Challenge which you can try. What is a challenge and where did it come from? Own challenges in computer games

Life is a movement: to meet your soulmate, to work and, finally, towards change. Only a person who is open to new things and strives to improve himself every minute can get full enjoyment from what is happening around him. One of the ways that allows any of us to try something unusual, thereby getting to know ourselves from a new side and testing our endurance, is a challenge. The use of the English version of this word is considered more common, because it was abroad that the fashion for so-called self-tests began.

What is the meaning and feature of the challenges?

When the Ice Bucket Challenge, designed to raise awareness of a disease such as amyotrophic sclerosis, took over the World Wide Web a few years ago, no one could have imagined that the idea would appeal to Internet users so much. The charity campaign gave rise to challenges of various types. Suddenly, people began to come up with all sorts of crazy and funny tasks that did not carry any semantic meaning, but were only designed to amuse the audience and get on the nerves of the performer of these ideas.

Below are some video examples:

Fortunately, the idea of ​​challenges did not remain just for entertainment. It seemed to many to be a really good method of improvement and self-development. Despite the fact that you don’t need to film your successes or pass the baton to anyone, the value of the idea is not lost.

How to become the best version of yourself with the help of a challenge?

The most popular way to prove your abilities and break out of your comfort zone is the 21-day challenge. Quite a lot has already been said about him, because the number of his fans is constantly increasing. The point of the 21-day challenge is to eliminate or instill one or another habit. Psychologists assure that it is the designated time that contributes to a radical transformation of thinking.

Most often, with the help of “21 days” people try to give up smoking, alcohol, junk food and sweets. It would seem that what could be easier than holding out for just 3 weeks? However, our body, sensing a catch, quickly begins to resist the new regime, trying to confuse the person who has decided to change. Therefore, the number of successful days often does not exceed 10.

Those who once managed to overcome their stubborn alter ego get a taste for it and continue the challenges, coming up with new restrictions. So, you can combine giving up junk and sweet foods with instilling the habit of drinking two liters of water daily. Or stop eating after six with the help of a challenge to visit the gym or pool.

The main value of "21 days" is that you are not obliged to report your results to your friends or blush in front of your Instagram followers. You must honestly fight with yourself, because this is only necessary for you. Believe me, by putting a few pluses on this or that day, you will not become stronger, but will only once again follow bad habits.

If you don't know where to start, you can use the tips below. Having fallen in love with this idea (and this will definitely happen), you will not notice how you will begin to come up with tasks on your own, testing your strength again and again.

Useful and simple 21-day challenges

So, armed with markers, a notepad or a sheet of paper, you can start numbering the days and choosing a task. Decorate your creation with all sorts of stickers, stickers and magazine clippings: it will be much more enjoyable to check the box. What to choose for the first test?
  1. 21-day abstinence from alcohol consumption
  2. Reading 40 pages of fiction every day before bed for 21 days
  3. 21-day morning exercise
  4. daily squats (3 sets of 25 times) every 21 days
  5. 21-day refusal to complain about life and whining
  6. 21 days without social networks
  7. 3 weeks of eating a full breakfast
  8. daily introduction to new foreign words every 21 days
You can continue the list as long as your imagination works and the pen writes. Listen to yourself: what changes does your reality require? Perhaps this article will be the impetus for change and you will finally quit smoking and communicating with unnecessary people. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself and try again: you are capable of more.

You get to know yourself better on the road. Instead of resort and hotel travel, which restores strength and tranquility, sometimes it’s useful to get into trouble. Your limits (or lack thereof) are ready to be tested in crazy challenges around the world: from climbing Kilimanjaro to sled dog racing. Weak or not weak?

Rally: by car, motorcycle or rickshaw

Participation in a rally takes you away from the well-trodden tourist path. During an active journey, the country through which the racing route passes will not be seen from the typical angle from which it usually appears to a foreign guest. Because both places and customs can be seen from the inside. And in addition - to get truly natural, close communication with the locals.

Where to look for adventure? There are four main companies that organize the rally: Large Minority, Travel Scientists, Dakar Challenge and The Adventurists. The conditions and timing of the test are always different. Sometimes it takes 9 days (for example, The Philippines Challenge), but it can last up to 2 months, like The Mongol Rally. Route, vehicles, hotels, medical assistance - the organizers do not always help the participant with this. You often have to figure out how to finance a race yourself, especially if you don't ask for an entry fee before the start. If they ask (for participation in Dakar the fee is $20,000), you can count on something.

