Effective gymnastics for the face, exercises for wrinkles. How to keep your skin youthful for a long time? Exercises at home

Expression wrinkles on the forehead have recently begun to bother people aged 25 years, or even earlier. They spoil the appearance and give away a person’s age. Sometimes facial wrinkles even visually add several years to the face. We don’t notice how actively we gesture with our faces in conversations or arguments, and at this time more and more new folds are brewing on our faces.

There are many reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Aging of the body. This is the most common cause of facial wrinkles on the forehead. Facial muscles lose their elasticity, their fibers weaken. As a result, facial skin becomes darker and wrinkles become more noticeable.
  • Facial expressions that have become a habit. If you constantly frown or raise your eyebrows, then wrinkles may appear on you ahead of time.
  • Smoking abuse.
  • Constant stress, depression, emotional tension, nervous stress and overwork.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Very active physical activity in large volumes, not gymnastics.
  • Constant exposure to the sun. Everyone knows that ultraviolet radiation, including solar radiation, accelerates the aging process of the skin.
  • Poor living conditions.
  • Poor ecology in the place of residence.
  • Constant use of decorative cosmetics.
  • Insufficient face building or too intensive facial skin care.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Wrinkles on the forehead can be vertical or horizontal. Horizontal ones look like folds along the forehead. They occur when the eyebrows are raised frequently. Vertical wrinkles are most often visible between the eyebrows, and they appear if you have a habit of frowning.

Today there are many ways to fight against facial wrinkles.

Many manufacturers offer special products, various injections, cosmetic procedures and other activities. They all cost a certain amount of money.

If you don’t want to spend your money, then explore other ways to fight wrinkles: yoga, face-building, facial gymnastics.

Ways to get rid of wrinkles

To monitor the condition of your skin and prevent it from aging, we offer you a list of possible activities:

In addition, certain gymnastics, yoga, face building, and facial gymnastics will help you fight against expression wrinkles.

Exercises to get rid of expression lines

Face building (yoga and facial gymnastics) against horizontal and vertical wrinkles is different.

So, yoga to combat horizontal wrinkles includes the following exercises:

Now let’s look at how effective gymnastics (face building, face yoga) works against vertical forehead wrinkles:

These face-building exercises (yoga and facial gymnastics) for muscles are very effective if performed regularly. But if you want faster and more pronounced results, then combine these exercises with some folk remedies.

The question of how to avoid the appearance of wrinkles worries every woman, regardless of age. Dermatologists are convinced that the sooner a woman thinks about the problem of aging, the better. Many have learned from their own experience that timely use of cosmetics helps to completely smooth out facial wrinkles. But what to do if the skin has lost its elasticity and deep wrinkles have appeared around the eyes and on the forehead? In this case, changing care will not be sufficient. Facial exercises for wrinkles can significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

  • The entire variety of existing facial gymnastics can be divided into two types: supporting and strength.
  • Gymnastics is aimed at general skin rejuvenation, as well as eliminating nasolabial folds, wrinkles under the eyes and on the forehead.
  • The secret to the success of exercises is their regularity. Only a thorough approach can achieve the effect of a facelift.
  • Gymnastics for the face and area around the eyes has contraindications.
  • It is necessary to perform exercises in a complex, following the sequence - first gymnastics for the eyes, then for the neck and chin. In conclusion, you need to do toning exercises aimed against wrinkles on the face.

The effectiveness of facial gymnastics and its types

Lifting gymnastics for the face, also known as face building, first appeared in the 30s of the last century and gained enormous popularity among women. Today there are many methods for performing these exercises. Conventionally, they can be divided into soft supporting and intense power. The first type involves a weak effect on the muscles, but at the same time provides a powerful cumulative effect. These exercises allow you to maintain the required level of skin tone on your face.

Strength training involves increased loads and movements that the muscles are not accustomed to. Special exercises put them into a state of stress and activate recovery processes, which leads to an active improvement in skin elasticity. It is worth noting that its use is not recommended for women under 35-40 years of age.

Even if there are serious problems (for example, deep wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, sagging eyelids or pronounced nasolabial folds), you should initially give preference to simple exercises.

What results should you expect from regular gymnastics?

  1. Acceleration of blood circulation in tissues and a significant improvement in complexion. A pleasant bonus will be the solution to the problem of excessive dryness of the skin of the face and around the eyes.
  2. The growth of facial muscles will help correct defects such as a sagging jawline and a flabby neck. In addition, an increase in muscle volume will affect the condition of the nasolabial folds, as well as wrinkles under the eyes and on the forehead.
  3. Activation of lymph outflow and launch of cleansing processes.
  4. Acceleration of the synthesis of collagen and protein molecules, as well as their accumulation in the deep layers of the skin. This will prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds and new wrinkles.
  5. Long-term and correct execution of the exercises has a pronounced result, which can be compared to the effect of a facelift.
  6. Performing exercises aimed at improving the condition of the eyelids and eliminating wrinkles under the eyes has a positive effect on vision.


Anti-aging gymnastics for the face is contraindicated in case of hypertension and pathology of the facial nerve.

Consultation with a specialist is required if you have undergone plastic surgery on your face.

