural garnet is not large in size. Natural pebbles are no larger in size than a coffee bean, even the largest ones.

How to properly care

There are no special instructions for care and storage. Like any mineral, store jewelry with agate separately from others in an individual box or bag. If dirty, rinse soap solution, you can use a soft brush or rag. Abrasive materials and chemicals are not used to care for jewelry.

Can be worn occasionally or constantly.

Where are garnet stones used?

Natural stone, which has high strength and unique beauty, is most used in the manufacture of jewelry; it is also held in high esteem by collectors. Small stones are widely used in industry and can be used as an abrasive material and as a semiconductor.

Since ancient times, garnet was considered primarily a masculine stone. They wore it in the form of a ring as an indicator of poisons and as an amulet against wounds. Basically, garnet rings were chosen by strong-willed men who controlled others or were at war. As a symbol of strong love, it entered into women's jewelry only in the Middle Ages.

Combination with other stones

Garnet is best used separately from other natural minerals. Each type of stone belongs to its own element and can be combined with different stones.;

  • chalcedony;

  • A little history of pomegranate

    The mysterious stone has been known for many centuries.Mention of this stone can be found in various legends, myths and tales. “Living fire” is also mentioned in the Bible.

    In the ancient east, the stone was endowed with the power of influence; products with garnet were given as a sign of respect and admiration. It was believed that a ring with a garnet gives the ability to control other people. In addition, the rich, bright stone personified loyalty and devotion. During the Middle Ages, it was often given to the chosen one as a symbol of boundless devotion and fidelity.At the same time, they noticed the ability of the gemstone to kindle passion.

    In Mongolia, pomegranate was considered sacred. People believed that this was the frozen blood of a dragon, endowing its owner with wealth and power.

    In ancient Persia, the precious mineral personified power and was considered royal. Images of gods and kings were engraved on natural garnet.

    Distribution throughout Europe was thanks to Czech jewelers in XVIII-XIX centuries. It was at this time that pomegranate became widely known throughout the world.

    As for the name, it was called a pomegranate only in 1270. Alchemist Albert Magnus noticed a similarity with pomegranate seeds. It is “grain-like” that pomegranate is translated from Latin.

    Before this, the stone had different names. For example, in ancient Greece it was called “anthrax”.In Rus', the precious stone was known as “chervets”, “bechet”, “venisa”.

    Garnet is a very unusual and mysterious stone, about which there are many tales and legends. Even ancient manuscripts mention this beautiful mineral. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat many diseases, to acquire certain character traits in a person and to protect against magic from the outside.

    But the main ones magical properties garnet stone and who it is suitable for can only be determined by a horoscope.

    In the old days, almost all red stones were called garnet. It was considered true amulet of love and passion. But in general, the history of the stone goes back more than two thousand years. The first jewelers who began to create various jewelry based on this stone were the Greeks, Persians and Scythians. But this amazingly beautiful mineral was not always called “garnet”.

    Times have changed, and so has its name. The Greeks called it anthrax or ember, to the Romans it was known as carbuncle, and in Russia it is known by such names as “chervets”, “venisa” and “bechet”.

    Yours modern name the stone was found only in 1270 thanks to the famous alchemist of that time Albert Magnus. It was he who called this mineral “garnet,” which translated means “grains.” In Europe, the stone first began to be used by jewelers only in the 17th century.

    And a little later, a whole group of minerals began to be classified as varieties of these stones.

    In many religions, the stone was considered an amulet of kings and magicians. According to legends, only a very brave person could wear jewelry with it.

    In many nations it is customary to call it a sacred stone, because it contains the blood of dragons or volcanoes. When the next battle was coming, Tamerlane distributed wine to his soldiers in pomegranate bowls. They received strength and power, fearlessness and courage. In Persia, even today, portraits of rulers are found painted on garnet tablets. It was believed that in this way their souls were immortalized for centuries and they were not in danger.

    Among the ancient Mayans, only high priests wore a necklace of 12 stones. And this amazing stone completely protected the crusaders from the attacks of infidels.

    Types of stone and its colors

    All minerals classified as garnets are characterized by identical physical and Chemical properties. But the composition of the stones can vary greatly. It is this that will determine the shade of the stone, which is why minerals not only red, but also yellow, black and brown are often found in nature.

    All minerals that belong to the garnet type can be divided into 14 groups:

    Previously, almost all red stones were classified as precious garnets. But today many subspecies have been discovered, and some of them belong to semi-precious minerals.

    For the production of jewelry, those most often used are stones that have a rich red color, but other shades of minerals can also be found in earrings and rings. And private collections still keep beautiful jewelry with pomegranate, which belonged to the most famous and richest people of antiquity.

    The healing properties of the mineral

    There have been legends about the healing powers of the mineral since ancient times; it was valued by shamans, healers and magicians of all times. Since the times of the Crusades, warriors have put a ring with this amazing stone on their finger to protect themselves from wounds and bloodshed. In Rus' there were many legends that pomegranate helps with difficult childbirth. Hindus revere it for its ability to transfer its energy to a person and support immunity.

    Modern manuals state that The healing properties of the stone are determined by its color:

    But regardless of the color of the mineral, it always has positive effect on the circulatory system and helps normalize blood pressure. If you have problems with your periods, a woman should wear a garnet bracelet or necklace more often. And if you wear a ring with a large stone on your middle finger, it will help relieve even a very severe headache.

