An athlete's daily diet. Proper nutrition for athletes and menus for every day. The importance of proper nutrition for an athlete

It is quite natural that nutrition during sports (fitness, bodybuilding) has significant differences compared to the approach to food in people leading a non-sports lifestyle. This is explained by the fact that large amounts of energy are required to perform sports exercises and loads. Therefore, for the body to function well under these conditions, you should pay attention to the choice of the athlete’s diet.

How does nutrition affect an athlete’s lifestyle?

Let's look at the basic requirements that food for athletes must meet in order to get maximum training results:

  • The body must receive the required amount of calories, vitamins and nutrients from food throughout the day. It is calculated taking into account the tasks performed during training;
  • food should promote good metabolism;
  • depending on the goal (gaining or decreasing muscle mass, getting rid of fat deposits), the daily diet is selected;
  • stabilization and maintenance of hormonal levels, which makes it possible to “unleash” all the physical abilities of the athlete’s body.

Each sport requires a specific approach to nutrition, because... goals and loads are different. Bodybuilders, for example, should give preference to protein foods, which is associated with the need to build muscle mass.

Many athletes believe that the emphasis should be placed only on training and leave nutrition to chance. However, as proven by physiologists in the field of sports, each component in sports training (training, rest and recovery, nutrition) is important, but not separately, but all together.

Nutrition rules for sports training

Exercising requires good saturation of the body, and the foods consumed should give strength to the exerciser and not be harmful.
Here is a list of points that you should pay attention to when creating a menu for an athlete:

  1. Carbohydrate-containing foods should have a low glycemic index, which is calculated by the sugar content in the foods taken. Such food has the ability to slowly break down and absorb glucose into the blood. Thanks to this, you will not gain weight and charge your body with energy.
  2. You should not eat at a time when the feeling of hunger is strong enough. The best option is to eat every 2-2.5 hours; portions should not be large.
  3. The body needs to receive the required amount of clean water (2 liters per day). If it is not enough, then during fitness training there may be a disruption in fluid metabolism in the body and, as a result, swelling in the legs will appear. Also, do not forget that when playing sports, you sweat, and this leads to additional need for water.
  4. Many athletes believe that in order to lose weight, you need to eat only low-fat foods. This opinion is erroneous, because If you refuse fat-containing foods, the body will not receive the necessary acids involved in metabolism. Also, in the production of low-fat products, more sugar and starch are used to enhance their taste, and this increases calorie content.

As you can see, if you know how to eat properly when doing fitness or bodybuilding, you have the opportunity to become the owner of a beautiful, toned figure, as well as generally improve your body’s health and feel cheerful and energized.

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Today, three professional athletes will share with us their nutrition programs that helped them build truly amazing bodies.

When it comes to nutrition, many of us find it important to have role models. While searching for a diet to build (or at least maintain) muscle mass, you've probably encountered a lot of conflicting information from countless experts regarding meal timing, fat intake, carbohydrate intake, etc.

Why not find role models in athletes who have the physique you've always dreamed of? In this article, three men with amazing bodies - including a professional bodybuilder, a fitness model and an MMA fighter - will share with us their nutrition secrets.

Mark Dugdale

Occupation: IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

Mark describes his off-season diet as unconventional. Even while bulking, he prefers to keep his carbohydrate intake in check, unlike many other athletes who load up on carbohydrates without even fearing that most of them will turn into body fat.

“I am a proponent of keeping body fat below 9% all year round, because I feel like muscles are growing even without excess fat in the body,” says Dugdale.

Another unusual detail of his diet is a large number of game. He loves bison meat so much that he eats it for breakfast. “I cook meat (brisket) for 8 hours in a slow cooker. 2.5 kilograms of meat provides me with breakfast for the whole week,” he says.

Mark prefers meat from grass-fed wild animals such as bison, wild boar and elk. There are 3 reasons for this:

  1. Low fat content.
  2. Increased amount of fatty acids.
  3. Less toxicity (no hormones or chemicals), which has a positive effect on muscle recovery and growth.

Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale's Diet Plan:

First meal

  • Bison meat – 170 g
  • Sauerkraut – 1 cup
  • Ezekiel bread with 1/2 spoon coconut oil– 1 piece

Second meal

Third meal

  • Almonds – 1/4 cup

Fourth meal

  • Salad: chicken breast, arugula, lettuce, Greek yogurt, chopped walnuts, olive oil, sea salt – 1 serving

Fifth meal

  • Protein shake – 1 serving
  • Almonds – 1/4 cup

Sixth meal

  • Pre-workout supplement complex – 1 dose
  • BCAA – 10 mg

Seventh meal

  • Elk steak – 220 g
  • Cauliflower puree: 1/2 head of boiled cauliflower mixed with Parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp. organic butter and sea salt.

Greg Plitt

Occupation: fitness model

Did the Dugdale diet seem unconventional to you? You haven't seen Greg Plitt's meal plan yet! He calls it the "caveman diet" because he avoids all processed foods and emphasizes natural meats and vegetables. His diet is truly unique. He makes only one, but large (3500 kcal) meal of natural food per day.

