What you need for modular origami. Modular origami. Where to begin? Origami from triangular modules: preparing basic elements

If you seriously decide to study the eastern method of making all kinds of paper figures using modular technology, then first of all you need to understand how to make a module, the diagram of which is very simple.

The art of creating paper models without scissors or glue came to us from Japan. Presumably, the birthplace of this type of needlework was Ancient China, where paper first appeared. Like everything oriental, origami has smooth lines and is used as a way to relax.

When following the diagram, try to do the work extremely carefully and accurately. Consider the fact that modules are like bricks that make up a masterpiece.

How to make an origami module

So, for work we need an A4 sheet.

Divide the entire sheet into equal rectangles:

After cutting, take one rectangle and fold it in half:

We fold this half in half again:

This is needed to mark the middle of the leaf in order to fold the edges into a triangle:

Now the edges of the workpiece need to be bent towards the previously outlined middle to form a triangle like this:

Turn the workpiece over and fold the edges towards the middle again. Try to leave a small distance between the large and two small triangles:

Now we need to bend the lower triangles up:

We have an even triangle, which we need to bend in half again:

Our module is ready.

The finished element has two corners and a pocket, which are used to connect the modules to each other.

The connection looks like this:

Also, for clarity, how to make a triangular module for origami video is simply necessary:

Mastering the “modular figures” technique using the example of a swan

So, we have already successfully dealt with the question of how to make a triangular module for origami. Now let's try to make simple figures using this technique. Our first creation will be a swan:

It is very simple and using its example you can understand the process of connecting elements.

The entire process of creating a swan is described in the diagram:

The first step will be nesting 4 white modules into each other.

Make sure that the long ends are turned to the left. Then we place one module with the double end to the bottom and attach the remaining 4 modules. The result is the tail of the future swan.

To get wings, you need to insert an open module on each side into the base of the figure (4 large modules).

For the neck we will need 9 smaller modules. They fold similarly to the body of a swan - into each other. Please note that the double end of the module must be at the bottom.

Now we make the bird’s beak from the red module, inserting its double end into the end of the neck, i.e. the long base should be at the bottom. We connect the neck and torso. And our swan is ready. This was the easiest way to create modular origami.

If you completed this task with ease, then you are ready to move on to more complex modular origami models. You can make a cat, a vase and even an entire fruit basket.

The process of creating modular origami is a very exciting process that quickly becomes addictive. But it requires extreme concentration and attention, which is characteristic of oriental art. Therefore, take your time and be patient in the process of creating your next masterpiece.

How to make an origami module: video tutorial

All figures are made from so-called triangular modules, and therefore, first, let's learn how to make these same triangles.

This module is made up of a rectangle of colored or white paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1:1.5. You can get the desired rectangles by dividing the A4 format into equal parts.

You can also fold modules from half a square using note blocks available in office supplies.

How to fold a triangular origami module

The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.

How to connect modules to each other

Modules folded according to the above diagram can be inserted into each other in various ways and obtain three-dimensional products. Here is one possible connection example:

By making many modules from paper of different colors, you can get a modular construction set. A figurine made from such a constructor can be easily disassembled. From such details you can put together many interesting figures.

Lesson 1-2


Orange is not a difficult figure to execute. However, it requires some skill in forming spherical shapes. This skill is necessary for making various animal figurines using the modular origami technique. If you take several bright colors instead of orange, you can make a Christmas tree ball.

Birthday cake

First, prepare triangular origami modules made from rectangles of different sizes.

  • Module-1: 1/4 sheet of white A4 paper, 175 white and 7 green.
  • Module-2: 1/8 A4 sheet, 166 white and 14 green.
  • Module-3: 1/16 A4 sheet, 14 white and 14 green.
  • Module-4: 1/32 sheets of A4 (60x38 mm), 7 white and 7 green.

For the plate you will need approximately 130 pieces of Modules-4 (colors of your choice).