You can choose a rally anywhere in the world: conquer the Siberian Ice Run in 12 days, drive across West Africa in The Banjul Challenge for 3 weeks, or travel 1000 km of The Monkey Run in the Sahara. In addition to these, the best races are The Lanka Challenge, The Central Asian Rally, The Amazon Challenge.

Fans of exotics found a curiosity: as opposed to the traditional meaning of rally, racing on cars or motorcycles, the auto-rickshaw rally in India The Rickshaw Run.

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The first marathon runner in history, a Greek messenger with news of victory, ran the distance, conveyed the news to his fellow citizens and died on the spot. After which it was decided that the marathon was really a good idea for those who want to test their strength.

Today, marathons are run everywhere and often. One of the fiercest is the World Marathon Challenge, the essence of which consists of 7 separate distances of 42.2 km in 7 days on 7 continents: in Europe - Madrid, in Asia - Dubai, Australia - Perth, Africa - Cape Town, Antarctica - Novolazarevskaya station, South America - Barranquilla, and North - Miami.

Pepper was added to the traditional challenge in Brazil, where they created the Jungle marathon (entry fee - $ 3,185). The distance has increased to 240 km, the time has increased to 6 days, and to the runner’s weight, feel free to add the supplies that he or she will have to drag along the Brazilian Amazon tropics. Jungle marathon is more like an obstacle race, where you will climb, crawl, and risk meeting a jaguar, snake or scorpion. True, regular medical stations with mobile donkeys and medicines will come to the rescue at any time.

You can spend 6 days (and 225 km) on the run in another location, choosing The Marathon des Sables across the Sahara, in Morocco. Don't forget your Panama hat if you don't want to get sunstroke in the sand dunes.

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Bike Challenge

You can find classic challenges for two of you on a bike in The Telegraph or by flipping through The Guardian. But if your soul asks for hardcore, it’s time to sign up for a cycling race, the 400-kilometer route of which lies above all others in the world - along the Himalayan peaks in Nepal’s Annapurna. The highest point of the Yak Attack cycling tour is 5,416 meters. But these are not all bonuses: in addition to the temperature balancing down to -15C, there is snow, mud, slush and possible landslides. They will charge you $2,539 for participation, but they will feed you, give you something to drink and put you to bed.

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Triathlon for amateurs and pro-level athletes is a regular event in time and space. For example, Triathlon Travel and RaceQuest Travel will help you search for competitions, where options are not limited to the contest itself, but include training, training camps, short or large-scale tours.

If all the standard triathlons are too tough for you, pay attention to The Brutal Double Iron Triathlon, which is located in the Snowdonia National Park in north Wales. In some places it is called a killer, and there is an explanation for this: the brutal triathlon begins with a 7.7 km swim in the ice-framed Lake Padarn, continues with a 360 km bike ride through the hills and an 83 km running distance, and for dessert - an ascent of Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales (1,085 meters). All this lies within a time frame: you need to manage it in 42 hours. If the challenge is accepted, expect to pay $494 for solo participation or $653 for a team.

Climbing the mountains

Most mountainous regions are willingly given over to those who want to overcome themselves. Even private companies like The Dolomite Mountains in the Dolomites offer similar challenges, adding a dozen other collective and solo activities to the climb. And in the summer of 2018, for example, enthusiasts are climbing Elbrus. Large centralized “races” are also not in short supply. Do you want to climb Kilimanjaro? Join the 2019 TANZANIA Climb Kilimanjaro Open Challenge and get your gear ready.

Hiking and trekking

This version of the test is not as ceremonial as a rally, triathlon or summit: it does without the intensity of rivalry, race and grandiose prize fund. But popular mountain (and mountainous) routes, especially over long distances, do not go unnoticed. For example, The Travel Pocket Guide talks about the best in the United States and one Australian route, and you can find a selection of ideas for Europe from Iceland to Corsica at Fodor’s Travel. Organized tours for groups of hikers and trekkers, for obvious reasons, do not expand to several thousand participants: it is not very convenient. But you can fit into small challenges. For example, travel tens of kilometers along Mont Blanc.

Read also:

River quest

For a water lover there are special challenges. If you can navigate a kayak 715 kilometers across the water, Canada's Yukon River Quest is just what the doctor ordered. It is the world's largest canoe race each year. You can become a participant in the summer quest alone or with a team: the size of the contribution depends on this, which ranges from $300 to $1200 Canadian dollars (you can split the larger amount with your friends). The distance is designed for 5 days. During this time, the organizers promise you rest stops, ice water, sometimes bears and a polar day. Therefore, an alternative name for the quest is the Race of the Midnight Sun. And if you are especially addicted, you can sign up for membership in the association.