In this regard, the Plitt diet resembles the warrior diet, which involves eating small portions throughout the day and one large portion in the evening. “I prefer to have a big meal in the middle of the day, while most people only eat 5-6 small meals. My approach ensures that all food is digested before bed,” says Plitt, one of the most recognizable fitness models in the world.

Greg consumes all other calories through liquid before and after workouts. His diet may change every day.
smoke during the day and depends mainly on work schedule.

“My nutrition plan directly depends on my work schedule. That is, if I have a filming planned (Plitt works part-time as an actor) or a photo shoot, my diet changes. I usually go to the gym twice a day when preparing for them. I start eating only after I've finished work to replenish my nutrients. I don't have breakfast, lunch or dinner as such, and I don't eat according to a strict schedule. I eat food only to nourish my body, not to satisfy my appetite,” says Plitt.

Fitness model Greg Plitt's nutrition plan:

Before morning workout

  • A cocktail of Met-RX Amped ECN NOS Powder, glutamine, creatine, hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB), omega-3, multivitamin, whey protein and 1 tbsp. l. raw honey.

After training

Main meal of the day

  • Meat, fish or poultry, vegetables - only 3500 kcal.

For example:

  • Grilled salmon and asparagus
  • Baked Halibut with Spinach and Green Beans
  • Grilled chicken or steamed shrimp with carrots and cucumbers.

Before evening workout or cardio

  • A cocktail of Met-RX Amped ECN NOS Powder, glutamine, creatine, hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB), omega-3, multivitamin, whey protein and 1 tablespoon raw honey.

After training

  • A cocktail of whey protein (0.6 g per 1 kg of body weight), dextrose (0.4 g per 1 kg of body weight), creatine, glutamine and HMB.

Brian Stann

Occupation: professional MMA fighter

At the peak of his training season, Brian eats 11 times a day. Is this necessary? If you train 3 times a day, then definitely yes.

“If you're going to be a real athlete, you have to not only be dedicated in your training, but you also have to be responsible with your nutrition,” says Stann, a middleweight fighter.

“Food is the fuel that keeps you going. Your results depend on it.” Stann thanks his wife Teresa, who has a degree in nutrition, for her diet. The diet is based on quality protein sources such as chicken breasts, salmon, eggs, as well as fruits, vegetables and almonds rich in healthy fats.

In addition to whole foods, Brian takes supplements early and often throughout the day.

A strict supplementation schedule is critical to maintaining strength while losing weight in preparation for fights. They also help him maintain muscle mass despite a busy training schedule. “With 3-4 workouts per week, the last thing I need is muscle loss.”

Brian Stann's Fighter Diet Plan

First meal

  • Egg whites – 6 pcs
  • Almonds – 1/2 cup
  • "Gaspari Anavite" – 3 tablets

Before training

  • Greek yogurt – 1 serving
  • Almond oil – 1 tablespoon
  • “Gaspari Myofusion Probiotic” – 1 scoop
  • "Gaspari BCAA" – 4 tablets

First training

It's no secret that athletes eat differently. They have their own diet, diet, and even the athletes’ menu is different from everyone else. But what specific athletes’ weekly menu should be is known to few; these are mostly experienced athletes who have tried many diets in their own skin.

You should immediately exclude any fried foods and fast food from your diet. You will also have to slightly reduce your intake of starchy vegetables and baked goods.

The nutrition of athletes is very specific. It must be clearly planned and calculated according to the percentage of the main organic substances - proteins, carbohydrates and fats (35/55/10). For representatives different types sports ratio may vary slightly.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day, and 4 of them should be substantial, and the remaining 2 should be at the level of an average snack.

Vegetables should make up at least half of everything eaten. Food should be varied, steamed or boiled and arouse appetite.

Don’t forget about it, but you shouldn’t overload your liver with excessive protein intake either.

A healthy weekly diet should also include low-fat dairy products, cereals and cereals, low-fat fish, and meat. All this can be combined and created for yourself a personal menu.

Proper nutrition for a week

Products must always be fresh. You need to buy them and plan your meals for each of the seven days in advance - so that there are no problems or hiccups.

Eat carbohydrate foods mainly before lunch, and then gradually increase protein foods, although you don’t need to completely eliminate both.

Morning meals should be slightly larger than evening meals in portion sizes.

Athletes' menu for the week:


  • breakfast – oatmeal with milk with dried fruits, nuts, 2 boiled eggs, a glass of milk or kefir;
  • lunch – low-fat kefir, several bananas, orange;
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad, juice;
  • afternoon tea – a sandwich with ham and low-fat cheese, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – assorted vegetables or beef, a glass of milk.


  • breakfast – mashed potatoes, fish, a glass of milk;
  • lunch – low-fat cottage cheese, apple, juice;
  • dinner – soup with meat or meatballs, vegetable salad, chop, juice;
  • afternoon tea – chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, you can add yogurt, juice;
  • dinner – steamed fish cutlets, Greek salad, a glass of milk.


  • breakfast – muesli with milk, a couple of boiled eggs, juice;
  • lunch – cottage cheese with pancakes, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – borscht, pilaf with meat, cocoa with milk;
  • afternoon tea
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, juice.