In order for anti-wrinkle gymnastics to bring maximum effect, you must follow certain rules.

  • Before class, thoroughly cleanse your skin and remove makeup from your eyelids. This way she can breathe and sweat freely.
  • If your skin is extremely dry, moisturize it with lotion or light cream before starting your workout. If necessary, use thermal water during exercise.
  • Remember to pay attention to your head position and posture. Sit on a comfortable chair with a back and try to relax. This will improve blood supply to the tissues and make the results of gymnastics more pronounced.
  • While performing an exercise aimed at a specific area, the rest of the face should be relaxed.
  • Breathe correctly: make an effort as you exhale and rest as you inhale.
  • Conduct your first lessons in front of a mirror. This will allow you to better practice and quickly master the technique of movements.
  • Complicate the exercises and increase the number of repetitions gradually.
  • After completing the complex, refresh your face with toner, apply serum and cream. Finish your session with a nourishing face and eyelid mask several times a week.
  • It is advisable to perform the entire complex. Of course, you can spend more time on individual exercises (for example, against wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes or nasolabial folds), but only a complete workout will improve skin tone.
  • The key to successful rejuvenation lies in regular exercise. Facial muscles are small in size and quick to respond to stress. For this reason, the tightening effect is achieved after 2-3 months of training. But if the training is irregular, the results quickly disappear, as the muscles again lose tone. For the first few months, you need to do gymnastics daily, devoting 10-15 minutes to it. In the future, 2-3 classes per week will be enough.

Description of the workout

First you need to do gymnastics for the eyes. It is aimed at strengthening the eye muscles, reducing puffiness under the eyes and toning the skin. Perform the following sequence of movements, repeating each 5-6 times.

  • Standard exercises help against bags under the eyes: alternate between closing your eyes and relaxing; blink quickly; Keeping your eyes open, “draw” figure eights with your pupils.
  • To work on the upper eyelids, place your fingers under your eyebrows and forcefully move your eyebrows upward. The exercise also combats wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Against the sagging of the lower eyelids, press the edge of the cheekbone with your fingers and close your eyes.

If you have free time, the described movements can be repeated throughout the day. Exercises for facial wrinkles around the eyes not only improve skin conditions, but also perfectly relieve fatigue.
Then you should do neck exercises. Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10.

  1. Tilt your head back. In this position, cover your upper lip as much as possible with your lower lip and count to 5. Relax and touch your chin to your chest.
  2. Stretch your neck slightly while keeping your head straight. Touch your chin with the back of your right hand. Tightening your muscles, open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue as far as you can. Count to 5-7 and relax.
  3. Place your right hand on top of your left and tuck them under your chin. Try to tilt your head back with your hands, while resisting this movement with your neck muscles. Count to 5-7 and relax. While performing this movement, try not to overexert your face as this can lead to the formation of wrinkles on your forehead.
  4. You probably remember the following exercise from your school physical education course. Stand up straight and lower your head to your chest. Smoothly roll it around the axis - first to the left shoulder, then to the right. Tilt your head back and lower it back onto your chest. After each change of position, take a break.

Don't skip these exercises, even if you think your neck skin is in excellent condition. The described movements have a complex effect and affect the condition of the eyelids, forehead, cheeks and chin.

Complete the complex exercises to improve facial muscle tone. First repeat all movements 2-3 times, then 5-6 times.

  1. Take a deep breath, flaring your nose. Exhale sharply, pushing air out through the right corner of your mouth. Repeat the movement, exhaling through the left corner of your mouth. This exercise is aimed against nasolabial folds.
  2. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose and hold your breath. Then, puffing out your cheeks and closing your lips, forcefully push the air out through your mouth.
  3. As you inhale through your nose, press your tongue firmly against your lower teeth. As you exhale, relax your muscles and give them a few seconds of rest.
  4. Inhale slowly through your nose. Exhaling through your mouth, stretch your lips forward. Hold the corners of your lips in place with your index fingers. This movement provides a tightening effect to the area around the lips and prevents the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  5. Place the fingers of both hands on the forehead area so that one of them is at the level of the eyebrows. Raise your eyes and eyebrows upward, preventing movement with your fingers.
  6. Place your fingers on your forehead and eyes so that they capture the inner corner of the eyes (the area near the bridge of the nose), the middle of the eyebrows and the outer corners of the eyes. Close your eyes, counteracting this movement with your fingers. By doing this exercise, you will also feel the tension in your eyelids and forehead muscles.
  7. The workout ends with an exercise that causes active blood flow to the muscles. Smoothly turn your head onto your right shoulder until it stops and, on the count of 3, lower it to your chest. Repeat the movement in the other direction.

Thus, facial gymnastics is aimed at strengthening weakened muscles and eliminating such cosmetic skin imperfections as sagging eyelids, wrinkles under the eyes and in the forehead. Regular exercise combined with caring care can completely transform your face.