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Sailboat race

The Vendée Globe does not require any payment from you. True, in order to sail a solo yacht without stopping and without help, first prove your skill. A potential participant must either have previously completed any transoceanic solo race on the same vessel, or have qualified to sail at least 2,500 miles across the ocean at an average speed of 7 knots or more. And then, when there is no doubt about the experience, the yachtsman undergoes sea survival courses, medical examination and training.

The Vendée Globe takes place every four years. From November to February, participants, leaving France, pass the North and South Atlantic, round Antarctica and return to the Atlantic Ocean, repeating the path of the woolen clipper ships of the 19th century.

Good news: between Tanzania and Zanzibar there is a route of a lighter (if only in comparison with the previous) race, the Ngalawa Cup. Here, in 7 days, have time to show all your speed and skill. The Arctic Circle Ski Race. The challenge at sub-zero temperatures will take 3 days and 3 nights (skiers stay overnight in special tents). Participant fee - $1849 including transfer and services for your basic needs. And if you want to wax your skis in a country that is less predictable for this, go to the annual race in Afghanistan.

Sled dog race

You can test the endurance of not only yourself and your friends, but also your team of four-legged companions in Alaska by signing up as a participant in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, a dog sled race. The program includes a distance of 1850 kilometers through the mountains, forests and rivers of the northern part of the USA. The route is designed for 9-10 days, and, as the organizers warn, it requires serious preparation. This is confirmed by the amount of the fee: the entered team pays $14,000.

Actually, the concept of “challenge” (what a “challenge” is will be discussed in detail below) as such is already more than one year old. Everyone at least once in their life has had to do something unusual, proving that they are “not weak,” but the active development of modern technologies and internationalization have done their job. Today, the concept of “challenge” (this is, one might say, a competition, a challenge) has become widespread and has become a way of communication. The opportunity to feel involved in something global is also of great importance.

What is a challenge? Rules and types of challenges

The English word “challenge” directly translated into Russian means “challenge”. At the same time, it is precisely in the meaning of “to perform some action on a dispute, to challenge or accept a challenge” that the concept is not used in everyday English speech, taking on various forms and interpretations.

Challenge is a kind of reality game. Or rather, even reality, dressed in a game form. There are two main variations of challenges. The first is closer in meaning to the direct translation of the term, while the second is precisely an exciting game of reality, a quest. In the first case, each participant in such a flash mob, as a rule, performs a certain action that needs to be captured on camera. After the video is published on the Internet, the challenge is passed on to the next participants from the circle of acquaintances or famous people.

In addition, a challenge (what this means in most cases is already clear) may involve another development of events, more similar to standard flash mobs. So, sometimes an event is held as follows: after the participants gather, the rules and tasks are announced, and the start is announced. Rules often involve searching for a specific place (texts often contain puzzles, confusing details, and other nuances), a sign, an object, or a person. After completing all tasks, the participant must reach the finish point.

Challenges can be:



    automobile (usually carried out at night, when traffic on the streets is not so active);

    involving the combination of several modes of transportation.

In addition, a challenge (meaning “game”, not “challenge”, which involves performing just one specific action) can be of the following types:

    Checkpoint: participants move through checkpoints, checking in at each stage.

    Significant: you need to unravel the location of the location and find as many signs as possible, hidden in advance by the organizers.

    Sabotage: Same as the Sign Challenge, but only one team can take a photo of each sign, after which the object is destroyed or marked as invalid.

    Coded: participants look for keys (ciphers, codes) that are located in encrypted places.

    Photo or video challenge: teams need to take a series of photos that closely resemble the images proposed by the organizers.

    Trajectory: Participants move step by step around the map in search of a specific end point.

    Pursuit (“fox”): an object is selected (usually a car), after finding which, the team must perform a pre-agreed action related to the “fox”.

    Game: at checkpoints, participants need to complete tasks proposed by the organizers.

    Mixed: the game involves a combination of several types of challenges in any order and quantity.

Lost in translation, or why the word challenge is not translated as “challenge”

As already mentioned, the word “challenge” in colloquial English is rarely used to mean “challenge”. All the nuances are visible in the examples:

    challenging profession - a profession that requires complete dedication;

    I like challenge - I love difficulties;

    that’s a challenge - it will be difficult;

    challenged him - “take it weakly.”

So, almost nowhere is the word challenge translated as “challenge,” but in all cases it means something similar.