  • breakfast – wheat porridge, boiled chicken fillet, juice;
  • lunch – chicken sandwich, glass of milk;
  • dinner – spaghetti soup, vegetable salad, a glass of kefir;
  • afternoon tea – fruit slices from bananas, oranges, apples, kiwi, a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner – stewed peppers with minced meat and cabbage, juice.


  • breakfast – baked fish with cheese in the oven, rice porridge, tomatoes;
  • lunch – cottage cheese casserole, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – fish soup, chicken chop, any porridge, vegetable salad, juice;
  • afternoon tea seasonal fruits, yogurt;
  • dinner – mashed potatoes, fish cakes, cabbage salad, juice.


  • breakfast – roast with cheese in a pot, orange, glass of milk;
  • lunch – meat pie, yogurt or kefir;
  • dinner – pea soup with meat, jacket potatoes, stewed vegetables, juice;
  • afternoon tea cauliflower in batter, a glass of milk;
  • dinner – , banana, juice.

Active sports activities help keep the body in shape. However, a balanced diet and exercise allow you to achieve maximum results with health benefits.

Rules and secrets of a sports diet

A sports diet is a great way to get your body in order without causing stress to the body. The combination of proper nutrition and regular exercise allows you to give your body definition, tighten your skin, stay in good shape and enjoy life. The bottom line is daily exercise and following a certain diet - rich and nutritious. If you choose a strict diet, then the body, subject to frequent strength training, will begin to malfunction, and your health will deteriorate sharply.

An important role is played by fats, which those losing weight usually try to avoid. Athletes should consume animal fats and vegetable oils in moderation. After exercising, it is advisable to drink a protein drink or eat more food containing protein. The average caloric value must be calculated based on daily needs. You can cope with this yourself using tables, or consult a nutritionist for advice.

Recommended and prohibited foods, why count calories

Calculating the calorie content of consumed dishes is an essential element of sports nutrition. With a lack of calories, it will be difficult for the body to cope with stress, and as a result, the diet will not give the desired results. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, as the body uses a lot of water during activity.

The best options for drinks are herbal teas, juices, compotes, green tea, pure water.

The nutritional value of sports diet dishes for women and men is different. This is due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex most often strive to gain muscle mass, and girls - to lose weight.

Mandatory foods in the diet:

  • any greens;
  • cereal;
  • berries, fruits (both fresh and dried);
  • chicken eggs;
  • fish of any kind;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dairy and seafood products;
  • vegetables in unlimited quantities;
  • All meats are low in fat.

Pros and cons of sports diets

The main advantage of dietary nutrition combined with physical activity is the development of the habit of eating a lot and often, but in moderate portions. Thanks to a balanced diet, there is no chance of exhaustion of the body.

Positive points:

  • quickly getting rid of extra pounds;
  • absolute safety for health;
  • minimal feeling of hunger;
  • excellent mood and a surge of vital energy.

The disadvantages include the need for frequent training, which is quite difficult for beginners, and significant financial costs for natural products high in protein. In addition, the weight loss method under consideration is not recommended for women during periods of breastfeeding and childbearing, as well as for persons with chronic pathologies.

Sports diet menu for the week

The menu is distinguished by its variety and nutritional value. Exemplary weekly diet is given below.

Day 1

For breakfast you can eat:

  • 2 eggs,
  • a glass of orange juice,
  • 250 g oatmeal,
  • 5 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.

A fruit salad consisting of apple, apricot and grapes can be used as a snack. During the afternoon snack - a glass of kefir, a baked potato.


  • salad of a couple of cucumbers,
  • 150 g serving of rice porridge,
  • boiled or baked turkey meat – 150 g.

Before bed - any vegetable salad and no more than 200 g of seafood or sea fish.

Day 2

After sleep, the following is allowed:

  • kefir,
  • banana,
  • apple.

Before lunch - a salad, the main ingredients of which are carrots and cabbage, 100 g of any meat. After lunch - an apple.

At lunch:

  • omelette of a couple of eggs,
  • cabbage salad,
  • borscht in vegetable broth.

Before a night's rest - vegetable salad with herbs + oatmeal (no more than 200 g).

Day 3

Since morning:

  • kefir,
  • banana,
  • oatmeal (serving = 100 g).

Snacks before and after lunch - peach and full-fat cottage cheese (no more than 4 tablespoons), apple and vegetable juice.

At lunchtime:

  • boiled buckwheat,
  • boiled chicken meat (150 g of both dishes).

At night (5-6 hours before bedtime) - light vegetable salad, grilled or baked beef - about 150 g.

Day 4

After waking up:

  • coffee without sweeteners,
  • fried eggs (2 eggs),
  • oatmeal (250 g),
  • banana.

For second breakfast and afternoon snack, you can choose a glass of vegetable juice and a spoonful of bran, as well as a glass of milk and low-fat cottage cheese.

At lunch:

  • rice porridge (about 300 g),
  • boiled beef (no more than 100 g).

In the evening, you are allowed to eat a vegetable salad, chicken breast, a small piece of tortilla or pita bread.