I tried to accept myself like this... but it is very important for a woman to admire her reflection in the mirror!
Then I began to become interested in all the methods of facelifts, plastic surgery and other options. But I found so many contraindications, sad stories with the results of operations, it became scary.
I am so grateful to fate that one day I learned about the existence of face building or gymnastics for the face, face forming, face lifting, face fitness, you can call this set of exercises for the face whatever you like - the meaning is the same - giving tone to the facial muscles, improving blood circulation, smoothing out wrinkles and, as a result, , improved mood and increased self-esteem!
This is not a discovery - fitness classes, going to the gym, and sports make our body fit and slender.
So how does the face, which has muscles that lose tone with age, differ from the body? Nothing! The face also needs sports!
Yes, there are negative reviews too, but now I am 100% sure why - these women tried to practice on their own and created additional creases and wrinkles for themselves.
That’s why at the initial stage you need a face-building instructor who will competently tell you about finger placement and why you need to do it this way and not otherwise.
Visit our website, some of the many face-building results of our school of facial gymnastics are posted there. You will see photos BEFORE and AFTER studying the courses. Many women begin to exercise at the age of 50 and 60. All ages are submissive to facial gymnastics. The older the woman, the more noticeable the result.
And you, Marina, are only 38! Since you are a mother of three children, work on your appearance for 2-3 months (25-30 minutes every other day at the initial stage), and sometimes even the result is achieved earlier, then for you, I think, this will not be much work and reserve patience!
We are waiting for you at our individual courses, Marina! You have every chance to become more beautiful and straighten, smooth, level out deep nasolabial folds, as well as cope with other problems on the face.

Facial exercises for wrinkles help maintain youthful and fresh skin. Unique exercises help eliminate even deep wrinkles and therefore are gaining increasing popularity among women of all ages.

Types of wrinkles

All wrinkles on the face are conventionally divided into several types, depending on changes in the skin and the causes of their occurrence. By type of expression wrinkles are:

  • Superficial– changes are observed in the upper layer of the skin. This type of wrinkle is typical for young women. Reasons include dry skin and developed facial expressions;
  • Deep– changes appear in the deep subcutaneous layer. The skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and stretched. These are age-related changes, they are almost resistant to the effects of conventional cosmetics.

In addition, wrinkles are divided into dynamic, which are not noticeable at rest, and static, which are visible in any condition.

By origin Wrinkles are divided into several types:

  • Mimic– visible only when the facial muscles are tense;
  • Gravitational– are the result of loss of skin elasticity;
  • Age– appear on the entire surface of the face and are associated with age.

Each person's wrinkles manifest themselves individually. It depends on genetic characteristics and different habits. The appearance of wrinkles can be influenced by lifestyle.

How to properly prepare for facial gymnastics

In order for facial gymnastics against wrinkles to be effective, you should follow some rules:

  • Before starting a set of exercises, the face is cleaned of makeup and washed with clean, cool water;
  • During gymnastics, collars or scarves should not put pressure on the neck;
  • Before you start the exercises, you need to think about positive things and smile at the reflection in the mirror;
  • Beginners should not overwork themselves; the exercises become more difficult gradually.

In the first few months, anti-wrinkle exercises are performed every day, devoting about 15 minutes to it. Then it is enough to do the exercises 3 times a week. After just 2 months of regular exercise, the result will be visible, the skin will become tightened and fresh.

Other remedies for getting rid of wrinkles: oils, massage, Japanese gymnastics, hydrogen peroxide, face masks, ice, expression wrinkles, folk remedies for wrinkles.

Set of exercises

You can perform exercises only for problem areas, but it is better to perform complex exercises to activate all muscle groups.

Exercises for forehead wrinkles

  • The eyebrows are raised as high as possible, the eyes are opened strongly and remain in this position for about four seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise about 5 times, gradually increasing the pace.
  • The palms are placed on the forehead, the thumbs are placed on the temporal part. The skin on the forehead is lightly pressed with the palms and an attempt is made to raise the eyebrows using the muscles. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

Exercises for wrinkles in the brow area

  • Place your hands on your forehead, placing your thumbs on your temples, and press them tightly to the skin. Close the eyes and make rotational movements with the eyeballs, first to the left and then to the right. After this, the palms are removed and the muscles are relaxed. Do the exercise about 5 times.
  • The index fingers of both hands are placed on the bridge of the nose. After this, applying a little force, run your fingers along the eyebrows, repeating their shape. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times, gradually increasing the area of ​​the semicircles of the eyebrows.

Exercises for wrinkles between eyebrows

Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead and press down on the skin. Then it is shifted to the eyebrows and held in this position for several seconds, during which time the gaze is directed upward. After this, they return to the starting position and, pressing the skin on the forehead with their fingers, sharply raise and lower their eyebrows. Perform the exercise until a slight burning sensation is felt. After performing, use circular movements to lightly massage the eyebrow area.

Exercises to tighten the area under the eyebrows

  • Place your index fingers on the bridge of your nose and lightly press the skin. After this, fingers pass from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as if repeating the shape of the eyebrows. The exercise is performed about 5 times, during breaks the eyes are closed and the eyelids are lightly rubbed with the fingertips.
  • Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and gently move the skin to the side. Perform several approaches, between which the eyes are closed and the muscles are relaxed.