Ice Bucket Challenge: the first large-scale challenge on the Russian-language Internet

The first large-scale challenge (what a challenge is in this case is performing a certain action on a bet) that took over the Russian-language Internet in 2014-2015 was the Ice Bucket Challenge (“test with a bucket of ice water”). The essence of the flash mob was as follows: the participant had to douse himself with a bucket of cold water, make a $10 donation to the ALS Association fund and challenge three more people. They had to repeat the action within 24 hours, filming everything on camera. If the person who receives the challenge refuses to participate in the promotion, he must make a donation of $100.

The Water Bottle Flip Challenge: popular flash mob of 2016

Another popular challenge (already in 2016) is “bottle toss.” An 18-year-old student who managed to throw a water bottle so that it landed on its bottom on the table instantly became famous on the Internet, and more than six million participants tried to repeat the action itself. Mike - “that guy with the bottle” - later admitted that he had been practicing the trick for a year.

Yoga Challenge: for followers of healthy lifestyle ideas

Many challenges are not only entertaining. Thus, the Ice Bucket Challenge was aimed at disseminating information about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and collecting donations. Another challenge, the Yoga Challenge, involves the exact repetition of several yoga poses. The challenge is not the most difficult, but it requires some physical preparation.

Mannequine Challenge: a new challenge that is quickly gaining popularity

The essence of another flash mob, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is for participants to pretend to be mannequins, freezing in certain poses (as in the game “The Sea is Uneasy”). The name translates from English as "mannequin imitation challenge."

Viral challenge videos are accompanied by the hashtag #MannequinChallenge (in the Russian version, sometimes replaced by #StopTime), the music in the videos is usually the same - all actions are usually performed to the Black Beatles track by Rae Sremmurd. Many note the similarity of the mass action with the popular challenge-parody of the Harlem Shake video by an Australian-Japanese blogger or Bullet time - the effect of a camera “following” the movement of an object that needs to be shown “frozen”, when in reality this is impossible.

Many famous personalities have already taken part in the event. For example, several professional sports teams:

  • FC "Zenit";
  • HC "Torpedo";
  • "Spartacus";
  • Chicago Bears;
  • New York Giants;
  • Buffalo Bills and others.

There are viral videos online featuring Britney Spears, Beyoncé, and Adele. Keeping up with popular culture and politics: the Mannequin Challenge was filmed by Hillary Clinton and her team. The team of the social network “VKontakte”, the editorial staff of the radio station “Silver Rain” and “Moscow Metro” took part in the flash mob.

Fier Challenge: dangerous fun

The meaning of the words “challenge + name of action” does not always imply the performance of a harmless action. Some mass events, such as the Fier Challenge, are very dangerous and have already caused several deaths. According to the rules, a flash mob participant pours flammable liquid over himself, sets him on fire and quickly plunges into a pool or bathtub. The Fier Challenge caused a wave of criticism, but there are those who still accepted the challenge.

The thirst for achievement has existed in humans for a long time. In mythology, they even distinguish the Heroic Age, when you don’t take a step - that’s a feat for you. Now there are only chimeras in the head, which, nevertheless, are also interesting to fight. We have put together 8 challenges for you that you can use to shake up your little ship of a measured life.

The most common challenge, which you usually come to in two cases. When fumes pass after fumes, some events are remembered through a tobacco haze, and autopilot turns on in you at every social event. Then you understand: you have to let go and take a sip of ordered reality. However, usually this passes quickly, and you return with renewed vigor to a friendly revelry.

The second case is when you are slightly over thirty, your life takes on a measured outline, the daily palette of which is diluted with fragrant red or dark colors. Giving up alcohol under such circumstances brings back a bit of the former agility and desire to be in good shape. At this point, either you accept the rules of social ostracism and become closer to a healthy lifestyle, or you return to the cozy embrace of the evenings. With or without company.

What does it lead to: to healthy lifestyle, promising thoughts, solitude

Another challenge that a modern, advanced person faces. You want to spend a month in a pristine offline after you begin to suffer from incessant monitoring of your feed and the fear of missing something important (the so-called FOMO syndrome).

In the first days of the challenge, the experimenter usually feels a surge of strength from the freed up time, but all this is just the effect of novelty. Soon you'll find something to fill it with: catching up on a TV series, engrossing yourself in a book, or learning the seven vital sea knots (we don't deny that some of these activities are more useful than social networks). One way or another, after the allotted time, a person understands why social networks are truly valuable: receiving an offer to work on a new project and not missing an announcement about exclusive screenings of Chilean cinema is, most likely, possible there. And if you want to get out of your routine for a while, with or without social networks, you will find a way to do it.