Day 5

Breakfast on the fifth day:

  • a pair of eggs,
  • muesli (no more than a glass),
  • walnuts (6 tbsp.),
  • apple.

Before lunch and for lunch, boiled beans are eaten with tomato juice+ banana with low-fat yogurt (up to 350 ml).

Lunch time:

  • apple,
  • boiled potatoes (a couple of pieces),
  • chicken meat (about 200 g).

Baked fish + fresh vegetables are allowed for dinner.

Day 6

After sleep breakfast option:

  • buckwheat porridge (dry - 1.5 tbsp.),
  • milk 0% fat,
  • fried 2 eggs.

After breakfast - cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits, and for lunch - kefir and 1 baked potato.

Lunch option:

  • grapefruit juice,
  • any baked fish,
  • fresh cucumber,
  • a few spoons of rice.

In the evening you can eat a salad of any vegetables and boiled seafood.

Day 7


  • oatmeal (1 cup),
  • any fruit (can be mixed),
  • boiled egg.

The second breakfast option is low-fat cottage cheese + banana, and the lunch option is banana + low-fat yogurt.

Lunch time:

  • a couple of tomatoes
  • rice (no more than 150 g),
  • stewed fish with various vegetables.

Dinner option - cucumber, boiled corn (1 glass), chicken fillet (no more than 120 g).

What doctors say

Experts in the field of diets for active people believe that the weight loss technique is effective and quickly produces results. Diet and exercise at home are a great way to burn excess fat and get your body in great shape. The main thing is that there will be no health problems if there are no contraindications.

Doctors say that it is not necessary to exercise intensively every day, 2 or 3 times a week is enough to achieve the goal.

On other days, you can walk, do exercises in the morning, and swim in the pool. Significant changes can be noticed after a month of balanced nutrition and training. Thanks to the competent combination of nutritional elements, which is suggested by the sports program, those losing weight do not overeat or, on the contrary, feel hungry.

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting by playing sports?

You can lose weight, but faster and more noticeable results can be achieved by following a special diet. It allows you to lose fat reserves and form attractive body contours.

How to find out your daily calorie intake when playing sports?

The number of calories directly depends on the characteristics of the body, gender, age category losing weight. There must be a small calorie deficit to notice a difference in weight - no more than 20% of the minimum acceptable level.

How long can you stick to a sports diet?

The minimum period is 2 weeks. Many women adhere to this diet constantly, taking short breaks.

Is it possible to eat sweets while exercising?

You should avoid eating foods containing sugar. Several times a week (not in the evening) you can indulge in small slices of chocolate, frozen berry juice or a small cake.

Is it possible to create a sports diet yourself?

You can create your own diet. The main thing is to take into account the intensity of training, the number of calories expended and consumed, and the individual characteristics of the body.

How much water should you drink on a sports diet?

Water is the main component of the diet. The minimum amount per day for intense training is 3 liters. It is best to give preference to non-carbonated mineral water.

The effectiveness of sports activities depends not only on the intensity of training and exercise regimen, but also on nutrition.

With an incorrectly organized diet, athletes are unable to achieve the desired results.

To create the correct menu for a man or woman who is actively involved in sports, you will need to take into account many factors.

The basics of a proper and balanced diet when playing sports

Regardless of what kind of sport a person plays, what age and gender he is, there are a number of simple principles developed for creating a sports diet. They are based on the principles of healthy eating:

  1. Hunger is contraindicated during physical activity. When fasting, the body begins to break down muscle proteins first, which inevitably leads to a loss of muscle mass and, accordingly, a deterioration in training productivity.
  2. Sports mode eliminates rushed eating. When eating too quickly, a person does not feel full and is prone to overeating.
  3. When playing sports, you need high-quality natural products.

The principles of healthy eating listed above are suitable for all people, regardless of the intensity of physical activity and involvement in sports.

Three rules for creating a sports diet for every day

When developing an optimal sports diet, you must adhere to three basic rules:

  1. Complete exclusion of alcohol. Sufficient water intake.
  2. Clearly.
  3. Sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

These rules are followed by all nutritionists and nutritionists.

Eliminate alcohol and add water

Alcohol is contraindicated during sports activities, since it negates all the athlete’s efforts to build muscle mass. When drinking alcohol, a number of processes occur in the body that interfere with the absorption of proteins:

  1. Blocking the breakdown of protein into amino acids. As a result of this process, the muscles do not receive nutrition.
  2. Removing water from the body. Without water, chemical and metabolic processes in the body, including the absorption of proteins, are impossible. When dehydrated, protein synthesis slows down or stops altogether.
  3. Blocking the energy generation process. When drinking alcohol most of energy is spent on breaking down alcohol and removing its breakdown products.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindicated when playing sports, as alcohol has a detrimental effect on the heart, liver and kidneys. Since these organs receive increased stress during training, alcohol can provoke serious disruptions in their functioning. .

Proper drinking regime during sports involves drinking clean drinking water. Its amount does not include liquids consumed by humans, for example:

  • coffee;
  • soups;
  • fruit or vegetable juices;
  • cold drinks.