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

  • Four fingers are pressed well onto the skin under the eyebrows. Easily lift them up while closing your eyes. Then the eyes open, but the pressure of the fingers does not weaken. Perform this exercise up to 10 times.
  • Press the skin at the border of the bones in the outer corners of the eyes and easily pull it towards the temples. At the same time, raise your eyes up and close your eyelids, wait 5 seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise up to 8 times.

Exercises for tightening the upper and lower eyelids

  • The middle and index fingers are placed at the beginning and end of the eyebrows and lightly press the skin. After this, squint the lower eyelids until a pulsation is felt under the fingers. Squint and relax your eyelids 10 times in a row, then squint hard and count to 30. After the exercise, rest for a few seconds.
  • Place the middle and index fingers on the eyebrows, slightly stretching the skin. After this, the eyebrows are raised and lowered with active movements, gradually increasing the pace. Perform the exercise 8 times, then relax.

Exercises for wrinkles on cheeks and cheekbones

  • The jaws are closed tightly and at the same time the lower lip is pulled back, exposing a row of teeth, but the corners of the lips should be motionless. When you feel tension in your chin, you should stop in this position for 5 seconds and then relax. Do up to 7 approaches.
  • Fill your mouth with air and puff out your cheeks as much as possible. They push the air in the mouth with the muscles of the cheeks from one side to the other. The lower jaw should be completely motionless. The exercise is performed by gradually increasing the pace. It is similar to rinsing your mouth with water.

Exercises to smooth out nasolabial folds

  • The mouth is opened very wide and the lips are pressed well against the teeth, as if enveloping them. They stay in this position for up to 15 seconds, after which they close their mouth and relax. You need to breathe through your nose. Do up to 5 approaches.
  • They open their mouth a little and, without closing their teeth, try to connect their lips. You need to try to raise the corners of your lips, as if you are trying to smile. The exercise is performed 15 times; if it doesn’t work, you can help yourself with your hands, pulling the corners of your mouth up.

Exercises for wrinkles around the mouth

  • The slightly parted lips are pulled out with a tube. They pull their lips forward with force and strongly tear their mouth away, after which they close their mouth and relax. Repeat the exercise about 15 times.
  • The mouth is opened and closed as much as possible, gradually accelerating the pace. After this, the index fingers are placed on the corners of the mouth and slightly stretched. The exercise is repeated up to 15 times, during breaks the facial muscles are well relaxed.

Exercises to strengthen the chin and lower face

  • They tilt their head and try to touch their chest with their chin. Fix the head in this state for 10 seconds and raise it. Repeat the exercise 5 more times. During the break between exercises, close your eyes and relax.
  • They look straight ahead, push their chin out a little, and bite their lower lip. Next, move the lower jaw in different directions. Do it five times.
  • The mouth is opened slightly and the head is tilted back. The lower jaw is pulled forward and the chin is tensed, while the mouth is closed. Perform the exercise 7 times.

Other types of facial exercises for wrinkles

If you have free time every day, you can perform a set of Carol Maggio exercises. This gymnastics was invented by an ordinary American woman when she saw how much her appearance had changed over the years. The gymnastic complex has exercises for different problem areas, all of them are divided by difficulty levels and can be performed in different starting positions. The results of Carol Maggio's facial gymnastics will be noticeable within a couple of months if performed regularly.

Japanese facial gymnastics shows good results. It represents a complex of gymnastic and massage actions. This gymnastics affects not only the skin. Exercise helps restore the bones of the skull and improves the functioning of the lymph nodes. Before starting exercise, the skin must be moisturized with cotton-based cream or soft cream.

Video: gymnastics for the face against wrinkles. Doing exercises

It is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics to maintain youthful and fresh skin. It is enough to regularly perform facial gymnastics against wrinkles and the result will be noticeable after a few months. Wrinkles of various types will decrease or disappear, and your face will acquire a healthy color.

Is this signaling the end of an era for cosmetic surgery? Facial exercise specialist Carole Maggio says you can remove wrinkles, refresh your eyes, tighten the contours of your neck and chin, and even unclog pores naturally.

To achieve the best results, you must perform the following exercises. It takes no more than eight minutes to perform the entire complex of gymnastics for facial rejuvenation at home. These exercises need to be repeated only twice a day. No more and no less.

One thing to remember is that when it comes to facial exercises, “less” actually means “more.” Putting too much stress on the face through too many repetitions can create a tense and tired appearance rather than tight, youthful-looking skin.

If you act consistently, calmly, and stick to the plan, then within a week improvements will become noticeable. And after that, if you want to look younger than your age, you just need to continue these actions for a lifting effect.

Facebook building from Glucose:


  1. Place both index fingers between your eyebrows, then lightly wrap your thumbs around the outer corners of your eyes, as if you were putting sunglasses on your eyes.
  2. Squeeze the eyelids tightly, closing the eyes, after which the index fingers should be moved upward between the eyebrows, and the thumbs should be moved towards the top of the ears.
  3. Keeping your eyes tightly closed, continue moving your fingers up and out for 40 seconds so that the muscles around the eyes continuously work, resisting the action of the fingers.

Increased tone of the upper and lower eyelids, reduced swelling under the eyes. As a result, the eyes will appear enlarged, youthful and alert.