    Since ancient times, the mineral has been actively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and sore throats.

    Since ancient times, garnet has been one of the minerals of lovers. It is generally accepted that it is he who is able to rekindle that spark that was considered extinguished, so often guys gave their beloved jewelry with this noble mineral.

    It served as confirmation sincerity and purity of feeling. And girls who dreamed of finding love always carried with them a small piece of unprocessed pomegranate.

    He is very powerful, this mysterious red garnet. The stone’s magical properties are so strong that not every person can cope with them. The horoscope advises air signs to wear it constantly. It helps improve communication and relationships among those people who by nature are too mobile and indomitable. But it can cause irreparable harm to a weaker person.

    Apathetic and lazy people should not buy jewelry with this mysterious mineral. They can get a lot of serious diseases along with the original decoration.

    Each stone and mineral has its own special characteristics and properties, which may be ideally compatible with a person or completely unsuitable for him. So, if a person feels heaviness, loss of strength and loss of energy after putting on jewelry with a pomegranate, then he should stop wearing it immediately. It will not be possible to make friends with a stone by force, so you should part with such an idea at the very beginning.

    Creative people can wear pomegranate as a real amulet. It will give a person an additional boost of energy and make his work truly priceless.

    The ideal option would be to carry a mineral that has never previously had an owner., so energy compatibility will be more complete. But often jewelry with garnet is inherited from one person to another. In this case, you should first clear it of extraneous energy and only then put it on yourself. This can be done by simply placing the decoration under running water.

    When a person buys a pomegranate for himself, he should rely on his own feelings and emotions. Only the stone that begins to radiate warmth and reach out to its future owner can become a true protector and helper.

    Compatibility with zodiac signs

    If a person decides to buy a garnet, everyone should know its properties and who the stone is suitable for. Compatibility is possible with many zodiac signs, but garnet has a special love for those people who were born under the sign of Capricorn.

    They receive additional strength from the mineral, which will help them successfully move up the career ladder and achieve success in many areas of life. It is especially recommended to wear it for those people who begin to withdraw into themselves at the slightest problem. It will help you express your opinion and give you the opportunity to become successful in love.

    The proximity to pomegranate is surprisingly reflected in Scorpios. It helps to pacify the hot-tempered nature of representatives of this sign, calm their jealousy and take any relationship to a new level. For Scorpios he can become a real talisman in any endeavor.

    In the life of Aquarius, pomegranate will help smooth out frivolity and inconstancy. It has a great effect on the love sphere of life and attracts new people. But the mineral should be worn only when a person dreams of achieving something in a strictly defined area of ​​life. Otherwise, it will turn out to be useless, so you need to set a clear goal and move towards it without stopping. If Aquarius loves to dream, then garnet will constantly return him to the real world, which often leads to disorientation and madness.

    If Sagittarius wants to increase their sexuality and become more successful in love, then they should have garnet in their collection of minerals. He will also be able to stop his owner from a rash act in time and help him find the right path in life.

    For Gemini, a pomegranate can become a real guiding beacon. It will help you find a clear goal in life and strictly move towards it. This gem helps those who regularly look for something new and are not inclined to see it become more permanent. Fickle Geminis really lack certainty and clarity in life, they are too flighty, and the gem will help them calm down and become more constant and reliable.

    Garnets are considered to be made from dragon blood or volcano lava., therefore, for Libra it will become an indispensable attribute on the way to their goal. The gem is able to provide its owner with additional fire energy and give him the strength to move mountains in his path. If Libra cannot make the right decision, then they should definitely buy themselves a piece of jewelry with a pomegranate and not part with it until the problem is solved.

    The mineral helps Virgos to open new horizons on their path and gives them confidence in all their endeavors. It helps Virgo become more down-to-earth, gentle, affectionate and sensitive. Thus, representatives of this sign acquire new feelings - love and tenderness.

    Rules for wearing a gem

    But it is not enough to simply buy or receive a pomegranate as a gift. There are several things to follow simple rules wearing it to he could fully cope with his functions:

    1. Elderly people are not allowed to wear it. It can accelerate the development of many age-related diseases.
    2. You should not constantly wear jewelry with a gem. You need to give rest to both yourself and the stone several times a month, so it will become even stronger.
    3. If a woman is not married, then she should wear a garnet ring on her ring finger. It will attract love into her life and help her find her soulmate.
    4. A ring on the middle finger will help you gain self-confidence and advance your career. The color of the stone does not matter.
    5. If you want to establish contact with people around you, you should wear the stone on your little finger. But the color scheme should be yellow or brown.
    6. This stone is a fire stone, so you should keep it away from water. From the slightest contact with it, the gem will completely lose all its magical properties.

    But when wearing a stone you should also pay attention to its colors. Thus, red minerals symbolize attack and assault, while calmer and gentler colors speak of protection.

    This garnet stone is so unusual. Those whose zodiac sign matches the gem can receive reliable protection and love from it, while weak people will suffer and get sick from contact with it, so you shouldn’t buy jewelry with a garnet just because you liked it - you need to be able to feel the stones, and then they will be reliable friends and faithful protectors.