When calculating the total amount of water consumed by an athlete, the drinks listed above are not taken into account.

The table shows the approximate amount of water an athlete needs before, after and during training.

  1. Water with a little lemon juice is refreshing during exercise, invigorating and quenches thirst.
  2. When training for more than 1 hour, the athlete requires special drinks containing electrolytes. They maintain an optimal level of water balance in the body.
  3. Training excludes the use of energy drinks. They increase the load on the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Tea and coffee are not recommended before starting classes. You can drink them no later than half an hour before the start of your workout.

With proper drinking regimen, the effectiveness of training increases.

Healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Any menu, including a sports menu, consists of three main components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A balanced ratio of these components is the key to successful training.

The main source of energy for the body is carbohydrates. They are divided into simple, that is, monosaccharides, and complex, that is, polysaccharides. When simple carbohydrates are broken down, blood sugar levels rise very quickly and fall just as quickly, resulting in a feeling of hunger.

When complex carbohydrates are broken down, blood sugar increases gradually. Exactly complex carbohydrates provide sufficient energy during physical activity.

The table shows sources of simple and complex carbohydrates.

Important! Before sports activities, you should consume complex carbohydrates in order to have enough strength. After training, it is recommended to consume a small amount of simple carbohydrates to quickly replenish your strength.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. This is a mandatory and indispensable component sports nutrition. Sources of protein are meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products.

Important! With increased physical activity, you need to consume approximately 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Fats are an important component of a healthy every day menu. The recommendation to stop using them is completely wrong. A certain amount of healthy fats critical to the diet. You need to consume approximately 0.5 grams of healthy fats per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Fats are divided into two groups:

  1. Saturated. Harmful, slowing down metabolic processes, provoking the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.
  2. Unsaturated. Healthy fats. Necessary for the synthesis of hormones, muscle mass growth, and normal functioning of the immune system.

The table shows sources of saturated and unsaturated fats.

Important! The optimal amount of fat in the diet is no more than 20% of calories.

Vitamins and microelements

To quickly increase muscle mass, you need to include a sufficient amount of vitamins in your diet. Vitamins are active substances that are not produced by the body on its own, but without which all organs and systems suffer.

The table provides a list of the main vitamins that are essential in proper nutrition (including in the diet for active sports), as well as their sources.

Minerals are also indispensable in sports nutrition. The following minerals are important for those involved in physical activity:

  • sodium and potassium, which regulate the amount of water in the body and normalize blood pressure;
  • magnesium, responsible for endurance and stress resistance;
  • calcium, which is involved in the process of muscle growth;
  • iron, which regulates hemoglobin levels.

Important! A large number of vitamin and mineral complexes have been developed for athletes. You can use them on the recommendation of a doctor. An excess of vitamins and minerals can negatively affect organ function.

The importance of proper nutrition for an athlete

When playing sports professionally or semi-professionally, it is necessary to remember that nutrition makes up 80% of success, while the remaining 20% ​​depends on physical activity and a properly designed training regimen.

Since during intense physical activity the body needs an increased amount of energy, the athlete’s diet must be sufficiently high in calories so that he does not experience a loss of strength.

Regardless of what sport a person engages in, there are a number of nutritional requirements:

  • the number of calories corresponding to the load;
  • a sufficient amount of nutrients and water;
  • the use of dietary supplements to enhance metabolic processes;
  • a clearly planned menu that corresponds to the athlete’s goals, for example, gaining or losing muscle mass, reducing the amount of fat in the body, in professional language called cutting, etc.

Important! When compiling an adequate diet for professionals, taking into account all factors, it is necessary to contact a sports nutrition specialist.

What foods should you exclude?

Nutrition for athletes requires the exclusion of junk food. This includes all processed food, for example, prepared meat products, sausages, fast food. It is important to give preference to natural foods - lean meat, dairy products, vegetables. Special attention is given to the method of cooking - frying in oil or deep fat is excluded.

Is calorie content important when choosing healthy foods?

When playing sports, you need to consider your calorie expenditure. Insufficient calories lead to exhaustion of the body, while too many calories contribute to the gain of fat mass. When compiling calorie intake, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • body mass;
  • kind of sport;
  • level of physical activity;
  • age;

Important! It is necessary to increase the caloric content of the diet mainly through protein dishes.

When selecting sports nutrition, it is necessary to focus on the athlete’s well-being, fluctuations in his weight and the ratio of muscle to fat in the body.

When playing sports, it is important to eat according to the regime

Sports nutrition implies a strict regime. Since it seems optimal fractional meals 4-5 times a day, meal times should be strictly determined in accordance with training.

A sports diet is nourishing and... It has been found that people who skip their morning meals reduce the effectiveness of their training due to impaired metabolism. Eating in the morning “starts” metabolic processes in the body and gives a person energy for exercise.

Diet features

Athletes' nutrition varies depending on their body type. Its calorie needs, as well as the proportions of its diet, depend on this.

For people with different body types

All people, regardless of gender, are divided into the following groups:

  • a mesomorph with an athletic build needs to maintain optimal weight;
  • ectomorph, prone to thinness, needs to gain weight;
  • an endomorph prone to obesity needs to lose weight.