Smoothing out wrinkles

  1. Place your fingers on the center of your forehead.
  2. Press your fingertips down toward your eyebrows while raising your eyebrows up, creating tension in your forehead muscles.
  3. Keep your eyebrows raised while continuing to press down with your fingers for about 30 seconds.

This exercise should be performed twice a day. For severe wrinkles, it can be repeated three times a day.. It is also recommended to wear a bandage on the forehead wrinkles at night - this will allow the muscles to relax during sleep, and the lines on the forehead will quickly become less pronounced in the morning after sleep.

Lifting the eyebrows and reducing sagging of the upper eyelids. Vertical lines between the eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead are also smoothed out.

Lower eyelid lift

This exercise can be done sitting or lying down.

  1. Using your index fingers, touch the outer corners of your eyes, in those places where you can still feel your lower eyelashes.
  2. Squint your eyes tightly using your lower eyelids. At the same time, under your fingers you should feel the tension of the muscles next to the eyes.
  3. Look at the ceiling.
  4. Move your face forward, pushing your shoulders back to create resistance. For additional resistance, you can place your feet on the floor.
  5. Hold the squint for 40 seconds.

Strengthens the eye muscles to reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

Do this exercise twice a day. If the swelling under the eyes is severe, then this exercise should be performed three times a day.

Warm up the cheeks

  1. Touch your index fingers to the top of your cheeks.
  2. Smile only with the middle part of your upper lip, imagining the sound “Ewwww” that a person makes when smelling a disgusting smell. In this case, the upper lip should be pressed against the teeth.
  3. Keep your lips pulled away from each other (this should be done with your lips, and not move your jaw), feeling the movement of your cheeks under your index fingers.
  4. Relax.

Repeat 20 times, maintaining the expression as if sensing an unpleasant odor.

Strengthening the facial muscles that give shape to the cheeks. At the same time, it helps reduce hollows under the eyes.

Nose change

  1. Pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger and press them towards your face.
  2. Press the tip of your nose upward with the index finger of your other hand.
  3. At the same time, relax the muscles of the nose, lowering them by lowering the upper lip over the teeth.
  4. Hold this position for a second, then relax your lip.

Repeat the exercise 40 times. Each time there should be a feeling that the tip of the nose is being pushed by the finger pressed to it.

The nose continues to grow throughout life, increasing facial aging. This exercise allows you to maintain your nose in a younger, stronger shape. A good tone of the nose can even hide minor imperfections, such as bulges and depressions.

Raising the corners of the lips

  1. Purse your lips and pull the corners of your mouth inward.
  2. Maintaining this position of your lips, touch the corners of your mouth with your index fingers.
  3. Move your fingers up and down without lifting them from the corners of your mouth, imagining the corners of your mouth moving up and down until you feel a burning sensation on the sides of your mouth.
  4. Increase the speed of finger movement for 40 seconds in order to increase the burning sensation and force the mouth muscles to work at full strength.

At the end of the exercise, keeping your lips together, exhale between them, feeling the vibration. This is necessary to relieve tension.

With age, the corners of the mouth droop. This exercise strengthens them.

Lip filling

  1. Wrap the upper lip under it itself, pressing it to the gums.
  2. Holding it with your index finger, press the index finger of your other hand in the center of your upper lip.
  3. Slowly removing your finger, imagine the ball hitting the center of your lip.
  4. If a burning sensation occurs, stretch your lip using 20 quick circular movements.
  5. Then repeat the exercise, this time simultaneously pressing and releasing your index finger and thumb at the corners of your mouth.

If you experience a burning sensation in the corners of your mouth, make 20 quick circular movements with your fingers where the thumb and index finger were pressed.

Gives lips the appearance of fullness, youth and elasticity without the use of expensive fillers.

Against nasolabial folds

  1. Keeping your upper lip pressed against your teeth, pull back your lower lip, opening your mouth in an elongated "O" shape.
  2. Then press your index fingers to the corners of your mouth and slowly move them up along the nasolabial lines from the corners of your mouth to the corners of your nose.
  3. Having reached your nose, slowly move your fingers back to the corners of your mouth.

Repeat the movement until a burning sensation appears in the nasolabial lines, then quickly move your index fingers up and down for 30 seconds.

Jaw tone

  1. Open your mouth and press your lower lip to your lower teeth. The mouth should be small, not like when smiling. The upper lip should also be pressed against the teeth.
  2. Slowly open and close your mouth five times, trying to maintain the feeling that the corners of the mouth and chin are connected, and work together when closing the mouth.
  3. Keep your mouth closed for a few seconds, then lift your chin up another centimeter, and hold it in this position for some more time.

What it does: This simple exercise will strengthen a sagging jawline, providing additional lift, tone, and definition. It also gets rid of that stubborn double chin.

Neck and chin lift

  1. Place your hand on the front of your neck and press lightly.
  2. Extend your other hand in front of you, pressing your fingers against the wall.
  3. Lift your chin towards the ceiling and smile big, sticking out your tongue and raising it towards your nose.
  4. Maintaining this expression, quickly push off from the wall, as if sitting in a rocking chair.
  5. Push off and swing back 30 times.
  6. Turn your head to the right (keeping your chin up, your tongue out, and your hand on your neck) and look over your shoulder.
  7. Rock 30 times, then repeat while looking over your left shoulder.