  1. Take 42 Modules-1 for the first row and the same for the second. Connect the modules this way. First row: modules are on the short side, second row: modules are on the long side.
  2. When you make 4 modules in the first row and 3 in the second, immediately start assembling the third row. The modules are on the long side, put on in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Continue to collect three rows at a time. The third row also has 42 modules.
  4. Close all rows into a ring.
  5. Turn it over to the other side and, gently pressing the edges with your fingers, turn the shape inside out. The edges should go towards the center and the middle should go up.
  6. It turns out this is the figure.
  7. Turn over and put on the fourth row of Modules-1.
  8. Take 7 green Modules-1 and put them on every sixth pair of corners.
  9. Take 14 Module-2s and put them on the sides of the large green ones.
  10. Put 14 Modules-3 on the sides of Modules-2 and put 7 Modules-4 in the middle.
  11. Take the same number of white modules as green ones of exactly the same size. Put them not in a checkerboard pattern, but directly on the green modules. The bottom tier of the cake is ready.
  12. Make the top tier of the cake exactly the same as the bottom one, only using Modules-2. Make each row of 22 modules. Also collect three rows at once, close them in a ring, turn them inside out and put on 2 more rows. There are a total of 5 rows in the upper tier.
  13. This is what the top tier looks like if you turn it over:
  14. Now you need to make a stand for the cake - a plate. Close it into a ring, inserting approximately 130 Modules-4 (or Modules-3) into each other. Cut out a circle from thick paper, its size should fit the bottom tier (about 20 cm), glue a ring to it.
  15. To prevent the bottom tier of the cake from spreading, make a support inside the cake. For example, you can cut off part of a small plastic bottle.
  16. Place the lower tier on a support. If there are large distances between the modules at the base, they can be closed by inserting Modules-2 into the gaps with the pockets facing out.
  17. Place the top tier exactly in the center of the bottom. Try to find a groove in each corner of the upper tier in the lower tier. This can be done by helping with a toothpick. When all the grooves are selected, the upper tier will easily fit into the lower one. Press it in a little.
  18. This is what the finished cake looks like from above.

    You can start decorating.

Roses recipe

For roses you will need Modules-4 (60x38mm): pink - 27 pieces, yellow - 27 pieces, red - 9 pieces, green - 16 pieces.

Rose petals

Decorating the cake

Roses and leaves can be placed on the cake at your discretion. For example, this way:

A candle can be made from a rolled paper tube, which is covered in a spiral with a thin strip of foil. And the light is made of two modules.

Blooming cactus

All work is made from modules made of 4x6 cm rectangles




Such a cactus will be able to delight you with its flowering for a long time!

Classic kusudama Superball (Flower) consists of 40 modules. These modules can also serve as the basis for creating Flower Dolls. Take a square piece of paper. For kusudama it is better to use double-sided colored paper, and for dolls - depending on the design.

Surely many have heard about this type of creativity as modular origami. This is when origami crafts are assembled from multi-colored paper modules (parts). Today we will begin to master the basics of this type and learn how to make triangular origami modules.

First we need paper of the required sizes:

To make blanks, ordinary sheets of A-4 format are suitable, which, using a ruler, must be drawn into equal 16 (4 equal parts in width and 4 in length) or 32 (4 equal parts in length and 8 in width) rectangles, and then cut them using a paper cutter.

Also, blanks can be made from stickers measuring 76X76 mm, which will need to be cut in half (origami masters consider this method of making blanks the most convenient).

Making a triangular origami module

The triangular module is manufactured in seven steps:

1. Bend the rectangular piece in half lengthwise.

2.In order to mark the middle line, bend the folded workpiece and straighten it across. We unfold the workpiece at an upward angle.

3.Fold the edges of the sheet towards the middle, as shown in the figure.

4. Turn the resulting form over.

5. We bend the lower part of the workpiece upward.

6. Bend the corners and lift the lower part up.

Which paper is best for crafts? How to make a lot faster? What is the optimal module size? This section will reveal the secrets modular origami and will help you take your first creative steps.

Paper selection

Office paper. For modular origami, office paper is most suitable because it is not too smooth and quite dense, the modules stick well to each other and there is no slipping when connected. Office paper of different color shades is colored on both sides and does not turn white on the folds.

Blocks for notes (stickers). For the Trefoil module and the Superball kusudama modules, square stickers are used. Triangular modules are usually folded from rectangular pieces of paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangular leaf is 2:3 (for example 4 x 6 cm). However, you can use square stickers. cut in half. In this case, the sides will have a ratio of 2:1. The module itself will be thicker, which is good for some crafts. Sometimes you can find rectangular-shaped stickers that do not need to be cut.

Origami paper. In Japanese, special origami paper is called “kami”. The sheets are already cut into square shapes, but the size of the sheet can vary. This set of paper contains several colors of paper, one side of the sheet is usually white, and the other is colored. You can find paper with ornaments or colored on both sides.

Colored paper for children's creativity. Before use, such paper must be checked for strength on folds - it can tear easily. For modular origami, you need a large amount of paper of the same color, and these sets usually contain several sheets of the same color. Sometimes it is difficult to find black or brown paper, so you will have to use just such a set.

Magazine paper. Paper from modern glossy magazines is perfect for modular origami. It is advisable to choose paper that is not very thin. By sorting the modules by color, you can achieve interesting pictorial effects in the assembled product.