Each of these types must follow specific nutritional guidelines.

Body type


(increase in calories)


(increase in calories)


(calorie reduction)

Diet proportions

  • protein – 35-45%;
  • fats – 25-30%;
  • carbohydrates – 40-45%.
  • protein – 25%;
  • fats – 15-20%;
  • carbohydrates – 50-60%.
  • protein – 50-60%;
  • fats – 10-15%;
  • carbohydrates – 30-35%.
  • beef;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • turkey;
  • chicken.
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • fruits;
  • sweets – in moderation.
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • vegetables;
  • whole grain cereals.
Nutrition tips Consumption of fish oil linseed oil, nuts.Increase calorie content by 500-600 kcal.Avoid eating simple carbohydrates.

The table presents the basic rules of nutrition by body type, depending on the goals of sports activities.

For gaining muscle mass

People belonging to the mesomorphic and ectomorphic types, during sports activities, need to gain body weight due to the increase in muscle tissue. They need to increase their caloric intake by consuming proteins, fats and carbohydrates in strict proportions.

For weight loss and burning subcutaneous fat

Endomorphs, who, as a rule, have excess body weight, need its qualitative reduction, which will occur due to fat, not muscle tissue. People with a similar body structure need to reduce their overall caloric intake.

The proportions of reducing the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are given as percentages in the table. It also provides recommendations for choosing products for people with an endomorphic body type.

Proper nutrition and sports give amazing results for endomorphs when losing weight. At the same time, it is the balance of substances in the diet that is important with a general reduction in caloric content of food. To further stimulate fat burning, protein and other diets are used.

Depending on the body type, the consumption of certain products is regulated, the diet is adjusted, thus reducing or gaining body weight.

Sample sports menu for the week: recipes for every day

Sample sports menus for men and women have been developed. If you follow these recommendations, you can quickly get into the desired shape.

Proper diet for men

An approximate weekly diet for men with weight loss and active sports is given in the table.

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Cottage cheese/yogurt.Soup, steamed fish, salad.Orange/apple.Chicken breast, vegetables.
W Eggs, mushrooms, cheese.2 apples.Borsch, boiled beef.Yogurt, apples.Steamed liver, vegetables.
Wed Oatmeal, 1 pear.Tuna, tomatoes, greens.Fresh juice.Baked salmon, vegetables.
Thu Eggs, cheese, herbs, coffee/tea.Cottage cheese.Chicken breast, vegetables, berries.1 fruit.Boiled meat, vegetables.
Fri Yogurt, banana, berries.Cheese cheese, nuts.Turkey, vegetables.Cottage cheese, berries.
Sat Eggs, greens, tea.Feta cheese, vegetables.Chicken, vegetables.Yogurt, apple.Steamed wild rice, shrimp.
Sun Oatmeal, tea, honey.2 oranges/apples.Cheese cheese, nuts.Stewed liver, vegetables.

When creating an individual diet for sports, it is necessary to adjust the amount of products based on individual indicators.

Preferred dishes for girls

An approximate weekly diet for women is presented in the table.

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Eggs, oatmeal with water, dried fruits.Kefir, banana.Chicken breast, buckwheat, vegetables.Cheese/ham, vegetables.Steamed beef, vegetables.
W Muesli, milk, coffee/tea.Cottage cheese/yogurt.Vegetable soup, buckwheat, chicken breast.1 fruit.Cottage cheese, berries.
Wed Eggs, banana, coffee.Cottage cheese, dried fruits.Borsch, beef.Cheese cheese, green vegetables.Steamed brown rice, vegetables, tea, honey.
Thu Buckwheat, dried fruits, coffee/tea, honey.Cheese cheese, nuts.Turkey, vegetables.1 apple.Baked salmon, vegetables.
Fri Oatmeal, berries, coffee, honey.Tuna, tomatoes, greens.Steamed chicken, vegetables, dried fruits.Cheese, herbs, tomatoes.Steamed brown rice, shrimp.
Sat Eggs, cheese, herbs, coffee/tea.1 banana.Borsch, boiled beef.Cottage cheese, berries.Baked beef, mushrooms, vegetables.
Sun Eggs, greens, whole grain bread, tea/coffee, honey.1 apple.Soup, steamed fish, salad.Yogurt, apple.Stewed turkey breast, tomatoes, herbs.

The set of correct menu products for girls listed in the table can be prepared in the form of salads, resort to in various ways cooking, except frying.

There are many successful and famous athletes whose knowledge of healthy eating is reflected in their athletic success. Having extensive training experience, they willingly share advice with novice athletes.

Bodybuilder Helmut Strebl

Helmut Strebl, a famous bodybuilder, model and trainer, advises adhering to the following principles in sports nutrition:

  • 5-6 meals a day;
  • low fat content in the diet;
  • only complex carbohydrates.

An approximate diet of proper nutrition by G. Strebl for every day when playing sports is presented in the table with the menu. It contains foods and supplements for each of the 6 meals.

Important! Before following the presented sports diet, you should consult a doctor, since such a strict sports regimen and intense training can significantly harm your health.