Strengthens the contour of the chin, neck and jaw, promoting the disappearance of double chin.

Plus food

  • Refined foods should be avoided andSahara. When you eat refined carbohydrates, such as white rice and white pasta, the resulting sugar molecules build up in your skin's collagen over time. Collagen helps skin look firm and youthful, but when it is bound by too much sugar, the skin begins to lose color and develop deep lines.
  • Need to eat more protein. Consuming two servings of lean protein (fish, chicken, eggs, and other lean foods) daily has been shown to promote cellular repair and healthy skin.
  • You need to control your salt intake. Too much salt in food leads to water retention in the body and swelling of the skin. You should not add salt to your food, and you should also check food labels. The recommended salt intake for adults should not exceed 6 g per day.
  • It is advisable to drink water. Drinking eight glasses of water daily helps keep your body healthy and your skin hydrated, maintaining its radiance and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Eat a variety of brightly colored fruits andvegetables. Powerful antioxidant vitamins found in brightly colored berries, carrots, peppers and leafy greens help promote healthy skin.

The skin needs to be cleaned

While the skin itself is responsible for exfoliating dead cells, unfortunately, this process begins to slow down dramatically as we age.

To restore youthful, radiant skin, lift it and maintain an even tone on the face and neck, use a soft sponge to cleanse the face, or a coarse flannel to lightly scrub dry skin in small circles before applying moisturizer.

You can take care of your face every day, use expensive cosmetics, go for procedures, but the years will still take their toll. At 40-50 years old, the face fades, deep wrinkles appear, the oval of the face deteriorates, and the skin loses tone. To preserve youth for as long as possible, cosmetologists recommend resorting to facial gymnastics. The exercises are safe for beginners, and the first results can be seen within a few days.

The benefits of gymnastics for the face

To maintain a fit body, it must be constantly trained. The rule also applies to a person. In the absence of proper training, facial muscles weaken over time, lose their elasticity and, consequently, begin to sag, and the face becomes unattractive. But daily gymnastics will help cope with these problems.

Benefits of gymnastics for the face:

  • Increased blood circulation in facial tissues;
  • Return of color, tone and healthy glow of the skin;
  • Tight and neat face. The contour is improved by toning the muscles;
  • The rate of appearance of wrinkles is reduced by increasing the flow of nutrients;
  • Hydroexchange improves and toxins are released;
  • The double chin, which is the result of sagging muscles, is eliminated.

Doing facial exercises before bed can help relax tense muscles and eliminate morning puffiness.

Basic execution rules

Any remedy has contraindications. Facial gymnastics is no exception. If a person has a pathology of the facial nerve or has undergone Botox injections, this type of exercise is contraindicated. Temporary or permanent contraindications are approved for persons who have recently undergone facial plastic surgery. Before performing such gymnastics, first consult with a qualified specialist.

The following rules will help increase the effectiveness of the exercise:

  • The skin of the face and muscles are gradually affected. You need to start small. In the first classes, perform a small number of repetitions. This will already be a good start in the recovery course;
  • Practice in front of a mirror. This way you can completely control the process. Sit on a chair and straighten your back. If there is any outer clothing in the neck area, remove it;
  • Before starting the exercise, clean and moisturize your skin with cream. Such preparation will prevent microtrauma during the exercise;
  • Concentrate on relaxing and tightening your facial muscles. This way you can achieve more effective results;
  • When performing exercises, the muscles need to be tensed as much as possible. The optimal time for tension is 10 seconds. The number of repetitions depends on the type of exercise. Initially, 5-7 repetitions will be enough. This figure must be increased daily by one repetition;
  • Breathe correctly. The muscles should tense as you inhale and relax as you exhale.

Facial exercises should be done twice a day. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. Only with regular repetition can you achieve the desired results (tighten facial muscles, smooth out wrinkles, remove puffiness under the eyes).

Facial exercises

As mentioned above, before starting the exercise, your facial skin needs to be cleansed and moisturized with a special cream. However, it should be noted that facial gymnastics can be combined with the application of nourishing masks, oils, tonics, creams or anti-aging cosmetics.

Gymnastics for the face can be different:

  • For wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Against wrinkles on the forehead;
  • To strengthen lips;
  • For cheek lift;
  • Against expression wrinkles;
  • For the chin muscles;
  • Japanese anti-wrinkle;
  • Chinese gymnastics;
  • Facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions for performing various exercises for facial correction.

For wrinkles around the eyes

With the help of exercises around the eyes, you can remove wrinkles in a few sessions. A set of daily exercises includes:

  • You will need a weight on a string or a pendulum clock. For 5 minutes you need to monitor its movement without turning your head;
  • Repeat the exercise described above. However, hang the watch higher, do not raise your head;
  • Look at a distant object for a couple of seconds, then sharply shift your gaze to an object nearby;
  • Close your eyelids tightly, count to 3, and then open and count to 3 again. This exercise should be repeated up to 10 times;
  • Press your eyelids with three fingers. Eyes must be closed. The index finger should be on the outside of the eyelid, the middle finger should be in the center of the eyebrow, and the ring finger should rest on the inside of the eyelid. Squint your closed eyes and try to open them with your fingers, entering into resistance;
  • Look forward and at the same time, with two fingers, pull the lower eyelid towards the upper. Count to two and then release the eyelid.