Paper size for modules

You can fold triangular modules from pieces of paper of different sizes - small and large. The size of the future product depends on this. It is convenient to use sheets of paper measuring 1/16 or 1/32 of a standard A4 sheet for triangular modules.
If the sides of an A4 sheet (long and short) are divided into 4 equal parts, and the sheet is cut along the marked lines, the rectangles will come out measuring approximately 53 x 74 mm.
If the long side of an A4 sheet is divided into 8 equal parts, and the short side into 4, and the sheet is cut along the marked lines, then the rectangles will come out measuring approximately 37 x 53 mm.

You can choose a different size. Choose one module size for your craft and stop there. And if you make all the crafts from modules of the same size, then all the products will be compatible with each other and the Christmas tree, folded for the New Year, can turn into a palm tree, and then into a peacock or something else.

Tools and additional materials

Stationery knife and ruler. First, you will have to prepare and cut the paper into squares or rectangles before starting to fold the modules. Cut several layers of paper at once. It will be difficult to cut with scissors, so use a utility knife and cut along a ruler. The ruler must be solid. Place a board under the paper. You can purchase a special paper cutter if possible.

Glue. Glue is used to attach small parts - eyes, decorations, etc. Try to make all products without glue, this way any craft can be disassembled and created something new. But if you use the craft as a toy for children or a gift, then of course you need to take care of its durability.
When assembling, you can use thick PVA glue or a glue stick. And when working with the Trefoil module, glue is required. Flower petals are connected with glue; it is also needed when attaching leaves and making stems.

Adhesive mass. Great invention! The mass resembles a cross between white plasticine and double-sided tape. You can tear off a piece, roll it into a ball and secure any part inside or outside the craft. When necessary, the part can be removed. The adhesive mass leaves no traces.

Paints. If you make the entire craft from white office paper, you can cover it with any colored paint from a spray can.

Sewing threads with a needle. Kusudama “Superball” modules are connected to each other using a needle and thread.

Additional details. Ready-made eyes for toys will come in handy when making crafts. You can draw the eyes yourself on thick paper or print ready-made images of the eyes of the desired size and type on a printer. Beads, ribbons, beads, sequins, etc. are suitable for decorating crafts.

For the coming New Year, we invite you to assemble a wonderful Snow Maiden from modules. Such a craft can become not only a wonderful gift for your loved ones, but also an original element of New Year’s interior decor.

In many countries, the main attribute of the New Year and Christmas holidays is, of course, the slender green spruce. This is a symbol of life, fertility and prosperity in the family for the entire next year. It is the beautiful Christmas tree that children rejoice at the most, it is under the tree that gifts are placed, and it is next to the fragrant Christmas tree that they make their most cherished wishes. Today we will put together a New Year's tree from triangular modules. And the master of modular origami Campean Petru Razvan will help us with this.

We continue to delight you with cute characters from the famous game Angry Birds. This time we suggest you put together Chuck, aka Yellow, from the modules. He first appeared in 2009 in the first episode of the first game. Chuck is the best friend of Red (Red), another main character in the game.

Surely many people know the character named Red from the popular game, and now full-length cartoon, Angry birds. Today we invite you to assemble a model of this interesting character from triangular modules. The model will be voluminous and very realistic. Hope you enjoy. The author of the assembly diagram is the famous master of modular origami Campean Petru Razvan.

Let's move a little away from complex complex models and put together a cute panda with a sprig of bamboo from triangular modules. The author of the assembly diagram for this model is Campean Petru Razvan, already known to us, who is famous for his realistic multifaceted modular crafts. Shall we get started?

The Chinese dragon is a symbol of the beginning of yang and the Chinese nation as a whole, which is strongly associated with the element of water. According to Chinese beliefs, the moon dragon lives in lakes, rivers and seas, but is capable of soaring into the skies. Numerous rain-making rituals in ancient times were not complete without images of a dragon. Due to its connection with the element of water, the Chinese dragon is often depicted in green or blue colors. We will assemble one of these dragons from triangular modules.

Avid Pokemon fans will definitely recognize this one. Today on our website is a pokeball made of triangular modules. You can put together both a classic Pokeball with the lowest percentage of catching Pokemon, and a special parkball of white and yellow color, from which the caught Pokemon cannot escape. Let's get started.

Surely, many of you have already watched the very kind and exciting cartoon Zootopia. This is the story of the brave bunny Judy Hopps, who decided to become a guardian of the law and protect others. Cartoon will appeal to both adults and children. Today we will once again remember the main character of this story and assemble her model from triangular modules. So, Judy Hopps from Zootopia.