Fitness model Alice Matos

Famous Brazilian fitness model, athlete and star social networks, Alice Matos follows the principle of eating five meals a day. Its approximate menu is given in the table.

The model advises eating no later than 7 pm and making sure there are enough vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Fighter Fedor Emelianenko

The famous Russian wrestler, Fedor Emelianenko, has a special opinion on how to eat properly when playing sports. He believes that an athlete should eat regular foods and maintain a normal, sensible diet.

The wrestler does not consider it necessary to use special cocktails and mixtures. The only supplements he introduces into the diet are vitamin and mineral complexes. In his opinion, everyone can determine for themselves how to eat properly when playing sports.

How to start eating healthy and exercising at home

When switching to proper nutrition and sports regimen, you must follow two basic rules:

  • gradualism;
  • positive attitude.

It is impossible to force yourself to start leading a healthy lifestyle right away - it will take at least a month to form good habits.

It is necessary to motivate and praise yourself for every achievement, no matter how small. Then the transition to a sports diet will become easy, enjoyable and will benefit the body.

Useful video

See what an athlete's diet should be:

Main conclusions

Sports mode requires strict adherence to the regime.

When switching to a new diet, it is necessary to take into account both general and individual factors so as not to harm your health.

We should not forget about the drinking regime, as well as taking sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.

When switching to the new kind nutrition, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to develop an optimal diet, taking into account all individual characteristics.

The diet of a person professionally involved in a particular sport cannot but differ from the diet of an ordinary person. This activity, as a rule, is associated with enormous mental and physical stress, especially during important competitions.

Since it takes more than one week to prepare an athlete, careful selection of all components of proper nutrition is the key to good physical shape and the ultimate success of the efforts of both the athlete and his coach.

A proper diet, adjusted every week, can:

  • Provide the athlete’s body with the necessary amount of calories, nutrients, vitamins and microelements.
  • Through the use of a variety of dietary supplements and nutrients, activate and normalize metabolic processes.
  • Increase, decrease or maintain body weight unchanged.
  • Change body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.
  • To create an optimal hormonal background, without which the maximum realization of the athlete’s physical capabilities and the achievement of the best results are impossible.

The qualitative composition of proper sports nutrition should correspond to a formula in which 10% are fats, 60% are carbohydrates, and the remaining 30% are proteins.

An approximate diet of proper sports nutrition, compiled for a week, should take into account the amount of energy consumption, which is determined not only by the type of sport, but also by the athlete’s own weight.

That is why a proper diet that takes into account energy consumption is compiled individually for each athlete and adjusted every week.

Energy consumption determines division of major sports into the following groups:

  1. Sports that do not require much physical activity.
  2. Sports that require short but significant physical activity.
  3. Sports involving large volume and significant intensity physical activity.
  4. Sports that require prolonged exertion.

Depending on the weight of the athlete, the amount of energy expenditure can fluctuate significantly even within a single sport.

Sample proper nutrition menu for athletes

The proper nutritional diet of athletes largely depends on the type of physical activity and the training regime. Let us present for clarity approximate diet sports nutrition, designed for one day within various loads and modes.

1. Regular diet

  • Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of cottage cheese (low-fat), a portion of milk oatmeal with a little olive oil, three slices of bran bread, 250 ml of black tea.
  • Second breakfast: fruit (pear and apple), low-calorie bun, drinking low-fat yogurt (250 ml).
  • Lunch: milk buckwheat porridge, steamed omelette chicken eggs, fresh vegetable salad, whole grain bread (three slices), low-fat cheese (50 g), green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: ½ serving of porridge (any kind, but not semolina) with pieces of fresh fruit, low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), 250 ml of fruit juice.
  • Dinner: a large (250 g) portion of any vegetables or fruits, two slices of bran bread, 200 ml of low-fat kefir.
  • About 60 minutes before bedtime: a glass of warm milk, an apple.

This diet of proper sports nutrition is designed for 2600 calories.

2. Enhanced diet

  • Breakfast: a portion of rolled oats milk porridge, an omelette (made from 4 chicken eggs), a couple of toasts or whole grain bread, a large orange.
  • Second breakfast: a couple of bananas, 250 ml of low-fat drinking yoghurt, a handful of any nuts (50 g).
  • Lunch: a small (100 g) portion of vegetable salad, boiled beef (200 g), boiled potatoes in their jackets (four pieces), vegetable juice or tea.
  • Afternoon snack: medium (150 g) portion of fruit salad, half a glass of folded rice, 250 ml of milk.
  • Dinner: salad of grated carrots, seasoned olive oil(120 g), poached fish, jacket potatoes (four pieces per serving).
  • Second dinner: ½ serving of oatmeal porridge, hard-boiled eggs (4 pieces), 250 ml of warm milk.

A proper sports diet, used under conditions of intense physical activity, should provide the athlete’s body with a standard of 3,500 calories.