To increase the effectiveness of gymnastics for the skin around the eyes, you need to monitor your daily routine. Go to bed early and try to get more rest.

Against forehead wrinkles

With daily training, a woman will be able to get rid of wrinkles on her forehead on her own. After all, even the smallest wrinkles can give a girl’s facial expression a frown and gloominess.

Exercises to eliminate horizontal wrinkles on the forehead:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror. Place your elbows on the table and place your fingertips along your hairline. Gently pull the skin upward. Hold it. The head should look straight. Position your fingers so as not to cause new wrinkles to form. Apply gentle pressure and pull on the forehead skin in five successive steps. Close your eyes at the same time. Hold your forehead skin in this position for a few seconds and then gently release.
  2. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows high. Repeat the exercises 10 times. With each subsequent exercise, increase the pace of execution.
  3. Stretch your arms at your sides, your back is straight, your shoulders are straight. Lower your head to your chest. Place your head over your left shoulder, back, then over your right shoulder and over your chest.
    Please note: the last exercise may cause you to feel dizzy. To prevent this, do the exercise with your eyes closed.

Into a set of exercises to eliminate vertical wrinkles on the forehead includes the following:

  1. Tighten the muscles of your forehead and back of your head. Cover your head with your hands. The thumbs should be on the back of the head, and the index fingers on the forehead. Use your index fingers to move the skin of your forehead towards the center. Then raise your eyebrows and count to 7. Watch the placement of your own fingers so as not to create new wrinkles.
  2. The pads of your middle fingers should be in the middle of your eyebrows. Raise both eyebrows and frown at the same time. Count to 7. Then do the same, only in reverse order. In this case, muscle tension should be directed upward, and pull your fingers down. Position your fingers so as not to create unnecessary folds.
  3. Impact on the muscles of the frontal and subfrontal parts. Using the pads of your index, middle and ring fingers, pull back the skin under your eyes. Try closing your eyes and counting to 7. At the same time, you can try to tense your cheek muscles.

To obtain the desired result (smoothing wrinkles on the forehead), you can combine daily exercises with the application of smoothing masks.

To strengthen lips

In addition to strengthening the lips, gymnastics can increase their volume. No injections or miracle pills are required. It is enough to spend 10 minutes a day exercising. Another benefit of doing daily exercises is the smoothing of nasolabial folds.

Exercise to relieve swelling in the nasolabial folds must be performed by first moisturizing your lips with thermal water. How to do the exercise:

  • Spread your fingers to the side. The index and middle fingers should form one group;
  • Place your index and middle fingers above your upper lip and your ring and little fingers under your lower lip. The lips should be between the fingers;
  • Shift the weight of your head towards your palm. Create increased attraction. Your fingers may start to slip a little to the side, but this is normal. However, make sure that your fingers do not drag along the lip line;
  • Then move your fingers towards your earlobes, as if you were involuntarily drawing a smile.

To strengthen the orbicularis oris muscle roll your tongue under your lower lip 30 times clockwise. Then you can use the same number of repetitions, but counterclockwise. This exercise will help strengthen the orbicularis oris muscles and make them more elastic.

For cheek lift

Cheek tightening exercises are also effective. They give muscles tone. In order to tighten your cheeks, you can perform several exercises:

  • First exercise: the head must be raised up and to the left. Wait until you feel tension in your neck muscles. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Repeat the same with the other side. Rotate your neck vigorously left and right. Repeat 10 times.
  • Second exercise:You need to take in as much air as possible into your mouth, which will create tension in your cheeks. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds. Release the air as quickly as possible. The exercise must be repeated several times.While holding your breath, roll the air to the right and left.
  • Third exercise:Place your palms on your face so that they cover your lips. Fingers should be on the cheeks. Use your fingers to create resistance and then smile. Repeat the exercise several times.

Against expression lines

To get rid of wrinkles, perform a daily easy set of facial exercises. If you don’t skip classes, your facial muscles will gain tone. The skin of the face and deep layers will noticeably tighten and the face will acquire a beautiful oval. Such exercises will also help a woman get rid of her double chin.

A set of exercises against facial wrinkles:

  • Purse your lips. Pull them out with a tube. Place your palms in front of your ears and press on your cheekbones. The lips need to be relaxed. This exercise tightens the skin in the cheekbone area;
  • Make the letter "O" with your lips. Then close your lips for 6 seconds and relax your muscles. Thanks to this, the corners of the mouth will not droop with age;
  • Interlace your fingers and place them on your forehead. Then try moving your eyebrows. There will be serious hand resistance. Then wait in this position for 7 seconds and relax your muscles.

The simple exercises described above will help a woman cope with unwanted facial wrinkles. The main rule is that you need to repeat them regularly.