What does it lead to: to understanding the meaning of social networks, an easy attitude towards online battles, and the diversity of life

Challenge for the stern in spirit. Usually it is announced to show (to oneself, mainly) that our habits and needs are conditional, and a person is free to choose what he really needs and what he can refuse by figuring out how to get it, make it or grow it himself.

There are also two developments here: the month will end, you will feel how cool you are, and you will allow yourself to celebrate this event by spending half of the previous budget. Or you will continue to understand that you don’t need extra expenses, and you will gradually come to freeganism, soda instead of soap and a garden of complete security.

What does it lead to: to resourcefulness, to the opinion that “you can’t live like that,” to leftist beliefs

A challenge for those who all their lives considered themselves a dead caterpillar, but turned out to be a muscular ant. After the first classes, your body suddenly turns into a soup set ground in a meat grinder. However, over time, you are surprised that your muscles spring back with energy, you are always cheerful and take on any task with genuine ease. And after a while you suddenly realize that you can run a half marathon. How this happened, for example, with the former editor-in-chief of 34travel Nastya Erokho. And, as experience shows, after 30 days your passion for sports only begins to flare up.

What does it lead to: to cheerfulness of spirit and clarity of mind

If you want to update your musical tastes, which remained in an unfinished glass of champagne at a student graduation and are treacherously supported by the radio in your car, then this challenge will help you reduce the distance between incomprehensible youth and your “gold standard”. The fact is that slag was produced 15 years ago, and is still produced today (and it also remains popular). But there is a lot of other cool music coming out that doesn’t shout about itself from every shawarma shop. She needs to be found. Based on relays, listening to advice or your own instincts. And you will again have something to discuss with your friends. For example, where is The Knife going and why DJ Shadow’s latest releases are so good.

What does it lead to: to curiosity

Another motivating challenge. If you feel that your daily movements engrave a clear trajectory on the map of your life, then this challenge will add some compass rose to it. A new day means a new place in the city, be it a secluded embankment, a new little bar or a rooftop in a “sleeping room”. Second option: new day - new city event. And if you are from Minsk, then come to our telegram channel, where we easily prove that

In this article we will tell you what popular YouTube challenges are that every blogger could complete.

So, what are challenges? Challenge from English. challenge - challenge. The blogger poses to himself (either one of the viewers or another blogger) a challenge that must be accepted and fulfilled at any cost. All this, of course, needs to be filmed.

What are some popular YouTube challenges?

Challenges for YouTube are gaining popularity every day. This fashion came from the West and very quickly took root among us. There are many different challenges and now we will try to talk about the most popular ones.

Stuff Your Mouth

Translation: occupy your mouth. Typically two people take part in this challenge. One stuffs a whole bunch of some kind of food (most often marshmallows) and after that says some phrase. The second one must guess the phrase. Then the roles change. The challenge is considered completed only when both guess the partner’s phrase. For honesty, phrases do not need to be spoken to each other in advance.

Whispers Challenge

As in the previous challenge, 2 people are needed here. The point is that one puts on headphones with loud music, and the second says some words or phrases. The task is to guess what your partner said.

Yoga Challenge

This YouTube challenge can be either solo or group. The task is simple: display any selected yoga pose on video. The challenge is not the most difficult, but it requires some physical preparation.

Blindfolded Makeup Challenge

You need to apply makeup to your partner with your eyes closed. Usually the eyes are blindfolded. The makeup turns out to be very, very funny.

Touch My Body Challenge

A minimum of two participants will also be required. One's eyes are closed. And the other substitutes some part of his body. A blindfolded participant must touch only one finger and guess what part of the body it is. If there are more than two participants, then you can also try to guess who is being touched, and not just the body part. But this is optional.

Ice Bucket Challenge

And of course, the most popular challenge of 2014-2015. You need to pour a bucket of ice water on yourself or pay $100 to charity. After which the call was transferred to three other people. Many famous people took part in the challenge. Not only bloggers, but also movie actors and just billionaires like Warren Buffett.

What are the challenges on YouTube? final list

And so, earlier we talked about the most popular Youtube challenges, now we will repeat them again:

  • Stuff Your Mouth
  • Whispers Challenge
  • Yoga Challenge
  • Blindfolder Makeup Challenge
  • Touch My Body Challenge
  • Ice Bucket Challenge

Use different challenges on your blog - this can increase interest in it and add new subscribers. The main thing is to do everything honestly and make every effort.