3. Diet for one training day

4. Diet during intensive training

5. Diet for the competition period

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a couple of buns, 250 ml of milk.
  • Second breakfast: meat sandwich, banana, dark chocolate (50 g), a cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch: 500 ml of chicken broth, boiled fish, vegetable stew, two slices of rolled oats bread, fresh fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: high-calorie bun with raisins, fruit juice.
  • Dinner: stewed chicken (180 g), ½ glass of green tea.
  • Second dinner: pear, milk oatmeal, a couple of slices of bran bread, black tea.

An approximate version of proper sports nutrition for a week


  • Breakfast: a small (150 g) portion of oatmeal, a couple of apples, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Second breakfast: boiled chicken breast (200 g), tomato, two dried slices of bread, ½ glass of green tea.
  • Lunch: meat salad (300 g), chicken soup (500 ml), two baked potatoes sprinkled with soy sauce, dried bread (two slices), green tea (1/2 cup).
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of milk with a slice of rye bread.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad (300 g), ham (60 g), dried slices of bread, green tea.
  • Second dinner: a couple of poppy seed buns, 250 ml of kefir.
  • Breakfast: fresh pineapple slices (100 g).
  • Second breakfast: buckwheat porridge (150 g), ham (60 g), stewed mushrooms (100 g), tomato, yogurt with corn flakes (100 ml).
  • Lunch: vegetable soup (500 ml), pilaf (250 g), protein bar, green tea with lemon (1/2 cup).
  • Afternoon snack: an egg in a bag, vegetable juice (200 ml), a piece of bran bread.
  • Dinner: a piece of hard cheese (30 g), vegetable salad (300 g), a dozen boiled shrimp, mineral water with lemon (200 ml).
  • Second dinner: protein shake.

  • Breakfast: banana, a glass of low-fat milk, two dried slices of black bread.
  • Second breakfast: boiled fish (100 g) with a side dish of boiled beans (100 g), unsweetened tea (150 ml).
  • Lunch: salad with pieces of salted herring (150 g), sauerkraut borscht (500 ml), boiled potatoes (two pieces per serving), tea with lemon (200 ml), dark chocolate (50 g).
  • Afternoon snack: protein shake.
  • Dinner: energy bar, glass of milk, two slices of bran bread.

  • Breakfast: bran flour bun, grape juice (200 ml).
  • Second breakfast: a couple of apples, kefir (100 ml), three wheat bread.
  • Lunch: seafood salad (150 g), milk soup with pasta (500 ml), boiled cold turkey (150 g), black tea (100 ml).
  • Afternoon snack: dark chocolate (50 g), a glass of kefir, a couple of buns.
  • Dinner: sweet pepper salad (150 g), oatmeal (200 g), fruit juice (250 ml).
  • Second dinner: a couple of apples, mineral water with lemon juice(200 ml).

This weekly nutrition plan is intended for athletes who can withstand moderate physical activity.


  • Breakfast: an omelet made from two eggs, a glass of milk, two slices of bran bread.
  • Second breakfast: cucumber and tomato salad (150 g), sandwich with slices of ham and cheese, black coffee (200 ml).
  • Lunch: okroshka (500 ml), beef stew (200 g), three slices of bran bread, vegetable juice (200 ml).
  • Afternoon snack: orange, green tea (100 ml).
  • Dinner: beef stew (100 g), kefir (200 ml).
  • Second dinner: pineapple juice (200 ml), a piece of bran bread.

Features of proper nutrition for female athletes

Female athletes are mastering more and more new sports that were previously considered purely male (for example, weightlifting and hockey), and the list of these sports is steadily expanding every year.

However, in this section of the article we will talk about a traditionally female sport: rhythmic gymnastics. What are the goals of proper nutrition for female athletes? Their diet should:

  1. Provide the body with the necessary amount of vital nutrients without putting it at risk of gaining excess weight.
  2. Maintain stable low weight bodies.
  3. Stimulate high plasticity and functionality of the musculoskeletal system, as well as a set of relatively small muscles.

What does the diet of athletic girls consist of?

Potatoes and pasta should be completely excluded from the diet of athletes.

  • High-calorie confectionery products in the form of cakes, pastries and souffles are subject to strict restrictions. Acceptable sweets are all kinds of dried fruits (especially prunes, dried apricots and raisins) and dark chocolate.
  • In the diet of female athletes there should be no fried food, promoting weight gain. Acceptable use vegetable oil only as a dressing for salads and cereals. In addition to the threat of fat gain, fried foods can cause improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore feed sporty girls It is possible only with dishes prepared by boiling and stewing.

Female athletes are strictly prohibited from drinking sweet carbonated drinks.

  • Berry fruit drinks, compotes, table water and fruit juices are extremely healthy and are welcome in a proper sports nutrition diet. To sweeten drinks, it is recommended to use natural honey rather than sugar.

What should be the diet of female athletes?

  • The nutrition of female athletes must follow a strict regime: it is necessary to eat only during the designated hours.
  • 4-5 meals a day can be considered the most optimal, that is, athletes should eat every 3.5 hours.
  • To ensure that an overloaded stomach does not interfere with the training process, portions should be small.

Features of a proper diet for male athletes

And in this section of the article we will discuss the approximate diet of athletes involved in team sports. The energy intensity of their daily diet should be within 5,500 calories, although this figure is very approximate.