For the chin muscles

To get rid of a double chin, you need to eat right and perform special exercises for the face and chin.

A set of exercises for the chin muscles:

  • Ladle. A simple exercise in which you need to open your mouth and hook your lower lip onto your lower teeth. Imagine that you have to scoop up water using only your lower jaw, then close your mouth and lift your head up at the same time. Please note: when performing this exercise, simultaneously raise your head up;
  • Pull-ups. The hyoid muscle leads to the appearance of a double chin. Therefore, she also needs to pay attention. Stick your tongue out as much as possible. Try to reach the tip of your nose. The lips should be relaxed. Repeat 5 times;
  • Exercise “kiss the giraffe”. Imagine that you really wanted to kiss a giraffe or other very tall animal. Raise your head up, move your lower jaw slightly forward, and close your lips with a tube. If everything is done correctly, tension should appear in the neck. Hold in this position for 8 seconds. Repeat the procedure 5 times.

To tighten your facial muscles, you can perform “smile” and “letter” exercises. Each of them is performed for 5-6 repetitions.

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles

Japanese gymnastics for wrinkles includes various exercises. They affect different areas: eyes, forehead, nasolabial folds.

Japanese exercises for forehead wrinkles:

  • Place the pads of your middle fingers on the inner edges of your eyebrows. Move the skin towards the bridge of the nose as far as possible, and then in the opposite direction. This must be done slowly;
  • Place your fingertips in the center of your eyebrows. Pull the skin down while simultaneously creating resistance with your facial muscles. Pull your eyebrows up. Hold in this position for a few seconds. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

Gymnastics for wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Close your eyes and relax. Place the tips of your middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Without pressing hard on the skin, move your fingers towards the inner corners of your eyes. Then carefully move onto the eyebrows, forming a circle around the eyes. Number of repetitions - 10-15 times;
  • Re-fix the tips of your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Move your fingers towards the inner corners and then return to the starting position. Repeat the procedure 10-15 times.

To get rid of wrinkles in the nasolabial fold area, fix the tips of your index fingers at the base of the nasal wings. Now make a few movements around them and move to the bridge of your nose. Make several strokes with moderate pressure towards the nasolabial fold.

Chinese gymnastics

Chinese anti-wrinkle gymnastics also has another name - “8 drops of dew collected from spring flowers.” Before performing it, you need to clean and moisturize your face. Gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  1. Lightly move your fingers over the surface of the forehead, in the area around the eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and bridge of the nose. If necessary, you can also cover the décolleté area.
  2. The “second drop of dew” exercise involves tapping movements on the areas indicated in the first paragraph. There are 5-7 claps for each area.
  3. Each area of ​​the face should be stroked with the palm of your hand.
  4. “The fourth drop of dew” - kneading the area around the eyes, nose, cheeks, chin, bridge of the nose and forehead with the pads of bent fingers.
  5. Kneading with light pressure on the above listed areas on the face.
  6. A fist is formed from the fingers, and stroking is carried out with the knuckles of the fingers. During the “6 drops of dew”, the skin of the face should not move.
  7. During the “7 drops of dew”, light pressure and warm-up alternate.
  8. The last technique is carried out visually. Imagine that you have gold-colored threads in your hands and try to mentally place them on your cheeks, chin, and neck area.

A course of Chinese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles - 3 times a week for a month. Its duration is from 20 to 40 minutes per session. We recommend doing Chinese gymnastics in the morning.

Facial gymnastics from Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio is an American cosmetologist who became a victim of unsuccessful rhinoplasty. After which she began studying the anatomy of the female body and developed a set of exercises for the face and neck. To prevent wrinkles in the forehead and eyebrows, Carol Maggio suggests the following exercise:

  1. Place your index fingers parallel to your eyebrows. We fix them in this position. Gently raise your eyebrows up, holding them with your fingers. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. We keep our eyebrows raised, holding them with our fingers. We make gentle pushes with the pads until a slight burning sensation appears.
  3. After unpleasant sensations appear, fix the eyebrows and count to 30.
  4. We relax and gently massage the arches of the eyebrows.

This simple exercise will help a woman even out the texture of her eyebrows and smooth out unwanted wrinkles. The exercise must be repeated several times a week.

Basic mistakes

Training your facial muscles is painstaking and hard work. When performing exercises, it is important to avoid major mistakes in order to achieve the desired result. Among the main mistakes when performing gymnastics for the face against wrinkles are the following:

  • Do strength training for the face every day. With excessive zeal, muscle spasms appear, which has a bad effect on a woman’s face;
  • Lack of relaxing exercises. At the end of each exercise, the facial muscles should relax and rest;
  • Intense exercise. Don't think that the harder you train your muscles, the more effective the results will be. This is wrong. If your facial muscles cramp, you won't do anything better for yourself;
  • Doing exercises with your face in makeup. Before any muscle training, you should clean your face of makeup and moisturize it to avoid microtraumas;
  • Doing exercises without a mirror. It is important to monitor the order in which you perform the exercises to avoid mistakes.

If you follow all the rules for performing facial exercises against wrinkles, you will be able to smooth them out. Don't expect quick results, everything has its time.